A sister's twin brothers

Story by damngreedybastards on SoFurry

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A sister has a problem only her twin brothers can help solve.

My twin older brothers and I have always been close, but after the Event we were even closer. The mutations seemed random, but my brothers were the perfect counter-example. Identical twins before, and identical after. Then again, they both ended up as hulking Great Danes and I ended up as a small fox. Some people couldn't cope with the changes, our Mom was one, we never saw her after. Our Dad stayed, but he wasn't the same with her gone. His fire had gone with her and he spent most of his time working to provide for us. I was able to keep hoping for a while, but now it's my 16th birthday and things have been back to "normal" for a few years.

The smell of fresh, golden-brown pancakes cut through the haze of sleep like no alarm ever could. Leaping out of bed I pulled on a T-shirt and rushed out of my room. I was down the stairs and in the kitchen, interrupting Sam as he went to call me down, I plopped down at the table next to Steve. Seeing my expression and guessing my thoughts Steve answered before I even asked, "Sorry. Dad had to head out. He told us to give you this kiss though." I grinned as I tried to shove him out of his chair and almost fell over. Sam laughed, but slid two huge pancakes onto my plate before I could hit him with a glare. I dumped half the bottle of syrup and grabbed a huge bite. Closing my eyes, I sat and enjoyed the taste of a perfect home cooked pancake. I opened my eyes after a few seconds, and caught an odd look flash between Steve and Sam before they looked back at me expectantly. Seeing them go to speak, I took another massive bite, right before the chorused, "Well?" I grinned, my cheeks bulging with food. Slowly chewing, I finally swallowed, and reached for the orange juice. The sight of their identical pouts got me laughing, and I praised their cooking in between chuckles and breaths. The three of us ate pancakes and talked for the next while, before I glanced at the clock. I nearly jumped out of my fur, and Sam offered to clean my plate as I was already heading for the shower. I normally take a hot shower, but the cold water felt so good. I figured I was overheated from the warm kitchen, as I bolted from the shower to get dressed.

Sam drove like a maniac and we were able to make it to school just in time. They hinted at more surprises for later and I rushed off to class, distracted by wondering just what the surprise would be. I made it through first and second period without paying much attention. I was halfway through third period when I began to feel odd. At first I thought the radiators were turned up too high, typical high school, but then I realized that everything else felt cool to the touch. As soon as class ended I went to find my brothers, one look at my flushed muzzle was all they needed. And we packed up and headed for home. At first the cool air in the car felt soothing, but as it warmed up it began to get rather stuffy. I asked them to put down the windows, but Steve said it was probably better to keep as warm as I could. We were about ten minutes from home when I noticed the smell. After a few deep sniffs, I realized it was coming from me. But not from anywhere I was used to, leaning forward I realized my sex was swollen and wet. I was old enough to have had health class, but that had been before the event, "who knows what could be wrong with me now," I wondered to myself. I pulled my coat tighter, and snuggled down in the seat. The smell was getting stronger in the small car, and it only worsened the strange feelings inside me. I heard Sam sniff, and bit my lip, wishing we were home. I could only see the backs of their heads, but I noticed both my brothers fidgeting in their seats. Sam sped up, and finally we arrived home. I rushed to my room, and flung myself into bed. A few minutes later Sam came up and tucked me in properly. The feeling of him touching me through the blanket sent a dull throb through me, but after a second he was done and heading for the door. He poked his head back into the room, "Don't worry. I bet this is just a small cold that will be gone by tomorrow." However, his smile seemed awkward and he left a bit too quickly.

I laid there for a while. Feeling myself slowly melt into a puddle. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore, I threw the covers off. For a few minutes the cool air soothed my body, but eventually even in just my underwear I felt like I was slowly cooking. Pulling off my last scraps of clothing I rolled over and tried to fall asleep.

The sound of the door creaking startled me awake, and mind still hazy I rolled over to look at the door. I was happy to see Sam and Steve carrying a tray of food and I sat up eagerly. Steve was in the lead and he jerked to a halt, Sam stumbling into him. I looked down to see my uncovered body, and grabbed for the sheet. I yanked it to my chin, before looking up at the two stunned faces in front of me. No one moved for a half second, before I felt my emotions rising along with the tears. They paused, before Sam sat down next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling my tiny frame against him. My tears stopped, his arm against me was electrifying. "What's wrong, everything is fine," he said. But now I could feel him breathing heavily as he sat next to me. Looking up, and wiping my eyes clear I could see Steve standing there eying me nervously. I tried speak, but my voice caught in my throat. Glancing back and forth between their worried faces, I suddenly pulled the sheet down. "I feel weird, down there," I proclaimed, feeling very small, and vulnerable in front of my two big brothers. Steve twitched, and Sam's grip on my tightened. Silence filled the small room, and so had my scent I realized. Even stronger than before. Steve started to speak, but Sam cut him off with his other raised fist. "Don't worry lil' sis. We will make it feel better," he said, his voice husky, his eyes piercing mine. He slid his other hand down, across my leg. My skin crawled under his touch, it felt hot and cold all at once, but I knew one thing. I never wanted him to stop. He massaged up and down my thigh, slowly getting closer to my swollen mound with each stroke. Then, his fur brushed against my heated flesh. I jerked involuntarily, half pulling out of his gentle grip. "Steve, sit behind her," Sam ordered as he moved to kneel against the bed in front of me. After a moment's hesitation, Steve moved around behind me, sliding his body against mine, and putting his arms around me. His hands hovered in the air a moment before each one covered one of my breasts. I had a decently sized rack for my overall size, but my whole body was tiny compared to my brothers'.

We sat there in silence for a moment, each waiting for the others to make a move. Sam gazed into my needy eyes and after a moment leaned forward and ran his broad tongue over my stomach. I twitched, but Steve was holding me tight. After a moment, he too began to move. Grasping my mounds harder, he began to roll my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. Without thinking I leaned my head back and moaned. He gripped harder, pinching and squeezing me. Sam gave me another long, slow lick before gently spreading my legs with his unstoppable arms. I resisted slightly, but the only reaction was a quiet growl as he pulled my legs apart. I looked down, before I had been damp, but now my swollen slit was dripping onto the bed. The smell was everywhere now, and I now I could feel Steve's massive member behind me, the tip pressing into my lower back. Sam leaned forward, this time his sloppy tongue made me even wetter as it stroked between my legs. My whole crotch was soon soaked, as Sam's wet licks began coming faster and faster. Steve's panting in my ear was speeding up as he watched over my shoulder, and a drop of drool splashed onto me, before he massaged the wet into my tender mounds. I shuddered, and turning my head gave him a lick on the muzzle. He turned his head to meet mine, and soon our tongues were dancing together. I broke the connection with a gasp as Sam's tongue slipped into my swollen vent and lapped my sensitive insides. And now one of Steve's hands reached down and began to massage me, as Sam's tongue slipped between his fingers, trying to get deeper into my tight passage. Steve reached even lower and ground his palm against my bud, right as Sam's tongue thrust into me again. The sensation was too much, I felt a tidal wave rising up inside me. Sweeping my consciousness away for a moment as I basked in an ocean of pleasure.

After what felt like an eternity, I felt myself reluctantly drift back to reality. I opened my eyes to see Sam standing in front of the bed. He was naked, and I could see his muscles rippling under his beautiful fur, but the thing that held my attention was the massive cock, standing at attention. The tip was oozing pre, and pointed right at me. "Ready to keep going," he half asked, half commanded. "Yes," I whispered. He moved forward and knelt on the bed in front of me, I felt Steve do the same behind. Steve's cock pressed against my back, the sticky spreading across my fur. "Hurry up," I pleaded. Sam grinned and reaching forward scooped a pawfull of my liquids, before rubbing them over his throbbing shaft. I leaned back against Steve, as he repeated the process a few more times. With his cock shining, the huge veins standing out, he nodded to Steve behind me. I felt myself lifted into the air and turned around. I gazed into Steve's eager face as he slowly lowered me towards his member. He gasped as Sam impatiently grabbed him, and guided his tip to my throbbing entrance. Despite the tightness of my virgin entrance, or the size of his massive rod felt him slid into me. His shaft forcing its way between my lips. His hands beneath my arms, he easily lifted my small frame into the air, before once again slowly impaling me on his massive shaft. I was gasping and moaning now, but the feeling of a hand grabbing my tail caused my mouth to snap shut. Without warning, I felt Sam force his cock, lubed with my juices, deep into my tail. Steve was forced to stop, as my pussy and tail began to clench and squeeze the two cocks inside of me. Again, I felt myself drifting away, but this time they both began thrusting into me and the intense pressure pulled me back even as it overwhelmed me.

Their two cocks rubbed against each other, as I felt myself filled beyond what I would have thought possible. Their two muscular bodies worked against, me, their tiny plaything. They were both grunting loudly now as they struggled to force themselves deeper into my small body. The knowledge that they were my twin brothers, only made it better. I whimpered and moaned between them, as their thrusts moved in and out of sync. And now I could feel the bulges growing at the base of their shafts. I cried out as they both tried to thrust deeper into, my tail felt like it would split and I could feel Steve's tip tickling my cervix. In unison, they pulled back, before thrusting even deeper. They were panting even faster now, and they began thrusting as hard and fast as they could. I bounced in their grip, even as they tried to force me down onto their turgid cocks. "Let me go first," Sam whined as he stopped thrusting and simply pressed his hips against mine, my opening beginning to stretch around him. Steve had pulled back slightly, but he continued thrusting into me, and in this new position his balls had begun slapping loudly against my outer lips. The feeling was overwhelming, and I felt as if every part of me was about to snap. Then, with a pop, my tail gave up the losing battle and his knot plunged into my virgin hole. He froze. "Now Steve, I can't hold much longer," he barked as his fingers dug into my arms. Steve pulled back one last time as Sam leaned me back against his chest. Then Steve ploughed into me like a piston, my scream was interrupted by a gasp, as his knot stretched my lips obscenely before making it inside me. Deep inside I felt his tip push right through my cervix and I lost control. As both my brothers howled, I felt like I was being torn apart. Their knots pressed against each other, making my belly bulge, and then, I felt the pulsing start. Their howls increased in volume and I felt their seed shooting up their shafts into me. With an audible spurt, a string of cum shot into my tail even as another burning hot strand blasted into my waiting womb. They grunted and twitched against my straining body, as each tried to fill me with every drop of seed they had. My womb and tail filled, the pressure building as their knots kept me plugged tight. We lay down, I was sandwiched between them, gasping each time their knots tugged on my bright red holes.

"Feel better now," Sam asked. I felt my inner walls struggle to clench against their cocks, but the pressure inside was too much. I moaned rhythmically, even as I felt myself ... drifting ... off ... to sleep ...

Hey everyone, thanks for reading. Feedback is always appreciated, hope you enjoyed. I am crazy busy, but I will finish the other series I have started, eventually ...