Aion's Hardware

Story by Digitalhysteria on SoFurry

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Part one of a short story about a cyborg bunny.

The doctor took one look at me and put his face in his palm, "Goddamn it, Aion... what did you do to yourself this time?" He said with a groan looking at my half mangled body.

"I didn't do anything..." I started explaining gesturing to my ruined lower half, exposed wires and frame crushed and twisted beyond recognition, "the asshole who did is in a holding cell on the 42nd floor though, so take it up with him and his car." I said looking back up at the ceiling.

The doctor started inspecting me closer and smiled a bit. "It looks like you managed to prevent damage to your torso so the couplings that link you legs to your body are in perfect condition..." he reached over to his bench and picked up a tool that triggers my quick release and he easily pulled my legs off one at a time as well as my...ahem... package. I may be mostly machine but the sensors do a marvelous job or replicating the sensations I had when I was all flesh. "Stay here while I go and grab you a pair of legs and a new crotch piece from storage. I'll only be a minute"

"I'll do my best not to go for a stroll down to the bar." I said with a smirk.

About forty-five minutes later, I was still Lying there, going mad with boredom when the lab door finally woosh'd open.

"Sorry I took so long. It looks like one of the interns managed to completely screw up storage and I spent all this time opening cases hoping to find the right parts." He lifts the large black plastic suitcase. "These were the best I can do until Monday when I can have them tear it apart and organize it all properly." He sets the case down heavily on the workbench and opens the latch.

Immediately I could see the issue and I just shook my head "No... Just no! You are not putting those on me." I said staring at the shapely legs and the tight looking slit on the crotch piece.

"Frankly you don't have much choice because either you wear these and come back on Monday when I can find the proper parts or you lie here all weekend waiting. I'll be damned if you think you're staying here all weekend so you have one choice and that is to wear all of these because the last thing I need is your exposed mechanisms getting food in them while you are in the mess hall." He said sternly pulling one of he legs out of the case and walking over to me with it.

"Fine..." I said with an exasperated sigh "but you are going to make me a laughing stock all weekend with the hips on these things..."

"At least you won't be in my lab." The doctor said grinning as the first leg clicked into place and a rush of sensation came back to me. "Now, can you move it? Is the sensation ok?"

I quickly flexed my knee and then wiggle my toes for the doctor. "Feels normal." Which got a nod and he quickly grabbed the other leg snapping it into place and we repeated the verification.

"Ok... so for this... we'll this might be pretty different, but I promise give it an hour or two and you won't be even notice the difference." He said as he slid the foreign lady bits between my legs, attaching the proper hoses and then clicking it into place and the rush of sensation flooded my mind, suddenly I could feel inside of myself and muscles I never had before flexed causing me the flush red and moan, much to my own embarrassment. "Charming..." the doctor said handing me a new vinyl combat suit, but this was different from normal.

"Now with the hips and the smooth crotch we can't exactly give you the normal male combat suit so I quickly put this together it will accommodate your new anatomy quite well stretching over your hips and keeping your new vulva covered snugly."

I held up the suit and took in the shape, the style was entirely feminine leaving the shoulders exposed through a layer of clear vinyl, and the solid part came down to a cover the tender bits, the rest of the legs also covered in clear vinyl. "This has to be some kind of joke."

"No, no joke, I had this fabricated for you In the 3D printer once I knew that these legs were your only choice. It's the female model but I had the chest modified so that you didn't have additional material in the front." I must have been glaring at him because he just rolled his eyes. "Honestly it either this or you can wear your civilian clothes but I doubt your pants will fit."

Reluctantly I unzipped the back and stepped into the suit pulling it up until it came up and cupped my... my... pussy. It was so weird saying that even to myself. I then pulled the top up and slid my arms into it and reached behind myself zipping it up. Not only was it weird to say it tomyself it was just as weird to feel nothing dangling between my thighs... my... shapely thighs... just the kind of thighs I like on my women normally.

"Looks like it fits fine, so just remember that the codpiece removes so you can easily use e bathroom and if you are experiencing any sort of hardware issues to stop by anytime, I will be in my office early tomorrow."

"Yeah, thanks..." I said with no small degree of sass and walked out, my gait feeling very different than it did a few hours ago. My hips swaying from side to side as I walked quickly down the hall making my way towards my room hoping to avoid anyone seeing me in these clothes with these hips.

I wouldn't be so lucky though as a ding at the end of the hall signaled the opening of the elevator, I quickly made my way to my door but fumbled my keys dropping them, and I quickly bent st the waist, but it was too late.

"Damn... I was gonna say nice ass but holy crap, Aion... please tell me you requested this!" He said with a laugh.

I grabbed my keys and stood up quickly, I must have been blushing because when I looked at 'Z', his nickname, he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry man... I am just glad to see you on your feet. But seriously, what's up with... " he looked down noticing the smooth sweep of my crotch. "Do you have a pussy?!" He said loud enough that the whole hall could have heard him.

"Fuck you! I save your ass, I catch your criminal and this now you harass me cause the doc couldn't find the parts. You are dick. I am tired and I am going to bed." I said with no small amount of frustration in my voice as I unlocked the door and opened it. "If you need me I'll be staying in all weekend... and don't tell anyone!" I slipped inside and slammed the door.