Chapter 1 - A gift most rare

Story by Akingofcarelessintention on SoFurry

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The fire crackled and sang, Flint found the dance of orange and red fill his mind with a great creative beauty, fire is ambitious, it reaches for the sky, for one of the few things it can't destroy, it wants the world.

A light tap broke the near silence accompanied by the whine of a door being pushed open.

"My lord, here is the slave you've requested,"

"Thank you, send him in."

What walked through the door was what everyone simply called a "Foxman" it is believed these anthropomorphic man like animals were created by mages, for what reason it is unknown. Not an ordinary foxman however, this one's fur was that of gold, eyes as purple as lavender, as common to a slave he wore virtually nothing, only a ragged loincloth covered his shame.

The man never looked away from the fireplace, even as he began to speak.

"The Grand lord of war's son, Talon is being named Grand lord of coin in a week, I believe you would be a fitting gift, the golden fox working under the lord of gold."

The Sien Triumvirate worked on a rather rare type of government, Ultimate leadership was held with three people, the three grand lords, first is the grand lord of war, they handle everything battle, raising armies, keeping the soldiers happy, and making sure the swords stay sharp. Getting the swords however is a job for the grand lord of coin, the government is set upon checks, making sure to ultimately limit one grand lord's power so the triumvirate stays a triumvirate. Finally, the lord of diplomacy, they are the face of the nation, their job is to keep the peasants and nobility in check, not necessarily happy, just keep them from revolting. They deal with other nations and concerns from the nobility, also holding a limited hand on trade, while they can form deals the lord of coin has the final say.

"The Youngest Grand Lord in the history of this nation, young is good, young is malleable, He may be a smart lad, he many be good with coin, someone doesn't become a grand lord by being daft, but he will be mine."

In truth the man was talking only to himself, the golden being just happened to be there, silently tears fell from his eyes.

"We leave tonight, you have an hour to prepare, I suggest you do so."

The fox would have given the usual "Yes my lord" but he was so choked with pain that any attempt would reveal it through voice.

Oren waited outside his family's hut for at least five minutes, how was he to tell them?

He could peer inside just enough to see his mother's orange coat gently mixing different ingredients in a large cauldron. It was all because he was a freak, if only he was born to that of his mother like his half sibling.

"I know you're standing there Oren, what's wrong?"

Taken by surprise the fox stood there for a second before his brother opened the door.

"You okay?" is all he said

"Lord Winecast is giving me to the next grand lord of coin on the day of his coronation"

His voice was pure monotone, he kept himself from crying as hard as he could.

The three stood in an awful silence for an long second, Oren's mother let loose a cold wail only a parent losing a child could make, she ran into his arms and cried out his name"

His brother, Frost, just stood in a stunned silence, unable to say a word.

"I see you told your family, it is time to go Mr. Lincard."

Before any reactions could be made Oren was grabbed by a guard and without much effort he hoisted him over his shoulder.

"The horses are ready for travel my lord,"

"Let us be off then, immediately."

Swiftly the group began walking towards the castle, leaving the slums at their backs.

"No, please my lord!" oren looked as best he could over his shoulder to his running mother.

She ungracefully tripped and covered herself in mud and water, despite this she ran close enough to the earl for a guard to point his blade at her.

"Believe me, I understand your issues with me taking your son away miss Lincard, so to show you how merciful I am, you won't get punished for this display,"

"Please!" the old fox fell on her knees, tears invading her face like liquid soliders.

A guard smashed his hilt upon her forehead, blood fighting with the tears for supremacy of her face.

"Mom!" is all Oren could say before everything went black.

A week in chains, a week being fed rats and whatever the warriors didn't eat, a week fearing for his family, himself. What would his new lord be like? Would he be used as a simple servant slave, or much worse a pleasure one?

When Oren took his first steps into the capital city of Jolden's hold, he was aghast to say the least, buildings so tall it pierced the sky, people and animal men trading, gambling, dueling, and even bathing in the streets! Not a spot on the earth was natural, it was a forest of stone, pretty flowers the fox had never seen before stand in pots littered all over the city, some even hanging from ledges!

"Take it all in slave, this is your new home." The earl's face had a strangely warm smile plastered on it, possibly feigning care for the golden fox.

The walk to the party was long, people from the highest nobility to the lowest of slave fought to get a good look at the new grand lord, free food helped too.

The soon to be gift stood by the earl and his guards for hours, a countless number of people came to offer gifts, swear fealty, or just give congratulations, it was torture to be around such great smelling and strange foods and not be able to try it, he had attempted to take a taste of boar meat, the earl found out and as a result he got a rather painful cuff on the ear.

Oren managed to get a glance at the grand lord, he looked to be the same age as him, 20, his hair fell to his shoulders, its color was a dirty blonde with clear care put into its appearance. To tell the truth, he looked like an individual who liked swords of flesh more than ones of iron, gold trimmed shoes with a purple flax tunic and overcoat with a gold trimmed edge.

Finally, it was their turn, earl Flint kneeled before grand lord Talon and his father.

"My lords, Lord Talon, I offer you a gift of great rarity, a slave who will no doubt serve you well."

Oren was pulled into the eyes of the two nobles, again he was reminded of his near nudity so he glanced only at their feet.

Talon's dad, Duke Bernard Ironhold, looked fully unimpressed at the cowering slave.

"A golden slave for the master of gold, how cute, thank you earl Winecast, your gift is most appreciated."

With a stiff bow, Flint walked back to the feasting table, the previously quiet Talon stared at his new slave with great interest, Flint noticed this and smiled.

A guard took his arm and brought the slave over to his new master, seeing him up close he could now appreciate the young man's beauty, he was thin, under his clothes he wore high quality leather armor, a scabbard lay on both hips, from their lengths Oren would have guessed them to be bastard swords.

Turning to a man standing to his direct left, Talon said "I feel this party has gone on long enough."

The man nodded and immediately declared the ending of the celebration, people drained out of the room like water, some having to be carried out, within minutes the grand room went from full to sparse, only a few servants, slaves and of course the two nobles remained.

Oren felt a hand grasp his shoulder, a smiling grand lord greeted him. "Come." is all he said

Oren was lead past endless doors, halls and rooms, it took awhile before they reached their destination. The fox felt a blast of cold horror as he realized this was a bedroom, it was nothing fancy, better than anything he had been in before, but otherwise plain.

"This will be your quarters.... I'm sorry I never got your name, what was it?"

Oren was shocked, why was this noble, let alone one of the most powerful men in the country, talking to him so sweetly, more as a honored guest or friend than a slave.

It took him a second to register what the lord asked, he managed to stutter out "O...Oren,"

"Oren, you will be my personal servant, no doubt your journey was difficult, you have the rest of the day for yourself,"

"Thank you my lord." and with that he was gone

Talon's office was not to his liking, it was purely unorganized, the previous grand lord of coin's mark was still there, he had no family or next of kin so no one came to pick up his things.

"Forgive me son, this room was to be done before your celebrations were over, you ended them so suddenly however,"

"I suppose we should start then,"

"The servants are on their way,"

Bernard walked fully into the room and stopped next to his son.

"Our family controls half of the triumvirate,"

"This troubles you father?"

"Yes, I fear this could unintentionally break it, I remember the days we had a king, we cannot go back,"

"Then promise me father, whatever disagreements or issues we have in our roles as grand lords, we won't let political bile turn us against each other,"

"You are my son, at worst I could stop liking you, but I will always love you, I promise."

Both men grasped each other's hands and gave a quick shake, servants suddenly rushed into the office and began picking up, cleaning, and replacing furniture with what Talon picked out.

"Come, you must meet lord Daigo."