A Real Fucking Bitch

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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A vacation starts with a transformation...

Hey everyone. Sorry; I was hoping to put together something a little longer, but a shift in plans forced my hand. Still, I think this came together pretty well for something I put together in a couple of hours. As always, all constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy!

"Uggh; finally..."

My keys clanked noisily on the dining room table where I tossed them, the clattering of my phone soon following as they slid into them a moment later. Finally; it was vacation time! A full week away from the idiot customers, dumb co-workers, and that stale smelling store. Good bye and good riddance, at least for a little while.

Good thing, too; today's batch of morons made me want to hit the roof. Asking for price checks over the phone one item at a time, arriving for pharmacy pick ups before the doctor has even called in their scripts, angry that it actually takes a couple of minutes to fill a brand new prescription; we had them all. It seemed like there was no end in sight as the clock ever slowly ticked down toward the end of my shift. Even after an incredible long and agonizing shift, I still had to take care of one final jerk who just would, not, LEAVE!

"Yes, I need your I.D. for alcohol! I don't care if you're as wrinkled as a prune, that's company policy!" Damn it, did that guy piss me off! Of course I had to keep it in, though; nothing will get you in trouble faster than telling a customer off, no matter how right you are and how much they deserve it. You just have to keep it all bottled up, even if it feels like you're about to burst...

...You know what; fuck it. I got the place to myself tonight, and I deserve a little indulgence. Time to cut loose. My shoes were carelessly kicked into the hall closet, my lab coat joining them a moment later as I hopped up the steps two at a time to my room.

I slipped out of my socks as soon as I closed the bedroom door behind me, but that was it for the clothing removal. Well, the manual clothing removal at least. A quick check to make sure the windows were closed up tight, and I was set. I stood before the mirror in my bedroom, a slightly pudgy male just short of six feet looking back at me as I set myself up.

"Alright, time to cut loose." I quickly regarded the company mandated black polo shirt and khaki's I still wore as I ran a hand through the unkempt, thick head of brown hair atop my head. I considered trying to calm myself down before doing this, but decided to screw that. It'd take too long, and I could use the anger to fuel what was about to come. Even now my hand was trembling slightly as the frustration and anger at my work continued to boil in my mind.

Most of my co-workers are just morons, but there's one that seems to make it her personal mission to make me miserable. Let's call her Jane. Jane is twice as old as me, and works about 8 times as slow. The fact that she's just a generally unpleasant person makes her even harder to deal with. Every attempt to help her(and indirectly help the rest of us actually get work done) she seems as a critique of her work or a personal attack against her. Whenever there's been a major complaint by a customer or an inter-personal dispute between co-workers, Jane's always involved in one way or another. In the latest round of complaints, she said that my attempt to help her locate a missing item was actually my way of saying that I was superior to her.

"I didn't mean or say that. I just wanted to find the stupid thing so we could get on with the day. But you know what, Jane?" My blue eyes closed as I took one last deep breath. When I opened them again, they were glowing brightly as my transformation began.

"You are an old, heartless hag who's constantly under stress and lashing out at the rest of us." My tongue slid over my teeth as they began to shift, teeth meant for crushing and grinding becoming sharp fangs meant for cutting and tearing. The incisors and canine teeth I already had were becoming stronger, my lips curling back slightly as my breathing started to get quick and ragged. As I continued to feel them grow and fight for space in my mouth, my tongue also started growing along with them.

"You make us all miserable, because YOU'RE miserable." My breaths were starting to becoming snarls as my lower jaw started to push out, making room for teeth that continued to fight for space against each other. My upper jaw soon followed, my nostrils flaring and darkening from the inside out as my nose was pushed forward as well.

"You think you're the head bitch, when really, you're just a bitch." Silver hairs started forcing their way through along what was clearly now a canine muzzle, starting just behind my nose and working back over my face. As more hairs started spreading over my face, the ones that started at the tip of my muzzle continued to thicken and grow into a thin coat of fur. That along with the anger I was unleashing was making me begin to sweat as my body grew warm.

"You might think that makes you head bitch by default if you're the only one, but you know what? You're not the only bitch in the store." The heat continued to grow in my body, my muscles feeling like they were boiling inside my skin. As I started to pant and lean against the dresser in front of me, claws elongating from the tips of my fingers digging in the wood as I gripped it tight. A quick glance back at the mirror showed my fully furry face, the silver color in my skin looking as though it was beginning to bleed into my hair at the roots.

"I'm a bitch, too. And unlike you, I'm a REAL bitch." My voice was starting to reach a slightly higher pitch now as the fur spread down my neck. My hair continued to shift colors as well, though while the fur spreading across my body was a more pure silver, my hair was becoming more of a mix of silver and white. It was also growing longer as well as color shifting, a shake of my head causing the hair to rub and tickle at the back of my shoulders. And speaking of shoulders, my shirt was starting to look a little tighter around them as the bones and muscles in them started to shift.

"A real bitch is beautiful." My voice was coming through even more clearly than before as a small pair of wolf ears started to poke through the top of my head. I'd lost track of what was happening to my human ears, and I pushed back my flowing locks I saw they were gone completely now. I managed a gentle smile for a brief moment, my blue eyes even more radiant than before. Anyone watching might argue about the beauty of a wolf(even one that looked as clearly feminine as I did), though given what was about to come they'd probably keep their arguments to themselves.

"A real bitch stands out from the others." I was certainly began to stand out, or at least stand up as I straightened upright again. My fur coat hid the lean, tight muscles that adorned my body, though the slight paunch I sported originally was clearly gone now. My shirt had pulled up halfway over my abs in its attempt to hold together, leaving my now flat and furry stomach bare to see. In fact, the only noticeable bulge of anything that wasn't muscle was a pair of rounded ones beginning to inflate across my chest. My pants were also beginning to creep up my legs as my bones shifted, a noticeable gap between the bottoms of the legs and the tops of my ankles that wasn't there before.

"A real bitch is powerful." The rolling of my shoulders made them bulge larger as they flexed, and didn't really unflex as they continued to expand and widen. Another roll, and my furry abs were now fully exposed as my shirt strained against my chest. A third roll, and even the collar of my shirt threatened to strangle me me with how tight it felt. A quick flex of my bicep forced the sleeve that was half-heartedly covering it to slide down and bunch up around my shoulder.

"A real bitch has curves!" My tongue hung slightly from my muzzle as I gripped my softball sized breasts. Their growth increased almost tenfold as I began to massage them, my nipples visible straining against the cotton shirt as a tear started to form down the middle of my cleavage. My anger was starting to be replaced with pleasure as I continued to grope myself, more and more feminine flesh filling and spilling out over my hands. When they were about the size of basketballs my shirt finally gave up the ghost in a loud, "POP!", leaving me nude from the waist up.

"A real bitch is large and in charge!" My height was probably some where around 6' 8" or so now as the growth continued, my ears starting to reach the top of the mirror and even higher as I looked at myself. I murred slightly as I slowly ran my paws along the underside of my breasts, having to fight the urge to just groping myself again. My legs raced to catch up with the rest of my body, tearing under the strain of diamond hard calves all the way up my hips. It held there for about a second before the eruption of my tail combined with my muscular rear and shredded thighs caused it to fall away like the peels of a banana.

"I never said I was superior to you, but you know what? I am. I'm a fucking goddess." Demigoddess, technically, but would really want to argue that point? Argue over the exact status of the divinity of a 7 foot wolfess? One who's covered in huge, bulging muscles, with a huge rack and an ass that's as smooth as polished stone and about as hard? Do I have some back?, I thought as I turned around, looking over my shoulder at my rear as I lifted my tail out of the way. Oh yes; this baby has back.

"So yes, I'm superior to you in every way. I'm divine, I'm bigger, and more beautiful." Another quick turn as I flexed one arm while my other squeezed my chest again. My eyes shone like beacons as I reveled in my power, both physical and metaphysical. I'm the superior one, alright.

I'm. A. Real. Fucking. Bitch.