Glacea's Conquest, Chapter 1: Arrival

Story by glacea on SoFurry

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Glacea makes planet fall and her conquest begins. It is highly suggested you don't be rude to her.

Glacea's Conquest

Chapter 1


Glacea stood in her shower. The warm water streaming down her fur as she rinsed all of the soap suds out of her coat. Of course the massaging and warm water didn't help how pent up she was. Being stuck for two and a half weeks alone in a ship can do that to you. Of course after the first week she opted to just stroll around in the buff. That customs agent at the last warp gate certainly appreciated it, until she stood up and he got a view screen full of herm snow leopard dong. It wasn't her fault they had her waiting so long to leave Alliance space that she decided to pass the time with a session of fapping to some unbirth porn. Afterwards it's just killing time until she gets to that planet she was told about. She was denying her orgasim until she got there, but a girl can only put it off so long. With a smirk she hit the button and the auto glory hole in the side of the shower slid open. Her knotted and barbed shaft squeezed in and started to warmly pulse around her.


Her ears perked up. That's the proximity alert she set up. Oh well she still has time to get off. The alarms on this old thing are always going off to early. Low fuel when it's really at half a tank, low power when the battery still has a month of a charge, and critical reactor temperature when it's just warm enough to boil an egg. Incidentally the mutation that resulted from that was entertaining. She made sure to note how to cause and reverse it. Might be fun and or useful. But that's not here or there, its time for a happy en-.

*ding* *ding*

Okay. That's not right. That was the automated proximity alert. Last time she checked that was working properly. With a scowl she pulled out of the auto glory hole, hit the shut off for the shower, and rushed out to the cockpit, her erect member leaving a dripping trail of pre all the way from her quarters to the controls. And there it was. An unregistered planet. A grin creeps along her muzzle as she then hits the button to release the marker buoy. Now any ship that approaches gets a communication pulse: "This planet is claimed by Glacea Malfac of Malfac Developments." And with that she started the scans, and laid back in her chair.

Next thing she knew she could see it. A fine palace, filled with riches from around the world, adoring subjects, and a harem of the hottest and smartest people on the planet. She admits, when it comes to harems most people only care about how they look and if they're a good lay. However if she's going to be spending days upon days with them she's going to want more than just sex, test subjects, and people to consume in various ways. After all, that's what the rest of the planet's populace is for.

She then snaps back to reality. A combination of a scan complete notification and a somewhat painful case of blue balls woke her up from her dreams of global domination. She sits up and starts reading over the results, talking to herself about what she reads. "Hm... Five landmasses. Technology on par with 16th century Terra. Sparse population outside of a few urban areas. Population on the decline worldwide?" With that a grin creeps across her face "Well then, that needs to change." She keys in the landing process, gets up, and goes to get her field gear on. Absolutely giddy about the day ahead of her.

It was a smooth landing in a forest clearing. Not too far away from a small town situated on a crossroads. She didn't feel the need to go fully armed. Just a shirt, pants, boots, fingerless gloves, a knife sheathed on her arm, and a pack of various supplies. However her walk was quiet. Too quiet. There were no signs of animals in this forest. No bird calls, no rustling leaves, it even seemed like the wind itself was still. This doesn't seem right. Soon she's on the outskirts of town. It's nothing special. Four houses, a general store, an INN, and farm lands that seem lightly overgrown with weeds. However there's no one to be seen. Did she just claim a lifeless rock? No, there was a sound. A door closing? Wondering what it was she walks into town, and at a lack of anywhere else to look she goes to the INN and walks in.

About a dozen heads turn to her. A mix a curiosity with overwhelming depression in their faces. She walks across the dimly lit room to the bar. "Excuse me." She said to the raccoon innkeeper. "What kind of drinks can I get here?"

He looked up, gave her a quizzical look, and just shrugged.

"Watered down grog. Two silver."

She returns the look.

"Is there anything else"

The raccoon gives her an annoyed look

"I don't want to deal with damn outlanders as it is. All we have is watery grog and even if I had something more I wouldn't offer it to the likes of you for a gold."

There's a collective sigh and a general atmosphere that might as well shout "not this again" but Glacea doesn't back down.

"Don't want to deal with outlanders? You run an INN, most of your business is outlanders."

The raccoon leans on the bar in what he thinks is a threatening pose, but given his overweight look just makes her think that he's trying too hard to make a feather look like a blade.

"Merchants and people who know how to make a spend a coin yes. Filthy vagabonds who I doubt even know the worth of a copper"

This was enough. Glacea had to normally deal with this. She had learned to try and approach things evenly and with a tempered attitude, but being greeted like this after about two and a half weeks of isolation? No. And unlike other times she had to deal with interplanetary business, there probably wouldn't be any far reaching consequences of what she was about to do. She snarled, bared her teeth and leaped over the counter with a cry.

"I'll show you the value of a copper!"

She landed on him, and a struggle ensued. All anyone could do is sit there in shock as the INN filled up with the noise of the fight. The counter was thumped, mugs fell off of the back shelf and shattered, and a shout that was soon muffled. Then, it was quiet. Everyone just sat there. Then a lioness slowly got up and cautiously moved towards the counter. Just as she reached it and was about to look over, Glacea stood up. Her shirt was pulled up, breasts oversized and moving. A raccoon tail tip sticking out of her right nipple. She just smiled, poured a mug of what could be called grog but was closer to muddy water, and passed it over to her.

"On the house, but I still wouldn't drink that. I think it's actually just scummy pond water. Smells like it"

Not knowing what else to do the lioness gives an awkward smile, takes the mug, and just backs away. The remainder of the raccoon tail makes a slurping sound as it's pulled all the way in. Everyone else just sits, staring at her. She doesn't pay them any notice though. She was too busy. Massaging her breasts as they start to soften and return to a natural shape. Then she goes to the board behind her, picks up some chalk and writes. "Fresh milk: 1 copper." Then goes over to an empty cask and squeezes her tits. Milk starts shooting out and quickly filling the container. By the time it's filled her breasts are back to her B cups, but looking a little more padded. After a couple minutes a wolf shrugs, tips over a barely touched mug of whatever swill he was served before, and takes it up to the counter, fishing out a copper from his pocket. Not long after that everyone was enjoying the new drink. While it's still a far stretch to say it made the atmosphere cheery, it certainly lifted the mood to the highest point it's been in a long time. And judging by how close everyone seem to be getting with each other Glacea could tell the pheromones she added were starting to take effect. As the lioness from earlier came back up for her 5th mug Glacea just leaned forward to talk to her.

"So, I couldn't help but notice, It seems too quiet. And everyone seems rather depressed."

This seems to at least partially break the spell the lioness was under, no longer making rather suggestive looks into Glacea's eyes. She just looks down.

"That would be because of the witch..."