Family Farm

Story by sorfa on SoFurry

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Another story beginning. Hope you enjoy it :) I have some ideas of where I might go with it but we'll see

Looking back, how would you describe the day? Well, it was hot. Sure if you want to get technical and obnoxious in your comparisons, it wasn't the hottest location ever; other places were showing higher thermometer readings. Still, it was a stinker of a summer for that town. Just dandy for city boy Alex who happened to love the heat, if not so much being in the boonies. He sighed one last time in resignation as his uncles truck pulled to a stop in front of the farmhouse. His aunt and uncle owned and ran the whole operation, normally having people from town help out during the harvest but all in all it was a small family farm. A few animals, mostly crops abound. Of late though they were getting on in years and had brought in a couple hands to help around. One of which, their loving nephew Alex, volunteered by his mother so she and his father could make their business travels overseas without worry, was the last to arrive, picked up from the bus depo. Alex's uncle had been prompt and early to collect him in his rusted old pickup truck. A sturdy man, you could see the effect of running a farm on him. The years were showing though, and anyone who knew him well could see the wear time was placing. Despite all that he was all happy smiles for his nephew to visit and lend a hand.

As to Alex, he didn't mind helping out, though being from the city he was expecting to loose a finger or toe perhaps. He was something of a clutz and avoided sports where he could. Getting laughed at for somehow hitting yourself repeatedly with a basketball does little to help ones enjoyment of playing the game. Opening the door of the beaten up pickup Alex shook off his doubts and determined he wasn't going to make a complete ass of himself. He was confident, strong willed, capable... on the ground? Somehow his foot had tangled in the seatbelt when he had reached into the back seat for his duffle and unceremoniously dumped himself into a mud puddle trying to exit. Oh joyus day this is, he thought.

Alex heard chuckling as his uncle pulled him out of the mud and got him on his feet. Wiping his eyes clear he noted a couple other guys watching him with smiles and smirks. With a toothy smile of his own Alex gave them a two fingered wave salute before following his uncle to the house.

"Well not uncommon to get dirty working on a farm but goodness son you took to it right quick" his uncle laughed. "Your aunt Mary will have both our necks if you go inside tracking mud around. Go grab yourself a shower out back there then come on in for lunch."

Dismissed, Alex took his bag to the outdoor communal shower space his uncle had built, grabbing a towel and clean set of clothes, doing his best to not get mud on the rest of his clothes. Day one already will need laundry done. Solid. He promptly stripped out of his muddy clothes and walked into the steamy shower space.

"Oh you must be Mary and Myron's nephew." Alex jumped, turning to face the voice. "Nice to meet you I'm- good god what happened to you man? Fell into the mud? Ouch. It really sticks to you eh. Here, I'll help you wash it off." Without another word Alex was pulled under the spraying water by the guy who introduced himself as Jay. He began rubbing a bar of soap over Alex's chest, getting a good lather going. When Alex went to take the soap to wash himself Jay smacked his hand away. "No no, I've got this. Leave it to me." Alex sighed but decided to not argue. He hated conflict and confrontation.

Jay rubbed the soap over his chest and torso, and up across his face, making sure to he was getting all the mud off. He also was sure to lather up Alex's soft cock, whispering "need to be thorough." Alex said nothing but was blushing hard with embarrassment. When he was satisfied with the front Jay spun Alex around and began to tackle the mud on his back. While Alex didn't feel his back was as muddy as his front he thought Jay was spending a lot of time washing there. Must have splashed up from the puddle. Jay seemed to be rubbing the soap over his ass a number of times, but whatever, he wouldn't say anything and make it weird. Finishing up there Jay pushed forward on his back so Alex was bending forward with his hands braced on the wall saying he needed to wash his hair. Jay started to massage Alex's scalp, trying to work loose the mud that clung in his blond hair, leaning over his back and pressing his body against Alex's. The massage felt so good Alex didn't even consider commenting that Jay's cock was hard and pressed between his cheeks. It had been so steamy in the shower he hadn't even noticed that his companion was hard, or this big.

Jay then moved to grab shampoo to clean out Alex's hair but was back in a flash that Alex hadn't a chance to move from his position. He got himself back into position and began to lather Alex's hair, but his time the head of his cock was aimed at Alex's hole. As he lathered the hair Jay gradually pressed his hips forward. Alex was loving the feel of the massage he was getting but the feeling was in opposition to the growing pressure he was feeling on his hole. He wasn't sure he wanted it to keep building, but also didn't want to stop Jay as that would also stop the massage. He groaned as he felt his hole stretching, giving in to the pressure from Jay's cock. "J-Jay," he said quietly. Jay stopped his ministrations as Alex turned his head to look back at him. They just stared at one another for several heartbeats before Jay thrust his hips forward and the head of his cock popped into Alex's ass, making them both moan out. Jay lowered his hands to Alex's hips and continued to push his cock deeper into his hole until his hips pressed against Alex's ass. He started to piston his cock in and out of Alex, both moaning; Jay stretched forward to plant his lips on Alex's, sharing a deep kiss as he reached around to stroke his cock in time with their thrusts.

Without notice Jay slammed his cock all the way in one last time as he erupted inside Alex, shooting his load deep in his ass, bringing Alex to his own climax seconds later. Jay moaned as he kept thrusting his still hard cock, feeling Alex's hole spasming around it. Jay slowed his thrusts as he rinsed the shampoo out of Alex's hair. Sinking all the way back in he said, breathing heavily, "there ya go; all cleaned up." Gritting his teeth with determination Jay popped his cock out and moved to grab his towel but not before Alex caught a glance at the cock that had fucked him and it looked different than he'd have thought, though he couldn't place why. Something about the shape. It looks sorta- his thought cut short as Jay slapped his ass on his way out of the shower. "Don't stay in there too long now. You'll turn into a prune."

Earlier thought fled away, Alex tried to make himself more presentable as he dried himself off wondering about Jay. What did he think of what happened? Was it an accident? Likely not. Would he want to do it again? Should he say anything? Nah I'm their nephew, can't go running to them with every and any issue. I'll just deal with-oww. Slipping on the shower floor Alex landed on his butt, carefully standing and rubbing it as he walked out from the room, grumbling that he was doomed to be a clutz forever. At least nobody saw this time, he thought. As far as he knew, anyway.