Spin the Bottle 4 - Teq lands on Sol

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#4 of Spin the Bottle

Teq had heard this party was something different. The rabbit was hoping to participate in the usual festivities, and she got her wish. She wasn't sure who she was going to get paired with, but she was delighted when she laid eyes on the lovely, though somewhat timid, Sol.

This was a YCH story for Adair. Teq and Sol belong to them.

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The party was really beginning to pick up now. The game had drawn enough attention, and the antics of the wolf and rabbit from just moments ago enticed more to join. A young lady, significantly shorter than the average crowd, pressed her way forward, all too eager to see what was going on. Her bright smile only broadened when she realized what the game was. Seeing the two walk into the close, and then only one emerge, swollen and full, oh she couldn't wait to get in on the fun.

"So," called out the rather cute tabby who had organized all of this, "That's one pair down and it looks like they won't be coming back for seconds just yet. Who's interested in taking a turn next?"

Almost every hand in the circle flew up. Voices rose, calling out in the typical 'pick me!' fashion, hoping to be selected next. Teq bounced on her paws as she tried to make herself be noticed. Being as short as she was, it was difficult, but thankfully she was at the front of the group across the circle from the feline. The tabby's eyes scanned the crowd as she looked about, wondering just who she should pick next. She spotted Teq, the tawny little rabbit bouncing madly, eyes wide, both arms waving. It was too good to pass up.

"You. I think we oughta give the cute little bunny a chance. I'd love to see her try to gobble someone up!"

The bottle was pushed towards Teq. Her eyes widened as it struck her. She had been picked! She was going to get to play! She cheered and jumped happily.

"Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she cried.

"Okay, settle down there, hopper. You don't wanna end up kicking the bottle away." the tabby said.

Teq quickly settled herself, her huge jade eyes looking up at the cat.

"Right! Can't have that!" she giggled, giddy as though she were a little girl back in elementary school talking about a boy.

She plopped down on the floor, followed by the rest of the group playing. Teq rubbed her paws together as she eyed the bottle, trying very hard to keep her excitement at bay. She reached up with a single paw and shoved her pink bangs out of her eyes, tucking them under her hat in the hopes that they would stay put. This was it, the moment of truth. She reached out, gripped the bottle, and gave it a solid spin. It was stronger than the last go-round. It took it a pretty good while to slow down enough to start hinting at where it would stop.

All eyes were on the glass object as it twirled, taking its time to eventually come to rest. When it stopped, it pointed towards a vixen who appeared rather surprised that she had been selected. Sol had joined the game, not expecting to be drawn in, but there it was. The bottle pointed directly at her. Perhaps it was fortuitous that it landed on her. She was roughly the same height as Teq. It would make for an easier time rather than see the short rabbit try so very hard to swallow someone a foot or more taller than her. The crowd cheered and they began working to hoist both rabbit and fox onto their paws, and towards one another.

"Looks like we've got another couple already! Go on! Let's get you in the closet. Unless of course, you just want to get down to business right here in the open!" the tabby laughed.

The group produced a unified 'ooo' usually reserved only for saucy kisses shared between two appropriate characters on a sit-com. It sounded almost canned in that regard. The chocolate colored rabbit crossed the circle towards the blushing vixen, grinning wide and not caring how goofy she looked.

"Hey there! Care to join me?" Teq asked, extending her arm, bent at the elbow for the fox to hook hers into.

Sol bit her lower lip as she looked down at the arm. She seemed hesitant, but after a brief moment to steel herself, she took up the invitation. The pair then trotted, arm in arm, towards the closet door to the sounds of the crowd cheering them. The door was closed gently behind them as a hush fell over the room.

Inside, Teq and Sol turned to face one another. The rabbit was unable to keep herself from smiling. The vixen on the other hand was more reserved. She fidgeted softly while the lapine before her bounced lightly on the balls of her feet.

"So, what's yer name?" Teq asked.

"S-Sol. N-nice to meet you." the vixen stammered softly.

"Nice ta meet ya too! I'm Teq! Totally didn't expect to get picked to spin! I was sure I'd get spun onto and eaten!" the rabbit said, unable to fully contain her enthusiasm.

"And I didn't really expect to get picked either way. It's kind of a surprise." Sol replied.

"I'll bet! So, how ya wanna do this? Head first? Feet first?" Teq asked.

"I-I don't know. I guess... whatever you think is more fun for you." Sol said, trying her best to not let her timid-ness about the situation show too terribly much.

Teq, able to easily tell that her new friend was tense, decided to try a different tactic.

"Hey, just relax. We're both here ta have fun, right?" the rabbit asked as she gently slipped her arms around the vixen's waist.

Sol shivered lightly feeling the contact, letting her arms mimic Teq's, pulling them both close until their foreheads bumped softly.

"Yeah, fun. I just didn't expect this. I thought if I did somehow get picked, it'd be with a big, rough football player or something." the fox said quietly.

"I'm not a disappointment, am I?" Teq asked, keeping her voice playful.

"N-no! Not at all! In fact... I... I prefer this." Sol said, blushing deeply as she confessed.

"Good. I wasn't looking forward to stuffing myself with someone twice my size and not being able to move for a few hours. I like being able to waddle around and show it off." Teq snickered, then pressed her muzzle in, letting her lips just barely contact the vixen's. There she held for a brief moment before pulling back.

The reaction was as positive as the rabbit could have hoped for. Sol leaned forward into the kiss. Her eyes closed slowly and she canted her head to the side, tightening her arms. The two clung to each other, wrapped up in each other's arms for several moments, just drinking in the contact. When they finally parted, Teq lifted a hand to brush the fox's fiery locks out of her eyes.

"I'll bet you're delicious." the rabbit said.

"That's what I'm told." Sol replied.

They swayed gently in time with one another, bosom to bosom, stomach to stomach, not wanting to pull away. And then, in that moment, Sol noticed something she hadn't expected. There was a subtle bulge pressing out from the rabbit's tan mini-skirt. She pulled away softly and looked down, seeing the swell she had felt. She had some idea of what this meant, and it was rather flattering.

"Heh, didn't think I'd have that kind of an effect." the fox said.

"Hey, you're a pretty lady. And the whole 'I'm shy about being eaten but I want to anyway' thing is adorable. I'm a little surprised you aren't shocked about this." Teq said, reaching down to gently stroke over the growing swell in her groin.

The vixen reached forward and joined the rabbit in the massage, caressing over the stiffening protrusion.

"Let's just say you aren't the first one I've been around." Sol said.

"Mmm, then maybe later you can give it a test drive, see how you like it. That is, if you don't end up wanting to stay put in my belly." Teq teased, leaning forward to lick along the fox's nose.

"We'll see?" Sol replied, uncertain.

Teq offered no more words for the moment, instead choosing to help the vixen undress. Deft fingers worked the buttons on the vulpine's blouse. A luxurious pelt was uncovered, only constrained by the scant undergarment still present. The rabbit let the top fall away to the floor before wrapping her arms around the fox again, pressing in for another kiss as she began working on the clasp of Sol's bra. It took virtually no time to unfasten, freeing the two, pert, supple swells they contained. Without hesitation, Teq cupped her hands under them, feeling their weight and delighting in Sol's reaction.

The now topless lady gasped and arched her back, daring to press into the fondling. It wasn't often she could partake in such things, but she was fond of them. She returned the kiss with unbridled passion, throwing herself into the moment. Just as she was hitting her stride, the rabbit pulled away and opened her mouth rather wide. Sol's eyes fluttered open to see the cavernous maw before her, Teq's warm, sweet breath rushing out over her face. A goofy little smile crossed her lips--perhaps Teq's was infectious--and she leaned in.

The rabbit quickly closed her mouth over Sol's head in its entirety. Her cheeks bulged while her lips sealed around the fox's neck. The lapine woman offered her meal a tender caress with her tongue, a soft lick in affection, before dragging the fleshy organ over every inch she could find, suddenly enthralled by the flavor of so tasty a morsel. A mighty gulp sounded in the closet, audible to the crowd outside were they to listen carefully enough. Teq's throat stretched to the point where an outside observer would be able to make out subtle yet defined features in her fur, those of Sol's chin, cheeks, and even a curious void where the flesh stretched inward to fill the gap whenever the vixen opened her mouth to moan.

That first good swallow had pulled Sol's shoulders into Teq's already widely stretched cheeks, seeming to have no real limit to her ability to accommodate. The rabbit reached forward, grasping the fox by the waist, and pulled, cramming as much of her new friend down her throat as she possibly could. A noise--half moan, half gulp--sounded all around Sol, and reached the ears of those outside waiting. The rabbit was loving this. So was the fox.

The tongue that had lavished Sol's face continued on, exploring her chest. It circled around the two lovely swells, teasing and tasting everything within reach. Each time Teq brushed over one of the fox's nipples, Sol gasped and stiffened, trying her best not to squirm too much. Each time she wriggled though, the rabbit let out a cute little growl, grasping tighter and trying to push the lady in further. It was as if she were trying to exert her dominance and say "fight all you want, you're mine". That greedy nature only served to tickle Sol in just the right way even more.

Another good swallow pushed the vixen's breasts into Teq's throat, swelling her neck out visibly, almost comically. She indulged herself for a moment, reaching up to stroke the heavy bulge under her chin, cupping at the two orbs under her fur just as she had before she began. A new gasp came from within her as Sol arched her back again. It was a good reaction, one that Teq intended to see more of. The hand moved away--the powerful, undulating throat taking care of any attention to the tender mounds needed--and drifted over to Sol's pants. Single-handedly, Teq unfastened them. She must have had quite a bit of practice at it. Those too fell away just like the blouse. And just like the vixen's bra, her panties were slipped off of her, leaving the fox completely naked. Except for the rabbit-skin coat swallowing up half of her.

A pair of fingers traced delicately over the vixen's exposed nethers, making her squirm and moan all over again. It delighted Teq. So she kept it up. The rabbit delved between the fox's petals, stroking about within to elicit more squirms. She liked it when Sol struggled, even if it was just because she was being pleasured. The vixen's moans, muffled though they were, filled the closet. No doubt the crowd outside could hear and was eating it up. The rabbit could only imagine what kind of cheers she'd get once this was done.

Teq tilted her head up and began working her way towards those folds she was exploring with her fingers. Sol couldn't help but keep wriggling, the act helping to sink her further down into the rabbit's throat. They were far enough along that Teq's stomach had begun to swell. Sol's head had emerged in the dark, hot chamber, feeling it churn and growl harmlessly around her. The rabbit played her free hand across the surface of the gradually growing bulge. Her shirt was beginning to slide upward along the curve. The band of her mini-skirt started to grow tight, then slide down softly. The rabbit hadn't bothered to undress at all, and she saw no point to it. She would undress when she got back to her dorm.

In but precious few moments, the steadily approaching vixen groin reached Teq's lips and she withdrew her hand. It was immediately replaced by her tongue, lapping over the smooth folds, sampling the flower she had such easy access to. Sol's moans grew louder and her legs stiffened. In the gloom of the closet, Teq could see the vixen's toes curl and uncurl each time the slick organ trailed over the tender region. She could have lingered there all night, drunk of the lady's honey, and kept her moaning and screaming until Sol was hoarse. But Teq's belly would not be denied. It growled angrily at her and she relented.

The next strong swallow pushed the vixen's shapely rump down her throat, forcing Sol's thighs in past the rabbit's lips. Teq's middle surged outward as more of the lady spilled in. Gravity was on her side, and so was her greed. She gulped again, repeatedly, hard and fast. If things went the way she was hoping, she might get a chance to play with this cute fox again fairly soon. This was just first impressions after all. She felt no remorse for stuffing herself silly. In moments, she had passed Sol's knees, then her calves, and finally, those wiggling paws.

Teq reached up and shoved the vixen's paws in past her lips and closed her mouth. With one last strong gulp, she finished Sol off. The fox slipped the rest of the way down the slick, drool coated gullet until every last inch of her had been sealed away in the belly of the hungry bunny. She shifted and turned about, giving Teq's stomach reason to churn and bulge. It was surprisingly comfortable in spite of the fact that the vixen was just ever so slightly taller than the girl who had just devoured her.

The rabbit licked her lips and ran both hands over her bloated middle, relishing the sensation of fullness and the motion that came from swallowing someone whole and alive.

"Mmm, you were delicious! I may have to scarf you down again sometime!" Teq said.

"I-I wouldn't mind that." Sol said, just a little breathless.

The fact that the vixen had been left without climax frustrated her, so she took matters into her own hands. Literally. Sol cupped her chest and groin, massaging herself and moaning gently. It brought a grin to Teq's face.

"You doin' alright in there, honey?" the rabbit asked.

"I just... I need to finish. Can you look in my purse for something for me? It's in a plastic bag." Sol said, still trying to maintain her composure.

Teq obliged and crouched, then plopped onto the ground, her vast stomach filling her lap completely. She dragged the vixen's purse over to her and began digging around inside it, finding the usual things. Cell phone, wallet, student ID, keys, and various other odds and ends. And then she spotted the very thing she had been asked to find. She blinked at it for a moment then retrieved it. Teq held it up and eyed it curiously.

"Is this what I think it is?" she asked.

Sol bit back a new moan as she struggled to hit the sweet spot in so confining a space, but then that only aided her in a certain regard.

"Yeah, it is. I'm... well... modular. Can you swallow it for me? I'd like to put it on and use it while I'm in here." Sol breathed huskily.

"Wait, you can just pop it on when you want to use it, and then put it away when you don't need it? You feel like a certain mood, and ya just slap yer dick on and use it?" Teq asked.

"Something like that. It's more complicated but that's the short of it. Now, can I have it please?" Sol asked, on the verge of begging.

Teq shrugged, opened her mouth, and lobbed the vixen's male portion in. She took a moment to lick over the curious thing, wondering if Sol would be able to feel it even though it wasn't attached. She didn't linger too long before swallowing and sighing in satisfaction. The vixen began to squirm anew, fighting to get a handle on her 'add-on' and get it 'attached'. Teq took the time, meanwhile, to gather Sol's clothing, stuffed them into her purse as best she could, then climbed to her paws to leave.

The door to the closet opened and light poured in. Immediately, the big-bellied bunny was greeted with an uproarious cheer. The party go-er's high-fived and a few even exchanged money back and forth. It would appear there was a betting pool going on those who were playing. Teq just grinned, then paused. Her belly grumbled audibly before she offered the room a heavy burp. New cheers rose in response and the lady was escorted over to a nearby couch to rest. She sat down and reclined, massaging her well-stuffed gut happily. Her grin spread wider as she felt the vixen begin to rock back and forth under her fur.

"Heh, now I see what you were after. I might hafta see what else you can do with that." Teq said.

She sighed happily, letting her belly sway in her arms, letting the stiff length stretching her mini-skirt push up against her gut. She figured she would stay at the party for a little while longer, then head back to her dorm, belly exposed for the world to see, showing it off a bit. Once she got home, she'd likely just flop back on the bed and put on a bad movie. Maybe her roommate would be willing to rub her stomach, help it settle. Or maybe she'd get a good ride out of the night.

Either way, Sol was saying put until morning at the very least.