The Pros and Cons of a Love Potion Pt2

Story by carbonkitty on SoFurry

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#2 of Love Potion

Archie's second try with his potion goes almost perfectly, almost.

Archie pulled into the college's student parking lot with a list in his mind and a small bottle of love potion in his pocket. The dalmatian had figured out the who but he was still working on the how, if the test with his sister that morning taught him anything the dog realised he'd have to find a place they could be alone for a while. He had for a brief moment he'd thought of the moral implication's of what he was planning but he figured if, moments after she'd finished sucking him off, Marcy completely forgotten what she'd done then there wasn't a problem. As long as he didn't get anyone pregnant of course. Besides, if this little concoction kept working the way he was told it would then after a few days of secretive but rampant sex he could put it all behind him and settle down with Lisa.

As he made his way to his first class Archie was more aware of his surroundings than usual. Keeping an eye out for empty classrooms, dark corners and broom closets he could lead a bewitched young woman for a short rendezvous. His eyes also passed over the women around him, searching for some to add to his list or maybe replace others already on it. There were a few that caught his eye but he marched into class with the same women still in mind and was surprised to find one of them lounging in the seat next to his. Easing behind a desk in the back corner of the room he tried to act like he didn't notice the blonde tigress tapping at her phone next to him. Susan was the star of the school's swim team, she worked hard for it and it showed. She was a little on the short side but she was toned with curves where they counted. Normally she sat at the front of the class and whoever her flavour of the week boy toy was at the time would be at her side until professor Miles kicked him out. Today she was alone and casting glances at him while trying not to make it obvious. If it meant what he thought it did Archie hoped he could save his potion for another and still put this notch in his belt.

"So Arnie..." Archie had to fight not to curse out loud, she didn't even know his name! What was she doing back here then? Did she need help with homework? Because his marks were far from ideal.

"I have a question for you but you can't tell anyone ok?" The dog nodded while still trying to act like he didn't realise she had been there this whole time.

"Ok, um Mark, I think his name was? Was supposed to take me to a party this weekend but we're not talking anymore I was wondering if you would take me? It's a secret though I want to surprise people when we show up." Archie took a while to answer as he weighed his options. On the one hand there was Lisa and the fact that she forgot his name. On the other hand Susan had the body of a goddess and was infamous for being very promiscuous. Before he could answer she leaned in to offer a convincing argument.

"My only rule is no oral on a first date." He almost wanted to cry when he finally gave his answer.

"Sorry Susan, I've already got plans this weekend." Her jaw almost hit the floor and while Professor Miles Started the lesson he leaned over to her.

"And my name's Archie." When class ended the tigress didn't hang around but Archie did, just long enough to watch her go. He wanted to kick himself for letting an ass like that go but the weight of the bottle in his pocket reminded him there was still a chance.

Back at his locker the dog formulated a plan of attack for the rest of the day. Near the started of his next class he'd slip out to use the washroom and head down to the library and meet up with Elizabeth, the petite panda who helped out there between classes. During his lunch break he would try to find Violet the Jackalope, she usually hung out in the basement with the other goth kids. His plans were uninterrupted by a loud clang off to his right, the dog's ears perked up and when he found the source of the noise his tail started to wag and the rest of the dog's plans didn't seem important anymore. Archie had picked a locker on the opposite side of the campus from most of his classes but he did it for a reason. From where he stood he had a great view of the school's gym and at that moment a woman who should have been at the top of his list from the start was finishing her last set on the bench press Ms. Grenshaw. Alice Grenshaw taught acting classes at the college part time, she was also a fitness model as most students quickly found out. The 34 year old cheetah had a modest chest and a great ass She had her long ginger hair up in a ponytail and her muscles bulged through her fur while she finished her set.

Before he realised it Archie's breath was fogging up the window on the gym door. Before anyone noticed the dog straightened up and slipped inside. Once he was in he paused, Archie hadn't planned this far ahead and had no idea what to do next. There was no one working the front counter as far as he could tell but the dog walked over as if he was hoping to find someone. After a few moments he spun around to leave and ended up locking eyes with the cheetah. She was hunched over at the end of the bench panting heavily. She wore a tight blue tube top and black tights and Archie was sure it was sight he'd remember for the rest of his life.

"Your Marcy's brother right?" The dog jumped, surprised she was actually talking to him. He nodded but didn't say anything.

"I can tell, you look like her. Were you looking for someone?" Archie looked to her then back to the counter and nodded. He grinned and patted his stomach

"Yeah, figured I should try and work off that eggnog and turkey from the Christmas break. Guess I'll have to come back later."

"I think you can wait a bit, it doesn't look like you came out of the holidays that bad." Archie felt a little giddy at the compliment then almost jumped for joy at her next question.

"Can you pass me one of those towels?"

"One of these? Sure." He went to the counter and grabbed a towel off the top of the pile and took a cautious look around before taking it to the cheetah.

"Thanks kid, it's time for me to... hit... hit the... shower." She grinned up at him mischievously and he grinned back. The corner of the towel she grabbed had gotten a light soaking from his little bottle of potion and it was already working it's magic. The cheetah dropped the towel and grabbed him by the wrist then dragged him along behind her, not that she really had too. In the empty change room she pinned him against a wall of lockers and forced her tongue into his mouth. Her tail wrapped around his right leg and a hand played with his belt. The dog was eager but the big cat was faster and far more ferocious. When she pulled his cock free of his jeans Alice purred and started grinding against his stiffening length. When he caught a moment to breath Archie blurted out as calmly as he could manage.

"How about that shower?" The cat pulled his shirt off and peeled out of her own outfit and headed for the showers. She pulled the dog along behind her with her tail wrapped around his waist. Before the water even hit him she was on her knees with the dog's cock half in her mouth. She bobbed and moaned along his length pausing to flick her tongue along his head and massage his balls. Letting out a grunt Archie grabbed her ponytail and held the cheetah against him. His cock pushed against the back of her throat then slid deeper. The cat moaned contently into the fur of his crotch and he felt her tongue move around the base of his shaft. She forced herself off with a satisfied gasp then stood and pressed him against the back of the shower stall.

The cheetah ground her hips against him and they both moaned as his cock head pushed passed her quivering lips. He took two handfuls of her firm ass and pulled her tightly to him and stretched out her her cunt ,she collapsed against him as he pulled back and thrust back into her. Archie pumped into her vigorously and sunk his claws into her ass, the cat responded with a whimper and gyrated against him. While pulling almost completely out of her Alice put a hand against his chest and took a step back on shaky legs. She spun around and bent over and used her tail to pull him closer to her. He used the head of his cock to spread her as cheeks and pressed it to her tight pucker. A set of razor sharp claws around his balls stop him in his tracks. Gently the dog backed off and slid his dick down between her legs.

"Good boy. I wouldn't want to have to use the-" She stopped short when he slapped his cock against her lips then buried it inside her. He grunted and slapped against her ass while she moaned and shook. The two were so lost in pleasure the dog almost missed his chance to pull out in time. He started to push her off his cock but the cheetah wasn't ready to give him up. She back into him and pinned him against the wall again.

"Hey! I don't think-"

"I need it. Fill me up." The dog tried to fight back but she was too strong. With a quick push and a yelp she forced his not into herself. He tried to fight back but his body took over and his cock twitched inside her as he pumped her full of his seed. She purred then whimpered as she started to shake and she tightened around his cock. They fell to their knees as they came together and they panted quietly. With a wet pop Archie pulled free and the cat yelped again. As he stood he stopped to kiss her and snaked a hand between her legs. She breathed on him heavily as he licked the sticky mess off one finger and offered her the other. She sucked at it tenderly and watched him with eyes tired but still clouded with lust.

Remembering his sister's reaction earlier that morning he didn't wait around any longer. He dried and dressed himself and sped back to his locker. A few minutes later the cheetah came out of the gym still looking a little flushed.

"Hey Alice, how'd it go?"

"Good. Left me a little more winded... and sore than normal."

Archie couldn't see who she was talking to but he was relieved she thought it was all from the workout. He hoped that wouldn't change a week or two down the road. Alice walked passed him on her way to where ever and for a moment he could have sworn he saw the same clouded lustful look on her face for moment as their eyes met. He told himself it was just in his head and realized he was late for class. He grabbed his stuff and ran, checking his coat pockets and finding a few condoms. Good, he thought to himself, he could visit the library after all.