Dragon Shadows

Story by Starlight Nova on SoFurry

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#3 of Short Story Exercises

It has been quite some time since I have posted a story hasn't it? Well, I can say I have been focusing on college work the closer I get to graduation, and with the program I am in, after I transfer to a University from the community college I am at, I only have two more years. Hopefully I can get a job as well.

But, listening to me making excuses as to why I haven't been very active isn't why your here, its because of the story. This is an idea I got a while after skiesofsilver posted a journal on FA about a short TF story contest. And while I haven't written for a while, I thought it would be nice to get back into it in between semesters. So here is my entry to his contest.

It's amazing how much ones life can change in the span of a week. From spending time with friends and family, to exploring a life you never knew about, or even thought could be possible until you experience it yourself. What I am about to tell you is something I never knew about before my 21st birthday, something I thought was just imagination, make believe, myth. I had lived my life like any other teenager, going to college, having fun, and working to get a job. I had loving parents that took me on trips and bought me many games, but that would all change when I turned 21, the day I learned we were not alone in this world.

It started with a simple family vacation trip from the city on the east coast. We traveled for days inwards to a large forest that had many mountains and an abundance of wildlife. I remember my parents bringing me here many times when I was younger, and it made me feel calm and free, like I could almost reach up to touch the clouds as they floated on by on a windy ocean. We set up camp in a large clear area with our mobile home and plenty of provisions to last us about a week and a half. We had come up with many activities to do from hiking, fishing, bird watching or just relaxing around the fire pit my dad made.

Before we had left, I had been feeling a little nauseous, though it soon faded when we got on the road. I then began to feel tired and very hungry until we arrived at our destination, but with how much food we brought, that wasn't much of a problem, and we could always search for food in the forest if we needed to. My parents were indeed worried about me as I began to grow distant. I tried to participate in the activities we did, but my mind would always wonder to the sights and smells of the forest. It was almost as if I was becoming an entirely different person, as my behavior shifted until my parents got my attention and asked if I was all right. I didn't know what to tell them, except that I was fine and I was just gazing at my surroundings, as I had done many times before. This time however, felt unusual, like I was not myself.

We decided to stay at the campsite for a few days, roasting marshmallows at night and telling stories to pass the time. This seemed to help as my mind didn't linger as much, but I began to feel sore as the week went on. My joints would pop with sudden movements and I didn't feel like moving very much at all. My parents still wondered what was happening to me and tried to help me in any way they could. I was starting to believe I was going crazy or delirious, that the forest was somehow having a strange affect on me, but my parents told me I was just growing up and it would be over eventually. I thought I had already been through puberty, but I guess my body must have missed something in the process, so I trusted them for the time being, as I didn't know what else to think.

I would spend most of my time inside our mobile home, resting or letting my mind drift off when I wasn't spending time with my parents. It was such an odd sensation, to feel like I was something else, not entirely human, but more animalistic in nature. During the times I felt good enough to go outside, I would watch the birds, observing how they moved, how they interacted with one another and how they flew. I became so transfixed one day, that I was starving by the time my father found me a short distance into the forest, staring up into the trees, looking at a group of birds dancing in the branches.

He reminded me it was dangerous in the forest when the sun went down, as there were wolves, bears and coyotes among other wild animals, and I wouldn't be able to do much of anything if I came across them. I apologized as we went back to the campsite to sate my growing appetite. My mother had been concerned as to where I was when she did not find me inside the camper, so I gave her a hug to reassure her that I was fine. We stayed up to watch the stars come out that night and to listen to the sounds of the forest. At that moment, I felt like I was myself again. I didn't feel sore, nor did my mind wonder as I eventually drifted off to sleep. What I had failed to hear before I nodded off, were my parents talking to each other quietly. I had no idea how much my life would change after that day.

Waking up the next morning felt the same with some joint stiffness and the rumble of my stomach, except I was in the camper. As I yawned, I guessed my father had brought me in when I had gone to sleep around the campfire. Since I was still dressed, I didn't have worry about changing, so I went to get myself something to eat. All the while, I had not seen nor heard from my parents, so by the time I was done, I had went outside to check the tents and the nearby area to see where they could have gone. Without any luck, I couldn't find them anywhere as I began to worry while my eyes began to blur and my head started to spin. I was breathing heavier as I turned around near the burned out fire. I didn't know why I was freaking out. They could have just gone out for a walk without me, so they must have left me a note or an explanation of a sort? I wondered, feeling shaky as I attempted to calm myself.

I closed my eyes, counting down from ten while taking deep, slow breaths. After awhile my heart stopped racing and I felt better, but I was still confused as to why I began to worry so much just because I couldn't find my parents? Shaking my head slightly, I went back to the camper to look for a note that might tell me where they are; finding it near the small bed my father had placed me on.

Dear son,

Please don't fret if you do not find us when you wake up. We went to go see a friend that is close by. We want you to meet him on your birthday, but we had to notify him when we were coming. As you can guess, it's not easy when he lives in the forest, but I am sure you are going to like him. We should be back before dusk, but if we are not, stay near the camp and be safe.

_ Love,_

_ Mom and Dad_

_ _ I read the note a few more times; just to be sure I understood it. It was true they were on a walk, but to see a friend? Out here? That didn't make much sense. Why would someone choose to live out in the forest? Even if I wanted to make sense of it, I couldn't deny I was a little curious as to whom he was. That also went for my birthday, as I was wondering what my parents were going to do for my 21st birthday. They had always treated me to something special, but leaving me all alone in the middle of a forest? They must have something big planned for me this year.

With a smile, I threw the note away, grabbing a few snacks and water bottles along with a backpack that had other essential camping gear from rope, flashlights, and a medical kit. Seeing as how I was alone, I decided to do some more exploring today, picking up a flare gun just in case I get lost, which was not likely as my father had taught me a lot on wilderness survival.

Exiting the camper, I breathed in the cool air, closing my eyes as a gentle breeze rustled my hair. Readjusting the backpack, I set out into the forest, heading to a spot I discovered on the second day of this trip. I had found it when we had been looking for wood, and I had come upon this spot when I heard the gurgling sound of a river. I followed the noise to find a small pond that was surrounded with various trees that made a natural roof above, preventing much sunlight from coming through. My mind didn't wonder at the time, but I wanted to go there again before we left. Now would be a better chance than any to relax and enjoy the sounds of the forest until my parents came back.

Setting the backpack down on a rock, I took out a water bottle to quench my thirst from the journey to get here before sitting down on the soft mossy ground to gaze over the pond. The leaves on the trees made interesting colors in the reflection of the water as the river flowed slowly through, and the call of birds made such beautiful music. I felt like I was at peace here, with how everything merged together so nicely. My mind wasn't wondering and my body wasn't sore, and if I hadn't known I was awake, I would have thought I was having a wonderful dream, or that I was dead. Shaking my head, I dismissed that last though, picking up a pebble to toss it into the pond before lying on my back, breathing in the scents of the forest. It wasn't long before I dozed off with my hands behind my head, and the gentle breeze creating a soothing accompaniment of a soft waterfall.

I don't know how long I slept for, but by the time I woke up, it was getting dark, and I didn't feel very well. I felt disoriented and uncomfortable while a haze had settled over my mind, muddling my thoughts and restricting my ability to think clearly. I moved slowly, feeling my joints crack as I grimace, easing myself up gently to a sitting position while blinking my eyes. I had thought I was over this, but it seemed false as I felt like I was starving more than I had when we were traveling here. I hadn't thought I was out for that long, but I was glad I brought some snacks with me to at least tide me over until I got back to the campsite, so I reach over to open the backpack, only to feel nauseous and dizzy. I lay down on my side, breathing heavily, trying to calm my mind as my thoughts swirled through my head. Minutes go by and it didn't seem like I was getting any better, only worse. I grunt when I feel a stab of pain run through my back, accompanied by my joints snapping, distending and rearranging. I pull my legs up as tears form in my eyes. I was starting to get scared of what was happening to me, wishing my parents were here to comfort me.

Thinking of them, I remember we had brought some phones just in case of emergencies for whenever we left the campsite, but the only thing was they were back at the camper while I was here, shivering in fear. I had no idea what was happening or why it was happening to me so suddenly. I could feel my muscles tensing, bulging against my skin while my joints cracked and shifted within my body. I felt hot, scalding to my own touch as I attempted to stand up, to get back to the campsite to call my parents, but even if I had the strength, I doubt I would have been able to walk back like this. I could sense my balance was becoming unstable by the second as my vision became blurry. I stumbled towards the pond, coughing and growling in pain. Arching my back, I cry out, slumping to the ground as my body becomes rigid. I shake as I feel my skin tingling as if I had a rash while I momentarily black out.

When I come to I gasp for breath and open my eyes, feeling it is much easier to breath but my mouth is dry and I feel my sense of direction is off. I groan as I feel my body is still sore and stiff, yet the changes keep going as I try and move. I struggle to push myself up, but with every attempt I fall back down, panting for breath. I grimace when another flash of pain goes down my spine, making me grit my teeth and writhe on the ground. I am racked with pain, unable to move while I feel my bones growing, stretching my skin while my whole body tingles, feeling like I am sleeping on a bed of pins and needles. Tears flow down my face as I vainly attempt to move, to try and shout for help, but I am frozen in place as the changes begin to accelerate.

My mind becomes a mess of emotions and half finished thoughts as I feel my hips crack while something pushes against my rectum. I am forced to lean forward and push, raising my rear into the air as my clothes begin to rip and tear. I dig my fingers into the ground, creating furrows as my shoes are torn apart by my changing feet while merging together. I arch my back and tilt my head up as I cry out in pain as two sharp needles pierce my shoulders, rapidly growing and extending into the sky as I close my hands into fists. I tremble in pain and fear; my breath quickening as my body grows and changes, bones shifting within me while my skin turns a dark green.

I fall on my side with a grunt when my weight shifts and my hips crack. I attempt to get back up but my stance feels wrong, unnatural. I open my eyes to see what is happening to myself, but my vision has changed, straining my mind when I try to focus on the ground. I close my eyes when I feel nauseous again, but the changes keep coming as my bodies' temperature rises. I shake as the pain diminishes, only to be replaced with pleasure as my chest widens and my legs grow with muscle. I can feel my arms bulging as my shoulders crack into a new stance while two of my fingers merge and my nails become claws. I start to groan as my cock stiffens, rubbing against the hard ground painfully, yet it doesn't stop. I clench my teeth, thrusting my hips unconsciously as it keeps growing, changing color as pre leaks out the tip.

I huff and pant, attempting to get up and pleasure myself, but I am unused to my new weight and sense of balance as I fall down, growling while my mind swirls with arousal. I wriggle on the ground to reach down and grab my changing shaft, but somewhere deep in my mind, I am still struggling to comprehend what is happening to me and why I can't control my actions. Even as I am desperate to regain control, I can feel scales forming all over my body, tearing the last of my clothes off. With every attempt to grab ahold of my shaft, I feel something long and sinuous traveling on the ground behind me, slapping against my legs and thumping on the ground. Meanwhile on my back, the two protrusions on my shoulders fan out into the beginning of fleshy wings, drooping low to the ground, as I don't know how to control them. My hands continue to change into claws as I stretch for my shaft, getting momentary waves of pleasure as I try and thrust my hips into my grasp to prolong the contact. I grunt and growl, my voice becoming lost as my bestial mind takes over, grabbing onto my shaft and stroking it as if I was inside of a dragoness.

As my balls rise up and my shaft starts to twitch and throb, having become bright red with a bulbous knot at the base, my neck begins to crack and lengthen, forcing my head to shift, causing my sight to flicker and threaten to make me loose consciousness. Even as my mind is assaulted with pain, I am compelled to keep pleasuring myself as my tail lengthens behind me, swishing on the ground while my scales have enveloped my body and my wings have begun to grow leather to allow me to fly. The need for release consumes me, as my teeth fall out to be replaced with bigger and shaper canines while my strokes grow faster, driven by desire. I writhe on the ground in both pain and pleasure while the last of my consciousness floats in the back of my mind, failing to grasp what is happening.

My whole body is wracked with intense pleasure as my balls pull up while my face cracks and rearranges into a long muzzle with horns pushing out the back. My shaft stiffens and throbs before I climax, roaring out loudly as I complete my change. I spill my seed on the ground, thrusting instinctively while my roar travels over the mountains, spooking animals and startling birds. My wings extend, flapping lightly as my tail lashes out behind me, creating divots in the ground. My body is alight with pleasure as I shake, holding firmly onto my shaft until my climax ends. Tired and exhausted from the change, my head falls to the ground as I breathe heavily while I go limp. It takes some time before my mind settles and becomes my own, but by then I have passed out with the sun falling beneath the trees.

Somewhere in the forest in a tavern, the boys' parents perk their ears when they hear a roar that reverberates over the mountain rage. Their initial confusion turns to tension when they look at each over, quickly saying a few parting words to their friend before heading out the door and shifting, taking flight to reach their son. They had not thought his change would happen this soon, but with all the symptoms he had been showing throwing the trip from the beginning, they thought they at least had another day or two before he is introduced to a life he never knew.