Desert Chill

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#3 of Desert

Long piece. Pretty sure this is my longest chapter I've ever written for this site. So happy with it.

The cry of a baby stirred David from his sleep. The German shepherd's eyes pulled open, shaking the sleep from his mind like a coat of fresh snow. Not that the desert saw much snow. He pulled Jessica's arm from his chest and gave her forehead a kiss. She didn't even stir, but the shepherd saw the faintest of smiles cross his wife's lips. He stumbled from their room to the one next door.

The pastel blue nursery soothed his tired mind, but he couldn't afford to be relaxed. His tan tail gave a half-hearted wag when he scooped his daughter out of her crib and kissed her forehead.

"Mmm. H-hey, princess, what's wrong?"

The pup's crying lessened when her dad picked her from her crib but still she fussed. Her arms and legs kicked and David could smell why.

"Oh, you stinky girl," he gave her a lazy grin, feeling the fatigue deep in his body. Embracing his role as dutiful parent, David took her to the changing station his in-laws were kind enough to give them. His paws went to work, removing her diaper and cleaning up the mess before setting her up with a new one. In the months since her birth he'd become very good at that process, not even paying attention to it anymore. The baby girl cooed when she was held again, her tiny paw clutching at his bare chest fur. Even through the pang of pain, the shepherd felt his body tingle. She giggled when he bounced her up and down for a moment. "You're so cute," David told his daughter.

The pup's muzzle turned to a grin as if she knew what he said. She yawned, letting out a quiet squeak. David transitioned her into his arms. He looked down at his daughter with the same sense of awe and wonder as the first time he'd held her. She had the smile that he recognized from so many pictures of himself as a child. But she looked at him with the same soulful eyes that her mother had. He always loved to see her staring up at him, looking so much like her parents. A testament to the promise that he'd made to his wife and her parents. The pup's eyes drifted closed and David slipped her back into her crib, setting her down and pulling the blanket over her.

"Sleep well, Katherine." He kissed her head and she brought her tiny paw up to reach up for his face. David walked out of her nursery, leaving the door open a crack before slipping back into his own room.

In the warmth of his bed with his wife, David put his head on top of hers for a moment and stayed there. Jessica adjusted, nestling back into her cozy spot against her husband. Her head was on David's chest and she took a deep breath of his scent. Beneath the dog's paws, he could feel her heartbeat, her breathing, her whole being. He gave her forehead a kiss.

This was his life.

"Mmmm. TtthankyouDavid..." Jessica muttered, paws digging into his back.

"I'm ssso lucky," the shepherd managed; as sleep grabbed hold of his mind piecemeal.

"Yeahyouare," Jessica replied. She nuzzled into his chest and yawned again, drifting back to sleep. The shepherd rubbed her sides carefully and closed his eyes.

"I love you," he mumbled. It didn't matter if she heard it or not. He needed to say it. Even two years after his affair, he still couldn't believe that _she_was still with him. He needed to remind himself of that. She chose him. Despite all the pain that he had caused, his wife still wanted him. He never could thank her enough.

He fell to sleep before the tear hit the pillow.


The engine turned over and the car roared to life. Jessica sat beside him with a blanket in her lap. She glanced into the backseat, looking back at Katherine who had drool leaking out the corner of her mouth, then nodded to David.

"Good to go."

Putting the car in reverse, David looked back and, pulled the car out of their driveway. Katherine looked at him, her muzzle somewhere between a smile and gaped open. He couldn't help but grin at his child. David turned the wheel and they were on the street. Hitting the button for the garage door, the shepherd began the drive.

The trip to Flagstaff wouldn't take too long, just a two hour drive up to the mountains. While David and Jessica loved Phoenix, they needed a break from the city. A weekend getaway was just what their marriage called for. Thankfully, David's parents could look after their Katherine for them.

David liked his parents. Not everyone had a good relationship with their parents and it was something that David never took for granted. He enjoyed their company, their advice, and their love of his wife and child. What he didn't like was how set in their ways they were. The older couple had become somewhat curmudgeonly. His mom would make offhanded remarks about the coyotes that were moving in around them. David reminded his mom that coyotes had been in this area for centuries, but she wouldn't yield on their influence to the neighborhood. His dad at least would keep her in check as much as he could. But his mom was willful and David had become the unfortunate object of his mother's ire for the past two years.

The shepherd checked the road, stopping and waiting for the light to change green before he turned onto Central. Jessica closed her eyes and yawned in the early morning.

"Why did we have to get up so early?" she whined. Her legs shifted in place beneath the blanket as she snuggled into the seat.

David rolled his eyes but focused on the road.

"There's a storm coming into Flagstaff and I'd rather not have to drive in the middle of it."

Jessica frowned, looking over at him.

"Get out of here with that logic, you ass."

David smiled and took her hand. She grumbled when he pulled it close enough to kiss but all the same her tail wagged.

"Taking me out of my nice, warm, blanket just to kiss my hand," Jessica complained.

Katherine giggled, seeing Jessica's tail wagging so close to her.

"Go sleep, babe." David said, turning when he reached Bell Road. "I'll wake you when we get to my parents' house."

She yawned, stretching out a little bit before retreating her arms back into the warmth of the blanket.


The shepherd drove the route he'd taken a million times before. His brain wandered as his body kept moving, making his way towards Anthem.

Anthem resided outside of the Valley. It was just above the 101, a series of shops and houses in one of the many residential areas that got hit by the recession. While the rest of the country managed to recover more or less, Arizona had problems. Chief among those was the death of many jobs, which left Anthem half-vacant. The little city did its best but the outlet mall's suffering at the hands of Retail's slow march towards death did little to help the small city.

Turning left, David's haze lifted. His attention was brought back to where he was; looking at the street he'd been to so many times since his parents moved here. It was an eclectic mix of houses, but this one was one that his mom chose after David moved out. The outside of the two-story house was just the typical adobe of the area but it was the inside that his mom really fell in love with.

As David turned around, bringing the passenger side to the front of the house, Jessica stirred. She opened her eyes, looking past David at the house behind him.

"Mmm. In-laws?" she muttered.

David squeezed her paw.

"Oh hush. They love you. You gave them the most beautiful granddaughter ever."

Her fingers laced with his. "I couldn't do it without you."

"I dunno, there was that one guy you met at the bar last week."

His wife sat up, her brow furrowing. "Just because I said that guy was hot doesn't mean I want to ride him."

"Right." David thought about stopping his tongue for a moment but he couldn't help himself. "You prefer doggy."

Jessica looked at her husband. Shaking her head, she threw her blanket at him. "Ass." David could see the grin she fought so hard to suppress.

"Yeah, that too."

Her ears drooped and the collie leaned in, giving him a kiss. "Shut up while you're ahead."

Giving a mock salute, David undid his seatbelt. "Aye aye captain!"

"C'mon, gotta drop off the pup," she said.

Jessica pushed her door open and slipped out of her seat and onto the pavement. Opening the back door, she grabbed the bags while David came from the other side to pluck his daughter from her car seat. The little pup giggled, pawing at his face with the same smile that always melted his heart.

A click caused the dog to cock his ear. Looking over the car, David saw his mother and father walking down the pathway through the gravel towards the car. David's mom was in a pair of jeans and a loose fitting sweater. The shepherd's fur was a muted beige and black, the older woman no longer trying to hide the loss of its luster. Her husband's fur was a bit more muted and his stomach had the slightest paunch to it, covered by a shirt that David gave him ten years ago or more.

"Girls! So wonderful to see you again." She came around and hugged Jessica. "And where's my little Kathy? Hm?" She cooed, scooping the pup from David's arms. He smiled at his mother.

"Hey, Mom."

She pulled him in for a hug, but she still didn't look him in the eyes. The shepherd's stomach churned and he could see Jessica crossing her arms over her chest. David mouthed to her, pleading for peace. For once, the strong-willed collie yielded. But David and his father could both tell that it didn't sit well with the collie.

"David!" his dad called from the driveway. He came over and clasped his son on the back after his wife pulled away. "Ready for your romantic getaway?" the older shepherd winked at his son.

David's ears dropped some but Jessica came over, taking her husband's paw.

"We are, thank you so much for letting us use it," she said. Her tail gave a slow wag and she leaned into David. Jessica had her back towards the older woman, as if to remind her that they were still together.

"Just be sure to clean up when you're done," the older shepherd winked.

David's ears burned hot and Jessica began to giggle. She leaned into David, trying to stifle her gross snorts.

"Harold!" his mother chided. Her palms smacked Harold's chest repeatedly. David heard his own laugh, inherited from his father, older and a little deeper, coming from his father who covered his mouth with a paw.

"You were thinking it too," Harold said.

"But you didn't have to say it." Even while scolding, David's mom rocked the dozing Katherine in her arms.

"We really do need to get going." David said. He looked north, seeing the grey mass of clouds over the mountains. "I don't want to get caught in the storm that's coming."

His mother cooed quietly at the pup in her arms. She moved to walk back inside the house, baby bags on her shoulder.

David and his father shared a glance and the older dog wrapped his son up in a hug. "It's okay. She loves you," he whispered. "Just give her time, son."

David knew he was right but the sting of his mother's silence hurt more than he cared to admit. It had been two years and his mom was coming back around but given how close they'd always been, the silence was difficult to endure.

"Thank you again, Harold." Jessica wrapped her arms around her father-in-law and her tail gave a slow wag. "We need the weekend right now."

The shepherd smiled and kissed her on the forehead. When she went back into the car, Harold looked his son in the eye.

"You're a dumbass for what you did, you know that, right?"

David's ears lowered just a little.

"I know, Dad. Believe me, as angry as Mom is... I'm angrier at myself." The two men looked at each other for a moment and Harold hugged his son again.

"Take care of her."

"I will."


The drive up 17 was easy. Most people were trying to get out of the mountains so it was easy for the couple to make their way into the mountains. The storm didn't really start until they passed the 69 turnoff. After that, the snow was coming down hard. Well, Arizona-hard. Jessica snorted at how bad the drivers here were in snow, being from St. Paul. She would poke fun at anyone who drove like the two inches of powder on the ground was any kind of danger. To her, less than a foot was no big deal. Or at least that's how she talked.

The drive meandered through the mountains, with Jessica playing music the whole way up. When one song started, the two began to sing to it together.

"These noisy voices, phony

They say I'm not really for you

Cause I slept around before you

And I had fun, but now I am done

So put your arms around me

And I'll put away the snowflakes

And you'll be my only, only."

Glancing at David, Jessica paused the song. She leaned her body into his, curling up a little more.

David looked down at her for a moment, still keeping his eyes on the road. "What's wrong?"

She paused, looking out the window at the flurry.

"I... I have one question for you. This... This should be the last time I ask you."

The shepherd's stomach twisted. It had been so long since he'd heard her bring up the affair that he could only nod his head. "What's wrong?"

She sighed, her paw squeezing his in the small car.

"I, um, I just wanted to know if you were still attracted to me."

David turned his head over to her. His mouth falling open.

"I'm sorry," the collie said. Her eyes filling with tears. She tried to wipe them away but they kept coming. "I just... you cheated on me when I was in my prime." She gestured down to her body. Her hips were wider, stomach a bit larger from the baby. "I'm disgusting now, David. I... I'm not sexy anymore."

The shepherd paused, still looking ahead. His mind explored a few possible options before he brought his paw up and slammed it down onto as much of her ass as he could from the dangerous way she leaned into him.

"Jessica, shut the fuck up."

Her ears drooped more, flat against her head.

"I'm serious. Shut up with that talk. You feel how hard I am when I wake up every morning. You know how much I touch you. You gained weight like one tends to do when they're pregnant." He grabbed her love handle and let out a quiet growl. "This. All of this is mine. If you really think that something as petty as a few pounds would stop me from bending you over then you don't know me at all."

Jessica was silent for a while. David just kept stroking her sides, her tears soaked his shirt but the shepherd felt himself smile when her paw grabbed his.

"And if you think that I don't love you as much today as I did back then... then I need to do a better job at showing you," David spoke. He was much quieter now, squeezing her paw. "I love you, Jessica. I always will."

His wife didn't even speak; just nod her head, letting the words sink in. After a few moments, David sang the song that the two danced to at their wedding.

"With you heeeere, baby, I am strong no sign of weakness," David began to sing, holding his wife close to his body.

"With you goooone," Jessica began, choking back tears. "Baby, I am hanging by a threeeeeead."


When they finally got up to Flagstaff, the couple sat up, both of them enjoying the site of their courtship. David could remember the two of them as young grad students here.

David pulled up in front of the cabin. From where the cabin sat, on the outskirts of the small city, he could look out at downtown; the train plodding along through the town, NAU's campus towards the South. And most important of all, he saw down to the courtyard in the middle of the town where he and Jessica had first met.

"Happy to be back?" Jessica asked and placed her paws on his back and chest. She gave a kiss to his cheek.

"Anytime I get to be around you," the dog said, pulling her in for a hug, their tails wagging together. "I'm a happy man."

She leaned in and kissed him, resting a paw on his cheek.

"Mmm. You're going to be getting plenty of that the more you compliment me, handsome."

The shepherd's eyes twinkled. She still smiled though her eyes were still red from crying.

"Too bad you're not worth complimenting," he teased her.

She scoffed and shoved him off.

"You ass!" She giggled. She leaned down, patting snow together into a ball to pelt his chest.

David grinned at the collie. He felt energized, ready for the fight.

"Now you're going to get it!" He bent over, getting ammo of his own as she took off running, going behind their car. The shepherd managed to clip her tail with the powdery snowball. But she retaliated. David was admonished with a pelting to the face.

"I'm from Minnesota, bitch! Get on my level!" The collie threw another ball at him but he managed to jump out of the way. David knelt down, still moving, and throwing one and hitting her in the shoulder.

"You call that a hit?!" Jessica laughed and jumped at him.

David caught his wife but the footing was much less stable than he thought. He stumbled back and the two tumbled down a small hill. David kept his grip on Jessica, taking the brunt of the impact himself. He slid on his back, wincing at Jessica's screaming in his ear. The two came to a stop and Jessica pulled herself up. She put her paws on David's chest.

"Oh no. Hey, are you okay?" Jessica said, eyes threatening to cry again.

The shepherd winced, sitting up slowly and shaking his head.

"Y-yeah, I think so." A wry smile came across his face. "I'd appreciate if you didn't use me as a sled again, though."

David's wife scooted closer to him, giving his cheek a kiss.

"Shut up. I was worried I hurt you."

David's tail gave a slow wag and he put his arms around Jessica, kissing her forehead.

"Nah, I'm alright. I do want to get inside though. Some of the snow went down my shirt."

Jessica giggled, covering her mouth with her paw to try and stifle the laughter. She gave him a kiss and led him back up the hill.

David opened the door for Jessica who carried the bag inside. As she passed him, Jessica gave his butt a smack and giggled, swaying her hips at him. The Border collie carried the bag upstairs.

"Make some coffee, will you?" Jessica called down the stairs.

David looked at her for a moment and closed the door. He looked to the kitchen and then back to his wife, seeing her butt in those shapely jeans. He had a lesson in marriage to teach her.

He followed his wife, staring at her ass. She rounded the corner into the bedroom and set the bags down. Before she could even turn around, she was forced onto the bed. David climbed behind her and took her hips in his paws.

"I'm not coffee..." She mumbled, looking over her shoulder.

"Shut up," David growled. His paws went beneath her shirt, feeling her bare fur. She let out a quiet moan, and pressed her cheek to his.

"We've barely even been here and already you want in my pants?"

David didn't say a word. With two fingers, he unlatched her bra, the other grabbing the base of her tail.

"You're too damn sexy..." David grunted. His paws went through her fur, rubbing it slow. Undoing her jeans, he tugged them down. Jessica's tail wagged against her husband's stomach and soon her pants were around her ankles, shirt very nearly torn off. "And you're being self-conscious when there is no fuckin' reason to be." His paws worked over her body and he saw her ears droop.

"I'm sorry... I know I'm not losing the baby weight yet." Jessica mumbled.

David rolled his eyes. "Shut up. You stupid little..." She shook her head and David gripped her throat to send home his message. "Please, as if a silly thing like that weight will stop me from going to town on my wife."

He took her paw with his other paw. Resting his head on hers, he held her against his body.

"If you really want me, David," she paused, tugging her panties to the side with her free paw, revealing her wet lips. She shook her butt against him, wiggling her body back into his crotch. "Then be a good boy and fuck me."

"From sad to horny in ten seconds..." the shepherd clicked his tongue.

"What happened to teaching me a lesson?"

David rolled his eyes. His paws released the button to his jeans tugging the zipper down with an equal lack of fanfare. The dog's thick, red shaft flopped out, landing against her ass.

She rocked her hips, smiling back at him.

"Mmm. Remind me to thank your parents..." Jessica grumbled, spreading her cheeks for her husband. "I get the feeling we'll be spending a lot of this weekend here."

"You mean the bed?"

Jessica nodded her head with a light giggle.

David's cock ran between her cheeks, gliding up and making her shiver when it glanced past her ass. Her tail wagged and her hips swayed in a slow circle that made David moan.

"If you want me to fuck your ass, we can work up to that later." The shepherd forced her hips up higher. David laughed at the way his wife shivered when his cool pre dripped onto her asshole.

"A-ah. Someone's worked up," Jessica grinned.

"I need to buy a ball gag to shut you up."

Jessica tried to say something in reply to her husband but his paw forced her face to the bed. She mumbled something but all David cared about was angling his cock to her lips. She groaned, her glistening folds still growing wet the more she was teased.

"Mmm. Remember the first time we had sex after Katherine was born?" cooed David, his paws squeezing her breasts. "You squirmed and begged. You whimpered and told me that if I didn't fuck your brains out, you'd leave me."

Jessica growled, she started to stand up but instead was forced back down. The collie just writhed in place, and David could tell by the trying to position her hips by his cock so he could fuck her already. But he didn't. The bastard waited. He tugged her tail up again, grinding and prodding her lips with his shaft but never finishing the job. She whimpered, glaring back at him.

"You may think that I'm going to fuck you, but you're wrong," David leered down at his writhing wife.

The shepherd's cock slid inside of her with no resistance. Jessica whimpered. She arched her back, and David could tell that she was loving the half the shaft she was graced with. But it slid out just as uneventfully.

He grabbed her tail and hair, tugging them both.

"Beg. You want it, babe. I know you do. But if you really, really, want it, then you'll have to beg."

His wife struggled in his grasp, glaring at him and thrashing around. All that effort for naught. She rocked her hips back, getting her prize back inside of her. "C'mon already..." she gasped, eyes closed tight. "F-fill me!"

David pulled back, his cock aching with as much need as she must have felt. His fingers pressed against her ass.

"Not there... You asshole!"

The collie fought his grip. Snarling and fighting his every teasing motion, she stopped and sighed. David didn't expect her to fight so much but he also knew how much she hated being teased like this. Her ears drooped and Jessica looked back at her husband.

"I love you, alright? You know that. Just... Please. Please fuck me."

David slapped he ass and watched her whimper. "I didn't ask you to say you love me. I told you to beg."

"David, plea--"her whimper was cut short by David slamming his shaft deep inside of her. Her back shook, feeling him fill her walls up the brim. All that she could do was wait, watching him out of the corner of her eye. She rocked her hips back the same tempo that he slammed forward. It was bliss and the needy woman just writhed in place. She clenched her walls around him, feeling his cock pierce her body. His tip was so close to her cervix that it almost burned.

"That's what you needed, right, babe?" David cooed in her ear. Frantic nods and moaning were her responses the harder he used her. His balls smacked into her lips, and she whimpered in time with the wet smacks. The rhythm of their rutting was loud and David was no gentler with her during the body of their passion than he was in the introduction. He didn't think of anything else. He just felt his body cascade into hers. His breathing was staggered, alternating between forced and easy. But the dogs were together, and Jessica knew her husband well enough that she'd be tied to him shortly. All that foreplay worked him as much as it did her.

David's cock jammed up against her cervix. She groaned, face contorted somewhere between pin and pleasure. Jessica looked back at him, tongue lolled out.

Ordinarily, she might be begging or demanding him to tie her. Thankfully, David was a dutiful husband and did what she wanted without even asking. He slammed inside of her, his knot sealing his cock inside of her. His balls unloaded into her, shooting out of his tip, going directly into his wife's womb.

"T-take that, bitch. You belong to me, right?"

Jessica nodded her head, not even paying attention.

His paw went to her clit, rubbing it violently. Jessica screamed, surely alerting the neighbors to what was happening as her nub was assaulted head-on. David knew how sensitive and terrible such a direct assault could be but her response wasn't anger. Instead, she was rocking, body quivering. The waves of squeezes that the shepherd felt around his knot made him oh so aware of her orgasmic waves. The collie's legs twitched, her whole body quivering at his assault.

When he fell forward onto her back, she whimpered. Their paws were soon intertwined

"Nnn. I love you," she panted.

David bit the scruff of her neck. Her whole body went stiff and she rocked her hips back against his. The squeezing pulse on his cock told David that she had just came again, smaller than before.

"I... I'm your bitch, Mr. Mendez," she sighed, the words were so naughty, so wrong and that's why she loved saying them.

The shepherd's tail wagged, his face nuzzling into her neck. "I love you too, Mrs. Mendez."


David felt his wife's arms wrap around her. She kissed his neck, her husband stirring the chili on the stove. Between her legs, his tail wagged slowly. He could smell his scent on her, her scent, the scent of soap but everything about it was wrapped up in the scent of his wife.

"Mmm. Smells great."

David chuckled, turning his face towards hers. "Me or my chili?"

She shrugged, kissing his neck. "Porque no los dos?"

David set his spoon down and turned around. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

"You're just hoping to get fucked again, Jess."

The collie shrugged, resting her head on his chest. He shifted his weight, accepting hers on his body. The collie traced a paw up his body, feeling his fur under his shirt.

"No. I want to just stay with you forever."

No matter how many times David heard her say that, it still made him feel whole. All his life he'd told himself not to put the heart of his happiness in another but he'd reached that point in his life where he could place it with her and know that she'd hold it just as zealously as he held each and every smile from her on his heart.

"Oh look," he said. "It's snowing."

Perking up, Jessica pulled away from him and skittered off towards the back door of the cabin. The shepherd set the chili's stove to medium and followed her out.

She was on her back in the snow, gazing up at the snow as it feel onto her face, a serene smile adorned on her face. David sat down and lied beside her. Taking her paw in his, the dog stared up at the snowfall, happy to share the moment with her.

"Hey, David?"

"Yeah, babe?" the shepherd asked, wrapping his arm around her back.

"Do you think we can make this work?"

He sat up, looking at her.

"What do you mean?"

She looked straight up, still watching the snow.

"Do you think that we'll last longer than a few years?" Jessica placed her paw on his thigh.

"I'd like to. We have Katherine to take care of and I still lo--"

"That's not what I mean. I mean... do you think that we will last? Will we still love each other five years from now? Will we still be in love ten years from now? Does this... marriage have an expiration date?"

Lying on his side, David pulled her against him.

"What brought this up?"

"I guess I just worry. My parents split up; my brother's been married twice. I just... I don't know if we'll always work together."

David looked at her, studying her face, her eyes, her fur. He took in each detail as if it were the first time he'd ever seen her or the last time he'd ever be with her.

"Well, what do you want?" David asked. "It's as simple as that."

"No it's--"

"For this question it is. Do you want it to work?"

Jessica took his cheek and pulled him down for a soft kiss.

"I do."

"Then we'll make it work. You're not just an object to me. Not just a wife. You're my best friend," David said, rubbing her wrist and gazing down at her.

"I love you, David."

He leaned down and kissed his wife in a blanket of snow. The snow floated down around them, a stillness in the air.

David didn't feel the cold.