The Greys Chapter 16: Long Night

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#17 of The Greys

The bridge game finally ended late in the night, but the results were not what anyone had been expecting. Stu had actually won the overall game by one point after they played six rounds. The ending scores; 200-199-175-182. Bill couldn't help but growl at his bad luck. He'd come in last, well, not technically last since Kody had stopped playing after being thoroughly destroyed in the first round after only managing to get fifteen points in thirteen tricks. Gideon had managed a solid second place, and Jeb third.

Unfortunately, once the game ended, the night was over. Stu and Jeb excused themselves. It was late and both of them needed to be back on the farm. The four exchanged hugs before the two of them gave Kody a hand shake.

Bill and Gideon's night, on the other hand, was just starting. The wolf had hoped to get both tods, but Kody had politely declined. Gideon had chuckled a bit and Bill had playfully pouted as they slid out of the living room/kitchen back to Gideon's bedroom.

Kody let out a long sigh as he turned off the tv and made his way to bed, the fox letting out a mighty yawn before stripping down and sliding into bed. He liked his cousin and his friends. And Gideon's beau.

Twenty-five minutes later, Stu slipped into the house, desperately trying to not make any noise as he crept along the hallway to his bedroom. It was already two in the morning, and he didn't want to wake anyone. Being as stealthy as he could be, the old rabbit slipped into his bedroom, slowly shedding all his clothing before sliding into bed behind Bonnie.

His wife groaned softly in a groggy voice, "Mm.... Is that you, Stu? Where? Where've you been?"

The rabbit leaned in to kiss his wife on her cheek, "The game ran long tonight, honey, but for once, I finally won."

"Mmm... that's... that's nice dear," she said before slowly falling asleep.