The Autumn Hunt

Story by zanzio on SoFurry

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A determined wolfess stalks her elusive prey through the forest, but she's not exactly the skilled huntress she wants to be, and her prey knows she secretly wants a different kind of meat. Will she take her prey, or will her prey take her?

Notes: It's been about three years since I last posted a dirty story. I'm very rusty.

The wolf had been on her prey's trail for over an hour. The signs were clear and easy to follow - a hoofprint there, a broken stick here, a nibbled plant there. And over it all hung the powerful, musky scent of a buck in the rutting season.

The scent of this particular buck was familiar to her. She had come to think of him as her nemesis. She had encountered him several times in the past few months, and every time he had managed to escape. But this hunt would be different. The buck had become overconfident. He'd made no effort to disguise his passage today, as if he thought no predator would dare to follow him. He would regret his hubris once the wolf sank her teeth into his flesh. She licked her chops, thinking of venison steaks and venison stews.

The wolfess sniffed at the air and adjusted her path to the right, where the scent seemed strongest. Then she crept deeper into the woods, moving on silent paws. Well, nearly silent. The freshly fallen leaves crinkled beneath her no matter how carefully she chose each step, but a few rustling leaves probably wouldn't startle her prey.

The trail finally ended at a stand of birch trees. Their papery white trunks stood out vividly among the reds and browns of the autumn forest. And sure enough, that elusive buck was there rubbing his antlers against some branches, blissfully oblivious to the dangerous huntress approaching.

The wolfess stopped and took a breath. In her mind she ran down the list of hunting tips her pack mates had given her.

Stay quiet? Check. She had been perfectly - well, adequately - silent. It wasn't going to turn out like the first time she had stalked the buck, when she had stepped on a sharp rock and he had watched bemusedly as she hopped up and down on one paw while shouting curses to the treetops.

Stay downwind of the prey? Check. A gentle breeze blew in her face and carried her scent far away into the woods. It wasn't going to be like the second hunt, when a sudden change in the wind had alerted him to her presence.

Make sure you're not holding your spear upside down? Check. The sharpened flint spearhead was where it was supposed to be. Not like the third attempt at bagging the buck, when she had poked him with the blunt end of the wooden shaft and then watched helplessly as he yanked the spear away and laughed his head off.

Everything was under control. It wasn't going to be like the first three times (or like the fourth time, for that matter). All signs pointed to venison for dinner.

The buck was still contentedly rubbing his antlers against the lower tree branches when the wolfess started forward. Each careful step brought her a little closer to her prey. He was perfect - perfect long and muscular runner's legs, perfect toned torso, perfect eight point antlers, perfect cute tail and cuter butt... The wolf shook her head. The situation was perfect. His back was turned, and everything about his posture was relaxed. He hadn't heard or smelled her yet. He was vulnerable.

She stalked closer. Closer. Just a few more steps...

A twig snapped beneath her paw and she winced, silently berating herself. Seriously? A twig? Of all the stupid, amateurish, cliché mistakes...

Most deer would bolt at the first sign of trouble, but not this one. The buck turned around calmly and smiled a sickeningly smug smile. "So you're back again. Do you just enjoy humiliating yourself?"

Her whole face flushed with what was definitely anger. She definitely wasn't flustered. "Shut up! You're prey. You should be terrified of me."

"Hard to be terrified of the worst hunter in the forest."

The wolfess bared her teeth. "I'll get you this time. You won't be laughing once I've turned you into jerky."

"Yes, I'm so scared of your empty threats. Why don't you drop the tough huntress act? We both know what you're really here for."

"Shut up! I'll rip your throat out; I swear I will!"

"Oh, yeah? Do it then." The buck stepped forward and tilted his head to show off his neck. "Look - my poor, vulnerable throat is exposed. Some bloodthirsty wolf is going to tear it out."

The wolf took a step back. Why was she trembling? This was her prey, and he had a death wish. She should bite down on his jugular and drink his blood, then drag his carcass back to the pack to prove that she could hunt just as well as any of them. So why wasn't she doing that?

The buck kept smiling that smug smile. "What's wrong? Don't want my neck? Maybe you'd prefer the ribs." He patted his side and took another step closer. "Or maybe what you really want," he said, his voice going lower, "is the tenderloin." His hand dropped to his hip and loosened the tie of his loincloth. The cloth fell away to reveal a tapered pink shaft emerging from its sheath.

"You're disgusting," the wolfess said, backing away until she bumped into a tree. Yet she couldn't stop her eyes from roving downwards. The deer's dick was smoother and thinner than a wolf's would be, but she had to admit it was longer.

"I can't be too disgusting. After all, this wouldn't be the first time you've tasted it."

"Shut up," she said, refusing to meet his eyes.

She was cornered now. The buck was right in front of her, and he had one hand on her shoulder, pinning her to the tree with a surprisingly strong grip. His other hand knocked her spear away and then brushed against her stomach, feeling its soft grey fur. Her mouth suddenly felt very dry, even as something else started to feel very wet.

The buck's hand roamed upwards. He grabbed the strip of leather that bound her breasts and tugged it down to her stomach. The grey furred mounds bounced free, the nipples stiffening in the autumn chill. The wolf told herself that she hated it, but she moaned anyway when he groped one.

She squirmed helplessly against the tree as he kneaded her breast, cursing herself for her weakness. Five times now (or was it six?) she had failed to take her prey. And for the fifth (sixth?) time, her prey was going to take her.

The hand on her breast distracted her from the fact that his other hand was no longer on her shoulder. It slipped beneath her muzzle and tilted her chin up, forcing her to look him in the eyes. He had such a hungry look about him. How could prey have such predatory eyes?

Then he kissed her fiercely, shoving his tongue into her mouth. She briefly imagined biting it off and watching him writhe on the ground in pain, then shoving her spear through his heart to restore her honor as a wolf. But she didn't. Instead she kissed him back just as passionately, thrusting her tongue forward to wrestle with his.

When he broke the kiss he left her panting. Her body was flushed with arousal and shame. "Please stop," she said weakly.

"Make me. You're a wolf. I'm a deer. You could overpower me easily if you wanted to. But we both know you don't really want to."

His hand dropped from her breast to her waist, and his fingers found her loincloth and slipped it off her hips. It fell to her ankles and revealed a pink slit between her legs dripping with arousal. Fingertips brushed her lower lips and she shuddered. Something poked against her inner thigh - his long tapered shaft, fully erect now and smearing pre-cum into her fur.

"It's not true," the wolf said. "I don't - AH!" The buck slid into her without resistance and bottomed out on the first thrust. He pumped into her savagely, the force of each stroke hiking her a little farther up the tree trunk until her paws couldn't reach the ground. She hooked her legs around his waist and her arms around his back, and he grabbed her rump to help support her weight.

"You love this," the buck whispered in her ear. "You don't want to stop me, because you love being impaled by deer dick." A little thrill shot up the wolf's spine, but she still shook her head no.

"Just admit it. You love being dominated by your prey."

She buried her face in his shoulder and refused to answer. Maybe if she ignored him, she could also ignore the fact that the more he abused her, the tighter she held him.

But that tactic had its own problems. Even if she pretended not to hear him, she could still feel him. She felt the powerful muscles beneath his short brown fur. She felt the way he gripped her ass and dug his fingers into her flesh. And of course she felt the long, hard shaft prodding at hidden spots deep inside her. Her breath began to come in short gasps as a flush spread through her body.

Why? Why did she enjoy this? Everything about it was wrong. She was supposed to eat the buck, not fuck him. He wasn't even the right size or shape for her. When he went all the way inside, she could feel that they weren't quite compatible. Yet even in the discomfort there was an odd kind of pleasure.

She tried to imagine it was a wolf taking her instead. She imagined having a proper mate, one who would care for her, one who would make gentle love to her beneath the stars and give her strong pups. But she couldn't hold on to that image for long before her vision of a wolf transformed into the buck. Even in her mind she submitted to him, dropping to hands and knees with tail raised high, begging...

"Fuck me; dominate me! I love it! I need it!"

He did just as she asked, and ravaged her canine cunt. Every thrust ended with a loud, meaty slap when their hips met. She didn't try to hide her arousal anymore. She grasped at him, kissed him, moaned and panted and growled. Shame was forgotten in passion as she bounced up and down on his cock. She would have so many bruises when this was over, just like all the other times.

When he finally came inside her she tilted her head back and howled the way a wolfess howls when she's claimed by her mate. Her thighs squeezed around his waist once more as an orgasm rippled through her body, but then all strength left her. Her arms dropped to her sides; her legs slipped off the buck's hips and dangled uselessly. She only stayed upright because the buck pressed tight against her and kept her pinned to the tree trunk.

"It's too bad you're not a doe," he said, chest heaving between heavy breaths. "I'd have a fawn inside you by now." That set her body trembling and her heart fluttering all over again, a minor orgasm triggered by his words alone.

The buck recovered first and unceremoniously dropped the wolf. Her legs still refused to work, so she slid down the tree trunk and settled in the dirt. Deer semen oozed from her pussy, leaving white beads on her pubic fur whenever a glob of it dripped onto the ground.

The wolfess sat there in a daze, listening to her thumping heartbeat, until something slimy and pungent bumped against her nose. She looked up in confusion, only to have her vision filled with a glistening pink shaft. "Clean it up," the buck said. "I don't want it to feel all sticky for the rest of the day."

She meekly complied and took his meat into her mouth. The tangy, salty remnants of his ejaculation leaked onto her tongue. A whine escaped her throat, but she continued dutifully until she had licked up every trace of their sexual fluids.

But she didn't stop when he was clean. She kept sucking until he grew hard again, and then took more of his length into her muzzle until she practically swallowed the tip. Reluctance turned to eagerness, and her whines turned to moans as she kissed his crotch and felt his fur tickle her nose.

The buck groaned and bucked his hips against her face. Thick and musky, his ejaculation filled her mouth, and she gulped it down without complaint. After she swallowed every drop, he pulled his wet dick free and slapped it against the top of her muzzle a few times.

The buck looked down at the wolf, smug as ever, as he fastened his loincloth back in place. "Looks like another unsuccessful hunt. But don't worry; you can come find me whenever you're ready to try again. Or whenever you need a good dicking. Whichever."

Then he turned and walked away. The wolfess watched him go until he disappeared between the trees. She took a deep breath and hung her head in shame, wondering what excuse she could make to the pack for coming home empty handed yet again.