
Story by Drakh on SoFurry

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#2 of Unconventional Coupling

So this is the waaaaay long overdue continuation of "Unconventional," a clean story that I wrote nearly seven years ago. Its been on limited viewing settings because I wasn't happy with it but I cleaned it up a little bit and finished this sequel. You may want to read that one first. This is maybe the most serious and least smutty story i've put up here so feedback would be super appreciated. this one is not clean though, so please be 18 to read! ^__^

It was a fresh morning and I opened my eyes to a TV that had never been turned off and a warm, furry body next to me. Bennet was practically a space heater, and I twisted more around to hug more of his warm figure against my own.

Bennet stirred slightly in his sleep, giving my neck a passive lick. We laid like this for almost an hour before the sound of a truck outside woke him from his slumber. Physical characteristics weren't all that separated anthros from Humans, some behavioral instincts and mannerisms remained. A soft growl rumbled out of his throat before he opened his eyes, saw me smiling at him, and relaxed again. "Good morning gorgeous," he gushed, slobbering across my face with his broad tongue. "Thanks for staying the night, I hope you slept well." he said before giving me a smooch and climbing off the couch.

"I have an open house today, I know you don't have work so you are welcome to hang around here till you get going. I wont be home till a little bit after noon.

"No worries, I might just take a shower after you do and go meet up with Gracie. Shes been blowing up my cell."

Bennet's ears dropped instantly at the mention of Gracie's name. His face was incredibly expressive, and his moods easy to read. "Ellen..." he started before trailing off.

I didn't say anything for about ten seconds, waiting for him to finish his thought. "I know she's your best friend but I know how she feels about me and it... makes me sort of uncomfortable."

"Benny," I cooed, "I like Gracie but she doesn't control my life choices. Shes just a friend, not the person that I love."

Bennet nodded as he pulled a dress shirt and slacks from his drawer. "I know, hun, I just wish she was willing to meet me before saying such nasty things."

With that he turned towards the bathroom, muttering something that I could barely make out. It sounded almost like "Want to come to my parents house tonight for dinner?"

"Sorry, what?" I nearly screeched.

He acted as if what he had said was no big deal. "Oh, you know just a little dinner with my family... nothing major, just thought they would like to meet you."

My heart had dropped several feet, frightened at the prospect. "But Ben, they... they wont like me, will they?"

"It isn't a worry, hun, I have talked with Father and he has agreed to save his opinions. He even agreed to cook a vegetarian meal. That's the best I can do." he gave me the sheepish, vaguely apologetic grin that he used when he knew he was making a tough sell.

I softened, and gave him a big kiss before retrieving my clothes. "Fine, Ben, I'd love to meet them. But you cant leave me alone with them."

"Done. We'll play a drinking game, every time they criticize our relationship we take a drink. Should take the edge off." With that Bennet sauntered off into the bathroom, wiggling his fuzzy tail the whole way. It was easy to tell when he was happy.

I made myself some toast and checked my cell, listening to a couple messages Gracie had left. She seemed upset that I hadnt answered any calls the night before, but my phone had been on silent since I got to Bennet's. I gave her a call back. She picked up almost immediately. "Ellen?!" she shouted into her phone.

"Yes, Gracie? Whats with the 5 missed calls are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, it was you I was worried about. You didn't sleep with that fucking dog again, did you?"

I would be the first to defend Gracie, but even I was starting to see Ben's point. "He's not a dog, Gracie," I practically growled into the phone. "He's my boyfriend. I love him, and nothing sexual is going on between us."

"Whatever, Ellen, just don't go all native on me."

"Yeah, Grace. I'll see you later." I said as I clicked my cell off.

While Bennett showered I made him a small breakfast, just some hash browns and sausage. It seemed he had anticipated my staying over as there seemed to be an inordinate amount of vegetables in his fridge for an obligate carnivore.

Fifteen minutes later he emerged from his room, fur still wet from the shower. An oddly pleasant version of wet dog permeated the room.

He scarfed down his breakfast and tied his tie in less than a minute, practically sprinting out the door. As he left he handed me a key. "Lock up when you leave, I'll pick you up from your place at two. Love you." he gave me a wet kiss on the cheek, "Don't worry about meeting my parents they'll love you."

With that he turned and left, tail wagging so wildly that he almost closed it in the car door. He was on cloud nine, I was on cloud two.

I took a shower at his place, impressed by the decor and quality of the washroom. He was a catch. I called Gracie back and set up a lunch date. Nothing crazy, just a casual sandwich and catch-up.

I could tell form the moment I saw her that she had some things to say but I didn't ask. I knew what she thought.

As I paid our tab she finally spoke up. "Ellen... I want to make sure that you don't do anything stupid. Don't throw your life away for a dog."

I said nothing, just signed the check and left. It was just a bit after one o'clock anyway, I needed to go home and freshen up. The pressure of meeting Ben's family was weighing on me.

I had been home for about fifteen minutes when the doorbell rang. Bennet was early. I answered the door still looking like a mess as I was in the middle of doing my hair. I made him sit in the living room while I finished. He wore a dorky, toothy grin on his handsome muzzle the entire time, almost like he had planned on catching me in a state of mild undress.

Shortly I was pampered, clothed, and ready. "So, Ben," I started as I walked into the living room still putting a final clip in my hair, "On a scale of one to ten how okay are your parents with... this?"

Ben dodged the question expertly. "Well they haven't met my beautiful mate yet so their opinion is not yet qualified."

My heart fluttered slightly at the word "mate". It was an inclusive term in the anthro community, and nearly meant "wife".

"Bennet..." I pressed.

"Father does not approve, Mother will love you as much as I do. My father is very traditional."

Bennet hadn't told me much about his family other than that they were Grey wolves and that they had both been born as anthros. "Don't leave me alone with them," I reiterated.

"Wouldn't dream of it, love," he reassured me as we walked out to his car. It was a fairly short drive out to his parents' house, they lived in a slightly more rural area but the countryside was beautiful. Finally we pulled up to a modest wooden cabin, greeted in the front yard by a somewhat elderly, nearly white-haired wolf who I assumed to be his mother.

"Oh, Benny!" the wolf exclaimed as Bennet climbed out of the car. "Your father and I have missed you, you simply have to come visit more often!"

I climbed cautiously out of the passenger side as well, approaching the two. "And you must be Ellen!" the mother-wolf shouted as she wrapped me in a startlingly fierce hug. "Benny has told me so much about you, he is quite the lucky pup, look at you! Simply gorgeous."

"Thank you, Mrs. Grey" I said softly, blushing slightly.

"Well, do come in! Don't mind Mr. Grey too much, dear, hes had a whiskey or two and hes a bit ruffled about the recent events. He don't mean nothing personal."

I smiled slightly, feeling just slightly more nervous than I was before.

As we entered the house I admired the somewhat Spartan accommodations, wood fireplace, and gas lamps. It was when we entered the den and I laid my eyes upon Bennet's father that my heart skipped a beat. He was an absolutely enormous grey wolf, even barely larger than Bennet himself, and he held in one hand a glass of whiskey and a large cob pipe in the other.

"Benny! Good to see you, boy." he exclaimed warmly, just a hint of liquor in his voice. "And this is your woman, eh? Pretty little thing, teeth seem a bit dull though."

"Father..." Ben started.

"I don't mean nothing by it, son, I apologize," the massive figure said as he stood up, albeit a bit wobbly. "A pleasure, absolutely, to meet you, Ellen," he said sternly with something akin to a smile before sitting back down.

"Dinner'll be ready in a minute, park your tail and your whore here while your mother finishes up."

I could practically feel Bennet's mood change as I held his clenched paw. "Father, we talked about this."

Mr. Grey simply huffed and said nothing else. Mrs. Grey brought out a bottle of wine and poured Bennet and I each a glass. Ben gave me a wink and signed me "three" with his handpaw. I smiled slightly through my nervousness and took three large sips of wine. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Not ten minutes nor ten sips later dinner was ready and we all adjourned to the dining room. There was not a vegetarian option as Ben had promised, and when he noticed this he motioned for me to take another sip. I picked around my plate at the table, idly slicing up my steak so as not to insult my hosts.

Dinner was almost finished and Ben stood up suddenly. "Sorry, y'all, that wine went right through me," he said with an embarrassed smile before rushing off to the bathroom.

It hadn't been a single second after the bathroom door closed before Mr. Grey spoke up, glaring at me with an icy stare.

"You are trouble. Ben doesn't need that. I don't know what you have that he is so attracted to, but you cant bear him pups and I wont see my proud anthro blood die at the whim of a human whore. You know what you have to do. Let him down easy, and leave him be. I will not have another human under my roof."

Though the older wolf may have been completely sauced, his conviction was unwavering and I knew how serious he was. Maybe it was the wine, but I knew what I had to do.

Bennet eventually returned from the bathroom and we finished our meal in peace. By the time it was all said and done Bennet and I had put a bottle and a half of wine down by ourselves per our drinking game and ended up calling a cab to get back to his place.

As the cab door closed and I cuddled drunkenly up to his warm, fuzzy, well-muscled body he began to apologize profusely.

"I'm sorry, hun, Father had promised that he was going to act better. I didn't know he was back on... or off the wagon."

I kissed him on his floppy jowls, and his wet black nose. "It's fine. I love you, I just..."


"I want to feel closer to you. I want to be able to fulfill your needs in ways other than cooking breakfast or picking up your dry cleaning."

"Ellen, that's not--"

"Ben!" I exclaimed, slurring slightly. "I love you! Your dad says I'm wasting your life since I cant bring you pups."

Bennet's previously happy, drunken muzzle turned sour. "I told him not to go spouting that shit. You are enough for me, I dont need pups if I can fall asleep with you every night."

"But..." I wavered. "He has a point... I cant fulfill all your needs, what if you meet a she-wolf and leave me?"

"That wouldnt happen," Ben snapped, "That's the last thing I have to say about it."

The taxi pulled up at Ben's house and he helped me out of the car and into his bedroom. "Just sleep, hun, we can talk in the morning," he offered as he laid me down in his plush bed before rolling over to go to sleep. I wrapped my arms around his muscular torso, feeling every ripple of muscle underneath his pelt. "Babe?" I asked shyly.

"Yes, love?" he grumbled.

"How about a handjob? I don't have any cuts on my hand... I just want to make you feel good."

"You being here makes me feel good." He said dismissively.

"Please, I want to take this step with you."

Ben agreed reluctantly under the condition that I only used my hand and washed up right afterwards. Slowly I slid my hand down the font of his boxers, grabbing a hold of his fuzzy sheath. I massaged it gently, cupping his balls softly in my other hand. Ben whimpered slightly at the cold grip on his package, panting with anticipation.

I pulled his undergarments down deftly with my left hand while I continued to tease his sheath with my right. Finally I was able to get his undies to his ankles, revealing his grey-furred sheath. It was thick and plumb, a red-fleshed, tapered 6 inches already showing from his arousal.

His length was warm and slick, my slender hand glided easily up and down his member as it emerged from his heavy sheath

He whined softly in muffled pleasure, his turgid cock practically jumping in my hand. I had heard that anthros had larger genitalia, but Bennet's deep red shaft was pushing nine inches. I buried my face in his chest fur as I continued pumping his almost slimy length, breathing heavily and drunkenly into his neckfur.

It only took a couple minutes, no doubt a result of being all pent up from lack of sexual stimulation for the three months we had been together. I could feel something growing at the base of his shaft, a thick canine knot. Finally his cock erupted with several strong jets of slightly yellowish wolf cum that covered my hand.

After his powerful orgasm he licked my ear affectionately. "Thank you, Ellen," he gasped in his afterglow, "Maybe we can figure a way for me to return the favor."

I smiled and kissed the side of his muzzle, standing up shakily on drunken legs to go to the bathroom and wash his potent seed of my hands. "I love you, Ben," I said once more before heading to the bathroom to clean up.

I closed the bathroom door and turned on the faucet, still in slight disbelief at what I had just done. It filled me with a childish glee and also a deep fear. I was about to put my hands under the running water and rinse away the fragrant wolf cum when I stopped. Strange that the only thing keeping Bennett and I from a happy, fulfilled life was a few drops of his contagious semen.

A second later I had most of my hand in my mouth, licking Ben's tainted seed from every finger. It had an exotic musk to it, like nothing I had ever tasted. Every lick and every drop that touched my tongue was better than the last. Within a few moments I had licked every drop of yellow wolf cum from my hand. In shock from what I had just done and the implications I finished washing my hands and returned to the bedroom where I snuggled up with the fuzzy love of my life. Consequences could wait till the morning.

I awoke the next morning with a start, events of the previous evening flooding back to me. Without the haze of alcohol in my mind I felt fear. I looked to my side, heart sinking as Ben was nowhere to be found. I jumped out of bed, grabbing my clothes and getting dressed at the speed of light. Just as I pulled on my top I heard the door open. Seconds later Bennet entered the room with a bag of kolaches. He woofed happily when he saw I was awake, completely unaware of what I had done.

"Hey!" he barked, "I went and got us some breakfast, didn't want to make you cook after last night. Sorry again about my dad. I got you two jalapeno and cheddar!"

"Thanks, babe," I replied softly, taking the bag from him.

He looked at me with those soft, round eyes that I loved. "What's wrong? You look like you just hid a dead body in my back yard."

A pang of nausea hit me, and I doubled over. He moved with animal reflexes, catching me before my knees touched the ground. "Ellen?" he asked worriedly, "Are you sick?"

"Yeah," I lied, "I just need to lie down a bit longer... I had too much to drink last night."

Ben chuckled, kissing me lightly on the cheek and laying me down on the bed. "Yeah, honey, we did have a bit too much last night but you can sleep it off here I just have to run over to the office and close a sale, file some paperwork and whatnot. I'll be back in a couple hours.

"Okay." I said pitifully. I wanted to come clean and tell him what I had done but I was afraid. I would have a few hours to figure out how to tell him... this could still work.

I was laid in bed with an ice pack on my forehead, a precaution taken by someone who didn't know what actually ailed me. Supposedly the virus that made the anthros took a couple days to set in completely, but I could already feel the changes starting. My hands and feet ached. My teeth felt like they were about to start popping out like popcorn. There was a pressure at the end of my spine that I just could not alleviate.

I laid and sweated in Ben's bed for almost three hours before I heard the door open. I knew that I probably already looked different so I pulled his blankets over my head and hid. I heard his powerful frame enter the room.

"Ellen?" he asked, seeing my huddled frame underneath the sheets.

"Are you okay? Come on and get up, ill make you some vegetable stew."

I was afraid to move.

I felt something snake out the base of my spine and begin moving as if it was attached to my body. I knew what it was. Apparently Bennet did too. He saw my new tail peeking out from under the covers and I could almost hear his surprise.

"Ellen! What the fuck is that?!"

I didn't move, and my new tail stopped moving as well. The covers were ripped off of me, revealing my contorted body and a face filled with pain.

"What did you do?!" he demanded angrily. I had never seen him so angry. He was always so calm and collected. I didn't answer.

"What the fuck did you do?!" he demanded again. I began to sob. I tried to speak.

"I, I..." I began, unable to completely form my thought through the pain in my changing body.

"No, what did you do? What is happening right now? How could you do this?!" he snarled at me, baring powerful fangs.

I tried to talk but as I did my human face pushed out more into a canine muzzle with a loud creak and a pained yelp that I was surprised came from my own mouth.

Bennet stormed from the room, and I heard the slam of the front door followed by the sound of his car starting and peeling out of the driveway.

The changes kept progressing and I felt an increasing pressure in my breasts and an unfamiliar heat in my nethers. My skin was on fire. My face felt like it was being reconstructed with a jackhammer. I writhed in pain on my lover's bed, incapable at this point of anything other than pained yelps and whimpers that surprised my still somewhat human ears.

A chill passed over my body as brindle fur sprouted from every pore in my body. A mix of chocolate brown, red, and black fur. My ears became pointed and dusted in red fur as they migrated to the top of my head. My face completed its transformation to a muzzle as the last of my human teeth fell from my bloodied maw in a gory display, leaving me the owner of a muzzle full of sharp canine fangs.

I lost track of time.

What may have been hours later I heard a car whip up outside the house, and multiple car doors slam. Within moments three figures burst into the room. It was Ben, a large muscular tomcat, and a scrawny looking hyena.

"Hold her!" Ben roared at the other two, the feline and hyena scrambling to her sides to hold her down.

"Ellen, baby, this is like Plan B for situations like this... hold still its going to hurt." Bennet said softly and lovingly as he prepped a large syringe.

"No!" I snarled at him, breaking free from the comparatively weak hold of the hyena and tomcat, smacking the syringe out of his hand with my increasingly paw-like appendages. The syringe clattered to the ground and shattered.

"Ellen, what are you doing?!" Ben shouted, tears entering the corners of his bright, icy blue eyes.

"I chose this, pain and everything! I ate your cum, I did it on purpose this wasn't an accident I just wanted to be with you and make you happy! Your father said--"

He cut me off viciously. "I don't care what my dad said, I told you not to listen to him! Why would you do this? Why would you not talk to me about it?! Why would you make this decision like it only affects you?!"

I cried out in agony and my legs reshaped themselves into a digitigrade configuration, footpaws and handpaws complete as well. I was weeping. "I wanted to make you happy, fulfilled, to birth you pups!" I managed to get out as my swelling breasts completed their growth. I was now the proud owner of a pair of brindle furred D cups.

The hyena and tomcat looked terrified. "Ben, she's too far gone the serum cant even help her now. You're on your own, bud," the tom mewled with obvious fear. "We will send her info to our guy to outfit her with a new ID. That's all we can do."

"Then shut up and get the fuck out!" Bennet roared at the meek tomcat, who turned tail and left with the hyena just as quick as they had arrived.

"I'm, I'm," I tried to say as a wave of heat washed over me and set my loins on fire. "Im sorry... I just, I,"

Bennet's expression softened. Tears were still rolling down his handsome cheekbones, but the anger was gone. "Relax, babe, it'll be over soon."

"But I, I..." I trailed off as another pang of arousal flew through me.

"You will be fine. I'll make sure. Your fur is gorgeous."

It was almost like once I knew Ben wasnt mad at me my body finally let me pass out from the pain. Darkness swallowed everything.

I woke up in Bennet's bed, red furred ears perking slightly as I heard movement in the house. It sounded like just one person. I didn't remember a whole lot, just the pain and confusion. I crawled out of bed, not bothering to cover my brindle furred body with any clothes before walking out towards the kitchen. Bennet was there in a dorky apron making us omelettes. "Morning, sweetie," he said softly as he flipped one of the omelettes.

I didn't know what to say. Thankfully, he spoke up. "You've been sleeping for two days. You aren't vegetarian anymore. Eat up."

Within seconds there was a plate full of omelette and sausage in front of me that I devoured like I had never eaten anything in my entire life. After finishing eating a meal for three men in less than thirty seconds I looked up at my man, my alpha, my soulmate.

"I'm sorry." I said sadly, feeling my ears instinctively tuck themselves down.

Bennet clanked the sautee pan down in the sink with obvious frustration. "What did you think was going to happen? That you'd just wake up in the morning as a she-wolf and we would live happily ever after? People die from the change when they catch the virus. You could have died. Do you think I wouldn't have blamed myself? That if you died I wouldn't have had to carry that guilt? It was selfish, Ellen. Selfish. At the very least, you should have talked with me about it."

I began to cry, I hadn't realized how sad Bennet being disappointed in me would make me feel. "Ben I'm sorry, I was drunk, I,"

"I told you not to let my father get to you. I'm more mad at him than you right now but Ellen... I just need some time to cool off. I'm going to go meet a couple friends, get your new ID, and make sure this doesn't blow up in both our faces. Stay here, don't go outside."

Bennet didn't say anything else, he grabbed his jacket and was gone. I resigned myself to doing some household chores. I cleaned the kitchen and changed Ben's bedsheets which had spots of blood and other unidentified bodily fluids all over them.

The change had taken so much out of me, within an hour or so I was back fast asleep.

Later that evening I heard the front door and stirred from my slumber. Moments later Bennet entered the room and sat a large manilla envelope on the nightstand. "ID, social, birth certificate, and everything. It wasn't easy, and incredibly illegal."

"Ben, I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"Its okay, hun. I'm not mad at you, I just... didn't want this to be how things went."

He sat down on the bed and I sidled up against him, hugging him from the side and letting my tail intertwine with his. His scent was so strong, virile, so... intoxicating. It stirred something in my more instinctual new body, uncomfortable pangs of arousal beginning to assault me once again.

Almost immediately Ben began sniffing the air. Apparently the gene change could trigger a premature heat as well, as I was almost positive that's what I was experiencing. I needed him, I needed every inch of his mighty wolf cock inside me.

I let one of my handpaws glide slowly down to his crotch, softly touching the growing bulge in his pants. He could smell my heat, and I could smell his musk. "Well, I... don't think anything worse could happen if we wanted to get a bit more intimate. No need for handjobs anymore."

Bennet chuckled softly. "Yeah, I suppose not. I must say, I do really like your new look. And it smells like you are in heat," he added, smiling coyly at me.

I giggled and laid back on the bed, teasing my new canine netherlips with a handpaw, showing him how slick and ready my horny new body already was. "Well come on, then," I teased before rolling onto my stomach and lifting my rump high in the air, wagging my tail to show off my slick, practically dripping pussy as an invitation.

Ben nearly growled in excitement, shedding his clothes in moments and grabbing firmly onto my rump with two fiercely clawed paws. His rigid red lupine cock was at full mast, very nearly ten inches of thick wolf meat. He guided it expertly into my eager pussy. I cried out in bliss, totally unprepared to the assault of pleasure as the pointed tip parted my netherlips. It seemed like I was much more sensitive down there too. Ben was merciless. He pumped in and out of my virgin cunt with wild abandon, growling and howling the whole time. Nothing had ever felt so good. I could feel the beginning of his forming knot barging intrusively at my lips, and I couldn't wait to get it inside me.

Finally after a good twenty minutes of wild rutting I began to climax, my inner walls clamping down on his massive tool as he slammed into me one last time, knotting me with his enormous canine knot and released his bounty. As we howled in pleasured unison my voracious cunt milked every drop of seed from his cock that it could, and I could almost feel my heat dissipating.

We were tied, neither of us were going anywhere. "I love you, Ben," I said with a smile across my muzzle as I licked his grey-furred cheek.

"I love you too, Ellen. You are my mate." he replied simply. At last, everything felt right. There would certainly be consequences, how to explain what happened to friends and family... but that was a problem for another time. He wrapped his powerful arms around me as we laid and waited for the swelling in his knot to go down. Sex as an anthro was incredible, and with my newly increased libido I knew it would not be long at all before I became pregnant with his pups.