Cabin Boy: Shore Leave

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#6 of Cabin Boy

A trade i did with Flinty

Flinty gets offered a new job away from working at the tavern

Of course by offered I mean press-ganged but I am sure the blue fox will learn to like it in time!

The past several months had been interesting. Flinty's life aboard the Naralan had settled into a rhythm of sorts. During the day he helped Felinus in the galley, he cooked, he cleaned, he wound up being used as fish bait or entertainment for the crew. In the evening he served in the captain's cabin or sat in the hold working inventory. He never had to do the night shift and he only got called on to do the work of a deck hand if the weather was bad or someone was ill.

Now after several months at sea the Naralan was tied up at the docks of Vortai City and the crew had been given shore-leave. A minimal watch where to stay aboard the ship managed by the bosun or first mate and everyone else was to head into town. The crew that left the ship was a rag-tag bunch of species, cats, weasels, a gorilla, dogs, rabbits a few sheep. It was odd seeing everyone back in what they considered their disguises. The only rats left on board were Flinty, the captain and the young deckhands Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Rikki who were actual rats from birth like Orel. Not that any of them had stayed aboard, the three rodents headed out into town as soon as Jormungandr finished handing over their pay.

They had invited Flinty to join them but for the blue rat shore leave meant hanging around the captain being his body servant. So that's why he was standing on the dock now with a heavy backpack weighing down his shoulders, the straps pressing against his blue furred shoulders. There was also a large jute-sack he had to lug along and he still hadn't been given any other clothing other than his green trousers and black bandana. He had been given wages however, which was a surprise he hadn't been expecting to be paid considering he was essentially pressed into service. But the first mate assured him he was now an integral part of the crew and had earned his pay just like everyone else.

Orel had promised him some time off tomorrow but tonight he was working. So waiting patiently whilst the captain gave some last minute orders to the bosun Flinty wriggled his toes against the stone quay and looked around. It felt weird walking barefoot on stone without pawpads and fur, the rocks were slick and smooth but he felt he had a better grip then he had ever had. It was also disturbingly nauseating, the ground was ever so subtly moving beneath his feet. He'd been assured this was because he was used to the rocking motion of the sea now as opposed to land but it was still disturbing. He was also a rat, the stevedores and other dock workers were practically ignoring him which was different. Rat sailors were pretty common after all but it still felt odd that no one here was looking at the fox.

"Ok Flinty, come along now we have an appointment," Orel said as the captain walked past and Flinty respectfully fell in behind him and Jormy as they headed up the dock. His captain had changed out of the ratty clothes he tended to wear at sea. His trousers were pressed and neat, his sash wasn't faded velvet but rich, vibrant orange and his bandana matched. He also had a felt tricorn hat perched atop his head over the top of the bright orange fabric.

Jormungandr had also dressed up nicely in a long brocaded tunic of navy blue velvet with lines of seed pearls and silver thread in a wave pattern. Flinty felt really scruffy dressed as he was and with fur thick with salt from several months exposure to nothing but sea water to wash in. Still he was just here to carry stuff so he followed like a good rat and tried to admire the city. It was impressive, the architecture was all sandstone or white-plaster clad stone and the desert sun baked the air creating hazy lines of heat on open patches of stone and off roof tops. It was very impressive and the massive pyramid shaped palace that dominated the skyline was the most impressive building Flinty had ever seen.

Not that they went anywhere near the centre of town with its temples and palaces. Orel took them down several side streets off the harbour and into a large, well appointed looking sandstone building. The proprietor was a huge, rotund lemming lady and she was courteous, welcoming and clearly friends with Orel. She even welcomed Jormy, making out over his appearance and costume but Flinty got a frown and a sniff until Orel smoothly took her attention away from him.

"This is Flinty my cabin boy Mistress Yerilin, now is everything arranged as usual?"

"Of course," she bobbed a curtsey at Orel, "Everything is just how you like it Captain, come along the room is all ready and i'll bring your guest through as soon as he arrives."

They were escorted through the building to a large iron bound door and ushered inside. Flinty didn't stop to look around or admire things he got to work preparing things as he had been instructed. It was a bath house, the terracotta tiles on walls and floor damp from the thick steam that filled the room. It was warm and humid and the air was lightly scented with lavender and citrus. A massive copper lined pool was sunk into the floor against one wall fed by a pair of spouts one of them pouring steaming hot water, the other cold with a drain near the steps to stop it from overflowing.

Flinty's task was to prepare the exotic tea from the backpack and lay out the bolts of cloth and gems from the backpack the captain had brought to trade with. The bathhouse had left a tray of cakes as well so Flinty arranged them on the low table with the tea. He was very glad he wasn't wearing anything more then his trousers and bandana the air was so hot and thick it was uncomfortable. Keeping his head down and working away he glanced up once as the door opened again and a seven foot jackal with rich blue and black fur strode into the room. He was impeccably dressed in a green loincloth and vest and a lot of very fancy looking jewels.

"Na-o'ik welcome," Orel greeted the canine with a bow and a grin, "So glad you agreed to do business with us again. Please sit and let us discuss trade over refreshments."

The dog's tail wagged and he bowed back and greeted Orel and Jormungandr in a flowing, lilting voice before settling down on one of the cushions by the table. Kneeling in place Flinty served the tea and cake, head down defferentially so as to not accidentally look the merchant in the eye. He was a menial, a servant, the cabin boy and it was his task to serve and see to their comforts whilst Jormy handled the goods, showing them off whilst Orel talked about their qualities and haggled over price.

It was a lengthy negotiation but Flinty kept the tea and cakes coming and in the end the captain and the jackal concluded their negotiations. The captain then ordered Flinty to make the bath ready whilst they finished their tea. He'd been told it was traditional to bathe after negotiations in this town as a sign of friendship and that no one harboured ill feeling after the business was concluded. Sliding off his trousers the blue rat climbed into the bath and started to prepare the water. There were oils and soaps to pour and sprinkle upon the surface of the water. Some of them went into the stream of cold water, others into the boiling faucet and some of them just got crumbled directly atop the pool where the water mixed.

He was very much aware that the captain, first mate and merchant were watching him, talking about him. The jackal Na-o'ik was full of praise for his shapely form, his whiskers and his subservient and well trained nature. The captain was full of praise and Jormy recanted several anecdotes concerning Flinty's training at sea aboard the Naralan. It was highly embarrassing, he knew he was blushing beneath his fur and beneath the water he was rock hard. Flinty was also luxuriating in the feeling of being clean, for the first time in months. The hot water, soaps and steam that rose of the bath had sluices the encrusted salt out of his fur.

Sadly this wasn't his bath to enjoy, as soon as he'd added the final bar of soap he climbed the steps and knelt on the warm to one side. Bowing low he then settled back on his haunches, ready to serve the Captain and his guest. The position also left his hard, horny rat dick sticking out and visible but to touch it without permission would see him stuffed into the Naralan's figurehead as soon as they got back aboard.

It was torture, kneeling in place, watching the three muscular figures sporting in the bath. They drank wine and talked, hands touched, stroked and fondled whilst feet or snake tail teased and caressed. After a while Orel wound up pressed against the side of the bath, squeaking in desire whilst Na-o'ik fucked him. Their muscular bodies glistened with water and oil and Jormungandr's tail coiled about the pair of them and drew them back into the centre of the pool as he mounted the jackal. Pre-cum dripped from the tip of his shaft, creating a small pool of viscous goop on the tiles but Flinty dared not touch himself. He couldn't look away either, he had a perfect view of the trio going at it.

They didn't rush, their broad muscular bodies slid back and forth lovingly, slowly working in and out and back and forth against each other. Their orgasm's when they happened were marked by panting breaths, low quiet grows and copious amounts of cum during a long drawn out moment of pleasure. Biting his bottom lip Flinty watched them rest together in the bath then slowly break apart to cuddle and relax in the warm water. Orel and Na-o'ik waded to one side where a row of bottles had been stacked and cuddled together. Jormy however was floating in the middle of the pool, his long coils stretched out all around his torso.

"Cabin boy," the snake said after a few minutes, "Come scrub my back."

Flinty obeyed, slipping into the water, taking the wire bristled scale brush with him. Careful to avoid stepping on the naga's coiled tail Flinty half swam, half walked behind him and applied the brush to his shoulders. Jormy murmured in delight and rolled his shoulders back, relaxing in such a way that his long tail just floated like a long purple and silver noodle in the scented, oiled bathwater. Remembering his training Flinty straddled the snake's tail, sitting close to where it became his lower back and worked the brush diligently along his scales. This seemed too be the right thing to do as Jormy didn't complain. It was grossly unfair though, sitting here atop naga tail with his body so close and not being allowed to play.

Flinty could also hear the jackal and his captain discussing the bottles. It sounded like Orel was trying to decide which one to try. Na-o'ik it turned out was the captain's supplier of magical and alchemical potions, like the one that had turned him into a rug. He wondered what sort of potion someone like the captain would consent to use. It was a nice thing to daydream about; Orel submitting to him, using a potion for some kinky game in the privacy of his cabin. He'd hinted that sometimes the mood would take him and Flinty might get to play. He was so caught up in the wicked dream that he didn't consciously register that Jormy's tail was on the move.

Only when his warm seat dropped from under him and a thick tail wrapped about his stomach and arms did he snap out of it. He lost the brush and his squeak turned into a gasp as Jormy's torso and his body twisted about in the pool.

"I told you to stop rat," Jormy growled, fangs brushing Flinty's neck, "No, don't speak, it's OK I know you were distracted dreaming about my dick. You've been such a good boy you deserve a little... well very big reward."

On the word big Jormungandr's body had slide forwards and he'd impaled Flinty on eleven inches of snake cock. The first mate was huge, inches thick and since his balls were internal he could use his snake nature to it's full extent to get it all inside you. Or so Flinty had been told, he'd sucked on it, worshipped it, drunk from it but this was the first time he'd been filled with it. Squealing in delight and pain Flinty pressed his hands to his stomach and gasped at the way it was distending. He was so full and then Jormy gripped his shoulders and pulled, snake cock slid free of his arse, pressure applied to his shoulders saw him slide back down. Eyes popping Flinty emitted a faint squeak and shuddered as the mix of pressure, relief, pressure, relief drove him wild. Eyes rolling back in his head, rump trying to clench around the intruder in his arse the rat started to try and help out.

He wanted this, needed this, groaning quietly ran his smooth pink fingers up and down across the snake's scales and let himself be pumped up and down. It felt so good, Jormy was so long, slick and thick and his eyes were so bright. Staring into those magnificent pools of amber light Flinty lost himself, the slow, thrusting pressure of snake cock riding inside him was the perfect compliment to those magnificent eyes. Then there was a snake maw... wide open, saliva pooling, tight flesh easing over his head. Warm heat brushed across his ears, rippling flesh slicked his whiskers against his muzzle.

There was a gulp, an endless sense of falling, of heat and being squeezed and filled. Throughout it all that cock was still there, sliding in and out, in and out. Flesh squeezed him, Flinty squeezed with his arse and suddenly he was being filled! Cum flooded into him, an endless torrent and with a jerk the illusion of slipping down snake throat shattered. There was just Jormy, cumming, flooding, filling him and a noise. It was him, Flinty was squealing, head back, hands supporting himself by holding Jormy's body as arching spurts of rat cum shot from the tip of his dick and splattered across him.

Shuddering, trying to catch his breath Flinty choked as his cock pulsed in response to another surge of seed flooding his behind. The heat, lack of air, those amber eyes and an orgasm that didn't want to end was all too much. Slumping forward Flinty passed out the last thing he felt being another wave of cum shooting out of his dick before the darkness took him.


Flinty stirred awake, rising out of the darkness into the humid warmth if the bathhouse.The air was sweet with the scent of oil, soap and a thick scent underlying it all that his nose interpreted simply as 'male.' It sketch nice and was close, really close, whiskers twitching, tongue poking out of his muzzle he quested, still half asleep for the source of that scent. Damp and warm brushed his lips and without thinking about it Flinty closed his muzzle around it.

There was a faint groan of pleasure as he sucked the length of warm, leaking flesh into his muzzle. After a moment his nose brushed thick fur and tingled from a rich masculine scent. Opening his eyes he found himself staring at brown fur and with a rolling motion of his tongue he pulled the last round bulge of thick dog cock into his maw.

"Captain..." he mumbled around his mouthful, staring up in surprise at the brown furred jackal. They were wearing Orel's bandana, under the rich scent of wet dog was the delicious familiar flavour of Orel.

"It's me," he laughed softly, rolling his hips and using his knees and thighs to grip Flinty's chest firmly, "Good rat, keep sucking...."

Flinty squeaked, letting his eyes roll back in his head as someone lifted his legs. His rump was exposed as his ankles and knees pressed against Orel's back. He could just make out Na-o'ik, the big dog was pressed up against his legs and Orel. His hands were stroking the Captain's stomach but his cock was sliding against his rump. Flinty gasped and swallowed heavily, teasing Orel's cock, the big brown jackal's knot trapped the other side of his teeth as it swelled in eagerness. Sucking hard, tongue swirling around that shaft Flinty moaned as the other dog spread his rump around his own knot.

It felt amazing, he was being ridden at either end by the jackals. His own cock pulsed as he noticed Jormungandr was still lounging in the pool. The snake was just watching him being double teamed by a pair of hot dogs. It was so decadent, pre-cum made his rump slick and easier to hump whilst Orel leant forward. This position pushed Flinty's nose deeper into his thick crotch fur allowing the brown jackal to brace his arms against the tiled floor. This let him hump harder, cock rolling back and forth over his tongue, sliding into his throat and back out again.

It was amazing, the two bodies using his were so much bigger, thicker and richer. Their scents drove him wild and with a shudder Flinty felt his cock explode. This didn't slow them down, if anything it spurred both dogs on, their bodies rocking back and forth eagerly. Jets of his own rat seed splashed over his stomach, squished between their heavy bodies. They barked, they growled and wriggled back and forth clearly enjoying themselves. Flinty didn't mind, he did everything he could to help them enjoy themselves more. He clenched his rump in time to Na-o'ix's thrusting motions and swallowed, licked, gulped and teased Orel's shaft as best he could as it filled his muzzle.

It was hard to track how long they rode him. Their breath came in short, barking gasps, arching and flexing, twisting and humping. Faster and faster they drove into him, groaning, their knots thickening, scents growing stronger until practically on top of each other they exploded into him

Howling they threw their heads back, tongues hanging out as they filled Flinty with thick, warm dog seed. It felt amazing to be so totally used, filled and flooded, just a warm rat repository for their seed.

After they came Na-o'ik was firmly locked in his rump. Orel however tugged free and slid to one side with a big grin. He strikes Flinty's muzzle and smirked warmly, "Good cabin boy, nice to see you've learnt your place."

Swallowing heavily Flinty smiled and then gasped as the big jackal in his rump started to roll his hips and hump him some more. "He is well trained, mind if I have another go?

Orel laughed softly and flicked his rat tail from side to side, "I don't mind at all Na-o'ik, have fun," there was a splash as Orel slid back into the bath. This left Flinty at the mercy of the jackal. It was going to be a long, very kinky night if the dogs stamina was anything to go by. Moaning quietly Flinty started to squeak and clench, clench and squeak. His place was to be filled, played with, toyed. He was here to serve as cabin boy and he loved every moment of it.

The night was young, the bath was full and there was a whole rack of potions and bottles the jackal had brought with him. He gathered he'd be being used to test one of them next but right now he had a jackal in his rump so he focussed his attention on pleasing Na-o'ik.


After being spit roasted then humped by Na-o'ik the blue rat had gotten a ten minute rest whilst the big jackal's knot softened. Then he'd been given chance to clean up in the bath and sent to bring in some refreshments. Turkish delight, thick coffee and strange pastries full of honey and nuts had been what was provided. The captain, first mate and merchant had lounged in the bath, chatting quietly about their trade deal, it was all very civilized and involved less sex. Orel even transformed back from being a brown jackal into the thick shaggy furred rat Flinty loved to serve The air was thick, humid and saturated with their scent leaving Flinty with a semi the whole time he was serving them.

He was busy tidying up the coffee cups when Orel suddenly plucked a bottle off the side and held it out to Flinty, "Drink this now, I want to see how it works."

Taking the bottle Flinty blushed deeply as the jackal rumbled it was a good choice. Removing the cork Flinty knocked back the potion. It was thick, gooey and coated his throat with a filmy layer of ooze. Shivering the fox set the bottle down then squeaked as the slimy coating on his throat started to spread. It slid across his tongue and the roof of his mouth and slid out across his lips to start spreading across the outside of his face. Pawing at his muzzle the rat dropped to his knees, gasping as his lungs seemed to seize up as liquid spread inside him. His heart thudded to a stop and Flinty toppled over whining as he felt his body changing.

The slick liquid spreading across his body had become shiny, liquid, like glistening, hardening rubber. He could see the fur on his arms, down his chest transforming, solidifying, becoming shiny and hard, rubbery and smooth. He should have been choking to death, dying but somehow the magic within him was holding him alive, starting to change him, shrink him. He could feel his limbs and torso pulling in tightly, shrinking, reducing in size. The room was getting larger, Orel, Jormy and Na-o'ik were getting larger looming above him as he shrank.

Flinty found his arms and legs were pulling in against his body, the strange rubber he had became was merging into one. His legs were merging into one long twisted shape as his arms melted away into a long tubular length. Squeaking Flinty moaned as his head was forced backwards. He could feel his ears merging into his head, see his muzzle smoothing out, rounding into a tip that then split along the middle. Unable to make sound or move beyond a faint wiggle Flinty felt a smooth pink paw wrap around what had been his legs then pick him up.

Flinty was vaguely aware of his shape, he was a long, blue, rubber copy of his own dick. Smooth, tapering rat cock that was warm to the touch. His body had been perverted, twisted by the odd magic, he could still see out, feel their touch and tremble. He wanted to gasp as cool liquid was poured over him and squeak as he was pressed up against a smooth brown rat rump! He was being forced inside, slid deeply and smoothly into Orel's rear! Wriggling back and forth Flinty wanted to protest or squeal or cry out but he had been silenced, transformed, twisted into the shape of a toy.

Orel was using him, sliding him in and out, teasing him by clenching his rump around his body, squeezing and tormenting him. It felt so strange and yet at the same time ridiculously pleasurable there was a warmth building up inside him as he was played with. Flinty couldn't really think, just wriggle and exist in a haze of pleasure, need and tight, dark spaces. Whimpering quietly Flinty wanted to cum, needed to blow but that was impossible, he was just a toy, designed to pleasure his owner whilst being denied relief himself.

Flinty had no reference for the passage of time. Just the torment of being used in three exquisite rumps. It all felt so good, so slick and warm and needy, his world was a haze of pleasure and fun, denied the right to cum due to his lack of a body. In the end darkness seemed to engulf his awareness leaving him thrumming and pent up with need. It was certainly a fun way to finally let him experience the rumps of his better. Whilst at the same time humiliating him and denying him orgasm.
