The Greys Chapter 24: No Goodbyes

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#25 of The Greys

The End. Of this story at least. Sequel is coming.

Mary-Ann had finally been right about something. The rumor of Kody being Jeane's attic dwelling son was quelled quickly when the bunny gave everyone the truth. The whole truth. The raw truth. It only took a few hours, because by the time Kody and Jo left to go get dinner, people were already saying how sorry there were to Jo about what happened and wanted to know more about her son. Kody didn't really like talking about himself too much, but he was happy to oblige them with whatever information they wanted.

After answering every question under the sun, it was time to get home, though, he did have a few things to do first. Their first stop was back over at Gideon's apartment. The two foxes made their way in through the back of the store and up the stairs. Gideon had been waiting for them, his arms open wide to his aunt and cousin.

Jo waited as Kody gave his cousin a big old hug and a pat on the back. "I'll see you next weekend," he told his cousin.

"Join's fer th'Bridge game, cousin," Gideon asked with a smile. Kody just chuckled, "Bridge really isn't my forte. I think I'll just sit and watch."

His cousin laughed, "Suit yerself. Wanme t'tell th'gang y'll be back next week'nd?"

Kody smirked, "Of course. And don't forget to tell Aunt Jeane and Uncle Josh."

Gideon chuckled, "I will."

Kody leaned in to whisper, "Give Bill my best." The words just made Gideon smirk as he whispered back, "I sure will. He's looking forward to the next meetin."

Kody smirked as he gave his cousin another pat on the back. The two broke the embrace as Kody headed back over to his mother, gently taking her paw into his hand and walking out with her.

"Ya likes yer cousin, dontcha, shoog," Jo asked as the slid into the car. Kody chuckled, "Hard not to like Gideon."

The vixen giggled, "Well, ya certly were when ya had him in bentover in th'shower." The tod just blushed as he started the car. His mother leaned over to put a paw on his thigh. "Nothin' wrong with 'spermentin' with yer cousin. Ya both seemed t'joy it," she said into his ear as her, "Jist 'member I wants me sum grandkits."

The tod chuckled as he leaned in to give her a smooch on the cheek, "Yes, mom."

Kody had picked the perfect weekend to meet his real mother and his real family since that Monday was a holiday. He'd spent Sunday night at his real mother's home, in his real mother's arms. Every minute felt perfect, felt right. He'd woken up that morning refreshed and new, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek before sliding away to take a shower and get ready to head back home.

"Yer gonna cum visit me again," Jo asked as her son sat down for breakfast. "Every weekend, mom," he said with a smile as he took a bite of scrambled eggs. Jo smiled, she was going to have to get used to being called that from now on. Maybe she should start looking for a husband since she had her son back.

Though if she did, it might mean that she couldn't snuggle up with her little boy, though it might be a price she would gladly pay to finally have a complete family. Then again, she would be happy if it was just her son and her. So many things to think about in the four days until he came back to visit. She'd probably have to discuss it with him as well.

Kody just chuckled as his mother sat down next to him to eat her breakfast. "Now, 'member t'brush yer fangs erry night and watch out fer loose women," she said as she smiled at her little boy, but her words only made him chuckle, "Trying to play catch up on thirty years of mothering?"

"Summin' like that," she said, "Jist 'member that I'lways love ya."

Kody leaned over to give her cheek another peck, "I love you too, mom."

"We gotta do summin' bout yer accent though," Jo said with a smile.

"But I don't have an accent," he replied.

"Xactly. Yer a Grey now. Ya gots to sound like one."

Kody just let out a boisterous laugh.