Family Farm 2

Story by sorfa on SoFurry

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Here's part 2. Transforming is happening on the farm but not as... directly? I guess you might say :p meh either way


Heading back to the farm house Alex was conflicted on just how he intended to deal with the whole Jay thing. Say something? Let it go and never speak of? What if it caused drama; he hated to start or be involved in drama. In fact he avoided it as best he could manage. Walking into the familiar kitchen setting Alex saw only his aunt wiping off the counter. He remembered her being a kind soul, never having a mean thing to say to or about anyone. It was clear she took pride in having a tidy kitchen, if not so much the rest of the house. Though on a farm a lot of time isn't spent in the house beyond the kitchen for all the work to be done. And if she wasn't the best cook he'd ever known. It baffled him a little that city cooking couldn't hope to compete. "Ah there he is. You've gotten so tall since I last saw you. How tall are you now? Must be close to six feet I'd recon. Here come sit sit. The boys are already out to work. Heard you had a jolly dance with that mud puddle. Well not to worry just bring them to me and I'll get them cleaner than the day you bought them. As you might guess a farm gets you mighty dirty. I've learned a trick or two over the years to keep up. Now when you're done your uncle wants you in the barn moving the hay bales. Need them organized and counted. Do mind yourself though, one of the latches on the pens broke so there's a donkey that can't be kept in. Tried tying it off but he would chew through the rope. He's friendly don't worry. We're gonna be heading to town today to get a replacement piece for it so it'll be just you and the other boys till we're back. Oh and lift through your knees, not you back. I know you know this but better said than not. Old worries. Anyway, off you go now. Grab a water bottle too. Off we go."

Oh right, she can talk. A lot. Bowls over people but somehow not in a rude way as you might expect. But he still loved her all the same.

Slipping into the barn Alex was amazed by the heat held inside it. His clean shirt quickly became covered in sweat, clinging to his skin in places. What was the point of a shower if I'm already in need of another, he thought with a sigh. Such was the nature of farm work he figured. A quick survey took in the scattered hay bales around the barn as well as the aforementioned free roaming donkey. Rolling up his sleeves Alex promptly set to work moving the hay bales to the desired location; his uncle graciously having left a sign indicating where he wanted them stored. There was also a clipboard on the wall to mark his count of inventory. Alex had had the notion in his mind that the farm was going to be rather chaotic and completely unorganized and unprepared. He chastised himself for his unfair judgment of his aunt and uncle. What did he know, never doing anything close to farm work.

In fact it showed. Moving that first hay bale was a struggle, tiring him out more than he would be happy to admit, and still had so many more to do. As he moved more and more into their location his shirt got more damp with sweat, twisting and growing more and more uncomfortable until he shucked it off to hang on a hook. As Alex worked the donkey, growing curious, sauntered over to watch Alex more closely. Moving closer still the donkey started licking at the beads of sweat on his back making Alex giggle. "Ah that tickles. You like salt I guess? Well thank you for trying to get me clean," he said, giving the donkey a scratch between the ears. The donkey moved down and proceeded to take Alex's pants by the teeth and pull, almost upending him in the process. "No stop that" he said, swatting the air with his hand hoping the donkey would let go. It didn't and pulled again. Regaining his footing Alex grumbled, unbuttoning his pants as the donkey let go, dropping them to the ground, followed by his boxers when the donkey looked like it was going to make a grab for them too. He didn't think being naked working on a farm was the best idea but didn't want to destroy his clothing either. Donkey just wants more salt from my sweat I guess. Besides, he left his boots on. Some semblance of safety, right?

Back to moving the hay bales, this time Alex had a shadow in the form of the donkey, licking at his sweaty skin. He knew his aunt said the donkey was friendly but trying to rip off his clothes just to get his sweat was a bit much. Selfish, even. Not like it was harming him though. Just being an animal. Until its tongue got between his sweaty ass cheeks and licked over his hole, causing his legs to buckle, dropping the hay bale he was carrying and collapsing onto it. Ass presented, the donkey set to work licking his cheeks and between them. Exhausted from moving all those bales he didn't even have the strength to struggle or resist as his body caved to the odd pleasure he was feeling. His hole easily opened as the donkey speared him with it's long thick tongue. Removing its tongue the donkey mounted up on the hay bale and prodded it's huge erection at Alex's ass, leaking precum between his cheeks while he could only whimper at the sensation. The flared head lined up with his hole and as the donkey pressed forward Alex's hole gave way, stretching open wider. The donkey stopped pressing forward suddenly, just before the flared head would have sunk into Alex, making the boy groan and whimper at the unexpected feeling of not getting filled. He started to tremble before bucking his hips back and causing the donkey's flared head to slide in along with the first few inches of its cock. Alex let out a moan as the donkey brayed it's enjoyment. Sinking a few more inches of it's cock, the donkey suddenly pulled all the way out from Alex and dismounted off the hay bale, getting a grunt from him as the head popped out.

Alex looked around in confusion to watch as the donkey walked past him and to it's pen, leaving him naked and horny as all get out. The donkey perplexed him. Why go through all that work if it wasn't going to fuck him. _Oh what am I thinking, I don't want the donkey to fuck me... right?_On shaking legs he stood up and grabbed his boxers and pants and slowly worked at getting them on, breathing deeply to calm his heart and erection. Once that was done he tried to get back into his stacking rhythm he'd been in but was much slower going as his tempo was thrown off: mind distracted, arms and legs shaking a little. Didn't help that he was still tired from moving all of them earlier. Luckily he had marked down his count before events happened so that made it a little easier.

He finally got the last bale counted and in place as his uncle walked into the barn with a box of tools. Looking over the barn he commented "nice work here. We might just make a farm boy of you yet. The boys are grabbing a shower before dinner, go tidy up and join us in the house when you're done. This latch will be an easy install." Alex smiled, standing a little taller for the complement of his work, and grabbed up his shirt as he left the barn, heading to the outdoor shower.

As he got inside Alex gingerly stepped out of his remaining clothing, sore all over, and walked into the steam filled shower room where he saw the rest of the guys his uncle and aunt had hired. All of whom had seen his earlier mud spill. The memory made him blush as he walked to one of the shower nozzles. One of the guys said through the fog "you're the nephew right? That spill earlier was awesome" with a chuckle, making Alex blush deeper. "I'm Tony, that's Sam, and Jay. Nice to meet ya."

"Hey guys. Yea that was... not entirely unexpected to happen. I'm a major spaz but somehow haven't died so I'd say that's a success." The other guys laughed. Looking around through the steam Alex could just barely make out the bodies of the other guys. "Man you're all hairy dudes eh. I look so odd by comparison."

"Luck of the draw as it were. And nothing wrong with not being hairy. Doesn't get itchy right?" said Sam. "Don't know about you but I'm starving. Alex, your aunt is probably the greatest cook I've ever encountered. I'm gonna go grab some of that. Don't stay in too long guys else there might be nothing left for ya."

The other guys took the message to heart, quickly finishing their shower and heading out to change. Alex couldn't help but sneak peeks at the other guys. They were not only hairier than him but also ripped like nobody's business. He was feeling a little jealous and inadequate next to them, but they weren't jerks about it. Was just how they were. Exiting the shower space the guys followed the smell from the kitchen like cartoon characters drawn to a pie. The next while was a blur of excellent food and minimal conversation. Not that anyone was being rude by not conversing. Alex's aunt had always said that it was the biggest compliment when people would forgo talking in favour of food. At some point Alex was aware of being informed that he would be sharing a room with Jay, and Sam and Tony would be in the other. So it was that when dinner was finished and tidied up Jay was leading Alex upstairs to their shared room. It only had one bed to it however. Alex was going to consider sleeping on the floor but Jay beat him to the point saying that they had a long early day ahead and needed to get some rest to recover from the work today. Not giving him any chance to make a counter point Jay stripped himself and Alex down and climbed right into the bed. It was big enough that there was still a deal of space between them for modesty. Within moments Alex felt his consciousness fading into the soft pillow and mattress.

At some point in the night Alex awoke smelling the barn for some reason. His brain, still half asleep, reasoned it must have clung to him while he moved the bales of hay. The next thing to register were the hairy arms wrapped firmly around his chest holding him in place. The close contact with another felt really nice, to wake up in the arms of Jay Alex smiled contentedly. Until he eventually noticed the hard cock of his bed mate humping between his cheeks. And he was bigger; way bigger than earlier. At least it felt like it. His ass was tingling but he couldn't deny he was loving the feeling. His cock had hardened from Jay's actions against him. With one particular passing, the head of Jay's cock seemed to catch against Alex's hole, the whole length pressing against him. Submitting to the inevitable increase of pressure the head slid in, making Jay tense and groan deeply as he climaxed just inside Alex. With each shot his cock slid deeper until he was all the way in. Alex felt his eyes drooping back into unconsciousness, noting something tickling his leg just before sleep claimed him.

Had he been looking Alex would have seen that the object flicking his leg was Jay's tail, having just grown out from above his ass as he was humping Alex's. It was covered in the same thickening brown hair he was sporting elsewhere on his body. Alex was beginning to grow the nub of a tail as well, being behind the other guys since they had been on the farm longer. But he was gonna catch up.