The Rowans and The Greys Chapter 6: Sleepless in Zootopia

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#6 of The Rowans and The Greys

Unlike Kody and Jo, Mike had a very hard time sleeping that night, in fact, he'd had a hard time sleeping ever since he'd talked to Kody Grey. The tod stared up at the ceiling, his chest rising and falling as his mind seemed to take its sweet time to fully digest what had happened and what was going to happen tomorrow. He wondered what his new nephew looked like, if he even was his nephew at all and this was just some odd coincidence that Kody was a thirty year old fox whose deceased biological father had been named Chris.

Mike's wife, Helen, slowly rolled over, the nearly fifty year old vixen throwing an arm around her husband's middle before resting her head on his chest. "Can't sleep," she said softly, her eyes still closed as her tiny black nose sniffed over her husband's chest.

"Yeah," he sighed as one arm moved to gently stroke over the vixen's shoulder. Helen was a red fox, like her husband, but unlike her husband, she didn't have any red in her fur. She was a silver fox, her fur a genetic abnormality that gave her two primary colors; a silvery gray and black, which meant she was very hard to see at night, even for him.

She softly nuzzled his chest while her hand ran up and down his sized, "You're still thinking about Chris' son?"

"Yeah," he replied as he let out a long, deep sigh, "If he even is Chris'."

The vixen slowly over onto her belly, her eyes opening as she rested her elbows on his chest. "There's always that possibility," Helen mused, "But if he is?"

"It's... it's just strange, Helen, knowing that Chris actually managed to have a kid. He was very to the point over the phone, a lot like how Chris used to be. I'm just worried that I'll end up running into my brother's clone," Mike replied as his ears went flat against his head.

"You could have also called him at a bad time," his wife replied as she moved a finger out to poke him in the middle of the nose. Mike blinked a few times at the touch, before letting out another sigh, "Yeah. You're right. It might have been a bad time, but I'm still a little worried."

"Why? You should be happy that Chris wasn't his father figure," the vixen said, her finger slowly moving down his nose and over his lips before resting her hand on his chest. She was right, then again, Helen was usually right about a lot of things. The tod let out another heavy sigh as he started to run his hand down his wife's spine, "I can't even imagine what that would have been like."

That was a lie, he could, and it was a nightmare. He'd seen divorce paperwork dealing with abusive husbands, and that's probably how the marriage would have ended. That or a shotgun. But Kody had been spared that, as had Josephine Grey. Mike let out another sigh as Helen chuckled, "MMm... wondering what the kids will think?"

The tod chuckled. He was curious about how his two daughters would react to learning they had a cousin. Victoria and Alexis would probably be intrigued since, for all the family knew, Chris hadn't managed to sire any kits. The vixens were only a few years younger than Kody, both of them being twenty-six and twenty-four respectively, so Mike imagined them getting along fairly well. Mike's minor dream was cut short when he felt Helen slide on top him, her legs splaying around his middle as she sat back. "Want some help getting to sleep?"

Mike woke up a few hours later to the sound of his alarm clock. His wife had helped him sleep, but he still had to wake up to catch his train from Zootopia to Bunnyburrow. Sliding out of his wife's grasp, he made his way into the bathroom, releasing the contents of his bladder before slipping into a nice warm shower.

Thirty minutes later, Mike was ready. He'd dressed formally for the occasion, a gray suit with white undershirt and red tie. By the time he'd finished dressing, his wife was already in the kitchen, wearing nothing but a very long night shirt whose bottom reached down to her knee. Mike chuckled softly as he moved in behind her, a hand moving to her rump as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be home for dinner," he whispered into her ear. His wife chuckled, "Mmm... Don't eat too much on your trip. You should save room for dessert tonight."

Mike let out a lusty churr into her ear, "I'm looking forward to it."