Best in Show (Poodle Drag Queen TF)

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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This was a LOT of fun to write! And it was so nice to write something more upbeat after Vacation


by feder

Tony had no idea how Pacer talked him into this. There the wolf was, standing outside a club in a dress shirt and slacks with Pacer next to him playing Asteroids on his phone as the queue inched forward. The sign out front was done up like a pink neon heart, with big red letters reading "THE WATERING HOLE" in gaudy cursive lettering, made even more ostentatious with the help of peacock green neon lighting.

It all looked tacky, tacky and in-your-face. The line lurched along as Pacer popped the collar to the candy blue suit he wore. It looked like the bunny wearing dragged it out of the 80's but Pacer almost made it work. Maybe it was his snowy white fur, or how casually he wore it. Another forward movement in the line, and Tony looked out over the people ahead of them. Regardless of the species, the wolf noticed a general trend. Showy, sexualized clothing in a rainbow of colors and materials. The otter lass in front of them had her breasts covered up-barely- by a black latex top and matching pants with a sleave for her tail, which had a golden ring looped over the tip.

Next to her was a young lion with his mane dyed a shade of bright, nuclear purple getting cuddly with his panther boyfriend. "Pacer..." Tony whispered to his lagomorph friend. "Is this one of those clubs?"

Pacer just laughed and waved away smoke coming from a joint the otter just lit. "Tony, come on. you're not afraid of them are you?"

"Not afraid just..." Tony snorted, wiping his whiskers. "'s just weird."

Another forward motion of the line, they were almost in the door and out of the nippy late-spring weather.

"What's weird is you having your tail between your legs around a bunch of folks just trying to have to have a good time. Just have fun, okay? It's not like anyone's gonna make you man the glory hole in the bathroom." Pacer laughed at his own joke and slipped the bouncer, a big grizzly in a tight black t-shirt, a couple bills.

"We're on the list, don't worry about him." The rabbit smiled back to Tony, and so they were in. The interior of the club was just as show as the sign outside, black tile floor and deep violet walls lined with framed posters, vintage ads, all of it a monument to camp and kitsch. Tony's tail wagged as he made his way towards the bar while Pacer hung around off to the side.

The wolf smiled at the panda manning the bar and she poured him a drink as he specified, strawberry pina colada. It wasn't the manliest drink, but Tony figured he'd look even more like a stranger if he just ordered a pint of lager.

He had just made halfway through his third pina colada, enjoying the remixed pop song being blasted over the speakers when Pacer hopped into the seat next to his brandishing a piece of paper, big smile showing his gleaming lapine buck teeth. "Tony, check this out. They're doing a drag contest, 2,000 bucks for the winner and..." Pacer made a dramatic sweeping gesture with his other paw, holding an un-capped pen between two of his fingers. "...the winner gets to be in all the advertising for this club!"

"And what are you telling me this for?" Tony said as he took another sip. "I only came for the drinks and to get laid, dude."

"I'm thinking if we enter, we can split the money if you win." Pacer said, and Tony wanted to say "Hell no," but the alcohol turned that into "Tell me more." The alcohol and something else, the general ambiance of the club made the wolf feel more adventurous than he normally did. Adventurous or stupid, either one... Tony couldn't help but feel he was about to make a mistake, thought this feeling was muffled beneath the drinks.

"So all you gotta do, is get yourself some ladylike clothes, get yourself prettied up, and we'll make it back here next weekend for the contest and we can spend our 1,000 bones each on something nice."

Tony's brain, floating as it was in vodka and cocktail mix, heard about that 1,000 dollars and shook Pacer's paw. "What the hell, I'll do it. Just this once, and just for the cash, alright? I'm not..."

"Gay?" Pacer said, handing the form and his pen over to the wolf. Tony took the pen and began filling the blanks out in clumsy writing. His penmanship was never the best, and the alcohol in his system did it no favors, but it was perfectly legible when he finished.

"Awesome, we're gonna win this thing... I have a strategy worked out, this is a game, see? And.."

Tony put his paw up, "Dude, I already said yes. Don't give me that hustler talk."

Pacer just laughed and turned around in his seat, watching the drag show. Miss Molly was out on stage, a white cat dressed like someone's kinky fantasy of a 50's housewife singing an old love song. Tony smiled as he watched, it was campy and more than a little bizarre but there was definitely a charm to the act, to Molly.

"So uh... that's a dude?" Tony pointed toward the stage before Pacer gently pushed his arm down.

"Yes she is, buddy." The bunny took another drink from his glass, "Yes she is."

"Pretty cool, I didn't even know!" Tony chuckled, maybe it was because he was on his fifth pina colada and things were getting fuzzy and warm in his head.

Tony's nostrils stung as he spritzed the perfume on. He knew it was trouble when Pacer walked in with that big bottle made of pink glass with a squeeze bladder and a nozzle on the end of a rubber hose like old fashioned perfume bottles had. The stuff smelled musky, but not in a masculine way, more like how his last girlfriend smelled in bed mixed with flowers and a hint of something acidic. It was a bittersweet musky scent and it hung over him like a storm cloud every time he put it on for that stupid friggin' drag contest.

Pacer walked in through the door to the wolf's room carrying an armload of clothing, pink clothing. His little bunny tail wiggled playfully as he laid the items out: black lace bra and panties, red sheer fully fashioned stockings with deep crimson reinforced soles, a tube of bright pink claw polish, and a silky smooth magenta dress and matching pair of open-toe high heels.

"Is that my outfit?" Tony said, wiping a droplet of the perfume off his whisker. God, the smell of the stuff made his fur bristle. His fur was already starting to curl up, must have been the humidity especially since he felt hot all over, restless. Pacer pitched the undies over and Tony caught them, impressing himself a little.

"Could you get dressed or something? We need to rehearse your act." The rabbit gave an impatient clap like a drama teach and Tony rolled his amber colored eyes and shucked off his t-shirt and jeans. Pacer gave him a look like his mother used to when she walked in on his room being messy and the wolf sighed, stepping out of his boxers and throwing them in the pile on the floor. He stepped into the panties first, and the feel of the tight, smooth fabric gently constricting his butt, his crotch made him excited in ways that made the young wolf worry about himself.

Next came the bra, He fumbled with the clasp for a bit, before he remembered an old trick his mother mentioned. He turned the bra around so the clasp was on his chest, fastened it where he could see what he paws were doing, then turned it around. Then Pacer spritzed some more of the perfume on him, sending him into a coughing fit.

"Fucking hell, dude!" Tony tried to wave the smell off, but it only seemed to soak deeper into him. " At least let me know, that stuff..."

"Stinks?" Pacer said with a taunting lilt to his voice.

"Nah, it just..." The wolf just then realized he was lisping just a bit. "It smells weird."

Tony took the stockings from the bed and sat down to pull the first one on, and when he got it halfway up his leg, he was already at full mast, pitching a tent in his panties. He yanked it up the rest of the way up his leg, gosh it was so smooth and soft on him, on his fur. He wiggled the toes of his feet and they looked so delicate, so pretty. Then came the other one and the garter belt. Pacer lifted the wolf's legs as he fastened them to the belt.

"Looking good, Tony. You're a natural!" Pacer chuckled and the wolf turned around in front of the mirror, checking himself out. The rabbit was right for once, his ass did look nice in those panties, perfect peach shape... and the garter belt and stockings brought out the curves in his legs, and even drew attention to his tail. Then he stopped himself.

Why the fuck was he thinking that? And before he could puzzle out what was going on upstairs, Pacer impatiently clapped the heels against the iron bed frame. He growled at his friend and took them, squeezing his big clumsy paws into them. They were just on the threshold of too small, he stood up and paced to the other end of the room and back in clumsy, wobbling steps.

"Come on, Tony. You can do better than that!" The rabbit cracked open a beer as Tony did another circuit around the room, a little less wobbly and a little less afraid of breaking his ankles. Then came the dress. Smooth, slinky pink satin slid down his body as he lifted it, squeezing into it. It was tight in all the best ways, all the best places. It hugged her... his hips and made his legs look even curvier, made his butt even more huggable and his tail... He caught a glimpse of it in the mirror, was his tail ever that curly near the tip?

"Pacer, buddy. How often are we gonna have to do this shit?"

Pacer flipped his ears back out of his face, grinning in his usual smug way. "Until the show, and that's Saturday. Every day, when you take off, we're doing this. Don't you want that money? Your pretty face on them flyers?"

Tony blushed. He did want the money, but the idea of being the face of that club, being the first thing people saw, and the first thing people thought about when they thought about that tacky, campy club. It was worse than repulsive to the wolf, it was arousing. Pace put his paw on his shoulder, looking at him expecting a response.

Tony wanted to say a hundred different things, from "This is fucking crazy" to "This is the gayest thing, no way" but what came out was an enthusiastic, genuine "Hell yes, sugar!" Tony slapped his paw over his mouth the very instant he realized what he had said, and that lisp was back.

"Now that's the kind of attitude that'll win this thing. You keep that sassy act up, work on it, and we'll both have a cool thousand just burning a hole in our pockets." Pacer gave Tony's rump a playful slap as he walked out, and Tony wondered exactly what he had gotten himself into. The wolf looked at himself in the mirror one more time. Were his ears always that floppy?

The next session, Pacer brought a corset. It was a black thing with red lace, Tony could smell the perfume the rabbit sprayed all over it. Tony rolled his eyes as he got into the bra and panties, the excitement had worn off but the garments still felt good on him, they actually felt even better. The panties looked better on him too; with the way his ass was growing out, they brought out the curves that flowed down into his thick thighs, his hips... He'd love an ass like the one had now on a woman but knowing it was his own made him feel different, made him feel proud.

Tony lifted his arms and Pacer put the corset around his waist gently, keeping the strings in his balled up little bunny fists. "This is going to really suck the first time, but trust me, Tina. It'll get better."

The wolf's ears flicked. "What'd you call me?"

"Tina Waggs, that's your stage name."

Tina... Tony rolled his eyes. "Whatever, dude. I'm already dressed up like a chick for money aaa-AHHH" The wolf cried out as Pacer unexpectedly yanked on the corset strings, forcing his waist into a perfect, albeit coerced hourglass shape.

He fell forward, bending over his study desk trying to catch the breath that was squeezed out of him. "Fucking hell, man! Warn me next time!"

The bunny laughed, "Sorry man, I got carried away. Pulling one of these things is like popping bubble wrap, you just have fun doin' it you know?"

"Yeah and my insides are the bubbles." Tony groaned. "Now can we practice my sashay or do you want to keep tugging until my ribs break?"

Pacer scoffed. "Oh come on ya big queen, it's not that bad!"

Tony just growled, he knew better than to argue with Pacer at this point. The rabbit took a fistful of Tony's now-curly gray fur and gently pushed him down on the floor into a sitting position. Then, he took the claw polish and clumsily unscrewed the cap, almost spilling it twice. Tina... no Tony snatched the bottle from him and set to work, applying a single layer to each of his toe claws. "Better let me do this." The canine scolded, "I watched my sister do this shit all the time."

And when he was done with his toes, he went to work on his finger claws. Gently and slowly he painted each one, receiving a little help from Pacer who helped blow-dry the claws once they had been painted a pretty coral pink. Pacer handed him a mirror and Tony checked himself out, finding his reflection to resemble a poodle more than anything, same curly fur, same droopy, floppy ears, same prima donna gleam in the eyes.

"Why am I... what's happening to me?" Tony said, his voice betraying both his fear and the perverse curiosity he felt, how he wondered what it'd be like to be a domesticated little femme poodle, only concerned with looking pretty and entertaining crowds of adoring alpha males.

"It's part of your character. Wolves are too butch, now poodles..." Pacer said, fetching a pair of electric clippers from the cabinet. "Poodles have drag queen in their blood, and you know you like it. You wanna be delicate, pretty, sassy.

"Sassy..."Tony muttered, the clippers buzzed to life and Pacer began shearing off excess fur with watchmaker's precision. Tony did want to know what it was like, to just be someone else. And he did like how he looked... it was different but it was a good different, a fun and exciting different. A sexy different...

As Pacer trimmed his tail down, leaving a cute little tuft of curly ash-gray fur on the tip, the rabbit gently coached Tony-Tina Waggs on her... his lines. "You gotta lisp juuust a little, just a little okay? Now one more time, say 'I'm sexy and I know it'"

"I'm sexy and I know it." The dog repeated, eyes growing heavy and dull, the monotone buzz of the clippers and Pacer's constant nagging and pushing for better performance on the lines he had selected made it harder and harder to concentrate on anything else... harder to even think about anything else, even.

"I'm Tina Waggs and I'm here to steal your boyfriend." Pacer said,trimming and styling the fur on Tina... Tony's head into a big, fluffy bouffant 'do.

"I'm Tina Waggs and I'm here to steal your boyfriend." The poodle repeated.

"Again, Tina. A little bit more confidence, you are certain you're going to fuck some frumpy college girl's boyfriend until he's cross-eyed."

Tina sighed, clicked her tongue and tried again. "I'm Tina Waggs, and I'm here to steal your boyfriend." This time, she... he put an edge to it, like she was just so damn pleased with herself to steal some boring buttoned-down bitch's hunk and show him what a good time really was. As that thought floated through her... his mind, a pair of petite little breasts eased out of his chest. They grew to a meagre A cup, then as the rabbit continued styling and teasing her fur, they blossomed into a very respectable pair of B-cups,. Perfect for grabbing a hold of, as Tony herself found out, palming her new assets, bouncing them in her paws.

"Perfect, now let's recap, you are Tina Waggs. You like it when guys look at you. You like attention and you know you're gorgeous."

"I-I'm Tina Waggs."

"Try a little harder this time," Pacer said, brushing the stray hairs off of him with a barber brush.

"I'm Tina Waggs, I love it when guys check me out. I love the attention." Tina's voice grew more confident, more sincere, he voice settling into a high, breathy tone like an old pair of socks. It was a natural, comfy voice for her.

"Good, now what does Tina know?"

The poodle giggled and fluttered her mascara'd eyelids. "I know I'm gorgeous!"

The rabbit clicked the shears off, he dusted the poodle off and gave her a gentle peck on the cheek. "You're doing great, Tony."

The poodle just scoffed at Pacer. "Oh honey, I'm Tina. Tony's just my old name."

"Awesome, now let's put your lipstick on."

Tina closed her eyes and puckered up as Pacer got out the lipstick. The tube said "Passionate Evening", which was a fancy way of saying 'deep, almost purplish crimson'. The stuff practically glided on as the poodle's lips grew fuller, thicker, more plush and kissable beneath it.

The rabbit stepped back, admiring his handiwork. Aside from the six-inch bulge in her panties, there was nothing even remotely masculine about Tina. He chuckled to himself at the thought of using her for arm candy before and after the big drag show. With the right dress on her, nobody could tell...

He passed the mirror to the poodle as she checked herself out, and she gave a little gasp of surprise. " I look awesome!" Tina squealed. She jumped up and threw her slender, graceful arms around Pacer and pulled him into a tight hug that revealed her surprising strength, the only remnant of her wolfish past. "Thank you so much!"

"Okay.. okay..." Pacer groaned, wiggling out of her arms. "I gotta say... I'm curious about... about"

"About fucking me?" Tina giggled, running her foot over his teasingly. "I know you want me, bunny boy."

Pacer's cock throbbed in his pants at that show of confidence. "You are goddamn right I do."

She led him to his bedroom and the rabbit could not yank his clothes off fast enough. She eased her panties down, spreading herself for him. Tina's tail lifted and wagged gently as Pacer lined up his cock with her virgin pucker.

"I bet you never fucked a girl like m-" Tina was cut off by a heavy involuntary moan on her part as Pacer's shaft started spreading her open. Inch after inch followed, filling and teasing her insides with his rock hard meat. For several more moments, coherent vocalization was near impossible for her, as she was stretched over his member. Taking it slowly as he did, Pacerwas able to push his entire length into her, and Tinasagged her head, letting out a low sigh as she tried to get used to his size.

"Oh you like it, don't ya? Fucking sissy." Pacer moaned, his thrusts in and out getting rougher and faster. he leaned over her, nipping at her neck with his buck teeth.

"Keep that talk up honey, I love it." Tina tried to quip back, though her tone was still mostly a pleasured moaning. She grunted, starting to buck her hips against Pacer slowly, her rear entrance feeling a little abused. She let out a sigh as the rabbit nibbled at the back of her neck. "Why do your teeth feel so good?" she asked with a wince.

"I'm just being gentle, sweetheart. I know how you delicate little Nancy boys bruise." Pacer pumped her harder, slapping her ass as he picked the pace up. "I oughta put you in a collar and take you to Westminster!" Pacer said, laughing at his own joke.The rise and fall of his chest as he laughed sent a pulse of pleasure through Tina's body as he rocked against her.

"I'm down for it," Tina moaned. "You're already breeding me like a show dog." She laughed a little bit herself as pleasure overtook what discomfort she suffered in taking her first dick. Her body shuddered as a small orgasm welled up inside of her, leaving her belly feeling warm. "Oh this feels amazing," the poodle whispered as she closed her eyes.

"Nah, you feel amazing," Pacer corrected. "Man, I ain't never had-" The rabbit was cut off by his own orgasm, he let out a strained cry as he came, messily painting Tina's insides white with load after load of his seed. The rabbit collapsed on top of the poodle, then rolled over behind her on the bed, putting her arms around her front just in time for his paws to meet hers. "I could use a cigarette," he said between deep breaths.

"You and me both, sweetheart." Tina said, scooting back into his embrace.

"And the winner is..." The announcer said with a dramatic pause, opening the envelope with hands made clumsy by anticipation, "...Tina Waggs!"

The crowd erupted into applause as the poodle ran on stage, snatching up the bouquet of flowers from the lioness hosting the contest. Tina promised herself she wouldn't get emotional, but fuck it her eyes were misting up. Pacer was clapping for her, leading the cheers as the crowd said her name over and over. It wasn't even just about the prize money anymore, it was the satisfaction of knowing she earned this. She knew she was star material, yes ma'am.

Pacer helped her down the stage, scanning his eyes up and down her figure tightly hugged by her pink satin dress. "You were fucking amazing, darling." The rabbit said, grinning as he planted a loving kiss on her ruby lips. The poodle giggled as she returned the kiss and deepened it, their tongues dancing together, running over each other's teeth. She was the first to break it off, blushing bright red under her warm gray fur.

"Pacer, thank you for this. I've never felt so proud of myself, so wanted so..."

"Gorgeous?" the rabbit said, leading her towards his car. Tonight he would treat her, shrimp cocktail and then a bottle of bubbly. Tonight was Tina Waggs' night.

"Honey." Tina said with a grin. "I know I'm gorgeous."


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