Just Another Monday

Story by DJgalven on SoFurry

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#1 of Just Another...

'It's just another Monday, it's just another Monday...' was the mantra going through his head, a cup in each hand. He kept his head low, idly sipping at his tea as he made his way to his desk, avoiding eye contact. But it was all for not as a thick arm came down in front of his vision, forcing him to stop.

"Hey Robin... you got my coffee today?" Came the gruff, authoritative voice. When Robin continued to ignore him, the paw came down and gripped his shirt collar. "'Ey, runt! I asked a question! You got my coffee?"

Robin let out a low squeak of terror, before holding out the aforementioned coffee in a lavender-colored claw. "H... here Davis... One sugar, two cream, just like you like it." The paw let him go to take the coffee and he was pushed aside towards his cubicle.

He slowly sank into his seat, sighing as he picked up his headset. 'It's just another Monday... just another terrible, stupid Monday...' went the mantra in his head, even as he started up the first call of the day.

At just a mere four foot seven, the buzzy beetle was easy to pick on for his size, but his low weight and lack of muscle just made it worse, on top of his bright purple coloring. Even as he took the call, his purple fingers drummed on the desk, talking a customer through the benefits and cons of their premium package. He sighed and sipped away at his beverage, even as he carried on the conversation on autopilot. 'Just another Monday... I wonder if Lizzy is here yet...'

Finally, the customer was satisfied and he was able to relax for a while, keeping his headset on as he slurped away at his green tea. It was one of the few things that brought him joy, this little period of peace with tea in hand and his eyes closed. No one was expected to call for another thirty minutes and he had the entire time to himself...

"Hey. Hey. Hey, lizard-boy!" The voice slowly broke Robin out of his calm state, eyes opening only to look back into a pair of crystal clear aquas before they pulled back. The beaming face of a jack rabbit looked down at him, right before her paw came down and gave him a noogie.

"Hey yourself, Lizzy. How was the morning jog?" The buzzy turned around in his chair, admiring his best friend with a smile tugging at his lips. Elizabeth, or Lizzy as she liked to be called, wasn't that bad to look at. She was taller than him of course at a nice even five foot five, and she was as muscular as Robin was sleek. Her eyes betrayed nothing but kindness for the man in front of her, and he was sure that his eyes reflected the same.

"Eh, uneventful, I suppose. Got gawked at by someone, gave him a bloody lip for his trouble of course." Her lips spread in a devilish grin as Robin laughed heartily. "After that, grabbed a water and decided to see how my favorite lizard-boy was doing."

Robin smiled softly, nodding slowly as he drained the last of his tea and setting the cup beside him. "Well, just about the same for a Monday. Hassled by Davis for a coffee, dealt with a customer and I have another in..." He tossed a sideways glance at his computer clock. "About ten or so minutes."

"Yeah, I hear ya. Gotta get over to the other side of the business soon, I just figured I'd stop to say hi." The jack rabbit smiled, brushing a stray hair out of her face and adjusting her hair band. "Anyway, catch ya after work for a movie, Mr. Eight to Four?"

Robin smiled and nodded. "Yeah, sounds like a plan. I'll pay for concessions if you pay for the tickets." The alarm on his desk sounded and he gave a simple wave of his hand, turning back to his work as he switched his headset on. "Good morning, now your problem was our garden auger wasn't getting to speed?"


"Good bye to you and we hope you'll keep coming back to Siman Techs for all your gardening and electronic needs! Have a nice day!" His voice dropped back to its normal state as he pressed the hang-up button on his headset. With the last call of the day done, he yawned and stood up, putting everything back on the desk and shutting down his computer. Mug back in hand, he stood and walked out of the cubicle, heading to the street.

Just outside the building, Lizzy was waiting for him, her foot tapping on the ground with an ear drooping over her face. Her face turned from one of minor impatience to one of delight as Robin emerged from the building, adjusting his tie to a looser position.

"So, what movie are we seeing, bunny?" He laughed softly as the rabbit's paw came down and bopped him on the head. Lizzy grinned from ear to ear as she lightly punched him in the shoulder before answering.

"We're going to go see that Avatar movie that everyone's going on about. It's supposed to be awesome, for what it's worth as another sci-fi flick." She pulled out the tickets, handing Robin his. "Well, come on. We have a 4:30 showing and the theater's about a block and a half away. We still need to get our snacks!" And with that, she was trotting down the sidewalk, forcing Robin to follow after as best as his stubby legs could take him.

Once inside the theater, they got their snacks, placed their tickets in the hands of the usher, and walked into the theater, sitting down next to each other. As the movie played, Robin was happy he was with Lizzy, moreso than normal. It was like it was a date and yet... it was different all the same. There was absolutely no question they were friends, but there was also the possibility... no. He wouldn't dare say it out loud. It was just another Monday after all.


The next week brought much the same thing, but it also brought a little bit of change in the buzzy beetle's mood. And only he knew what was the matter with him. He gave Davis his coffee without a single word, all the while the voice in his head calling to him 'Just another Monday... just another Monday...' it was starting to even drive him insane.

"Hello, thank you for calling Siman Techs, may I take your complaint or your praise for our products?" Almost instantly, the voice on the other end burst into a spout of uncontrollable fury, the customer clearly one of the many furious.

"Sir. Sir. I'm going to have to ask you to calm down, you're making very little sense. You say that our water heater has flooded your attic? Please explain the problem in more detail... uh-huh. Yeah. I see, I see. Well, it sounds like our repairman did an improper installation. Did you watch him as he installed the product? Of course not sir, I'm not questioning you... I... Sir, I... Sir, I'm going to hang up. Please call back when you're a bit more rational. I'll still file the trouble ticket, but I'll need you to call with more details. Thank you for calling." He pushed 'end' on his headset and sighed, sitting back in his chair and staring at the ceiling.

'Come on, Robin... keep it together. First customer of the day and you're already pretty frazzled... just wish that /that/ would go away...' He sighed softly, rubbing at a temple with a paw as he sipped from his tea. The cool aroma of the beverage was all that was keeping his mind in focus, and even that was slipping away with every drop he swallowed. It didn't help when a familiar voice called from behind him.

"Hey lizard-boy! Wakey wakey!" Came Elizabeth's sing-song voice, even as she draped her arms around Robin's neck. "How're you doing today?" Robin opened his eyes in time to see Elizabeth's nose wiggling. "Mint in the tea? Uh-oh, you're having one of your days again, huh?"

Robin just nodded slowly as he pulled out the complaint pad and started scribbling away. "Yeah... I dunno what it is, and the doctor won't give me some anti-depressants. Ah well, I'll just hope that this helps." He gave a soft little laugh before turning around. "So, how was the jog this morning? Cold clock any other admirers?"

The bunny shook her head, her ears flopping from side to side almost comically, despite behind held back with a hair tie. "Though I did stop at this really cool place... they have vitamins. Maybe you just haven't been getting enough to eat? You're pretty skinny there, Robby." She poked at his ribs, making the buzzy beetle jump into the air a little bit. "Course, you're probably just getting exhausted working here. Maybe ask for a transfer?"

"Nah, I can't. I'm having too much fun being here. Too. Much. Fun." He sighed, even as his headset started ringing. "Hello, this is Siman Techs... ah, hello again, sir. Have you... ahhh, I see, the water main busted due to poor installation. Yes, we'll have someone out in two hours.

461 Oakland Drive

. We'll be pulling up in a blue van with our logo proudly on the side... we'll repair or replace your water heater free of charge. Thank you sir, have a nice day."

He turned back around, only to find Elizabeth gone from the cubicle, leaving the buzzy beetle's heart to sink further. 'Just another Monday, after all. Not like it'd be any different...'


Tuesday and Wednesday came and went, just as they always tend to do, leaving the buzzy beetle alone in his apartment as he lay curled up on his bed, tears flowing down his cheeks. Thursday... it was always a Thursday when it hit. Every month without fail, it started with cramps, then with sensations that... that he'd rather not describe. And so here he was, crying his eyes out and begging for some relief in the deepest recesses of his mind only to be pushed back each time they surfaced.

Usually it was just quiet, nothing going on except this... maybe sometimes he'd watch TV or read a book... but this time was one of the normal times. Him, being alone. So it surprised him to no end when the doorbell rang, that plaintive 'ding dong' breaking him out of his stupor.

With freshly dried eyes and tossed on clothes, he answered the door, with some degree of surprise to see Elizabeth waiting for him. She smiled softly and stepped in without a word, giving the astonished buzzy beetle a basket with plenty of gardening tools.

"Hey there... I heard you keep cooping yourself up in here every month, and I decided to see why. You're normally so cheerful the rest of the week." She smiled, plopping herself down on Robin's couch.

"I... yeah, I suppose so... thanks for the gardening stuff, but uh... why are you here? I don't remember ever telling you where I live..." He sniffled a little bit, feigning a cough.

"Well, I had to do a lot of digging around work in the personnel file. Anyway, why are you so eager to be alone on these days? What keeps you locked in here?" Elizabeth's face was one of genuine concern.

"I... if I told you, you'd hate me. Just like my father did. Now, you've said your piece, and I'm asking you to leave..." Robin's cheeks flushed, he was obviously flustered about something.

"Come on, you can tell me! I'm your best friend, remember?" Elizabeth smiled, walking over to the buzzy beetle, though her smile quickly dropped as he moved back away from here, til he was against the wall.

"I won't say it again, I'm asking you to leave, Lizzy! Please, do it just so there's nothing wrong between us, or because you don't want to lose a friend just... please, leave..." Tears were forming already, just leaving the rabbit all the more concerned... and feeling a little heartbroken to boot.

And when she took that final step forward, that's when everything started to click... a box in the trash, the general scent in the air, and a suspiciously growing wet spot in Robin's boxers... her eyes grew wide with astonishment as she looked down at the shy, cowering, whimpering buzzy beetle in front of her, her voice lowering to a whisper as she asked just one little question.

"Are you... do you... are you a girl?" She never saw it coming, what happened next. All she felt was a sudden, swift pain in her jaw and felt blood running down her chin. Only when she saw Robin's face did she realize what had happened. He'd hit her. And hard.

Elizabeth's eyes started to tear up before either could do anything about it. Robin reached out a hand, trying to calm her, to apologize... but she threw him off and ran out the front door, not another word between them both as the door slammed.

And then, Robin was alone again, alone with his terrible secret... divesting himself of his clothes again, he stared down at the source of every single problem in his life... no, Robin wasn't male. He wasn't female either... he was some sick abomination. The body of a male, with the... the genitals of a girl... and then he broke down and started to weep. Openly and loudly.


The next Monday came all too quickly for him, even as he walked into the building with tea in hand. He was shaky, nervous, and most of all worried. 'It's another Monday... I hope Elizabeth isn't mad... Just another... Elizabeth!' His heart leapt to his throat as he saw the familiar face in the lobby. Something just made him run to her and tap her on the shoulder.

She looked around at him and then sniffed. "Here to hit me again, Robin, or just to go to work? Because I don't need another Thursday like last week's..." The buzzy beetle's heart sank just as quickly as it had risen.

"I can only say I'm sorry... that... that topic is... is touchy for me. Please, can we talk about it after work, where there won't be people listening?" He pleaded, trying to put all of his charm into this one question.

"You hurt me, Robin. You know you can trust me, but... you've never reacted like you did last week so... I'll give you a chance. And it better be good. Where do you have in mind?" The rabbit's arms came across her chest, even as she glared at the lizard in front of her.

"My house. After work. Can you please be there? You don't have to show up if you don't want it's just... I might as well get this off my chest..." His head dipped, before he felt her paw on his shoulder.

"I understand. Secrets hurt, I get that. I'll be there Robin, don't doubt me for a second..."

Robin was left with a smile on his face as he walked upstairs... something about this felt therapeutic... like it was finally going to get this burden off his shoulders.

'Just another Monday... just another... possibly good Monday...'


And it still felt that way when Robin walked into his apartment, setting his tie on the coat rack and waiting for Elizabeth's knock at the door. He settled on his couch, his foot tap-tapping on wood floor as he looked around. The blue walls seemed to come around him, wrapping him in their calm as he folded his legs together.

The knock came. Slowly at first, but then more rapidly. Robin gathered up what little courage he could find in himself and opened the door slowly, finding the face of Elizabeth on the other side. He smiled nervously, which was quickly returned before the rabbit walked in.

Both sat down in uncomfortable silence, each looking at the other... eyes of amethyst looked back at clear sapphires, before the buzzy beetle broke the silence with a sigh.

"So... the... the reason I hit you... oh. It'd be easier to just show you so you can make fun of me and get out of here." Robin stood up and without another word, dropped his pants right in front of the rabbit. Between his legs was no sheath, no balls, not even a free-hanging shaft. Just the oddly familiar sight to the rabbit... a pretty slit, decorating the otherwise male's body.

"You... are you a boy or girl?" Elizabeth whispered, her face one of stunned astonishment. Her voice trembled a little bit, even if the buzzy was the one naked in front of her.

"Neither... apparently I'm a... a point-oh-five genetic mutation in my species... it's a bit higher in other creatures, but I'm the only living one in mine. I'm a cuntboi, to use an unofficial term, and an intersex to use the doctor's terminology..." His voice kept catching, waiting for the rabbit to call him something hurtful, then leave... but it never happened.

"Robby, why did you never tell anyone? There are always people who will understand... I, for one, don't find you a freak. You're still lizard-boy to me." She smiled softly, even as the lizard creature sat down in blank silence. This was never what he expected from the rabbit.

"I... I didn't want anyone to mock me... and you especially because... because... I..." He flushed bright red, the words wouldn't come out of his mouth. He tried and tried but the words would not come...

"Robby... I love you too." Elizabeth whispered, the words coming in so quietly that Robin had to do a double-take to make sure he heard right. "I've kinda known I do since the movie two weeks ago. I just didn't want to say anything.

"So... you love me, despite me being a freak?" His voice cracked, even as Elizabeth stood and walked over to him with a sauntering step. She bent down until her face was level with his and then... their lips met. The buzzy could swear that somewhere in the distance he'd heard fireworks going off, even as they kissed. Hands wrapped around each other as they shared in an embrace, both of them whispering sweet nothings to each other.

"I just didn't want to upset you, Lizzy... I never meant to hurt you with that punch... I... I just... I can only say I'm sorry..." He whimpered softly, burying his head against her shoulder as he started crying into her soft fur. He'd never really noticed how comforted he felt around her but... it was definitely showing now.

"It's all right, Robby... just let it out... trust me, I know how you feel now... and don't worry about my jaw, it's fine." She giggled softly, even as they cuddled there on the couch.

"Thanks Elizabeth... I'm still sorry I did that to you..." He smiled weakly, giving her an affectionate lick on the cheek as he brushed her ear back to behind her head. "Besides... if I kept this quiet for too long, I'd have self-destructed before long..."

The jack rabbit smiled, running a cream-colored paw down Robby's cheek. "Well, don't worry about it now, hon, I'm here for you now..." Suddenly she started laughing, nuzzling the buzzy beetle's cheek. "Now lemme up... if one of us is gonna be naked, we might as well both be."

Robin chuckled softly as he let the rabbit up, watching quietly as she stripped off her top, small, but pert breasts bouncing free of her bra and shirt as she smiled down at him, only to follow it with her black silk pants and matching panties. Slowly, she climbed back on the couch, bumping the smaller creature onto his back, pressing her lips to his neck and gently suckling.

"Mn... what're you doing, Liz... that... that feels good..." He purred softly, his eyes widening just a bit as her thin, raspy tongue started brushing along his hide. He wasn't complaining, oh no... he was just wondering why the sudden change.

"Making you feel good for a change... you need this, even more now that you have someone to share it with you." She smiled softly, before her lips started tracing downwards along the lizard's body, her teeth gently locking around a nipple and suckling. Both were surprised from the small squeaking moan that rose from Robin, but she kept on going, her tongue brushing over the little nubbin with swirling, teasing motions.

Robin let his paws fall uselessly above his head, succumbing himself to the teasing of his lover's lips, even as she moved down towards his treasure, his whole body jerking away as he whined out. "P... please... I'm still a virgin down there..." His cheeks turned the same crimson as ever, giving a weak little smile.

Elizabeth only smiled and peeled his legs back open, giving a gentle kiss to his box. "Then don't worry about it... it's no wonder why you're so tense and irritable... you've never been laid, silly buzzy..." Her tongue barely touched against the buzzy's slit, drawing slowly along the length of that opening, a weak moan rising from Robin.

"O... Oh gods! I... ohhh... E... Elizabeth!" His eyes clenched shut as that tongue slowly wormed its way inside of his slit, the rabbit's raspy tongue doing more than just tease... the way it drew along Robin's walls was unlike any small bit of pleasure that he'd ever felt from accidentally rubbing against himself! His body was quivering, his eyes were unfocused as that tongue stabbed in and out of his vagina. The gentle stroking of it brushed against his clit and right along the innermost part of his body, leaving the poor intersexed male moaning and crying out in utter delight.

Her fingers gently brushed against his lean hips, even as her tongue moved around inside of the male's body, searching out the little bundle of nerves that would bring the buzzy beetle to that satisfying, first climax... and it wasn't long until her tongue homed in on that bundle of nerves that controlled the male's pleasure, the thin organ mercilessly attacking that one spot as Robin's moans got progressively louder and louder and louder and...

"L... LIZZY!" Was all that Robin was able to form as his body started convulsing underneath the rabbit's attentions, thick splashes of feminine honey splattering along Elizabeth's snout, the male's cries dying down to low, weak, rasping breaths.

The rabbit just smiled as she moved her way back up, pressing another kiss to Robin's lips, sharing with him the fruits of his very first orgasm. "Mmm... so, what do you think of your body now, hon?"

"I... I think... I think I'm going to start enjoying myself a lot more..." He smiled weakly, gently kissing her back on the cheek. It wasn't long before it devolved into another deep, impassioned kiss, both of them groping wantonly at each other... neither cared if someone came in and saw them as they were. This was love at its finest. Content to be with each other, neither had any plans for that evening.

A fact that was not lost between the two of them, the two meeting time and time again for a passionate love-making only to rest again a few moments later. It was as if all those years of sexual frustration were just melting away and coming to the surface in the young buzzy beetle.

They stayed like that for... well, no one will ever know how long, the rabbit and buzzy beetle cuddling one another and occasionally tasting of each other's body, drawing deep of their love with each other...

After all, it was just another Monday...