Working Bears 2: Victor's Choice

Story by cyberklaw on SoFurry

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#6 of Working Bears

Victor of the Working Bears club has a choice to make...

The third of the five stories comprising Working Bears 2. This particular story is all about Victor. When I was brainstorming ideas for Working Bears 2, some form of exploration of his backstory was one of the first ideas I came up with. I already kind of knew what his story was in vague terms, but it was fun to explore it in more detail.

Working Bears 2 - Victor's Choice

by Cyberklaw

"Alright, guys, Good job tonight! It was a difficult night, but you handled it admirably!"

The slave bears of the Working Bears club filed past Victor, nodding their grateful acceptance of his compliments. The club had just closed and they were off to shower and rest.

They had most certainly earned it, in Victor's opinion. It really had been a difficult night. They had been understaffed since Master Thurman had taken seven of the bears off for a special business event of his elsewhere. As a result, the remaining bears had been required to work extra hard to keep the club running and the customers satisfied.

Of course, there had been a few problems, a few customers unhappy that the bear that had been looking forward to making use of was suddenly unavailable. But Victor and the bears had did the best they could under the circumstances and the big ferret felt that they had done an excellent job.

As he watched the exhausted bears leaving the club and head for the locker room, he felt a surge of pride. Not just in himself, but in the bears. He felt so incredibly proud of them for their hard work and dedication tonight. They had done such a fantastic job serving Master Thurman's business, and he made a mental note to be sure to let Master know that specifically in his next report.

The ferret paused when he saw the muscle-bound black bear called Doc, immediately sensing something was wrong. He knew every slave bear very well, and so picked up on Doc's uneasy body language. The bear was wearing a blue jockstrap , a white lab coat with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and a stethoscope hanging from around his neck.

Victor put a paw on his arm as he passed, stopping him. "Yes, Sir?" Said Doc.

The ferret put a comforting paw on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked. "You seem a little troubled."

The black bear looked thoughtful for a moment. "Perhaps a little, Sir." He said, with a shrug. "Just had an unusual customer tonight. I'll be fine."

"Very well, Doc." Said the big ferret. "If it does keep bothering you, if you need to talk about it at all... well, at least as much as you can without divulging details about the customer... please come and see me. I'll be happy to help."

"Thank you, Sir, I will." Doc smiled his appreciation.

"Go get some rest." Victor said, patting the bear on the back.

"Yes, Sir." Said Doc as he departed.

Victor headed for his office, stifling a yawn along the way. He was feeling a little tired, but couldn't rest just yet himself. He had paperwork that needed his attention. Plus, he wanted to personally welcome back the slave bears that had been missing tonight. Master Thurman had told him they would be back some time tonight.

He slipped into his office, closing the door behind him. Although it might have been small and simple, he really liked his office. It was his own, mostly private, space. It was pretty much his home most of the time, given him by Master Thurman. Knowing that made it feel more special and valuable.

Of course, technically the whole club was his home, his domain as it were, entrusted to him by Master Thurman, to run and operate for him. He loved this place and the job he did. He was vaguely aware that he was originally given this position as a form of punishment, that he was enslaved and put to work for Master after some bad thing he had done. He could even remember when he first started, having a degree of uncertainty and unhappiness.

But over his many years here, he had come to love this place, the bears he worked with and the life Master had given him. He supposed it helped that he only vaguely remembered his life before the club, leaving this as the only life he really knew, but he loved it all the same.

He settled himself into the chair behind his desk, scanning over the paperwork waiting for him there. The ferret forced all other thoughts from his head and focused himself on the work he needed to do.

A little while later, Victor stopped and glanced up from his paperwork at the clock. It was almost time.

He didn't know how he knew this, or what it was almost time for. The knowledge was just suddenly there in his head. He quickly put it down to some aspect of the mental programming he'd received when Master Thurman first enslaved him.

The big muscular ferret slipped the paperwork into a folder, and placed the folder safely in a drawer of his desk. He then stood up, stepped around the desk and stood in the centre of his office, waiting. He didn't know why, just that it seemed like the thing he should do.

Before too much longer, three muscle-bound bears barged into the room, glaring at him disdainfully. And then the knowledge hit him, he suddenly knew.

It was time for his punishment.

It all came rushing back to him. Now and again, he was to be punished by some of the staff bears of the club. That was what Master Thurman wanted. The bears would punish him and then leave, and forget ever having been there. And for his part, he knew he would not be able to retain any knowledge of which bears had done the punishing. This was all exactly how Master Thurman had set things up, programmed their minds to operate.

And on top of it all, Victor knew that with absolute certainty that he deserved whatever punishment they dished out. He had done something terrible, and Master Thurman wanted him to be punished regularly for it. Even if he may not been the same guy he used to be.

Two of the bears grabbed his arms and threw him up against the wall, pinning him there, even though he offered no resistance. Their paws held him firmly, squeezing his arm muscles uncomfortably.

The third bear shot out a paw and grabbed his tight blue briefs at the waist and gave them a mighty tug, pulling at them so hard and fast that the fabric ripped and it was torn away and discarded.

Before Victor knew what was happening, the third bear grabbed his now exposed cock and squeezed it. Hard.

The ferret grimaced and hissed as pain shot through him, mingled with a slight twinge of pleasure at someone, anyone, handling his manhood. That didn't happen very often.

It didn't last, as the bear released his grip and withdrew his paw. Despite the pain, a part of Victor wanted more, wanted the bear to keep his paw on his cock, to give him some degree of sexual release, as he was very rarely allowed that.

But he also knew why he was rarely allowed that. He didn't deserve it. He deserved punishment.


Only then did Victor notice that the third bear had something in his other paw. It was a small leather flogger. And he noticed as he raised it... and a moment later brought it down, striking across the ferret's chest.

The sting of the leather against his flesh caused a sharp burst of pain through his torso. Victor tensed his body, gritting his teeth preparing himself for the next blow.

The next strike came a few seconds later. And then another. And another.

Victor didn't struggle or resist. He accepted the punishment he knew he deserved.

Eventually the flogging stopped, but Victor knew it wasn't over yet. The bear doling out the punishment nodded at the other two and they flipped the big ferret around so that they now had him pinned face first against the wall, his back and ass exposed.

The flogging resumed in an instant, the leather striking across his muscular back, thwacking against his bare fur and flesh over and over. Victor couldn't help but grimace as pain shot through him with each blow, grunts and hisses escaping his muzzle.

He didn't know how long this treatment went on for, or exactly how many times the flogger was slammed against him. He didn't keep count.

But eventually it ended, the bear tossing the flogger aside, leaving the ferret feeling sore all over. He knew he wasn't bleeding, the bears were always careful not to break the skin. However, his muscles were aching, his skin sore and sensitive, his fur matted with sweat. He would have liked nothing more than for it to end there, to have had a chance to endure the pain he deserved and recover.

However, what he would have liked, what he wanted, didn't enter into it. His punishment wasn't quite done yet.

The third bear moved in close, running his paws up and down Victor's back, massaging the aching muscles, ruthlessly and forcefully, setting off shots of pain with every touch, every rub and knead. Victor simply couldn't stop himself snarling a little, expressing his agony.

And then he felt it, something hard rubbing against his sore ass cheeks. He realized that the bear behind him had pulled out his cock and was getting ready to...

The bear launched himself forward, one paw savagely yanking aside Victor's tail, spearing his rock hard shaft into the ferret's tail-hole, hard and fast. More pain rippled through the ferret's body from the sudden violation. At the same time, the bear's paws on his back became rougher in their rubbing and kneading.

Growling, the bear behind him proceeded to fuck Victor, hard and fast, slamming himself completely into the ferret until he was pressed up against the ass, which was still sore and painful from the flogging.

Victor braced himself, enduring the swift intrusion into his ass, bracing himself for the swift and savage fucking he knew was coming. A part of him did feel some sexual pleasure, some arousal and excitement at being used like this. But it mixed up with and diluted by the pain from how fast and hard the bear was using his hole and the relentless massaging of his sore, whipped body.

As the bear pressed on, savagely thrusting into him again and again and again, Victor did his best to stay silent and take his punishment, even if the occasional yelp or cry slipped out of him. He had a way to go yet. He knew that each of the three bears would take a turn ravaging his ass before this was over.

But he would endure it, he deserved this punishment for being such a bad ferret...


Victor and the bears all froze in what they were doing as the voice washed over them. A voice they all recognized. Master Thurman's voice.

"Bears, stand down and release him." Thurman's voice spoke again.

"Yes, Master." All three bears replied in unison. The two holding Victor's arms let go, and the third gently slid his cock out of the ferret's rear before stepping back.

Victor slumped against the wall, a little off balance. He was trying to process this sudden development. Master was here? And he had stopped his punishment?

"Bears, his punishment is finished." Thurman was saying. "Leave and forget being here."

"Yes, Master." The bears repeated. Victor heard his office door open and then a few seconds later, close again.

A few moments passed in silence before Thurman said. "Victor."

The ferret straightened up and turned around to face his Master. The magnificent brown-furred bear was stood near the door, looking at him with a strange combination of worry and sadness that Victor had never seen before.

"Yes, Master?" He said, eagerly, trying his best not to let his Master's expression worry him.

Thurman sighed and waved a paw at Victor's chair behind his desk. "Sit down. We have an important matter to discuss."

"Yes, Master." Said Victor, rushing to obey, sitting himself down, ignoring the twinges from his sore rear and tail.

Taking the chair opposite him, Thurman sat down, He gave Victor a serious look. "It's time to talk about your future, Victor." He said.

Victor frowned. "I don't understand, Master."

"I have decided it's time to end your punishment." Thurman said. He gave this a few moments to sink in.

Victor considered this and all it meant. No more of the regular punishments, the flogging, the savage fuckings... And then it hit him. He had been put here running the club as part of his punishment.

Thurman noticed the ferret's downcast expression. "Yes, you've figured out exactly what that means..."

The ferret nodded, the thought running through his head of him maybe leaving the club. He thought about saying goodbye to his office, his home. He thought about bidding farewell to the slave bears he loved working with, that he was always so proud of. Emotion welled up within him and he couldn't stop himself speaking.

"Please, Master!" He pleaded, desperately. "I don't want to...!"

"Quiet!" Said Thurman, raising a paw. "I said we're here to discuss it. I'm yet to make a firm decision about your future."

The bear sat back in his chair. "If I'm honest, I have grown a little fond of you, something I didn't expect to happen when I first enslaved you. You've turned out to be a rather good slave and have done an exemplary job running the club..."

"Thank you, Master!" Said Victor, feeling warm with the bear's praise.

"That is why I've been putting this off for months." Thurman sighed. "Because I told myself back when I enslaved you that when the time came to end your punishment, I would offer you a choice, see if your time as a slave had changed you..."

Victor didn't remember his enslavement, so didn't know what might have been going through his Master's mind at the time.

"It is very tempting to just end your punishment and keep you here as you are." Thurman mused. "But what good is my word if I don't even keep a promise to myself? So, here we go..."

He leaned in, staring seriously at Victor. "Here's the choice. You can leave the club and my regular service. You can go back to your life and your family. You will still be my slave and I may very well call on you to serve me from time to time."

The ferret was ready to automatically reject that option, but the mention of his family gave him pause. He had a family? He didn't remember them...

"On the other paw..." Thurman continued. "You can stay here at the club in the same role you have now, but without those regular punishments, and with more rewards for your service, the opportunity to indulge in some sexual fun here and there."

Then and there, Victor was certain he knew what he wanted. "Master, I choose..."

Thurman cut him off. "No. You will not choose just yet. In your current state of mind, you are not able to make the choice properly. So, I'm going to reawaken your old self, your old memories, and merge them with your current self. When you know everything, you will think things over and then make a choice."

Although he didn't like the idea of having his future as Master Thurman's slave remain uncertain for any length of time, Victor simply nodded. "As you command, Master."

"Right then." Said Thurman. "I actually implanted a hypnotic trigger during your original enslavement in preparation for this. I just need to say it. To avoid it being too overwhelming, it won't all come back at once, but it should still be somewhat of an intense experience. So just sit back and relax."

Victor obeyed, relaxing into his chair and doing his best to dispel the tension he felt about what was to come, what these memories that were about to return might reveal.

Thurman took a deep breath. "Here we go then... Slave Victor: Awaken and remember all..."

As soon as the words had left the bear's muzzle, something clicked in Victor's mind, and there was a powerful rush of thought and emotion and memory flooding through his head, filling him with knowledge he hadn't realized was missing, such as...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Hey, Victor!"

I looked up at the call of my name. When I saw who it was, I rolled my eyes and turned away, lying back down again and closing my eyes.

A shadow crossed over my eyelids, someone was standing over me. And I was doing my best to ignore him.

"What the hell are you doing, Victor?

I let out a sigh. It seems Alexander was not going to leave me alone. I opened my eyes and stared up at the tall thin ferret stood beside my lounger. I couldn't help but think how warm he must be in that business suit in this hot summer sunshine. I was certain I could see him sweating.

"What the hell does it look like, Alex?" I said. "I'm relaxing and sunbathing."

"Cut the crap, you know what I mean." Alex glared at me.

I sat up, giving up on getting the relaxation I was hoping for. "Actually, I don't. Can you be more specific?"

That much was true. I could think of at least five things that might have got my big brother pissed off at me. And that was just stuff I could remember. It was possible I'd done something while drunk or high at one of my recent parties.

"Your Monte Carlo trip." Alex said. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Why? Is there anything else I should know about?

"Not at all!" I lied. It was always best to keep stuff from Alex for as long as possible, it saved on having to sit through his disapproving lectures. "Just messing with you. So... Monte Carlo?"

I could tell he didn't believe it. Alexander was many things, but he was not an idiot. Once he was done here, I expected he would be scurrying off to try and find out what else I had done. But for now, he focused on the matter at hand.

"I just got the hotel bill..." He began.

"Yeah, the party got a little out of control..." I said with a shrug.

"When has one of your parties not got 'out of control'?" Said Alex. "But Victor... you trashed the penthouse suite, the bar and one of the conference rooms!

"We can pay for the damages!" I laughed. "But hey, it was a wild time!"

"So wild, you assaulted the staff?" Said Alex.


"Yes. 'Ah'." Alex said, giving me a long hard stare. "I had a long talk on the phone with the manager. He told me about the drugs. And the police being called...

"I took care of it, Alex!" I said, raising my voice slightly. This was starting to get annoying and tedious. "A few bribes in the right places, a few words in the right ear... and it all went away, just like always. No charges pressed, no records kept."

"That's not the point." Alex said, shaking his head with exasperation. "You keep doing this..."

I laughed. "Of course! I'm having fun! What's so wrong with that?"

"How about the expense?" He demanded. "Are you intent on pissing away the entire family fortune just having fun?"

"Don't be so fucking melodramatic!" I said. "I could party all day every day for the rest of my life and barely make a dent in the family fortune. And we both know it."

"That doesn't make it right!" Alex snarled, getting angry. "You're wasting the money and power our family has spent generations acquiring!"

"As long as I enjoy myself, then it's not a waste..." I said, giving him a smug grin carefully calculated to piss him off all the more. It worked.

My brother's temper was flaring, his tail lashing and ears flicking. "This is not what we do in our family. If father were still alive, he'd..."

"I remember what father taught us just as well as you do!" I said, and called up the memory of what our dear old dad had always drilled into us. "We're Kazinskis. We are strong and rich and powerful. Over the generations, our family have proven ourselves better than the lowly masses of the world, and so we have the ability and right to do what we like, go where we like, control what we like and we never let anything stand in our way."

I knew Alex remembered that as well as I did. After all, Father was always rather harsh if we didn't know it when he asked, testing us. I know I still had some scars from that, hidden under my fur. I would have been surprised if Alex didn't have some as well.

"The point is, dear brother..." I sneered. "You choose to follow Father's philosophy your way, with all that dull business and political bullshit you have your paws in. I choose to follow it my own way, by having fun wherever and however I like. Now, I'm going to go for a swim..."

I wanted this conversation over with. I was fed up talking to Alex and dealing with his uppity superior attitude. I stood up and pushed past him, padding towards the large swimming pool nearby.

"Father would be so fucking disappointed in you!" Alex called after me, as I reached the edge of the pool.

That stung, but I was careful not to let it show. Instead, I glanced back over my shoulder and said something I knew would hurt him just as badly. "You never did get over the fact that I was Father's favourite."

I took a perverse degree of pride in how my words made his face twist up in anger. "You were not...!" He snarled, baring his teeth.

"That's what he said, remember?" I said, giving him another smug grin. It was always too easy and too fun to make him angry.

Alex growled. "When he was drunk and happened to be upset with me over..."

I interrupted him with a chuckle. "That doesn't mean it wasn't true!"

"You smug little piece of...!" Alex was good and furious now, ready to explode at me with one of his full on sanctimonious tirades. That would have been far too dull, so I decided to end this.

"Alexander!" I said, cutting him off. "You go ahead and tell yourself whatever helps you get through life... but we both know the truth!"

Before he could manage to respond, I shot him a smile and then turned and dived into the pool, where I wouldn't be able to hear him.

As I swam deep, the cool water feeling so good as I cut through it, I felt so proud of myself. It was always fun to annoy Alex. Over the years, I'd become very good at it.

Of course, a lot of my brother's anger and frustration came from him knowing that there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop me doing what I wanted. Father's will gave us both equal access to the family accounts and resources.

When I broke the surface of the water a few minutes later, I was in time to see Alex stomping away back towards the mansion, practically radiating anger and frustration. I couldn't help giggling a little as I went back to my swim.

When I finished swimming and hauled myself out of the pool, Watkins, my personal butler, was standing there waiting for me with a towel. The badger was dressed smartly and immaculately as usual. He was clutching a crisp white envelope in one of his paws.

"A letter arrived for you, Sir." He said, his tone reserved and polite. "It was delivered by courier a few minutes ago."

I quickly dried myself off some with the towel before snatching the letter from him. I had been expecting this. It was about damn time it arrived. Sitting down on my sun lounger, I tore it open and yanked out the papers inside, tossing aside the envelope, which Watkins scurried to pick up for me.

A smile crept across my muzzle as I read the top page of the letter. It was indeed from Thurman Arts, a sub-division of Thurman Industries, confirming that I had been granted membership in one of the exclusive clubs they owned. The Working Bears club.

I'd heard tales about the place ever since it opened months ago. It sounded like it could be fun. Hot, half-naked bears for staff. Hot, half-naked bears I could use and fuck, if I liked.

I skimmed through the rest of the letter, standard stuff. Club rules, a reminder about the non-disclosure agreements I'd signed in order to be considered for membership, vague warnings about consequences if I did anything wrong.

I tossed the letter to Watkins and laid back, to let the sun dry my damp fur. I'd read it all more fully later. The important thing was that I was in, the details could wait. And if I didn't get around to reading it, what the hell did it matter?

I was a Kazinski after all. I could do whatever I liked...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Victor blinked, momentarily snapping back to the present.

Memories were still trickling through his head, the facts of his previous life snapping into place, but they all told the same story...

"I... I wasn't a very nice guy..." The ferret said, quietly. He'd suspected, of course, he'd have to have been in order to end up deserving punishment. But seeing the exact details made that fact so very much more real than it had been before.

Master Thurman was still sat across from him, watching him, looking both stern and concerned. "That would be putting it mildly."

Victor nodded, closing his eyes as another wave of memories washed over him...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I closed the door and looked at my rented slave bears, standing to attention, waiting for my commands.

One was named Warrant, a polar bear in a blue jockstrap, a belt with a fake gun and nightstick, a police badge hanging from around his neck and a police hat on his head. A cop outside the club, as I understood it. But here and now, he was mine.

I wished the club had more than one police officer on staff. Maybe I could make a suggestion to the manager, ask them to get themselves another cop? I would have loved to have had two slave cops to fuck senseless. Especially now, as I had some frustration to let out.

But he'd had to settle with selecting another bear for this threesome and had gone with Battalion, a hugely muscled black bear wearing a camouflage pattern jockstrap and an army helmet. Some dog tags were hanging around his neck.

I had to admit, I had come to really love this Working Bears club. This was my seventh visit in the past few months. Being able to just relax with a drink, watching the slave bears work in their skimpy outfits, and then pick whatever one took my fancy and fuck them and use them however I liked... well, it was fantastic.

This wasn't even my first time taking two bears at once. I'd done it a couple of times now. Of course, it doubled the expense, but when the fuck did that kind of thing ever matter to me?

I looked at Battalion. "You." I commanded. "Hold him, arms behind his back, like you're holding a prisoner." I nodded to Warrant.

"Yes, Sir." The black bear obeyed, grabbing his fellow slave bear, roughly shoving the polar bear's arms up behind his back and holding them there.

"You can struggle if you like, cop." I said, stepping towards them. "But you can't get away. You're completely at my mercy and you're going to pay for causing me so much trouble."

One of the many good things about the slave bears of this club was that they were skilled at quickly picking up on hints and getting into whatever role-play you wanted. Warrant was no exception.

He struggled in Battalion's grip, enough to be convincing but not enough to stand a chance of escape. I reached out and ran my paws down Warrant's exquisitely muscled body, over chest and abs.

I knew exactly how I wanted the next hour to go. I would verbally abuse Warrant, then tie him up and fuck him into submission. Then I'd have Battalion fuck him while he begged for mercy. After that, I'd have Warrant on his knees worshipping me, my cock in particular, and apologising on behalf of all police everywhere for ever daring to cause me trouble. Possibly while Battalion fucked him a second time. It was a good plan.

"I'm a police officer!" Warrant said. "You can't do this..."

"I can do whatever the fuck I want!" I yelled back at him, my frustration at recent problems with the law bubbling up in me. It felt good to let it out. I grabbed his cock through his jockstrap and gave it a firm squeeze. "And what I want is to make you my play thing, fuck your god-damned brains out!"

"You have no right to..." The struggling polar bear cop started to say something.

I cut him off with anther squeeze of his cock, which I could feel was getting harder and harder. "I am a Kazinski! I can do what I like! I have more power and money than you could possibly imagine!"

And then things turned bad. Warrant, getting into the role of resistant, defiant cop, said. "Your money can't buy me..."

It set off a recent memory in me. A police officer towering over me, not a polar bear, but a bull, the horned bastard sneering at me like I was nothing. He'd pulled me over for speeding, and had found some marijuana in my car. And smelled alcohol on my breath.

I had just offered him money to go away, but he'd just laughed in my face, telling me that my money wouldn't get me out of this, that I couldn't buy him. He'd used the exact words Warrant had just used. He'd cuffed me and dragged me off to the nearest police station like some kind of criminal! The nerve of the prick, doing that to the likes of me!

Of course, I'd dealt with it. It had just taken money to some of his superiors and making a few calls to the right people. I was free again within a few hours. But it had been so damn annoying and frustrating.

I'd had my revenge. A shady detective I hired to follow the bull had provided me with some illicit photographs of him cheating on his wife, which I sent to her. And I made sure he knew who gave them to her. That'll teach him not to mess with his betters.

But still, it hadn't been enough to satisfy me, I was filled with frustration over the whole event, which had been bubbling and fermenting in me ever since. I had intended to use the bears of the club to work out that frustration.

And then Warrant had said those words. A cop saying those words to me again. I snapped.

All my anger boiled up in me at once. I slapped Warrant hard across the muzzle. "Shut your fucking mouth, you piece of shit!"

The polar bear recoiled from the blow, looking shocked. I didn't care. I was fuming. I vaguely remembered some rule about not injuring the slave bears, but right then, it didn't matter to me. I was a Kazinski. Rules didn't apply to me if I didn't want them to.

So it turned out I was more angry at what had happened than I realized. It hardly mattered. I was here to let out my anger and frustration and I was going to do just that. One way or another.

I slapped Warrant again. It felt good, letting it out. I kept going, but I don't think I could have stopped now, even if I'd wanted to.

"Damn fucking cops!" I growled. "Can't just let me have my fun! Can't recognize their betters! Can't just accept the damn fucking bribe when you're supposed to!"

I went to slap him again, but as it was moving, my anger caused my paw to clench into a fist. I punched Warrant across the muzzle and the bear let out a startled grunt of pain.

Battalion spoke up then, loosening his grip on Warrant slightly. He was looking shocked at what I had done. "Sir, you shouldn't..."

"Shut the fuck up!" I said, furious that this lowly slave bear would dare speak up to me, try to tell me what I should and shouldn't do. "You're just a fucking slave and I paid good money for you, so do as you're told and nothing else!"

As I was saying this, my eyes stopped on Warrant's belt. Before I realized what I was doing, I had snatched the nightstick hanging there. Holding it with both paws, I slammed it against the polar bear's stomach, knocking the breath from him.

Rage driving me, I pulled back to strike him again. But suddenly, Warrant was pulled away from me by Battalion, the black bear moving the coughing and spluttering police bear towards the room's bed and putting himself between us.

"Sir, you're going to have to stop now!" The big soldier slave bear said, putting a paw on my shoulder.

I was shocked. How dare this... this slave interrupt me and tell me to stop? How dare he lay a paw on me without permission? Red hot anger flared in me again.

I lashed out, slamming a foot as hard as I could into the black bear's crotch. It hit the bulge of his jockstrap dead on, with a fair degree of force.

Battalion cried out, leaning over slightly as he clutched at his groin. I used the opportunity to swing the nightstick with both paws, striking the bear across the side of the face and muzzle. As he recoiled from the blow, I didn't let up, hitting him again in the same way.

The soldier bear stumbled back and lost his balance, falling to the floor with a crash. I was lost in my rage now and kept up my assault, hitting the fallen bear again and again with the nightstick, beating him across the head and body. I also stomped on him a few times, as hard as I could manage, bringing a foot solidly down on one arm a few times.

I was so caught up in this, in letting my anger run its course, that I didn't notice Warrant approach, having now got his breath back. A white-furred paw fell onto my arm.

"Stop. Now." Said Warrant.

I looked up at him. He was glaring at me, looking serious, his eyes seemingly glazed over. All I saw was another slave, and a cop to boot, in need of being taught a lesson.

Lashing out with the nightstick again, I managed to hit him hard in the side of his body. He grimaced and shot out his free paw, grabbing the weapon and twisting it firmly, yanking it out of my grip. He threw it away.

But I wasn't done yet, throwing my weight into a hard punch, hitting him directly on the end of his muzzle. My paw came away aching, but it was worth it to see the blood oozing from his nose.

Warrant paid it no attention. He clamped down a paw firmly on each of my arms, holding them in place and stopping me from attacking him again.

"Let me go, you fucking slave!" I snarled at him. "I paid..."

"You broke the rules." Warrant said, his voice even and emotionless. It seemed like he was in a trance.

Before I could react, he threw his head forward, headbutting me, making everything go black...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Victor shuddered, the memory of Warrant's headbutt shocking him out of his reverie and bringing him back to the present for the moment.

He was shocked at reliving what he'd done. He knew he'd done something bad...

"I hurt them." He said, sadly. "I hurt Warrant and Battalion..."

"Yes, you did." Master Thurman said.

It was a horrible thought. He loved the bears of the club, loved working with them, watching out for them. The idea that he had actually hurt two of them, inflicted pain on them... it was terrible, unthinkable. Shame and self-loathing welled up inside him.

"I'm so sorry..." Victor said, his voice cracking with emotion.

Thurman gave him an encouraging smile. "I'm glad to hear that. Because that wasn't always the case..."

As the bear said that, it triggered another memory in the flood of knowledge awakening in Victor's head...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I woke up, not knowing where I was, my head aching, body stiff.

Forcing my eyes open, I took stock of my situation. I was being held upright, my arms above my head. I looked up to see my wrists locked in heavy steel manacles. Chains ran from the manacles up toward a shadow-shrouded ceiling.

I looked down to see more chains wrapped around ankles, binding them together. The chains were padlocked to a metal ring bolted to the cold concrete floor.

There was no way of telling where I was. The room around me was dark, except for the area I was hanging in, which was illuminated by several very bright free-standing spotlights, pointed at me.

My throat felt dry and cracked, but I still managed to call out. "Hey! Someone let me out of here!"


The voice echoed around me. I glanced about, trying to identify the source.

"I demand you release me!" I shouted, angry. "You have no right..."

A laugh came out of the darkness. "You demand? Really? You're chained up and at my mercy and you're making arrogant demands?"

"I am not...!" I tried to protest.

"Oh do shut up!" The voice interrupted. "We have things to talk about, and I am in no mood for the petulant rantings of a spoiled ferret."

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

Movement in my peripheral vision caught my attention and I turned my head to look as a big brown-furred bear in a smart business suit stepped confidently out of the shadows, strolling casually over to stand in front of me.

"I am Bernard Thurman." He said. "Maybe you've heard of me?"

I had of course. He was the owner of the Working Bears club, owner of Thurman Industries. One of the richest most powerful guys in the world. I'd heard all kinds of crazy stories about the kind of things he and his company got up to, beyond the enslaved bears at his club. I wasn't sure how much of it I believed.

"Yes, I know who you are." I said. "Now, release me!"

"I said no." Thurman said, firmly. "The sooner you realize that you have no degree of control here, the better this will go."

"What do you want?" I asked. I was impatient to get to the point where he was done fucking with me, done with this little intimidation act, and let me out of these ridiculous chains.

The bear stared at me in surprise. "You really have to ask?"

Then I realized. "Of course, the slaves..." I sighed. "I lost my temper a little. I'll pay for any damages or medical bills or whatever..."

Thurman looked at me, curiously, as if not quite believing what I was saying. "Both bears had extensive bruising. You gave Battalion a broken arm and a concussion. You left Warrant with several cracked ribs."

A frown crossed my face. Why the hell was he telling me this? "I already said I'd pay the medical bills..."

The bear glared at me, looking annoyed at my response. He continued. "When you became a member of the Working Bears club, you were told there were rules. One of those rules was about not injuring my slave bears. You were warned there would be consequences if you broke the rules."

He was trying to wrangle some extra money out of me, that was it. "A fine or something then? Okay, I'll pay the damn fine..."

Closing his eyes and shaking his head, Thurman said. "Oh you are so lucky I had the forethought to install commands in my slave bears that allowed them to stop being submissive and defend themselves in the eventuality that a customer was actually stupid enough to hurt them. It stopped you hurting them too badly." His eyes snapped open and he stared at me, harshly. "Because if you had, this whole conversation would be a whole lot more unpleasant for you."

I rolled my eyes at him. He was dragging this out and it was getting annoying. "Okay, I get it, I have medical bills and a big fine to pay? Are we done? Can you let me out of here already?"

Thurman was taken aback, looking utterly shocked. He then recovered his composure. "I must say I am impressed with your level of arrogance..." He said. "I don't think I've ever encountered anything quite like it. I mean, in this entire conversation so far, there has been no indication of regret on your part, nothing even approaching a hint of an apology."

I wasn't sure what he meant. What did I have to regret or apologize for? There were just slaves, after all. "So what? I already said I'd pay..."

"There is no fine for what you did." Thurman said. "And even after I pointed it out, you still don't even say sorry for hurting my slave bears..."

"Why the fuck would I?" I snarled, getting tired of all this. "They're just slaves, for fuck's sake!"

In an instant, Thurman was up close, one paw wrapped around my throat and squeezing tightly. I could do nothing except gasp for breath.

"Wrong!" The brown bear snarled, ferociously. "They are MY slaves. I place much more value on their lives than I do on yours. Their lives I actually care about!"

He released his grip and stepped away, leaving me coughing and spluttering, trying to get my breath back. "This may be difficult for a self-centred bastard like you to comprehend," He said. "But the moment I enslave someone, they don't just become some thing, some object. They become mine, mine to use however I see fit, but also mine to care for and protect. And I am VERY protective of my slaves."

He fixed me with a piercing glare. "Someone messes with one of my slaves, I mess with them in a big way. Someone hurts one of them? Or two of them? Well... you're going to find out..."

Fear welled up inside me. It was finally starting to sink in just how bad a situation I was in. But I knew how to handle such things..."

"Hey, we can work something out..." I said. "Name your price to sort this out, and I'll pay..."

I was cut off by Thurman laughing, loud and hard. "You really think you can bribe your way out of this? Do you know how much money I make? You could give me every last cent you have and it would be less than what I make in a week!"

Fine, so money wasn't the way to deal with this... "My family..." I began.

"Your family have no strings to pull with me." Thurman interrupted. "In fact, none of your methods for getting your ass out of trouble will work here."

I lapsed into shocked silence, unsure what to try next.

"You see, Victor, I do my research." The bear said, smugly. He reached into a pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, which he unfolded and looked at. "Let's see here... thirty six counts of drunk and disorderly, twenty three counts of disturbing the peace, thirteen counts of driving under the influence, sixteen counts of possession of narcotics, three counts of assault, one count of assaulting a police officer. Quite a rap sheet you have here, and that's just what I was able to find with a few hours searching..."

He folded the paper again and returned it to his pocket. "And yet... you were never punished for any of them. You always avoided getting yourself charged or convicted. Bribes, family connections calling in favours, fancy lawyers finding legal loopholes... you have so many methods for avoiding the consequences of your actions."

Thurman sneered and poked a heavy paw against my chest. "But here and now, none of them will do you a damn bit of good. You're all mine!"

I was reeling, struggling to figure out how this damn bear had learned so much about me. But then I rallied my thoughts and pulled myself together. It didn't matter. I was a Kazinski, damn it! We didn't get treated like this!

"Let me go this instant!" I cried. "You have no right to do this to someone like me!"

Thurman stared at me for a moment, then shook his head, sadly. "Such ridiculous unfounded arrogance. You're not going anywhere. As I said, you're all mine now..."

"So what?" I spat, anger rising in me. "You think you're going to control me like those weak-willed slaves of yours? Hypnotize me with your silly parlour tricks?"

"Oh, you misunderstand." Thurman said, calmly. "I already have hypnotized you with my silly parlour tricks. A little while ago. I just made sure you didn't remember. When you woke up just now? That wasn't the first time you woke up since you were brought here."

That couldn't be true. "Don't be ridiculous..."

Thurman said, simply. "Slave: Pain!"

As soon as I heard those words, intense agony flooded my whole body. I threw back my head, screaming out loud, every inch of my body suddenly throbbing and burning with pain. I twisted and squirmed in my restraints, lost in the pure agony.

"Pain stop!" Thurman's voice cut through the pain.

Suddenly it stopped, the pain vanishing in an instant. I slumped in my restraints, panting and sweating, filled with the relief that the pain was gone.

"Still think it's ridiculous?" Thurman said, smirking at me.

I glared at him, with a hateful look. "You fucking piece of..."

"Silence!" Thurman said.

My muzzle slammed closed, my words dying in my throat. I found I couldn't say another word, try as I might.

"Now, let's get down to business." Said Thurman, glaring at me with his arms crossed across his chest. "I'm going to ask you a few questions. If you answer honestly, I will release you. You will still receive some punishment, but it will not be as bad as if you lie to me. Do you understand? Speak."

My ability to speak suddenly returned. I stared at Thurman through narrowed eyes. "Yes, I understand."

"Do you feel bad about what you did?" Thurman asked, calm and collected. "Do you feel bad for the slaves you injured?"

I didn't need to think about it too much. Just say whatever I needed to say to get the hell out of here, get away from this psychotic bastard. Then I could start figuring out how to get revenge, how to make him pay for putting me through this, make him suffer and beg for mercy...

As that fantasy played out in my head, I answered. "Yes, I do feel bad about it all. I'm so sorry for hurting your slaves."

Thurman nodded. A moment later, he said. "Slave: truth. Was what you just said honest and truthful?"

Before I knew what was happening, I found himself saying. "No, I was lying, telling you want I thought you wanted to hear in order to get out of here." I was shocked at himself. Why the hell had I said that?

"Really?" Thurman chuckled. "I prove I have hypnotic control over you and you think you can get away with lying to me? You're really so stupid you didn't think I wouldn't have a way to check?"

"Wait!" I protested. "Let me..."

"Silence!" Thurman growled.

Once again, I was suddenly unable to speak, as if my voice were just switched off, my muzzle glued shut.

"No more pleasantries." Thurman snarled. "Here's what's going to happen, you dishonest, arrogant, violent piece of shit. I'm going to enslave you, completely and utterly."

I tried my best to protest, straining against the chains holding me, but was unable to utter a sound.

"This is your own fault, so stop with the dramatics." Thurman sneered. "You chose to lie to me. You chose to hurt my slaves. You chose to be what you are. Now it's time to face the consequences of those choices."

Cold hard fear crept through me. I wasn't able to get out of this, there was nothing I could do to escape...

"You are going to be my slave." Thurman explained. "You are going to work for me in some capacity at the Working Bears club. You'll serve as a good example to others about the dangers of breaking my rules. And you will receive regular painful punishment for what you did, until such time I decide you've been punished enough. It may be a long time before that happens."

Thurman stepped towards me. I tried to pull away from him, as much as was possible in the restraints holding me. The bear stared me in the eye, disdain and dislike evident on his face.

"Time to kiss your old life and freedom goodbye, Victor." The bear said. "Now... Sleep!"

Everything went black as I passed out....

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Victor woke up, blinking.

It was all back. All his memories, all his knowledge of who he was and what he'd done. It was now all back in his head. For better or worse.

His thoughts were confused as he attempt to process everything. He had a brother... He'd been such an arrogant asshole... he'd hurt Warrant and Battalion...

"Everything back now?" Master Thurman asked.

"Yes, Master." Victor nodded.

"Good." The bear nodded. "Now, I want you to..."

He was interrupted by a knock on the door. They both glanced at it.

Thurman stood up. "I'll handle this, whatever it is. You sit there and let everything sink in and think about your choice."

"Yes Master." The ferret said. He watched his Master walk over to the door and open it a little.

He heard the unmistakable voice of Doc. "Master! I wasn't expecting you to be here! I was looking for Victor..."

Thurman stepped out of the office, closing the door behind him as he said. "Something wrong, Doc?"

Victor was unable to hear the rest of the conversation, and that was for the best. He needed to focus and think. He had a decision to make about his future.

Was it really a decision though? Would he really ever choose to leave the club behind? He loved it here...

And yet, he could remember his brother now. There were other family members, aunts and uncles and cousins, but none he was really close to like his brother.

As far as his brother knew, he'd decided to settle down and lead a quiet reclusive life, having grown tired of his partying. He could now remember the series of phone calls Master had him make to Alexander while hypnotized, assuring his brother he was okay and just needed time away and alone to re-evaluate his life.

He thought about Alex. Yeah, they had been at each others' throats much of the time, had many differences, but Alexander was still his brother. The prospect of seeing him again, trying to reconcile with him...that was seriously tempting.

But on the other paw, what would going back to his old life do to him? Of course, he'd like to think that he wouldn't relapse into his old self, but the potential to eventually become that self-centred bastard he had once been was there in him, he couldn't deny that. When he went back to all that freedom and money and power, could he really be certain it wouldn't change him, corrupt him?

He liked who he was now, who Master Thurman had made him. He worked hard, was dedicated to his job, caring and considerate. The sense of happiness and satisfaction he got here at the club was far greater than anything he'd ever experienced in all his days of partying. He had never felt as loved as he did here, working with the slave bears...

However, could he really give up on ever seeing his brother again? Maybe he could resist the temptation to slip back into old ways if he went home...

These conflicting thoughts spun round and round in his head. How could he possibly choose?

The sudden ringing of his phone cut through his thoughts. It was a little late, he wasn't expecting any calls...

He answered the phone. "Working Bears Club, Victor speaking."

"Sir, it's me, Knockout." Came the reply.

Victor immediately picked up on the panicked tone of his voice. Something was wrong. "Knockout, what is it?"

"This reporter, he confronted me when I got home." Knockout blurted out. "He knew all this stuff and I came over all weird and I hit him and now he's just lying here..."

"Knockout, listen to me!" I interrupted.

"Yes, Sir?" Said the bear on the other end of the phone, desperately.

"Before you do anything else, take a few deep breaths." I told him. "Take a moment to calm down."

I heard him breathing, in and out several times. "OK, Sir..." He sounded a little calmer now.

"Tell me what happened." Victor said. "Slowly and calmly. Tell me everything."

Knockout proceeded to explain how a tabloid reporter he knew had confronted him on his doorstep, how he seemed to know various details about the club and God knows what else. And how he had knocked him unconscious.

"You did well, Knockout." Victor reassured him. "You did exactly what Master would have wanted you to do and I am certain he will tell you the same thing."

He heard the sigh of relief from the bear. "Thank you, Sir. That makes me feel better."

Despite the seriousness of the situation, the potential security breach, Victor allowed himself a smile at having helped one of the slave bears to some degree.

"Master is still here at the club." The ferret explained. "I'll go fill him in. Stay on the line, he'll want to talk to you."

Victor hurried off to find Master Thurman. It turned out he was just outside the office door, still talking to Doc, but apparently just finishing up his conversation.

"I'll take care of it, Doc, don't you worry about anything." He was smiling at the big black bear and patting him on the shoulder. "You've done well."

"Thank you, Master." Doc said, happily.

"Now run along and get some rest." Master said.

"Yes, Master." Doc nodded and obeyed, strolling away.

Thurman turned to Victor, surprised to see him standing in the doorway. "Aren't you supposed to be in there thinking things over?"

Victor explained quickly. "Master, there's a situation with Knockout..."

The next ten minutes or so were spent giving Master Thurman a brief overview on what was happening, and then the brown bear heading back into the office to talk to Knockout on the phone, questioning him for more details and giving him instructions.

All the while, Victor continued to think. He thought about Doc. Master was apparently going to handle whatever problem he had, but if Master hadn't been here, it would have been his responsibility, and he would have helped him gladly and happily.

And he thought about Knockout, about how he'd been able to calm him down, help him feel better about what had happened. He felt proud of himself for that.

When he really thought about it, in all his years running the club, he'd helped and been there for the slave bears hundreds of times, each time feeling proud and happy about it, it made him feel like he made a difference, that he was useful, he had a purpose. He had never had that in his old life.

Of course he knew that if he left, Master could easily find someone to replace him, to fill his role here at the club. But the thought of someone else looking out for the bears in his place? That just felt wrong.

When it came right down to it, he loved the bears here at the club, loved being there for them when they needed him. He'd miss them horribly if he left. He didn't want to abandon them...

Right then, he made his decision and knew it was the right choice.

Master Thurman was just finishing his on the phone with Knockout. "I'll be there soon." He was saying. "And Knockout... You've done well. You did exactly what I would have wanted."

The bear hung up and let out a deep sigh. "Well, this is an annoying distraction." He turned and looked at the ferret who was respectfully standing to attention. "I'm going to have to go deal with this. When I'm done, I'll be back so we can talk about your decision."

"Actually, Master." Victor said. "I've already decided."

Thurman looked at him with surprise. "Really? You can have more time to think it over..."

"Thank you, Master, but I don't need it." The ferret explained. "I want to stay here. This is my home, I love it here. I love my job and the bears, my friends. My old life... that belonged to someone else, some other Victor. I'm not that guy anymore. I never want to be that guy again."

Master Thurman's muzzle split into a wide grin. "Then here you shall remain, Victor." He said, patting the big ferret on the shoulder.

Victor couldn't help grinning himself, his Master's happiness making him happy, and his paw on his chest making him shiver with delight.

"But there will be no more punishments." Thurman said. "I'll make the necessary adjustments to your programming and that of the slave bears as soon as possible. But from now on, instead of punishments, you will have rewards. I will allow you, once a week, after the club is closed, to select one of the slave bears and take him to one of the club's private rooms and have a night of sex with him. If the club has a particularly good week, I may even allow a second night of passion."

"Thank you, Master!" Victor said, beaming with happiness. The prospect of getting the chance to have nights of sexual intimacy with the bears filled him with joy.

Thurman looked at him, thoughtfully. "I will need to check how feasible it is, but I'm thinking I may also permit you a week or two away from the club every year, so that you can visit your brother."

Victor's eyes widened with surprised and he felt warmth fill his chest. He was incredibly touched by that. "Th-thank you, Master!"

"I can't make any promises on that one." Thurman warned. "But I will look into it."

"I understand, Master... but thank you!" Victor said. He couldn't remember ever feeling this happy.

"Thank you, Victor." The bear grinned. "For choosing to stay. In fact, a small reward for it, I think... Victor: Cum!"

Victor's body stiffened as intense sensual pleasure suddenly rippled through him, his cock springing to life, hard and erect. A second later, the orgasm hit him, surging and powerful, cum exploding from his stiff shaft and splattering across the floor.


The ferret closed his eyes, enjoying every moment of the reward, fiery sexual ecstasy flowing through him as his cock pumped out his seed.

About ten seconds later, the pleasure died away as he stopped cumming, leaving Victor panting for breath, looking down at the mess he'd made, ropes of sticky white cum dripping from the end of his dick, joining the small puddles he'd made on the floor.

Victor looked at Thurman. "Thank you, Master."

Thurman smiled at him. "You're welcome, slave.... Now, I need to get going, Knockout is waiting."

"Of course, Master." Victor nodded.

"Clean up the mess you've made." Thurman ordered as he headed for the door. "Then finish up whatever work you need to do in here and be sure to get yourself some sleep."

"Yes, Master." Said Victor, moving to obey as the bear departed.

He picked up the remains of the pair of briefs that had been ripped off him earlier, deciding he could use the torn underwear to start wiping up his cum.

Victor was so happy. The club felt even more like his home now he knew he wasn't going anywhere, he felt like he had found the place where he truly belonged.

So with love and adoration for his Master filling him, and contentment and joy in his heart about his future, he got to work, determined to be the best slave ferret he could possibly be.