A Perk of Being a Wallflower

Story by DanteLUPINE on SoFurry

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Anthony is a wolf who was dragged to a party by an acquaintance, and winds up enjoying a bit more than he bargained for!

Yeah, this is straight-up porn, and I don't really have a lot to say for it. It's been on my computer for like two years and I've restarted it three times, but I finally managed to polish it off, no pun intended, and post it! I'm always open to feedback, and comments and favs are appreciated.

Anthony sighed heavily as he slouched on a beat-up frat house couch surrounded by people he didn't know, many of whom he didn't want to. The grey wolf glanced through the crowd in search of the companion who'd dragged him to this party. Michael was likable guy, and a fellow wolf, but Tony found him rather pushy; he had explained his reasoning for pulling Anthony along as him being far too reserved for a college student and that he needed to get out more.

Now Tony sat alone sipping a soda while Michael had gone off 'on the hunt for pussy,' in the wolf's own words. The loud pop music playing only slightly comforted him since he recognized the song; the white-streaked wolf murmured the lyrics under his voice while gazing off into the crowd.

As Tony sat watching the other partygoers dancing and drinking and making out, he idly wondered why he was at the party in the first place. It wasn't as if he was as popular or attractive as Mike was; the girls seemed interested in Tony at first but after learning he didn't play any sports like the athletic Mike, he was soon dropped like a hot potato.

Before his thoughts went down the spiral that would inevitably lead to Tony sneaking back to his dorm without Mike, the weight of a large lion throwing himself onto the ratty couch shook him out of the reverie, causing Tony to snort soda out of his nose.

"Boring party, eh?" The newcomer questioned, stretching himself out on the couch with a smirk and placing one arm around Anthony's shoulder. "Or I mean, I gather as much, given you're just sitting here with your cola. No girls for you?"

Anthony frowned at the newcomer, using the sleeve of his hoodie to wipe cola from his face while snorting air out of his nose to rid himself of the burn. "Uh, no. The uh, the party's okay. Just no girls interested. I was thinking about leaving actually."

Apparently the lion thought that was an invitation to share his thoughts, leaning in close with his arm pulling Tony towards him. "Hey, why leave? If you ask me, you could use a bit of fun. I'm sure I can find you some."

Anthony frowned at the mystery lion incredulously and pulled out of his arm before standing. "I don't even know who you are, dude. I'm pretty sure your idea of fun probably involves drugs, and I've gotta decline that kind of offer." Tony may not have known who this guy was, but he was pretty sure being involved with him was a bad idea.

The lion reached out and clasped his large paw around Anthony's wrist in a firm grip before he could turn away, looking up at the wolf through bright green eyes. "Naw, puppy, that's not the fun I mean." Tugging slightly, he pulled Tony down towards him. When Tony was level with him, the lion exhaled soft breath that smelled surprisingly alcohol-free into his face. "The fun I have in mind is a lot more physical."

Tony blushed at the sudden closeness and again pulled back, connecting the dots and standing upright, however unable to get the lion to relinquish the grip on his arm. "If you're implying that I'd want to have sex with you, whoever you are, I have to again decline your offer. I'm not into hooking up with randoms, let alone guys."

"I never said I thought you were. I just hoped you'd be down for a bit of fun." The lion smirked up at Tony, his sharp teeth glinting in the low light of the room. In a much more graceful movement than when he'd joined Tony on the couch, he rose and stood in front of the grey wolf, who took a brief step back. "My name's Jon, by the way."

Anthony continued blushing, forgetting that the lion was still holding his arm entirely when he'd risen to his full height at more than a head taller than him. He wasn't completely sure what Jon was going on about, but he was very aware of the lion's minute movements closing the distance between them, as well as the growing grin on his face.

He decided to stop things as firmly as he could as quickly as possible. "Look Jon, I don't know how else to say it, but I'm not at all inter-!"

Anthony found himself cut off by Jon pressing his leonine mouth against his own, his paws moving to grip Tony's biceps firmly, though not hard. The lion's rough tongue pushed into Tony's mouth, and as he stared wide-eyed and shocked into the vibrant green eyes of Jon the mystery lion, the music seemed to fade out.

After what seemed to Tony like minutes of Jon exploring his mouth with his tongue, the lion broke their kiss, allowing the wolf to frantically swivel his head around the room in search of anyone who'd seen them. After finding no apparent partygoers sneering or pointing at the two of them, Anthony glared up at the lion.

"What the fuck was that?"

Jon smirked down at him, "Hey, calm down puppy. No one saw, and even if they did, why's it matter?"

"First of all, don't call me 'puppy.'" Anthony huffed up at him through clenched teeth, attempting to shake the lion's grip on his upper arms. "Secondly, it matters because I'm not fucking into that."

Jon amiably relinquished his grip on Tony's arms and instead opted to take the wolf by the paw. "If you're so worried about others seeing us, why don't we go somewhere more private to have our fun?" He added bemusedly, "You've still got cola on your face anyway, Puppy."

Anthony huffed, taking his free paw and self-consciously rubbing at his muzzle where it seemed he could still feel the lion's paw. "I'm not a puppy; don't call me that."

Anthony's words fell on deaf ears as he was led through the frat house past one of the bathrooms and its long line of people waiting to use it and around the corner behind the kitchen. He may have heard a voice call his name, but it had faded before he got the chance to turn and see who it belonged to. The restroom they found there was occupied, but had no queue to wait for and soon Anthony found himself pressed against the wall by the door with any protests silenced by Jon's tongue exploring his mouth once again.

The grey wolf felt large paws exploring his body as his mouth was invaded, and he let out an involuntary moan and closed his eyes as they pushed under his hoodie and molested him through his shirt. His own paws sat awkwardly at his sides; he was unsure what to do with them and not entirely willing to touch Jon yet. Anthony fought against the surprisingly arousing haze caused by the suddenness of their actions, unsure how to react beyond simply allowing the lion to have his way with him.

The sound of the bathroom door opening next to him caused Anthony's ears to perk and snapped the canine to attention, shoving Jon's sturdy form in fear.

The doe who exited the bathroom let out a soft "O-oh!" in surprise as she paused at the sight of Jon pressing himself against Anthony. The lion glared at her, slowly easing away while Tony himself blushed furiously beneath his fur. To her credit, she threw a fittingly scandalized look back to Jon, ignoring Tony's nod of acknowledgement.

"Excuse me," she stated curtly as she made her way by the two males, both watching her in tense silence.

As soon as the doe turned the corner, Anthony found himself being tugged into the bathroom. The wolf only managed to get a brief glance at the relatively small room before Jon was on him again, pushing him against the sink. The bathroom was surprisingly clean considering the party; the smell didn't particularly bother Anthony's canine nose.

Tony's paws sought purchase on the damp porcelain of the sink as Jon put his weight against him, burying his muzzle in Anthony's neck and grinding his crotch against the wolf's lower stomach. He gasped as he felt the large lion's teeth pressed through his fur and against his neck.

"I-I don't think," Anthony breathed heavily as he felt Jon's paws snake around his waist to cup his butt firmly in his large paws; his tail thwapped painfully against the built-in cabinet under the sink in anxiety. "I don't think we should be doing this here."

Despite voicing his trepidations, Tony was also aware of the fact that he was no longer actually protesting Jon's approaches, and now, his molestations. Rather, the wolf felt akin to a plasma globe, everywhere the lion touched him tingling pleasantly. He could feel his excitement at the feelings rushing through him, as well as pressing against Jon's thigh.

The lion growled possessively as he pulled off of Anthony's neck. "Maybe I could fuck you real quick, you think?" As he spoke, the lion worked to pull off Anthony's hoodie, struggling a bit before the wolf realized what he was trying to do. Once he'd gotten it off and tossed it to the side, a sleeve dropping into the toilet, he pushed his muzzle against Tony's for another violent kiss, his canines striking against the wolf's and their tongues meeting between them.

Despite not getting the chance to respond before engaging in their third sudden make-out of the night, Anthony's fear spoke for him. As the lion's large paw squeezed his ass again, Tony's tail slapped against the cabinet once again, causing him to bark in surprise and break his kiss with Jon.

Jon pulled away and inspected Anthony for the first time. Removing his body's warmth from the wolf's, he could see the typical "Luna" graphic on Tony's shirt: a large yellow gibbous moon against the black of the shirt. The wolf fidgeted against the sink, his trepidation apparent, and Jon grasped him by the arms before swapping positions with him so that the wolf could look him over.

After a moment of heavy-breathed silence, Jon spoke, having made up his mind. "Maybe you could suck me off instead having a quick fuck, eh Puppy?"

"I've... never done that before. Or any of this, really." Anthony murmured and busied himself by glancing around the small bathroom; he caught sight of one of his hoodie's sleeves hanging in the toilet and frowned. The wolf had been caught off guard by Jon's proposal, and he was no surer if he was ready for that than he was getting fucked. "I don't really know."

"Then we'll see." The lion grinned devilishly and spoke firmly as he began unbuckling his belt. "On your knees, Puppy."

Despite the fact that the nickname rankled him, Anthony obediently dropped to his knees, bringing his face almost level with Jon's crotch. The wolf held his breath as he watched the lion unclasp his button and drop his shorts around his ankles, revealing a black pair of boxer briefs ornamented by a single green stripe down the front and a label that read "Big Cat". The stylish undergarment was strained but successfully held back Jon's erection as its imprint fought against the left leg of the confining garment. They did not, however, manage to hide the scent of Jon's virile musk which wafted from the lion's almost-exposed crotch. The cat's natural scent was heavy, but surprisingly pleasant, and Anthony found himself enjoying the smell.

Looking up at Jon tentatively, the wolf moved his muzzle forward to push his nose flush with the soft fabric of the lion's undergarments, right at Jon's pelvis. After receiving a nod of encouragement from the lion above him, Anthony inhaled deeply, bringing his paws up to grasp Jon's lower thighs for balance. As he lay his paws on the lion, Tony felt Jon laying his own paws gently on the wolf's head, not insistently.

While Anthony seemed content to savor Jon's masculine scent and even relish the firmness of the lion's thigh muscles beneath his fingers, the lion made it clear he was ready to move their encounter along. Without warning, the wolf felt Jon's erection flex against its confines and nudge along his chin, the heat emanating through the lion's underwear.

When Anthony pulled back in surprise, Jon chuckled down at him. "I think it's time you saw what you're gonna be working with, Puppy."

Without giving the wolf chance for response, Jon ran his left paw through the fur on Anthony's head and massaged his ear, drawing his right around under the wolf's chin, massaging him softly. Anthony let his eyes close as he tingled where Jon's fingers trailed, and he moaned as the base of his chin was scratched gently, his muzzle tilted towards the lion's abdomen. The wolf felt his paw slip around the backs of Jon's thighs, the muscles flexing beneath his fingers.

Abruptly, the lion removed his paw from Anthony's chin, the absence of the warm tingling friction causing the wolf to open his eyes in surprise and disappointment, looking up at him. Without comment or smirk, the lion placed his own paws atop Anthony's and looked him in the eyes. The wolf swallowed back the ball of anxiety that had risen into his throat and nodded, understanding Jon's intentions.

The lion removed his paws from Anthony's, placing them at his waist. Slowly, carefully, Jon hooked his thumbs into his waistband while Tony gripped the legs of the lion's underwear between his fingers. The young men held eye contact as they steadily pulled off the lion's boxer briefs, eventually letting them join his cargo shorts in a pool around his gold-furred ankles.

Eventually Anthony's resolved gaze broke and he beheld the nigh seven-inch rod of flesh that jutted from Jon's pelvis at an acute angle. The wolf exhaled with trepidation as he examined Jon's erection, which pointed almost menacingly at his face. It wasn't as large as his own, but it had to be thicker than his own wrist. The roadway of veins and arteries throbbed as they worked to keep the lion in his state of arousal, and Anthony could feel the warmth emanating from it. Slowly, glancing beyond the toned abdomen to the leonine smirk above him, Anthony pushed his face into Jon's crotch, nuzzling against the lion's boner and deeply inhaling the mind-clouding scent of his musk.

Jon stood quietly for the most part, letting Anthony become acquainted with what he soon intended to be stuffing into his mouth. After a moment of watching the wolf slowly gaining familiarity with his lower body Jon's patience began to wane and he flexed his cock, watching his thick barbed inches bounce and fall to rest against the wolf's cheek, and grinning at the lecherous gesture. Noting that he'd once again gotten the wolf's attention, he voiced his readiness to move the show along. "I think it might be time for you to give it a taste, Puppy."

It was then Anthony realized how long it'd been since he'd last spoken; he'd so engrossed in Jon's scent and the feel of his muscles beneath his paws that his throat had closed up. The grey wolf swallowed back the nervous tension that threatened to rise and nodded his head. "Y-yeah, I'll try."

Before he had the chance to question his actions Anthony swept his tongue along the underside of Jon's cock, drawing a moan from Jon. The wolf felt a whine grow in the back of his throat as Jon's musk saturated his tongue. The taste of the lion's flesh was heady and not at all unpleasant the way Anthony had expected. Clutching the lion's thighs, Anthony acted once again on a sudden leap of bravery and opened his mouth wide to accept the lion's cock.

Jon eagerly pushed his length into Anthony's waiting maw, prompting the wolf to push his tongue out and against his shaft to accommodate the lion's cock. Immediately, the lion began to thrust, holding Tony's head still while he pushed into the warm moistness of the canine's maw.

Jon's barbs tickled the roof of Anthony's mouth, and he struggled to restrain himself from coughing while he patiently lapped at the underside of the lion's erection. The wolf was content to let Jon use him lazily, and he closed his eyes while inhaling the lion's pleasant scent every time he pulled out.

After a while, Jon seemed to grow bored of simply letting Anthony pleasure him passively and stopped thrusting. When the wolf opened a curious baby-blue eye, the lion smirked devilishly.

"Your turn to work, Puppy." He instructed, voice husky and eyes half lidded. "C'mon, make me come."

Anthony felt his ears warm as he blushed, but even as he nodded he realized that his blood had been flowing to other places as well. Turning his gaze back to the jacket sleeve hanging in the toilet, the wolf worked to unzip his jeans and fish his own cock from its confinement. Above him, he heard Jon chuckle as the air touched his thick canine shaft, pressed uncomfortably but achingly against the teeth of his zipper. His cock firmly gripped in paw, Tony returned his tongue to Jon's.

The grey wolf slowly licked along the underside of Jon's cock before taking half the length into his mouth, working the rest with his tongue. He turned his eyes upward in time to watch Jon lift his shirt and reveal the golden brown fur the covered his firm abdomen.

"You're pretty damn cute with your tongue poking out like that, Pup." Jon commented with a grin. The moment was made picture-perfect when Anthony's ears splayed in embarrassment.

Instead of responding, Anthony opted to slowly take the lion's cock entirely into his mouth. He bobbed his head along, being careful not to graze the lion with his teeth, all while furiously jerking his own length. The wolf's eyes shut as he got into the rhythm, and were he capable of purring, he would have when his large ears picked up the rumbling sound coming from deep in Jon's throat.

Jon very quickly approaching the edge of orgasm, and he was more than surprised to be arriving so soon. Gripping Anthony's head in his paws with claws just pinpricking the wolf's scalp, he felt the familiar not-burn of orgasm, and pulled away from Tony's salacious tongue reluctantly, just barely forming words of warning through clenched teeth.

"I-I'm gonna come, fuck."

Anthony's immediate reaction was to open his eyes in confusion, and he narrowly avoided having a stream of semen jettison into his eye. Thick ropes of leonine cum landed over his muzzle and eyebrow; he closed his eyes quickly enough to keep anything from dripping into them.

When the wolf opened his left eye testily, he was treated to the sight of Jon squeezing the last of his semen onto his fingertips. When he was satisfied, the lion put his dripping fingers to Tony's mouth. Without a word, the wolf obliged and allowed Jon's fingers into his mouth. He jacked his aching cock painfully, knot going completely ignored as it pressed against his zipper while he slurped the bitter-tasting fluid from Jon's fingers, and with a longing groan came hard, spewing long spurts of come onto the cabinet and floor.

"Damn, you like the taste of jizz that much, Pup?" Jon asked, sticking his tongue out at Tony, who still sat on his knees in front of him.

Anthony grimaced as he replied, slowly collecting himself and packing away his dripping and still-hard cock. He could feel the cooling fluid dripping down his muzzle, and the smell was overtaking the scent neutralizer the doe had sprayed. "It was actually pretty gross."

Jon chuckled, reaching down to help him up. "Yeah it is kinda gross. But you wear it well, Puppy."

The wolf frowned and looked away, doing his best not to stare at the lion's still-exposed dick. "I-I guess. Are there any paper towels in here?"

"Dunno, but it doesn't matter," the lion replied, finally pulling up his underwear and shorts, adjusting himself casually before passing Anthony his jacket. "Come on, we're going to my apartment."

Anthony scowled in confusion while the lion turned around and ran his fingers through his mane, looking in the mirror. "What, why would I do that?"

"Cause I'm going to fuck you, Pup. No way am I gonna am I gonna let the night end here." Jon answered easily.

"I-I dunno if I'm ready for that, Jon." Anthony replied. Even so, the wolf could easily have wiped the lion's semen from his face using the jacked he had no intention of putting back on. He frowned as the lion smiled at him in the mirror before turning around and grabbing the doorknob.

"You didn't think you were ready to suck a cock, either," he said smugly. "But you got pretty damn into it, Puppy. I'm pretty sure I can get you into taking a cock just as easily."

Anthony knew he shouldn't, and could easily come up with a number of reasons not to. He couldn't just leave the party without telling Michael. He had to work on papers tomorrow and needed to get a good night's rest. He could have used any of those excuses, but instead the wolf bit his lip and nodded slowly. "Okay. We can try."

"Good Puppy." Jon commented with a smirk the showed his teeth. The lion opened the bathroom door and exited, Anthony following along.

By the time the two of them had made it back to the living room, Anthony was pretty sure people were beginning to notice the smell of semen in the crowdedness of the room and he felt as if every eye they passed followed him. Jon lead him by the paw, but as the pair approached the door, a paw landed on Anthony's shoulder, stopping him in his path. The wolf turned around to see the familiar red-furred face of Michael looking between him and Jon in confusion.

"Tony, where were you, I was looking all over for-" The taller wolf stopped, and Anthony swallowed hard as he watched Michael's nose twitch and amber eyes inspect the crusting fur of his face. "Is... Is that jizz on your face?"