The Greys Chapter 12: Bill Blake

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#13 of The Greys

Bill Blake was a gigantic, solid gray wolf in more ways than one. He wasn't much taller than most of his kind, but he was heavy. His chest was flabby, his belly was thick and round, but his arms looked like two old pines that grew right out of his shoulders. He looked very intimidating, but in reality, he was a big softie, like a teddy bear stuck in a wolf's body.

Like Kody, Bill was fairly new to the area, only living there for the last two or three years. He'd been a County Sheriff's Deputy over in Nutwood County before moving here to become the Sheriff of Tri-Burrows County, which was a bit surprising, since they rarely elected someone they didn't know well.

The presence of the wolf made Gideon blush, and Kody raise an eyebrow at his cousin's reaction. "Hey Bill," the fox replied as he tried to put on some semblance of calm. He hadn't expected to run into Bill, especially since the two tods had just been talking about beaus.

Bill's lips parted in a warm smile, "Well now, who's this cutie next to ya? Yer brother?"

Now Kody was blushing too, his ears flattening as he looked up at the larger man. Kody'd never been super attracted to wolves even though both genders had hit on him multiple times, but he couldn't help but like this one for some reason.

Gideon stuttered slightly, "He's... he's my cousin, Kody." The massive wolf chuckled as he looked between the two chunky foxes, "And where's Gideon been hiding ya? He ain't never told me bout ya before."

Gideon was just about to answer when Kody spoke for the pair, "That's because I was adopted."

Bill tilted his head, his ears flopping around, "Ya don't look 'dopted to me." Kody chewed his bottom lip, "I was adopted by another family when I was a kit. I didn't find out I was a Grey til a few years ago."

Gideon blinked a few times. He wasn't sure why his cousin was spilling the beans to Bill, but he didn't stop him, only adding, "The family don't like t'talk'bout it, but he's Aunt Jo's kit." The wolf just nodded as he started to absorb all the new information for a brief second, but then he smiled warmly, "Well, I hope he don't lock ya up again, Kody. I'd love to get t'know ya, but I gots to get going."

Gideon and Kody were just about to say their goodbyes when Bill gave both of them a massive hug, his face moving in between them to whisper, "Now that I got two of ya, we're gonna have lots more fun together," before letting them go.

Bill turned around and walked off, leaving Kody and Gideon in a bit of a daze for a brief second. "He's your sweetheart, isn't he," Kody said as he turned to look at his cousin. The other tod bit his lower lip as he nodded his head, "Yeah."

"So you're," Kody started to say, but his cousin cut him off, "I ain't queer if that's whatcha mean. I'm... whatchacallit? Bicycle?"

Kody chuckled, "Something like that. I think you mean bisexual."

"Yeah, that's it. I like gals, but I also like fellers too," Gideon said as his face was redder than a Russian beat. Kody blushed too, "Yeah. Me too."

There was a long pause as they started their walk again, only for Gideon to break the silence. "So. You got a place t'stay here?"

"I was thinking about heading back to my apartment back in Mammoth River," Kody replied. He hadn't expected to spend the night in Bunnyburrow, in fact he'd planned to head home after this and be back the next day, it was a weekend after all.

"Naw, cuz. Ya c'n spend the night at my place," his cousin offered. Kody attempted to refuse, but Gideon wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise, "Yer stayin' the night. I insist."