First Timers

Story by Hot Paws on SoFurry

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#1 of Gay Short Stories

Having sex for the first time, especially in a relationship, can be pressuring. I wanted to write a story about a gay couple having sex for the first time, but since they are new to this, expect awkwardness.

Being in a relationship is not all about sex. It's being with the one you love. You can be gay or straight and still be abstinent. And when you're ready, you'll know.

I hope you'll like this story.

"Karl, come in here!" My mate calls from afar. "I've an emergency! It will only take five minutes, perhaps longer!"

I stall. I am folding my laundry, after taking them out of the dryer, folding them neatly on the ironing board. He called again, this time much louder. "KARL! GET YOUR FURRY ASS IN HERE!"

"I'm doing laundry!" I yelled in return, screaming my lungs out. "I'll be there very soon, so whatever it is it just have to wait!" The idea of making my mate wait sometimes hurts me, but things need to be done first before we can fool around.

He huffs. "Nevertheless, I am horny, and my cock is pulsating."

"Okay, listen," I sighed, placing the folded garments in my laundry basket before trotting to our room. "Every time we try to have sex, it's the same old thing, we back out. We've been dating for nine months, and yet we never had intercourse."

I add, "When are we going to have sex?"

My mate refused to answer. He's being a hardheaded deer. How did I end with a deer like him, who knows? What I do know is that we're still virgins. It sucks. I'm an ocelot. Twenty-four. My pelage is as smooth as a furry bottom.

Cream colored. Rosettes and blotches cover my body from head to toe, and two black stripes slash through my cheeks. Black ears with a cream spot on the inside. My long, ringed tail flicks when I'm interested in anything, and don't step on it. My footpaws, even if they're large, attract paw lovers everywhere.

I drop the clothing basket. "So, what is this I hearing about horny?"

He smirked, pointing down to his cock. "This," he said, "I need your love. It's been nine months, and yet nothing."

Here we go again with the wanting of the sex. I rolled my eyes at my buck, glancing down at him. Petite. He's muscular, proven by going to the gym regularly. He has the pectorals, biceps and triceps, and of course my favorite, the six-pack. However, something else had caught my eye, something wonderful, delicious, and reddish pink. It's also cream-filled. Down below, large orbs showcase their pizzazz.

I smirked, grinning down at the so-called horny buck, and said, "What will make this time any different? Explain that to me."

"Karl," my mate, Jake, said, clearing his throat, "I have been thinking about us lately. Maybe it is high time for us to express our love, to end our virginity together. I mean I've been saying this so often, and I'll say it again. We've been dating for nine months and we haven't yiffed once."

I nodded my head, clearly understanding the topic here. "That I already know. Listen, we've never had sex before, and I don't know if I'll even be good at it." Pause. Another pause. Jake waited patiently for me to speak. "We've also been waiting, and nine months is enough. Yet, if you're ready, we can attempt to have sex."

"So, we're going to do it?" asked Jake, grinning his sheepish sly buck grin on his face.

"Let us make this a night we won't ever forget!"

"It seems so," I nodded my head, "and we will, even if it means we do it awkwardly. Remember, this is the first time having sex, with me being the dominant one, so naturally we're going to suck."

"That I understand," said Jake, getting up from the queen sized bed. He took my handpaws in his and nuzzled me, bopping me, on the nose. "I cannot wait until tonight, love." He tried his best not to giggle like a schoolfur, but without success. He giggled, his face puce. "I say this because I've waited nine months for-" I quieted him by placing a finger on his muzzle.

"I know we've been dating for nine months. It's no big deal. It is just sex." Feigning anger is what I do best. "We'll know if we're so good at it when I stick my thing in your glory hole."

"I've heard that our members can malfunction, or break during intercourse," Jake looked down at his nine-inch goodness. Stroking it he said, "I'd rather have my cock intact when we make love."

"Every male's worst nightmare," I grumble. "Once our penises break, that's it for sex for the time being."

"Anyway, I'll leave so you'll put on your clothes, or planning to spend all day naked?" A smirk formed on my face. Truthfully, Jake looks better in his birthday suit, letting his cash and prizes hang out. I didn't mind if he walks in our house, and outside, running errands, in the nude.

"May I have some privacy, please?" Jake asked, escorting me out of our room. "I need some minutes, to myself, to get dressed. I'll be out soon, I need to find something to wear that's clean."

"Jake . . . I've already seen your penis, and you've seen mine!" I protested, gripping the sides of the door to stop Jake.

Instead of letting me stay, Jake gently pushed me out the door. An annoyed huff escaped my muzzle once Jake closed the door from behind me.

"Rude!" I yelled from the other side of the bedroom door.

Silence followed. Total. Silence. Then Jake said, "I'm not rude, I'm want to save the moment, of my mate seeing my cock, for tonight!" The bedroom door opened, and Jake walked out. Dressed in a black male tank top and khaki shorts, it really brought out my deer. (I mean that it brings out his muscular muscles that I love so much.) The time, on the dresser, in our room, read 10:15. If we hurry, we might have time for breakfast.

"So, what is on the agenda for today, besides us having sex?" my buck asked me; a grin appeared on his face. Apparently, this is a huge moment for Jake, since we decided to lose our virginity together.

Most furs celebrate getting a new job. Others do it when they get a new car or a speedboat or a promotion at work. Nevertheless, Jake and I will celebrate having sex for the first time, no matter if we suck at it. "Maybe we could get something to eat. I'm hungry." I suggested, smiling to my mate.

Jake scratched his chin and said, "Lunchtime is only two hours away, but I think we can take an early lunch. However, the question is where can we go?" He began to thoroughly think of the many different restaurants, which has five stars, we could go.

"I think we should go to a restaurant on which we never set footpaw." I suggested, tapping a footpaw against the carpeted floor. "What about we go out for Mexican food?"

Jake shook his head, sighing. "Nah. Mexican food gives me gas. I mean really bad gas." he said. "Remember the last time? The diarrhea, and I had to be on the toilet nearly all day pooping?"

"Yes. That I remember. All the moaning, groaning, and crying coming from your muzzle." I shook my head, wanting to get that thought out of my head, of Jake giving a heaping order of butt brownies. "All that pooping you've done on that day, it's amazing your intestines didn't rupture."

I added, "If we cannot have Mexican food, what can we eat that we both agree?"

"I don't know," Jake shrugged, "you're allergic to fish, so sushi is definitely out. You're not going to have anaphylaxis today!"

"Yeah. I'm not in the mood to have my face swell up, my throat closing, and dying." Nervously chucking, I twiddled my fingers afraid that if I die, I would not see Jake ever again. "Okay, to settle this, we can make sandwiches. It could be bologna, ham, cheese, ham and cheese, whatever."

"Sandwiches are better than nothing," said Jake, smirking, checking my body out. I blushed and looked down, clearly seeing my cock and balls hanging out in all their glory. I got caught up conversing with Jake that I forgot to get dressed. "It appears you're the naked one now. I'll take mayonnaise, but not on my sandwich." He grinned, grinning that sly grin of his.

I paced past him. "Excuse me, but I need to get dressed." Before I could open the door, Jake grasped my left handpaw. "What is the rush, Karl?" He spun me around, our eyes locking each other. "Nude is 100% better than wearing clothing."

"Says the buck who's wearing clothing." I smirked, and a mischievous grin appeared on my muzzle. "Something is off balance here."

A soft murr emitted from Jake, as he grabbed hold onto my sac, making my eyes roll back and causing me to pant jovially. In a sultry tone, Jake said, "In fact, let's get rid of our clothes just for today. It'll help us get ready for the big night."

I feel Jake's grip tighten around my balls. The nipples on my buff chest erect quickly, and Jake seemed to enjoy that as he placed his right index finger and thumb on my right nipple. I let out a moan as he began massaging my nipple. I tried to refrain from squirming, but that failed as I fidgeted, losing my balance as Jake was doing this to me, taking me by surprise. Thankfully, I regained my footing, with the help of Jake of course.

"Jake, it appears that you're taking a liking to my nipples," As I speak, a soft chuckle escaped my lips as I speak. "Of course, my body attracts you faster than cake and doughnuts attract fat furs."

A blush appeared, plastering on my buck's face. "I'm looking forward for tonight, hun." he said, keeping his gaze on my nude bod. "I mean the thought of sticking my thing in your tailhole is nerve-wracking, especially for the first time. Yet I suppose you're feeling the same way?" Jake squeezed my nuts some, and I replied by letting out a meep, followed by a moan, followed by a smirk appearing on Jake's muzzle. I started panting, murring, when Jake started fondling my furry sac.

"This is all we do," I chimed, closing my eyes. "We touch each other, but it isn't the same compare to having sex. We're fine with touching each other and pleasuring each other, but when it comes to sex, when we thrust our things into our tailholes, we freeze."

"Karl, do not worry about us having sex." Jake replied, taking my handpaws in his. My eyes droop down halfway, as a smirk curled on my muzzle. Eyes burning of love gazed toward the deer. "We can only get better if we get used to having sex. We just need to focus on losing our virginity, and then it'll be smooth sailing for us."

"Thanks for the pep talk," I began to say, but paused remembering what Jake said earlier. "Still, I thought you wanted to hide your cock until tonight, so if you don't mind I want to do the same thing. I'm getting dressed." I broke away from Jake and entered the bedroom. I emerge wearing knee-high jeans, with holes deliberately cut in them, exposing my knees, and a cherry-red polo shirt. Jake saw a bulge growing in my pants. "Think of it this way, my love," As I said this, my tail brushed against my lover. "When the time of passage comes, you'll feel much better when I let you undress me."

Jake smiled. "I can say the same thing, but with you." he said. "Anyway, let's get lunch started."

We went to the kitchen. Normally, a "cute" couple holds each other handpaws, but not us. We are a serious couple, not a stereotypical gay couple.

When the time comes for us to have sex for the first time, we can expect it not to be the greatest night ever, but instead a stepping stone in our relationship. We know we shouldn't quell our relationship, in case one of us, or both of us for that matter, is bad. We just remember that we'll always have each other, going through obstacles together, even if we're not always together. Jake and I know we both have our endeavors, and at the end of the day we're grateful that we'll never part from each other. I speak the truth. We are not two-timers. We both bring our sandwiches to the living room. Jake had a bologna sandwich, and I had pimento cheese. For some reason, Jake hated pimento cheese, and even hated looking at it, glad that I covered it with two pieces of white bread. Sitting on our sofa, we indulge in our sandwiches, our taste buds taken on a wild ride. Jesus, our taste buds died and gone to heaven, and is now basking in its everlasting glory. Just don't ask Jake to combine the two sandwiches together. He'll hate that.

Our relationship is a ride of a lifetime, and we exit dazed, the adrenaline still rushing in our bodies. It's great, and we only want more. "Jake, I'm in the mood to go walking through town after lunch. Would you like to come along?" I asked, placing my half-eaten sandwich on my plate, getting up to get us something to drink. I then come back, minutes later, carrying two glasses of soda pop. I give one to Jake as I await his answer. "Well?" I asked.

"Do you want to know what I think about your idea?" Jake looked over at me, toothy grinning. "I think that's a marvelous idea, but what would we do there? We don't have any money to spend."

"That's what the bank is for!" I flail my arms in the air, feigning surprise, anger, and shock. Or was I? "Seriously, you don't know what a bank is?"

"Shit," Jake groaned, facepawing. "I KNOW what a bank is! I don't need to be reminded of it!"

I stuck my tongue out at Jake. It's fun teasing my boyfriend of nine months, so much so that it's a video game that I will always triumph in victory. "Besides, I just want to look around in some places," I speak up, "at the bookstore downtown."

"I'm in love with a book nerd," Jake smirks. "Now I can die happy."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

My buck shrugged. "Joke, I guess." he said.

We eat in silence (aside from the chewing noises we make). Finishing up our lunch, we throw our paper plates and plastic cups away. We didn't know if they were recyclable. We head on out the door, into my cherry-red Ford Fusion, since I was the one with the driver's license, and headed downtown. On the way, the same thought drifted into our heads: breaking away from our virginity, like a feather flying in the wind. We are that feather. We don't expect to be good, already experts, but still . . . this is a big moment for both of us. The thought is quickly broken at the sight of Jake grabbing his crotch.

"Do you need to pee?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the road. Jake was showing all the signs of urination: crotch holding-in attempt to hold pee, the gritting of the teeth-a sign that says, "I need to pee. I need to pee." and the sudden urge to play firefighter. The cock is a hose, ready to douse the fire. The vulva, for females, can be said the same. "Jake, we can pull over . . ."

Jake instead shook his head. "No, I can hold it." He lied. He simply cannot hold it. I've heard him claim that he can hold his pee, only for him to wet himself soon after. I've heard of a fetish that some furs have called watersports. At first, I thought it was like water skiing, until my curiosity beckoned me to look it up. Who gets so turned on watching a bear, a deer, a fox, a raccoon, or a buffalo urinate? Who, I ask, who?

"I don't think you can hold it." I said. "I'm pulling over. I expect you to relieve yourself, for I am not going to spend the rest of this car trip listening to you moan, trying to keep your pee within you."

"All right, if it'll make you happy." He sighed.

I pull over on the side of the road. Jake immediately went out to do his business. Since there were no toilets out here, just trees, Jake aimed his cock to an oak tree, imagining it was on fire, and smirked as he put out the pretend fire, pissing on the tree bark, marking his territory. This was his tree now, but he'll only let me use it. I wince my eyes closed, hearing that familiar trickling sound of urine encountering objects. Good thing I've already went myself.

I hear a car door open, and Jake entered in the seat next to me. "Thank you for stopping!" Jake said, sighing of relief. I quickly looked down and saw that my buck had his fly open.

"Hey, Jake, your fly's open." I said, pointing to Jake's pants.

Jake looked down and blushed, his face puce, as he zipped up his pants. "Once again, my pants betrayed me. I thought I had my fly up."

"But it turns out you didn't," I smirked.

"I can see that. . .."

I start the car and proceeded to move down the road as we made our way downtown. "Well, here we are!" I said, parallel parking next to a drug store. Not a single sign telling me that I couldn't park here was posted. We get out of the car, locking the doors behind, as we make our way down the sidewalk.

"Let's go down to the coffee kiosk and get some coffee," I said, "I saw that today's national coffee day."

"Coffee?" Jake asked me, feigning ignorance. "Why do you want to get coffee? A better question might be: why do you want caffeine in you?" He wasn't concerned at all. He was trying to make me figure out that he hated coffee. It wasn't working out the way he planned.

"Because I love coffee?" I stuck out my tongue at the buck. "You should try it."

"Sorry, but I don't drink coffee." Jake huffed. "Never did, even as a kid, and I'm not going to start now."

"Come on," I prodded. "Coffee is actually good for you. The caffeine keeps you high and alert, and that's a good thing."

"Karl . . . I said I don't drink coffee. . .."

"Well, you need to."

"No. I don't."

I rolled my eyes. Arguing never gets anywhere. "Okay, fine. Wait right here. I'm going to get a mocha cappuccino, with extra cream."

"Go right ahead. I'm not stopping you."

I nodded and momentarily left Jake as I walked down the sidewalk to the coffee kiosk, aptly named Creamy Goodness. With a name like that, I couldn't help but to laugh. "Oh, my God," I laughed non-stop, trying to catch my breath. "Bring on the misinterpretations!" I went inside, and to my expectations patrons crowded the place. I could still afford the coffee, but waiting, for thirty minutes to an hour, is a whole different story. I only hope Jake won't get angry with me. I know he doesn't like coffee, but waiting an hour for one overpriced (maybe) cup of coffee? I know that he would try to find a cheaper place for me or prefer for me to drink my coffee at home. "I better call Jake, tell him that it'll probably take a while." I got out my phone and dialed Jake. I can only hope he wouldn't be pissed.

"Hello?" Jake picked up on the third ring.

"Nice to hear that you picked up," I said, chuckling.

"What is it? Do you have your coffee yet?"

"Listen, it'll probably take a while. I just arrived, and there's a long line of patrons before me." I told Jake, panting nervously, feeling beads of sweat form within my fur.

"If there's a long line, you should come back later. I don't want to wait thirty something minutes just so that you can get coffee. It's probably expensive, too." Jake replied, huffing, sighing, rubbing his temples. "What is the price for one Grande mocha cappuccino because I know how much you love those."

I peered to the menu the best I can. Standing on my toes by default, since I have digitigrade legs, I got a good view of the menu prices. One Grande-sized mocha cappuccino is priced at $14.95. "Jake, their coffee is priced at over fourteen dollars!" I spoke into my phone. Since I arrived here, I didn't want to leave and be responsible in making the staff feel bad, so it didn't make sense for me to leave.

"FOURTEEN DOLLARS? HOLY FUCK, THAT'S EXPENSIVE!" yelled my buck. He screamed so loudly that anyone near me could hear the anger in his voice. He took a deep breath before adding, "I really think you should go someplace less expensive. Like I've passed by a coffee shop one time, and their coffee is priced at three to four dollars."

"Don't worry. I'm able to pay for my coffee. I've got my debit card."

"Okay, all right then." Jake looked at the clouds in the sky as they passed by. "It is surprising how one cup of coffee is high-priced."

"And dude you have got to hear the name of this coffee shop." I stifled a laugh. Other patrons looked at me like I was crazy. "It literally foreshadows what we're going to be doing tonight."

"What's the name?" Curiosity shot through Jake, like a shot in the dark.

"Creamy Goodness."

"Oh, God."

I soon met Jake, who was sitting on the curb, my mocha cappuccino at my side in my paw. He got up to his hooves once he saw me. "Finally got your coffee, but next time, go somewhere less expensive no matter how funny the name of the store is." I nodded. "Truthfully I prefer the pricier kind. The higher the price the more likely the product will be better." I said. However, Jake rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"You keep wasting your money on pricy beverages, and you won't have any else to spend." he told me, enunciating his words. "I want you to save your money, and I'll save mine, so we can use it for more important things, like our vacations."

"Well, I can't argue with that." I said. "I got my coffee, so where to next?"

"The bookstore," Jake replied. "Or the library. Either way I want to get some books, and before you lecture me I just want to say that it's something I really want. I have my eyes on a certain book called Forbidden Love."

"Oh, cool. Books. What's it about? Have you read the synopsis?" I asked.

"I don't know the whole synopsis nor do I know what the book is about." He pauses, hacking, spitting on the sidewalk. "I've heard that it's a rip-from Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, and I wanted to make sure."

"Let me guess . . . two furs from feuding families fall in love, and then their families find out about it and forbid them from seeing each other." I said, then clasping my handpaws. "So, they decide to continue seeing each other secretive." Jake nods his head. "Even though it's kind of like a Shakespearean rip-off I still want to read it." He started making his way down toward the library. I tag behind him because like him I am also a book nerd. "Hopefully, they'll have it. If not, I'll just try again tomorrow."

I finish my coffee since library rules dictate that food and drinks are not allowed inside. I can see why. Have you tried eating and reading without getting your book messy? We enter inside and are greeted by Mrs. Levinson, the librarian. She is a doe no more than thirty-five. Dressed in a while silk sun dress, she waved at us before trotting over. "Hello, boys. Do you need any help finding anything today?" she asked.

"Yes. Do you have Forbidden Love available?" Jake asked, fervently. "I would like to check it out, so I could analyze it." Mrs. Levinson nodded her head and led us to the circulation desk saying, "Boys, come to the circulation desk. I'll check it for you." She sat down on her black office chair, rolling to her desktop computer. With a click of the mouse, the information about the book popped up. "Sorry, the book isn't available because somebody already checked it out." Mrs. Levinson said. "Would you like me to find you another book?" Jake shook his head. "No, thanks. I'll look around some." he said.

"All right, then."

I spoke up soon after saying, "I'll follow him. Maybe there's something I want to check out."

Jake and I walk over to the horror section of the library. This is another thing we share. We love our horror. All the blood, gore, and guts excite us. The thrill of a horror movie keeps us on our toes and at the edge of our seats.

After a while, I am met with an urgent need to see my mate naked. I discreetly lift off his shirt, murring as I eyed all his biceps and triceps. His pectorals, alluring the most, will never leave my memory. I began unbuckling Jake's belt. A tingling sensation shot through me, as a bulge formed in my pants. Grabbing my buck's pants, I pull them down onto the floor. I was almost home free. The only garment left on Jake was his briefs, which showcased his well-endowed bulge. As I was about to yank Jake's briefs off, I felt his handpaw grip against mine. "Karl, I know that you love me, but I will feel better if I'm undressed in private." Jake said, with a conniving smirk on his muzzle.

I bit my lip. "I guess I'm ready for penetration," I said.

"Right here? Right now, you want me to penetrate your hole in public, where anyone can see?"

I pull off my buck's underwear, and Jake was publicly nude. We were deep in the confides of the library, so we had our privacy. "Yes. I guess so, babe. Yet, it's just the two of us, and if we get kicked out, at least we did it in a library." My ears then folded back as I was frozen, not knowing what to do.

"Maybe you should get undressed, too." Jake suggested. "This complicates things. I thought we were going to do it in our bedroom, but things change sometimes I guess."

"Sorry," I blushed. "It's just that I'm getting pent-up now and begging for release." Jake nods and helped me get undressed. I pulled off my shirt and he undid my pants and underpants. My cock sprang into action, hard and ready. I still was frozen. Since this is technically our first time having sex, losing our virginity, we weren't experts. Here we are, naked together in the public library, not knowing what to do. I couldn't impede this much longer. Even if I'm, or Jake, is bad at this at least we'll lose our virginity (if you think about it, if I top Jake, I'd lose my virginity. Same with Jake.) I grabbed my buck and gently placed him against the wall. His ass was exposed to me, and I could clearly see his taut, needy tailhole.

But a thought raced in my mind. What if we get caught mid coitus? The library isn't the ideal place for sex, but my cock fervently had other plans. We already undressed ourselves, our cocks hanging out, Jake's furry buck ass in my face, so it doesn't make sense to not do anything. Jake and I are ready to lose our virginity, or I since I'm going to top my buck. My heart beating fast, I freeze. This is a big step in our relationship, and it'll tell whether I'm going to be good in bed or single. I turn my head both ways making sure that nobody was coming our way, as I leaned forward and whispered into Jake's ear, "So what should I do first?" I know I'm being silly by asking questions, but you'll be doing the same thing when it's your first time sticking your cock in another fur's tailhole, or vagina if it's your girlfriend. "I am totally lost, but the breeze feels nice though."

"I remember asking my cousin about this. He said to always make sure the glory spot, that is what he calls the tailhole, sheath, shaft, sac, and vagina, is wet and moist. It makes it easier for penetration." Jake answered. "We don't have any lube, but make your tongue useful and lick my ass. Maybe that'll ignite the spark some." Neither Jake nor Karl would blossom into experienced sex artists quickly. Sex experience takes time.

The thought about penetrating in a public library, well away from everyone else, only made me feel more excited. My ocelot cock was ready. I didn't hear my buck mention lube or my tongue, so I just went with it, slowly sticking my member in the tiny, tight hole of my buck. He moans, panting, music to my ears. It's showing that I was on the right track, but something feels a bit off. It feels tight, bland. "Um, Jake? Are you sure I'm doing this right?" I tried thrusting, which helped a tad, but not enough to rocket ourselves in pleasure. "I'm not feeling anything."

Jake huffed and said, "Why aren't you giving me moisture? Trust me, my cousin's right. Make sure I'm slick and prepped before you insert your luscious member in me."

I removed my cock from Jake's tailhole, embarrassed. A slick ass turned out to be very important. I'll remember that the next time we do this. Take two. I then knelt down on the floor and leaned into Jake's posh ass. In my opinion, my buck's ass is impregnable making me unable to break away from it. Before this moment, I usually give Jake love slaps. Sometimes, when I'm very frisky, I'll have Jake engulf my muzzle in his derriere. That always gets me pent-up, my erect cock standing proud. As the musk, coming from Jake's ass, penetrated my nostrils, various visions shrouded my mind. For one thing, being caught by Mrs. Levinson. Both Jake and I know that this is a public place, and that intercourse, especially gay intercourse, is frowned upon here. But the two of us are turned on, and we promised each other that we would lose our virginity together, even if we're not in the privacy of our home. As long as Jake keeps quiet, I think we could get away with doing it, or at least tried intercourse. I would very much like time alone with my loving buck. As I lean forward, ready to lick Jake's glory hole, the moment ended abruptly by a handpaw grasping my arm. I feel a yank and then I find myself at the sights of a wolf, one who isn't happy with what Jake and I were doing. "Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you and your friend to leave." he said. Library assistant, his name tag as proof. "This is a library, not a sex house. Do this"-He meant us being naked and ending our virginity-"at your own time."

Jake eyed to the grey wolf, with well-toned muscles that should be showcased instead of being hidden by his work outfit. The wolf would look good nude, or shirtless at least. "Oh, come on. The party's just getting started. This is a big moment for me and Karl." my buck said. "Won't you please join us in this historic moment?"

The wolf shook his head. "No, I'm sorry. As much as I really would like to, there are two things in the way. 1) This is a public place and 2) I'm straight." he said. "Now leave before you get me fired." The wolf pointed to the way out. Embarrassed, we get dressed and left the library. So, the library isn't a good place to make love.

"Well, that didn't end as I planned," I say to my buck.

Jake scoffed. "Tell me about it. Oh well, we can try again at home."

Home. Where Jake and I can fuck wherever and whenever we want without the possibility of getting caught mid-action . . . once we adjust to our sex life. Home. Where we are free to walk around with our cocks standing high, and our balls dangling out, just waiting to be fondled.

But with what happened at the library, and the fact that the both of us are clothed again, I have a feeling that my cock has receded back into my sheath. It's not a problem, though. With help from Jake, it'll be easy for me to become hard again. Jake, and someone who's very experienced when it comes to intercourse. The wolf at the library was a prime target but he was straight, or was he? Maybe he said it to cover up the fact that he really was gay. Eh, this is only my fantasies talking. Not all buff, well-toned males are gay, as some could be bisexual, straight, pansexual, and asexual.

Our first time having sex didn't go as we wanted it to. As we head back to our place, we strip out of our clothes, save for our briefs, and headed to our bedroom. As we get under the sheets, we pull our boxers off, dropping them onto the carpet. Even though we didn't do it properly, we can still act like we did. And I can proudly say that I stuck my cock into Jake's tailhole, so that's something. I might have not lube my cock, but it was still inside Jake.

Tomorrow, we'll try again. Maybe, if Jake goes along with it, I'll invite someone, where we could have a threesome.