Fan Service Part 1

Story by XembosKazuko on SoFurry

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This is the first story that I have uploaded and hope you guys enjoy. Give your feedback in the comments below.

The nightclub I've worked at was popularly known as 'The Den', being one of the top best clubs in the city. If you're looking for great entertainment and tip worthy service from our staff, then you'd want to make your way here for a good time. The performances here would range from live concerts of fanatic singers and bands, which usually happens every other weekend, to the jaw dropping eye candy working the poles on stage and a few of them walking around to give the customers a closer look at their goods. Unlike the other clubs in the area, we offer a VIP membership that they could sign up for.

The VIP club membership has a couple of good benefits to whoever signs up for it: instant access into the club at the entrance, a discount on the drinks, and access to the luxurious VIP backrooms. The rooms were similar to the sex cubicles you would see in those other sleazy clubs, except a lot more space and sanitary. There were two types of rooms to use: a bedroom replica or a dungeon. The 'bedrooms' tend to give off a home like atmosphere for an attempt to make things a bit comfortable for a good romp. The 'Dungeons' were for those who wish to delve into the darker side of their fantasies, having a basement like setting along with some 'special equipment' to ensure that one would be obedient to their masters. We would've made show rooms for the voyeurs and exhibitionists, but the rooms could already fit about a little over 10 people so there, so there would be no purpose in doing so.

I was working at my usual spot; wiping down the dark wooden counter of the bar as I await for possibly another customer to serve, giving an occasional glance towards the moving bodies on the dancefloor to the ones seated at the few tables off to the side. Working as a bartender wasn't too hard of a job. All I really had to do was to mix some drinks, make sure the area is clean by the end of my shift, and keep a careful eye on any nearby drunks. Tonight was a slow night on my end though, barely any people coming to get a drink. I shouldn't be complaining and enjoy the time of not working, right? Yeah, I would agree; however, I actually would chat with the patrons to relieve my boredom. But here I am bored off my ass just standing around. I took a glance at my wristwatch and soon realized that it was nearly two in the morning.

"Oh shit. I better get going." I was about to go find the nearest staff member and tell them to let the boss know about my leaving, but I soon stopped before I could get from behind the bar when I noticed someone walking towards my way.

The person appeared to be a very tall Great Dane covered in chocolate brown fur, the small tuff of hair sticking from his chin matching the color of his golden sideburns and Mohawk. The dog's attire consisted of a camouflage tank top with a dark pair of jeans. I could tell that the dog had an athletic build from the way his clothes fit him, his frame looking to be either toned out or possibly a lean muscular. He looked to be about in his late twenties, probably close to a decade older than me. Major daddy alert if you get my meaning.

I sauntered back to where I first stood and waited for him to get close, soon having to look up at him since he was about a good foot taller than I was. Now that I've gotten a closer look at him, he seemed familiar in a way. His face, the Mohawk, his gold yellow eyes meeting my own similar pair... it reminded of someone I know. I dismissed the thought quickly before I spoke.

"How may I help you sir?" I figured that I should be nice and served this guy his drink before leaving out.

"Yeah, give me a shot of straight vodka." His voice was tad higher in pitch than I expected from what his features told, but it was still full of masculinity when he spoke. I reached under the counter next to the small freezer of ice to get the requested bottle.

"So, what brings you hear to DC?"

"Just sight seeing to be honest." I gave a small nod as I poor his shot, soon passing it over to him. I noticed something black at his left pec underneath his shirt. The only thing that I could make out of it was a small '2' right next to the strap.

"Is that a tattoo on your chest?" The canine had a confused look on his face for a moment before he glanced down at himself.

"Yeah. Had it for awhile. Wanna see?" Without waiting for me to give an answer, he got ahold of the shirt's hem and lifted up show off the entire front of his torso to me. My eyes were busy gazing over his toned physique for a few moments before taking a look at the tattoo, my eyes soon widening when I realized what kind it was. On his left pectoral muscle was the letters 'CB' with a small 2 right next to it like an exponent, which only one person I know has that tat...

"Holy shit! You're Duke Rocheister, aren't you?" I didn't receive a vocal answer, but I could see a small grin form along his muzzle as he took his shot.

Duck Rocheister had a page on Furaffinity that I follow and he's well-known as the 'Bro Dog with a Blog'. He would write these small blogs about his sexual encounters involving himself and/or his friends. Trust me, a good read for fap material.

"Dude, I am a big fan of your work. I read your blogs all the time." This causes the Great Dane in front of me to blush and I could hear a soft chuckle escape from him.

"Well, thanks. It means a lot."

"Say, could I possible ask you a few questions?"

"Why the hell not? Get yourself a drink and ask away." I smile at the canine and decided to get myself a gbottle of pineapple flavored vodka, soon taking a shot of it before refilling our glasses. Sure I was a little underage to drink, but who's gonna snitch on me to the cops?

As we consumed our drinks, I asked him all sorts of questions; about the fraternity he is in a metropolis known as Port Providence, his hobbies, even his boyfriend and pup. I wanted to get to know about the dog in front of me outside of the blogs. I did my best to not ask anything involving his past. Considering the few blogs that he wrote, it was pretty dark and I did not want to upset him.

The conversation had ended after a few minutes and we already had a good number of shots. I could feel a warm sensation deep in my belly and I noticed that I was starting to sway a bit. I cautiously made my way to the other side of the bar to sit myself down on the barstool next to him, but I think I hard him laughed when I tripped.

"By the way, what's your name?" I glanced up at him and met his gaze once more.

"Xembos, but most people call me Xem for short." I soon noticed through my hazy vision that a grin was starting to form along his muzzle, the same way a predator would look at their prey. One of the older dog's paws placed itself on my lower back, rubbing in small slow circles.

"Well, Xem," Duke began as he lean himself towards me, the heat of his alcohol laced breath causing my tall ears flick a bit as he continued to speak." How about you and I take this somewhere private, hmmm? The hotel I stay at isn't far from here." His voice had dropped to a hushed whisper and his paw had started to get more closer to my rear, gently running a claw at the very base of my tail. I could feel my face heating up along with a bit of a stir within my loins as he continued to tease me.

"But, the VIP rooms are closer though." A sharp gasp escaped my muzzle when I felt his paw go into the back of my jeans, tracing a finger along the cleft of my ass through my boxers.

"Yeah? But I want to plow this ass on MY bed tonight with no interruptions."