Cabin Boy: Earning a Bed

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#3 of Cabin Boy

A trade i did with Flinty

Flinty gets offered a new job away from working at the tavern

Of course by offered I mean press-ganged but I am sure the blue fox will learn to like it in time!

Flinty groaned softly as Ren trod across his body, the gnolls big bare paws causing his body to squish gently against the decking and a jolt of pleasure to pulse up his spine. It was torture, the bosun was squishing his paws right into Flinty's crotch. His soft blue fur rippled, his inch thick pelt went squish and his head lolled back whimpering in pleasure.

"Even enjoying this ain't ya?" Ren chortled as he dragged his feet back and forth across Flinty's cock, "Cap'n got a rare treasure in you."

The huge nine foot muscle bound sailor gnoll knelt down and Flinty's eyes bugged out of his head and he moaned in pleasure again. He'd followed Ren down here to the crew quarters, naked, half hard, nervous and obediently drank the potion he'd been offered. It had reduced him to this, a flat, boneless mass of blue and white fur. His head still felt mostly solid but the rest of his body had been transformed into a doormat. Flinty's crotch had also been smoothed out, his sheath, cock and balls all gone, replaced by a smooth expanse of white fur. It was still just as sensitive as before though, his whole body was one great big erogenous zone.

Every movement, measure of pressure and touch sent waves of pleasure zipping through his flat body. It was torture, so far only Ren had been walking over him. But Flinty felt amazing and tried to beg for more. He couldn't really speak though... his jaw didn't work and he had no vocal chords. Flinty watched as the big gnoll trampled him with knees and hands for a couple of seconds longer. It felt so good and then... he stepped off him and Flinty's eyes rolled to follow the gnoll as he brushed off his breeches.

"Ren has ships business to attend to, you lay there, the crew will come say hello," the gnoll smirked and turned, twisting his right foot heavily against Flinty's crotch. The pleasure was intense and then Ren marched out of the crew quarters leaving Flinty alone. He'd been kidnapped, press-ganged, fucked, humiliated... and now. Now he was a fancy blue rug! For a few minutes Flinty was alone, just left lying there then the sloping door to the crew quarters creaked open and two figures scuttled inside.

They took a few steps, scaled, clawed feet crushing and kneading at Flinty's body. A tremor of delight shuddered through him and Flinty stared up at the kobolds pleadingly. There had to be some outlet for the pleasure he was feeling.

"Oh fuck," the sandy scaled kobold wearing a neckerchief and a kilt said with a yap, "Rein, look it's our cabin boy... hehe remember when Bosun did that to is?"

The other kobold grinned malicious and stomped up and down Flinty's body. Huge clawed feet grinding into his chest, his stomach and groin. He had grey scales and was wearing a loincloth, a bandana and a belt, "Sure do, it was hell... heh," he ground his feet back and forth, leaving Flinty silently squealing for release, "I'm Rein, this is my mate Sandy, welcome to the crew fox..."

Sandy dropped to all fours and dug her clawed paws into the plush fox fur, "Yeah welcome fox... say... Rein.... We could, you know?" she waggled her tail and the grey kobold growled and grabbed that tail and ground it against the front of his loincloth.

"I'd love to, but maybe later, the Bosun was clear we had to get that launch repaired today or he'd do us."

The kobolds hopped up, grabbed some tools, took a few minutes to grins and squish and rub their feet over Flinty's body to torment him some more then left to be about their duties. That's how Flinty spent his second day aboard the Naralan, lying stretched out on the floor just inside the crew quarters. Magically transformed into a living, overly sensitive rug! From time to time a member of the crew would come into the quarters to grab something they'd left behind or to change out of clothes soiled by whatever job they'd been performing.

Each and every member of the crew took perverse delight in treading all over Flinty. His soft, squishable rug like body tormented beneath a whole host of bare feet. He was smooshed, ground, teased, trodden on, squashed and generally treated like a rug. A rug that couldn't make any audible sound but inside his mind Flinty writhed in need, body wracked with pleasure and an increasing desire to cum! Except there was no way for him to find release, the pressure just kept building and building but there was no way for him to orgasm!

Shortly after the lunch bell rang Flinty's torture reached fever pitch as what must have been about a third of the crew trooped in. They all took some time to grind him underfoot, play with him and rub their paws over his muzzle. His torment stopped only when Ren ducked into the quarters, he stomped atop Flinty, grinding the fox underfoot as he stared around.

"Lights out you sea dogs, night watch starts in seven hours," he glared around and nodded as the crew scrambled into their hammocks. Letting out a satisfied snort Ren gathered up Flinty's body and carried him out into the companion way that led to the main deck. He turned into a small cabin that had a porthole, chest built into the floor and a wash stand. There was no bed and Flinty wondered for a moment why he'd been brought here before it became damn obvious as Ren tied Flinty's feet to a hook on the wall. He was stretched out taught, his arms looped together and tied to another hook.

Hanging limp in the middle Flinty's head was tilted forward so he could see along the length of the hammock his flat, squishy body had been strung up as. Rolling his eyes in his head he looked up at Ren, pleading with him not to do this. The gnoll caught his eye movement and just smirked widely. He had broad shoulders, black fur with red spots and a large red mohawk crest of stiff fur rising between his ears and running down his spine. Flinty got to see the way his crest blended into his short shaggy gnoll tail as Ren turned away and stripped off his work clothes.

The gnoll had just finished stripping when there was a knock on the door. Ren grunted and a lithe, slender chameleon slipped inside, his smooth green hide gently shifting colour to match the beige hue of the door as it slammed shut. His eyes focussed on Ren who was idly fondling his sheath and admiring the chameleon. The lizard started to strip out of his clothes, discarding each item with a flex and teasing twist of his body. By the time he was naked Ren was growling lowly at the back of his throat and his large red dick was rock hard and being tenderly stroked by one of the gnoll's big paws.

"Nice hammock," the chameleon whispered moving over to lean up and kiss the big gnoll. The horn atop his muzzle pressed against the gnoll's big thick snout. Ren growled deeply, the two broke apart and Flinty's world exploded into an unbearable flush of pleasure as the gnoll climbed into the hammock! His body sagged under Ren's weight and Flinty wanted to scream as jolting waves of desire shocked through his body. It got worse when the chameleon climbed atop Ren and the two started to make out again, using Flinty's body as a rocking, swaying hammock.

Ren growled rolled the crew lizard beneath him and buried a smooth scaled muzzle directly into Flinty's crotch. It felt so good and from his propped up perch the fox had an excellent view of Ren plunging his dick into the lizard. The two rocked back and forth, growling, hissing, panting heavily and rolling their hips back and forth. Ren was wild, powerful, ravenous, the chameleon stood no chance as he was ploughed. Poor Flinty had no choice but to sway back and forth, body being wracked with an unmet need to orgasm as the two fucked.

When Ren finally came it was with a loud, happy growl. The chameleon's own load was thick and slippery, splashing out of his quivering cock to soak Flinty's fur. The two sailors then settled down to sleep and the fox just rocked gently back and forth in tune with the swaying, heaving motion of the ship. When they finally woke they went at it again, this time with Ren lying on his back whilst the lizard rode his thick dick. He bounced energetically up and down atop the gnolls shaft, hissing and crying out until they once against blew their loads. After that the pair got up and dressed and prepared to head up on deck for the night shift.

Ren dismissed the chameleon and turned back to Flinty. He untied him and barked an odd word. It settled into Flinty's body and he started to tingle and expand... organs, bones, all the necessary equipment needed to he a living fox was starting to return. Ren loomed and smirked and his toes reached out to press Flinty's thick, needy, eager cock against his stomach as it returned.

"Ren says fox has earned hammock and orgasm, go on.... cum."

Flinty didn't need telling twice, his paw grabbed his dick. He stroked it once, twice and then blew his load, head thumping against the bulkhead as he coated his stomach in thick white gushing jets of fox cum. He was so pent up after a day as a rug he couldn't hold it in. His balls felt like they were trying to ram themselves through his pelvis as they drew up and fired their load down his cock. Whining Flinty let go of his cock, tilted his head back and just reveled in the feeling of his orgasm as his shaft pulsed on it's own accord and shot his seed all over himself.

Chuckling Ren reached down and ruffled the fox's ears, "Ren suggest cabin boy go sleep. Have long day tomorrow learning ropes... go..."

Staggering to his feet Flinty stumbled past the Bosun, letting his heavy tail drag along behind him. He reached the crew quarters, naked and slick with his cum and stood swaying in time with the ship as he considered which hammock he was allowed to take. One of his crewmates from the second watch a golden furred monkey grinned and pointed at a low hanging hammock. Nodding in thanks Flinty fell into the hammock and closed his eyes, his long, thick, pink rat tail hanging over the edge. Flinty was too tired for anything strange to register he just needed to sleep.


First watch and dawn had been over an hour away when Flinty was roused from sleep by Felinus. The ship's cook had then led a sleepy, befuddled fox away from the crew quarters and down a deck to the galley space. Seemed the cabin boy was also cooks helper and they didn't keep regular watch standings with the others. As cabin boy Flinty was expected to cook meals and be on hand to serve the captain and senior officers as needed. He was also good for scrubbing decks, menial tasks and being played with by the crew.

Yawning and still half asleep Flinty followed the grey and white cat into the galley. It was pretty big, a large range, work surfaces for preparing stuff on and a hatch down to the forward hold and food lockers. It was all neat and tidy and well maintained, a good place to cook in. Letting the door swing shut behind him the fox yelled and pitched forward as his tail got caught in the door. Falling to his knees he turned to grab it, confused how he got it stuck.

Turning around he grabbed two handfuls of thick, pink, mottled flesh. He pulled on it, gasping in shock as it tugged at the base of his spine. He could feel it slithering against the floor, sliding through his hands... his tail was a rat-tail. Squeaking in alarm Flinty dropped his tail, backed away and fell over with a thump.

"What... tail, what are you doing to me!"

Felinus laughed, leaning back on the counter and grinning, "Nothing, Captain's selected you to be a rat. Every time you submit to us you become more like the cabin boy you've agreed to be.

"No," scrambling to his feet Flinty threw himself at the cat, "You can't..."

He never saw the pan Felinus swung at his head. He'd been ready and though the blow wasn't much it sent the fox sprawling. Head spinning, dazed, lying on the floor Flinty was in no state to fight back as the cat knelt on him and gripped his ears. They felt wrong, thinner, flappier, rounder under the rough grip of the cat's paws.

"You're halfway to rat already Flinty, no point denying it, have you missed these," he tugged on the fox's rodent ears then slid his hand down his Spine. Flinty felt him grip his fur, it was thick and stood on end as Felinus tugged on it, "Everyone is loyal to the captain one way or another. He's picked pure rat for you."

He stood up and Flinty watched him moving away, "What... what did he do to you?"

"Nothing I didn't accept willingly," Felinus whispered, "Watch, what those of us who submit willingly are rewarded with."

Flinty stared as the cat cook's feline features twisted and melted away, his ears grew round and pink as his snout grew narrower, longer and his whiskers shifted from fine and barely noticeable to thick and twitching. Short round cat tail dropped, shedding fur as it thickened, slithering across the floor until it matched Flinty's new tail. His fur changed too, short and spiky, still grey and white but lacking the former lustre of feline fur. It also shed from hands and feet that became somewhat more gnarled and twisted, pink skin showing through faint downy fur with sharp claws.

"As you can see, the whole crew are rats when we need to be," he dropped to all fours, narrow rodent snout pushing up against Flinty's, "I'm allowed to change back, you've forfeited that right it seems."

"No, I..." Flinty whined, squirming as he stared at the rat, "Please help stop this...."

"Sorry, you're here to help me," Felinus pushed Flinty onto his back and lifted down a large pot with his thick, chunky tail, "You going to behave and submit or do I tell the first mate to lock you up below?"

"I... I'll behave and eeeerrfffff," Flinty cut off as Felinus poured the pot over his chest, stomach and crotch. It was a thick porridge, full of raisins, banana and other chips of dried fruit.

Flinty found himself lying on the floor of the galley whilst Felinus licked, sucked, groomed and cleaned his breakfast off the fox. Lying there he was, too scared to fight back or to fight the arousal building in his groin. Flinty get get to watch his hands and feet shedding fur. He was being used as a messy, musky, filthy table and the rat who was really a cat didn't seem to care.

Felinus was skilled at this, his buck teeth and tongue had cleansed Flinty's fur entirely and by the time the were-rat's muzzle dipped down between his legs Flinty's fur was damp but clean. He'd just eaten his breakfast directly off his body and now Felinus' short, pink rat tongue was lifting, licking, cleaning his balls and cock. Flinty stopped fighting his arousal and squeaked in desire. His face was warping, twisting, transforming but he stopped caring. Thumping and scratching his new rat claws against the floor Flinty rolled his hips panting and whimpering in delight until he polished off Felinus' breakfast with a very rich, thick, protein shake.

Spent, panting heavily and now sporting a very thick pair of rat whiskers and buck teeth Flinty rubbed his new nose and stared into the grinning smirk painting the other rat's muzzle. He stretched his back, rolled his shoulders and sat up.

"Welcome to rodent life Flinty, now you can eat your breakfast then help me prepare everyone else's," he laughed as he filled a bowl with porridge and set it on the floor.

Flinty didn't even object, after everything he'd been through he dropped to all fours and stuck his muzzle into the bowl. Using his rat tongue he licked up the porridge that seemed to be standard fare for the crew. Except the breakfast offering had dried fruit in it instead of meat. He did pause as Felinus lifted his tail then buried his snout in his meal as the feline turned rat buried his rock hard shaft under his tail.

He'd used some sort of grease or butter as lubricant so slipped straight in. Flinty however still moaned heavily into his breakfast as pushed back. Holding the bowl in his pink ratty paws Flinty lapped up his breakfast as he was fucked by the rat. He was slick and thick and Flinty squirmed back and forth as he was ridden. Emptying his bowl Flinty pushed it aside, licking his muzzle clean and braced his arms against the deck. This let him push back against the other rat, their bodies rocking back and forth, Flinty clenching his rump around the cook's cock each time he pushed home.

It felt good, and Felinus started squeaking every time Flinty bore down on him. It felt amazing, that long, thick shaft burying itself in his rump. It felt even better when the cook lost his cool and grabbed his shoulders. This let him fuck him harder, deeper, faster, rolling in and out until with a deep squeak the grey and white rat unleashed his load deep into Flinty's arse. For a moment the two rested together, riding the wave of orgasm, slick warm cream filling Flinty's arse. The moment lasted a good few minutes, the rat on his back grooming and nipping his fur with his back teeth.

Then it was back to work. Felinus pulled out and turned himself back into a grey and white house-cat and pulled his clothes back on. He rewarded Flinty with a pair of rough cotton trousers that used a piece of rope to hold them up. He then put the new blue and yellow rat to work on helping him prepare breakfast for the crew. Flinty was stuck making porridge whilst Felinus prepared finer fare for the captain and first mate.

After that he was going to be serving breakfast in the captain's cabin so Felinus was murmuring instructions about what he could expect. Flinty listened quietly, ears pinned back, rat tail slithering behind him as he moved about the cramped, hot galley. He couldn't feel any fox left to his body at all, that last act of submission had stripped it all away, he'd felt his knot flatten out, his dick transform and now as he moved about he could feel subtle differences in the way his legs worked. His body shape was.different too, his whole being altered, transformed, he was a rat now through and through.
