Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (4)

Story by Turtwig on SoFurry

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#4 of Star Wars

PM me if you have any requests

Rey begins her training, and the First Order strikes back

Finn stood on the balcony outside of his room at the medical wing. It had taken a few tries, but he had finally convinced the doctors at the Resistance base to let him out of his bed. After being severely wounded by Kylo Ren on Starkiller Base, he was placed in an emergency care unit for 5 days. Now, the outside morning air was refreshing.

"It's a little early to be up, isn't it?" Finn said, as the glass door slid open.

"I could say the same for you," replied Ray. She walked up beside him and leaned against the balcony, staring out at forest in front of them. The trees were silhouetted against the bright pale moon. Ray could feel a gentle breeze brush past her face.

"I enjoy coming out here at night. Hearing the wildlife, feeling the breeze. It's so calm and peaceful. It's...relaxing."

"Yeah, it was never like this on Jakku," Ray said, smiling."No matter where you look, all you'd see is just sand." At this, Finn gave a small laugh. "What's so funny?" Ray asked in a low voice, trying to indicate to Finn to lower his.

"Nothin', it's just least you have Jakku. I don't even remember where I'm from." The breeze had stopped, and in the distance, Ray could hear some engineers working. Turning to Finn, she tried to apologize.

"Don't worry about it," he smiled slightly, "What matters is that you found Luke Skywalker."

"What do you mean?" Ray knew the famous Jedi could help in the battle against the First Order, but what did that have to do with her?

"He's going to train you to use the force. To be a Jedi, like him. Isn't he?"

Ray shrugged her shoulders. "I don't really know. We haven't talked since I found him. He's mostly with Leia. It's been years since they last saw each other, so it makes sense that they want catch up. Anyways," she gave a small yawn,"I'm going back to bed. Good to see you're getting better." Ray turned and left Finn's room as he continued looking out. The sun was just slightly grazing over the horizon.

A few hours later, the rest of the base had woken up. Technicians were stocking weapons, pilots and their droids were fixing ships, people in the control center were communicating with other planets that were affiliated with the Resistance. Meanwhile, everyone else, including Ray, was in the mess hall eating a breakfast of Bantha meat, vegetables, Corrilian rice balls, and a glass of water. Halfway into her meal, Ray was visited by a dock operator who told her that Luke wanted to see her in Training Room C. After two more bites of a rice ball, Ray went straight to the designated room. Training Room C was one of three gyms within the base. The room was square-shaped, made up of a thick rubber floor and white wooden walls. At the press of a button, though, the floor panels can change to include whatever is necessary for a certain workout. Ray walked into the room and was met by the lightsaber which she had given back to Luke.

"Pick it up," Luke said calmly, walking in from a side door. Ray obediently stepped up to the saber and pulled it from the stand it was on. "From what I hear, you've proved to have some skill with the blade."

"On Jakku, I was self-taught using a metal staff. To me a lightsaber wasn't that much of a difference."

"Well now, that is where you are wrong." Luke stood next to a closed bin in the far left corner of the room. He opened the bin and picked up what was inside.

"A blaster?! Sir, I don't think I'm..." Luke shot the blaster at Ray's chest. As the blast hit her, she stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. Instinctively, Ray looked for a wound but found only a large bruise.

"This is a common ZX-07. It's a blaster that will only leave a bruise its target. Until you are ready for something more deadly, this is what you will blocking against."

Ray fell forwards as she got up. "Wait, you are going to train me as a Jedi? But I'm not sure I'm strong enough to be one." Luke walked over to a bench to sit down.

"Ray, listen to me. I was once like you. Abandoned by my family, left to grow up in the desert with strangers. I was an outcast." Luke stood up and faced Ray. "But I was taught how to be a Jedi. I found my strength in the Force. It's the same strength that I see in you. You can wield a lightsaber and control the Force. You have found your power. Now, all you need is to guided." Luke held up the blaster.

"Alright," Ray sighed and ignited the lightsaber, "I'll give it a try."

"No, try not. Do or do not. There is no try. That is what my master taught me, and that is what I will teach you. Let go of your doubt." Ray got into place as Luke walked back a few feet. When Luke fired again at her, Ray swung the lightsaber to block the bolt, but she was still hit and sent backwards. "You are still unsure of whether you'll do it. This time close your eyes, and trust in your emotions."

"Close my eyes? But how will I see the blaster?" Ray said as she stood back up.

"Don't rely on your eyes. Close your eyes and use the Force to feel the blaster and feel where it is firing. Then, you will be able to use the Force to guide the lightsaber. Now, try again." Ray closed her eyes and began searching for the blaster with her mind. Somehow, she could eventually see a blurred image of Luke holding the blaster at her. She shifted her position and waited. When she heard the sound of the blaster, Ray immediately angled the saber to block the attack. She was successful, and the bolt was deflected to the ground. Luke shot a few more blasts, and each one was either dodged or blocked by Ray. She opened her eyes and saw Luke give a small smile. "Impressive. You are doing extraordinarily well for a padawan," he said.

Suddenly, there was a voice blaring through the base's intercom: "Luke Skywalker and Ray, please proceed to the command bridge immediately." Rey felt the lightsaber fly from her hands over to Luke's as they both hurried to the bridge. When they arrived, they were met by Finn, Chewbacca, and C3-P0.

"Ah, Master Luke! It is a delight to see you again," declared the droid.

"Good to see you too, three-peo," Luke acknowledged.

"Finn, where is Leia?" Ray asked.

"I don't know," he replied, "I was told she has bad news." A hallway door slid open, and Leia walked briskly up to the five.

"Yes, I'm afraid it is very urgent news." Leia pushed a button on a holoprojector, and a picture of a face appeared on it. "Poe Dameron, who I believe you were good friends with," Leia pointed a stylus at Finn, "has been unfortunately killed."

"What?! General, h-how was he killed?" Rey looked over at her friend, who was showing a mix of disbelief and sadness.

"A hour and 24mins ago, Dameron was on his way back from a scouting mission near Ashdeca VI where he had received intel that the First Order have located our base here on D'Qar, and that they are planning a bombing run for the entire system. They hope to eliminate our entire presence in the system. Luckily, Dameron had been able to transmit the intel to us before he was shot down by First Order TIE fighters."

"Finn, I'm so sorry," Rey said, trying to give him a hug.

"When will the raid happen?" Finn broke free and walked over by the holoprojector.

"Poe's data suggests that we have less than 3 hours before the first wave."

Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (5)

"All pilots, please report to your ships. Cargo ships are being loaded at docking bays 4 and 7. The main priority is to have as many of our ships off the planet before the bombing run." Leia's voice could be heard on the intercom throughout the whole...

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (3)

"You're a sight for sore eyes." Luke turned to face his sister. "Leia," Luke was, surprisingly, stone faced as he walked up her and gave her a hug. He hadn't seen his sister for decades, but something kept him from showing that he was glad to see her....

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (2)

Kylo Ren, along with several stormtroopers, appeared at the door to the lowering ramp of the command shuttle. A loud \*BEEP\* notified them that the door was opening and that they could exit. As the stormtroopers filed onto the landing platform, Kylo...

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