A Dirty Debt

Story by StrangeBreed on SoFurry

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A really fun commission I did for Rioaly. This one contains three lovely ladies in a fantasy setting as they make a journey towards a bigger city. It leads to some sexy lesbian action complete with watersports. One of the three ladies is a futa so there's that fun as well ;) Hope you all enjoy!

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.


Kera sighed as she continued to pack her things, occasionally glancing to some of her husband's things that lay about the house. Her husband had passed away a month prior and the mare had decided it best to move in with her son in the capital city. It was roughly a week's journey away, and she had made plans to leave with another villager that week. Winter was on its way and it would be no safe season for travel, so Kera knew it would be now or never to make the journey. She packed only what she could carry, planning on making a return journey the following summer to grab what was left. She was getting a tad older and knew she could not live on her own, the rough work and loneliness too much for the poor widow to bear.

Tyranna was busy in her own home packing as well, the young wolf tired of living a simple life in the northern village. She wanted so desperately to make it big, the wolf having apprenticed with the village's blacksmith for several years. She felt ready to continue her trade on her own, especially since the lack of warriors in their small village was so high, business would come very sporadically, swordsmen only stopping through briefly on their journey, needing a quick fix or sharpening of their weapons. As soon as Tyranna was packed she made one final stop at her village's blacksmith shop, giving a final goodbye to her master as she grabbed supplies. "Farewell Will," she said to the buff looking boar as he hammered away at a sword, "It was an honor to learn by your side."

The boar took a quick break and wiped the sweat from his forehead, turning to give the wolf a firm hug. He looked over her, the beautiful wolf with her emerald eyes and soft black hair always looking far too pretty for their line of work. "Safe journeys Ty," he said brightly as he pat her side, "You shall make a fine blacksmith!"

"Thank you sir," she said with a bow, peeking once more at the heavy sword that Will was working on, "Who does that belong to?"

"Oh that," the boar began as he nodded over to the customer sitting just outside the shop, a rather strong looking cow resting her muscular form, "Is a mercenary from the... southeast I believe she said, another stopover."

"I see..." Ty's words trailed off as she approached the strong looking bovine, clearing her throat to get the woman's attention, "G-good afternoon mam, might I ask if your services are for hire?"

The cow slowly raised her head up and eyed the wolf carefully, "They could be... but that depends on the price."

"Twenty-five gold for escort to the capital" Ty made an offer, knowing what Kera and herself had the combined budget to spend.

"Twenty-five?" the cow raised her eye, "That's it? For a week's journey? For protection in the wild for that long? I'm sorry but that's hardly a reasonable offer."

"I'm sorry," Ty looked down to the ground, "It's all we can afford..."

"We?" the cow laughed, the deal seeming to get worst by the minute, "How many?"

"Just two mam," she kept speaking despite feeling that any offer would be hopeless, "A recent widower and myself."

The cow considered the offer again. It was definitely not worth it in any monetary sense, but she was getting rather lonely on her journeys lately, especially when it came to some of her physical appetites. The wolf was beautiful and even if their other companion was not a looker, she supposed a favour or two from the young wolf would suffice. She thought over the offer again, realizing that the gold was at least something, "I may consider this offer, but I ask a favour or two to make up what you lack in funds."

"Anything!" Ty perked up, excited as there seemed to be a chance now of actually receiving the cow's escort.

"Anything?" the mercenary accented the word as she eyed the girl down, Ty's cheeks flushing red as she gulped nervously.

She caught the mercenary's drift, knowing that part of the bartering might have led to such favours. It made her a tad uncomfortable, but the cow had an alluring quality to her, the wolf not without her own physical needs. "If that is needed..." she took a breath, making sure she was truly prepared to go through with such a promise, "...then I shall be willing to pay the price."

The cow pat her finger to her chin, thinking over the offer herself before finally shrugging, "Very well, meet me back here with the other traveler and your things three quarters of an hour."

"Yes mam, thank you!" Ty said happily.

"One more thing," she stopped the wolf before she could run off to find Kera, "Cut the mam shit, you may call me Marva."

"Yes m-err, Marva" the wolf corrected herself, nodding to the mercenary once more before heading towards Kera's home.


Time passed and the pair made their way back to the blacksmith's shop, Kera having been told the terms to the mercenary's hire, also reluctantly agreeing to them. She offered her paw to the cow when she met her, giving her name in a somewhat bashful tone, "Kera" she said gently to the cow, receiving a firm shake back as she was given a name in return.

"Marva, pleasure to meet you, I assume you have brought me the payment?" Ty nodded as she passed the sack of gold to the mercenary, the cow opening it to carefully inspect and count the amount of coins. She gave the pair a nod soon after, putting the sack in one of her bags, "Well, shall we?"


The journey proved none too harsh for the trio as they made their way, the first couple of days going by quite smoothly. There was not too much trouble to be found and the cow was an excellent hunter, so food was easy to come by. In terms of supplemental payment, it had come mostly in the form of flirtatious advances, compliments, cuddles at night and even a stolen kiss or two from the two attractive companions was all the cow seemed to be needing. That was until the third night, when she finally felt comfortable enough around the two to finally ask for the payment she so deeply was missing. She had also been given liquid courage as the trio had treated themselves to a good amount of mead, all feeling rather relaxed and fuzzy cheeked from the drink's alcoholic effects. "Ty, Kera, I believe there is some manner of payment that was agreed upon?"

Kera gulped as she nodded to her friend, turning to the cow to ask, "Wh-what is it you would like us to do?"

Marva grinned as she looked over the sexy equine, "First, I would like both of you to get naked, your clothing shall only get in the way of what I have planned."

The two looked at each other once more before nodding, taking deep breaths as they anxiously stripped down. They had prepared for this, knowing it would have been required of them, but that didn't make it any easier for the pair to go through with. Ty was the first to completely strip down, her smaller but firm breasts on display, as was her the pretty little slit between her legs. Kera hesitated a bit longer than Ty did as she began to say to the cow gently, "I warn you, you may be in for a bit of a shock."

The mercenary laughed at the thought of shock, "My lifestyle is one that shows me many strange things, just try and shock me."

"Very well..." the mare said gently as she continued to strip down, the cow's eyes lightening up when instead of seeing a beautiful slit like the wolf's, she instead was treated to the form of a firm and sizable horse cock. The mare looked at the cow's wide eyes and asked shyly, "Well... shocked?"

"Shocked?" Marva repeated the question as she slithered up to the futa, rubbing her cock gently as she looked up at her sizable, firm breasts, "No... but delighted. This is a very nice surprise." Kera blushed as her cock was stroked, happy she wasn't seen as some freak. Until now only her husband and close friend Ty had known her secret, and now by the campfire just outside of the tent they rested in, her cock was once more being enjoyed by another. Her physical needs had been unfulfilled since her husband's passing, leaving her with a lustful hunger that kept her shaft solid as a rock, the mare letting out a boisterous moan as the cow started to suck gently on her shaft. Ty watched a tad anxiously as the cow kept swallowing her friend's shaft down, a blush filling her cheeks as she heard the constant suckles coming from the mercenary's lips. The cow looked over and locked eyes with her for only a moment before curling her finger in a beckoning motion, the wolf anxiously sliding over to her. "Come here you sweet little thing" the bovine sighed as she kept stroking the mare's cock with her paw, nuzzling her muzzle up between the wolf's legs to start lapping at her pussy gently.

The wolf wiggle in place as she felt the soft tongue slide into her pussy, circling around in a pleasing way until she was shivering, "Oh, Marva that feels so good!" At the same time Marva was still stroking Kera's shaft, occasionally moving her lips back to the firm cockhead, lapping precum clean from its slit.

She kept using her muzzle on both companions, teasing them slowly until the mare asked, in a rather shy tone, "Umm, M-Marva is there any way, err I could be excused for a moment?"

Marva's eyes flashed, "Why, whatever is the matter Kera?"

The equine blushed before she admitted her problem, "All that mead is getting to me, I really have to pee."

Marva's muzzle turned to a sudden strong grin as she planted a kiss on the horse's cockhead, "That's exactly what I was counting on my dear!"

"Wh-what?" The horse whimpered in shock, the wolf looking equally appalled as the cow kept lapping at her friend's cock.

"Yes, that is a bit of an odd taste I must say," the cow kept playing with the horse's shaft, looking up at her with lustful eyes, "But it's something I'm very much into... so you can either humour my request... or make the rest of the trip by yourselves."

The look in her eyes proved how serious she was, the wolf nodding to her friend as she replied for them both, "We'll do it."

"Splendid!" The cow said happily as she planted another kiss on the mare's shaft, leaning up to start undressing herself. It took her a few moments, but she was soon naked as well, both girls noting how lovely her frim breasts looked. She leaned back under the horse, eying her deviously as she whispered, "Whenever you're read then dear!" Kera closed her eyes as she was unsure how to feel about the whole thing, closing her eyes as she took a deep breath, trying to relax her bladder a bit. It took a moment or two, but her shaft soon bobbed up a bit before urine began to trickle from its head, steadily reaching a full stream down the cow's chest. It washed over her firm breasts, trailing down the fur of her chest before resting over her pussy, the cow rubbing some of it over her already wet folds. She let out a sigh as she opened her mouth, whispering "This feels so nice!" before catching a good amount of the stream in her muzzle, letting it pool up in her mouth before swallowing it down slowly. She let out hungry sighs as she guzzled down the salty, acrid waste, letting more of the long stream wash over her tongue, sampling its flavour before drinking it down.

Ty watched all the while with an uneasy expression, touching herself gently at the lewd show. She didn't want the others to know she was into it, especially Kera. The mare was soon done pissing, the stream gently trickling to a stop as Marva let out a satisfied sigh, lapping the slit clean of a few more drops before kissing it. "D-did you enjoy that?" Kera asked awkwardly, not knowing how else to approach the subject.

Marva grinned, sucking on the shaft again for a brief moment before responding, "It was rather lovely thank you!" She slowly turned her gaze over to Ty wearing a sly grin, "Well now, looks like it's your turn beautiful!" Ty scrunched up a bit before shyly approaching the bovine, not wanting to turn back on the agreed upon rules. This was how they had scored the mercenary after all, and the wolf did not wish to be the one who broke the contract. She was however embarrassed to show just how wet she was from earlier, closing her eyes as she approached the cow, her nose sniffing at her damp arousal as she commented aloud, "Mmm, someone enjoyed the show!"

Ty looked away as her face flushed a deep shade of red, mumbling out in a low tone, "A l-little." She let out a sudden panted breath as Marva dragged her tongue over the wolf's pussy, slowly lapping at it gently, sampling the lovely, rich feminine taste. Her tongue slid all over the damp folds before digging down deep, lapping and slurping at her wet pussy as she hungrily awaited another treat. "That feels s-so good!" the wolf groaned in ecstasy, legs shaking a bit as she felt quite good from the cow's thick tongue. Her bladder was nagging at her though, and within a few moments she felt herself unable to hold back, a heavy splash of urine dropping out into the cow's muzzle.

Marva hummed out a low moan as she gulped down the rushing stream, the puddle in her mouth quickly overflowing down her chin, making her way towards her chest where it added to the already matted quality of her fur. She kept swallowing the urine down slowly, loving the salty quality of it as she rubbed her own pussy with two fingers. Ty was making cute squeaks as she emptied her bladder, finding some strange alluring attraction to the whole thing. Marva reached for Kera's shaft as she kept guzzling the acrid waste down, planting another kiss on the wolf's pussy when the stream ended. "Very good..." she sighed, licking the wolf's clit as she rubbed the equine's lengthy shaft, "I have just a couple more tasks for you two." The two looked to one another as they worried what would be next, saying nothing as to not interrupt the cow, "Lay down for me, I want you to understand why I like doing this."

Ty did so without much coaxing needed, the other two able to tell from earlier that she was already curious. Kera however had never thought of such a thing as sexually arousing, being a little more reluctant to agree. Within a few moments however, the cow's two companions were laying on the ground together, heads next to each other as they looked up at the mercenary. "I think we're ready..." the horse said with an anxious sigh, both her and Ty opening their mouths and closing their eyes.

"Mmm, perfect," Marva said as she started to lean down over top of them, spreading her pussy lips with her fingers, "I'll try and keep this stream slow, let you two get used to it." She let out a rough sigh as she tried to relax herself, the mead quickly working in her body to allow the trickle of urine to begin pouring out. It was quite slow at first as promised, little droplets of the acrid solution dripping over the cheeks of both girls under her. Slowly it began to increase in pace, starting to rain down their chests. Even Kera had to admit there was something about the teasing humiliation about the act that made it somewhat arousing, the mare stroking her cock gently to ease herself into the situation.

Ty on the other hand had never stopped rubbing her wet pussy, even gaining the courage to open her muzzle, and sample some of the cow's salty urine. She was soon able to gulp a good amount down at once, ignoring her gag reflexes slight protests as she pleased herself with her fingers. Kera turned to her and whispered into her ear gently, still rubbing her shaft as the cow's urine trickle to a stop, "Ty I never knew..." Before she could say much more however, the cow dropped down onto her lap, straddling the equine gently as she gripped her shaft and rubbed it against her slick sex. "Marva?!" Kera gasped, but it was no use, all she was able to do was gasp and moan as the cow slowly lowered her body down, her warm pussy slowly swallowing the futa's thick cock. The mare continued to moan out in ecstasy as the bovine slowly raised back up, only to drop back down over her shaft, slowly bouncing over it as she began to ride its heavy form, "That feels so good Marva, p-please, don't stop!"

Marva nipped her bottom lip as she kept riding the mare's thick shaft, looking over to Ty with a big grin, "Come here you sexy little thing!" Ty needed no greater convincing, the wolf stepping over to the cow only to have her lower half embraced in a hug, the cow's lips kissing her slick folds before her thick tongue pressed back into it. "Mmm, you taste so sweet!" the cow moaned as she pressed her tongue tighter to the wolf's slick sex, digging the thick, slippery muscle in as deep as it would go. At the same time she kept shaking her hips smoothly, doing a hypnotic dance over the mare's waist as she continued to please her hard cock. Both of her companions were making quite the loud moans as they were both stimulated, Kera's cockhead flaring a little inside the cow's pussy as Ty continued to get wetter by the second onto her lips. "Are you two gonna cum for me?" she asked lustfully as she felt her own pleasure rising, edging closer to orgasm herself as she suckled the wolf's clitoris, "Hmm, are you gonna be good girls for me?"

"M-Marva, sh-shit!" Kera cried out as she started to shake, the cow looking down as she raised her rump a bit, slamming her pussy down rhythmically over the equine's shaft until it was throbbing, her eyes squinting as the flaring of its head cause some stinging to well up inside her. She let out a gasp as she rested down on it, its flared form plugging her up as the mare's seed flooded the inside of her pussy.

The cow was shivering now as she pressed her fingers to her own clit, rubbing it with her fingertips as she continued to lap and suckle at every sensitive inch of the wolf's pussy, "Your turn!" She could tell it would not take that much more coaxing as the wolf could only reply with inaudible panted stutters, her lips pressing tightly until the wolf shook and howled, a thick, sticky and sweet nectar coating the cow's lips. Marva worked her digits faster as she tugged on the mare's shaft, letting its flared form tease her just right, driving her to a staggering heavy climax as she licked the wolf clean. The trip collapsed to the ground, Marva still connected to Kera for a while, each of them panting and sighing as they rested in their sudden afterglow. After a short while, Marva finally spoke again, chuckling as she commented, "Holy shit, been too long since I've had a good cock in there... didn't expect to get it from a beautiful woman!"

The group laughed a little anxiously before Ty spoke, "S-so, does this make us even?"

Marva shrugged with a short giggle, "Yeah, I guess so."

Kera thought for a moment before speaking again, "You know... it doesn't have to."

Ty nodded to that statement with a blush, and Marva chuckled again, "You two want some more rounds with me huh?" The two didn't reply with words, but both nodded, their cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. Marva grinned as she remained relaxed with the two girls, both cuddling up to her as Kera's cock remained lodged inside her. She had gotten just what she wanted, and now looked forward to the rest of their journey more than ever.