Loving and Lusting for My Brother Chapter 3

Story by Vikthefox on SoFurry

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#3 of Loving and Lusting for My Brother

Author's Note: Thanks to my friends, watchers, and viewers. You guys are great! Warning: this series contains scenes of watersports/pee voyeurism and incest. As a result all chapters will be rated Extreme. This chapter in particular contains such scenes. This chapter will be from Rodya's POV.

Loving and Lusting for My Brother

Chapter 3

Going back to work was tough. A freaky nightmare and a bad weekend tend to do that to a person. I work at Kirkworth Books downtown, a job that can be fun, yet frustrating. I spend most of the work week sorting books and occasionally ringing out customers. I made it through the work day, but when I got home I decided to read more of the book. Normally, I would've hung out with my brother, but I was so afraid of cuddling with my brother in my sleep again that I decided to stay away from him. Every night he tried to talk to me and every time I shut him down. I didn't know what else to do. I felt awful like I was hurting him, but maybe it is better this way. On Saturday he finally confronted me about my behavior.

"Rodya, I know something's up, so just please tell me. I can help," he said.

I froze. I wasn't sure what to do. Did he know about my secret? I tried to leave the room, but he blocked my way.

"Not this time Rodya, you're gonna tell me what's wrong," Malakai said, assertively.

"There's nothing wrong. I keep telling you that," I said, just as assertively.

"Humph. So you say, but then how come you're reading a book about incest?" he asked me.

I was shocked and I started stuttering as I tried to come up with a good lie.

"Um....um....I'm holding it for a friend," I said.

"Yeah right, none of our friends are in college anymore," Malakai said.

"It's for...one of my internet friends," I said.

"Rodya, you don't have to lie to me. I just wish you would have told me. I have those feelings too," Malakai said, his voice sincere.

I felt like I was going to faint. I sat down on the floor as I processed what he just said. A tear trickled down my face as I finally said, "I...I'm so sorry Malakai. I don't want to be like this! I just want to be normal! Why have we been cursed like this?!"

Malakai looked at me and said, "It's okay Rodya. I know it's not exactly normal for brothers to feel this way about each other, but..."

"It's not normal at all Malakai! It says so in the book! We're gonna get thrown in the nuthouse and burn in hell!" I said, continuing to cry.

"No we're not Rodya. Let's just keep this to ourselves okay? No one has to know," Malakai said.

"But this is wrong!" I shouted.

"No, it's not it's just different. If you don't want to act on this that's fine, I'll accept that. I just don't want you to feel like you can't tell me anything. Your secrets are safe with me remember?" Malakai said.

I stopped crying and considered his words. It was true. When I came out to him as gay, he didn't tell a soul. There was no pressure to act out our desires, which I was thankful for. So I calmed down and said, "Thanks Malakai. I'm sorry I doubted you. How about we don't act on these desires, okay?" I asked.

"You're welcome and that's fine," he said, giving me a quick hug. I guess he was afraid a long hug would freak me out.

The rest of the week passed without incident, but my lustful feelings towards my brother only seemed to grow stronger. He was not angry or scared over the idea of us having sex, I knew he totally would have done it with me had I said the word. No longer was he unobtainable, I could have him if I wanted to. Now that I knew it was possible to have him, I only wanted him more. I kept telling myself to stop these thoughts because they were wrong, but they didn't go away. And then I got an idea...what if I had sex with him? Would that finally kill my desires? Maybe he would be horrible in bed and I would never want to have sex with him ever again. Oh how foolish I was...

As another Saturday began, we sat together at the breakfast table and after I finished eating I said, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Malakai replied.

"I still have those...awful thoughts. I was thinking...maybe you could help me out with that?" I said, nervous as hell.

"Rodya, they're not 'awful' they're just different. I have them all the time. As for help, what would you like me to do?" Malakai asked.

"I think if we have sex, we'll get these incestuous thoughts out of our system," I said.

"I see...well I'm up for it, but first I gotta pee," Malakai said.

I saw him get up and walk towards the bathroom, my cock getting hard and thinking about the pissing fantasies I had involving him. Because of this I accidentally blurted out, "do it outside instead!" I blushed hard, realizing what I had just said. Malakai looked at me chuckled, "Oh Rodya, I should have figured you wanted me to do that. I know you enjoy pissing outside."

"Huh? How did you know?" I said.

"I've seen you sneak out the back door and piss out in the backyard when you think no one is looking. You're so naughty," Malakai teased.

"Yeah, I got a watersports fetish too. I do enjoy a nice wee outside," I said. It was true; I much prefer a tree or a bush over a toilet.

"Well, I prefer urinals myself, but I don't mind going outside. If that's what you want, that's fine with me," Malakai said.

"Alright then," I said. I led him outside to our backyard. It was pretty small, but it was enough for me. More importantly, it had nice high fences, so the neighbors couldn't see me peeing. There were a few bushes and one fairly large tree.

"So where do you want me to piss exactly?" Malakai asked.

I thought about it and decided on the tree. After all, using a tree is pretty much the same as using a urinal.

"The tree", I said, pointing at the big old tree. I followed Malakai as he walked up to it. Once he got close enough he stopped and unzipped the fly on his jeans. I watched as he pulled out his cock and aimed for the trunk of the tree. He let out a sigh as a stream of piss flowed out of his dick and hit the tree. I got so turned on as I watched him water the tree, his piss cascading down the trunk and forming a puddle on the grass. My dick throbbed for attention, so I slipped a paw down my pants and stroked my member as my brother peed. Malakai smirked as he saw me, chuckling a little bit.

"Like what you see, Rodya?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied, horny and ashamed.

Malakai smiled as he finished. He shook his cock, put it back in his pants and re-zipped.

"Ah...that felt good," Malakai said.

"Thanks for letting me see that," I said, unsure of what else to say.

"You're welcome. So, how do you want to you know...," Malakai asked.

"Let's go back inside first," I said.

Oh there were so many things I wanted to do to that fox, but I was so nervous that I decided to take things slow. We went back inside and I asked him to follow me to my bedroom. Once we were there, I said to him: "maybe let's start with something small, like um...jerking off together."

"Hmm, sounds fun. My boyfriends never did with that with me. They were all about this ass," Malakai said, slapping himself on the ass.

"The less said about those fuckers the better," I said.

"Good point," Malakai said.

I watched as he undressed before me, his red fur seemed to glisten in the light of the room. I then got undressed too and I saw Malakai gazing at me with desire in his eyes.

"So how are we doing this?" he asked, his cock hard and erect.

"Well, how Denver and I usually start off is we sit down on the bed facing each other and then we jerk ourselves off," I said. I then sat down on the bed, with my legs spread. Malakai joined me sitting down and facing me with his own legs spread. I gazed at his hot unclothed body and began pawing myself. Malakai followed suit and asked, "So...what do you think about when you paw off?"

"Well...I think about you," I said.

"What about me?" he asked.

"I think about you naked like this, I think about you...g-giving me head and..." I stopped because just talking about these things made me feel like I was gonna cum. And I didn't want to cum just yet.

"And?" Malakai asked.

"And then you bend over and I plow your tailhole like there's no tomorrow," I blurted out, pre leaking from my cock.

"Hmmm, I like that. How about I tell you my fantasies?" Malakai said.

"Go ahead," I replied, curious as hell.

"Well, I think about us cuddling together on the couch and then...I slip my cock into your tailhole and hump you all night long," Malakai said.

I never pictured myself on bottom, but the thought of Malakai being the one to take me made it much more appealing.

"Oh no, I think I'm gonna cum," I said, hoping I would've lasted longer.

"It's fine Rodya, let it out...on my chest," Malakai said.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah go ahead," he said.

"I'm sorry I didn't last longer," I said.

"That's fine, there's more fun to come, right?" Malakai asked.

"Right," I replied. I aimed my cock at my brother's chest and I shot my load. His fur was covered in my sticky seed, and I loved the sight of it.

"You gonna cum, too?" I asked.

"Almost there" he said.

"When you cum, do it on my chest" I said.

A few strokes later and Malakai did just that. My mind was blown, my brother just jizzed on me and I loved it! Now the only question was where to take things from here. I considered oral, but I felt that if I really wanted to get these feelings out of my system then I needed to do anal next. I asked Malakai to bend over and lift his tail. When he did I got a sight of his pink pucker and his beautiful ass. I got so excited as I admired his butt and tailhole that my erection returned. I got a condom and some lube from my dresser and prepared to do a most forbidden act, fucking my brother. I knew he wasn't a virgin and yet my love for him forced me to go slowly on him at first. I inserted my cock gently and made my thrusts slowly. My expectations for what it would be like to fuck him were smashed. The feeling of being inside him and screwing him felt a thousand times better than anything my mind had dreamed up.

"Do me harder Rodya!" Malakai said.

I obliged and began fucking him harder and faster. He moaned loud and pawed himself; my dreams were coming true. I kept at it, fucking him hard and fast until I came. When I shot my load, I had the best orgasm I had ever had in my life. Malakai came soon afterwards. I felt so good, but also so guilty. I pulled out of Malakai and lay down on my bed unsure of what to do next.

"That was amazing bro" Malakai said.

"Sure was, even though it's wrong" I said.

"Like I said, don't worry about it, it's not wrong" Malakai said.

I wasn't convinced. We cuddled together and then he kissed me on the muzzle. It felt so wrong and yet so good just like the sex we just had.

"I love you Rodya" he said.

"I love you too Malakai" I said. We fell asleep soon after. When we woke up, the guilt began replacing the joy for me. Malakai could tell I was upset as he said to me, "Are you okay?"

"I just feel so guilty about what we did. Let's never do that again, okay?" I said.

"Okay," Malakai said, frowning, his ears pinned down. I got out of bed and got my clothes back on. We tried to continue the weekend as normal, but now things had changed between us. Things were awkward for sure with neither of us talking to each other much. I finished Dr. Schneebrot's book and concluded that I needed to be cured. The sex was great, but it was wrong. I didn't know why Malakai didn't see it that way. When I returned to work on Monday, I looked at the events calendar and saw that Dr. Schneebrot herself would be at my bookstore for an "author meet & greet" on Friday to discuss her new book. I felt hope and began to think of what I would say to her. She was my only hope for my brother and I to become normal and I wasn't going to miss this chance to meet her.