Archie's Stripe, Part Three

Story by Yntemid on SoFurry

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#3 of Archie's Stripe


Propped up on his elbows with his feet dangling above the floor, Yntemid stretched an arm out to fill a cup with water from the sink's faucet. He smacked his lips, looking a little rumpled with bed fur sticking out in clumps here and there.

Archie grinned to himself as he noticed the little ferret in the kitchen, padding silently up to the room, moving past the door frame and coming to a stop just resting against the counter. He folded his arms for a moment as he watched the inmate, noting that he was getting a drink. The rat then pushed himself off and moved up to approach the ferret, still saying nothing.

Yntemid swiveled his ears toward the guard's footsteps, his face soon following. Aside from those ears flicking backward for an instant, he didn't react to Archie's approach, but he took a moment too long staring at the rat, and water started overflowing from his cup and drenching his paw. The ferret stretched his other arm forward hastily with a muttered curse, balancing on the counter's edge on his belly to turn off the faucet.

Chuckling, Archie stepped forward right up to the small inmate. The rat reached around either side of him to extending his arms around that small body, resting at either side of the sink, encompassing him. At the same time he pressed his body very firmly forwards against the ferret's own, pushing hard enough to pin the ferret there. The rat lowered a muzzle down to one of the small male's ears and opened his mouth to suck lightly on it just as it began perking up, but he didn't restrict the ferret's arms yet, letting him drink if he wanted to.

Yntemid tensed up, his tail pinned to one side as it was caught mid-swish. The little inmate shivered, that tail thumping against the guard's leg. For a long moment, he didn't move, visibly weighing his very limited options. Then he did indeed bring the full cup to his lips, taking a sip and trying to appear as casual as he could, as if he wasn't at all in an uncomfortable situation. "Good morning, sir. Or afternoon. How is the day treating you?" He managed to sound only a little sarcastic.

Archie shrugged. "Oh, it's treating me well enough, for sure!" he said, that ear slipping from his mouth as he spoke, a chipper and pleased tone to his voice certainly backing up that claim. He kept his tone light, conversational as he said, "Just been going through the inmate logs, cameras, doing a bunch of the more boring, administrative-y guard work." He paused for a moment before he muttered, "You never told me you were going to be released soon."

Nearly choking on his next sip of water, the ferret let out a spluttering cough that sent it splashing into the sink, and his head thumped back against the rat's upper chest. He very nearly dropped his cup. "I'm what?!" His voice came out a squeak, but after calming down for a moment, he turned suspicious, twisting his neck to frown up at the rat's face. "Oh. Right. Your sense of humor is a little twisted, you know that?"

The rat looked interested in that reaction, one he knew that there was a chance of getting. The prison staff did like to keep their inmates demoralized and oppressed, after all, quite fond of the lie that no one ever left, even when some actually did. "I guess you hadn't heard, being in here. The government that sent you here in the first place, that have been paying to keep you here. They're overthrown. The new one that came up in its place, they're not so interested in spending money on keeping you here."

Yntemid turned to stare at his cup, holding it in both paws when it started trembling. Otherwise holding perfectly still, he was so caught up trying to decide whether he was being told the truth, it seemed the ferret had forgotten to breathe. "If this _is_a joke, it's in really, really poor taste," he whispered. The ferret tried to look up, but his head bumped against Archie's chest again. "Is that why I was let out of iso?" He dared to let a little hope creep into his voice.

Archie gave him another shrug. "Probably," he said, watching those reactions closely. It was such a genuine little reaction to the news, the rat almost felt bad. Almost. He wrapped both of his paws around the smaller male and stood back, carrying the ferret with him so he was holding the inmate against his chest, clean off of the ground now. He still gave enough room for the ferret's arms for him to finish his drink, though. "I imagine you'll be sad to go eh?" He chuckled. "Saying goodbye to all the people you've gotten to know... very..." He ground his crotch against the ferret at that word. "Well."

The ferret seemed to have forgotten he was thirsty. It was more luck than anything else that kept him from dropping the cup entirely. Legs and tail dangling, he barely even responded to the rat's teasing, though the edges of the ferret's ears did turn a shade pinker when he felt the guard's lap grind up against his bottom. Licking his lips, he looked up again, shooting Archie an upside-down frown. "When can I leave?" was his only reply, his tail flicking again against the guard's hip.

Looking back down at the inmate, Archie held the small male's eyes with his own and brought a paw up to rest on the underside of the inmate's muzzle, holding it in that position as he considered for a moment. Knowing the ferret would probably be quite invested in the answer, he gave a leading one. "That depends."

The rat could feel Yntemid gulp underneath the short for of the ferret's chin. "On what?" The inmate's frown was still more than a touch suspicious, but he wasn't able to keep himself from shaking every few seconds at the very thought of leaving the station. He hadn't been so visibly unsettled since leaving isolation.

Archie smiled. Just the question he wanted the inmate to ask, that he had steered him towards asking. The rat's focus was sharp, not wanting to miss a single part of the reaction that would come next, eyes open and body pressed firm against the ferret's, to feel any differences there. Even his ears were perked, in preparation, and hope, for any little noises the ferret might make. "Me," he said. "I bought you."

Yntemid went still mid-tremble, still staring up at the rat's face. Slowly, the inmate blinked, then blinked again. For all his reaction, it didn't seem like he heard Archie at all, until he dully asked, "You did what?" It was taking some time for the ferret's mind to catch up to the notion, it was so focused on the prospect of freedom.

The rat let out a small, lustful noise, the ferret so vulnerable there in his arms that the rat's cock was pushing out from his sheath, easy for the ferret to feel as it poked against him where they were held together. "Technically," he said, "I've only taken up the payment on you, to keep you here in Black Gazza. But practically..." He smiled. "That means I've bought you. Your planet's new government was more than happy with my solution, since it didn't cost them anything. They've given me full permission to keep you. Whether that's by keeping you in here, or not."

Yntemid still barely moved. He merely twitched, but the little spasm was enough for him to lose his grip on his cup, which clanged on the floor, water splashing all over Archie's feet and shins. The ferret shook his head slowly, his mouth working without being able to get a single word out. "Now you had better be joking," he finally got out. His paws were still held out in front of him, fingers flexing uselessly, and he started shivering again for an entirely different reason. "You didn't..." His eyes flickered back and forth across Archie's face, trying to find a hint of sincerity, and they didn't have to look very hard for it. The guard's amusement was entirely genuine.

Glancing down at the dropped mug, the rat turned around and just started to leave, carrying the little inmate with him. "I know all of this can be a little hard to believe," he said, "so I asked for some official documents from your new government. I have a hard copy of them, and an electronic copy, if you'd like to see them. I'd be more than happy to share."

The ferret started squirming, though there wasn't much force behind the struggles, and he stopped again when he felt his hindquarters rubbing back and forth against a distinct bulge in the guard's trousers. "I've never been much of a reader," he grumbled. The ferret folded his arms in front of his chest, trying to retain some trace of dignity as he was carried bodily through the cell block. "And I wouldn't put it past you to forge your own documents just for a laugh."

Archie grinned at that. "Perhaps I can get one of the officials from the planet on a livestream with me." He paused, considering. "Although, if you're gonna be suspicious, I suppose you could always just tell yourself that it's a set-up. It's not like you know any of these people." He continued to carry the inmate around before he let out a little 'hmm' of interest. He went to one of the tables and sat down on it, and the ferret kept his arms crossed, trying his best not to blush when his slight weight pressed him snugly over the front of the guard's trousers. "Y'know," the rat said, moving his muzzle to rest it very close to one of the inmate's ears, "there is a way I should be able to convince you of it."

Yntemid just gave the rat his ever mistrusting silence. The ferret was only getting more suspicious, leaning away from the rat's face and glaring at him out of the corner of his eye. "That so? And what way might that be?"

With a smirk, Archie brought one paw up to the front of the ferret's head, both stroking over it, his paw lightly petting over that muzzle, and also keeping the inmate from leaning too far away from him, the rat's erection still pressing up against that rear. "By taking you home with me," he muttered, watching for the ferret's reaction. "No one except the person who pays for the inmate is allowed to remove them from the cellblock, after all." He smiled. "So, how about it? Wanna come see my place?"

The ferret shivered one more time, ever at odds with signs of affection from the rat, or, more pointedly, to his own positive reaction to them. He very nearly began to lean into the guard's palm as it brushed across his face. Swallowing audibly, he gave Archie a good long stare, then looked around the cellblock with that ever-present frown, the same slate gray walls he'd been surrounded by for years. When he looked back to the rat, he simply said, "Yes."

Archie chuckled at that answer. He used his paw at the front of the ferret to lightly grip his muzzle and tilt it upwards and to the side slightly, to face him. Then the rat leaned forward, lowering his own muzzle down very close towards the ferret's face. "All right then, boy," he said, his voice quiet and almost sweet, even. "Then open your mouth." He brought his muzzle forward the rest of the way to press his mouth against the ferret's, his own mouth open and tongue slipping out to play against the inmate's.

Yntemid lifted his eyebrows, eyes widening at first, then narrowing again when the rat's lips and tongue pressed against the front of his muzzle. Begrudgingly, the ferret let his mouth part enough for Archie's tongue to slip inside, giving it a reluctant suckle. He reached up halfway to the rat's face, as if to push the guard away, but reconsidered and tucked his arms against his chest, paws fiddling awkwardly underneath his shock collar. He let his eyes shut entirely, tilting his head as cooperatively as he could manage into the one-sided kiss.

The rat let out a little hum of pleasure, invading and claiming the inmate's mouth for himself. He shifted his grip on the little male. Keeping a paw on his head to keep it pressed up into the kiss, he also spun the inmate on his lap, so he was facing sideways. The rat then brought his tail around. He wrapped that around the ferret's back, and hooked under the little male's legs with his spare paw, the one at Yntemid's head stroking over the back of it now. He stood up, lifting the smaller male in a bridal carry as he turned and started heading toward the cellblock exit, taking the inmate with him, tongue still moving over the ferrets own, all the while.

Yntemid couldn't bring himself to wrap his arms around the rat's neck, but he did wind up resting his paws against Archie's chest, an eye flicking open to watch distractedly as he was carried out of the cellblock. The closer to the station's exit he was carried, the less he seemed able to believe it, and by the time he was brought into a docked ship the ferret seemed fully in a state of shock,

That was to say nothing of when they arrived at their destination.


Archie hadn't said anything for the trip, which didn't take too long, the rat taking the inmate to the closest planet, which he had a property on, naturally. Before taking the inmate out of the ship, he made sure the little ferret had a leash on again, and that it was locked to his collar so he couldn't take it off. Then he picked the inmate back up in another bridal carry. Once they were in the house, a modern and almost mundane cabin, the rat locked all the doors behind him. He came to a couch and leaned down to set the inmate onto it. The cushions were plush, soft. The rat took the other end of the leash and started to tie it around one of the couch legs.

The ferret looked around at the room, still in a state of bewildered shock, and his fingers kneaded into the soft couch cushion before he completely realized he'd been set down. The precaution with the leash was wise, though. However stunned he appeared, the ferret's eyes had flickered to every door and lock they'd passed, even the transport vessel's airlock, and despite the collar still around his neck, poised to electrocute him at the first attempt to flee, he had clearly weighed and measured every possible escape route. At long last, he looked back up at Archie's face, giving his new owner a steady stare. "It's okay, I guess." Compared to a prison cell, it was paradise, but he wasn't about to tell the rat that.

Smirking, and not fooled for a single second, Archie just knelt down in front of the inmate, lifting a paw up to the ferret's muzzle and scratching lightly under it before he leaned forward to kiss him lightly on the nose. "What kind of food do you like?" he asked, his paws moving now to the ferret's clothes, starting to take them off of him.

Yntemid went so far as to hold his arms out, letting the rat slip his informal uniform shirt off without protest. The ferret flicked his tongue over the front of his nose after that short smooch, his frown faltering. "" There was still a great deal of suspicion in his voice. A big part of him still thought this was all some elaborate prank against him.

Archie let out a little nod at that. He set the shirt to one side, out of reach of the inmate from the length he was arrowed on the couch. He moved across the room and picked up a remote control, handing it to the ferret, then moved his paws down to the inmate's shorts to start to undo them as well. Taking them off, he left the inmate naked on the couch. "Mhm," he said. "And what kind of drink would you want? I have sodas."

The ferret didn't even resist his shorts being slipped down his legs, just giving a little shiver as he was exposed to the comfortably cool air. He held the remote in both paws, staring at it as if he'd never seen one before, though his records claimed he'd been quite tech savvy before he'd been imprisoned. "W...water. Water's fine." He licked his lips, knees tucking together and toes brushing over each other awkwardly.

Nodding to the inmate and turning around, the rat passed by every window to make sure they were locked before he moved into the next room. The kitchen wasn't far away, and quite soon the sounds of cupboards opening and closing, ovens running, knives and other utensils chopping and clinking away and of course, the sizzle of things being fried all filled the air. Not to mention the aroma that came with it. The rat was humming happily to himself as he worked away, out of sight.

Yntemid did eventually turn the television on, the sounds of an intergalactic news station coming from the living room while the rat worked in the kitchen. He never tried to change the channel, though, and aside from a small rustling of fabric as the ferret pulled one of the couch pillows closer to himself, little else could be heard where Archie was working on the meal. When the rat returned, the ferret wasn't even paying any attention to the wallscreen, his eyes glued instead past the tall windows, staring motionless at the planetside landscape stretching beyond them.

Archie had a tray in his paws, holding two glasses, one filled with a fizzing soda, the other with water. There were two plates also with freshly cooked fish and a side of potato wedges on one. A couple of cheeseburgers were on the other, also with wedges. The rat smiled as he saw where the inmate was looking. He approached the couch and set the tray down carefully on it, then straightened up and, after a bit of searching, managed to find a small fold-out table, which he relocated the tray of food to.

Yntemid would have kept staring, but his twitching nose led him to turn his attention to the veritable feast being laid out in front of him, an audible rumble coming from his belly.

"There's a good view of the sunrise and sunset from here," Archie told him, and the ferret glanced outside again, then brought his eyes up to the rat's face. The ferret tried to feign disinterest, but it didn't last. Instead, his expression wavered between begrudging gratitude and mistrust. "I know what you're trying to do," he said sullenly. "Make me like it here so much more than at the station that I'll do anything you ask if you won't make me go back." He kept sniffing at the air, even while talking, and never denied that such a tactic might work.

Archie just had a fork for himself. There was a fork and knife for the ferret to eat with. He moved to sit down on the couch and smiled. "I suppose that's pretty much exactly what I'm doing," he said. Before even going for his own food, the rat first began taking off his jumpsuit, leaving himself just as naked as the inmate. The rat's arousal had died down during the travel and the cooking, but it grew again, slipping quickly from his sheath. He then reached over for the inmate, gripping the ferret's hips and pulling the smaller male up toward him, so he could keep the little male held up close against his body before his attention turned back to the food.

Yntemid might not have sidled up against the rat's hip of his own accord. But then, he didn't try to resist when Archie pulled him up against his side, either, just holding still for a long moment, pressed up against the rat's naked body. The ferret stared at the silverware on the tray in front of him. Leaning forward, he took the fork and knife in his paws, thumbs brushing over their handles. Then, paws trembling, he cut a piece from the fried fish and slipped it into his mouth. He didn't even chew at first, merely breathing in deeply through his nose and letting it sit on his tongue. He let himself lean back, settling into the crook of the rat's arm and finally beginning the chew the morsel. "What is this gonna cost me?" he asked after swallowing.

With a shrug, Archie started to eat, as well, beginning with some of the wedges before he moved on to a burger. "Very little that you weren't paying already," he said. "Mostly... obedience." He wrapped his tail around the lithe male a couple of times to hold him nice and close. "I will hold you to a higher standard of service than what I was getting at Black Gazza. Otherwise, there's no reason to take you out of it in the first place. I want proper titles used. I want proper respect given. I want chores done. Polishing, cleaning, dishes. That sort of thing. And of course..." He chuckled. "Although I'm sure you've already taken it for granted. I will fuck you. Wherever I want to. Whenever I want to. In whatever position I want."

The ferret rested his forearm for a moment over the tail snugged around his waist, knife held rather close to the rat's leg. Close, but idle. If he even thought to use it, he made no sign, instead returning to his meal in earnest. He was halfway through the fish before resignedly murmuring around a mouthful, "Yes, sir." A little fish went a long way, it seemed. Or perhaps he was just waiting for a better opportunity to fight back. His tail curled around his hip underneath the rat's, and he cleaned his plate in scant minutes, then slumped back against Archie's side and rested a paw over his belly. "That'll last me half a week," he murmured, closing his eyes.

Archie turned his attention back toward the inmate after masticating a little, his head tilted slightly as he seemed to consider that answer. The ferret seemed content to lounge on the softness of the sofa, despite his reservations about his company. "You should know," Archie said, "if I die, while you're still officially owned by Black Gazza, then a little extra money comes off of my account...and you get bumped up to a death row inmate. And if I die after you're out of Black Gazza... Well then, as a slave, my lawyers will have no legal problem carrying out my last wishes when it comes to you. Which will amount to the same, practically." He smiled, one burger gone now. "Perhaps if you serve me well for a good amount of time, I'll change it to releasing you if I die." He moved a paw to the ferret's muzzle and tilted it upward slightly, to lock his eyes with the smaller male's own. "Also. It's not 'sir' anymore. It's 'master'."

The ferret grimaced, though none of the additional terms were at all unexpected. The ferret met Archie's eyes without flinching, but visibly struggled to push the rat's new title past his lips. "Understood...Master."

Archie looked slightly surprised, but very pleased. Once again, the rat's cock was rock hard, and throbbing, even leaking a little bead of pre from the tip.

By the face he was making, it was a wonder Yntemid's fish didn't come back up and out along with the word. He reached up with one paw to wrap his fingers lightly around his new owner's wrist, lifting an eyebrow with the slightest of smirks. "I guess it's in both of our best interests, then, that you keep making my life worth living. Prison is prison, whether or not it comes with a view, so if I find I just can't bear the terms of my new...employment..." He traced a blunt claw along the underside of the rat's wrist. "Might be I decide the terms of your last will and testament are preferable."

The rat frowned slightly and brought one paw forward to stroke lightly over his new slave's face, where the darker brown mask crossed the ferret's eyes. Yntemid managed not to lean into the touch this time. "Now, now Stripe," Archie said. "That's not exactly an answer indicative of high quality service now, is it?" As the rat asked this, he kept his eyes on the former inmate for the answer, but leaned forward to finish of the rest of his food, reaching under the couch with his foot in the same movement.

"Oh, right. You want service with a smile." The ferret snorted a humorless laugh, then gave the rat the toothiest smile a ferret could manage, which was...very toothy. "Make me wish I was dead, and I'll kill you, Master!" he said in a cartoonish voice, then frowned again and leaned forward to down the last of his water. "That better?" He shook his head, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. "I've been property for a long time; only difference is now only one person's holding the leash. But you knew what product you were buying when you paid for me. I might be able to do what you tell me, but if you wanted a meek little sexbot that never talks back, you could've bought an android."

Archie considered the ferret at length, his head tilted slightly as he used his foot to pull a box out from under the couch. The rat lifted the box up and held it in both of his paws, silent for a while. He scratched over his muzzle then said, "Hold out your arms." The rat opened up the box and pulls out a pair of cuffs, from among many tools. He set the box to one side, away from the small male and looked towards him, waiting to see if he was going to comply, a blank look on his face.

Yntemid didn't hesitate long, only pausing a moment before sighing and lifting his arms out toward the rat, palms up. He'd promised obedience, after all. He glanced toward Archie's crotch, only now admitting with a look that he'd noticed the rat's arousal, but he didn't remark about it or raise any complaints about the cuffs aside from a grimace on his muzzle.

Bringing the bindings up, Archie started to wrap them around the ferret's wrists, pulling them tight and making sure they were secure. As he did so, he leaned down to rest his face right in front of the other male's own. "I specifically remember you asking me what this would cost you. And I specifically remember one of the answers I gave you was that proper respect be given. This was in the list of things I informed I wanted from you." He locked the cuffs in place and linked them together with each other. "Is this not true, Stripe?"

The ferret kept his arms held out, ears flicking back in distaste. He kept his muzzle lowered slightly, but when he realized that was only turning his stare into a most unsubserviant glare from under his eyebrows, lifted his chin enough to look a little less hostile. "Apologies, Master." His tone was more than a little condescending. "I felt the amount of respect I was giving was entirely proper."

Archie brought his paw up to grip the ferret's muzzle and pull it, hold it, so that he could look right into the smaller male's eyes. "It is not," he informed him, simply, quiet for a moment before he added, "I don't want a meek, silent sex doll. I actually prefer a little bit of personality with my partners, whether slaves or equals. But they need to know how to do it properly. They need to demonstrate first, that they are capable of giving respect properly. And they need to know where the line is, and not cross it. Do you understand?"

Yntemid shifted his arms with a jingle from the chain connecting them. Almost nose to nose with the rat, he drew in a deep breath. "Yes, Master. No more death threats. Or at least not so many." He still sounded more than a touch sarcastic, but at least he wasn't smirking openly anymore. The ferret looked down at his bound hands, then back up at Archie's face. "I'm gonna have a hard time washing the dishes like this." He gave another little jerk of his wrists, testing the short length of chain between them.

The rat rubbed a paw over the top of the ferret's head. "You don't need to worry about them yet. Your first day will be nice and easy for you. Tasks you already have plenty of experience with." The rat stretched his legs out wide, to expose his cock nice and fully to the open air. He relaxed backwards and pushed down on the back of the ferret's head, slowly but firmly, pushing the smaller male's face right up against his cock and holding it there, the rat's shaft resting right up against his muzzle. "And since it looks like you need a bit more practice with controlling your mouth, we may as well start here." He looked down at the ferret. "Kiss me."

Yntemid folded back his ears, a little resistance pushing back against the rat's paw. He held himself up with his forearms propped on the rat's belly, one eye closing as the other male's tip came dangerously close to poking it. Looking down at the ferret, Archie very much enjoyed the sight of him peering back up at him beneath that cock. The little male took a breath and opened his mouth, looking up at the rat's face from under his bangs, but stopped himself before he made any more unwise quips. Another breath drew in the musk between Archie's legs, and a warm sigh washed out across the rat's length before the ferret's lips obligingly--begrudgingly--planted a halfhearted kiss on the side of the rodent's erection.

Archie's shaft twitched right in the ferret's face when the breath from that sigh washed across it. When the kiss finally came, though, he frowned and shook his head. One of the rat's paws pushed down hard on the ferret's upper back, still keeping him able to move his head some, and the other went all the way to his ass, groping it firmly for a second. Yntemid's tail half lifted in response, providing an open target as the rat raised his paw high to spank the ferret's rump. "Not nearly acceptable."

The ferret jerked forward in surprise, nose bumping against the rat's lower belly, and he let out a startled, undignified squeak before he could stop himself. That only amped up the blush in his ears, and he had to take a moment to ignore the sting in his backside before nosing under the root of the rat's shaft and kissing it again, right at the entrance to Archie's sheath. It was slightly more convincing this time, still just a slow press of his lips to the exposed flesh.

This time, Archie didn't comment on the quality of the kiss, at least verbally, but his paw still seemed to do a lot of speaking, landing another spank, nice and firm on the ferret's rear. Still watching, the rat drank in every second of it, his cock warm to the touch as it flowed with blood, twitching every now and then from the attention. He breathed steadily, using his paw on the ferret's rear to express his satisfaction, or lack thereof. And although the next hits that came down weren't quite as firm as the last ones, they still came down, and quite steadily, one after another as he watched to see what the ferret would do.

Yntemid shuddered, tail twitching and flailing each time the rat's palm thumped down and sent his backside bouncing. The ferret sprawled on his belly over the couch, blunt claws digging into Archie's belly fur, but he kept his eyes down, ears staying pinned against the top of his head. His tail was never able to lower completely before the next slap landed, and after a few more, it stopped trying to, staying flagged straight up in the air. There was a hint of the scent of aroused ferret joining the rat musk in the room, which was doubtless fueling the little male's blush. Between spanks, he made himself flick his tongue out against the side of the rat's shaft, tasting the musky flesh, and after working up the will to do so, he lifted his head enough to place his lips right against the tapered tip.

Archie let out a little hum of pleasure as he watched the inmate, his eyes narrowed slightly, but still definitely drinking in every moment. The rat delivered a couple more spanks to the ferret's rump, just for the fun of it. It was an excellent rump, after all. Then he let out a little, muttered, "Not bad." He brought his other paw to the top of the ferret's head and rubbed over it. "You may suck it now." His first paw, having stopped spanking for the moment, starting to grope and squeeze over those soft cheeks, enjoying the feel of them under his fingers.

The ferret kept his tail raised even after the spanking ended. He didn't seem to be aware of it, but that flexible length stayed vertical, like a banner, while he squirmed under the rat's paw. The start of a whimper escaped him at the first squeeze to his backside, but he muffled it by filling his muzzle with Archie's first few inches, closing his eyes and giving a firm suckle around the rat's tip. His teeth never touched the sensitive skin, somewhat remarkably. With so much time spent in prison, it was clear that the ferret picked up a few extra skills, unless he was always so talented. His tongue made an undulating bed underneath the rat's shaft, lips squeezing in a firm ring around it while he twisted his head from side to side. Now that the act had begun, he didn't show any of the inhibitions he usually had, instead nursing the shaft steadily and trying his damnedest not to lift his tenderized rump into the rat's molesting fingers.

Archie let out a little grunt as he watched the ferret, a slightly surprised but, again, very pleased look on his face as he felt that mouth work so expertly around him. "Mmn, look at that," he muttered, his eyes lidding further closed as he watched. "All we really needed to do was get a cock in you, and then the slut comes out." His voice was soft, praising even as he continued to stroke over the top of the ferret's head.

Yntemid kept his eyes closed, pausing briefly. His fingers flexed against the rat's pelt, half curling into fists, but a long breath drawn in through his nose let him reign himself in, and he went back to his blow job, that breath washing out and teasing the fine hairs on the top of Archie's retracted sheath.

"Good boy," the rat muttered. Lifting his paw off of the smaller male's ass again, he gave a little warning of, "Watch those teeth," before he spanked down once more. The rat did so in a more relaxed, slow pace, but still put a deal of force into the swats. Despite the hits, the guard's body language was calm and pleased, his words and his other paw expressing his pleasure. The spanks just happened as an incidental action for his own enjoyment.

The ferret drew back sharply in surprise at first, up to the last inch, but when those slaps continued unabated, he tried his best to keep focused on his job. He was a little more unsteady now, but managed to slather his tongue under the rodent's crown, then over the very front of it, the wet muscle teasing across Archie's sensitive urethral slit a few times before the ferret started to lower himself down again.

Archie breathed steadily, his cock throbbing in the ferret's mouth. "Good boy," he continued to say, his chest rising and falling steadily. "Good boy." Pre leaked from his tip to slip into the smaller male's mouth, the rat's tail, still wrapped some around him, flexed and undulated slightly, pulling tight briefly before relaxing, almost like a hug. The ferret swallowed down the pre, showing no reaction to the flavor. There was an audible crick as Archie cracked his neck from either side and picked up the remote that had been set down not too far away, changing the television channel to something he liked more. He relaxed back onto the soft cushion on the couch. Perhaps it was just because of the cozy surroundings here, perhaps it was because he wasn't on duty, but the rat looked much more relaxed than he usually did, even when he was abusing inmates in the prison, his eyes moving between the television and the ex-inmate, enjoying both of the shows. "Can you deepthroat, Stripe?"

The slave's ministrations slowed until the rat was relaxed and still again before continuing in earnest. The ferret's ears swiveled back toward the television as the channels changed, and when he realized his humiliation wasn't even the centerpiece of the rat's attention, he only grew all the more embarrassed. His dutiful suckling slowed again at Archie's question, and he looked up at the rat, muzzle full of rodent shaft. Without pulling back, he gave his head a little shake no, but the response wasn't the truth. There had been plenty of times when he'd taken a male into his throat in prison, whether of his own choice or not, and with constant video feeds, there was also plenty of evidence to prove it, too.

Archie hadn't seen any of those feeds, though, thankfully for the ferret though there was no telling what the rat might see when he went back to the prison station. He let out a little shrug and said, "We'll have to work on that with you." The rat groaned lightly, his spanking growing a little bit erratic, both from the stimulation over his cock and the laziness of all of the relaxing he was doing, only remembering to spank down again every so often, sometimes giving that rump a nice grope instead. Although not much faster, his breathing did get deeper and deeper as the rat's muscles subtly started to tense again under the ferret's touch, pre leaking more steadily from his tip. "You do have an amazing little ass," he muttered. "But we can't get too repetitive now. Need to keep your other skills sharp."

Yntemid had his toes dug into the couch cushions, flexing and twitching each time he was spanked. His soft backside had grown sensitive enough that each smack and squeeze of the rat's paw drew a muffled groan or whimper from around Archie's phallus, along with a wince from the ferret. The lewd compliment earned a whimper, as well, and the little male drew his hands down Archie's lower belly until the chain binding his wrists draped over the base of the rat's shaft. With another swallow, the ferret eased himself back enough to let the throbbing tip plop free of his lips, gasping for air while bringing his paws up and over that spire, only to dive back down and close his fingers around the half of Archie's erection that his lips couldn't reach, squeezing sharply.

The rat brought his eyes down to the ferret as he popped his mouth back off of his shaft. He didn't immediately force the smaller male back down on it, giving him a short time, at least to recover slightly before going back down. When he did, all on his own, the rat smiled and renewed his petting some. "Mmn, good boy," he muttered. He didn't give quite as much of his usual tells as he normally did, being so relaxed. His muscles tensed a little more, his breathing deepened more also, his paws on the little male's body getting more erratic and distracted.

Yntemid kept his paws squeezing around the rat's base, offering the occasional stroke, as well. He had stopped focusing quite so much on what he was doing, letting his mind grow distant from the act. Well, as distant as it could get with a palm still falling on his round backside from time to time. So it caught him completely off guard when the rat let out a grunt and that cock twitched inside of the ferret's mouth, cum shooting out hard from its tip. Archie didn't try to hold his new slave's head down, and the ferret spluttered in surprise when thick cum filled his mouth, jerking back and snorting a startled cough when the next shot jetted straight up his nostril. Semen splattered over the rat's thigh as the ferret turned his head to the side, the third gush splashing over the side of his face. He almost pulled away entirely, but thought better of it, holding himself up with his paws on Archie's inner thighs and forcing himself to cope with the rat's orgasm painting wet stripes over his head.

Archie definitely had his eyes off the television and on the ferret for this part, pleased as the little male placed himself in pretty much the perfect position for a bit of facepainting. The rat groaned a little, his cock straining in the air as his rather copious load shot out, spurt after spurt. Eventually, it did slow down to a drizzle, then stop altogether. The rat let out a long sigh of contentment, and if it looked like he was relaxed before, it was even more so now. He stretched his legs out, propped up on the pillow and stroked lightly down the ferret's back. "Mmm, good boy, Stripe," he muttered. "Not a bad performance." The rat's cock was still quite hard and he reached forward to grip the smaller male's hips. "I'm going to go for a nap."

Yntemid kept his ears down, each "good boy" hitting him like a lash. He finally opened an eye--just one; the other was glued shut by rat jizz--to look up at Archie from under clumped and tangled bangs. Licking his lips, he made himself swallow what was still in his mouth, pulling up slightly further with a thick rope of sticky cum making a swaying ladder between his chin and Archie's thigh. "O...okay." He looked a little surprised at just how far he'd let himself take things, his eyes flickering to the rat's spit and cum-glazed member. "I should, um...probably go clean myself up..."

Shaking his head, Archie told him, "No, no, that's fine. You look perfect just like this." The rat pulled on the ferret to lift him up from that position, then off of the couch itself. "You're gonna be my little cocksleeve while I sleep. It's going to be a pretty standard duty for you whenever you're here, see." He positioned the other male over the top of his cock, so that he could start to lower him down onto it. "We'll let it coat in during the nap and see if you look as good afterwards, hmm?"

Perking his ears up, the ferret's feet planted to either side of the rat's thighs and instinctively resisted Archie's paws when he felt the other's wet tip graze through the fluff on the underside of his tail. His hips tried to move out of position, making Archie's tip press first into one bruised cheek and then the other. Sucking the guard off was one thing, but the ferret couldn't convince himself to willingly take the rat's erection underneath his tail.

Archie looked at once annoyed and pleased by the ferret's resistance. He considered the slave for a moment as he squatted for all he was worth to stop that cock from pushing into him. "Mpgh!" the rat growled, his relaxation going out of him for the moment as he watched the ferret, a little glint in his eye as he leaned forward toward the smaller male. "I have to confess," he muttered, "one of the things about this deal I've not liked is that, once you've learned to be a proper slave, I won't be able to rape you anymore. I suppose I should take advantage of that while I can."

The ferret was at visible odds with himself, but the part of the his mind that was terrified of returning to the Gazza couldn't quite compete with the instinct to avoid being skewered up his unwilling backside. His bound arms jangled in front of him, trying to find some sort of leverage, but he couldn't stop the rat when Archie pushed him off from over his lap and used his paws and body weight to pin the smaller male down on his front.

The ferret's arms sprawled up above his head with his messy face smearing into the cushion, round rump arching prominently above the small of his back. He kept squirming, trying to scoot forward without lifting his hips any further, but the rat had him easily pinned.

Archie used his knees to help part the ferret's legs, not that he really needed to. He used one paw to grab the little male's tail and yank it out of the way, revealing that plump ass, the other paw pushing hard on the small of his back.

Yntemid raked his claws over the cushions, trying to pull himself out from under the larger male, but they were too blunt to even fray the fabric. His legs kept squirming, buttocks perking as they flexed, but when Archie pried the ferret's thighs apart, there was little he could do to protect himself. His tail star was bared and in full view.

Archie lined himself up on top of the tiny guy and held him as still as he could with his weight, paws and legs. The rat poked his tip forwards until he managed to get it to the ferret's tailhole. "An ass like yours," he growled, "deserves more than just a regular old fucking." He started to push forwards, beginning to slip himself into it, that snug entrance buckling forward around the rat's tip. The little oval of bare skin radiated heat as Archie's cum and the ferret's saliva smeared into it. "Your ass deserves a nice, hard, raping!" Slickened as it was, the rat has no trouble wedging his tip into the ferret's body, and the little male arched his back with a shout, clenching reflexively and thudding his tail back against the rat's chest.

The rat seemed to have gotten his wind back again. He leaned forward over the back of the ferret's body, resting his chest on the other's back, his muzzle right next to a round, little ear. He slipped himself firmly in, all the way, until he was hilted there fully. "Aww, little Stripe," he crooned, his voice soft again despite his actions. "Don't feel bad about it. This is what you were made for." He started to move, pulling his hips back to the tip of his cock before slamming right back in. "So small, so easy to manhandle. Such an amazing, tight, little ass. You were born to be raped. Ever since you came into being, you were destined to be dicked again and again, until you finally like it. Your body agrees with me, Spike."

Yntemid gripped incredibly tightly around Archie's erection for a Black Gazza inmate. Somehow, against all odds, he must have avoided the attention of the other guards, unless his body was just so elastic it could return to near virgin snugness after every romp. With his back still arched, his face strained toward the far wall, fingers bunching around the cushion underneath them, and he peered back from the corner of his eye. "I'm not--ahh!--some...fresh meat you can...manipulate." He shuddered, backside flattened against the rat's lap, his rear cheeks getting pressed forward until there was a dimple visible in the fur between his rump and lower back. Whatever he claimed, the grinding pressure against his prostate had him fully unsheathed, his erection throbbing between his belly and the couch.

Archie chuckled at that as he pumped in and out. The rat was giving no quarter, going as fast as he could with every pump. Each one even faster than the one before it, his thrusts loosened that rear up more and more for him. "Of course not, Stripe." He put a bit of emphasis into the new name he had given the ex-inmate. There was more than a little amused irony in his voice. He was leaking pre again quite quickly into that ass, his balls and body slapping audibly against the other male, tossing his head to throw some strands of hair over his back so they didn't get in front of his eyes and block his view. "I suppose you won't be begging for me to get you off also, then?"

The ferret had stopped trying to pull himself away, his paws only able to clutch fistfuls of the cushion. With his legs spread wide, he could only lift his hips at a better angle, trying to relax as much as he could. He very nearly started pushing back into the rat's lunges, but soon Archie was worked up into such a frenzy, the ferret couldn't keep up if he wanted to, so he stayed still, tail thumping back against the rat's chest. He kept letting out weak grunts and whines, his backside so sore from the spanking, these full-bodied impacts made his buttocks feel like they were on fire, not to mention the burning friction between them. "Keep that up," he grit out, teeth clenched, "and I won't have to." His balls were already starting to draw up between his thighs, bearing the brunt of the rat's swinging sack and jostling forward with each hit.

Archie let out a little grunt of pleasure at the ferret's comment, a spark of interest in his eye at that. "Oh? A hands-free-r, eh?" He grinned as he leaned down and just continued to pound in and out. The rat would have redoubled his efforts, but there wasn't enough left that he wasn't already giving for him to be able to. "That sounds like fun. Just like a proper little cocksleeve should be!" His voice got a little more broken up, breathless as he talked, his head coming forward to bite lightly on one of the ferret's ears. "Lets see...if I can't fuck...that slutty little...orgasm right out of you." He worked his cock back and forth in a pink blur, his tail lashing behind him. The rat slammed himself in and out as hard and fast as he could, but he did still notice the change in the ferret under him as the little male's climax approached him closer and closer. Archie growled in his chest, rumbling over the ferret's back, a noise of pleasure and satisfaction.

It didn't take long. The ferret would never have admitted it aloud, but he'd been well worked up long before the first crushing squeeze of the rat's engorged shaft behind his prostate. With his own member pinned and throbbing between his belly and the cushion, grinding an inch forward and back as his body was jostled, he was quickly getting worked toward the point of no return, and at the feel of the rat's teeth pinning his ear, with those taunting words... His hips started bucking up and down, a drawn out, helpless "doook" escaping him, and he started flooding the couch cushion, thin ropes of watery cum splattering under his midsection. His inner tunnel rippled around the piston working it, clenching in a hard and rapid rhythm, and his humping tugged Archie's shaft up and down along with the ferret's quaking hips.

When he felt that climax hit, and that already snug rear clench down around his cock, the rat milked it for all it was worth, slamming in and out again and again, his eyes narrowed almost closed. Soon enough, his own climax was rising high, then released. The rat humped in and out a few more times, and Yntemid rode out the last part of his own orgasm unsteadily, his body's contractions seeming to follow the rat's eager thrusts, as if those lunges were actually controlling the throbs and final spurts to escape the ferret. Then Archie pushed himself to the hilt and stayed there.

The ferret's legs flexed with his last pulse, rump gripping viciously around the rat just as Archie hit his peak, and the ferret went limp while his new owner's rod flooded his inner tunnel. The ferret turned his face to the side, cooling jism making a web between his chin and the couch as he lowered his cheek, gasping for air. The rat's cock twitched and throbbed as its second load shot out of it, this time into his little new slave's rear, and its volume did not seem to be diminished from the rat's previous session. He held himself there for the moment as he just emptied himself out.

Archie held himself there for a little while, chest rising and falling, his cum slowing and stopping like before. The rat's glow was so good, though, he almost wasn't able to tell when his flow ended. There were just minutes with the larger male on top of the ferret, getting his breath back and saying nothing before he slumped down, flat, over the little slave, his body covering the smaller male's own. Thankfully the cushions were plush enough it didn't seriously crush him, but he used the ferret as a pillow, a barrier between himself and the mess that the ferret had made on the couch, so he didn't have to deal with any sticky spots. "You'll be cleaning that up," he grunted, settling down, cock still wedged nice and deep in that ferret rump.

Yntemid stayed still, breaths heaving underneath the rat's chest, heart hammering so hard that Archie could feel it through the ferret's back. He tried to move, once, the little male's plush backside shifting against the other's lap, but when it brought a twinge of pain from his wide-stretched tailhole, he went still again. Everything was quiet for a while as they both regained their breath, but the ferret eventually muttered a broken, "Yes, master."

Pulling a cushion out and sliding it under his head to rest on, Archie let out a little, "Mmm," of pleasure at that answer. "Good boy." It wasn't much longer at all before the rat was snoring. Even heavier now that he was limp and fully relaxed on top of the ferret, his cock keeping hard, and staying that way for a while. The stimulation of the ferret's rump kept all the blood in it, and assured sweet dreams for the rat.

The ferret decided to wait for a while before trying to slip out from under the rat, ever suspicious of a trick. He kept still for several minutes, his own breaths slowing, only able to draw in shallow pants with the larger male's weight half smothering him. By the time he would have decided it was safe to squirm away, he was already half unconscious himself, and couldn't quite muster the energy to do so. A minute or two later and two sets of snoring echo in the room, the only parts of the ferret visible his spread legs and a twitching tail crimped to one side from under the rat's waist.