Playing with Fire

Story by Raak on SoFurry

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Quick little thing I wrote out! Not revised or anything, mostly just a stream-of-consciousness story involving my bat character and an anonymous fox. To provide context, Raak is a bat who can become corrupted into a villainous, latexy version of himself...and he tries to stay away from using that power, as it tends to make him lose all sense of morality, but, well, you can see how that works out in the end.

"I want to see it. Can you show me just a little bit...a claw, or maybe your face? You don't have to go all the way."

Raak looked across at the eager fox and frowned a bit. The fluffy bat had never tried a partial shift before. Tapping into that part of him was a risk. I don't want to put my friend in any danger from what I might do.. he thought.

They were both in his friend's living room, and Raak had been taken by surprise when the fox told him that he knew. He knew about the bat's secret, about the second self that hid underneath his somewhat furry, shy, unassuming exterior. It was a thing Raak tried to hide, tried to force down deep inside of himself; he knew the kind of desires and motives that part of him had. The fact that they were so tempting and enticing only make them more of a danger. The bat looked across at his friend, a fluffy red and white vulpine, looking innocent and excited, wearing a T-shirt Raak had given him for Christmas with a cute fox face design across it.

"I'm worried about whether I could control it," Raak said carefully, looking away from his friend. "When it comes out, I tend to do...things. Things I don't always think I should do."

"I know! Isn't that kind of cool? I mean, it lets you have a whole alter ego. You can do whatever you want. God, that's cool."

The fox was looking excited, tail flicking back and forth in a somewhat mischievous way. He leaned in, placing his fingers on Raak's chest through his shirt and stroking his claws down between his lightly toned muscles as if imagining the shadowy creature that could be standing in place of his cute bat friend, in wonder of the potential hidden under his surface. The fox was getting so close to him, his other paw resting on the bat's leg, eyes eagerly on his friend's face.

"I'm.. I'm not sure that you really would want the things that part of me would do..." Raak stammered, wriggling back on the couch a bit. He familiar with being touched this way by the fox (Who didn't have a fox in their life like that?) but he wasn't sure he needed his thinking clouded right now.

"You can just change a part of yourself, for, like, two seconds, and then go right back. And the worst case that happens is you do all kinds of evil things to me, right? I get trapped in a room with this shadowy, mysterious villain we've all heard is stalking the night. Nothing could be more badass than that."

Raak blushed. He pushed the fox back a few inches, flustered. "I don't know that you understand what that could mean." Or maybe he does, and he's just that dumb.

Raak cherished the fox in front of him. He'd been a sweet friend for years and years. Losing control could completely change their relationship... But, if he just held part of a change for a few seconds, like the fox had said...

The fox was pleading now. "I've heard about what you can do. I just wanted to see a hint of know it could actually be true. Please? I've never had the chance to be near anything like this in my life."

The bat let out a sigh. "Just for a few moments, okay?"

The vulpine was ecstatic. Tail swishing back and forth, he sat up eagerly, perking his ears. Raak held out a wing, extending his finger and claw for his friend to see. I'll just have to do this carefully...

Reaching for the part of himself he sought was and indescribable sensation. It was frighteningly easy to do; with the slightest push of his will, the corruption surged up, a deceptively pleasant sensation. The hairs on the back of the bat's neck raised with a tingle.

As both of them watched his extended talon, a dark glossy sheen seemed to emerge from under the bat's skin, as if it were being dipped into an invisible pool of oil. Raak focused on it, concentrating on summoning that corruption and keeping it contained to just where he wanted it.

The fox's eyes were wide as black, oily, liquid-rubber like material spread over his claw and talon. "Oh my god.." he breathed, pressing in close to watch, snuggling fearlessly with a bat playing with such corruptive fire.

"Y..yeah.." Raak groaned softly. He'd forgotten how good it felt to feel that rubber spread across his body; wherever it touched lit up with pleasure, like every inch of his body the latex like, symbiotic liquid reached lit up with sensitivity. It felt as good as the light stroke of a tongue across the flesh of a stiff, throbbing erection, an agonizingly wonderful tease. Raak grunted; he hadn't even noticed his shaft pushing out of his sheath until now, but suddenly his pants were tenting.

...Shit, I got distracted. It spread a little farther than I wanted.. he thought: the inside of his palm on the bat's wing-hand was black and glistening, and slightly glossy spots had spread out on his fur and leathery wing membrane around it. He had to concentrate hard, push it back under the surface. He hadn't even meant to let it out for this long -

"Can I touch it?" The fox asked excitedly, and he was already reaching out. Raak opened his mouth, and then took in a sharp breath as the claws stroked over the glossy material covering his talon and spreading across the back of his wing. Fuck, that patch of corruption was sensitive.

Something was not right...

There was a strange moment of absence in the bat's mind. A ripple, like his thoughts were interrupted for a second. He had a sudden awareness of how close the fox's hips were to his lap, and the fact that he was stroking his other talon down his friend's side.

"That's so fucking cool." The fox huffed, still stroking a finger along the bat's latex-covered talon.

"Mmhmm..." the bat answered absently. The fox's tail was swishing invitingly. The way his body arched up in front of Raak gave him a view of the curves of that cute rump through his shorts. His peppy attitude might need some toning down, though...A bit of proper training. Where are those thoughts coming from?...

"And... I've seen a picture of what you look like when you're, well, when you're like this all over. You're SUCH a stud. I can't believe you're actually him. This is incredible. This is blowing my mind, " the fox went on.

The vulpine was talking too much. There were other, better uses that mouth could be put to right now.


"Want to see more of it, huh?" the bat said, finding himself starting to smirk. He was starting to enjoy just how adoring the fox was acting toward him. "I can show you." What was he saying?

The bat licked his lips. Were his teeth a bit sharper and longer than before? ... But he enjoyed the way those long fangs made him look; sinister, fearsome. Or at least, a part of him did. A part of him that was growing. The latex liquid was rippling down across his wing, tendrils of oily black corruption spreading up his arm to his chest. His other wing gripped the fox's hip. He could almost sense the fox's stiffness through his shorts. His own cock was so hard inside his pants, straining even tighter than they were a moment ago.

"Woah...That's way more than I thought you were going to show me. Damn.." The fox reached out to touch the bat's chest, leaning back in surprise at how fast the dark material was spreading across his friend's body. "Hey, are you okay?"

Raak's eyes had been absent, his mind distracted by strange thoughts that felt almost as though they were being whispered to him by another presence. What had he just been thinking? Shouldn't I feel worried...?

Another mental ripple rolled through his mind. Those thoughts fell to the back of it, unimportant.

Oh, the fox was wanting his attention. He looked like he was almost starting to understand that he should be afraid of what was happening. Good. The bat enjoyed being feared by lesser creatures. It made him feel a thrill of pride and arrogance. "Come here..." the bat purred, licking his lips. His lips felt strangetly rubbery. Dark. Glistening. Curling up into a grin, showing off those long, glinting fangs. Fuck, this felt good.

He gripped the fox's cute ass in his wing, tugging it up into his lap, forcing his straining bulge against the fox's. Their snouts were so close.

"Raaky, I..." The fox was blushing, confused.

"What's the matter - You wanted to see this, didn't you, foxy?" the bat breathed against the fox's lips, as the rubbery substance spread over his face. The bat's pupils were narrowing, growing almost serpent-like. An unnatural, warm glow lighting up in his eyes.

Yes, this fox needed some changes. It had been so long since he'd gotten to corrupt a cute male like this from fresh innocence. He hadn't let himself out in too long. He couldn't believe what a weak, fearful creature he was when he was just minutes ago. So restrained, so timid. It was time to make up for that.

Spines were starting to push out of the back of his neck as his fangs lengthened further, the bat's eyes narrowing; he felt the very tip of his tongue starting to split into a fork.

"Your eyes, I didn't know they did that..."

Raak chuckled to himself. The fox was helpless in his claws now. Meet his gaze, he felt his eyes glow, willing that hypnotic energy to fill them.

"Keep looking, fox. They'll get more and more interesting the longer you look."

Muscles rippled across the bat's body, their contours smoothed over with inky black rubber. His chest muscles bulged and stretched, thickening. His neck broadened, shoulders flexing and bulking. "Just listen to my voice and watch my eyes, fox. Looking deeper. And deeper. It feels so nice to look into my gaze and let it fill you with pleasure. With obedience."

The fox would look much better without clothes on.

He pressed his talon against his friend's shirt - the talon the corruption first started spreading from - and sliced down, rending it. That shirt had been a lame gift for the fox anyway. The fox was about to get a much better gift.

"You're... I feel.. so..." the fox murmured.

"Horny and obedient," the bat purred, finishing the fox's thoughts for him. It was better that way.

Riiiip. The bat's underwear split apart; he'd gained far too much size. Didn't matter. Every inch of his glossy body deserved to be admired and worshipped, the bat thought with an arrogant smirk.

He leaned in close, lips against the fox's.

"You're mine now."

And with that, he pressed his maw around the fox's in a deep, rubbery, infectious kiss.




The bat leaned back and groaned hard as the last ropes of hot cum shot down his toy's muzzle. He dug his claws into the back of the fox-drone's head, keeping that cute snout buried in his crotch until the last drops of seed spilled from his shaft. "Suck every drop out, slut," the dark bat purred, breathing hard.

The bat's body was covered in smooth glossy latex, black as night, with deep purple markings sweeping from his wings down onto his chest and toward his crotch, on either side of his rock hard abs. He revelled in the imposing visage his form made, the way the light caught on his muscles and reflected their contours, indulging deeply in narcissistic pride of his fearsome form.

Outside, the sun had gone down; hours had passed. The fox's living room stank of musk and cum, painted across the furniture and carpet, claw markings across the walls and the couch.

Raak shivered in enjoyment as his final orgasm came to a conlusion, the last of his load shooting down the toy's throat. He let go of his head, giving it a little pet as the fox's rubber lips slid off of his wet, polished cock, halfway hard still, strings of seed and saliva stretching between his tip and the fox slut's tongue, which was painted with cum, just like the rest of his face; ropes of messy seed crisscrossed the fox's latex head and snout, some dried, some still fresh. The fox that had been a fox was now covered in black rubber from head to toe, smoothing over any defining characteristics. He'd cum away the last memories of his name long ago. "Slut," the bat purred, and the fox-toy's ears flicked. Slut, toy, drone, slave, that was the only identity that mattered to the rubber fox now, panting on his knees in front of the shadowy bat.

Raak's spaded, devilish tail flicked back and forth as he stroked a claw under the fox's chin. "Good boy. Go clean yourself up in the shower."

"Yes, Master," the fox toy groaned.

Raak grinned, watching the fox's cute ass sway as he left the room. So many ideas swirled in his mind about ways his newly made slave could be useful to him. Even when the two of them found it necessary to revert to their former selves, the fox's identity as the bat's toy had been painted deep into his mind by now. He found himself wondering what the fluffy, innocent, meek bat that tried to keep this side of himself hidden would think when we shifted back. That version of Raak probably wouldn't be too happy. He should be grateful; after all, he was being given a gift, a well trained toy to relieve his needs with. Fox holes always needed filling, and the meek bat that was trapped inside the smooth, rubbery, villainous body he wore at the moment could use a little more playtime in his life.