A Rain Flower's Dozen

Story by Dark Violet on SoFurry

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#22 of Café Plaisir Tales

The sun is returning to Oklahoma, and the once more warmer air and budding plants bring a freshness to Plaisir. In celebration, a few of the waiters feel like a event is in order to liven it up for the Patrons - and when it turns out that Eggs are involved, all thoughts turn to one person in particular...


So this was a quick commission for Guri that turned into something a bit longer!

What started from a simple idea of "Café Waiters doing an egg laying event" immediately made me think of our favourite, terrible Vaporeon, and that evolved into this.

A tonne of fun to do, and a fetish I've never really even thought about before. But hey. I guess I have it now :3

Also, credit to FA: Varka for commissioning the picture to go alongside it~

Hope you enjoy~

Café Plaisir (c) Pali Bakufun

Pokémon (c) Game Freak/Nintendo

A Rain Flower's Dozen

- For Guri

"What the hell kind of holiday celebrates eggs!?"

Rain Flower lay back on the table, and glowered at the Ninetales standing over her.

"It's a well established holiday." Firenze replied smoothly. "If you look at the roots, in fact, it seems to be based from a festival in Eur-"

"I know about the damn holiday. You think we don't do it back home?" Rain Flower responded sulkily. She tugged at the straps that had been tied rather firmly around her back paws, the leather squishing her wet, cyan hide. She'd thought Firenze had gotten a bit more kinky in his supervising. It was looking more and more like she was to be sorely disappointed. "We used to do it with chocolate eggs, though. And we ate the damn things. What's this got to do with it?"

Firenze sighed at length. His long mane flowed across his neck, looking particularly shiny in the artificial lighting. "I was about to get onto that, if you'll let me-"

"I mean, if you want me to eat chocolate eggs, I'll do it. My duty as a waiter, right? Waitress.... Yeah. Waitress. What am I getting paid?"

"You may want me to explain what's going to happen first." Firenze replied to the bound Vaporeon. Rain Flower saw the smile tug at his lips, and as was typical, completely disregarded it.

"What, eating chocolate? I mean, I don't usually." She kept her words completely free of guile and full of that innocence she knew she was so good at. She gave no indication that she'd been lying. Quite why Firenze gave her _that_look she didn't know. I mean, just because it really _was_a lie didn't mean squat...

She continued anyway. "But my duty as a waiter-"

"Rain Flower." Firenze responded shortly, giving her a raised eyebrow that looked almost comically done. "Do you really think that I'd have you book out your entire eight-hour shift just to sit here and eat chocolate?"

She grinned at him. "If that's what it takes!"

Firenze sat down. "The eggs you're going to be using... you're not going to be eating them. And for reasons that will become apparent quickly, they're not going to be chocolate either."

Rain Flower stuck out her bottom lip.

Firenze leaned over her. His mane tickled one of her fins - she flicked it in annoyance. "We thought - to give this a little, ah, Plaisir twist - we'd take a basket of these eggs and we'll see how many can fit inside you."

Rain Flower paused. She frowned at the concept. "But not eating them?"

"But not eating them."

She paused again. She tugged at the straps.

"...Up my cunt?"

Firenze's smile was a tad bit strained, which also went disregarded by Rain Flower. "Yes. You're catching on at last. We fill you up with the eggs, and then for the rest of the shift, you entertain a selection of customers. The customers will pay to watch you, or help you if they wish, to ah... 'lay' one of these eggs. With the chance to win a few prizes along the way, in fact, just to add the spice in the arrangement. Of course, more normal duties will go alongside, at the customer's wish, of course. I thought of you the moment the idea was suggested, in fact."

Rain Flower stared blankly forwards. She turned the plan over in her mind. It was a slow process.

"O...kay...." She said warily, letting her mouth form the words with great elocution - or, at least, with as much elocution as she could possible have. "...Two questions."

"I'm listening."

"First... what are all they doing here?" Rain Flower flicked her long tail out, the fins at the end flopping as they indicated a rather substantial crowd standing only a few metres away on the other side of the MassageArea, filling the air with chatter and whoops and whistles of appreciation. Pokémon of shapes and sizes stood amongst an equal proportion of humans, the crowd was almost entirely made of customers - the few waiters present were either providing drinks, or smirking a special smirk only the Plaisir staff could carry.

The crowd itself rather filled the room - mostly standing and chatting, with quite a few ogling too - Rain Flower had been positioned hips-first towards them, strapped to this massage bed - which for her was rather oversized, incidentally, enough that the cushion at the top was too far to be useful anyway. Much to her annoyance.

"Jack thought it might be a rather fun spectacle, and good advertising for potential customers. Are you feeling shy?"

"No! Just wondering." She muttered, pulling at the binds keeping her legs spread. She stared down over her already pudgy belly at the dark, cyan slit at her crotch.

"Second question...?" Firenze posed.

"Yeah. If you're gonna do a celebration fuck-fest involving eggs, why did you think of me?"

Firenze regarded her with a very silent, and yet very loud, stare.

"...okay, fine." Rain Flower said. "I didn't ask that." This time, she did notice Firenze's eyes gleam in the lights of the Massage Area. She pouted in response.


They both looked up as a brown blur literally hopped over a passing Jolteon and landed on one of the massage tables. Large paws flailed in the air comically, complete with self-supplied "Wo-aooooaah!" Noises, before the shape bounded forwards again and landed shakily - if upright - beside the two of them. Once it had stood still, the two of them could make out that it was a Lopunny, and not some film-blur effect made real.

"Firenzefirenze! I heard about this from Sabby, and ooooh, it just sounded so fun!" She jabbered quickly, eyes large and gleaming. "Can I join in? Can I? Oh! Hi, Rain Flower!"

"Hi, Hoppy Boppy." Rain Flower replied in kind, then giggled at her own joke name. Oh, she cracked herself up.

"Cheryl..." Firenze responded slowly. "I thought you were manning the main doors, wh-"

"Oh, I got Danni to take over early! She was fiiiiiine with it... I just reeeeeeally wanted to join in! It sounds so..." She paused, eyes still wide. "Fuuuuun..."

Rain Flower groaned and leaned her head back. Aw, shit.

"C'mon, Firenze, please? I have eight hours free! Well, I think I will. I was going to meet Graphite this afternoon -"


"-she said she had business with me, and I didn't know what she was talking about-"


"-but I knocked on her door and told her I'd be busy and she said th-"


She stopped, staring at Firenze suddenly. "...yes?" She replied, innocent and happy as ever. Rain Flower made a loud 'harumph'.

Firenze stared at her with a curious face - it almost looked a tad strained. "Well, this event was originally planned for two people, so you've far more than welcome to join. The eggs will be here shortly. Meanwhile, why don't you lie down and I can strap you in."

"Oooooh, thankyouthankyouTHANKyou...!" Cheryl said, and shuffled her way to the second table, barely a metre away. Firenze's tails came around as he face the crowd.

"How about a hand for our second lovely lady here!" He announced to the crowd as Cheryl aligned herself on the table, grinning her head off. The audience gave an appropriate cheer (and not a few lewd shouts) in response. Rain Flower stuck her tongue out as Firenze moved to do up her straps.

It wasn't long before another cheer went up, and the crowd parted as a Linoone darted out from between the legs of the onlookers. In his jaw, a large basket of multi-coloured eggs swayed. A large, chubby Goodra followed in his wake, carrying a second basket in her and smiling appreciatively.

"Booooooraaaaa! Hi!" Cheryl said, giving a delighted wave. Firenze nodded, the straps finished and the Lopunny's legs appropriately held open, before he turned to face her.

"Miss Boora, so glad to see you here."

"Yes yes, indeed. Just making sure they don't overexert themselves!" She said, edging to the side and dropping the basket, making sure she wasn't blocking any of the view. "I have enough of that already!"

Rain Flower shifted her gaze to Quippie, the Linoone, who had leapt up onto her table and had plopped his basket down on it. There was ample space, anyway. Rain Flower flicked her tail out of the way before he sat on it, and he gave a happy grin back.

"Patrons of Plaisir!" Firenze said, walking in front of them. "Thank you for coming, and I do hope that..."

Rain Flower stopped listening at that point. He wasn't talking to her, so she decided she was distracted. She stared at the basket by her feet.

"Hey, why's mine got less in it?" She complained. Cheryl hissed her to shush as Firenze continued to talk to the audience. Rain Flower knew that this was more important though, and batted Quippie with her tail. "Hey!"

Quippie's eyes went a bit wider. "Well, Boora said that Cheryl was bigger, so she would fit more, of course!" His voice was barely a whisper, which made it hard to understand when the words tumbled out like a waterfall. He wasn't nervous, that was just how he spoke, Rain Flower had come to realise.

"What? I don't think so!" Rain Flower responded in a whisper. Well, she thought it was a whisper anyway. Cheryl stared at her and hissed another loud 'Shhhhhhhhh!'. Rain Flower blew a raspberry back. "Well-"

"So let's get started!" Firenze shouted loudly, and turned. His red eyes stared dangerously into Rain Flower's. "Eggs, please, Quippie?"

"I want more eggs!" Rain Flower shouted. The audience gave a clamour of approval at the statement as Firenze rolled his eyes. "C'mon! I'm not letting Hoppy Boppy beat me!"

"Oooh, a competition!" Cheryl exclaimed over the myriad of voices. "See who can take the most! I wanna do it, pleeeease!".

"Not so loud now, the both of you. Boora, she is a Vaporeon, and you know how they are. Cheryl will know when to stop, too..."

Boora exhaled, waving her arms. "Well, okay! But if I see anything wrong-"

"I'm gonna beat you, Hoppy Boppy!"

"Why do you keep saying that?" Cheryl asked with genuine curiousness.

"It's funny!" Rain Flower was trying to stop herself from giggling. Firenze was studiously ignoring both of them, and Rain Flower instinctively batted him with her tail for this injustice.

"Have both of you got your eggs ready?" Firenze asked, cutting over the conversation. Rain Flower turned to Quippie, who was brandishing a large red egg, with yellow-gold stripes swirling around the side. The design looked like some kind of frozen liquid, and what looked like glitter sparkled beneath the copious amounts of lubricant that dripped from it.

"These aren't real eggs, right?" Rain Flower muttered, continuing to eye it with trepidation.

"Of course not." Firenze replied above a smattering of chuckles. "Each one is solid, firm silicone"


"Silicone. It's used for a lot of sex toys. Most-"

"Oooooh!" Rain Flower said as she remembered some half-read descriptions from a discarded box in her room. "Fake cock stuff!"

Firenze paused, then seemed to decide to not say anything. Rain Flower had already turned her attention back to the egg as Quippie weighed it in his hands. It was bigger than she'd thought it would be. Almost as big as her head....

"Okay, my dears...." Firenze announced again, his tails raising slightly as he backed up to survey the both of them, while making sure to give their audience the full view. "Off we go!"

Quippie had evidently been waiting for it; the grinning Pokémon wasted no time. Barely had the words left Firenze's mouth, he'd planted the egg firmly on Rain Flower's crotch and pressed it down, the pointed tip spreading her wet lips.

Gaaaahh... Rain Flower shuddered visibly as it hit a rather sweet spot. It was well lubricated, but she was wet, too... I mean, of course she was. It wasn't the prospect of eggs though, of course it wasn't, of course it wasn't, and she'd deny that vehemently, but fuuuuck.... She grunted as Quippie gave another shove, another stripe of gold disappearing from view.

"Fffuck! They have to be so big!?" She grunted. She glared at Quippie, who didn't respond beyond a smirk another another shove, both paws on the bottom of the egg - they barely squashed the firm rubbery surface, even with him digging his claws in to work against the lube.

Rain Flower curled up as the egg began to reach the widest point, her legs lifting and spreading further. Quippie planted both his hind paws on either side of her tail, shook his shoulders a little, and then gave a squeak as he renewed his efforts. Rain Flower yipped in response, the smooth surface spreading her lips wider and wider, sending sensations rippling through her body - that were almost painful, if they hadn't been so....

So what if she was a little turned on by this....

She grunted again, eyes going wide as the widest part slipped past her lips. Quippie gave a snigger, stepped forwards, and gave another shove. This time it was easier, and the rest of the egg slowly slipped from view as Rain Flower's lips closed around it.

"Nnnnnyeah..." She moaned, quietly, or as quietly as she could make it. She still glared at Quippie as he leaned down, and-

His arm pressed past her lips, and she jumped as he reached into her cunt, his paws working around the freshly lubricated walls. The egg that had felt very clearly present inside her shifted, pushed further up. Rain Flower whined again, giving a kick of her legs. "Hey, fuck's up with you..." She muttered. It was said rather more half-heartedly than she'd wanted, but there was only so much control you had over your words when someone was up to their elbows inside you, pushing ahead of them an egg big enough to birth the average Miltank.

"Gotta get it all the way, right?" Quippie's words barreled into her ears like a high-speed train. "Gonna keep all of them in your cunt or what, eh eh eh?"

Rain Flower muttered a swear word, but lifted her legs further, tail flicking this way and that as the egg suddenly began to strain at a second wall inside. She'd have said that it wouldn't get through that wall, and that he might as well just give up, but unfortunately that was an outright lie and she was very aware of it.

It took a fair time, though, which was something at least. Quippie had leaned further down, his head almost resting on her belly as his chest brushed over her crotch, arm sinking right to the shoulder as the egg was worked forwards. Progress was slow but unrelenting, each moment pushing more and more inside her. When it finally slipped past the midpoint, the rest popped in by itself, and Rain Flower gasped at the feeling of sudden movement as the egg was taken up into her womb. Her paws flexed, and she closed her eyes, giving a sudden shudder. She probably moaned too, and the fuckers watching probably enjoyed it. Pah! Perverts.

Said the one with an egg inside her, another voice in her head replied. She huffed loudly to disregard that voice. It was a pervert too. Everyone was.

"Where's the next one?" She muttered tersely, opening one eye.

Quippie tugged another wet egg from the basket, this one an almost lurid shade of green. It looked a bit smaller than the red one. For a moment, Rain Flower felt a jolt of disappointment, before she grumbled to herself.

"Hey!" Quippie said, hefting it in his paws. "No need for that! I mean, at least you haven't had as much as Cheryl, hey, eh?"

"What do you mean?" Rain Flower muttered, looking over. The Lopunny was supporting herself on her arms, breathing heavily and staring at her belly with a big smile. Beside her, Boora was patting her small hands together before going back to her own basket. Cheryl wordlessly glanced over at Rain Flower, and gave a huge, cheesy grin. "Three so far! This is soooo fun!"

Rain Flower's eyes narrowed. "Bah... Quippie!"

"Hm hmm?" Quippie let the egg drop against her crotch. He leaned down, rubbing the side as Rain Flower turned back to him.

"Hurry the fuck up. We're losing!"

"Oh, so it's a race now?" His eyes glinted again as he rubbed the egg once more.

Rain Flower's eyes widened in annoyance, but Quippie just gave a laugh, and shoved his weight forwards. This cut off anything she might have said - her mind went blank, recoiling as the egg began to stretch her walls again. She gritted her teeth, paws flailing in the air..

"Now, my dear Patrons..." Firenze's voice carried into Rain Flower's consciousness, momentarily distracting her as the egg strained at her entrance. "As my lovely ladies continue their little demonstration, how about I give you an explanation of the prizes, hm?"

Rain Flower gasped as Quippie shoved the rest of the egg in, and she felt herself clenching around it, the large, wet mass pulled deeper inside her. Quippie let out another short, sharp laugh, but this time she was too distracted to tell him off. Her legs shook, and she had to bite her lip for concentration as he did the same as before - pressing his arm into her, questing paw spending a bit _too_much time rubbing against things that weren't the egg...

"Ff...fffuck... sss...." Her tail thrashed again, and she swallowed. Quippie glanced up at her with a knowing look, those eyes sparkling. Then he flicked his head back towards Firenze meaningfully.

Firenze was holding up one of the eggs in a curled tail tip. It was a cream colour, with pale green marks across the surface. Rain Flower stared at it rather intently, feeling her lips clench once more around Quippie's arm, while trying her hardest to look nonplussed.

"...egg right here, which Cheryl seems to be rather favouring, is a normal egg." He was already announcing it. "There's no prize for this one, save for the pleasure of watching your chosen girl with it."

"Can we at least keep it?" A voice shouted from somewhere near the back.

Firenze replied without missing a beat. "You can take it home if you wish, but if it hatches, then bring it back - there's been a terrible mistake." Laughter rippled around the room.

"Gah, let go ya slut, nyah...!"

Rain Flower frowned at the words. She flicked her head back just as the egg inside her, which had been straining at the cervix, suddenly slipped through and came to a rest inside her womb. She blinked, staring as Quippie just managed to yank his arm free of her cunt, causing her vision to blur slightly as she squirmed in the bonds. Nnnf... perverts...

"How'd ya make yourself so tight and still able to have all these fucking eggs in ya, hey?" Quippie responded; though predictably, it was hardly said in annoyance.

"Just gimme the next damn egg, hurry up...!" Rain Flower complained. It wasn't like she had to tell him to ins and outs of being a Vaporeon. Though that particular skill was something she was rather proud of, tru- gah!

Quippie had shoved the next egg against her cunt. Another normal egg. This time, at least, he kept his comment to himself as he tried to work it in.

"...red and gold stripes..." Firenze was saying over it, waving an egg similar to the first one she'd taken. She had to admit, she wasn't quite paying attention - something about 20% off Café Services?

This egg was just as large as the last. Larger, maybe? It was hard to tell - all that straining, stretching her wide, the soft leather pulling at her legs and stopping her from being pushed back. Soon, this one too began to slip past, and within moments it had been pushed inside her.

As Quippie rubbed his paws together and leaned down before starting to work this one into her womb, Rain Flower was already beginning to feel it. Oh, that familiar feeling - like someone's pressing rather hard against you, but from the inside, working themselves against your hide and pushing it out. She closed her eyes at the feel of both eggs in her womb, little motions making them roll and slide past each other. She jumped, legs tugging at the binds again as the third joined them suddenly - and there it was all the more. The feeling of her belly bulging with the eggs.

She opened her eyes. Yep... it even looked like it now. Her belly was slightly round usually - hey, shut up, she thought, it was normal - but already it was distended with the 'clutch' she was carrying. She was still admiring it with the next egg was planted against her cunt - another fucking red one, of course. Oh fuck, thought one part of her. Thank fuck, thought the other part.

Rain Flower bit her lip hard, glancing over at Firenze almost dreamily as Quippie began to work this one in too. The Ninetales was waving a green egg this time, like the second one that had been put into her. What was that - an Extra Go, he was saying? Extra Egg, or something like that. Just... just how many eggs was he thinking she'd have...?

She moaned suddenly, the next egg sliding past her lips and into her cunt. She tugged at the bindings, using them as leverage to pull herself towards Quippie. That little Linoone fucker just laughed again as he began to work that one inside her, too...

Wait. How was Cheryl doing? She lolled her head to her left, staring...

Oh, now that was a bulging belly. The girl looked like she was partially along in a pregnancy. That normally lithe belly swelled, rather tight over what was inside, revealing a few bulges of individual eggs but only if one looked close enough. Right now, Boora was pushing another one into her; one of the green "Extra Egg" ones.

The rabbit's face was a picture. Half lidded eyes, teeth biting into her lower lip, paws grasping tightly at the table as she held herself up. Her cunt glistened, no doubt with a mixture of lube and juices.

I mean... Rain Flower knew that she herself was no better, but still...

Another firm shove brought her back, and she gasped as the next egg strained at her cervix for just a little while before Quippie managed to force it inside, the large bulk lost to his paws and held tightly inside her. She gave a little whine, chest rising and falling as she stared. Yep... definitely bulging now.

"H-hey... how many's she on...?" Rain Flower muttered. Quippie shrugged, hoisting another normal egg to her cunt and directing the tip towards the right hole.

"Hey, Hoppy B... Bo... nnf, you! How many...?" She got out, glancing over.

"N...nine..." She gasped. "Not including this one..." She was already onto the next one! And it was another red and gold one, too. Rain Flower huffed, and tugged at the straps before she realised her legs couldn't really move. She instead opted to hit Quippie with her tail instead.

"Hey, heyhey! What's that in aid of!?" He complained, still pressing the next egg into her. She shot him a dangerous glance.

"They're still winning! Hurry up! More!"

"You want me to go faster, do ya, do ya~?" Quippie's smile was wide. Rain Flower flicked a fin absently.

"Just hurry up, c'mo-NYAH!"

She hadn't expected that. Quippie had shook himself for a moment before leaning down to deliver a firm shove to the egg. There was barely a moment of straining on this one before it sank from view, but he didn't stop the pushing at all. She felt it press up against her cervix, strain there for just a few short, intense moments which made her tail shake below him, before - ahhh...!

She blinked. Quippie was already standing over her with the next one. She barely got her lips around the 'W' of "Wait..." before it too was shoved forcefully against her cunt. Lubricant dripped over her tailbase as Quippies quick, unrelenting efforts worked it in bit by bit...

"Nnnf, h-hey...!" She managed to grunt as that egg too strained briefly at the widest point, before it disappeared from view once more.

"Ya wanna win, don'tcha?" Quippie replied, already shoulder deep once more. Rain Flower's legs quivered, and she fought to suppress the pleasure swirling inside her. Her mind was set; she wasn't gonna have a fucking orgasm by being filled with eggs. C'mon. Not yet, at least....

Another brief strain against the cervix, but as tight as she could make herself, it was getting easier each time. This one took the least time of all so far. She swallowed as it slid into her... what was it now? Five? Six?

She stared at her belly. Oh fuck... it was definitely big now. She couldn't see her cunt any more - it was only the flash of cream that showed her what the next egg was before it, too, was shoved against her waiting cunt. That... need...

Her paws rested on her belly, feeling eggs inside, being pushed around by her insides and each new shove from Quippie. She pressed her paws down, moving them around herself - it was hard to tell which was which, the sizes dulled by her hide. She pressed her paws over them anyway, feeling the amount, the shapes...

The next egg was forced into her cunt, and then down that passage... Even going this quickly, it seemed Quippie had time for more rubs in exactly the _wrong_places. Well, right places..., but still wrong....

Another jerk. Another moan she couldn't control, and the next egg was in her womb. She leaned up, watching Quippie tug another green egg from the basket, and shoving it against her cunt. He stopped for only another smile before it too was firmly shoved into her, Quippie's little paws digging into the back of it as he forced it inside....

"Not so rough..." She growled half-heartedly at him.

"No deal." Quippie smirked. Rain Flower felt a brief surge of glee at that, but she tried to let none of it show. She bit her lip again as this egg met the cervix like the last, and shook slightly before it too was lost to the rest of them.

"Eight!" Quippie said, using his tail to shove another egg towards him - Rain Flower didn't even register the colour this time, though by the feel of it, it was another of those large red ones...

"You're... catching up...!" Cheryl muttered. Rain Flower lay back, turning to look over a her. She was massaging her belly with one paw, and then glanced up to smile at her. It was a strained smile. "I'm on twelve... and I think... that might be all I can take..."

A smile spread across Rain Flower's lips as she watched the bunny, her belly hanging slightly with the weight. "Hah!" She turned her head, batting Quippie again. "C'mon! Four more, four more!"

"I thought you wanted more than her!" Quippies responded, his eyes just visible over her own belly as the next egg was worked quickly up her cunt. "That's five more, including this!"

Rain Flower gasped, choosing to not reply until after the egg had strained past her cervix, causing a significant shift inside her. She even _saw_her belly grow as the new bulk was put into her. "Four, five, I didn't come here to learn fucking math. All I need to know is more!"

There was more laughter from the crowd. Sheesh, she'd even forgot about them. Well, they weren't important, she concluded as another egg slid past her lips and into her. Not right now.

Quippie, however... he was rather important. Right now, at least, and in regards to his little actions. Sure, he could push the eggs in, but how those little paws dragged along the roof of her cunt each time he pulled back, the forceful rubbing around her lips to keep her ready, and not to mention rubbing against her clit...

Another moan. Of course she made another moan as the next egg was bodily shoved into her, and those questing paws made their usual stop at several important parts. She swallowed, legs shaking, chest rising and falling as Quippie made sure to push that egg into her womb just like all the others.

"Stop... rubbing..." She complained. It was the only thing she could think to do.

"Not what your body wants, hey~"

She couldn't even see him now without lifting her head. Her belly loomed over her like small moon. She squirmed. "Can't you at least play along...?" She asked eventually, then her breath caught in her throat as the next egg was giving a firm shove into her cunt.

"Why play along when I can do this?"

Rain Flower let out a very undignified squeak as her clit was pressed firmly and rubbed up and down by one paw, the other one sliding along her insides. She could feel every movement of those little fingers as they slid into her, before they finally got to their job of working the egg past her cervix. She gave another squeal as that one too was pushed into her womb. Quippie's laughter drifted through her consciousness.

"How you feeling, pretty girl? That's a dozen eggs. Wanna make it a Baker's?"

Rain Flower frowned. "What...?"

"I'm gonna shove another one into you. There, how's that for succinct?"

"Suck-what...?" She muttered, lifting her head to stare over the cyan bulge that used to be her underside. Quippie hoisted the red and gold-striped egg in his paws.

"Just lie back down and let me push this into ya!" He said. One paw was making circling motions on the wet surface. She huffed.

"Fine...." she muttered.

It wasn't a race anymore, she realised, as the egg was pushed into her. Which meant he could go a bit slower. Well, slower wasn't a word he knew - so it looked like he was just going for less powerful, and more... distracted in what his paws were focusing on.

Not that it needed to. The feeling of the egg sliding into her, how it stretched those walls.... She almost didn't need the further stimulation as her breathing quickened, her tail shuddering, the feeling of the binds on her feet almost lost in her mind. Though, she was able to make out a rather familiar warm feeling against the part of her tail Quippie was straddling. Little... pervert...

Then the egg was at her cervix, and pressing past. Her belly shifted again, more eggs pushed out against her hide, her womb absolutely full as her insides were stretched and rubbed and... oh... fuck... oh... fuuuuck...!

The egg popped into her womb just as her cunt tightened. She shuddered from head to toe. She could feel her eyes go wide, but she barely saw anything as pleasure crashed down on her, like a dam wall being breached. She was probably moaning too - fuck! Fuck! She said she wouldn't orgasm from this!

She'd been lying to herself, of course. She knew she wanted this, she wanted the feeling of helplessness and delight as her limbs went limp, aching with exhaustion and yet afire with pleasure...

In her throes she must have wrapped her tail around Quippie, because when her vision returned and she found the strength to lift her head over the bulk of her belly, that's where it was. He seemed to not mind, either. She tried to ignore it, but that smile spoke volumes....

"Thirteen!" He licked his lips. "That's a baker's dozen, by the way, to actually let you know."

Rain Flower's chest rose and fell. Her mind was still swimming in the intense pleasures and desires, but a voice rose from the crowd.

"What about the gold one?"

"Yeah, the gold one!"

"Make her take the gold one!"

Rain Flower opened one eye. "What're they shouting about...?"

Firenze seemed to have appeared beside her at some point during the previous few moments, where lucidity had been an optional extra. "Were you not paying attention to my announcements?"

Rain kicked her legs. The dangerous mass of her belly wobbled ominously. "I was a bit fuckin' distracted, if I'm honest. Somethin' about 20% off and extra goes, and then there was a normal egg. Never seen that design before, either... what about them?"

Quippie was laughing again. Firenze continued.

"My dear Flower, I do believe you missed one. Quippie?"

The Gold-coloured egg was raised over her belly. She could almost hear the orchestral music playing along to its slow reveal.

"Fuck!" Her shout caused only more amusement among the assembled clientele. It was big. As in... big. Quippie was having difficulty holding it in both hands.

"Now, do you really think she can take that?" Boora was saying. "She's probably at her limit right now. And it does look too big for her, it wasn't designed for Cheryl, let alone someone so small!"

"Got at least one Keldeo who'd disagree, ahehehe..." Quippie snickered. As Rain Flower watched, a large drop of lube collected from the glinting surface and dropped down onto her tail.

"This egg," Firenze was saying, "guarantees any customer a full service by any Plaisir waiter, free of charge. So you can see why it's so popular." He smiled. "Now, Rain Flower. Just so you're aware, I-"

"What was a Baker's dozen?" Rain Flower interrupted. "Thirteen?" There was a nod in response.

This was a bad idea. She didn't care. There was no fun in indulging in purely good ideas all the time.

Her smile grew wider. "Then make it a Rain Flower's dozen."

It was too late for her rational brain - what little of it there was, even she admitted sometimes. She was riding on a tidal wave of glee. The breaching of that damn wall had been her orgasm, but the water was cascading down over the land below, and she was riding the top of it with a few well-placed hydro pumps and a wild grin.

Boora's objections went quiet almost immediately, and then there was that now familiar feeling of the egg being planted against her crotch. It was pushed gently at first, almost like Quippie was caressing it.

There was chanting too. She only half paid attention to it, and even then not for very long. They were on her side, and that was all that really mattered.

The egg was pressed into her. It was slow going - though, she expected that, what with the size. But she grinned all the way, feeling as her lips were spread wider and wider, how the sides of the wet, lubricated egg shoved her thighs apart to get space. Her legs shook, her tail batted up against it, even her eyes began to water... but oh fuck... was it worth it...

More. More and more, always room for another inch, that was her creed. She tried to laugh - it was stifled by a moan, while again and again Quippie was pushing it deeper into her. More stretching, more and more of the egg inside her, rubbing her walls, making her gasp and her vision blur. Almost now at the widest point, too...

The tip pushed against her cervix. She could feel it, just past the widest point. She gritted her teeth, pulled at the binds, and began to push down against Quippie's efforts. "M... more...!" She shouted between clenched teeth. A roar of enthusiasm from the onlookers, and that oh-so-familiar laugh from Quippie...

The egg stretched every bit of her insides wide. She would have thought that it had been impossible, but she knew that it would have been another lie...

Her belly was swelling as the golden egg displaced the rest of them. She watched it grow. She put her paws on the bulk, rubbing it absently, her legs shaking. Oh, fuuuuck...

Her lips closed around the egg. Quippie didn't even hesitate. She felt him brace himself before leaning forwards, putting all his might into getting the rest in. She couldn't even see him anymore!

More. And more. And more. For a moment, the wariness that this might not be a good idea passed once again over her mind.

That was why she was fucking doing it. The best ideas are always to the worst, and things aren't worth doing if someone doesn't think you shouldn't be. She laughed again - and again, it turned into a strangled moan...

"Ahhhh... mm... ahhhhh... I... I...!" She couldn't control her mouth. She couldn't control her desires. She could barely think.

When the widest part of the egg finally slipped past her cervix, she had descended into ecstasy again. She lay on her side, legs spread awkwardly by the bounds, and the tightness of the cervix did the rest of the work and pulled the egg in. It joined the rest; fourteen eggs in a clutch so big it threatened to have her belly spill off the edge of the table. She stared at it, burning the sight into her mind as her body was wracked with another orgasm, voices and cheers indistinct and disregarded. Quippie's final parting rub along her wet lips was felt in extremely fine detail, however.

Feeling returned slowly to her extremities. She blinked slowly, waggling her feet and tail to as a sort of self-diagnostic to make sure none of her had exploded due to the pleasure. Everything was fine, it seemed, though her belly hurt. It was an amazing feeling. She loved every moment of it.

"Mmmmh..." She muttered, unable to roll onto her back any more. Hell, even rolling onto her front, her legs wouldn't be able to touch the table. "What... what now..."

"Now, the fun starts." Firenze said ominously, before turning to face the audience. "Patrons of Plaisir! Our girls are full, and it's now time to start the celebration. I believe we already have a couple of dear customers who'd like some fun before an egg is laid, can they step up please...!"

Quippie had moved around to Rain Flower's head, and sat grinning beside her. She stuck out her tongue, but her heart wasn't in it. She could barely stop herself returning the grin.

She looked back at the other table. Cheryl was blushing heavily, and staring up at her customer. He was a dark-skinned human, with rather fetching dirty-blonde hair and bright eyes. He was adequately sized too, for his species, Rain Flower noted. Her belly gave another dull complain of pain, and she rubbed it with one paw.

"For once," She commented, this time only loud enough for Quippie to hear, "And don't faint when you hear this, but for once I'm hope that I don't have anyone too big. At least, not at first."

Quippie's laugh was dark. She frowned at him.

The large, dual-lightning bolt mane of a Zebstrika loomed over her. It cast shadows across her face from the lighting of the Massage Area. The rest of his head followed, and he smiled down at her with a certain self-confidence which she knew all too well.

She stared at him. Quippie laughed raucously.
