The Pros and Cons of a Love Potion Pt.1

Story by carbonkitty on SoFurry

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#1 of Love Potion

Archie goes shopping for a gift and finds a little something for himself.

A short intro for a series idea.

The sky was getting darker and rain clouds were gathering above the city but Archie didn't notice. The only thing young dalmatian cared for was the shop widows downtown. He'd spent most of the weekend popping in and out of antique shops, book stores, and thrift shops looking for... something. He didn't really know what he was looking for but he was sure he'd know it when he saw it. The dog ducked into a pawn shop with a collection of old dolls in the window hoping he'd find what he was looking for there. His friend Lisa was celebrating her 19th birthday this weekend and he wanted to find the perfect gift for her. She had a thing for antiques and oddities, odds and ends that were one of a kind which turned out to be harder to find than he'd thought.

After rummaging through the pawn shop for a while he returned to the street even more disheartened than earlier. His mood didn't improve when he was greeted y the first big cold drops of rain. Archie tugged his collar up on his jacket and trudged down the street with his hands stuffed in his pocket. The city felt more or less abandoned the streets were empty and the sky was now a blank grey slate. The only people he'd come across over the past hours were stuck indoors running their little businesses. It all added to the hopeless feeling hovering over him until he broke and decided it was time to call it a day and head home. The dog spun on his heels and headed back for his car, ears down and his tail almost dragging along the wet sidewalk. He paused as he started fishing his keys out of his pocket, looking up across the street as a bus puled away to reveal something he hadn't seen earlier. A small shop with a big window full of antiques, Willard's Collection was painted in red along the top of the window. Archie dashed across the street, dodging traffic as he went, and burst breathlessly into the musty store. Behind the counter an old grey rat sat on stool hunched over a newspaper stroking his goatee. The old man pushed his glasses up his nose and smiled at Archie.

"Have a look around my boy, everything's for sale. If you see anything you like just bring it on up." The dog nodded and smiled back then started to pick his way through the maze of tall shelves. It was a little bewildering there was no organisation, the shelves were stacked high with random knick-knacks and covered in dust. And he was annoyed to find nothing had any prices but it made him feel like this place had to have exactly what he was looking for, and sure enough he found it. In a far back corner under a lamp that glowed a different shade of orange than the others on a shelf between a plastic bucket full toy train tracks and a carved wooden apple core he found Lisa's gift. A music box, with a knight fighting a dragon painted on top, she had two very similar ones, he'd seen them before. When he opened it a soft tune started to play and a small craved dragon sat in the box flapping it's wings. Archie snapped the box closed and made his way back to the old rat, kicking up dust and leaving a trail of footprints on the floor. He placed the box on the counter and waited patiently for the old man to put down his paper.The rat stroked his goatee and eyed the box with a raised eyebrow before looking to Archie then to his watch.

"How does $10 dollars sound my spotted young friend?" Archie produced a couple bills and handed them over before snatching up the box.

"Is that for yourself young man?" The dog stopped in his tracks halfway to the door and looked back at the old man.

"No it's for a-"

"A friend? A young lady perhaps?" Archie nodded and returned to the counter, half interested in what the rat might be getting at but also because he was in no rush to head back out in the rain.

"I think I've got something the two of you might like.. That is if you'd like this lady to be more than just a friend." The dog perked his ears up, the old man wasn't wrong but he couldn't have known that.

"I don't think it's the easy sir."

"Willard, call me Willard. And it is that easy... maybe not that ethical, especially if you ask my ex wife." Willard chuckled to himself while he fumbled around under the counter and placed a small bottle with an eye dropper between them. The bottle was clear and the liquid was a light blue in colour, Archie stared at it in confusion.

"What's this? Some kind of aphrodisiac?"

"Something like that. If someone were to drink just a few drops of this they will fall in love with the first person they see." The dog laughed and shook his head.

"I'll believe it when I see it." The rat smirked at him.

"Why not see for yourself then? Today only I'll give it to you at a discount, $5." He pushed the bottle across the counter and Archie plucked it up.

"If she'll fall in love with me with just a few drops why would I need a second bottle?"

"Because it has more than one use my boy. You put a few drops on someone's skin and they'll have a much more intense but temporary reaction. So, you give me $5 and you can take that sample home, try it out. If you're not happy you're only out a few bucks otherwise you have the girl of your dreams or you're back for a refill. Why not take the chance eh?" The dog handed over the money and pocketed the bottle while the rat chuckled.

"This is ridiculous but I'll play along this time. Thanks for this by the way." Archie lifted the box over his head before heading out the door and back home.

The next morning the dalmatian sat at the breakfast table munching at his cereal and rolling the small bottle around in his hand. His parents had left for work and his older sister was upstairs getting ready to head off to school. An idea hit him as he heard her coming down the stairs, an idea he was sure wouldn't work or have any consequences so he acted on it. A bowl and spoon sat on the table next to him, pulling the eye dropper out of his little bottle of love potion he put a couple small drops on the spoon handle and waited. His sister walked into the kitchen and poured herself some cereal. When picked up the spoon he interrupted her with a question.

"Hey Marcy can you pass the oj?"

"Yeah..." She trailed off and her eyes clouded over as she looked at him. The older dog dropped her bowl and started to lick her lips.

"Uh, are you ok Marcy?" She nodded absentmindedly.

"Yeah, I just need something." She came around the table and looked down at him.

"What do you need?" Licked her lips again.

"I need you!" She threw herself at him, knocking him out of his chair and onto the floor. She held him down and ground her self against him, kissing him and exploring his mouth with her tongue. While he tried to escape she managed to wrestle his pants off and started on his boxers.

"Marcy! No! we can't!" He couldn't believe it worked and wasn't sure what to do. Marcy had his boxers off now and her tongue was hanging out of her mouth.

"I.. just... want... a taste." She dropped onto him and Archie decided he wasn't going to fight anymore. She wrapped her lips around his cock swallowed his whole length with enthusiasm. The dog leaned back on his elbows and enjoyed the show. Marcy bobbed along his length moaning softly and fondling is balls. She stopped once in a while to lick and kiss his shaft before slurping around his cock again. Getting into the swing Archie put a hand on her head and held her against his crotch. He grunted as he felt his cock head squeezed by the back of his sister's throat and her nose buried in his fur. He let her pull off to catcher her breath and she fell between his legs and she started to lick and suck on his balls while she pumped his shaft. Archie threw his head back and bucked his hips against Marcy's hand. She took the hint and fell on his cock again. The dog greedily took in his whole length and let his cock stretch out her throat. Her lips pressed against his knot and she squeezed it with one hand moaning as she felt him twitch inside her and his cum pumped into her. He thrust into her face and hot loads of jizz filled her throat and mouth. Greedily she swallowed every drop and licked his shaft clean panting happily. The two stood and Archie wiggled back into his clothes, Marcy's eye's sharpened and looked to the clock up on the wall.

"Shit! Look at the time! What the hell happened?" Without a word between them Marcy bolted for the door leaving her brother amazed and confused. He looked at the bottle on the table and thought of the possibilities but stopped when he thought of Lisa. He picked up the bottle to take up his room to save for the weekend but he held it up and looked at it closer.

"I've got enough here I could get a few more uses out of it before I see her." He dropped the bottle in his pocket and headed for the door. A list of names ran through his head and he started trying to narrow it down to a few names. Before he'd made it to his car he was pretty sure he was going to need a refill or two.