High School Misfits

Story by Goddard on SoFurry

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Coming-of-age story set in the 80's south, as a group of teens try to find their place in high school, and the world. Isn't as serious as that sentence made it sound.

My first story on this site, hope you guys enjoy! This first chapter pretty much sets up the premise of the story. Any feedback is welcomed, I want to get better at writing (and even do commissions in the future, if I'm any good at this stuff)

December 17, 1984, was a weird day.

First and foremost, there's nothing I hate more than a rainy school morning. I don't know, something about having to wake up, get dressed, leave my house at 6:45 (before most of the darn hemisphere is awake), and have water hit my glasses to the point where I have about half-a-minute before I'm blind gets me really pissed off. I actually ran inside my school when my mom dropped me off, not even having the time to sigh in annoyance at the long brick-building before entering it.

The entrance led to the middle of the school, which had a bunch of posters about events, notifications, and other kinds of info as the left and right of the building led to the classes and lockers, which were a navy-ish blue. I walked to the board, where a big banner in red handwriting said

"Join Marble Hills High School's End-of-the-year Movie Night!

*Before 1985 comes around, why not hang with friends and watch the best movies of the year? The top three movies that are voted for by the students will be shown! You can cast your vote in Mr. Harken's room! *

It will take place on December 21st, the last day of school before Christmas Break! Tickets will cost two dollars, and snacks will be given at the entrance for as little as 25 cents!

We hope to see you there!"

Well that gives me something to do this Friday. One good thing about Marble Hills is that, in events like this, they actually try and make it seem professional; the last movie night had popcorn machines and sold actual candy, and not cheap chip bags with school milk. Sure, it was a one-story building, but it was also one of the few specialized high schools in Texas (and in their defense it was a long building).

"Sup, hyena nerd!"

Which meant that even our dumb air-headed jocks were some of the smartest in the state. Before I knew it, I was shoved against the wall of school events, all of my books falling to the floor. I looked up at who did it, a bear with a white-and-blue jersey jacket with the letters "MHR" stitched into it. The grizzly's name was Ben, and I glared daggers at him as he walked away, laughing with his friends. That 'hyena' comment came from the fact that my fur pattern was like a hyena's, only difference being I had cinnamon colored fur on my back rather than spots. I also kind of looked like one, begrudgingly.

I bent down to pick up my belongings, hearing footsteps approach me. I look up at the figure; a cheetah wearing a beige jumpsuit and a striped pink-white turtleneck. She had blond puffy hair, a style in which every girl had for the most part (I and most guys went au naturel and stayed hairless for the most part). "I thought feminists didn't follow the status quo of women's fashion?"

"One, this isn't women's fashion, two, teen boys have been dressing the same for the past thirty years, so bag your face Cory."

Shit, she got me there. Sweater, tucked-in T-Shirt and jeans really is kind of basic. "Don't be a betty, Susan." That got me a punch to the shoulders, and despite the fact that it totally hurt, I gave a mocking pout as I got up. She rolled her eyes, and told me in a more serious tone "You shouldn't let Ben toy with you like that."

"He's as smart as a fart, why should I care what he does?"

"Because he's a dumb airhead, which are very dangerous people during this time of our lives. He's going to bully you worse if you don't stand up to him."

"Yeah, stand up to the jock who works out a ton, great advice. This is why you're a Dexter, Susan. You're smart, but not smart enough to be a nerd."

"Gag me a spoon, Cory, the only difference between Dexter's and Nerd's are that we are seen as normal."

"Oh that's cruel, Dungeons and Dragons is decently normal."

"No, it isn't" she said, laughing in a genuine tone rather a mocking one. Susan is like those chocolates that have a hard shell, but are gooey and warm on the inside (okay that's pretty cheesy). She also happens to be a sophomore, my best friend isn't even in my grade. We chatted a bit as we walked down the hallways, talking about homework, high school drama, and the latest women achievements (something Susan can go on and on about) before heading to our respective classes.

From that point on, the day went on as any other one did. Test in Global, substitute in Math (which was always a kick ass period); small variations of the average day. Eventually the clocks hit 1:50, and the school bell rung for the last time as students flooded the hallway.

Pushing against the tide of young adolescences, I went to the library, where I take out and return various novels and comics for about an hour. I find it very beneficial to read the first several pages of a book before taking it home; a lot of people end up taking home books that sound interesting but are actually total bunk. I'm never in a rush to head home, any how.

Exactly an hour later, I began walking through the hallway as I placed "The Talisman" in my backpack. I also realized that, against my own rules of sanitation, I had to use the school bathroom. Now this rarely ever happens, my bowel movements are usually withheld until I return to my humble abode. Which makes the following event something out of a teenager's wet dream.

I opened the bathroom door, which hadn't been pushed in all the way, and the sound of moaning hit my ears like a brick.

My mind was all fuck fuck fucking fuck holy fuck fuck fucking fuck as I VERY quietly let go of the door. Now, I was ready to just head out of the bathroom, but there were two things that caught my attention.

The two people in the stall had jeans on. Ladies don't wear jeans. And I also heard two distinct MALE moans.

What. In. Tarnation.

Despite the way I speak with Susan, I actually am the stereotypical nerd, shy and quiet unless I'm with close friends. I'm also a queer, which means that as the average boy can steal a nudie mag from a nearby drug store to "audition their hand-puppet", I have never seen a penis that wasn't a family members'.

So hearing two boys, in my age-group, doing naughty things no more than a few feet away from me, made my pants become very tight. I adjusted my glasses, and tiptoed to the stall. Peaking through the thin space between the door and the wall, my jaw dropped.

It was Ben. That fucking Ben. He was leaning against the toilet seat, moaning, as a crocodile was nodding his head on his crotch. They both wore school jersey's, which was both incredibly shocking and surprisingly arousing. Normally I would question how hard it was for a crocodile to give a blowjob, but too much blood was rushing down south for me to even entertain that.

"Shit dude, I'm close..."

I heard a slurp as the croc lifted his head, his hand going to Ben's groin and shaking up and down. "Come on, man. Let's see you shoot..."


"Come on, just let it out, don't...hold...back..."

For some reason, when I heard the ursine moan at a much louder and higher voice, I quickly got out of there. If they found out that a geek like me was spying on their business, they would pummel me into a new species, probably an avian of sorts.

I thankfully had a really tight pair of undies on as well as a not-so-tight pair of jeans so my, for lack of a better word, raging erection wasn't all too visible. Maybe I gave away my position from running out of the room, I don't know, I didn't stay to ask. I needed to get the absolute hell out of there.

I got to my house about an hour later, took off my shoes, hung my sweater, greeted my parents, relieved myself in the bathroom (finally) and quickly went to my room. My heart was still racing to my chest, and I kept having to wipe my hand on my forehead. Take deep breaths, Cory. I got my backpack and opened it's contents, deciding that working on my assignments would help clear my mind a bit.

I'm curious as to what adrenaline has to do with time distortion, because by the time I was done with everything two hours had passed. I did _not _do two hours of homework just now. And my heart was still beating at an elevated rate.

Just like homework, the rest of my day went by quickly and in the manner it usually does. I ate dinner with mom and pops, watched some TV, and found out that Stephen King is still a genius at writing. When the clock struck 9, I put The Talisman on my nightstand and began to fall asleep.

_The bathroom door swung open, the bear and crocodile smiling at me. _

_"You're free to watch if you want" the croc said, smiling as he put the bear's exposed dick in his mouth. His tongue swirled around the meaty phallus, and the bear bit his lip as his hips ever-so-slightly thrust into the willing throat. I unbuckled my pants, letting my shaft spring out. Pre was already dripping from the tip as I began to jerk off at the incredible sight before me. _

The soft slurping sound of a cock being sucked on filled the room, and the smell of musk hit my nose. I moaned, pumping my own member faster as the scene elevated.

The croc stood up suddenly, and began unbuckling his belt. He slid his pants down just under his smooth and tight cheeks, saying in a seductive voice "I'm not going to do all the work, Ben". The bear was silent as he slid his muzzle on the crocodile's cock. I envied the crocodile so much, not even being able to comprehend how soft lips rubbing against my shaft would feel like. I can only imagine how good humping into a warm wet mouth is. To feel a tongue slide against the tip of my cock.

_At the same time, I imagined how it would feel like to suck one. Feeling a nice hot piece of meat slide into my willing maw. To slowly run my tongue on the veins, feeling him lightly throb in my mouth as his hands rubbed my ears, the same way the crocodile is rubbing Ben's. _

The crocodile began lightly thrusting into Ben's mouth, my own mouth drooling at the sight of the croc's beautiful ass moving back and forth. I wanted so badly to put my muzzle in between those glorious mounds, to stick my tongue deep into his pucker. I wanted to shove my dick in between them even more.

As if reading the wolf's mind, Ben's hands went on the croc's butt, rubbing each cheek before squeezing them. "Come on, Cory, I know you want too."

_I walked up behind the croc, putting my member right between his ass, sliding it up and down. The croc moaned and humped faster, his ass bumping into my cock which caused me to moan as well. _

I heard a light slapping sound, and I glanced over at Ben as the bear beat himself off. His balls slapped against his palm as his wrist was a blur on his cock.

"I'm close..." I muttered, pushing against the crocodile's ass harder as it slid against my dick faster.

"Me too, man. Fuck...I'm almost there..."

Ben was panting from his nose, his paws lifting as he went even faster.

"Gonna...cum...oh, FUCK!" the croc shouted, hips humping violently into the bear's mouth. The bear moaned loudly around the member in his mouth, his penis shooting out cum onto the floor in powerful spurts.

I was right on the edge, so very close to letting loose. The croc gave a hard hump against Ben's muzzle, causing my erection to straighten...

...and when he thrust back I felt his warm hole engulf the head of my dick...

I moaned loudly as my cock began throbbing, shooting out cum. I opened my eyes, realizing that I was dreaming just now. I was in heaven as I shot more and more into my underwear, feeling the warmth against my groin and not caring that it would mat my fur. I lightly panted in post-orgasmic bliss. This was the first time I came from a wet dream, and my god. I hope by the year 2000 they invent a way to trigger those automatically.

I looked at the clock, and it said 5:36. I'd have to wake up in approximately 24 minutes, which gave me plenty of time to relax. During this time, the reality of my current situation hit me. I now know that two jocks of the best high school football team in the city were homosexuals, which made me feel like a hundred pound weight was on my back. Maybe it shouldn't, hell it probably shouldn't, but it did. Most likely because I was just like them.

Tuesday was a complete blur. I couldn't tell you anything specific that happened, it just began and ended. Went to class, did my work, ate lunch. I skipped the library, for once wanting to head straight home. Throughout the whole day I know for a fact Susan noticed my quieter-than usual attitude, but to be frankly honest, I'm much more content with her confronting me about it than me bringing it up.

During dismissal, I saw some of the football players joking around near the wall in school. I especially noticed Ben and the crocodile, joking around, the crocodile farted loudly which triggered the whole group to laugh and back up. Dumb, idiotic jock stuff. Like, how are they acting so damn normal, like they weren't going down on each other yesterday after school? Jesus Christ, I would never see those two the same, I knew way, way too much.

December 17, 1984, was a weird fucking day.