: CH 1 : Where things went wrong

Story by KiyoshiYamaru on SoFurry

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#1 of Where things went wrong

Nick and Jody find themselves at odds with the world, another hitch being thrown at their life as partners. Where will our hero's end up I wonder?

I do appreciate feedback greatly on the story! I know I've got some problems with how it's written, but I cannot improve them without that feedback so... Thanks everyone!

This is my very first Zootopia Fanfic, it can be read more consistently at these sites as well

here = https://www.fanfiction.net/u/8566802/

here = https://inkbunny.net/KiyoshiYamaru

here = http://kiyoshiyamaru.deviantart.com/

here = http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kiyoshiyamaru/

here = https://www.weasyl.com/~kiyoshiyamaru

Where things went wrong

Nick's left ear would give a soft twitch, flicking at the sudden sound of the alarm going off. The metallic beeping that filled the small room drew a grumble from his muzzle, lifting a paw from the disheveled blankets to swipe at the clock causing the noise. "Ughh it's too early... "his eyes opened slightly as he shifted on the bed, rolling to his back, and realizing his cheeks were damp.

He'd been crying in his sleep again, and he knew exactly why despite trying to move on. It had been almost four months since he had left Zootopia behind. His reasons for such were many, but the clearest one in his mind was having hurt his partner- the one bunny in all the world he had come to care about and love so deeply that he'd have given his own life for her.


Judy tilted her head slightly, one paw on the radio as she pressed the button. "Officers Hopps and Wilde in pursuit of large ram, Possible 10-31 in relation to new Night Howler Drug. Requesting backup to Tundratown Industrial district, Building A113." She looked to her partner, standing on the other side of a door into the building they had seen the ram enter.

A small smile crossed her muzzle as she nodded lightly, reaching to her hip, and unlatching her tranq gun. She brought it up in both hands, leaning forward to peek through the doorway.

Judy looked at Nick as she verified the coast looked clear, and motioned for Nick to follow. She would duck through the doorway first, followed quickly after by Nick without another word needed.

It was a tense situation, but Nick and Judy knew what they needed to do. Capture the ram and they might be able to find the new supply chain, find out where the new Night Howler derivative was being produced or distributed.

The lights within the large warehouse were dim, something to be expected from a facility that was shut down for the night. Damp musty air on the senses, Judy's nose twitches a bit as she grasps at the possible unknowns around them.

Hearing two creatures speaking somewhere ahead of the pair, Judy's ears perked and focused in on where the voices came from. Her ears high as she looked to Nick, both inching nearer the sound of the voices.

There was something that sounded off about the two voices themselves, it didn't click in Judy's mind what that unease was caused by. When the name Bellwether came up along with serum, it was enough for them to make a move on the two.

Judy and Nick both popped out from behind a crate, guns at the ready as Judy yelled "FREEZE!" It was in the moment that they rounded that crate, that she found why the pairs voices sounded strange.

What lay before them on a well-worn wooden table, was a simple tape recorder; playing back a pre-recorded conversation it seemed. It took Nick only seconds to look from the recorder to Judy, then around to see where the ram could have gone.

His nose twitching as she looked to him, she could see his mind working to find out where they too had gone. Before they could form their next plan of action, the lights within the warehouse flicked on with a dull hum from the old bulbs.

As Both of their eyes adjusted to the new brighter lighting, they shielded their eyes a moment when they heard a voice. A quick turn and their dart guns were at held aimed towards the sound of footsteps, their aim at a walkway roughly twenty feet above them.

Their own reaction came far too late, Nick barely catching the glint of a weapon aimed at them before the familiar sound of the airtube activating; a thump noise in the air and a dart flying from the ram's weapon towards Judy.

The ram's words came clearly with a chuckle "Lucky us to find it was you two following, payback is bittersweet. But you shouldn't have taken the train from us back then, or stuck your noses where they didn't belong."

Walter and Jesse looked down at them when Walter pulled the trigger, the dart he'd sent flying aimed at Judy; at the rabbit that had ruined their job security as they saw it. But the response they half expected, when the Fox moved to push the Rabbit out of the way.

They didn't stick around to watch further when they saw the outcome of the dart, watched where it landed and that was enough for them as they took off along the walkway to a side door out of the building.

Nick had done the only thing he could think of in such a short time, seeing the dart suddenly leave the end of the dart gun. His senses seemed to spike as he was more concerned for Judy's life than his own in those few short moments, lunging to push her sliding out of the way when the dart hit with a soft smack to his uniform and flesh.


The Needle stabbing through clothing into his side as the plunger within the dart sunk, pushing the purplish fluid into his body before he could grab the dart away. His sudden panic was justified from what just happened, his eyes looking to Judy as he felt the uncomfortable twinge in his body.

"Judy RUN!" were the only words he managed to get out as a sharp pain shot through his body, coursing from where the dart hit and shooting to his stomach. Hunched over as both of his arms gripped himself, the pain shooting through to his spine before crawling to the very tips of every one of his paws and tail, ears felt as though they were burning.

Every bit of fur on his body suddenly felt as though it was a fire unto itself, even as tears filled his eyes from the seeming pain when he looked to Judy. Trying to make sure she was getting away to be safe, he didn't know what was going to happen or what exactly had been in the dart.

But as he looked to her with his vision blurring, he felt as if his world dropped away into an ocean of cool black.

Nick was lost in that cool, calm, darkness of his mind. Floating in the void as he tried to gather his thoughts, tried to figure out where exactly he was, or what had happened just before.

All he could muster though was Judy, was she ok? She wasn't hurt, was she? Backup should have been arriving to help them just before, but he couldn't seem to hear anything or feel anything.

The truth to what he was feeling was much darker, as it took what seemed like an eternity of floating there before his senses returned to some extent. There was a new sensation to his body, exhilarating to a point he knew, he knew he'd never experienced such before; but he liked it or that's at least what his mind told him in that instant.

The senses he did have brought his eyes into focus, no longer the calm circular pupils normally seen, they were slitted much as his ancestors might have been in feral days. Every Sound was amplified to his perked ears, every scent told a thousand more stories with each breath, and every taste was new and crisp as he was finding out.

The Soft warmth of fur in his muzzle, the taste of tangy sweet iron, thick and warm to his tongue filled his senses. A Scream of pain filling the air from his prey, the delicious tasting prey that he'd caught in his jaws. The texture off put by whatever this prey had been clothed in, but that wonderful taste of blood on his tongue had him, as his forepaws clawed at the fabric Judy wore to tear it free.

That new sensation as his breathing had been rapid with the new sensations was cut short, another pain catching him in the side and back, the only sound was two more thumps much the same as what happened before he had gone savage.

Two tranq darts sticking through his uniform and flesh, taking effect quickly as he would fall limp; releasing a very injured bunny from his jaws as a sudden sleep overtook him.


Judy heard the words of the ram, beginning to call back and read him his rights when her sensitive ears heard the sound, another dart gun firing but her eyes hadn't finished adjusting still. In a matter of seconds, she felt the sudden hit to her side, the world going sideways when she was sent sliding across the floor and into one of the crates.

Knocking her head good and eliciting a groan, she'd push herself up just in time to hear Nick's voice yelling for her to run. He sounded instantly desperate, hurt and then in pain as she looked at him, seeing him writing on the ground holding his stomach.

Panic suddenly filling her body as she assumed he'd been shot, her partner, her dearest friend possibly dying before her eyes. She didn't listen to him though, despite the very animalistic growls and whines he was eliciting, she rushed to his side to try and calm him and radio for assistance

"This is Officer Hopps, in need of medical support and backup, Officer Wilde is down... I repeat Officer Wilde is down"

She frantically tried to search him for a wound, thinking he'd been shot in the stomach from how he was holding himself. But she found nothing until he went still, her sensitive ears could still hear his heartbeat.

Far more rapid as it and his breathing was, she tried calming him down still talking as smoothly as she could "Nick it will be all right, an ambulance is on the way with backup, I'm here... I'm not going anywhere at all, it will be alright, just... j..just tell me.. one of your dumb jokes, let me know you're ok please."

But she wasn't greeted with his smooth voice, with any crack jokes about how emotional she was, not one pleasant sound came to her searching ears as even tears began to claim her eyes.

She didn't even realize she was crying as she tried to pull him against herself, as he went still for only a few moments that; felt as though it was an eternity as well before she felt him move.


She felt the world go spinning this time, as the air felt like it had been sucked from her body from the headbutt she suddenly took. She rolled and rolled until she hit another crate, back first as pain wracked her smaller body.

Falling slumped on the ground trying to inhale, coughing as she fell to her hands gasping in pain and for air. Her ears had fallen back when she lifted her head, through tear fogged eyes as a fiery red blur was upon her.

A new pain shooting through her body, this one along her side and stomach followed by her world shifting one direction and then another. Unable to register the teeth digging through her uniform where they could, into her fur and into her flesh, as the warmth from her blood began soaking her uniform.

Claws following the teeth as she felt them, tearing, shredding her outfit as Nick, the Fox she cared about so attacked her without any hesitation. Everything that happened felt as though it took hours, from being unable to breath, to the pain of being bitten and clawed at.

Even when it stopped and left her injured on the cold concrete floor, warm blood pooling around her. The last glimpse of Nick, of her partner and friend, of her Fox suddenly laying before her.

She lifted a shaky paw to brush over the end of his muzzle before passing out from shock, left unconscious as new lights were flashing and radios going off. As Backup, had arrived and tranquilized Nick when they saw what he was doing, but not before what had happened.


Beep.... Beep.... Beep.... Beep.... Beep

It was a tone that had grown increasingly familiar, to the point that it came across as empty, same as the general white noise of the hospital, medical monitoring equipment whirring away in dull fashion.

Nick knew days had passed, but how many exactly was still left to question. Each time he had woken up for only a few minutes, and from he could remember of each time, he was heavily restrained giving a few tugs as he'd let out a low growl.

A nurse popping into the room quickly, taking note of him being awake before she moved to an IV bag hung by the bed. She changed it out quickly enough and only moments after it hit him, the sleep slowly seeming to pull him back into the wonderful dreams again.

"Dr. Ursine, the patient seems to be responding better to the new treatment. We might have found something to help cure him, at least with how it seems" The Nurse spoke to the Dr. as he checked in on Nick, by now it had been three months that he'd been in the hospital.

The Restraints were less now, even so much as not having a muzzle on the patient. The Nurse continued updating the Dr. on Nicks status, herself a Gazelle and the irony in the name Dr. Ursine wasn't lost to the very groggy Fox.

"All Vitals are stable, heart rate, cognitive function seems to be normal, Pupils are circular and dilating properly again. But he still has not spoken, so we will continue to monitor" She'd shone a light in his eyes, checked his ears, teeth and all before leaving him alone as they left the room once more.

Nick sat there in the hospital bed, slowly coming to his senses more than he had previously, still confused as to what happened or how long he'd been there. He felt stiff and still a bit zoned out, but that could have been whatever they'd had him on.

A very slow week passed by before he finally spoke again, calling out from him room to the nurse's station. "Nurse...NURSE" he finally could form his thoughts correctly, to bring his words back to the world, but he only had one question on his mind finally "Where is Judy... where is my partner, is she ok? What happened the other day."

Not realizing the other day was month previous by that point, the Nurse that had come to check on him stumbled with her words a slightly, but she finally could tell him she couldn't answer those questions now.

Hearing that she couldn't help him with that, was almost as frustrating as merely not knowing, looking around the room before looking to the IV drip in his arm. He would reach down and tug it off, as well as the little monitors attached to his ears.

"I need to know that she's all right, that she was able to meet with our backup, did they catch the..." His words cut off as he stopped and looked back to the chair beside his bed, it hadn't even clicked before that the Reddish orange fur of a vixen sat beside him, but it clicked once more when he felt her soft paws grasp his arm.

"M...mom, what are you doing here..."? His words coming out shakily as he looked to her eyes, the tears falling down her face as she stood and pulled him into a warm hug, his senses filled with his mother. Her Warmth, her Scent, her worry and concern all present in that hug.

Mrs.Wilde Hugged her son tightly, seeing him awake and talking, the concern in his voice when asking about his partner. She cried holding him to herself, nearly sobbing loudly as her son, her Nicky was back.

She had been to the hospital as much as she could be, and she had come the night before when the Dr's called to tell her he seemed to be back to his senses. "Oh Nicky...my Sweet Nicky I was so worried about you."

She felt him hug back, confused as he was still. She couldn't blame him for that, when he finally spoke and rapid fire asked his questions, she didn't know what to tell him first.

Pulling back from the hug a bit, she slid her warm, soft paws up to his muzzle. Drawing him to look her in the eyes before smiling through tears, rubbing a paw along his check and over his ears with a soft scratch.

"Oh Nicky... you've been in the hospital for months now, after the accident happened, they had to keep you sedated until they could find a cure." Her voice soft and calming as only a mother could, she could see his eyes searching her own for more answers.


The Nurse stepped out of the room, off to contact Chief Bogo at the ZPD. She sat on the edge of his bed, telling him only what she knew had happened, how he'd been brought to the hospital unconscious.

How he had to be completely restrained after he'd been found savage, how a cure had to be found for him after that, and that is why he had been out for so long.

She also filled him in on her life in the meantime, how she worried about him as well, she would have told him all she could about Judy. She knew they were close but she didn't know where she was, or what exactly happened.

Nick listened to every detail he could, processing it all bit by bit, from himself having been savage to how long he'd been in the hospital. It explained the stiffness in his body, but he watched his mother with both love and concern, he hated worrying her and this was probably the worst thing he could have done to her.

Regardless the hours that passed, he was happy to catch up with her, and equally as relieved when he convinced her to go home and get some real rest; he assured her that he would stop by after he was released from the hospital.

His next visitor came an hour after his mother, seeing the Hulking form of the Cape Buffalo he practically shrank in his bed. "C..chief! how nice to see you! Ah... w..what brings you on this Visit!?"

Fidgeting with the blankets covering him a bit, he smiled nervously at his visitor. Watching as the Chief pulled a chair closer to the bed, sitting down with a slight thump as his form settled, the chair giving only the slightest creak.

Nick searched his eyes for any tell at all about what happened, what happened to Judy or the backup, heck even the rams they had come across. Nicks ears would twitch and fold back, no longer perked as the worst dread possible crept over him, showing in his features when he stopped fidgeting as well.


Chief Bogo had shown up as soon as he could once the Dr's called him about Wilde, he needed to check on one of his officers as well as get some information from him.

When he reached the doorway to the room and eyed Officer Wilde over while stepping through the doorway, finding a chair big enough to sit in before positioning it near the bed.

"Officer Wilde! You seem to be in good health this morning, how are you feeling?" Giving Wilde the most general question he could to start things off, after all he could see how nervous he was from the moment Wilde had spotted him.

Before Wilde could even begin to question beyond asking what he was doing there, he'd hold up a hand towards him "I know you are going to ask, but I cannot give you any Information on Office Hopps. Other than she is Alive and doing fine, but you on the other hand need to tell me what you remember from the Night you went Savage".

Bogo sat there and listened to Wilde telling of that evening's events, what he could remember now anyways which was little that Bogo didn't already know. He knew about their arrival at the warehouse, as well as then they radioed for backup just in case, he had heard Officer Hopps call for an ambulance.

When backup had arrived on the scene, they had captured at least one of the rams who was still in the area. But the Scene they walked into within the warehouse, that was another thing entirely as far as he'd heard described and seen in pictures.

Sitting and listening to Wilde's recount of what he remembered corroborated many of the points from that night, aside from what happened after he'd been shot with a dart.

"Thank you, Wilde, when you get out of here, I won't you to finish resting up before you return to work. I want you at 100% again though, I expect a lot from you still as our first Fox" Standing up he'd make way for the door, looking back as Wilde seemed lost in thought, pushing onward though he headed back out of the hospital.


Nick listened to the Chiefs question about that night, what had happened from his own account of things, speaking as he'd tell him what he could. "I remember patrolling with Officer Hopps, when we noticed a ram and a Wolf, we noticed money and something else change hands. The ram himself was familiar from the original Night Howler incident, he was one of the two that had tried to stop us before the train crashed. We knew we couldn't get the wolf before he slipped away, but the ram hung around the area making his way into the warehouse".

Taking a breath as he thought of every single detail of that evening, even trying to recall everything from when he was shot with little luck he continued talking.

"Officer Hopps and I Approached the warehouse where he ram entered, radioing for backup before we would enter the building, just in case it was a distribution facility and others might be inside. Once in we heard two voices speaking, when Bellwethers name came up, as well talk about the original serum. It turned out to be a trap though, when we stepped out to arrest the two we heard, there was only a tape recorder playing a prerecorded message. We had been set up from the get go, they were ready for us to show up when they shot..." He tensed up a bit and brought a paw to his side, where he'd been shot with the new serum.

"But that's all I remember aside from wake up here in the hospital". Looking to Bogo once more, seeing him finish taking down notes before he'd thank him and excuse himself.

Nick would sit there and stare out of the Hospital window for a while, his nurse returning to check in on him periodically. But each day he had tried to remember what happened after he'd been shot, it didn't help any that not one person could tell him what happened to Judy, was she all right or why hadn't she come by to visit him.

The questions continued, as did his frustrations from not knowing. One entire week passed with his mother, as well as friends from work had shown up to check on him, most with smiles and well wishes.

Clawhauser with hugs, tears, and donuts that he snuck into the hospital. Despite the good company, and general irritation of the hospital staff which brought him a smile, it also kept him from his thoughts for a period.

That evening after everyone had left, the nurses having completed their rounds. Nick had to get away from there, needed to find out what happened to Judy that no one wanted to tell him.

"I'll find out one way or another what they're all hiding, I know at least she isn't dead Clawhauser couldn't keep that from me" Climbing from his bed, no longer hooked up to the monitor which helped, he slipped to a cabinet and took out the clothes his mother had brought the day before.

With the Lights, off he got dressed before slipping to the doorway, peeking out in either direction his ears perked high and his nose twitching. He Sniffed and listened to any scent and sound he noticed, eyes scanning the nearby nurses station before her hunkered down and slipped out of the room.

Doing mental checks at every turn he had to take, he'd reach the stairs after a bit; opening the door as quietly as he could. Once in the stairwell he made a mad dash down flight after flight, pausing only when he heard a loud click fill the stairwell, more than likely the door he'd entered through had closed.

He still waited taking a few slow breaths to keep himself calm, listening still to make sure no one had heard or was following him before moving again to the bottom floor. 'Made it! Home free soon enough, then I can find...out..." He stepped out of the door at the bottom of the stairs, normally locked from the outside as he was greeted to a cool breeze.

Storm clouds lingering on the sky as silent streaks of lightning flashed overhead, he felt a few drops of rain pelt him in the nose as he stood there, the door closing behind him with another click as his mind jolted a bit.

He remembered what happened after he was shot, he remembered yelling for Judy to run and worse. "Why now... what did I do... " tears filled his eyes as he stood shakily a moment, leaning back against the door while his thoughts were flooded, taking in every detail of what he did that night.

The Rain started to fall as it quickly began soaking through his fur, the cool liquid causing a shiver to crawl up his spine. Clothes sticking to his fur and flesh, his forepaws clenching to themselves, claws flexed to prick against his paw pads.

He remembered the sting of the dart, how when it hit that his whole body felt as though it was being set on fire, he remembered the pain he felt bleeding into a sweet warmth.

Closing his eyes as he stood there, remembering the details he cried despite it going unseen by anyone, tears lost to the falling rain as a small touch of warmth on his face.

His head lifted suddenly smacking something soft and warm that night, the pain leaving his form as if it had never been, the musty scent of the warehouse was fresh and new in those moments.

He could still smell the two rams as they had left the building, he could smell others that had been in it earlier in the day.

Musky scents mingling on his own senses, but the freshest was the scent of rabbit, even though to his mind it was familiar it was prey.

He was on all fours as his paw's pressed to the cooler concrete beneath them, ears perked and searching rapidly as were his eyes. He caught the sound of something hitting nearby, the rabbit that moments before had been right beside him with worry.

She looked strange, the clothing she was wearing he didn't recognize in those moments, not even thinking of the ones he had on were strange in the seconds that his mind connected the rabbit with prey.

Snarling loudly as his teeth bared, white, sharp things as they were, paws slipping on the concrete somewhat as he went after her. His senses on fire in the moments that he crossed the roughly ten feet it took him to reach her, his jaws snapping in to grab his prey, his teeth greeted with her uniform and body.

He bit hard ensuring his fangs drove into his prey's flesh, into the warmth they were greeted with, meeting bone and organs within his bite. He shook his head once he had hold, back and forth rapidly a few times when his prey screamed, yelling out in terror and pain.

Her blood filling his muzzle, her taste claiming his senses now as well. The tangy and sweet, slightly iron flavored heat running down his muzzle and tongue, he'd thrash about some still bringing his forepaws to claw at the material keeping him from getting a better bite on her.

Just as quickly as it had been, it was all taken away from him though when he was shot twice more, tranq darts plugging into his backside as a sweet sleep claimed him in those moments.

He knew what he had done now, how he had for all purposes given Judy, his partner, his friend of all creatures every reason to hate him. To want him dead, to never hear or speak to him again, he could understand why no one had told him about her, about what had happened or why he hadn't seen her since he had been himself again.

Falling to his knees in the rain, crying out as lightning would arc across the sky. Crying deeply as he buried his head to his forepaws, sobbing loudly while the rain poured over him.

For all purposes that he cared, it was trying to wipe who he was from the face of the world, he didn't care if the serum was the cause for how he acted and what he'd done. Body heaving with deep breaths as he sat on his knees and let his heartache out, where no one might hear him except for the heavens themselves.

He stayed that way on the ground for easily an hours' time, the rain calming as the front of the storm passed over the hospital. Pushing himself to stand as clothing and fur was soaked through, a chill on his flesh from the cold rain that had passed over, he would take one step, then another as he began a new journey.

Leaving the hospital behind himself, the night dragging on slowly as he would walk until, to the nearest roadway and hail a cab back to h is place.

"Only one thing left to do" Speaking softly as he stood outside of his apartment, studying the old building before going up to gather a few things.

By the time the next morning had come, Nick was well outside of Zootopia, riding in the back of a badger's pickup. Having stopped by his mother's place, he left her a little note to tell her he was all right, and he'd be in contact with her soon enough.

Leaving his medical bracelet behind with the letter, and a simple bouquet of flowers for her. He'd also called Finick to have him sell off what was left in his apartment for him, tied up a few small lose ends and taken off.

The truck bouncing along smoothly for the most part, he'd watch as the distant form of Zootopia itself vanished into the horizon mumbling to himself a bit "It's for the best...". The warm morning wind brushing through his fur, he smiled one last time as a warm tear fell down his cheek, turning his head as he wouldn't look to Zootopia again.