Team Tryouts

Story by WolfySpy on SoFurry

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#1 of Coach's Team

When bored, you roll your face on the keyboard and make a quick smut story about a hunky wolf coach looking for additional members to his football team. Have a nice read!

Team Tryouts

It's a clear, sunny day and the players out on the football field are all in high spirits trying to show off their very best for the rugged black furred wolf coach stood at the sidelines at the center, keeping a trained eye on the many different young men doing tryouts for the team. This mock match was only for the coach, namely Richard Henderson, to get a good judge of character on how they behaved out in the field.

Not to mention it gave the forty-ish year old wolf coach to get a real reason to eye up all these young hunks and watch their muscled backs showing through their sweat-soaked shirts, and their strong legs run up and down the field kicking at the ball, passing it back and forth between each other.

Several of his regulars were already out there, being more than happy to put on a show for their coach, and if their eyes would happen to meet there would be a split second of a half-grin on the coach's muzzle as he watched them.

Being a popular college football team, Northridge College to be precise, the well respected coach always had a long line of young college kids looking to join the team. And thus they held these tryout matches for new members and reserves. College students were fickle, and there was no guarantee one would stay all of their semesters.

Plus Richard had a good reputation about being a tough but mostly fair coach who cared deeply for his team and their well being. Even so that he was willing to personally coach and give counsel to players who was looking to get serious pro player, or people who just wanted a personal trainer. Either way Coach Henderson was a man who had more than enough time to put aside to help these younglings, especially since it's been well over twenty years since his divorce.

Especially since he could work his "magic" and get these hunks to do just about anything he asks for, and make them come crawling back for more.

A few well placed words and a paw in the right place was most that was needed to coax a 'straight' frat boy to bend over backwards for him. A technique he used with careful liberty. All of his current regulars knew most of the team members received private training from the coach, and that is what they believe. When in reality this 'training' was something much more carnal.

One good example was the team captain, Gordon Buckley, the massive mass of muscles in the shape of a very masculine black furred bull, with just a touch of white fur around his muzzle and just above his hooves. He was much like Coach Henderson, tough yet approachable. Not to mention he could tackle like a freight train.

Most important he had a chiseled ass just made for pounding, which Richard did, frequently. The bull was more than happy to offer his backside to his coach if it meant his team would make it to the finals in the championship, but it could also be that the bull just did it because he was a naughty little butt slut.

As Gordon was now however, putting up a versatile defense for his team, never allowing the ball to ever get near their goal. It was impossible to tell that the bull had been bent over his coach's desk only a couple of nights ago, screaming at the top of his lunges about how much he loves to show his coach about what a devoted captain he is by taking Coach Henderson's thick cock down to his fat knot...

Hrmm... Calm down boy. Richard had to tell himself as he could feel his red member starting to poke free from its sheath into his jockstrap. Getting excited now of all times was very bad, his priority right now was keeping an eye for any potential recruits from today's selection of tryouts.

Frankly there weren't many that showed any kind of potential or the drive some others had, but there was a few that made his coach senses tingle.

One specifically made a huge impression on him, and his team. A white wolf just a couple of inches shorter than the black furred coach himself, almost the same build as him too, same thick, muscular thighs, broad shoulders and a flat chest, no doubt sporting a fine six pack on his abs. The only difference was the younger age showed the white wolf much more defined than the black wolf, who in his forties had rounded out just a little bit.

A long, fluffy wolf tail flowed freely above a most impressive duo of distended mounds that pushed against the fabric of his shorts. The globes of cushioned muscles jiggled ever so slighty, as much as Richard could tell due to said wolf was running around out on the field.

But it wasn't just the picture perfect figure, that ass or his respectively impressive bulge at the front that intrigued the wolf coach to consider him for a position in the team. He showed skill and technique, that he was a team player by passing the ball often and setting up a couple of well placed goals against the regulars. It was also the way he carried himself on the field. Confident and fearless, but also humble. And there was just that tiny subtle hint that the wolf were in for it for more than the football.

For anyone else this might have gone unnoticed, but for someone like Coach Henderson, who was well versed in picking up the signals and seeing all the signs had no doubt about it. The way the wolf had his legs spread whenever there was a tussle with other players, or the way his paw would linger whenever they brushed up against another.

There were even a couple of times that he had caught the white wolfs' eyes staring at him whenever the time allowed it.

The sound of the coach's whistle sounded loudly, getting all of the players' attention.

"Alright, that's enough. I want to thank everyone who showed up for tryouts today, you all showed some great school spirit. However school spirit alone doesn't get you on the team!" Richard barked loudly as the players were gathering up in a semi-circle in front of him.

"A few of you showed the potential it takes to play with this team, the rest I suggest sticking to lifting barbells in the gym." A couple of the newbie guys grunted, but said nothing. "I'm not going to announce it right now, I still have a few things to consider before I make my pick. Hit the showers all of yah' and I'll be in touch with you personally whether or not you made it. Dismissed!"

"Yes coach!" All of the players shouted in unison, followed by the semi-circle splitting up and all of the players scattering towards the locker room. A few stopped to trade a few words with the coach, asking about their performance. It was however fruitless as Richard would tell them nothing before he contacted them.

The last player out was the white wolf, who had lingered behind seemingly to tie his shoe. Whether that was an obvious lie fabricated solely to create a reason to say behind.

"Hey Coach, thanks for this chance." The white wolfs' icy blue eyes looked directly at him as he stuck out his paw to be shook.

Richard, who had his arms crossed, looked at the outstretched paw for a moment trying to see if the white wolf would falter. As time went on and almost a whole minute had passed of intense staring, Richard cracked a grin and stuck out his own paw, giving the white wolfs' paw a firm squeeze.

"Heh, it's my pleasure pup, watching all of you young lads putting in some damn fine effort. You did some fine work yourself out there today, but don't let anyone else know I said that." Richard replied with a slight wink and a grin. The pawshake still hadn't broken off, and the white wolf had a slight smile of his own on his muzzle.

"No sir, I won't sir." The white wolf replied in earnest, still locked in the firm paw squeezing.

"Heh, I like your attitude pup. Showing some proper manners, sure could show some of my regulars how it's done." One last squeeze and Richard let go of the white wolf paw.

"Thank you, sir."

"Don't thank me yet pup, I still haven't decided if you'll make the team or not. Swing by my office after showers and we can chat more at length after I've mulled through my options." The blue eyes of the white wolf lit up at the mention of meeting again after, and hastily did a quick bow.

"Yes sir!" As the wolf set out in a jog and went past his coach, Richard took the chance to give one of those alluring mounds of flesh a quick slap in passing. It was only briefly that the coach's paw struck against the younger wolfs' buttock, but from that initial slap he could sense just how perfectly it were built to be groped and fondled by a pair of strong hands.

Looking back after the jogging wolf, Richard could see the hunks wolf tail slightly lifted up and wagging. And once again the coach could feel his sheath heating up.

Roughly forty minutes after Coach Henderson had watched that white wolf jog off for the showers, there was a slight knock on the door to his office.

"Come in." Richard said, looking up from the paper in front of him on the desk. As expected he could see the head of the white furred wolf poke inside.

"You wanted to see me coach?" He asked carefully before stepping fully inside, gym bag flung over his broad shoulders, tail hanging low and wagging ever so slightly.

"Yes, come in, and close the door." Richard urged him inside with a paw gesture. The white wolf quickly complied and shut the door, stepping up to the front of the desk.

"Rune Artilles, right?" Richard asked casually, leaning back in his swivel office chair, looking at the paper lying flat on his desk.

"Yes sir." Rune said, straightening his back to stand full at his six feet five inches tall.

"You have an impressive performance record at your high-school football team, showing good dedication to the sport." Richard slowly turned the chair from side to side, eyeing Rune up and down as he stood at attention in front of his desk.

"Thank you, sir."

"I also liked what I saw out there." Richard continued, standing up. "You're a team player, making the right calls on when to pass." Rounding his desk, the black wolf was now positioned next to the white one. Rune never once let his stance falter, standing up tall and looking straight ahead.

"Thank you sir, I am nothing without my team, sir."

Richard nodded approvingly, reaching out a paw to squeeze at Rune's shoulder. Even through his sweater it was easy to feel the packed muscles beneath, and from the way the white wolf whined in just the tiniest way he was still feeling the aches of the rough workout earlier.

"Good build too, swift on your feet and strong." He came around to the back of the white wolf, appreciating its broadness and the way it was still ramrod straight. "A real good eye for ball play." Richard groped and squeezed his way down Rune's back.

"T-Thank you, sir!" The white furred tail kept rising the lower the coach's groping hands came.

"You like that huh? Playing with balls, hm?" Richard leaned in closer, his muzzle coming over Rune's shoulder as his hand finally came low enough to envelope the white wolfs' duo of butt cheeks and give them one good, strong grope at the same time as the bulge in his pants pushed up and nestled into the valley between the two mounds of flesh.

Rune gasped, and out of reflex pushed back against his coach pushing up against his back. "Y-Yes coach."

"Mmrm, good pup. I like a good obedient pup who can handle balls. Not all of the jocks appreciate these..." Richard reached around to grope at the growing bulge in Rune's pants. "...These kind of balls, but you do, don't you?" When the coach squeezed down with his paw around the bulge, the young college hunk moaned out audibly.

"Ahh, y-yes coach, sir."

"Mrr, good, good pup. Drop your pants for your coach." Richard barely moved as Rune hurried to undo his jeans button, even with his coach's paw still groping around his bulge and the black wolf's own pouch pushing up against his ass, Rune somehow manages to unzip his jeans and with some effort push them down enough to let them fall down to form around his ankles.

Much to the coach's surprise, the white wolf hunk was still wearing his jockstrap. He must have put it back on after he finished with the shower.

"I see you expected to get some from your coach, or is it pure chance that I find your ass free for the taking?" Richard licked at the young wolfs' cheek, grinding his still clothed bulge against that exposed tail base. He could feel the extreme heat coming from that private area under the wolf's tail, making the black wolf hump forward, thoroughly enjoying the feel of his bulge going up against exposed tail.

"I w-wanted you coach. And a place on the team, sir." Rune tried his best keeping up straight, moaning out slightly with each small thrust his coach did.

"Hah! The balls on you pup. Coming to my office with that perfect ass of yours on display, hoping that would be enough to join my team?" Richard scoffed, pushing the young wolf forward until he's forced up against his desk.

"Bend over, I'll show you what happens to cheeky pups who show up to my office."

Rune did as he was told, effective immediately. His white furred ass pushed out, and his tail fell down over his back. The way the jockstrap hugged around those perfectly round, muscular mounds of white furred flesh drove the coach absolutely nuts. He crouched down behind the bent over wolf, his muzzle just behind the offered ass. Already he could smell the younger wolfs' musk, it was mild and light, not as heavy and strong as most other of the jocks had.

Just looking at the white furred wolfs' ass was a pleasure in itself, even without the black wolf's paws spreading the cheeks it was easy to see the pink, slightly shiny, winking tailhole waiting for him.

Experimentally, Richard put his hands on Rune's ass, allowing one of his fingers to trail over the inviting valley between, feeling a familiar slickness when he trailed over the exposed tailhole.

"Well, well. Someone actually came prepared for once, I don't know if I should punish you or praise you for your eagerness." Richard grunted, allowing his thumb to push inside, sliding inside with almost no effort inside the wolfs' ass.

"Ohh, y-you decide s-sir." Rune's voice came from the front, still loud and clear but quivering from the coach's finger invading his private area.

"Damn right I do, pup." With the index finger on his left paw pumping its way inside the jock's ass, Richard raised his other paw to strike down at one of the exposed cheeks in front of him. "I'll let this go since this is your first time, but from now on you come here without this..." Coach Henderson emphasized on what he meant by pushing a second digit into the lube slicked tailhole of the jock. "I have a bottle in my desk for these kind of situations, understood?"

"Ahh, y-yes sir, coach!" Rune gasped as Richard spread his two fingers, trying out just how flexible the white wolf was. It didn't really come as a surprise when he found out the young jock wolf to be well prepared for this, as his fingers easily slid in to the knuckle, even after he applied the third finger.

"You're damn lucky you have such a perfect ass, else I would spend some time disciplining you. Now, however..." Richard stood up, unbuckling his own pants and letting them drop to the ground, stepping out of them.

Bringing his hips up close to the bent over wolf, he shivered as his fully erect wolf cock made a perfect fit in-between Rune's perfect jock ass butt cheeks.

"Hrrm, are you ready for this, pup?"

"Ahh, ohh yes, please." Rune moaned.

"Please.... what?" Richard pulled back, allowing his throbbing member to slide against the slick tailhole of his future team member.

"Please sir! Coach, please fuck me! Sir!" He was rambling now, pushing back against the pointed canine cock poking at his entrance.

"Hrm, that will do for now, pup. Well then, welcome to the team! Hnf!" Richard angled the tip of his wolf cock at the entrance to the jock's ass, and after penetrating the initial ring of muscle, he slammed forward with all his might, leaving only his knot pushing up against the jock's entry.

It might've been bad playing too rough with a player who would need to be able to walk straight for the following days ahead. So after recklessly slamming his wolf cock all the way inside the slick tightness, he held still for a couple of slow minutes. The pulsating muscles and the incredibly heat of the jock's anal tunnel clinging to his thick, red piece of wolf meat almost made him spill right then. But he was patient, and he waited.

"P-Please, sir." Rune said from his position, standing with his legs spread and arms pushing against the desk.

"I'm going to ram you so hard you'll come straight into this." Richard groped the still hidden jock cock beneath the cloth of the jockstrap. "This should teach you to not touch yourself unless I permit it, understood?"

Before the white wolf got the chance to answer, Richard pulled his shaft back, now with remnants of the slick lube covering half his manhood, and pushed it back inside to the knot.

"I said, understood?" He repeated the motion of sawing his cock in and out of the wolf's ass, earning a loud gasp and a drawn out moan instead of a coherent answer.

"Is that understood, mister Artilles, or would you rather I flunk you right now?" Richard made the move to pull out and push in again, but in-between the strokes the white wolf managed to shout out loud.

"Sir, yes sir!" This was followed by a long and equally loud moan as Richard slammed forward with his knot up against his tight tail ring.

"Good job, pup. Here's your treat." Coach Henderson picked up the pace at which he was fucking the jock, trading power for speed.

Gripping tightly at the wolfs hips, he railed the jock for a good couple of minutes, enjoying the sights of his red, slick wolf meat pump in and out of the tight ass of this jock. Each thrust was met with the beautiful sight of the jock's ass shake and ripple, the cushioned furry ass was specifically built to fit at the black wolfs groin area. This could be further proved by how perfectly aimed the coach's ball sack swung and slapped against the twitching bulging jockstrap.

"Hrm, I want to see your cute face as I claim you pup, get on the desk. And try not to spill anything."

Rune looked over his shoulder, face flushed with excitement, and only after processing after what he heard he nodded. "Y-Yes coach." Still impaled on his coach's wolf cock, Rune stood up, slowly turning around while bringing his lower back up on the desk which was now behind him. It took some effort, but the jock wolf had successfully turned around and hoisted himself up on the desk without allowing his coach's cock to slip free, with one leg on each side of the coach's sides.

"Very good pup, I'll make this quick and then you'll be a fully fledged member." Saying this, Richard picked up the pace he had been holding back, pumping his meat even better and even further inside his jock wolf.

Together they moaned loudly and the whole of the coach's desk shook with each powerful thrust made into the now uplifted jock ass, a trail of precum leaking out of the abused hole and dripping down the white tail.

As much as he would like to, Richard held back as he made the final thrust up into his price, keeping the knot pushed up against, but still outside the wolfs ass. Sparing him the trouble of waiting it out, as the hunk of a coach reached his climax, unloading big and hard inside his jock. Pumping several strands of his fertile wolf cum inside the younger wolf's bowels.

Of course without the knot to keep it all inside, most of the coach's cum spilled out, soaking the rim around the jocks tailhole, and continuing to drip down along the underside of the wolf tail.

Feeling his coach unloading Rune coudln't help but howl, shooting his own load into the jockstrap which became soaked in an instant. The throbbing length under his tail kept him stimulated for many minutes after the climax first hit them.

It took a while before Richard was willing to pull out of that snug entrance, allowing his cum soaked cock pull free from the well used tailhole of the jock wolf. A strand of wolf cum still connected them, tip of coach's cock with jock tail hole, until Richard stepped off and the connection broke.

Rune hooked his arms in the crook of his legs and kept them raised, allowing for his coach to witness the creampie of his handiwork. Quite beautifully the black wolf's cum was soaked in around ring around the jock's abused hole.

"W-Well, coach. D-Did I pass?" Rune looked groggily up at his coach from between his upheld legs.

"Performance like that, I can tell there's room for improvement, but you'll do pup. Come back tomorrow after school and we'll finalize your joining. Congratulations Rune, you made the team."