Letting Out Some Steam

Story by duskbane on SoFurry

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A Zootopia fanfic between Officer Bogo and Benjamin Clawhauser

Letting Out Some Steam

"I can't believe this! Of all the reviews, of all the days, of all of the animals it had to be just me and you!" Exclaimed a rather loud, and if not angry water buffalo. He was currently shirtless, pacing back and forth in a steam room, in front of a chubby leopard. "Heck I can understand why I was sent here, I am chief of the ZPD so of course I am constantly stressed out! But you Clawhauser?! I mean not even Hopps got sent her and she has been worried about that fox since he started training!" The buffalo stomps as he turns around with a light snarl. "All because I let my temper fly during ONE inspection I am sent on a mandatory spa retreat." He sighs before he plops down beside the leopard, who had remained silent as his boss ranted.

"Well Chief Bogo, it was HR that sent in the complaint. Perhaps they, along with everyone else, are worried is all. I get it the big case of Zootopia has been rather stressful, especially on you." He says as his eyes looked down at the wooden floor. The two males were in nothing but white towels, wrapped around their midsection. "And as to why I am here, it's nothing chief honestly." He had his ears laid back against his skull, already his feelings were a little hurt with how Bogo made it clear that he didn't want the feline there with him.

The two anthros had been sent on a mandatory vacation of sorts. Last month an elephant from human resources had been going through the pile of complaints and noticed that there was several them concerning Chief Bogo, but that there was also a few concerning Benjamin, and so after a letter was written to the mayor the two were to be sent on a day of nothing but relaxation, peace, and a stress-free day. Bogo wouldn't have minded if he was doing this by himself, but seeing as that the feline was also sent too, well his mind could comprehend why Benjamin would need to relax as well.

The buffalo shakes his head a little as he leans back in the seat, resting against the wooden foot rest behind him. The steam room they were in wasn't too big, enough room to house at least two elephants, with three walls, three levels of benches, a central heating unit with a pile of stones, and a bucket of ice cold water. The buffalo's fur had a thin layer of sweat on it, making his slick chest gleam in the light that the steam room had. Bogo had taken his job very seriously, and his body easily reflected that. He had a protruding chest that easily lead down to a well-defined six pack. His large arms were out stretched on either side, and his legs were spread as well. "Well regardless of the reasoning, I'd like to know who in the world reported me, give me a chance to work them on parking duty!" He says with a light chuckle, trying to ease up the mood.

That caused the cheetah to smile for a moment as he spoke up, "Yeah and I should give them a bad batch of doughnuts!" He giggles a little as he looked over at the buffalo, and marveled at his body. Clawhauser's own body was a complete 180 of Bogo's. He had a large, round, jiggling belly, fat fluffy cheeks, a large tush, and a heart filled with nothing but kindness towards anyone he approaches. Benjamin didn't hate his body, and no one hassled him about it either, even when he was on the ZPD force. Then again, with his size and attitude, it's no wonder why he was stationed at the front desk, already greeting who walked in with a smile, even criminals. He looked up at the chief's face, and then at the impressive horns, before he quickly shook his head. The leopard had his legs crossed as he held his hands together in a nervous fashion. Just like Bogo though, he couldn't help but wonder who had their concerns about him, who knew about what he was going through? He smiles regardless though and decides to try and make his boss feel better about the situation, "Anyways Chief, look on the bright side! This trip is free, and it happens to have room service along with a cable set up in the rooms! Not many could complain about a good deal like that!" He says as his tail happily wags, at least Benjamin couldn't complain about how sweet they had it.

Those words did make Bogo laugh a little as he lays his head back and lightly groans. "Yeah I can't argue with that." He says as he enjoys the warm air for a moment before, "Do me a favor and add some water onto the rocks?" He didn't have to wait for confirmation, for a moment later he heard water sloshing, water sizzling, and the air getting thicker with steam. "Thank you." He says as he takes a breath and says, "And sorry if I sounded mean earlier."

"It's ok Chief, I understand why you would be frustrated, being told you had to leave one place and be at another, or risk losing your job. I can relate on that." He says as his smile was already fading away. His eyes would glance over at the Chief's bare chest again, before he tears his eyes away from the attractive male and looks at the floor as some darker feelings were starting to make themselves known.

Now that caught the Chief's attention. Something about how that was worded, and how there was a slight shift in tone from the other male made him curious. Slowly he would sit up and look at his subordinate for a moment, noticing that he was hunched over a little with ears pressed against his skull. Bogo would take a long, slow breath before he reaches over and rests his hand on the back of the leopard's head and says softly. "Alright Clawhauser, out with it." The way Bogo said it comforted the other. It wasn't an order, and yet it wasn't just out of curiosity, there was genuine compassion in those words. "I won't judge, and it's clear something is eating at you." Bogo's ears would twitch a little as he then adds, "I'm asking as a friend, not your boss."

That got Clawhauser to look from the floor and up at Bogo, his pupils had dilated a bit, and his eyes started to water. Hear that Bogo wanted to hear him out touched at his heart, and so with a nervous breath he would start to talk. "Ok, well the reason I'm stressed out, is because, uh, well it's because I am afraid of losing my job sir." He says bashfully before he looks down again expecting to be scolded now.

Bogo was honestly caught off guard, hearing such simple issue from such a person who had one of the most stable jobs. He would try and think of a reason why the tubby feline would conjure up such a fear, but that didn't work. "Benjamin, why in the world would you think you are going to get fired?! Everyone loves you at the front desk! You cheer up the entire work force, you bring the laughs, heck half the time you remind that I don't have to be a stone wall all the time! Why would you think that I would just let you go?" Bogo had eased his way closer to the cheetah, so close in fact that their legs were softly pressing against each other.

Benjamin shook his head a little and starts to sniffle as he hangs his head, "Because when the whole Belleweather case I got moved to the boiler room because of what I am! If I can get easily moved because I am a predator, then I'm not safe in my job! Not to mention look at me!" He exclaims as his hand waves over his body, before he stands up rather quickly. "I am useless on the field, I can't run as fast as others, I can't hold up in a fight, I can't even use a gun let alone a taser! Half of Zootopia could easily replace me and do a better job then I!" By this point he had tears running down his cheek, and before Bogo could speak up, the cheetah took off again. "I don't belong there, and yet I try my hardest to earn my keep! I take my job seriously and yet, and yet...one of the things that make me who I am could get me moved then why aren't I fired!" He was panting heavily as he weeps openly in front of his boss now. Benjamin couldn't hold it in anymore, he had to let out what had been haunting his nightmares for the past few weeks.

Bogo watched and listen. His face slowly turned into one of shock, never even knowing just how much of an issue that moving the cheetah could have been. Slowly he would stand up, when Benjamin had his eyes close, and in one swift motion he would pull the wider mammal into a tight hug. His arms easily wrap around the other, his head resting on top if Benjamin's head as he softly whispers, "Benjamin, I would never fire you over something so dumb as your appearance. I only had you moved because of the scare that was running through the population, but..." He pauses as he pulls back for a moment, his hand cups Clawhauser's chin and makes him look up at the buffalo, "I should have talked this out with you, instead of just telling you to do it without a second thought. I'm sorry about that Benjamin." He says as he softly smiles. He kept an arm wrapped around the cheetah, and kept him in the close, if not intimate, embrace.

Benjamin was blushing madly when his head was forced to look up at the other male. Hearing the Chief apologize for doing his job, made his heart beat all the faster now. He would sniffle lightly before he would speak out, "Aww Chief! You shouldn't have to apologize, if I had thicker skin like yours then maybe I wouldn't be a blubbering mess." As he spoke, he would move a hand over and rest it on the buffalo's chest, feeling the stern, tight, macules underneath the fur and skin. Benjamin knew that being this close and personal was a risky gamble, especially since it was with his boss, but he couldn't help himself.

Bogo himself looked down at the other and he would softly reply, "Honest having thick skin like mine isn't always such a good thing." He says as his hand slowly rubs lower over the cheetah's back, getting closer and closer to the towel that was wrapped around the feline. Bogo didn't know what he was doing, or even how far he wanted to take things, but having Benjamin in his arms, seeing him upset, and trusting himself into the bigger male, well something was pull at his heart, and his other head. "Sometimes I wish I could be softer, especially to those I do care about." He goes silent as his eyes locked onto Clawhauser and slowly his head would lean closer.

Clawhauser watched as the chief leaned his head in, and he knew where this was going to go, and if he was honest with himself, he craved it. "Maybe..." he says softly as his breath washes against Bogo's nose. "maybe we just need a little of the other." And suddenly he launched his head up and pressed his lips against Bogo's. In that one little moment time, itself seemed to stop. The cheetah waited, wanting to see if something was going to happen, but after three seconds his heart started to plummet. His heart would soar though as the buffalo would suddenly pull his chubby form against the muscular form, and that drifting hand from earlier would ease the towel a little, letting it fall, and allowing the cheetah to stand there nude before his boss.

Bogo himself was quickly giving into his more primitive desires as he presses his lips harder against the other, and rather quickly he pushes his broad tongue into Benjamin's own muzzle. He didn't have to worry if the feline wasn't liking this, because his ears picked up a few adorable moans coming from the other. When his hand could easily move the towel off, both of his hands would suddenly move down and lightly slap the fat ass cheeks of his smaller partner. The hands would softly squeeze and massaged at the rump, letting the feline know that Bogo was going to want to play with it soon. As he plays with the cheetah's ass, he could feel his own towel fall to the floor, exposing his plump sheath, and his already growing erection.

Benjamin pulled back from the kiss for a moment, a loud purr erupts from him as he whispers lightly, "Ch.... chief yo...you don't know much I actually wanted this, with you." He says before his eyes looked down and say the growing member, a small smirk grows on his face as he carefully gets on his knees, while adding, "and with this." One hand carefully grips his sheath, stroking what was left inside the sheath, while his lips lock around the tip. Benjamin didn't give Bogo a chance to adjust as he gets to working sucking on a good third of the shaft, while his hand kept rubbing the sheath, and his other hand moving down to fondle with large sac that hung below. He careful at his task, proving that he has had a few males before him. His tongue glides over the tip, while he bobs his head with ease, even with the cock being so large.

Bogo himself had a hand on Benjamin's head, needing something to help support him as the cheetah was skillfully going to town on his cock. He looked down at the sight, and in that instant, he was addicted to what he was seeing. The adorable, pudgy, front desk cop was servicing his cock, coaxing it to a full mast, while also preparing it for what was to come. Bogo would slowly start to thrust his hips a little, wanting Clawhauser to take in more of the cock, needing his shaft to feel more from the other. He would give off a pent-up moan, not caring about anything, except about the male below him. Bogo watched the feline take in roughly half of his throbbing member, with one paw now stroking the rest of his cock. He wasn't going to force the cheetah to take the entire length of his, not now, not on his first try, at least not orally. With a few minutes passing, Bogo light grunts as he pulls his cock free from the feline's grips, letting pre-spurt out and land on his chin. He would have looked at the feline and says softly. "Bench if you please." He asks with a bit of politeness in his voice.

Clawhauser didn't waste a moment as he made his way over to the benches, and bend over. His own feeling prick was throbbing hard, and he would give it a few rubs, before he spreads his legs and lifts his tail. His heart was racing as he looked over his shoulder and saw the buffalo walk on over. "D...don't worry about the um...ugh the details of my insides." He says blushing madly before he quickly adds. "I take a thorough shower every two days, and I took one today." He says before he suddenly a bit of pressure against his back door. Benjamin closes his eyes tightly and braces for the real fun. He had taken bigger males before, but it had been awhile. Suddenly he would give off a loud moan as he felt the fat head press against his tight ass. His tail would twitch for a moment as he presses back against the cock. He appreciated the fact that Bogo was being careful, but Benjamin didn't want to wait a moment longer.

Bogo gave off a surprised grunt as his cock suddenly sinks into the other. He groans as he suddenly leans over the cheetah, and rather quickly he drills his shaft all the way to the hilt. His cock throbs inside the tight confines of the warm ass, while he pants right into Clawhauser's ear. "After this..." He says as he pulls his hips back for a moment, "I'll never fire you." He wraps an arm around Clawhauser's belly and rams his shaft right back in. Bogo closed his eyes tightly as he would start to pound at the feline's ass now, growling at how quickly his pleasure was already growing.

Benjamin himself was moaning loudly, not holding anything back. His ass cheeks jiggle with every thrust that Bogo gave, and he would happily push his hips back against the cock. His own member throbs and drools pre-onto the bench below. He lets out a few gasps, while his ass flexes and pulls at the pounding cock, wanting to try and get the most from Bogo now.

Bogo groans a little louder now as he picks up the speed inside of Benjamin. He was ramming his cock in at full force, letting his heavy sac slap against the other rather loudly. He closes his eyes, while he rests his belly, and chest, against the other's back and could feel his cock throb and launch pre-inside of the cheetah.

Clawhauser didn't have much left before he would blow his own load. It had been so long since he had another man take him so, so, passionately! He sneers for a moment before he roars out in bliss, and his cock throbs before it sends out thick ropes of seed right onto the bench below.

Hearing Benjamin cry out, and feeling his body tense up, made Bogo let go. He would give a few finale rough thrusts, before he too moans out loudly and starts to unload his own seed right into Benjamin's ass. He would slow down his thrusting until he was still.

Both males were panting heavily. They were feeling better about that bit of sexual fun. Benjamin had a bright smile, and couldn't help purring loudly, while Bogo had pulls his shaft out and was sitting on the bench, admiring his own work. The ass he just pounded was slightly gaping and struggling to keep all the cum that was just pump into it. Benjamin was the first to break the silence with a soft giggle, which" called for Bogo's attention.

"What is it Clawhuser?" He asks softly.

"Heh, looks like we let out a lot more than just some steam." He giggles a bit louder, while Bogo just rolled his eyes and lets a chuckle his own out.

"Yeah, looks like we did."