Alpha Bitch - Ch 06

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#19 of Commissioned Stories

Justine Munster is a lady wolf who runs a prostitution ring and escort service out of her beauty parlor, the Glamizon Salon. Justine's daughter Lila, and Alice, who is the daughter of her slave, Laurie Putman, have an unexpected encounter with Joules, a precocious skunk girl that makes sex toys. The Mayor enjoys a bondage and incest fantasy at Justine's brothel.

Commissioned story for dilbertdog on inkBunny, featuring several of his characters and some guest cameos. All characters except noted cameos belong to dilbertdog, or were created by DoggyStyle57 for this story series.

Picture of Joules:

Guest cameo in this chapter for Ariana, who belongs to Floofy on InkBunny.

Picture of Ariana:

Alpha Bitch

A story commission by DoggyStyle57, for dilbertdog

Written February 2017

CH 6:

Shortly after Easter, and before Justine got home after work, Lila and Tera placed an order on-line for some more sex toys from Shocked Skunk.

"I think that will do nicely," Lila said, as she double-checked the list before checkout. "We should have a lot of fun with those canine dildos with the pump bulb that allows them to knot up, and the second squeeze bulb to make them squirt fake cum. The biggest one is as long and as thick as that adult dog guy that fucked me at the park! And that large vibrating butt plug will be great too! I can't wait for you to keep it stuffed up your ass all day at school for me!"

"As you wish, Mistress," her babysitter said, completing the order and erasing her browser history. "Though I'm not so sure about that last weird toy that you added. Well, I'll let you know when they arrive at my house. It should only take a few days, since its a local company."

The cleaned up the bedroom and put away their toys, and by the time Lila's mom got home, the nine year old wolf cub and her babysitter were innocently relaxing on the living room couch, watching a movie on the TV and munching on popcorn.


The next morning, which was a Saturday, Lila awoke to the sound of her mother's unintelligible but clearly angry and shocked exclamations coming from the basement laundry room. The young wolf girl slipped on her bathrobe and sleepily went to the open door in the kitchen that led to the basement stairs, then looked down, asking, "Mom? What's wrong? I heard you screaming?"

Lila's mother was naked and standing almost ankle deep in water at the foot of the stairs, hastily stacking sodden cardboard boxes onto the steps, near her own discarded bathrobe. Justine looked up and replied, "Sorry I woke you, dear, but I'm so glad you're here! I need your help, right now! We've had a pipe burst down here, some time after we went to bed last night. The floor drain by the washing machine isn't draining very fast at all. I've managed to get the water to the house shut off, but the rugs down here are soaked, and I need to get the rest of these boxes off the floor and the emptied out, before the stuff in them gets ruined. Leave your robe upstairs so it doesn't get wet, and get down here, now!"

"Ummm, mom? I'm only wearing my panties under my robe," Lila said.

"I don't care! I'm not even wearing _that_much. No one will see us, and I need your help right now! Get down here!" Justine said, as she ducked out of sight to get more boxes to safety.

Lila dropped her robe on the kitchen floor and went down to join her mother, splashing through the pooled water and picking up the remaining boxes that were at risk. Fortunately, most of what had been stored down here was on shelves and off the floor, so only the things from the lowest shelves and stacked on the floor had gotten wet. But almost half of the floor down here was covered with wall-to-wall carpeting, and those rugs were saturated.

It took Justine and Lila nearly an hour to get everything moved, and to empty out the boxes that had gotten wet enough that they needed to be emptied and replaced. As they worked, Justine couldn't help but look at her nearly naked daughter, while recalling the conversation she'd had with her slave, Laurie, about the possibility of introducing either of their daughters to the sex trade activities at her brothel. Would either Alice or Lila _like_working as whores with their mothers? Both girls still seemed to be innocent and uninterested in sex. Lila had certainly show no interest in attending the dances at school that her 5th grade classmates were invited to attend, or in doing any other after-school social activities, with either boys _or_girls. She clearly _did_have several friends at school, who she talked about occasionally, and even played on-line games with several friends on Justine's computer. But in her spare time, the young wolf girl seemed quite content to stay at home with her babysitter and read or play games on the computer. Well, Lila _was_only ten, and Justine could wait until her daughter showed some interest in sex before making any decisions about her child's future in the 'family business'.

Once the things that had been on the floor were out of immediate danger, Justine called Laurie, and had her purchase some new boxes and bring them to the house, along with her daughter, Alice. By the time they arrived, the water on the floor had drained away, leaving the sodden wall-to-wall carpeting reeking with a wet, musty smell. Lila's babysitter, Tera, had also arrived, expecting to babysit the girls all day, and was helping with the salvage operations.

"One of my clients is a plumber, and he has a brother in law that does clean-up from flooding and other messy home problems," Justine told everyone. "I called him, and fortunately they are both available. They can start work this afternoon on fixing the pipes, drying the floors, and replacing the carpeting. But we can't stay in the house with the water shut off and the workmen running fans all day to dry off the floor. Tera, I would really appreciate it if you could take Alice and Lila to your home today, and babysit them there. Can you do that?"

"Sure thing, Ma'am!" the dachshund girl replied. "But the guys cleaning this mess up won't be done today, will they?"

"No, I'm quite sure they won't," Justine agreed. "But by the time you're done babysitting the girls, I'll have arranged for a hotel room for Lila and I to stay in, while our home is fixed up. We'll decide tomorrow if you'll babysit Lila and Alice at your home again on Sunday, or at our hotel room."

"Oh! At my place would be fine, until you get things settled here," Tera said. "My parents are off on a vacation trip this whole weekend, staying at a friend's cabin in the woods. So it won't be any bother for them at all."

"Thank you," Justine said. "Tera, please take the girls to your place as soon as you can. I think Laurie and I can handle the rest of the re-boxing ourselves."

"Yes ma'am," Tera replied. "Come on kids! Grab your things, and we'll go as soon as Lila can put on some dry clothes."

Justine supervised while her daughter packed a few essential things in her backpack, including the discs to install some of her computer games on Tera's computer. Then Justine shooed them out the door, promising that she and Laurie would come to Tera's home that night to pick up the kids, at the usual evening time.


Over at Tera's place, the three girls didn't get up to as much of their mischief as usual. When they got inside, Lila told them, "Sorry girls, but all my 'toys' are still hidden in my bedroom at home. My mom was watching me too close for me to risk getting any of them into my backpack before we left."

"But can't we just use _her_toys? Or her mom's stuff?" Alice asked, looking at their babysitter.

"Nope. I don't have _any_sex toys that I keep here, sorry. And I don't think my mom even _owns_a dildo," Tera lamented. "At least if she does, I haven't been able to find it. She has some sexy nighties, and I know she's on the Pill. But I guess she gets all her sexy fun with daddy. I can hear 'em sometimes, late at night when they think I'm asleep. It's kinda gross, you know? Hearing my own parents talking dirty and grunting and groaning in the bedroom? But I guess it also means they still really love each other. I'll bet they'll be making out like bunnies in heat while they're at their friend's cabin this weekend. Err... no insult intended, Alice."

"Oh, that's no problem," the eight year old bunny girl replied with a giggle. "It's pretty much true, what they say about us bunnies. We _do_kinda act like we're always in heat, and we get _super_horny when we really _are_in heat. At least, all the older bunny girls I do sexy stuff with at school say that _they_do. I haven't been in heat yet, so I'm not sure how it will be for me. But I'm horny pretty much all the time already, so my heat's probably gonna be real intense! My mom doesn't think I know _she_masturbates, but I can hear her just about every night after I'm in bed, playing with herself with a vibrator or a dildo. She has a whole_bunch_of dildos an' vibrators an' butt plugs hidden in her bedroom, mostly under her frilly nighties and undies in her dresser. Doesn't everybody?"

"Not in _my_family," Tera said. "I was pretty surprised when I saw how many sex toys Lila's mom owned. And you say your mom has a bunch of 'em too? Have you... borrowed some of your mom's toys, like Lila did, before I helped her to buy her own?"

"Oh sure! I found 'em while I was looking for where mom had hid my Christmas presents, a year or so before I started havin' sex," Alice said. "Didn't know what they were for, until an eighth grade boy at school showed me his dick when I was in second grade, and taught me how much fun sex is. After that, I borrowed mom's stuff a lot of times, an' even snuck some of 'em to school with me, to use with my friends."

"Wow... I feel like I got a really late start, hanging around you two. I'm sixteen, but my parents barely think I'm old enough to go out on dates, and they probably wouldn't expect me to start having sex for another few years yet, I'm sure," Tera said. "I only like girls, but I wouldn't dare let my mom and dad or any of the kids at school know that I'm a lesbian. Mom's kinda been pestering me about why I don't ever talk about boys I like at school, so I've kinda lied and said that while there _are_a few boys that interest me, that all of _those_guys already have cute girlfriends. But she and dad still haven't had 'the talk' with me - you know, about sex and birth control? I learned about _that_stuff in health class at school, and on the Internet. And, ummmm... from Lila."

"My mom hasn't talked to _me_about sex yet, either," Alice said. "The first boy I had sex with made me swear not to tattle on him, an' told me how much trouble we could both get in if I told my mom, or any adult, what we were doin'. So around my mom, I act like I don't care about boys, an' like all I wanna do is play with my dolls an toys."

"I learned about sex on the Internet," Lila said. "Before that, I wasn't very interested in boys. I mean, most boys my age are snotty jerks, right? And I didn't think about sex with girls at all. But I found out about girl sex an' bondage and other kinky fun when I got on-line, and that made me curious. So when I found my mom's dildos, I popped my own cherry with one. This year, when I brought home the note from school sayin' they would teach us about sex in health class, mom asked me if I had any questions about sex. Of course, I didn't wanna admit to her that I wasn't a virgin any more, so I just acted like the idea bored me, and she dropped it."

The girls talked for a while longer, and then Tera looked at her watch and said, "Well, I'd better check the mail. Be right back."

She went to the front door and opened it, and was surprised to find a young skunk girl placing a large box on her doorstep! Behind the girl was a kid's red wagon with a couple of smaller parcels on it. The kid couldn't be more than seven or eight years old, and she had short white hair, mostly white fur, and odd dark markings, many of which looked like lightning bolts. She wore a simple dark blue skirt and a light blue t-shirt, with blue sneakers and white anklet socks that had lacy tops.

"OH! You startled me!" the skunk girl said, letting go of the box and jumping back from the porch, next to her wagon.

"Sorry, but just _who_are you, and what were you doing on my porch?" Tera asked.

"Oh! I'm Joules! I, ummm... I received a order a few days ago for someone named Tera, whose address was just down the street from where I live. It was a slow week for the site, so I brought the package here myself. Please don't tell my parents what I sell!"

"Well... I'm Tera. But what could I have possibly bought from you? You're not wearing a girl scout uniform, and those sure don't look like cookie boxes," the dachshund girl replied. She picked up the package and noted the brown recycled grocery bag paper wrappings, and that the return address on the label was the same PO box that her sex toys came from. "Wait... This is from Shocked Skunk! They have a kid _your_age delivering _sex toys_for them?"

"Ah, not quite," Joules replied, looking around nervously. "You see, ummmm..."

"Invite her in," Lila said, coming out of the house and stepping around Tera. "I'm Lila, and don't worry, we won't tattle on you. If you're with Shocked Skunk, I definitely wanna chat with you. Their toys are great! Gotta few minutes to visit with us? Come on in!"

"Yeah, I... well, I guess I can. Help me get my wagon and these other packages inside, okay?" Joules said.

As soon as the door was closed, Lila gestured to the pink bunny who was lingering at the far end of the entry hall and said, "Joules? This is our friend Alice. Alice, this is Joules, and she just delivered our new sex toys! Our day is saved!"

"Oh yay! Nice to meet you, Joules! Say, don't you go to the same school that Lila and I go to?" Alice asked.

"Yeah, I think I've seen you an' Lila at school," the skunk girl said. "I can stay for a while, but I wanna get those other packages delivered before it's my dinner time. I managed to sneak outa my house with 'em in my wagon while my mom an' dad were out at the grocery store, but they'll be home by now, and I don't wanna have them askin' what's in 'em, if I hafta take 'em back home undelivered."

"We'll make sure you leave in time," Lila said.

Joules handed Tera her package and said, "This one's yours, Tera."

Lila snatched the big package eagerly out of Tera's hands and started to eagerly rip open the package. "All three of us _love_playing with the sex toys that Shocked Skunk makes. So, when we place an order for these things on-line, it gets shipped to you first? How does _that_work, if your parents don't know you're doing it? How did you get mixed up in delivering stuff like this?"

"Oh! Nobody else ships 'em to me! I make them and sell them all by myself, in a workshop that my parents set up for me in our basement," Joules said. "I'm the only person that works at Shocked Skunk. I do it all myself. On-line orders I handle through my website, and I have a PO box at a parcel delivery place that I walk past on my way home from school each day. I _usually_ship stuff out from there, unless the address is in the neighborhood, and I have free time to deliver them myself."

"Wow! I can't believe how _young_you are, to be doing all that," Tera said. "I'm sixteen, and I couldn't even _begin_to make sex toys like the ones Shocked Skunk offers, even if my folks gave me all sorts of tools and stuff. I wouldn't even know where to start! You're what? Seven maybe?"

"My teachers say I'm really precocious. I'm eight, but I'm already in the fifth grade, and doing seventh grade homework assignments for extra credit, and reading high school books. See, I love to make all kinds of machines, and I got my folks to buy me a 3D printer and all sorts of other stuff to make them with. My parents stay out of my workshop now, 'cause the last time they went in there, they tripped over a cable and caused a massive blackout, and destroyed one of my machines. So since they don't even look inside my workshop any more, I figured I could make a lotta money to get more stuff for tinkering with machines if I started making and selling sex toys. I also make puzzle games an' sell those to a game store downtown, an' my folks set me up with my own checking account so I could save what I make selling stuff to the game store. When I started selling sex toys, I hooked my checking account up to my PayPal account, to be able to take credit cards too."

"That's really cool!" Lila said, as she admired an adult-sized canine dildo that she had just unwrapped. It had a squeeze bulb for inflating the canine knot on it, and a multi-speed vibrator built into it. "Great work! And you make these in your basement? I'm impressed! Could you make an adult-sized canine strap-on version of this dildo, with a harness that's small enough to fit me? One with a vibrator and a big fat knot, that inflates like this one does? All the ones on your website have harnesses that are too big. I've had to cut the straps shorter an' punch new holes in 'em, to make 'em fit my hips."

"Sure! In fact, I already quietly sell those at school, to a few kids that I know who are already into sex," Joules replied. "Same prices as the ones with adult-sized harnesses. Just put a 'dash C' after the part number for the one you want, and I'll ship it with a child-sized harness. They're just not visibly available online, because selling in cub sizes would attract attention from law enforcement. I don't wanna get busted!"

"I'll take two strap-ons from you as soon as you can bring them here. Adult canine size for the dildos, one with a harness in my size, and one to fit Tera. We can even pay for it in cash, in advance," Lila said. "And none of us will tattle on you, if I can try out some of these new toys on _you,_while you're here. Deal? There won't be any grown-ups here until well after dinner time. But you gotta keep _our_secrets too. If you ever meet any of our parents, or friends of ours at school, please don't tell them that we have sex with each other, okay?"

"Sure thing! I won't tell a soul," Joules replied, rapidly peeling off her clothes and removing her shoes and socks. "Sounds like fun to me. I love playing with my toys as much as I like makin' 'em! And I like girls as much as I like boys."

The three other girls picked up the box and sex toys and led the skunk girl to Tera's bedroom, where they removed their own clothes. Then they all got on the bed.

Lila licked the shaft of one of the new canine dildos, and said to Tera, "Get on your back, Pet, and I'll lick you, until you're wet enough for me to stuff this monster into your cunt!"

"Yes Mistress," Tera said. She got on her back on the edge of the bed with her feet resting on the floor, and spread her knees widely to give her young Mistress access to her nether lips.

Joules blinked and said, "OH! She's_submissive to _you?That's a twist. When you said you all liked my toys, I figured the older girl was teaching you two about sexy fun."

"_I'm_the alpha bitch in this group of girls," Lila said proudly. "Tera is my Pet, as well as our babysitter. When we're playing at _my_home, she usually wears a collar an leash for me. But those things are all at my house, and this is _her_home. Alice likes to play with us too, but she's just our fuck buddy. Her mom works for my mom, so Tera babysits both of us, sometimes."

"I'm pretty submissive, but I didn't wanna commit to bein' her pet when she asked me. I have too many other sex friends that I play with. We can lick each other, okay?" Alice offered to Joules.

"Sure! You wanna have one of my vibrating butt plugs in your tail hole while we do it?" Joules replied eagerly, picking up the rather large one that was in Lila's box.

"Ummmm, that's _way_too big for me, I think. Do you wanna have me put it in _your_butt, instead?" Alice asked.

"Okay. There will be some sample packets of lube in the box. I toss a few in with every butt plug order. And all the vibrators ship with batteries in them," Joules said, as she turned on the butt plug's vibrator and started rubbing it against her crotch. She knelt on the bed and raised her tail high, and said, "Grease me up and shove it right in!"

Alice got some lube and approached the skunk girl's butt cautiously. "Ummmm. Is this gonna be _safe_for me?" she asked nervously. "I mean, you won't, well... I... I never played with a _skunk_before, y'know? I... don't take this the wrong way, but... I don't wanna stink!"

"OH! Don't worry, I won't spray you. We skunks only do that when we _really_need to protect ourselves," Joules replied. "And I wash really well, every day, so don't worry about gettin' your nose in my crotch. I promise, I really _don't_stink!"

"Ummm, okay. Sorry," Alice said. She tore open the packet of lube and squirted it on the skunk girl's puckered tail hole, then started to use her fingers to work the lube into the skunk girl's butt and stretch the opening enough to allow the big butt plug to fit. Alice was surprised at how quickly and easily she could wedge all four of her fingers into the other young girl's backside. "Wow! You must_really_like butt sex!" she said. "I can take a grown-up back there, but it takes _me_a lot longer than you to get ready for that."

"Well, kinda. A little while ago I was testing a new sex machine, with a medium-sized doggy dildo mounted on a saddle-like seat. Ummm, it was just _supposed_to pump up and down and knot up like a canine cock, all with the push of a single button. But when I tested it with it stuffed up my butt, the regulator circuit on the air pump shorted out, an' it pumped _way_too much air into the knot. Musta gotten as big as a grapefruit, at least, an' it felt like a watermelon! By the time I managed to yank the plug outa the wall, and pull the wires off the backup battery, and cut the air line to deflate the knot, my butt was _really_stretched way outa shape. It hurt a _lot,_when it happened. But on the plus side, now that it's all healed up, I can test my biggest butt plugs and even my horse-sized dildos in my butt. You could stuff your whole hand into my butt, if you tried."

"I think I could, yeah," Alice said. She greased up the turnip-shaped butt plug, placed it against the skunk's gaping asshole, and eased it into the child. "Wow! I can't believe that fit!" she said, as it smoothly popped right inside the other girl.

"Ohhhh! Oh yeah! It sure does! Now get up here and lick me, and I'll lick you!" Joules said eagerly, already squirming happily as the huge butt plug buzzed in her backside at full power.

Lila watched the bunny stuffing the big butt plug in the skunk's ass, and said, "Dang, that thing is huge! I can't wait to stuff that monster into _your_butt, Tera! Okay, you're wet enough. Get on your knees and I'll fuck you with this new toy." She grabbed the base of the big canine dildo with one hand, held squeeze bulb in her other hand, and then aimed the tapered tip at her babysitter's mildly gaping slit. "Looks like you're ready, my Pet. Time to get fucked!"

"Ohhhh! Oh damn..." Tera groaned, as her young Mistress crammed every available inch of the sex toy into her cunt. She crossed her eyes Lila inflated the knot inside her cunt, and then groaned in pleasure as she got pounded from behind by the young alpha bitch.

Alice sniffed curiously at the skunk girl's crotch, then eagerly began licking as she felt Joules' soft tongue returning the favor. Soon the two girls were panting and moaning in pleasure as they approached their crest.

As soon as she had the knot inflated on the dildo she was fucking Tera with, Lila let go of the squeeze bulb and blindly reached for another toy to pleasure herself with. Her hand landed on the most unusual vibrator in this batch - a weird toy she had purchased pretty much on a whim, because it looked so strange. Joules' web catalog had listed the thing as 'the inchworm', and it looked kind of like a green caterpillar, just under an inch in diameter and six inches long, with a smooth rubbery coating that covered six spherical segments. The spheres at each end were smaller than the others, making it taper to a rounded point at each end. Between each segment, the vibrator narrowed to maybe half an inch. There was also a small remote-control for the toy, connected to one end of the vibrator by a thin but kind of stiff wire cable that was about four feet long and a quarter inch in diameter. She set it on the bed beside Tera, turned the toy on at its lowest setting, and the joints between the segments all began to randomly flex and wriggle, while the whole toy buzzed and vibrated.

"Oh!_That's_a fun one!" Joules said, pulling her face away from Alice's crotch when she heard the toy's distinctive sound. "Each segment has its own vibrator, wriggle motor, and battery. And the different settings on the remote can make it squirm and wiggle in all sorts of fun ways! Some of the ways it wiggles are designed to make it inch its way deeper into whatever hole you stuff it into, like a real inchworm does when it moves. My prototype for that one was wireless. But when I put the first one up my butt, it worked its way in so deep that I couldn't reach it with my fingers, to pull it out again. An' then the wireless transmitter broke, an' I couldn't tell it to crawl back out. Made goin' to a restaurant that night with my parents pretty weird, 'cause I could feel it wriggling an buzzing in my belly, all through dinner! The batteries didn't wear out until after I went to bed, an' I was finally able to poop it out the next morning. So that new version has a strong cable attaching it to the remote, so you can be sure you can turn it off, and to pull it back out with. And the cable's marked for depth from the tip, so you can tell how deep you got it to go! My record so far is about three feet up my backside."

Lila eyed the thing suspiciously, and said, "I'm not so sure I _wanna_use it, if it's gonna crawl _that_deep inside me! Can you tell it _not_to do that?"

"Oh sure! Setting one, where you have it now, just vibrates and wriggles at random. It pretty much stays were you put it. Setting two, with the green dot by it, is forward inchworm mode - the only setting that really _tries_to go deeper. That makes it crawl deeper, if it can, while vibrating and pulsing. It inches along and probes for an opening in a tight spot. It _probably_couldn't get into a young girl's womb, unless somethin' else loosened your cervix up first. But it does pretty good at gettin' past all the tight spots and kinks in your butt, and goin' amazingly deep. Settings three, four, and five wriggle at random and pulse the vibrators in different ways. Those are the strongest vibrations and most active wiggling, so you can enjoy it when it's really deep. Setting 6 is reverse inchworm, with the red dot. It tries to inch its way back out, in the direction of the cable, and still vibrates and pulses about the same as setting 5. It's actually a bit easier for it to follow the cable and come back out, especially if you're puling gently on the cable, as opposed to it tryin' to blindly find a way deeper past a tight spot. Setting 7, marked with an 'S', just wiggles vigorously, with no vibrator. That's also the most silent setting, other than off. And the 8th setting on the dial, with the plain circle next to it, is off. That makes it go limp. The control knob can keep turning in either direction, so you can rock back and forth between 2 and 6, making it move back and forth. Don't worry! It's perfectly safe! I have one at home that I use all the time. I've_never_had a complaint from a customer for that toy."

Still thrusting the other vibrator in and out of Tera's cunt, Lila switched the inchworm to the next setting, and saw it start to rotate its 'front' tip slowly around, while slowly inching along on the bedding like its namesake. She realized that when it 'crawled', the gap between the segments could extend half an inch or so, and the extending segment got thinner, as well as bending at each segment joint, and that it got as slender as a quarter inch between the extending segments when it did that. As each segment extended and contracted, the action rippled from the tip to the cable end, then started over again at the tip. "No complaints, eh? Ummm, how many have you sold?" Lila asked.

"Five, not counting my personal one, and your new one there. I sold the first one three weeks ago," Joules replied. "Go on! Try it! You'll love it! If you don't, I'll give you another toy of similar value, for free!"

"Mummmm okay..." Lila said. She pushed the tip of the squirming toy into her cunt and stared at her crotch as it began to burrow its way into her pre-teen cunt hole all on its own. "Ohhh! That... that feels_really_weird!" she said, letting go of her Pet's vibrator as she concentrated on this novel experience.

Tera looked back over her shoulder just in time to see the last two segments of the invasive vibrator vanishing into her young mistress' cunt, unaided. "Ewwww... That is just _soooo_weird," she said, grasping her own vibrator and manipulating it while her Mistress had her attention elsewhere.

"When it is in as far as you wanna have to go, switch to setting three, four or five," Joules said. "Oh, and you see that socket on the controller? If you plug a USB cable in there, it runs on USB power, and it recharges the batteries. Isn't that cool?"

Lila's eyes were kind of glazed as she moved the controller past the next two settings and left it on setting five. "This is... nice... weird, but nice. I can feel it nudging the mouth of my womb, but it doesn't hurt or feel bad. Tera, I think you'll _like_havin' this thing crawl up your butt! I may even try in myself, to see how deep I can make it go."

"Told ya!" Joules said proudly.

"I still wanna see someone _else_have it crawl up _their_butt, before I try it myself," Tera said.

"Fair enough. You can test it on me, okay?" Joules said. "I _did_promise you could test my toys on me, after all."

Once all four girls had cum, Lila tugged the toy out of her vagina. They took a break, and Joules cleaned out her own backside and lubed it up. Then the skunk girl laid on her side on the bed, and handed the sex toy to Tera. Lila and Alice masturbated each other while they watched Tera using the inchworm toy up the younger girl's ass. Slowly but surely, the toy and its trailing cable vanished into skunk girl's butt.

"Urf! Okay, I feel it slithering past the second tight spot now!" Joules gasped. "And it's pushing at another already. That third spot is the hardest one to get through. It should be trying to get into my large intestine now. Once we get past _that_tight spot, it's pretty easy to make it do as deep as the cable can reach. I only stopped at three feet last time I did this to myself 'cause I wasn't empty enough in there to go any deeper."

"Twelve inches deep or so now," Tera said. "You sure this is okay? The last time my Mistress tried stuffing all of a double-ended dildo up my butt, she couldn't get it deeper than this."

"It's fine. K-keep- going! OHHH! It just went deeper!" the skunk gasped, as suddenly another six or seven inches of cable rapidly slithered into her asshole, and then it slowly continued to inch deeper. A few minutes later Joules felt her tummy, at the lower edge of her rib cage, and said, "I can feel it moving in there, when I put my hand way up here! That's deep enough, okay? Switch it to random wiggle mode and feel it through my fur, right here, an' let Lila and Alice to feel it too."

"Geeze, she wasn't kidding! She's at the three foot mark on the cable, and that thing is up almost under her ribs!" Tera said, checking where the cable threaded through the skunk's puckered backside and feeling for the movement inside her lower abdomen.

All of the girls felt Joules' tummy while the inchworm writhed inside the skunk girl's guts. They could actually _see_her belly fur moving a bit as the toy moved inside her. And they could feel the powerful vibrations all over her lower abdomen, right down to her clitty.

"Wild! I wanna try it next!" Alice said.

"Looks like I may need to order at least one more of those," Lila said with a grin.

"It's... very unique, Mistress," Tera admitted, still uncertain about the idea of having something that squirmed so much like a living thing crawling that deep inside her body. "Ummm, Joules? Can you actually get off from it being that deep in your butt?"

"Oh, not really, I'll admit," Joules replied. "It feels pretty intense havin' it pop in and out of the opening to the large intestine, but then it gets too far from my woosies to do all that much for me, and you can hardly feel that cable. After that, it's just kinda cool to feel how far up inside you it's wriggling. Switch it to inching back out, and tug gently on the cable to make it come most of the way back out now."

"Ummm, is this gonna get messy?" Lila asked. "I mean, after being that deep..."

"Well, not usually," Joules said. "Goin' through each of the tight spots wipes off almost all the messy stuff before it gets to your butt hole. You'll still wanna wash it off, for sure, before the next person uses it, but it won't be that messy. An' I'll wanna make a dash for the toilet as soon as it pops all the way out, just in case, 'cause it's loosened up all the tight places that keep that stuff in, right? But I won't make a big mess on the bed. I haven't yet, and I've done this with my own one of these toys every weekend, for the last 5 weeks."

"Alice? Get a towel from the bathroom and place it under her butt, and leave the door open for her, just in case," Tera instructed. "Okay, trying to get it out now," she said, rotating the controller a few more notches and setting it on the bed, as she grabbed the cable closer to the skunks tail base and started to slowly used the cable to help pull the toy back out.

She managed to pull it about halfway back out, and they all saw the wriggling bump on the girl's belly move down from one side of her rib cage and vanish. But then Tera said, "Uh oh! Something's wrong. It feels like it's stuck, at about 18 inches deep!"

"It's... I think it's okay. It's just back to where the trailing end is at the tight spot at the base of the large intestine," Joules aid, looking a little uncertain. "This is where it needs to crawl back out through the last tight spot it passed through. Until now, you were just pulling the thin cable through the tight areas, and that was easy. But now the toy itself has to get through each of them again. Give me the controller, and you keep gently pulling on the cable."

"Okay, here," Tera said.

Joules rocked the knob on the controller back and forth several times, and frowned. "Oh crud... The controller seems to, errr... be broken. I can't feel any difference in how its wiggling or vibrating now, no matter _what_setting I put it on. I can't even turn it off!"

"Oh no! What's it gonna do now? Is it still trying to crawl into you?" Alice asked, very grateful that it hadn't failed when it was in her own butt.

"It feels like it's stuck on setting 5," Joules said after a moment. "I can feel it vibrating really strong, and wiggling like mad. But it isn't trying to go deeper, no. I... I guess you'll have to pull a bit harder on the cable, while I try to push it out, like a stuck turd. It's a tapered shape, so that should work okay."

"All right," Tera said, grabbing the cable with both hands, close to the skunk girl's butt. "Tell me if I'm pulling too hard, or not hard enough."

Joules tried to push out the broken sex toy for several minutes, and then suddenly the cable started coming out again, moving very easily.

"Oh thank goodness!" Tera said, "I see the twelve inch mark. Now nine... Should see the tail of the toy itself right about... oh no!" She almost fell backwards on the bed as the cable came free, but with no vibrator on the end! "It broke off!"

"Yeah... Well, I guess I'll just hafta wait for the internal batteries to die, and poop it out tomorrow, like I did with the prototype," Joules said in a resigned tone. She looked at the end of the cable and said, "I can still feel it inside me, where it got stuck. See, that end of the cable was attached with a screw-on collar, so the cable could be replaced. But I guess it came undone because of all the wiggling and vibration. And as it got loose, the control wires got disconnected. Don't worry, I'll be fine. And since this toy failed so badly, I'll give you those two strap-on dildos that you wanted, for free, okay?"

"Uhhh, yeah, okay," Lila said. "You sure you'll be all right?"

"Yeah. This isn't the first time one of my toys failed while I was using it on myself, and it won't be the last time. It's the price I pay as an inventor of cool new stuff. But I probably oughta get dressed now and finish delivering those other parcels. I only have about another hour before I need to be home for dinner."

"Okay. We oughta all get cleaned up and get the other sex toys hidden in Lila's backpack, before Alice and Lila's moms come to pick them up," Tera said. She scribbled her e-mail address on a piece of paper, and added, "That's my e-mail address, so we can stay in touch. And I want you to let me know when you've gotten that thing out of you, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks. And here's mine, so you can place custom orders," Joules said, taking the pen and paper pad and jotting down her own personal e-mail address. She closed her eyes and sighed as the vibrator inside her wiggled enough to _almost_make her have an orgasm, and then she started to get dressed.


Meanwhile, earlier that day, Justine and Alice finished cleaning up the worst of the mess from Justine's flooded basement, and then packed a couple of suitcases with clothes for Justine and Lila and got Justine checked into a downtown hotel. Then they had a quick lunch at the hotel, before heading over to Justine's brothel. The mayor had an appointment at the brothel this afternoon, and all morning Justine had been worried that clean up work from the flooding in her home's basement was going to screw it up. But they had almost an hour to spare when they walked into the apartment over Justine's beauty salon, where the newer half of Justine's brothel was located. Plenty of time for Laurie to get dressed in a suitable, and rather conservative, outfit, and to plan the session with the young girl who would also be serving the mayor.

A very cute ten year old fox girl was waiting for them in the brothel's living room, already dressed in a pink two-piece children's hooded pajama outfit. For the most part, she had the brown fur and white markings of a typical brown fox. But she also had bright teal blue fur on her tail tip, hands, forearms, feet, lower legs, and the tips of her ears. Her hair was also the same bright teal blue, cropped relatively short, with swept bangs in front. She looked up at Justine with big eyes that were a deep violet, and grinned eagerly.

"Do you think the mayor will like me in this pajama outfit, Ma'am? Or is it too childish?" she asked. "You said he'd like it if I called him 'daddy' and acted like I was his daughter, even though he isn't a fox, right? Should I act like this is my first time ever having sex, or is he okay with me already being an experienced whore?"

Justine grinned and replied, "You're adorable, Ariana! Those PJ's are wonderful choice for what to wear for him. He wants you to have experience. What he requested for this session was a fresh and innocent-looking girl, but one willing to act like she has a long-running daddy fetish. So you don't have to hold back on your skills to act like a virgin. He wants you to act like you've been 'daddy's good little whore' for quite a while already.

"Okay, I'll give it my best, ma'am. I understand what an important customer he is for all of us," the vixen promised. She had been working for Justine for over six months now, and she really enjoyed being a child whore. "So, is Miss Laurie supposed to be my mommy for this session? Or is she gonna be submissive for one or both of us?"

"Neither. This time, Laurie will pretend to be one of your teachers, while the mayor will pretend to be the chairman of the school board, and your father," Justine said. "She's called your daddy and arranged to meet with him privately at your home, because at recess she caught you sucking the cock of one of the male teachers, in return for a better grade." Justine then discussed several points of the planned scene with both whores, so they knew what roles to play, and then finished with, "Other than that, just play it by ear, and don't worry about time limits for the session. He'll pay for however long it takes, until he tires of the game. The better both of you play your parts the more you'll each earn."


By the time the mayor arrived, Ariana was waiting in one of the apartment's bedrooms, which had been decorated like a young girl's bedroom, and Laurie and Justine were waiting just outside the apartment's door to greet the mayor. All the other whores had relocated to the other brothel apartment, next door.

Right at 2:00 sharp, the elevator door opened and the mayor stepped out, smiling as he saw Justine and Laurie waiting for him. The slightly overweight 57 year old golden retriever walked up to them and hugged Justine like an old friend, and then kissed Laurie on the hand, before saying, "I trust everything is ready? Including the camera and the props I asked for?"

"Of course, sir," Justine said. "Go in and get comfortable, and Laurie will make her entrance a moment after you. Ariana is inside, waiting to be summoned. Both girls will use the safeword phrase "Red Light" for this session, and will expect the same of you. I'll be in my office in the salon, while you have your fun."

"Thank you, Justine," the mayor said. "I have to admit, this will be a new kink for me. Laurie, I'm glad you're willing to be a good sport and accommodate me today. If I break any rules, please say your safeword right away, and correct me, all right?"

"It will be our pleasure, as always, mister mayor sir," Laurie said proudly. "But I think you understand how this game is supposed to be played. See you in a few minutes."


The mayor walked inside, fixed himself a drink at the bar, and had time to take one sip before the doorbell rang. He walked back to the door, assuming a very serious expression, and opened it for Laurie. "Right on time. Come in, please," he said. "So, what is this serious matter you wanted to talk to me about? And why did you have to come to my home to discuss it with me? Is my daughter in trouble at school?"

"Not officially, sir," Laurie said uncertainly. "There was... an incident at school. Involving your daughter, and one of the teachers. "

"I see. And just _what_did my darling daughter do _this_time?" the mayor asked. "Please, sit, and allow me to offer you a glass of wine. Or perhaps scotch on the rocks? You look rather shaken, and like you could use a stiff drink."

"Wine, please," the bunny replied. She accepted the offered glass and sat on the chair that he indicated, and took a big sip of her wine before speaking. "Your daughter, she... well, during recess today, I caught her in a storage room with one of her male teachers, and she was... sucking his cock. _She_claimed the teacher suggested she could do it to make him change her grade, but the teacher claimed it was your daughter who offered to trade sex for a better grade, and that she had threatened to tell you that he had raped her, if he refused. Normally of course, a student getting caught having any kind of sex with a teacher would have resulted in them both seeing the principal, and the child would be suspended and the teacher put on administrative leave, pending an investigation of the incident. But, well, given she is _your_daughter... When I caught them, the teacher agreed to say nothing, and to allow me to discuss it with you, rather than causing a scandal. No one else has been told what took place."

"Thank you for your discretion," the mayor said. "Ariana! Come in here, child!"

The young vixen entered the living room clad in her pajamas, and asked innocently, "What's wrong daddy? You sound angry."

"I_am_angry!" he replied. "Did you suck a teacher's cock today, for a better grade? This teacher says she caught you doing it!"

"Y-yes daddy," the girl replied fearfully. "I know I shouldn't have, but..."

"Damned right you shouldn't have!" the mayor roared. "How many times have I told you, if you want a better grade, you're supposed to FUCK the teacher?"

"W-what?" Laurie shouted. She leaped to her feet, then seemed to get dizzy and rapidly sat back down. "Wha... what's happn'in'?" she asked, speech slurring as she seemed to fall asleep in the chair.

The mayor gently picked Laurie up, and carried her to the bedroom that Ariana had just come from. Together they removed all of Laurie's clothing, as well as Ariana's PJ bottoms and all of the mayor's clothes. Then they tied Laurie on the child's bed, on her back with her legs spread and her ankles tied to the corner posts of the bed's foot board, and with her hands bound together above her head, and tied to the center of the headboard. When they were ready to proceed, they slapped her face to 'revive her', and Laurie stopped pretending to be in a drugged sleep.

"Wha? Hey! What's going on here?" Laurie shouted.

"My daughter, of course, told me the whole story about you catching her, as soon as she came home. I'm afraid I drugged your wine, so we could tie you up without resorting to more violent measures. Now my daughter and I are going to seduce you, and I'm going to take pictures, so you won't tell anyone else about catching her sucking off her math teacher today," the mayor said. "She really _is_in trouble, though. She and her teacher were stupidly careless to have sex in an unlocked room at the school, and she knows perfectly well that fucking the teacher will get her a better grade. If you had also been a male teacher, she would have seduced you as well, or threatened to accuse you of raping her if you didn't fuck her. But she wasn't certain that ploy would work on a lady, without you getting away and telling someone else. So she acted sufficiently chastised, and we laid this trap for you."

"Are you crazy?" Laurie asked. "What kind of a father would expect his ten year old daughter to fuck her teachers for better grades?"

"I'm a father who knows his little girl is a horny slut," he relied calmly. "I've been fucking her myself for two years now, and she loves fucking her daddy. Don't you, my dear?"

"I sure do, daddy! You have a wonderful cock!" Ariana replied eagerly. "Shall we put on a show for her, to get her horny? Or do you wanna have me do her first?"

"Sit on her face and pose for some blackmail pictures, my dear," the mayor replied, picking up a digital camera. "But don't worry. Daddy will fuck both of you several times, before we let her go."

"Yay!" the vixen shouted, bouncing up onto the bed and squatting over Laurie's face, with her cunt just an inch above the bunny mom's nose. She looked Laurie in the eyes and said, "Open wide and start licking, bitch! If you don't do it, I'll pee on your face!"

"N-no! Oh God! I can't believe this is happening!" Laurie complained. Then any further outcries were stifled by the little vixen sitting on Laurie's open mouth, and pinching the bunny's nose shut with her hands. Laurie struggled for a moment, acting like she really couldn't breathe, and then obediently began to lick the child's cunt.

"That's good. Very good. Don't stop, or the school board will see these pictures," the mayor said, snapping several close-up pictures of Laurie's face, with her tongue buried in the child's nether lips. "Her fur colors leave no doubt who you're eating out, but these close-ups don't show you're tied up or being forced to do this. Make my little girl cum, and I'll be nice and give you some orgasms as well."

Laurie kept licking, and the mayor moved toward the foot of the bed and reached over between her thighs, fingering the bunny mom's wide-spread cunt. "My my! So wet already? It seems you're already enjoying this, you hypocrite slut!"

"This_can't_be her first time with a girl, daddy! She's _way_too good at licking a cunt! I'll turn around and lick her too, daddy! I want your cock in me while she's licking me," Ariana suggested, turning around and lowering her crotch over Laurie's face again, then leaning to one side to lick teasingly at the mayors cock, before going down in a 69 on Laurie.

Laurie took a deep breath and acted like she was about to say something, but her comment was halted by the vixen's cunt covering Laurie's mouth again.

"Good idea, sweetheart," the Mayor said. He got on the bed and thrust his cock deep into the child's tight but sopping wet cunt, doggy style, with his balls slapping Laurie's forehead. Then he leaned back and got a picture of his cock halfway into the child's cunt, right over Laurie's face. "Oh, yes. Man, I _love_fucking my little girl. You're daddy's good little slut!"

"Thank you, daddy!" Ariana replied. "Ohhh! My daddy's got such a_big_cock! It fills my tiny cunt so well!"

It didn't take long for the mayor to pop his nut in the sweet young vixen's incredibly tight fuck hole. He thrust in balls-deep, and groaned as he filled her belly with his seed, causing Ariana to moan in pleasure with her own climax. Then he pulled back and got a few more pictures of his slimy cock resting on Laurie's forehead, drooling cum onto her nose, while his cum oozed out of Ariana's young cunt and onto Laurie's still eagerly lapping tongue. "That's good. Lick my seed out of my daughter's cunt, and then suck me until I'm hard again, you slut," he said.

Laurie groaned and slurped noisily at the child's cunt as her own climax built to a crest, and then she gasped for breath and said, "I can't believe you did that, you pervert! She's your own daughter!"

"Who's the pervert here? You just ate my daughter out like a real pro. How long have you been a carpet muncher?" The mayor demanded. He held the digital camera over Laurie's face, and started recording a close-up video clip. The bunny's face was smeared with cum and Ariana's gaping young cunt was still poised over her mouth. "Admit it, you _love_to have sex with other girls, don't you?" he asked.

"Well, I... I'll admit, when I was in college, the sorority I was in made all the pledges serve as submissive lesbian lovers for an older sorority sister, even if we were straight. But I never seduced a child! How can you force her to do this?"

"I'm not _forcing_my daughter to do anything," the mayor insisted, shoving his cock into Laurie's mouth, and forcing her to suck on it. "She offered herself to me as my lover a week after her mother abandoned us. I took her virginity that night, and she's been my devoted lover ever since. Haven't you, dear?"

"Umm humm! I love fuckin' my daddy! An' I like fuckin' my teachers too!" Ariana insisted, as she got off Laurie's face and took the mayor's cock out of Laurie's mouth and popped it right into her own mouth, sucking her 'daddy' off right over Laurie's eyes. "Mummmmm!" she hummed happily, grinning around his stiffening member as she swallowed his whole length into her throat. Laurie just stared up at the mating father and child in stunned silence.

The mayor continued filming until he spewed a second load of cum in the young vixen's mouth. She hungrily swallowed as much as she could, with the overflow dripping on Laurie's face. Then he stopped the camera and set it aside, and he and Ariana both got off the bed.

"What... what are you going to do with me?" Laurie asked.

"That depends on you. If you will agree to forget you ever caught my daughter, and agree to turn a blind eye if it ever happens again, and we'll all be happy! I'll untie you, and then fuck you, and I'll get some more pictures of you in compromising positions with my daughter, and then let you go," the mayor said. "But if anyone talks about anything that happened today, at school or here tonight, then some of the pictures and videos from tonight will go to the school board, anonymously. Nothing that implicates us in incest, of course. But plenty to ruin your teaching career."

"What... what if that teacher I caught her with today talks?" Laurie asked.

"Oh, tomorrow she'll fuck him properly, and take selfies to use for blackmail," the mayor replied. "He'll cause no trouble, once I have a video of him fucking my daughter. Do I have your word_you_won't cause trouble?"

"I don't have a choice, do I?" Laurie said. "I agree to your terms."

The mayor untied Laurie and fucked her hard and fast. Once he had cum inside her, he recorded a video of Ariana eating her daddy's cum from the bunny's gaping, sloppy cunt, and the two girls sharing a very sloppy snowball kiss, swapping cum back and forth. Then he fucked Ariana again while Laurie filmed them mating, and had Laurie lick his cum out of the child while he filmed them.

Two hours after they had begun, the mayor finally kissed both whores and said, "Thank you, that was a splendid session! And don't worry about the photos and videos. I'll give the camera back to Justine, and she will keep them her, for my later enjoyment. I wouldn't dare keep stuff like that at my home!"


The mayor met with Justine in her office, returning the camera and paying for the session. "That was splendid!" he said, "Ummm, has Rachel been able to talk to her husband yet about what we spoke of earlier? Her divorcing her husband and marrying my son? I can't wait for my real daughter, Amelia, to be available for me to fuck!"

"Yes, she and her husband are drawing up the paperwork for an amicable divorce now, with her getting custody of Amelia, and her husband getting their older daughter. Each would have visiting rights for the other child. It should be final in a month or less. Then Rachel can publicly start dating your son, and prepare to marry him," Justine replied. "Do you anticipate any resistance from your wife or other family members, when she hears your son wants to date a recently divorced and officially unemployed woman, who has already had two kids?"

"My wife is extremely eager to have our son married and producing grand babies for her to spoil. It's been driving her crazy that he's shown no interest in dating so far, and she's afraid he's secretly gay. Him marrying a woman who already has a kid in her custody, and who is proven to be fertile and is willing to bear more kids, will probably win points with her," the mayor replied. "I think she can overlook their age difference. And our family is pretty much working class ourselves. Her social standing shouldn't be an issue."

"I'll tell Rachel that, and they will proceed, then. Do you want to fuck Amelia before your son marries Rachel?" Justine asked. "I could easily provide the child here for your son and yourself to deflower and enjoy. Just say the word."

"I think I want to deflower her on my sons wedding night, after Amelia is legally my grand-daughter," the mayor said. "My son plans to do their honeymoon in one of the luxury hotel suites here in town. We'll hold the wedding reception there, and I'll get a suite for my wife and I as well. I'm sure I can come up with some excuse to get away from my wife that night, and fuck my real daughter in their honeymoon suite!"

"All right then," Justine said. "I'll get things going from Rachel's side, and I hope you'll all be very happy!"


A few hours after the mayor left, Justine had a brief chat with Ariana, in her office in the beauty salon.

"You did very well! He paid us double your usual fees for that session," Justine said.

"I'm glad he enjoyed my performance. He really seemed to get into the idea of fucking his own daughter," Ariana said. "Say, while I was waiting to see you, did I hear you say to one of the other whores that you were looking for someone who makes custom sex toys?"

"Why, yes! Do _you_know someone?" Justine replied, somewhat surprised.

"Yeah! There's a girl at my school that sells some really cool stuff. She even makes kid-sized sex toys!" Ariana replied.

"Really? Can you arrange for her to meet me?" Justine asked. "Perhaps at the park playground near the school?"

"Sure thing! I'll set it up right away!" the vixen replied happily.

Picture of Ariana: