Split Souls: United

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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#9 of Split Souls

I have been trying to get back into writing again... Or maybe I should say actually sitting down a the computer and transferring written pages to the computer. Sometimes its a long process, especially when I keep being distracted telegram or the internet. But I am trying.

Cassie was the first to regain consciousness a full day and a half later late in the evening spending a few minutes awake before dozing off again. It wasn't until the next morning that both she and Jared were awake and together. Before they were even told what to fully expect from their injury Lady Lindara showed up ushering the healers out pulling a chair over sitting next to their bed.

"We will have to make some changes. Neither of you can leave the palace for now and Jared is to stay in bed this week. I need both of you to promise not to change." Jared had raised a paw and waved it several times while she was speaking before she finally stop glaring at him.

"I can not live my life nor protect your daughter if I'm not told what is going on... Everything! I want to know what Drake found out and who attacked us. You will get no promises from me otherwise." He stated firmly.

"Even if it means making sure you live? As I was saying both of you must promise not to change because doing so endangers your health. Until the healers say otherwise Jared will stay in control."

It was still Jared's voice that spoke, "That won't be a problem I can be Jared as easily as he can. As for us staying in bed for a while, I doubt either of us could get very far but I have to agree with Jared. We deserve to know what is going on and what happened in the past. I don't care if you want to put extra guards on us and whatever else is necessary but we should have been told... Did you know this would happen?" Cassie suddenly demanded.

"No. And there was no indication that someone would attack the two of you."

"Her, not me!" The ferret stated firmly trying to sit up straighter in bed. "They want her. Tell me of the two who we took down what happened to them." After a good moment of silence Jared spat out, "FINE! But don't expect me to just sit here. I won't stay in the palace if I think we are in danger and I will remind you that legally you no longer have the right to stop me!"

This time it was the first princess who spoke trying to make sure her mother didn't get any angrier but she did it in her own voice testing their body to see what would happen, "Mother he is only asking for the truth. Do you realized he saved my life again? At the very least he stopped me from being taken again. Tell us what's going on and what you find out and he will agree with whatever you want. He says he'll promise if you do the same."

"It is not like I'm trying to hide anything from either of you. There hasn't been any time to just sit and talk." She replied.

"Make me a promise Lady Lindara, one I can believe, and as long as were stuck in bed there will be plenty of time to talk. I know you have information about our past, including what you know about MY family line. After what happened I deserve to know what's going on and I should try to find out who my father upset so I can avoid them. How can I protect us if I don't even know who to stay away from."

"Jared I'm not even sure you have any real enemies. Sure there might be a few who would wish you ill but not enough to tangle with our house. That is why this attack is so troubling, we had no warning and it happened in the palace! We are currently looking into what happened and who could possibly be responsible. If this really is about the past then there is little or no information and we don't have any sort of motive."

"Lady, what happened to the mage that attacked us?"

She gave a slight frown at the ferret before answering, "He's dead."

"Was it something to do with his soul? And was he part of the mages council?" He quickly added on.

"No he is like Ryall. He went through the trials but is still waiting on acceptance into the council. I'm sure they probably know something by now but we will hear nothing until the end. There is no need to frown like that Jared, the council is relentless. They will not allow any mage to act beyond their rules and they will dig out whom ever requested or hired him."

"I'm not frowning over that mother. How did he die?"

The older vixen did a short double take hearing the familiar 'mother' but somehow knew it wasn't her daughter talking. Realizing the young ferret was going to get angry again she simply answered. "They won't say yet, but there was no medical cause for his body to stop."

"Lady Lindara they ARE after your daughter. The first spell I think was something to stop Cass, or maybe make her go to sleep. The second spell which we deflected back to the caster was directed at me, after we changed. They stabbed me, but when Cassie took back control they backed off because they want her alive... that is what they said."

The queen sat there for several minutes considering and Cassie asked him to wait when he nearly spoke again. They were interrupted by a light knock on the door. "There is a meal for Jared and he needs to be resting now." Came the light voice from outside the room.

"Your promise High Lady." The ferret stated firmly.

"Very well. I will do my best to keep you informed of what is happening and what has been found out, including your families history." She stated with a little grin. "In return I would appreciate your cooperation in keeping my daughter safe."

"I will keep us safe, but if I believe that means running and hiding with my uncle I will." He shot back.

Her response surprised him. "Believe me that is an option! Master Maximilian seemed quite capable of protecting you when you were young. Much more than the two of you understand." With that bit of information she stood and left allowing the healer back inside with Jared's meal.

They rested through the day and would have probably fallen asleep again after they were served a small dinner meal if Alexander hadn't shown up nearly in tears. Cassie urged him to scoot over enough so she could hold her brother and he did end up sobbing out as he held onto them. It took hours to shore up the young fox's feelings and a bit more to finally get him to sit in a chair next to them and talk. Not that it helped in the beginning because all he would say was that he was being forced to wear pants now. Both Cassie and Jared felt irritated knowing something serious had happened and again promised their help as soon as they could get out of bed again. They spoke some more about his past and what had gone on when he was young before Jared finally asked a question that he had waited weeks to... one that made Cassie want to strangle him even if she was seriously curious herself.

"Well... it's not like I have much left." He stated quietly holding up a finger and thumb just under two inches. "It does get hard but its sort of lopsided cause the top is cut off more." He described a little more indicating with his fingers on its shape.

'Happy now?' Cassie asked crisply. 'Enough you wanted to know too.' Sensing something more her tone darkened greatly. 'You wouldn't DARE!' His response was a sort of mental shrug knowing there was no way to hide his curiosity from her. "I don't think it will ever really work." The young fox added after an awkward silence, "Not that it could in the first place."

It was Cassie who replied, "Alex, you don't know that and unless you allow the healers or mages to examine you, if you don't you never will know." ~ "We aren't trying to tell you what to do," Jared added as the young tod vigorously shook his head, "but you should at least check and see if anything can be done before giving up." He tried to explain.

"No! You don't understand! If... IF I go then it means they are right!" Jared leaned out of bed getting just far enough to put his paw against the vulpine's knee before pulling back so he wouldn't slide off. They probably would have taken this conversation well into the night if Trivina, the main healer watching him, hadn't checked in on him suddenly realizing the young fox was still there. With a promise to speak in the morning the pair went to sleep taking quite a while to do so thinking about how upset Alex had been.

They really didn't get to much sleep since it the second prince was knocking quietly on their door at dawn. Again they spoke promising help and hope to the young fox trying to convince him to seek his own help. "Either way Alex we Will figure this out." Jared promised getting the young tod to suddenly stand up and hug them tight.

He scrambled back to his chair with a loud knock, that was followed by Trivina and the first prince. She carried a tray to their bed leaving breakfast and stepping out. "You know hiding here isn't going to help." Drake had been staring at his younger brother the entire time waiting until the door closed before speaking. Cassie had been carefully watching Alex and when he flinched at the words they let loose.

"You know if we were better your sister would change and Throw you out of her room right now!" Against his advice Cassie added, "If you would take the time to listen and look instead of watching as he sits there trembling and terrified you wouldn't be such an idiot!"

"I'll go now." Alex mumbled standing up. The only problem was Drake was still next to the door blocking his path.

"Alex wait. Listen, Trivina is in the other room. No one will ever know if you talked with her before you left. I promise Drake will be her for a while and he doesn't even know what's going on. Now brother, please move." She directed her last words at the older tod waving him out of the way.

He did move out of the way letting his brother leave, leaving the pair hoping he might have the courage to speak with the healer. The past few weeks had seen Alexander become slightly more bold like what he had done at her party but what ever had happened the previous day seemed to have broken him somehow. Cassie wondered for a moment how her mother had done it because she believed no one else could have done so much damage in so short a time.

"Are you going to tell me what that was about?"

"NO, and you're not going to ask either. Alexander doesn't deserve the treatment you and the others have been giving her."

"Him," Drake corrected, "The sooner he realizes that the easier it's going to be on the entire family."

Jared had grabbed handfuls of sheets coming close to wresting with Cassie for control until he reminder her that his body was too weak. Slowly he relaxed letting their tension ease as he spoke, "Drake, could you do me one small favor? Sit down and Shut UP! Also Cassie wants you to know if you're going to break another statue and beat Alexander until he agrees with you." He paused wondering if the tod actually was as surprised as he looked while he sat down. "You, your parents, your entire family is too damn stupid to realize that just because you want something doesn't mean it should happen, and it sure as hell doesn't make you right and him wrong."

Taking a deep breath he asked Cassie to calm down again and tried to push back his own anger. They had already promised several times to keep the things they spoke about with Alex confidential but he knew giving a little out would be necessary especially if the truth was going to come out. "I'm going to ask you one question and I don't want to hear your answer. Instead I want you to pretend you just got here, just sat down, and are going to tell me why you came." They were both a little surprised to see how quickly the other nodded his head. "Why did Alexander try to cut off his penis? Just think about it and wonder.. What would drive a ten year old child to take a knife and try to remove a part of himself."

It was several long moments before Drake cleared his throat, "Alright, Mother says I need to catch you up on what's happened and what I've found out but first I want to start with your attack and everything you can remember." Both gave detailed recounts answering each question as best they could, Drake seemed very capable of inquiring and poking out each of their answers until they were sure exactly what happened and how it happened.

Next they went back to Cassandra's abduction and the confusion it caused. He believed that both Ness and Cass had been drugged and the princess had been slipped out of the palace either very late at night or very early that morning. He broke down the two different vehicle accidents that happened late that morning and early afternoon. The first involved two cars and a van leaving several injured and one entire family dead as their car burned with them inside. The van which believed to have been the cause had driven off and disappeared before real help had arrived. The second accident involved Jared and his parents, this one also had three vehicles, all cars, and had three deaths and several injured people besides Jared.

"The biggest problem I'm having is finding any witnesses or evidence. The police reports seem gone or non-existent which is more than odd and no one seems to really remember either accident. There was a journal I found from a reporter plus a few articles in the papers but the only one that really centered on anything was about the first accident, and it was on the loss of the Bruth family and pleas for help finding those responsible for their deaths." Drake told them.

He had a sort of small smirk on his muzzle as he relayed the next tidbit, "There was only one person who I spoke to that remembered something from that time. A young canine's body was found about a month afterwards, badly decomposed and hidden in an empty building."


"No. But the fact that no one claimed the girl and she didn't match any lost persons reports had many people stumped because she was estimated to be six. A year older than Cassandra." Drake then outlined several possible events each one concerning the Bruth family's young daughter. He believed that the first accident turned into an act of convenience. They kidnapped the girl, left Cassandra's body, and torched the car.

Not many would actually bother to check on a crispy body in the back seat. All would just assume it looked canine there for be the girl in question. "I'm not exactly sure what happened but obviously they couldn't use her. It's possible that she was injured in the crash and they took her to the hospital. Either way they found Jared and I'm guessing figured what better place to hid the first princess than in the body of a boy."

The trio went through two full mornings of talk and Jared and Cassie learned exactly how unbelievable their lives had been when laid out together. They had never been told that several times Maximilian had unknown trespassers on his farm. The skunk had gone so far as to hire a few night guards and after the final incident where two people were killed everything stopped.

"This was about the time Lord Brodent was murdered and father arrested several of his supporters including Lord and Lady Rodmeer. They both relinquished their titles and properties and asked to leave Mystalane but not before explaining that they could no longer stand against our family and had killed Brodent to protect the nation." Drake didn't say more than the High Lord had allowed this to happen to stop several arguments and had, at the time, considered the matter closed. He explained that it was likely they were the ones responsible for Cassandra's disappearance and the events that happened. Though it was somewhat redundant the first Prince went through the rest of their life rehashing up to the present.

Drake started the third morning on Jared's linage. "There are many stories on the fall of the Ferrondance family the burning of Findanreer and parts of the Furgull forest and the battles afterwards to exterminate the remaining royal line. Back then everyone was terrified of another continental war, because the Ferrondance line and nation had suffered the least they became the prime targets for those in fear of magic. After the main palace fell one cousin of the king fled, pulling together a small force and trying to fortify his own holdings. That wasn't all he did. He kidnapped any woman or young female he could and rapped them stating it was to restore his line."

He continued with the story telling them how it took more than two years before he was caught and killed but not before several women began giving birth. The infants were quickly executed and it wasn't long before people began killing any pregnant woman just to sure. "Now mother found an interesting and likely true story about a young girl who had been found bound in the ferret's bedroom and she was freed and taken to be healed. Some how she slipped away and later bore a son. Mother isn't exactly sure that is your ancestor but she did trace the story to an area which is now the Atloma Mountains. It seems every few generations a strong ferret mage pops up, including you great - great grandfather. He spent some time with a woman but for some reason sent her away when she became pregnant."

He explained how the High Lady had carefully traced the womans travel through Nerrent and Talistad, around the end of the Keeth Range through Ramtand and into Mystalane where she was forced stop because of being to pregnant to travel. "She bore her son and passed away when he was very young leaving almost no clue where she had come from, but it was her that created the last name Ferannce and she likely had your crest coin too and possibly knew what it meant. Mother was very thorough having your line searched out because she found it interesting. She then sealed that information to make sure your father wouldn't find it. It was a sort of precaution on her part, there was no actual proof your a Ferrondance descendant but after your father got into trouble with the Mages Council, by casting an impossible spell, and he continued to cause trouble with members of the court she started to search. No matter what the true story is she is sure herself that some how you hold lineage to that line."

Jared sat in silence for several minutes just thinking about he possibility and Drake allowed him time before he added on something else. "One more thing. Mother says she needs you to swear on the Purelight that neither of you will EVER tell anyone you're of the old blood."

"Why?" Cassie quietly questioned.

"She didn't say, only telling me that it was something that had to be kept for your protection and she doesn't want Jared to be stating it."

"That isn't what we agreed to." The ferret shot back irritated. "She promised to tell us what was going on."

"Jared... Not even I know why she wants this, it was just something she told me last night. Now it could be nothing, or it might be very important either way its a promise you both made to her and I would expect you to keep it. I know Mother will keep her side even if it means she has to tell you later that an oath wasn't required."

"Fine. I swear on the Purelight to never reveal my families possible history." He didn't even give a twitch at the little squeeze he felt making Drake take more interest.

"You do that so easily."

"What?" Jared questioned. 'He knows!' Cassie suddenly thought. 'Knows what?' ~ 'That!' The thought came with a flash of her ascension ceremony. 'Cass.' What followed was a quick discussion on right and wrong before Jared acted to prove his point. "Drake, I need to tell you something and you're not going to like it." Again he stopped to almost argue with Cassie before ending their conversation aloud. "I swore and Oath! Drake I deliberately altered the Purelight so _we_wouldn't be bound as tightly as the rest of you are. That doesn't mean we aren't bound or don't feel the oath... Cassie is still upset but I will let you, the first prince and future high lord decide what we should do. My oath was simple, we would be rebound by the Purelight if there were any problems and I wouldn't interfere this time. I don't wish to be tied like your family and that spell binds the soul."

Drake sat back shaking his head making Cassie feel vindicated until he spoke. "Thank you Jared. Mother was worried the Purelight wouldn't work at all and I know she was relieved when the flame grew stronger and settled down."

"That was because Jared was interfering." She blurted out.

"Cass, let it be. There isn't anything wrong with what he did, that is just a ceremony after all. It's a chance for the family to understand what the Purelight is and how it works. Why do you think the oaths are so easy? Besides there are plenty of ways of swearing on the Purelight and still doing what is needed or something that you want. I am glad Jared chose to tell me, I will mention this to Father but nothing else needs to happened. All it means is now now he and I will know exactly what is going on if either of you have to hold the Purelight again. Cass already solved several problems by removing herself from the line of succession. There is just one thing I recommend, give a small pause, twitch, or shiver when you swear by the Purelight. You keep acting like its nothing and people are going to wonder.. and Cass," He continued after a pause, "I would trust you and Jared even without your ceremonial oaths especially after all you two have done so far. Everything is merely a matter of perception so I would appreciate it if you let this be." She grumbled a little on the inside but said nothing.

They had been allowed up and around their room after the first day carefully going to the bathroom or sitting in a chair, but it wasn't until the sixth day after the attack that they were allowed to leave Cassandra's rooms. Trivina had assigned a bodyguard to watch them as they were told to slowly walk down the hall, go half way to the main hall, and come back. It was a simple exercise to help them recover and gain strength. He had been given a cane when he first left the room and told to keep his hand against the wall for support and balance. Jared had hopped to prove he needed neither but quickly realized how much had been lost by the attack and the spells used to heal him.

'Watch Out!'Cassie's warning came a second and a half before Nessandra grabbed his arm and nearly pulled him off his feet giving him a breath squeezing hug that ended with a rather firm kiss and a sneaky smile. He leaned in and shared another kiss feeling excited, happy, and shivering from the close contact. When Nessandra finally pulled away he noticed Alexandria there as well, glad to finally see her in a dress for the first time that week. On impulse he took the few steps to her and hugged her as well giving a light kiss on the lips that had the young vixen go full blush with a tail freaking out behind her. She didn't let go of him at first when he tried to step away, turning with him to help him back to the wall before reluctantly letting go.

A few days later and a good deal of strengthening spells the pair felt closer to normal. They had been allowed to switch bodies for a short periods and Cassie had snuck most of Jared's clothes into her own room on short trips she had taken out . The surprise was that neither of her parents said anything even though she knew several of the family had seen her carrying his stuff through the halls. Taking this as a measure of acceptance Jared walked with more confidence through the palace palace returning to Cassie's room after they were done waiting to see if anyone confronted him. Both had expected him to be moved back to his room at some point especially once he was recovering since they were told to keep using his body the most to help strengthen it, but the order never came.

They began to spend their relax and recovery times studying and preparing for the event Cassandra would have to host learning the ins and outs of what was required to host a truly large scale event. The last of their time was left to Alex trying to pry out what had happened while at the same time giving him all the support they could including growling at the few who seemed to stare at the young vixen disapprovingly when she followed them on their short walks in the halls.

With a bit of effort they finally pulled a few more of his fears out, his main one now being his sixteenth birthday next year. He had already been informed by the High Lord and Lady that he was going to choose his gender by then and that they both were leaning heavily towards male. Cassandra was the one that had actually started their rather personal and in depth talk about the day he had tried to remove his body part. It had been a real eye opener when they learned he had first used a knife but it had hurt so bad, before he has half way through he stopped and using barely controlled magic to finish the job. Before they were able to discuss things further the first princess received a summons to see the High Lady immediately.

"I'm sorry Cassandra. I know you haven't had more than a few hours here and there but Jared is required. Lord Callen insists he be present for the meeting tomorrow morning and even though you're hosting the pre-event he stated that Jared will be needed to work through the final layouts and several people are insisting to talk with him personally about some of his items."

"Is there anything else he wants?" Jared asked.

Instead of answering Lady Lindara simply frowned making both of them wonder what was wrong. "I understand your wish to be treated and act like you're together, but I would appreciate speaking with my daughter when I address my daughter. Plenty of times you two speak for each other. 'Jared wants this.. Cassie says that.' I'm not asking to much expecting both of you to speak as you are addressed, as who you appear to be."

"Is this publicly or privately?" They asked actually speaking together without meaning it.

"Both! You two have worked hard to prove you are together and forced us to accept that. I do understand why and I do appreciate the fact Jared mostly stayed out of your birthday celebrations but I must insist there be some form of boundary. I'm obviously going to have an argument trying to force the two of you to move Jared's things back so instead I want both of you to make an effort to respond only as you are addressed, or if needed, make statements for each other. I expect some form of line, of difference, between the two of you."

"Very well." Cassie stated. "We will try Mother but I ask you to understand something. We are in this together, we act together, think together, live our lives together. It will take practice to do what you ask." Neither understood the odd look the over vixen had before she hid it away.

"Very well you may go." It wasn't until they left that the look of concern returned. Speaking with the healers she had put forward a few questions and concerns which did not get decent answers and the possibility they put forth was more than a little upsetting. "I won't lose my daughter again Jared." She stated to the empty room.

The next morning was difficult for Jared as both he and Lord Callen tried to rearrange the entire exhibition to please the twenty plus main contributors, who each wanted their pieces to get special attention. Jared was extremely grateful this was all being done on paper and not at the historical palace and now he understood why Lord Callen insisted that this was to be done now. His main problem was not really the bickering Lords, two Ladies, and the other contributors but instead Cassie who had woken up irritated and kept that feeling even after they changed. She kept making sniping comments every little while sometimes causing Jared to frown which often got noticed and was taken for his displeasure. He was relieved when lunch came and most of the work was done hoping he could return to the palace. That was until he was informed the afternoon was devoted to the auction as rules, placement, and bidding techniques which were argued over, before the discussions went on to what order the items were to be sold.

Jared probably could have cheered when Lorran showed up before dinner insisting Jared leave immediately to return to the palace. Cassie still grumbled from time to time as he was driven back up the ramps making him try to figure out what was wrong. "Lord Jared." He was called to before he even stepped out of the vehicle. "The High Lord requires your attendance for dinner. You are requested to change as soon as possible and go to the great hall."

He was about to thank the young rabbit who delivered the message when Cassie blasted out, 'Oh Great!' ~ 'What is wrong?' For a moment he felt her full blast of anger and irritation before she pulled back. 'Nothing!... It just seems like you're getting all the attention.' It was the third time she had spoken something like that today but Jared could tell it was more of an excuse since she didn't seem to have a bit of jealousy. He took several minutes while getting changed to try and figure out what was wrong but for the moment she seemed much calmer and refused to give more than a few words of reply.

He was still trying to prod a little information out as they walked into the main hall suddenly feeling her irritation again as they made him wait for a moment so they could announce him. "Lord Jared, Master of the Stone Gates and betrothed to the second princess Lady Nessandra." It took several steps to sink in and several more to try and process that as the entire hall turned in his direction watching his forward progress.

His desperate plea to Cassie got him nothing as she was actually unsure as he was just watching as he walked the length of the hall to the far end where the three tables held the Reylexion family. He nodded to the few who stood to congratulate him as he walked by, however there was nothing but dark scowls around him as he approached the High Lord and Lady. His formal bow got a simple nod from both neither saying anything or showing any emotion. Still not having a clue what to do he walked down the table stopping in front of Nessandra to bow again.

"Jared please sit with me." She told him smiling as she waved at the empty seat next to her.

'Did she know about this?' He suddenly demanded as he walked around the table. 'No.'There was that wave of irritation again which he suddenly felt directed towards her twin.

"Mother only told me a little while ago." She whispered as they sat down. Instead of getting started on dinner Nessandra pulled him closer for a hug. "I swear I won't push Cass, besides I don't think father is going to let us marry, but he'll tell you after dinner." The words had been whispered in his ear followed by a kiss to the side of his muzzle with a smile which had him feeling better than he had all day.

Jared could easily say that this had been the best dinner he had spent so far at the palace. He had only been to a dinner gathering a few times before and each time had been seated away from the family among people he didn't even know. It didn't matter that he got glares from all around or that Cassie still grumbled in the background, Nessandra spent her time talking with just him and keeping him interested almost to the point he could imagine them just having dinner together with an occasional interruption as someone came forward to congratulate them.

Several of the family had left before they had finished but when he pushed back his chair and stood, offering an arm to Nessandra, more than half of those left got up and rushed towards a curtain leading out the back of the hall which the family often used. He had to look back between the bodies leaving and the vixen twice before she finally looked from the mass exit to him. "Ness is in trouble. Ness is in trouble." Was sang from several chairs away as Nicholas giggled slightly.

Before the princess had even finished standing Alexandria was at their side, "We can walk together." she offered.

"No!" Cassie spoke using Jared's voice, "We are just fine." She stated offering an arm for her twin. This time even Jared could feel the flood of relief that washed towards them. 'What is going on?' He thought. 'I don't know but we are going to find out.'

He was the one who pulled back the curtain to find the hallway lined with those that rushed out and more that had left earlier, as the curtain dropped behind them the growling started. Deep, Rumbling, and Filling the walkway between the lines of foxes filling it with anger. Jared cautiously lead her forward past the first few bodies before the one standing beside Nessandra suddenly jumped forward snarling causing her to press against Jared and shiver. The second time it happened he quickly pulled her away and snarled back at the vixen getting a surprised look in response. The princess tried to put a hand on his shoulder but he glanced at her with true shared fury from both over what was happening.

"I've dealt with enough idiots and fools today to suffer any more!"

Steven jumped out just as several other bodies moved in, "You know nothing! She WILL lean her place."

Jared raised his paw drawing on his own energies and concentrating them in his hand. It began to burn with a blue light that almost seemed like a flame. When Cassie blended her own energies the yellow streaked in between causing the energies to darken and grow. "Her place is at my and Cassandra's side and if you are all to stupid to realize what happened I will explain it." His actions caused those who had been zeroed in on Nessandra to shift focus to him. With a simple thought he ordered the energies in a line in front of him and with a sweep of his paw they arced out seeming to burn the air in front of him reaching early two feet away before it dissipated. "Here I thought the Reylexion line was intelligent but none of you seem to realize this was the High Lord's decision. She didn't find out about this until before dinner and I didn't hear about this until I walked into the hall. No pledges have been spoken, no plans have been made, and I sure as hell haven't agreed to this yet. However if you continue to growl and snipe I am going to show you how well I can protect her! Now MOVE so we can speak with the High Lord and find out what is going on."

Before anyone else could answer a voice spoke out, "Those are some very good words Jared." The few who had stepped forward or had moved to block his way quickly moved back showing a very gray withered vixen. "Well come on you two." There was hidden power in the old woman as she moved off, everyone making sure to leave her room. Nessandra had already moved forward and Cassie couldn't help with an explanation on who she was as they passed the rest of the waiting foxes. The only thing Nessandra did to her twins silent query was to glare their way and shake her head.

They followed through the palace to the High Lord's study where they were lead across the room and past two guards climbing up a set of stairs to Lord Marverath's private room. Nessandra let out a little gasp as older vixen opened the door and stepped in without even bothering to knock.

"You had better explain why you're upsetting more than half the family tonight." Jared had taken a few extra steps to be able to look into the room. He could see both the High Lord and Lady each sitting in a chair facing each other across a small table. "You two take a seat." The old vixen pointed causing Nessandra to quickly push past walking around the door to take a seat on a small sofa where Jared joined her a few seconds later.

"Nea this was my decision." Lady Lindara spoke flatly. The other didn't even seem to acknowledge the she spoke still waiting until the High Lord stood half way up and turned his chair facing her. "My wife has found some very disturbing news and possibly the reason why Cassandra was taken in the first place. We are checking but obviously there is a prophecy about the first born daughter of two and her child."

Both Jared and Cassie had been trying to figure out what was going on but now they were eagerly waiting to hear Lord Marverath's next words. "What does that have to do with your announcement?" Nea demanded.

"If _ you _would bother to listen I would have already told you it was to protect Cassandra!" The High Lord gave his wife a small head shake as she angrily turned away. "They are after my daughter, as a mother even you understand. With Jared's betrothal I can give him full protection at any time without any arguments."

"And you still think she's your daughter after you already know she's dead?" Jared had stepped aside fully expecting Cassie to rage forth but instead she did nothing.

"That's not fair!" He finally spoke. He had the entire room glaring at him before the older vixen spoke. "Young buck I know neither you nor your other half understand this so I will tell you once. The High Lord speaks for the family and land but I speak for the family. I say _everything_that needs to be said so keep silent. Now how do you justify protecting your dead daughter."

"Dead or not she still has rights of this family and I protect every part. I would do the same for any member of this house."

"Would you? It seems to me and several others you are trying to make up for some mistake made a decade ago. Are you going to let them actually marry?" The High Lord didn't seem to have a answer ready for that. Jared wanted to listen as the comments continued but Cassie pulled his attention away.

'How can I have a child?' She asked him. She gave an image of her with a protruding belly and then changing to Jared's body. 'What would happen to a baby?' ~ 'I don't think it would even survive that long.' He responded. They both knew the process and what happened to create a kit. 'Then how can I have a child? Are you going to wait that long or...' She trailed off and Jared could sense her strong emotions of worry and concern.

Risking them being upset again he spoke out. "What is the prophecy and how are you sure its Cass?" He kept going even as everyone's head whipped around to glare at him including Nessandra's. "Well?" Cassie added in his voice just as everyone was looking away.

"Perhaps foolish as he is, there is a point there. Why do you believe this prophecy?" Nea asked.

"The first of two daughters of light will join with the blood of the old. We KNOW its them, there hasn't been a pair of twins born before that were the first and second female, and joined with the blood of the old." Lindara spat out.

"The rest mother, what else does it say?!" Cassie spoke out. Her voice seemed to trigger a silent snarl and a serious glare directed at Jared.

"Answer the question child and stop wasting time."

The looks was pure hatred as the High Lady looked at he older fox and she held her lips sealed for several seconds before answering. "Together they shall bear a child who will raise up the lands of old by famine_or_flesh!" Although she had been locked with Nea the entire time she tuned her attention to Jared with the last three words.

'Famine and Flesh.' Was a very old declaration of war. To promise destruction to the land and death to its people. Jared shivered and even Cassie felt it through more than just their body.

"'Interesting'" The word was spoken in a mocking voice. "Or not both? How exactly does that happen?" The High Lady did snarl out loud this time growling as she deliberately turned and faced the wall.

"We are having the translation rechecked and trying to look for a better source. You asked me why I believe its true and I can only say that doesn't matter much. They are trying to capture my daughter, impregnate her and then use it to raise one of the old houses. We're not even sure which one or where but the ending was very unusual. Its loosest translation was close to 'Will call upon the old lands of the past and renew what was broken by taking either its land or souls. Famine or Flesh is a good term because either the land or the people will suffer. If an area of the continent is destroyed, or a war starts it will effect Mystalane. I can only hope if my daughter does have a child we can raise it in the hopes that our land will suffer the least."

'OH NO! Nessandra!!' The sudden shout came with a blast of worry and fear. It didn't take but a second for him to catch on to her thoughts. Cassie couldn't have a child but together they could still create a child. Jared had moved to look at Ness when she stopped him holding him still. 'Don't tell them yet!' As she dropped back and left him alone he was left feeling weakened and drained. The talks continued for several more moments about whether or not the High Lord should be making decisions based on a prophecy before Jared stood shaking slightly as he gained his feet.

Having everyone's attention again he simply said, "I'm sorry. We're tired and I need to lay down."

"I'm sure you can last a while longer Jared, take your seat." Cassie's anger and irritation returned in a flash leaving Jared reeling.

"I can't... Cass has been irritated, upset, and far to strong for most of the day and right now _I_am feeling very weak." Instantly Cassie backed off sending soothing feeling towards Jared as he moved towards the door.

"You are neither like your mother or father. Lidity or Rose as she wanted to be called would make apologies and sooth things over making sure no one was upset. Arthur simply plowed through with barely a care for what or who was in the way. You put up walls and defense and hope your phalanx is strong enough to get you through." He had stopped turning towards Nea as she spoke and truly began to wonder who this vixen was. "You Jared need to think a little more and plan better. Cassandra need to learn to quit acting like a spoiled brat. To often she demands what will be given to her and makes orders when she simply need to ask. You're both like some teens given to much power and willing to use it. Patience and time is what you both need, the problem is neither of you have time to grow and mature... I will think on this."

It was a clear dismissal and even with Cassie fuming at him he turned towards the door surprised by the quiet knock as he reached for the handle. Pausing only a second Jared opened the door revealing Alexandria on the other side. Her quick scan of the room made her head dip and her ears press flat as she took two steps down.

"We will talk later." Lord Marverath spoke.

"Yes Father." Alex replied before turning to rush back down the steps and out of site.

"See I told you waiting would only make that worse. And he is still wearing that dress."

Jared gripped the handle to the door tightly as the older vixen spoke. "Cass, Jared... don't." The glare he sent Nessandra made her stop and sit back into the couch. His careful movement in closing the door was the exact opposite of the anger that raged inside. Slowly he turned and faced the older vixen.

"Just so you understand, if you think you have some right to force Alex to be something other than what he is I will take you with them and beat sense into all of you." His words were just as quite and controlled as he pointed out at the other adults. "None of you understand anything and if beating sense into you is the way to make you understand than I will.. I swear it by the PURELIGHT!" The words were soft until the very end when he nearly screamed out the word.

He got just a blink and slight frown from Nea before she gave a little head shake turning to look at the High Lord. His growl earned him nothing more than passive stares from the others in the room until Cassie joined in making a truly menacing sound and gaining what might have been the first few looks of surprise. "Child this is not truly your concern. We are doing what is best for the family."

"Then you are blind or stupid." Cassie nearly yelled out. Jared was already talking with her as she spoke and a second later their voice came out together. "We will NOT allow you to destroy Alexander."

"Child you know nothing, this will help him. If we don't.."

"Shut UP!" Jared roared while Cassie broke out, "You are blind because your don't see and to stupid or arrogant to realize you screwed up!" He stood there shaking trying to contain both Cassie and himself when a wave of weakness forced him to close his eyes and pause. 'Cass.' ~ 'Leave, you're right we have to leave.' "Bed.. we have to lay down..." Jared muttered out as he turned from the room.

The ferret nearly collapsed as her presence vanished and he almost called her back to help support him as he reopened the door and staggered down the stairs. "What am I missing and who was that? That didn't feel like either of them." Nea's voice echoed the surprise she felt.

"It was both of them. I could feel Jared and Cass working together." Nessandra spoke, "But I can't feel either of them now."

"Tell me, what exactly do you know about this, especially about your brother."

"Nothing more than you do. They often spend time talking together, and Alexander only wore pants freely after speaking with them at the Grape Orchard."

"Yes I seem to remember Lady Ryall's complaints." The older vixen stated.

"You say that like it's a bad thing. Maybe Jared is right, maybe there is something we don't see and they do."

"It's alright Alex I am doing better." Even though he spoke the words she refused to let go walking by his side as they left the High Lord's study. Jared had stumbled down the stairs and nearly knocked the vixen over as she caught him. She had held him tight tucking her nose under his chin as he steadied himself and hugged back both drawing a measure of comfort and support. "I told them Alex, I will make them understand." He told her when he finally pulled back releasing her.

Alexandria continued to guide him through the halls back to Cassandra's rooms, getting them through the sitting room and into the bedroom where he aimed them for the bed sitting down together. "Are you sure you're alright?" She asked quietly.

"I'll be fine. For some reason I feel weak and Cass feels strong. I may have to rest more, maybe I haven't fully recovered in some way." He laid back across the bed feeling nearly exhausted leaving Alex seated. "Okay."

Her voice was sad which was enough to make Cassie prod Jared several times getting him to sit back up. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... I just wanted to make sure you were fine after the Marth."

"Marth?" He questioned?

"You know, after dinner, in the hall. I hate it when they do that." Alex stated with a shiver.

"Wait! They do that to you? How often!"

"Well not so much now, except they are doing it again cause I wore pants then a dress again. They don't want me to wear a dress, none of them do." Jared quickly pulled the vixen into a strong hug again trying to stop her from saying anything else and hopefully stop the tears that seem to come so much easier now when they talked.

"They are wrong Alex, all of them. I told your mother and father tonight and they are going to listen." He sat there holding her as she hugged his side and rubbed his stomach. It wasn't until that paw drifted lower that he started to have some concern. "Alex... ALEX!" Her paw was between his legs when she finally looked up at him.

More than just a little surprised it was Cassie that had to answer for them. "You can't be serious." She told her younger sister breaking the hug and moving her hand away.

"Please Cassandra, I need him! They don't like me, they never will... And now he's going to be Nessandra's!!" She spat out. "I never get anything! Please, please.... please let me have him just once. I may never have a chance to feel like a real woman without him, please." As she pleaded her paw slipped back into his lap reaching for his privates.

Her broken begging was tearing at both of their emotions, 'I should never have kissed her!' "Alex I can't." With that he fled helping then forcing Cassie to take over. She gathered her sister into her lap as she broke out with a sob holding onto her as she completely broke down. It took several minutes before the younger vixen gathered herself enough to again try and beg and plead stating that no one would ever want to love her. Even arguing the point didn't matter because Alex came back with the fact that not even Jared wanted her messed up body.

"I'll tell you a little secret." Cass whispered to her sister trying to pull her up enough to listen. When she finally had her attention she simply stated. "Jared changed because he was scared and because he was worried you were going to feel him getting hard. What you don't understand is that he has spent nearly all of his life alone with me. I have always know that I belonged with someone else, I knew I had someone else who I should be with but he... Jared lost his parents, was taken away from his uncle, survived several years of them trying to make him believe I wasn't real, and then it was all about trying to catch up in school and pretend to be normal, because of all that he never really had any close friends. When were were coming here he was worried, he was sure he would be kept in some back room until the princess was needed. He had hopes that Nessandra might be a potential girlfriend but you, he has always felt different about. You are like a sister, brother, and friend all wrapped up in one. He does love you Alex and he's scared of that. He didn't run because he doesn't want you, he ran because he can't handle that right now. I also think he must be asleep otherwise he would have said something by now. She gave a light press against him not even getting a stir which gave her a few seconds of worry.

"Cass would you, could you let him be with me?"

"I just don't know. I don't think that would help you or him." She could feel her grab tighter giving a near silent, keening whine.

Two sharp knocks and her bedroom door opened letting her mother and father walk in. Cassie cursed herself nearly snarling, she needed to start remembering to lock her door and figure out some way of knowing when someone was in her rooms before they opened her bedroom door. Alexandria squealed when she realized who it was letting go of her sister and trying to crawl up onto the bed behind her. Stopping several feet from the bed both parents looked the pair over.

"What is going on here?" Lady Lindara demanded.

"Oh not much, just Alexandria asking Jared if he would have sex with her." Cassie stated flatly.

"He WHAT?!" She could feel Alex crawling further behind her whimpering quietly which caused her to become seriously pissed as the High Lord placed his paw against his wife's shoulder to stop her from speaking. "May I ask what Jared's answer was?"

"He panicked." She snorted. "Although I am concerned about him. We need a healer to check him out he's done nothing since we changed."

After several seconds of silence where she had again gave him a light push and got nothing, Lord Marverath spoke, "Very well. Now will you please explain to us why you think we're blind." He requested.

"The only way I'm going to explain anything is if you two both sit down and stay silent! Come on Alex get up." She nudged and pulled her sister, helping her off the bed. It took several moments and twice Cassie had to actually drag Alexandria back when she tried to leave. The second time she moved in behind her sister keeping her hands on the others shoulders. "Now, When was the last time either of you two saw your daughter naked?"

"I... When he was a young boy." Lord Marverath stated.

"Did you show her?!" The words were condemning and Cassie turned on her mother with a snarl when the younger fox cringed.

"Mother SHUT UP!! If I ask a question you can answer but otherwise keep your muzzle shut or I promise I will find yourself gagged even if it means I have to try and use magic to do it!" Again the High Lord placed his paw on his mate, this time on her knee. "NO I didn't see her!" Cassie growled, "but she was able to thoroughly explain. Now when was the last time you saw her?"

"After his... incident." She spoke through clenched teeth.

"Father every decision you made concerning Alex was wrong, and the worst part is you allowed the family to ruin him. He grew up being told he was different and to hid himself but never why. He was told as a child to grow up and be a man, to help rule this land, and most importantly to marry and have kids to strengthen the family, especially to have sons to keep the line strong. He was constantly told how handsome he was, how good he looked, and how that would make make this family strong with healthy kids. He was second in line to rule and was told how great of a man he could be. Imagine his shock, his horror when he was told that you were going to finally fix him. The mages explained it all, including the fact he would never really be a man and could never have children because he lacked the balls to do it. Your son tried to talk, tried to find someone who would listen and all he could think about was becoming the Gelding Prince! After all what good is a man who can't even create children. THAT is what you allowed the family to do to him. He figured that if he couldn't be a man than maybe he should be a woman. He thought that if he cut off his dick everything would be alright because then he could be girl... Then you fucked up again! You should have understood something was wrong but, for the good of the family, you tried to hide what he had done. Until he started wearing girls clothes... Really good mother, when his body was blossoming and she was trying to find herself you drag her out of Nessandra's room half clothed and shamed her in front of everyone! And now I find out they are still doing it! I can't believe you two never once tried to help her!"

"Cassandra that is neither accurate nor fair. We have done a great deal and allowed him more freedom than anyone else would have."

"Father, I really hope you are blind and not that stupid. When have you EVER sat Alexander down and talked with HIM? NEVER!!" She screamed out. "YOU only care about what it looks like for the family and you're going to KILL HIM!" She had tears in her eyes from frustration, anger, and fear. Both Jared and Cassie had been upset and angry over how Alexander had been treated but she had always had a much deeper fear. If a ten year old boy could take a knife to his privates to try and fix his life what would stop him from aiming higher and freeing himself completely. Taking a shuddering breath she held on to Alex tighter pressing her forehead between his ears. "You don't understand that trying to fix his body will destroy his soul. He is your son, and your daughter. Not just in body but in his soul. Jared and I can understand his struggle so well... and you know what scares me." She said starting to truly cry against her sister back. Struggling for words she continued, "That you'll ignore me and Alex and change him anyways. Then the next time he lifts a knife it will be aimed here." She thumped hard on his chest.

"Cass I can't, I won't..." "Not now Alex but one day you'll find yourself trapped in your own body, your family still won't listen, and you'll think its better for everyone if your just gone." She was barely able to speak trying to whisper out past her fear and worry. "Your cracking Alex, I can feel you break more each time they force you. I know how scared you are." The younger vixen had no response and now clue how to deny her sisters words nor give her some sort of comfort that she wanted to.

"Alexander." Compared to Cassie's quiet words her father's voice seemed strong and she pushed back against her sister. "Alex, step forward." Lord Marverath ordered.

There were firm hands on her shoulders as she was nearly pushed forward with Jared's voice, "Remember we promised you, we swore to help you, with our lives if needed." She turned to look at her sister smiling at her even with a tear wet fur till she grimaced, "Cassie please that's to much." He stated sounding strained, "Besides I think we should step out for a few minutes."

Before Alex could protest Nea's spoke startling everyone. "Agreed, Cassandra should be sequestered and I don't think this conversation should be moved. I'll watch her for an hour and bring her back."

Even against Jared's protests and complaint Cassie suddenly snarled at the older vixen. "Why should I have to leave my own room!"

"Because you're in season girl and you don't even know it! I had a sense of it before but now that I see you I know." Cassie had been ready to rebuke any argument, or so she had thought. "Irritated, Emotional, Irrational, and starting to turn into a real bitch aren't you. No wonder why your other half is having such a hard time coping, what were his words... that you were to strong? Tell me Cassandra what exactly is he saying now?"

"Nothing... He's not responding again, but he thought I should listen to you." She replied quietly.

"It's not easy, especially the first time but, on the bright side the two of you have shaken up your parents, and me. Now it's Alexander's turn, if he can't talk when they are willing to listen then there is little you can do."

"If my daughter is worried or scared then there must be something wrong. I can not see either you or Jared worrying over nothing after all the two of you have been through." The High Lord stood gently moving in behind the young vixen and guiding her to the bed. Lady Lindara moved scooting up so that Alex could sit between them. "Out of all my children I have probably given you the least, and part of that was because I was unsure what to do. It seems now your sister is right, we have mad a great many mistakes concerning you." He said after he sat down.

Cassie was all for staying as Nea lead her to the door pulling back to watch the trio. However it was her mother that looked at them and tilted her head towards the door mouthing 'please' that finally allowed the older vixen to lead her out.

Besides the few hours they stayed in Nessandra's room the pair was forced to stay in Cassandra's apartment. They had been told not to change allowing nature to happen naturally and for the most part that was what they did. Jared staying back resting as Cassie slowly drove herself nuts. If it wasn't for Jared pointing out how she was acting different she might not really have noticed herself, being irritated enough to threaten the female guards at the door with violence to suddenly going and ravishing the food that had been brought in earlier that she had sworn not to touch. Often times her emotional swings left Jared staggering and pulling away to avoid the stronger emotions she had. Of course the sexual aspect was there as well slowly creeping up on them until Cassie ran for the bed fingering herself silly usually with multiple orgasms before she could stop. Jared could feel the difference in that too, the sensitivity and the quickness to heightened pleasure. The only time he did make an appearance was when Cassandra pestered him so much that he gave in, then she had her way with his body, but by the time she was through on the second day he actually growled at her to stop already being sore and nearly raw in his privates. He was actually glad the magic forced their entire bodies to change including the fluids that were on his chest. Cassie had tasted and played with it a bit but was seriously disappointed when it wasn't still on her and her thoughts at the time made him worry.

It was a real relief on the forth morning as Jared woke up first knowing that he would get most of the next two days to work with the exhibition before Cass would be required for most of the time after that. As he cautiously nudged her awake he tried to slide over surprised to find an arm around their middle which pulled them back into a tight hug. "Ness?" He asked quietly not believing she had snuck into their bed. He felt her lean in and could feel her breath as it blew past his neck as her muzzle settled against their cheek.

"Good Morning. Mother asked me if I could wake you."

"You mean she wants you to check and see if I'm stable?" Cassie slipped in. "We're fine, she was doing better yesterday afternoon, and I feel good too." He added in.

"How good?" Ness whispered as her paw started stroking up and down her sisters belly. He kept a firm grip on his thoughts and feelings as Cassie's body gave a full shiver.

"That is not what I asked you to do." Lady Lindara's voice called out across the room. She stepped aside allowing the two servants in as Nessandra gave their cheek a lick and moved away.

"You asked me to wake them up and tell them to get ready, not how to do it." Giving a little growl the Hight Lady looked back at her other daughter as she scooted to the end of the bed and sat up.

"Shower later. Jared needs to get dressed and ready now. The Larkin council just made an announcement and they've requested to speak with him and there isn't much time before everything is ready. Cass was already changing to Jared leaving him staring at them in a nightgown scrambling to pull a sheet back over himself.

"Could you all please leave?" He quietly begged sending a extremely upset feelings at Cassie who just giggled away. He found out through a hurried breakfast of bread and jam, that the council had announced both the sale of the Trone and the showing at the exhibition allowing it because a majority of the profits were going to the Larkin Government, and because the Mystalane empire was going to help speed up internal rebuilding projects. They had made it out to sound like a nearly illegal act, but since the profits were being distributed to help both nations they were not going to interfere. Lastly he was told they claimed to have full access to the box and its contents which they would be displaying when they chose. Jared had no real time to be upset over the matter nor time to think as he was hurried along by the High Lady who lead them into a small room where there were two mages standing at each corner and seven half bodies floating between them.

Things did not start out well as the Lady Lindara made formal introductions and then left. The ferret spent the next hour arguing over and over again doing his best with Cassie's advice to stay ahead of the group. "That is IT!" Cassie finally stated in Jared's voice taking over. "I am tired of hearing the same things and even though you haven't actually insulted my father this time I am extremely tired of you implying that I have to do the right thing. Let me state this so you ALL understand. Your predecessors should have been arrested and jailed for what they did and I find the lack of action and half hearted attempts to retake what they stold disheartening. Nothing you've said to me has been very reassuring and I DO feel like you're trying to take the bars and won't give them back. After all you have already claimed to have full access anytime and you never even asked me!"

"Jared... I realize this might be troubling." Craize started, "But we needed to act since several of our papers are printing stories and rumors, including that we are all taking full portions of the Trone's sale for personal use. I have to ask if you are going to publicly contest our statements."

"You're wondering if I'm going to walk out and tell everyone they are in fact my bars, belong to me, and that the Larkin government will never see them? I will stay silent for now head councilor but this discussion is over, for now. If you wish to continue this conversation it will be face to face. The first princess suggests some of you attend her benefit and perhaps we can make some arrangements then."

They could both see several of the council members were looking upset or frowning one even stating. "We were assured these discussions would be between yourself and us. No one from the royal family line was to interfere."

Jared ended up snorting while Cassie let out a little chuckle. "Council members there is no such thing as privacy when you speak with me. Princess Cassandra isn't one to just sit back and listen any more than her mother would be. I'm not going to bother trying to explain nor was I told that this was solely between the council and myself, I apologize for bringing her into this. That being said I would assume that some of you would at least attend her event since a portion of the funds will be benefiting the Larkin government and I would hope that some of you might stay through the week. I am merely suggesting we set up some sort of meeting then. Just remember one thing.. Those items are MINE! They will not leave the Imperial Bank unless I can be assured of both their safety and their return.

The rest of his day was spent just as fruitless with arguments on the exhibition and also against several family members who made it a point to corner him. His and Cassie's only high point of the day was after dinner once again seeing several vulpine ending their meal and trying to exit before him and Nessandra. Jared pulled back the curtain and laughed before turning around, he grabbed Alex along the way and the trio went out the main hall's front door.

The next week the pair was shuffled around everywhere with an escort larger than normal and several times Nessandra accompanied Jared, sitting by his side with more guards than even Cassandra normally had. Often times the pair would simply laugh when the family tried to plan some sort of Marth including one in the hallway after Cassie had eaten breakfast with her sibs. She walked a dozen paces or so before allowing Jared to change their head and give bows in both directions gaining several snarls of frustration before the pair continued to court. With Jared's insistence they both spoke with Nessandra on how to possibly alter their attitude to better handle the family, or in Jared's point of view trying to help Cassie be a little less arrogant.

With less than a week before Princess Cassandra's Gala event, which was the true start of the exhibition, Jared was summoned to meet the High Lord immediately. When they got to the study he was told to wait by Drake and the pair stood in silence for several minutes before Lord Marverath and Nea came down the stairs from his private room.

On the way out the old vixen grabbed Jared's arm. "Child, you have a way of making the family even more upset, especially when they are trying to show their displeasure. Although I will congratulate you on one fact. They have never before tried to shun someone outside the family, whether they realize it or not they have accepted you... in part." Her stern voice and words weren't quite in sync with the light upturned smirk she gave as she let go.

Once the door closed the High Lord spoke, "You may begin Drentan."

"Of course father. Jared, Cassie, even though the High Lady wishes this information to stay a secret she will allow you to hear it with the knowledge that you will never repeat it and to remind you that you can not reveal your past." Clearing his throat he continued with a flat steady voice.

"When the light produces the first daughter of a pair a change will come.

She will blend with the blood of the old and bring about the birth of a child.

The child will cease the lands of the old and restore what was lost by

forcing the lands return or cleansing the souls of the land."

'I knew it!'Cassie spoke literally pouncing on Jared in her excitement. He completely ignored Drakes explanation as she started one of her own.'Jared we are blended closer than blood... normally the old prophecies would say mixed.' Her words almost mirrored her brothers.'However I don't have to have a child! They mention Ness in the beginning and that could be important. If I am the first born of two AND I blend with the blood of the old THEN I can bring about the birth of Nessandra's child!' ~ 'Are you telling me to have sex with your sister?' He cringed as she mentally smacked him hard. 'What I'm just saying that...' ~ 'I know,' she interrupted him, 'you and Ness are probably going to be together. I think even the family will realize that in time but Jared... we CAN'T tell them. If anyone finds that out then Ness will be in danger.' He quickly ran through that train of thought and hit the same answer she had minutes earlier. If others knew Cassie was supposed to bear a child that could possibly bring back the lands of the old it would explain why she had been kidnapped and why they had been attacked. 'Cassie we have to be careful! Anything we do could bring about a child. Maybe its not even mine.' He envisioned them having a fight and Ness storming off which changed to a picture of a dark room with a male who grabbed Nessandra. Cassie gave a mental snort for an answer before giving him a much more realistic scenario of him kissing Alex who let her dress fall.

The pair had a strong moment of silence before Jared looked up realizing true silence continued. He looked at both tods stopping on the High Lord who looked upset. When the other fox opened his mouth Drake waved his arm. "Father wait... Jared, that seemed rather, in depth. What were you two discussing?"

"I'm sorry we can't tell you." He quickly answered.

"Do you wish to speak with the High Lord in private?"

"NO. This is not something we can tell anyone." Cassie answered with his voice.

Lord Marverath let out a slight growl. "But it is about the prophecy? Something the two of you figured out? How do you expect me to rule this land or prepare for the future if you two hold back information that I might need! Drake told me... How strong is your oath to this family and our nation?"

This time the pair did shiver feeling the squeeze and a pressure that settled in. "Strong enough." Jared answered weakly. "Please we are trying to protect, others."

"Yet your oath tells you otherwise."

"Is there anyway to ask you not to act knowing what I tell you." Cassie spoke this time using her own voice.

"No. But I will listen to you Cassandra. Tell me why you're worried and what you want and I will talk with you about what we can do."

Jared could still feel her reluctance and spoke himself hoping it would be easier on her if he told what she had figured out. "Cassie will never have a child. It would be difficult and probably impossible because of who we are and what would likely happen to an unborn child if we ended up changing." While father and son exchanged glances he continued, "The prophecy only says that she will bring about the birth of a child not that she will have one."

"Nessandra." The High Lord stated quietly. "YES, and I... we can't protect her, if someone thought she or someone else was part of the prophecy..." Jared left the thought hanging.

"Cass is probably correct in trying to hid such information." The older tod responded.

"Jared," Drake suddenly spoke up, "What do you mean by.. or someone else?"

"Um well I wouldn't even be able to have a child unless Cassandra agreed. She could easily interrupt a mating session, but when I thought about making Nessandra angry and possibly putting her in a situation where she could be taken advantage of Cass reminded me of Alexandria."

"You have plans for him as well?" The High Lord demanded while standing.

Cassie took pity and spoke as Jared cringed under that forceful father stare. "I was only thinking of possibilities. Alex has implied once or twice she would like me to allow her to be with Jared, and he is rather uncomfortable since he does have feelings for Alex. Speaking of which, I spoke with Lady Merina and asked if she knew a few males who might be open or interested in Alexander, Jared approached Lord Callen privately inquiring about a few females. We were hoping to set up a party where Alexander would be able to change as he chose."

"Cassandra you are pushing to far!"

"No I'm not pushing far enough! The only reason Alex is still interested in Jared is because she thinks no one will ever want her messed up body." Cassie countered.

There was a slight growl from the High Lord but it was the first prince who intervened. "I believe Alexander has already agreed to be able to attend an equal number of events as a prince or a princess including hosting a charity event and is willing to go through his ascension ceremony as a male. It would not be hard to hold a private event where he could be introduced as both, provided the guests were approved first. I to would like to see Alexander more involved with others that are his age. Father he may never find physical pleasure with a woman unless she is creative, and I have no wish for her to sneak out for an experience when she finally realizes Jared won't help her out."

Nothing was said for nearly a moment leaving Jared staring at Drake who only raised an eyebrow at them before finally explaining. "You're not the only one Alexander is speaking with anymore. He has stopped by my apartments a few times asking some... inappropriate questions because you were busy. Don't look at me like that Father, you and I had several discussions on women and he's too scared to even ask you and now to curious to ignore his male half."

"He needs a great deal of help finding friends and people who will accept him." Jared stated firmly turning back to Lord Marverath. "Too much of his life you've held him in the palace hidden and I agree with Drake she may go looking for someone else just for the experience." Cassie added, "At the moment he's no longer begging to be made a full woman since she doesn't fear being altered."

"Enough! I will consider the matter, for now you may gather names Only! Now back to the original subject. You believe Cassandra can not have a child and you think it is likely the prophecy speaks to a child Jared will bear."

"Yes." Jared answered. "But it will only be the one that Cassie allows if the prophecy is true. Perhaps it has already happened. I mean ever since Nessandra and I met she was adamant on me being allowed to marry her and in truth Cassandra brought us together so that means if we do have a child it will be because she did bring us together to bring about a child."

There was again silence as everyone considered the possibility. "I want to thank both of you for sharing, not just now but with Drake as well and I will thank you for all you've done with Alexander. The two of you and him are causing a great deal of trouble for the entire family and our nation. There have been multiple inquires about Aurthur's son and the sudden return of Lady Cassandra both good and bad. Alexander now only adds to those questions. You two are both intelligent and one can say head strong, together I would consider the two of you dangerous without ties to the family. Also Nea has brought something to my attention, Lorran.. Take them and explain." It was a confusing but a clear dismissal.

They watched as the hare opened the door for them and lead them through the palace. "What's going on?"

"You'll learn soon enough." Was the only answer they got as he continued leading them to the back of the palace to a waiting car. Jared stopped completely when he recognized his crest on the back. The car was heavily plated and well protected with a royal blue color hosting a trim that was a dark green made to match his house colors as they wound around the car. It wasn't until he got around the front side that he noticed the small squares at the corners that bore the royal seal.

"I guess you're no longer just looking or playing the part are you... Lord Jared." Donald gave a pause before giving his title, tipping his hat to the young ferret. The bobcat was dressed in a matching uniform of colors and Jared walked over being stopped by Cassie just before he began a polite bow. 'He's your driver.'

Almost at the same time Lorran spoke. "Donald is your new driver, and hopefully your first true servant. I know you have noted the relationship between the High Lord and Nea and might have noticed others who shadow one of the family. Most are servants, trusted men and women who hold one of the families complete trust and often times are like a second conscious when needed, Nea is an extreme example. She is only a distant relative but was High Lady Machame's closest friend. When she fell sick she asked Nea to watch out for her son. When Marverath became the High Lord he asked Nea to treat him like a son and watch over the family. Behind the scenes she is very powerful, but she is obviously doing a good job keeping many things from becoming serious problems." Jared though of the canine they had meet there first day at River Rush seeing her several other times at Nessandra's side.'Florance.' Cassandra added for him. 'So then Donald...' They both looked over their driver again. "It wasn't easy finding someone. In reality these are people you or Princess Cassandra would chose over time. Donald was the only person who the two of you know that seemed appropriate and it seems he has a good deal more knowledge than I had expected. He is someone who could offer advice and give help to both of you until you are truly able to learn more."

"I guess." Jared finally said, "And Cassie approves."

"Well then Lord Jared and Princess Cassandra. If you will please get in there are a few places I could take you." He was wearing a rather big grin opening both back doors showing two bench seats inside facing each other. Out of nowhere three guards showed up climbing in first before Jared and Lorran followed. "I think we should start out with Bervante first. He as a request for Jared to make at the auctions and even though you're not here he really does wish to meet with the princess. Donald started out driving down the ramp. The ride was very informative as he pointed out shops and buildings, not just stating what they held but who owned them and their most notable supporters, or in a few cases enemies.

The meeting with the avian was just as interesting starting with Cassie passing along, through Jared, an invitation for him to attend a special lunch that was to be held before her event started. Even the small talk served with tea had a great deal of information on notable people and alliances and the pair began to wonder if this wasn't planned out. When enough time had passed Jared asked why he had come. "Oh yes. Well I was informed that you would be closing the auctions. I'm sure you already have quite a nice speech set up but I was wondering if you wouldn't change a little to help out a friend."

Normally that would have put them on their guard and it did some but the look the ferret had was more than a little worried. "Lord Jared I promise it's not that much and I can of course ask someone else if you don't think you can."

"It isn't that Maser Bervante, we were told that all they wanted from Jared was to close the auction and thank everyone for attending." Cassie stated.

"Thank you for the honor Princess, but... one of the biggest auctions ever and all your going to do is thank everyone for coming? Jared's contributions will likely end up being close to a million or more and that doesn't include the Trone. Something like that requires more than a few words, especially since he seems so keen for preservation." It wasn't but a minute before Jared had several sheets of paper in front of him jotting down ideas as Cassie and Bervante pointed them out. When the avian politely added his own request it wasn't but a second of thought before Jared added it in. A half an hour later Donald popped back in to collect them but by then Jared had a decent idea of what he thought would be appropriate. He thanked Bervante and assured him he needed no other help at this time but he might show up again soon.

"That would be a good connection for Jared but probably not for Cassandra." Lorran said quietly as they got back in the car. Donald jumped right back in to handing over information before he even moved the vehicle forward only going a few blocks before stopping suggesting Jared ender a certain store and try to buy a wallet.

It took over an hour before he was allowed to leave as the owner suddenly showed up then several other business men who were evidently holding a meeting in the back. Jared gladly would have left and even protested on several occasions to not really knowing what exactly which trade policy the court was considering and also informing them that he had no real say in such a matter. The thing was Cassie was fulling interested in hearing their ideas and complaints picking up extra knowledge. When they finally returned to the car she thanked Donald getting him to laugh. That was how the afternoon and evening was spent. Stopping here or there, sometimes short but often quite long, always with something that interested one of both of them. The only reason they stopped and began heading back was it was to dark to see much and there was no where else available to go. "I want one of you to take a ride at least once a week, preferably twice for now. Leave the destination up to me and Lorran will get them approved. I'm being paid quite well to try and help the two of you but I can't do that if all I'm allowed to do is drive you from there to there."

"Agreed." Cassie spoke out as Jared. "I believe that would be best for now. We both need to learn a lot more than just who's who at parties."

"I was given quite a few rules kid but I'm willing to throw them at the ground. I was hired to help you not follow all those restrictions, and as I told you before that could be a lot of help, with of course the exception to your safety." He quickly added in realizing the guards were still there.

"That is why I chose you." Lorran said simply. "If you happen to show up at odd times with a package or perhaps leave with something you didn't come with I would assume its just something we missed."

"Exactly!!" The bobcat exclaimed turning up the start of the ramps.

In truth they only got one day the next week to spending all of there time inside the palace and courts splitting lessons between both Jared and Cassie including one on self defense that started out explaining weapons. They were still blocked from learning any magic, something the council had insisted on, but Lord Marverath had told them that basic instruction would start soon. Besides meals and the little time they were allowed to change they had no free time. Both of them were expected to be at the exhibition, auction, court, and the palace for dozens of events including several coming in days before. All of their study lessons and meetings were in hope to fully prepare both of them.

Keeping in with the High Lady's wish they did their best to speak only as the dominate one passing along messages as needed but that meant they ended up having to change frequently so the opposite could be present. Though they were both happy with how often they were asked to change so they could be spoken with, it turned into fully changing five or six times during the day once the healers felt it wouldn't be to taxing.


"Ladies, Lords, Citizens, and Honored Guests of Mystalane. I am grateful to each of you who have come out tonight to help sponsor such worthy causes." It was a long, and Cassie felt, an over practiced speech addressing everything from those who were currently suffering to the ancient past, running through the need for preservation while keeping the future in focus. She finally got to the finish thanking her events most serious supporters including Jared before officially inviting everyone to enjoy themselves.

Although Jared had been asked and ordered he had refused to agree to disappear for the night only agreeing that he would stay silent and then only if he wasn't needed or requested. As it turned out that wasn't necessary since all were interested in Princess Cassandra with the exception of just a few who simply asked to extend a greeting to Lord Jared as well.

It turned out that they had more than enough knowledge to discuss not only the coins but the governments and trading practices of the periods involved and quite a bit of current politics as well. The real prize exhibit, as expected, was the Trone and accompanying bars moved from the bank the day before and set up with thick protective glass and several defensive spell. Jared had spent more than an hour with Lord Callen making sure the displayed information and positions of the stands were to both of their liking. Which was why it was such a surprise to the pair when they found both stands gone and an old wrinkled mouse standing next the the glass explaining to a group about the bars and answering their questions. It wasn't until they finally found Lord Callen that the pair found out why.

"What do you mean the Larkin council insisted?" Cassie asked quietly as she stepped away from several others walking by causing the Shepard to follow.

"I saw nothing wrong with it Princess since Professor Galin is well known teacher who has been teaching at several of the most respected institutes. I believe even your father was instructed by him at one point and Lord Jared's father as well had several classes with him. Besides doesn't the Larkin government have full access?"

Cassie took a deep breath being very careful as she answered. "I believe Lord Jared and the councilors were still discussing the matter and their announcement was somewhat premature. Lord Callen I believe you understand the bars will be returned to the Imperial Bank at the end of their allotted time no matter who insists otherwise."

The Shepard looked around silently before nodding slowly, "I see... Do you wish the signs returned?"

"Absolutely not! As long as you believe this professor is better than he should be allowed to stay. I hope you will inform one of us if there are any more, extra requests." From then on she tried to stay closer to the Trone's display listening as often as she could to the old rodent speak. Although he did mention the dig site several times and where the box had been found he never mentioned Aurthur Ferannce or Jared as far as she knew, he stuck with the past and left our current politics.

The night lasted a long time but Princess Cassandra felt it was a good one, proving herself knowledgeable and capable of running the event even to the point of getting extra sponsors and bonus pledges. Although she had no clue what the total was even Lord Callen agreed she likely had taken in millions from the Mystalane elites and jokingly added she could have left a little more for him later on in the week.

Next up was Jared turn spending most of the next two days at the historical palace being available to the public as they came through including two smaller evening openings. He ended up answering questions from history to personal some of them rather strange and he was surprised about some of the rumors, like did he just use fur coloring and pretend to be someone different. The second day Jared brought along a copied image of the twins which he showed to those few who were overly curious telling them that they shared one body by magic. He was also sort of glad that he wasn't quite lying when he stated that no one knew or understood the magic that had brought them together, avoiding the fact that he was in part responsible.

The third night he was invited to a more private event at the historical palace, one which he felt more out of place at than any other time that he had spent in the capital so far. It turned out to be a party of notable people from different countries and royalty. Jared was feeling both a little upset for being invited and foolish for even coming since the main thing that was happening was him being ignored, that was until Nessandra showed up. She latched onto his arm and drove him through the party both introducing him and engaging him in conversations with others. The surprising part was when she lead them right out the front far earlier than he would have thought possible. As she called for her vehicle he considered going back inside now that he knew three of the Larkin council were there.

"Leave it Jared, no one seems to want you there so no one is going to miss you, or me. I however would appreciate your time and attention." He hadn't even finished turning around when her paw cupped his chin and she started a kiss pressing their muzzles together. Seconds later her head tilted slightly and a vulpine tongue slipped along his lips. He pulled away as the car pulled up seeing her grin as a guard opened the door.

'Cassie?' He asked quietly slowly following Nessandra while waiting for some kind of response. He had meant to leave a little space between them but she vetoed that by scooting over and pulling his arm around her shoulder. "What are you doing?" Cassie finally spoke, her voice flat.

"Snuggling. Then I plan on taking Jared back to my room and stripping him down. After a little fun with him I want the two of you to switch so I can have a some private time with you. Then Jared and I are going to finish." Once again they were kissed, this time with more depth as Nessandra took most of the control moving so she was nearly seated in his lap.

'Cassie.' He called several times during the kiss before she answered back with a blast of irritation. 'What am I supposed to do?' ~ 'You're the one that wants her.' Jared had to push Nessandra away holding his paw up as he tried to calm his body. 'Yes I want her... but I want you too.'He could feel every inch of her surprise. 'I don't know how to say it otherwise. Cass, the closer I get to Ness the more I feel how much I love the two of you. I do, I really do want to have sex, and I know you want to try it out too but the more I learn about her the more I have to admit I'm attracted to you. Being near her reminds me all the time of you, even just watching you in a mirror.' He added feeling slightly guilty as he confessed. 'Hopeless.' He felt her respond but it still came with a feeling of surprise.

"Ness do you have some kind of protection?" Cassie stated out. The vixen had been pressed up against his side stroking over the ferret's chest as she waited.

"Don't worry I checked with a healer, I am safe for a few days at least."

"Are you sure?" Jared questioned.

"Relax." She stated snuggling deeper into his chest. "Father already told me so I'll make sure."

"He told you?" They blurted out together in surprise.

"Of course. He wants the family to try and adjust. He said that we would have to wait at least three years for marriage and that I can't get pregnant no matter what." She could still feel his stiff body and sense and argument they were having. It went on long enough that she started getting suspicious. "Cass, what are you stopping him from saying?"

There was a long pause before he answered. "Nothing."

She sat up staring directly into his eyes. "Then what are you hiding."

"Ness.. I can't, WE can't, won't talk about it. No one else can know."

"So you both think you should hid something from me." Her tone was quiet and held a very sharp edge. Cassie spoke while she tired to hug her twin who tried to pull away. "Ness I didn't even want to tell father."

"I can protect Cassie but I can't protect you." Jared added.

"What do you mean?" Jared pulled back silent, this was not what he was hoping for and he couldn't see a way of not upsetting Nessandra.

It was if she echoed his feelings, "Do you know how frustrating this is? When she hides like that I can't even feel her at all. This is not what I wanted!" She stated with a half growl. "I wanted to be with both of you tonight and try to feel both of you."

"I wish you could feel me, then you'd know."

"What would I know Jared? How am I supposed to know anything unless you tell me!" The rest of the ride to the palace was done in silence. Jared got out last but before he could step away Nessandra caught his arm. "You know I'm half tempted to take you to Father and demand to know what's going on... did you swear on the Purelight?" She asked quietly.

"No." He answered.

"Tell Cass to stop hiding. We aren't going to get anywhere if we start keeping secrets." It only took minutes before she had them inside her apartments and spoke the instant the door closed. "NOW, I don't want to ruin my plans for tonight. I have been looking forward to this all week so I want you to promise me we will talk in the morning."

"Ness we can't, I know you don't..." 'Cassie! Let it go. I think she needs to know. The prophecy is about her, not just you.' It had been a while since the pair had a real argument both disagreeing strongly with Cassie even jumping on Jared stating how he just wanted sex to which he claimed he couldn't even try if she stopped him. As they got back into it after a pause Nessandra stepped in close giving them a shake before hugging them.

"Is it really that bad?" She was glad when they finally hugged back. "I don't understand what is going on but I want to know. You said you can't protect me, does telling me put me in some sort of danger?"

The pair stopped to think, "I don't know." Cassie answered.

"If you don't tell me will I be in less danger?"

Jared had thought hard and had a possible solution. "If you get pregnant you will be in more danger, so if you do or if we want to have a child I will tell you." He listened carefully waiting for an answer from Cassie but felt nothing.

"So you, Cass, and Father believe having a child will be dangerous." She stated flatly.

'Cass?' Jared nearly begged hoping for her to back him up. They were still hugging and she took control holding her twin just a little tighter sending love and comfort through their link. "Jared is right. We will have to tell you but not right now. Don't ask questions Ness and don't think about why. Only by silence can we make sure no one else ask questions either. I AM in danger because they want me. I don't want them thinking they might get what they hope for by harming or taking you."

He could almost feel tears in his eyes from her emotions. 'It will be alright Cass.'~ 'You don't know that!' She shot back. It might have gone further but when a paw reached into his slacks to loosen them while another worked where his tail was tucked in, they both stopped to stare at Nessandra.

"I'll let it be. I can feel how upset Cass is." Her next tug made his pants nearly fall if she hadn't caught them and pulled him forward guiding them into the bedroom where she pulled him close to the bed before letting go watching as the slacks piled up around his ankles. "Now help me out." She stated turning her back to Jared. He started with the three buttons before moving on to the latches that held the dress together. When he got the last one above her tail she stepped away turning as the cloth slipped down her arms before dropping them to her sides allowing the garment to descend to the floor. "Much better."

She stepped back rubbing her near naked body against his as she started a deep kiss. Jared had been hard ever since he had stepped into the bedroom but now it felt like he was getting even harder as she began disrobing him caressing and rubbing each part as she freed his fur.

The vixen knelt down as she gave his boxers a tug leaving him in only his shoes and a crumpled pile of clothes. His hands rested on her shoulders as she worked to lift his feet out of the mess pulling the clothes and shoes together and tossing them away when she was done. Rather than get back up her paw trailed up his thigh to gently cup his sack as his shaft gave a solid jerk skyward in response. She gave just a slight kiss to the tip as she pulled his penis down. "Are you both ready?"

"Yes we are." Jared quickly answered trying to step back to the bed only to be held firmly in place by the paw that tightened around his shaft.

"Remember I want to feel you both." Ness stated leaning forward sticking her tongue out to run it over the tip before doing a complete circle around it. "Oh." Was all he was able to mutter as a shiver of pleasure ran up his spine. Jared's body stiffened as her paw dropped and his shaft slipped across her tongue and slid into her muzzle.

They had never felt such intense please before and Cassie tried to give a warning, "He's.. he's not going to last, long." She had trouble trying to talk as her twins tongue glided across the bottom of his penis and circled over the top. Backing off and letting him slip free, Ness gave directions.

"I can feel you Cass but not him. Try changing after he starts but not the bottom until he finishes." She let her finger trace up the slick member watching as it bounced and twitch before she went and tweaked the tip smiling as his hips gave a slight thrust forward. Again her tongue flicked out running from his sack all the way up to his head before dipping it down and sucking it back inside her mouth and almost beyond.

"Oh damn." He groaned feeling his orgasm start. Changing proved difficult as Jared's hand first reached out for Nessandra as Cassie tried to take control but beyond the head and paws he had a lock on the body and pleasure that kept spewing out the end of his penis as he rocked and moaned against the vixen's muzzle.

She kept it all swallowing hard twice breathing out then swallowed twice more before sucking in some air. Cassie pulled back still trying to change leaving the last blast of cum on her twins tongue before the member literally vanished swapping out for female privates which began to moisten as her body took control. She gave a sharp gasp as her sisters nose moved in rubbing against her outer lips.

Nessandra had the sudden interesting thought of slipping her tongue insider her sisters sex delivering the last bit of Jared's seed but instead kept her mouth closed as she stood up. With her arms she pulled her twin close one paw sliding behind her neck as she pressed their noses together before opening up and invading Cassie's mouth slathering his gift between them. Cass didn't struggle accepting what she wanted with a little bit of curiosity as she attempted to taste the flavor of Jared mixed up with her sister's tongue. "Close. I could feel him shaking." Ness said quietly when she finally broke the kiss.

"I don't think there was much else he could do." Cass responded with a little giggle. "That was far different than when we do it."

She licked her twins nose placing a paw over her sister's mound and pressing against it. "Lots of things are going to be different for both of us. You're next, go lay on the bed." She ordered stepping away heading for her dresser. Cassie flopped down spreading herself out waiting until her sister returned holding a small box. Not saying a word Ness opened it up and laid three objects on Cassie's belly making her squirm as one rolled off.

"Ness I'm not going to do that." The last thing that came out of the box was a small lidded jar before she set it on the floor.

"Yes you are." She informed her sister. "Why are you saving yourself, and for whom? I'm sure both you and Jared want to know what its really like and unless you plan on just grabbing some random male this is the best way. This one is the one Florance got me for my second heat." The younger twin held up the round shaft showing it off. Jared had recovered fast when he realized what Nessandra was proposing but he did his best to stay small and extra quiet making sure to let Cassie make her own decision. "It won't be that hard and I do plan on enjoying this with the two of you." The vixen nudged her sister over just enough to sit down on the bed. To push the matter further she licked the end of the rod before sliding it into her mouth pushing the whole thing in before drawing it back out leaving it lightly coated in her saliva. "Its smaller than Jared but a little longer."

While she held the dildo in one paw her other made its way to her twin stroking up and down her thigh. "Ness..." It was just a word but uncertainty, worry, and even a protest followed in feeling. "Would you feel better if Jared did it?"

He tried to hide deeper when is name was mentioned going so far as to start to pull away from the world to give her more space. He felt her flare of irritation knowing she was speaking something before he fully pulled away curling up into a tight ball feeling nothing until she finally came fore him. Her first nudge got no reaction causing her to give several hard pokes. It wasn't until she went after him pulling and dragging him back before he responded retaking most of his space but still holding back. 'Jared!' she spoke actually sounding angry now.'I promised I wouldn't do anything to your body that you don't want.'It was several seconds later before he was asked a simple and honest question. 'And what do you want?' ~ 'This isn't my decision.' "Jared!" She grabbed him as he finished yanking him forward almost to the point of changing. 'You and me. We ARE sharing this body, so what do you want!'

Cassie gasped as her eyes snapped back open at the flood of images and feeling Jared released. Sex, pleasure, sex, toys, and SEX as every wild thought he had in every position he could think of burst our both possible and improbable including a few images of Alexandria that slipped out as well.

"Wow..." Ness stated softly staring at her sister suddenly grinning, "That has to be a yes, Please!"

"Sorry." He said softly.

"Don't be!" Ness quickly replied. "I really felt that. I mean, I know males are lust driven but that was like, middle of heat fuck me now and screw tomorrow!"

"Ya, kinda I guess."

"So Cass you got his answer are you ready?" Jared realized they were sitting back up and one of Nessandra's fingers was just inside tracing a small circle up and down only just nudging that bump that would make her squirm. Suddenly the finger did just that slipping up and pushing a circle around her clitoris making Cassie gasp and almost slap her legs shut. Twice more that finger went around making them both breath in deep soaking up the sensation of someone else touching them. The breath was shattered as her mouth slammed shut but that didn't muffle the quiet whine as Cassie shot a serious glare at her twin. Jared could feel it just like Cassie could but he wanted to see, dropping their gaze down to their crotch he could see where the other vixen held the end of the plastic toy against the lips of their body the rest buried inside her now clenched vagina.

Cassie held back a bark wanting to growl at her her twin as that finger was suddenly back at her clit tracing a circle that pressed it firmly against the invading toy. She did whine out 'Ness' as the finger made a few more slow passes and the dildo slipped slightly back and forth. "It's only going to bet better." The words were soft as the plastic was pushed slowly deeper till it's base flush with her body. They were still adjusting to the first few slow draw backs and insertions not realizing at first that Nessandra had moved their paw placing it at the end of the plastic. "Jared, you want to try?"

It was a question that had both of them shivering as he did take a hold of the toy easing it back slightly while asking permission. "I want to see you like before, only this time I want Jared to pump it in and out." He pulled back a little more feeling their body grip harder before he tried to slip it back inside her clenching hole.

Nessandra shifted positions crawling up onto the bed kneeling over them as she grabbed her twins muzzle and kissed hard forcing them backwards. They dropped back onto the bed with Ness mostly on top, "Fuck her Jared, Fuck her good." Her hand joined his gripping the plastic tighter and beginning to trust hard inside starting up a quick pace as she locked muzzles with her twin again. Jared continued that speed keeping it going even though he still hadn't actually received permission, although she hadn't asked him to stop either. The older twin was quickly being overwhelmed as Jared pumped their cunt with a dildo and her sister slid off slightly playing with her breast as she kept them locked in a kiss. When Nessandra finally began to grind and hump against her sister's leg Cassie finally began to moan and push back against the toy.

Breaking away and grabbing onto them Ness called, "Faster Jared, fuck her hard!" Her own crotch began humping hard grinding her wet sex against them. Jared did his best straining to keep control on the arm as he tried to jackhammer the toy inside their body. Another moment and Jared was actually shoved away and locked out as Cassie drove the plastic as deep as she could bitting her lip and keeping her mouth clamped shut preventing her scream as she orgasmed around the toy. He wasn't at all upset as he pressed in close trying to help lift her hips a bit higher to hump against the toy a bit harder.

He waited only a second after she collapsed back to the bed before yanking back control of the hand wiggling and pulling the dildo back out against Cassie's weak protest. He took more control rolling their body sideways a little pressing against Nessandra as his paw fumbled at her crotch. Making an effort Cassie looked down giving him the site to score driving the plastic toy roughly between her twins lower lips slamming it in with a sense of satisfaction feeling Nessandra's paws grip their shoulder hard with a grunt. He pounded as fast as he could with the awkward angle as Nessandra locked lips with her sister again as she began thrusting her hips against them. Ness was far more vocal screaming out a wordless cry mashing their paw between her crotch and their leg as she reached her peak.

Wiggling the hand free was easy, so was rolling Nessandra onto her back as Jared began to change taking full control of their body again. He wasn't rock hard anymore and his body had just finished cumming, but with a solid grip on his privates and thoughts about what he was going to do now kept him more than stiff enough as he pushed her legs apart and moved between them.

With a simple move he pulled the toy out and tossed it off the bed positioning his own shaft so that it gently kissed her lower lips. There was a moments pause in which all three participated in, but without any words or thoughts of objections he pushed in bucking forward to finish the job laying down on top of Nessandra.

It was warm, wet, and snug gripping him like nothing had before. He would have started to trust wildly if he hadn't felt Cassie leaning on him savoring the feelings he had. Holding his other half close he slowly lifted his hips back sending a wild thrill of pleasure through them as his penis drew back pulling against the force that gripped him. Jared wasn't expecting Nessandra to grab his head and yank it down so she could speak in his ear. "Now I feel you both."

He had a pleased little grin which was interrupted by Cassie speaking. "Is that because he's inside you?"

He had a moment of confusion as he felt her start to laugh inside as Nessandra answered with a laugh of her own. "No I feel that too. Ugh, Jared, come on get up." She helped him up until he wasn't laying on her leaving him half upright with a little more maneuvering she got him settled on his knees gently thrusting insider her as she wrapped her legs around his middle.

Cassie was probably the main reason why he took his time letting her enjoy their first time as much as she wanted, slowly trying different speeds and angles. When Ness commented about being comfortable they rolled to the side together hugging tightly as he kept moving as best as he could until he started getting soft and slipped out several times. With a delighted smile she rolled him onto his back gently sucking his erection back before she climbed aboard and ground out another orgasm for herself.

Still wanting him to finish inside Nessandra moved towards the end of the bed turning her rump his way and looking over her shoulder before she let her head drop and ass lift a little higher flicking her tail to the side. In seconds Jared was up and inside, slapping against her moist privates while taking a near painful grip of her hips. In less than a minute he ended spewing heavily inside her channel holding on to the strongest orgasm of his life, pressing his eyes tightly closed long after he was finished. Feeling very drained he leaned over her back wrapping his arms around her, leaning on her to try and stay inside. Her wiggles only made him hold tighter as she tried to make him slip off. With a low growl she shoved her back up in an arch before he finally rolled away still keeping a firm grip on her pulling them sideways together but losing that special connection.

Jared was finally breathing normal again and snuggling just a little closer trying to move the blanket out of the way when Ness spoke, "Is Cass okay?"

"She's fine." Something in him could sense a thought of a question which irritated him even as it made him wonder. "Hey.. I said she was fine. I think she is as wiped as I am."

After nearly a minute of silence she pulled away sitting up to look down at him. "Jared, can you feel me?"

"No. There are times when I know Cass reacts to something and sometimes I think maybe I feel something." Came his quiet reply.

"If you could would you want to?"

Jared was confused and unsure how to answer so Cass came forward reaching out for her twins arm. "Why do you want to feel him so bad?"

"I'm not jealous of you, not really. I just think it would be perfect if we could all feel each other." I could know everything about him and understand what he felt."

"NO!" He exclaimed half pulled back. "I don't think I can handle someone else on the inside."

Feeling her twin stiffen Cassie quickly sat up pulling her closer and turning their head so she could press their cheeks together. "He's not saying that to you personally. Besides he is right for another reason as well. Part of a relationship is learning each others differences and understanding one another. We've done that for through years of shared experiences, you'll just have to catch up the normal way."

Nessandra wiggle way moving back up the bed and pulling the sheet out before laying down waving him to follow. When he finally moved down next to her she pulled them together and buried her head in his chest. "I was just thinking that if Jared really couldn't be hurt by magic that I could try and make a mental connection that way." She didn't even give him time to answer before adding in. "I know its beyond stupid and just some silly little thought."

"No it's just stupid." He finally told her, "You don't need that. You already have a special connection to your twin and that means you have one with me. Maybe it's not as strong as you want but remember you already told me, you can't have one without the other. Well I'll tell you this... What one of us has both of us have. Maybe I can't touch you directly but I know Cass can and maybe if I worked at it I could too." He could feel her shiver slightly before he broke away struggling to pull together the sheet and blankets to cover them up before flopping back against her body exhausted. Not bothering to put up any protest he just let go as Nessandra pulled away, it was a few seconds before she was moving back having turned around so she could lean her back into his chest. Jared held her with one arm kissing the back of her neck and head several times before snuggling against the pillow and closing his eyes.