The Full Moon Clip

Story by Connor on SoFurry

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#2 of Under the Skin

Rachel was so frustrated that she didn't even bother to take her purse with her inside the house when she parked her car. The order that her supplier had promised actually was delayed an entire week, pushing the sales call even further behind schedule. Which was fine, because the concept drawings for the new product completely missed what she had told the design team she had in mind. To make things worse, the office network was down for some still-unexplained reason, keeping her and everyone else from doing anything of value that day. She decided to give herself half a day off as a result.

With her entire work agenda destroyed for the day, she thought to have a long soak in the bathtub, followed by some early afternoon talk shows that she never got to watch before heading out to dinner with some friends. All good ideas to unwind when she needed to relax the most. But her quickened heart rate and flushed skin told her something deep inside had another thing in mind.

The full moon wouldn't be for another few days. Since it was on the weekend, the pack had been sending text messages back and forth to schedule some werewolf time with each other outside of town. The thrill of running uninhibited through the woods and sating their pleasures excited Rachel, but it was days away. The wolf inside of her didn't care so much. It was anxious and restless and ready to be unleashed, and so her heart beat just a little bit faster and her breathing grew a little more erratic the closer the moon came to full. Already Rachel could feel her fur start to slide out from underneath her work outfit. Her nails burned to extend out into claws, her gums seemed to ache from her canines that so wanted to slide out from underneath her lips. And that tail. A bushy tail that could wag freely in the night while her animal howled...

But today wasn't the full moon. It wasn't even nighttime yet. And as much as her werewolf wanted to be let out, it lacked the stimulus to reach the threshold of transformation. So the beast inside Rachel remained just as frustrated with its confinement as she was with her work.

She clutched the edge of the dining room table as a tinge of pain swept down her body. Her human frame was aching to be transformed, but it would need to wait for another few long, agonizing days. Instead, Rachel looked for her laptop, buried underneath a pile of papers on the table, with another idea in mind.

She looked through the window of her kitchen to see if anyone was outside. Maybe a neighbor watering the lawn, kids playing soccer or stickball. There was two elderly women down the street talking with each other, but they were too far away to be heard, or to hear anything. Not that it mattered too much, as her urges were too strong to keep herself from having a little fun. She drew the blinds closed on the kitchen window, and closed the curtains by the window in her dining room. She was left to herself.

She had two laptops, one for the office and another...also for the office, but stayed at home most of the time so she could do work at her dining table or stream some TV shows in her living room or bedroom. That laptop had a hidden folder, password-protected and buried in an unrelated directory so it was harder for anyone to find if she ever lost it. Since being bitten by Molly, and then the rest of the pack, all those years ago in college, Rachel kept an electronic diary of sorts to document her werewolf side. A bit of writing to keep herself grounded in humanity, not that that was a big problem, she found out eventually. She would look at her notes from time to time and even add a new page after a particularly interesting full moon. But lately, she would open the folder to play the video clip she had made a while back just for herself.

As she waited for the file to load, she reached into a drawer and found her wireless headphones, just in case the noise from her laptop traveled. The closer she was to exciting herself and her wolf, the more self-conscious she became. But after a bad morning at work, she was determined to enjoy herself.

The first few images were of herself staring into her cell phone, resting atop a tripod in her bedroom. She had been meaning to cut out the first seconds of the video, but in the end was too lazy to make changes and declared it a finished product.

Rachel looked at the outfit she wore in the video, and realized she wore a similar outfit that very moment. In the clip, she took a few steps back and ran her hands down her outer layer. Her face changed from her real emotions, excited about documenting herself, to her play-acting.

"It's going to happen again, isn't it?" she said in what she later judged was an unconvincing facsimile of fear. When Rachel had envisioned making the video, she had a skit in her head about a shewolf that was scared of transforming before ultimately giving in to the animal. She never had any such fears, so she didn't know how to approximate fear, beyond what little acting she got to do in the high school play.

The woman in the video breathed a little heavier as she looked into the camera. "I hate these full moons, since I was cursed in the forest six months ago. It was this horrible, HORRIBLE beast that leapt out of the trees and attacked me! I barely survived, if not for the lug wrench in my hands from trying to fix my car!"

Rachel rolled her eyes at herself, chuckling slightly. She didn't know the first thing about replacing a spare tire, and she knew her werewolf form was strong enough to survive a direct blow to the head by a length of metal.

"My wounds healed, but something happened that next full moon. The beast was a werewolf. And it bit me, and I became the werewolf too!"

The Rachel in the video blanked for a moment, pacing the floor and trying to think of what to say next. As she watched, she resolved to have a script next time, if she ever made another video.

"What was I going to say?" she whispered to herself, "Oh, right." She spoke louder, checking her watch. "I don't want to hurt anyone. I-I-I'm a good person! Maybe if I lock all my doors tonight, the wolf won't be able to esc--" Rachel clutched her stomach and bowled over. "Oh no! It's happening! The change is happening! I'm starting to turn into the werewolf!"

Rachel gasped as she watched, ready for the transformation to take place. But she knew better. Before that video, she memorized the time the moon would rise over the town, and added the typical number of minutes it would take before the werewolf reached the threshold of being unleashed. But her watch that day was a couple of minutes fast, and she was too eager in that moment to summon the change.

"Dammit," she said, "I want to change already!" She reached over to her cell phone to pause. The video skipped those few precious minutes to when the moon truly burned at her wolf. Rachel stepped back again. "Okay, take two. Do I have to say the same--no, I'll keep the dialogue. I'll just edit this part out."

Rachel cringed as she watched. Maybe this wasn't so much a finished product after all. Still, the anticipation inside of her grew, so she couldn't help but undo the button and zipper of her khakis and rub the growing wetness underneath her panties.

She watched the woman grip her stomach again and bare her teeth in some fake pain. "What's happening to me? I don't want to change! I-I-I'm not ready!" She looked at her hands and extended one toward the camera. Short hairs sprouted from the back of her hand, which stretched ever so slightly until it looked misshapen and inhuman. She balled her hand once and flexed her fingers in the moments when her claws began to extend.

"Oh, it hurts so much!" she cried. She took both hands up to her face, and by now the hairs had turned into patches of fur. She pretended to look horrified as her fingers of one hand ran across the fur on the other.

While she watched, she could feel the wolf inside become excited. She was quickly working herself up into orgasm, letting all the frustrations of the day fade from memory, which was one reason among many she made the video for herself.

"I'm getting bigger," her recorded self said, "My clothes are getting too tight." She squirmed inside the outfit she wore. Her top strained from the growth she experienced. The top button pinged loose, revealing a tuft of fur peeking out from between her breasts.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no. I'm changing too fast. The wants out!"

She leaned against the bed post, but made sure to keep herself in camera view. The result was awkward as she stood up straight instead of leaning forward with her hands on the bed. With her head to the side, she parted her hair, letting the cell phone record her pointed ear.

"Oh my God...I can't let my boyfriend see me like this."

Rachel grinned, remembering she was very, very single back then. All of these little quirks were mere amusements that didn't take away from watching her own transformation while she played with herself.

The woman's hand traveled to her mouth. She lifted her upper lip, revealing canines that grew longer and sharper. She started to growl, more than she normally would have if she weren't being recorded. "I can feel the animal. It's so...hungry!"

Fur had started to peek out along the edges of her face as she stared again into the cell phone. She licked her lips, running her tongue across her left canine. "I strange..." she said as she clawed at her top. Claw marks scarred the fabric until the cell phone could pick up detail underneath. Bits of brown fur appeared from the tears in her outfit, but still her top layer wouldn't give way completely. With one motion, Rachel pulled at the buttons, snapping them loose and revealing her bra and a growing patch of fur that spread across her body. She ripped at her clothes until they were a tattered mess just hanging from her body. Her bra and panties were the hardest to rip off, and some genuine frustration showed on her face as she pulled on them until they finally broke their hold on her skin. Completely naked, save for a few shreds of work clothes tangled in her fur, she squirmed through the transformation as it began to accelerate.

Rachel ran her fingers inside herself a little faster. She was grinning in excitement. Seeing her own transformation never became dull.

Her video self gripped her furred breasts and bared her fangs at the cell phone as she recited some more canned lines. " So hungry. I need to feed. I'm scared. feels good. I want to surrender to the animal. To the werewolf!"

"Yes, do it!" she said as she watched herself, as if she could talk to her. She was more anxious than ever to change in that moment, but she would have to be content to watch a previous transformation.

Thick fur continued to travel to her arms and legs. Her eyebrows and hair at the top of her head became wilder, more untamed. And as she shifted her body to have her cell phone look at her rear, she could see a tail begin to emerge.

She faked a pang of anguish as she flexed her muscles, growing underneath her taut skin. The human Rachel was very plain with a very modest build, and no matter how much she worked out, she never came close to the musculature her wolf gave her during the full moon.

Rachel squirmed in her chair as she watched. She could hear herself moan above the recorded noises piped into her headphones. Her fingers were in full motion, playing with herself while the transformation neared the end.

"Almost...a wolf now..." she struggled to say, "I'm those that I will hurt tonight. I want know...I couldn't help myself. I can't resist the werewolf!"

She touched her face, her nose in particular. It was the last to change as it shifted from pink to dark brown. She mouthed some words of resistance as it began to resemble a snout in the final moments of transformation.

"No...I don't want!"


Rachel screamed as loud as she could as she came all over her fingers at the sound of her recorded howl. Her human howl resembled very little of the werewolf, but it was what she had to settle for, and it was no less satisfying when she came. Perhaps a hint of self-consciousness as she howled louder than any soundproofing in her house was capable of. Still, the experience was intense.

She leaned back in the chair, head dropped and face pointing toward the ceiling as waves of arousal washed over her. Her fingers could feel her panties, completely soaked by her juices.

The werewolf in the video howled again, gripping her hardened breasts one more time as her head tilted upward, a large wolfish snout showing off in the cell phone's view. When she looked down, glowing yellow eyes stared right back at her.

"So...hungry..." she said before she leapt at the cell phone, knocking the tripod to the ground.


The cell phone video was on its side, showing a tilted view of the room, but really the wood floor in much of the image. Tattered clothes were scattered across the floor, as were bits of fur that shed from Rachel's werewolf frame.

"Dammit, it's broken," she said of the tripod. Her fake persona disappeared when she broke the tripod, and became concerned that she broke her cell phone. Her voice still had a very animal growl to it, but her almost girlish voice returned as she checked her phone. Her wolfish face was fully in view. Glowing yellow eyes, Wolfman-like pattern of fur on the sides of her face, fangs fully extended from her closed mouth.

"Whew!" she said, "I think it's okay. The video's sti--"

The video window closed at the end of the clip, and Rachel felt a sense of disappointment that it was over. Mere minutes of a video that was exciting, but could have, in her estimation, been done better and stretched out longer.

She came down from her peak, feeling all of her muscles relax, and sensing that her wolf was satisfied, if only for a little while. She so desperately needed to unleash herself, and remained just as anxious to unleash herself for real in a few days.

Rachel closed the laptop and took off her headphones. She squirmed over to the kitchen sink, feeling her intense wetness in her panties creep across the rest of her lower outfit. She washed her hands and dried them on a few paper towels, and grabbed the nearest pen and paper. Words came to mind for a script. Perhaps her friends in the pack would be interested in putting together a little video in the woods this coming full moon.