Avonture Cruises — Chapter 2. Splash Party

Story by Rod_Erich on SoFurry

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Loud, lively music that was playing outside reverberated against the glass wall panels as we stood emerged to the elevator lobby on Deck 13. 'It would seem the party has already started.' I mused while Dan eagerly lead me through the sliding glass doors and into the open aired pool deck, his tail wagging excitedly behind him.

It seemed that a good portion of the passengers had gathered on the deck, and almost everyone was shirtless, clad in speedos, swimming trunks, and even thongs for a few. Some were definitely showing off their bodies as they danced to the music that boomed from a number of speakers spread across the deck. Others had opted to go for a dip on the two swimming pools and the jacuzzi tubs, or simply lounging on the comfy looking deck chairs which was set aside on the sheltered part of the pool deck.

"Looks like we're a bit too late for the party." Dan chuckled to himself as he practically dragged me over the swimming pools which was set side by side. Quite a few passengers had taken to themselves for a swim, or were just simply sitting on the ankle-high shallows area surrounding the deeper parts of the pool.

"Really? I thought it was just starting." I snarked. "And you know, we could've been here earlier if you hadn't forget the muster drill right before this." I added.

The wolf snorted as stepped into the shallows. "I'm not the one who wanted to change back to his t-shirt and shorts."

I felt my cheeks warming up and shot him an annoyed glare. "Hey, I'm not going to walk around in the public half naked." I gestured to the black and blue trimmed AftergloWear speedos.

I have my own swimming trunks, but Dan gave this pair to me and insisted that I wear them. They looked more like a thong than a speedo to be honest. Though I have to admit, they were surprisingly comfortable despite being extremely skin tight, and they fit Dan's muscled physique very nicely.

"Well, you don't seem to mind now, and honestly, it looks good on you." Another teasing grin grazed Dan's lips. "Besides, we'd look like a pair." He said, gesturing to his own speedo which looked just like mine, only the colors were inverted. I could see his bulge outlined against the elastic fabric.

Dan, in his excitement, had forgotten that there will be a muster drill before the fun activities could commence, so he had pushed me to change into the speedos just as it was announced that all passengers should gather in the atrium for the drill.

As he seemed to be the kind of person to enjoy being stared at, Dan proceeded to attend the muster drill only with his speedo and lifejacket on his body. While he wasn't the only one to appear shirtless, he was the only guy in our lifeboat station to appear half naked. As for me, I went to change back into my regular clothes before quickly chasing after Dan.

"This is a pool party Dan." I replied exasperatedly, adjusting the leather cord bracelet that was wrapped around my left arm, the yellow beads glinted slightly in the afternoon sun. Everyone, as far as I can see, wore the bracelet.

It was nifty little identifier that I found in the fanny pack while Dan and I changed into the speedos. It also came with five different colored beads, which Dan explained that each color denoted the availability status of each passenger. Red for single and unavailable; yellow for single and available, but the person would like to get to know each other first; green for single and available; blue for coupled and available; and purple for coupled and unavailable;

Had to admit, it was quite strange, but it's useful nonetheless. I was not one for random hookups, but the beads helped me to easily identify which passengers are approachable and who aren't. I saw quite a few of blues, a dash of purples and reds, and lots of yellows and greens among the passengers so far. It was also no surprise that Dan picked all of the green beads and snapped it on his bracelet. For me, I picked the yellow ones.

"Anyway, smile will ya?" Dan said, pulling me from my stupor as he linked his arm around my neck and fished out his phone from who knows where. It was the only warning I got before he took yet another picture.

Before I could make a comment about Dan and his obsession with photography, a familiar voice spoke, "Well then. Looks like we're not the only ones wearing matching clothing here."

Dan's grin widened when he identified the guys who had spoken. "Hey, you two."

I gave a small wave at Larry and Garry. Both of them were wearing matching white and blue swimming trunks. Seems that they had just climbed up from the pool and shook themselves dry judging from their damp, slightly puffy fur, which did nothing to hide their strong, powerful muscles. Purple beads were strapped on their bracelets.

"Looking good, you two." Larry spoke up, grinning.

"T-thanks." I said as Garry slinked his arm over my shoulder. I couldn't help but feel a bit warm from the close proximity of our bodies.

"Want to go on a swim? The water's great!"

Dan chuckled. "Well, I don't want to get wet just yet, so I'll just be over there." He said, gesturing to the deckchairs.

As someone who's used to colder environment, a swim in the pool sounded like a great idea so I gladly took Garry's offer. "Well, count me in!" I said to the wolf, who grinned widely in return.

Both of us wasted no time jumping into the pool. Garry did it with a loud whoop. The cold, refreshing water lapping against my body was a really welcome change after enduring the dry and warm Mediterranean climate. We did a few relaxing laps around the pool, which then somehow turned up to be a race.

Garry won three out of three laps.

"Dude, you're damn fast." I panted as we finally took a break. My muscles strained from trying to keep up with the white furred wolf. Also, the increasing amount of guys jumping into the pool made it hard to properly swim from one end to the other at this point.

"What can I say, I have lots and lots of practice." Garry chuckled, settling down on the shallows.

"Must be helluva practice" I uttered with a light chuckle, turning around so I was floating on my back.

Garry grinned. "You can say that. Well, I'm gonna check how Larry and Dan are doing. You coming?" He asked as he stood up.

"Nah, I'm good. Think I'll stay in here for a bit." I said with a shake of my head. "You go on."

With a nod, the white wolf turned and made his way towards one of the many dryer tubes set to the sides of the pool.

I ended doing a few backstrokes around the crowded pool, and being extremely careful not to bump into another passenger. Though I eventually did, and I blame it on a pair of dragons who were french kissing and groping each other eagerly on the side of the pool for being monumental distractions.

"Sorry!" I said to the guy I bumped, righting myself up immediately.

It was a lynx with pale golden fur and white markings. He looked pretty young, probably fresh out of college. "It's fine. I wasn't looking where I was going myself." He said as he bent down and pulled his bright red camera out of the pool. I immediately winced, thinking that I must have caused him to drop that camera. It looked pretty expensive too.

"No, no. it's my fault... I, uh, can pay for the damage." I offered, biting my lips. I really hope the camera wasn't too broken.

To my surprise, the lynx gave me an amused smile. "It's fine. It's waterproof, you see." He said, showing me the red hued device. I then noticed that a protective, clear casing was enveloping the camera.

"That's good then." I breathed in relief.

The lynx nodded. "I'm lucky I bought it with the water safety feature." He said as he checked the images he managed to capture. I learned over to look, since the lynx doesn't seem to mind. Most of them were selfies of him on the harbor, on the pier right in front of the ship, his cabin, and the pool deck. The rest were pictures of random passengers and various public spaces on the ship.

"Those are really nice." I remarked. "I'm Rod by the way. Rod Erichsen."

"Hugo Chastain," replied the lynx, accepting my handshake. I immediately noticed that he had chosen a yellow bead for his bracelet.

I nodded with an easy grin. "So you like taking pictures?"

"Oui, it's my hobby after all." He smiled.

Just right then, Dan made his way towards us, holding two glass of colorful, ice cold cocktails.

"There you are, Rod. Here ya go." The wolf said, handing me the bright blue colored drink as I pulled myself up to the shallows. "Who's your new good lookin' friend?" He turned to the lynx, giving him his trademark flirty grin.

A flash of red appeared on the feline's face for a few seconds but he quickly mustered himself. "Hugo Chastain. Nice to meet you." He said, offering his paw.

"Danilo Reyes. Just call me Dan." The wolf grinned. "So, where do you come from Hugo?"

"Gallia." Was the lynx's response.

"Ooh, Gallia!" Dan wiggled his eyebrows. "Explains the sexy accent." He said, his flirty grin widening.

Hugo didn't really have a distinctive accent as far as I can tell, but Dan being Dan...

"You travelling alone, Hugo?"

Hugo shook his head, looking at the wolf with an uncertain sort of smile. "Not really... I came here with some friends but er... they've gone off somewhere."

"First time on a gay cruise, eh?" The wolf guessed.

The lynx sighed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "It's that apparent huh?"

Dan laughed and gave Hugo a friendly pat. "I can tell, but no worries kid, you'll be fine." He grinned, before he spotted something by the stage up which had been set up on the front section of the pool deck. "And looks like we're ready to take off."

"What?" I turned to look at the stage, and I immediately spotted two athletic bodies wearing unbuttoned floral print beach shirts and matching speedos. The loud, blaring music immediately turned to simple, energetic drum beats, and everyone's attention was quickly focused towards the stage.

"Welcome, welcome again to Avonture Cruise!" Tommy the german shepherd practically shouted through his microphone. His words was followed by loud cheers of the crowd that was slowly gathering in front of the stage.

"Been a long time, hasn't it guys?" Bruce followed, flashing a wide grin at the audience. We're so excited to see so many new faces on this year's cruise... and of course no shortage of old, friendly ones. Ah! There you are Damian... and Emilo! There's my Emilio. Was wondering where you hunks went to." The otter chortled, addressing a couple of random guys from the crowd that had gathered close to the stage. Catcalls and hoots followed quickly.

Tommy began to talk again, making a dramatic gesture of looking at his wrist watch. "Now in a few moments, this beautiful ship, generously chartered from Sovereign Seas Cruise Lines, will be leaving Port Coven and into seven beautiful days at sea."

"And what better way to start the Sail Away Party than with something sexy to stir things up?" Bruce added, which elicited excited cheers by the crowd. I blinked, wondering what the two have up their sleeves. Dan was just grinning widely in anticipation.

"So, without further ado, let's give a big round of applause for the impeccable boys of... Stag Party!"

Cheers erupted as five well groomed male Cervids practically leapt onto the stage along with a loud bang of music from the speakers. Gold colored confetti popped from the floor, raining on the dancers in a brilliant shower of gold. I felt my mouth gaping open as I gazed on all five of them. Smooth, form fitting, sleeveless white naval uniform and tight, white pants accented their firm, toned physiques. And they were further enhanced when they started to move their bodies in a rather sensual manner.

"They're a stripper troupe, aren't they?" I asked Dan, eyes affixed to the lead Elk, who was removing his jacket in slow, deliberately alluring movements, perfectly in sync with the flow of the music.

"What? Oh, sure they are!" Dan replied excitedly, holding out his phone once again. No doubt recording the show on the stage. "Avonture Cruises are famous for their entertainment programs after all. Last year's winter cruise, they even managed to get the Dalenchaps on stage. Loads of fun!"

I couldn't help but blink. "The Dalenchaps? But I thought..."

Dan grinned. "They have a small group that specifically caters to male audience. C'mon, let's get a closer look. You too, Hugo!" he said, before he slapped the lynx on the back good-naturedly.

Hugo spluttered in surprise, but the poor cat didn't get any chance to protest as the large wolf pushed him forward with his beefy arms. Sighing somewhat resignedly, I followed the two towards the stage, weaving through guests who were busy whistling and catcalling at the Stag Party's moves.

We got close enough that I could see the antlered dancers' facial features and god-like bodies clearly. Dan held his phone steadily with one paw, grinning from ear to ear as he bopped his head along with the beats of the energetic music.

The lead dancer was really good at what he was doing, his body swaying and humping fluidly. The elk began to unzip the zipper that were placed on the sides of his trousers bit by bit, every movement attuned to the beats. Before I knew it, he spun around with a jump, and with his back facing the crowd, he flung his trousers off completely, revealing the raunchy blue jockstrap he was wearing, flashing us the perfectly sculpted, swaying glutes. The closest two dancers: a reindeer and a moose, flanked the lead elk, and began to perform a series of complicated dance, with their impressive antlers interlocking now and then. It was almost as if all three of them were locked in a deadly, but arousing fight.

The other two, a pair of deers, spread further into the stage, with their legs kicking and swishing, their hands running down their sculpted abs and crotch. I could only blink and stare as one by one, their pants were down; either kicked off, pulled away, and ripped down in a quick succession. The next second, the entire audience was looking at their hefty, juicy bulges which were hanging by the thin looking jockstraps that remained on their bodies

I swear that I wasn't the only one drooling at the sight.

Excitement levels skyrocketed when the dancers climbed down from the stage and snaked their way into the crowd. Arms began to rise, hands were outstretched and cameras flashed wildly amidst the din of the excited spectators. The guys around me were trying to get a feel on the cervids' bodies and slipping little notes of money into the straps of their jocks.

One of the dancers, a moose who was literally a mountain of muscle, circled around a wolverine, gazing down at the mustelid with a sultry gaze while their bodies were pressed up close. The moose didn't seem to even mind a couple of stray paws touch his bare ass and hips. Grinning devilishly, the moose leaned into the wolverine, their lips almost touching, before he twisted away in a show of surprising flexibility. The hunky stripper went and proceeded to grab the closest guy around him, who happened to be Dan. The wolf had this dopey grin on his face as the moose swayed his sculpted body in front of him.

As he was quite tall even for a wolf, Dan had to duck out of the way when the moose moved around him, avoiding the stripper's massive antlers. Noticing this, the moose changed his approach, swiftly turning around to press his rump into the large tent on Dan's crotch, and began to gyrate his hips. Grinning widely, Dan quickly handed me his phone, indicating me not to stop recording, and returned the favor to the moose. He let the dancer's hands to grab hold of his hips while he wrapped his arms across the cervid's massive pecs, shamelessly groping the perfect cord of muscles. There was a loud cheering and whooping as the moose turned his head and gave Dan a full on french kiss, still grinding on Dan's bulge while cupping the wolf's jaw with one hand.

It was brief of course, but Dan couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear as the moose finally let him go and swiftly returned back to the stage. As Dan returned to my side, I couldn't help but stare at the piece of paper Dan was waving in front of my face. It read:

Suite 12058



"Got lucky." Dan sing-songed, taking his phone back from my paws. "Got really lucky, ehehe..."

Shaking my head with a smile, I turned my attention back to the stage. With the lead elk's hands roaming suggestively over his firmly built pecs, the other four dancers followed his lead and stepped up their movements, gathering together in the centre of the stage, moving and swaying their bodies in perfect synchronization. before in one fluid movement, they tore off their jockstraps. Confetti burst once again from under the stage as the crowd roared and applauded furiously. The dancers bowed to the crowd, covering their obvious hardons with the remains of their jockstraps, grinning with their chests heaving from exertion.

"Aaawright, and that was Stag Party everyone!" Bruce announced enthusiastically as he and Tommy bounded back on the stage, gesturing to the stripper troupe who slowly made their way to the backstage in perfectly synchronized movements, with their sculpted and firm ass cheeks exposed to the audience. "Are they not the most delectable hunks ever?" He chuckled, followed by scattered cheers and laughter from the crowd.

"That's the best dance I've seen in years, Bruce." Tommy grinned, making a deliberate show of adjusting his crotch. "And they finished just in time with us to leave the port too. Any moment now, the ship's whistle will sound, we will start our Sail Away with the Stag Party boys leading the dance! Ain't that exciting?"

Dan whooped with the others as he continued the recording. I shook my head, grinning. So far, things are getting pretty damn entertaining.

"They sure know how to keep everyone excited don't they?" Hugo remarked.

"They are professionals after all." I chuckled turning to the lynx. Somehow, he didn't look so good. "You okay? You're looking a little out of sorts." I pointed out.

"Ah, eh..." Hugo tried to smile. It's obvious that he was not quite well. His face was looking quite faint. "I... I'm not good with tight crowds and all." He said with a weak chuckle.

I nodded slowly and looked around the crowded deck. "How about we go upstairs? Seem pretty airy up there." I said, nodding towards the balcony right above the pool deck.

Hugo agreed, already making his way through the cloud. I quickly tapped Dan's shoulder.


"I'll be on the balcony with Hugo." I told him.

"Ah alright then." He nodded, before he broke into a mischievous grin. "Save the fun for me yeah?"

I rolled my eyes and waved him off as I pushed through the crowd of males who had began to whoop and cheer as the Stag Party-- now wearing tight fitting beach-themed briefs-- took the stage once again.

I quickly caught up to Hugo, who appeared to have calmed down somewhat after he had separated himself from the dense crowd. With a nudge, I gestured towards the spiral staircase and led him to the deck above. I offered some support as the lynx's movements were somewhat shaky, and all the way up, I was afraid he might fall down.

"I think you better sit down." I suggested, nodding to the numerous deck chairs that were spread tidily along the deck.

Hugo nodded jerkily, taking slow, deep breaths as he sat down and rested his head on the padded blue surface, closing his eyes.

"You know, sorry for pulling you into that crowd just now." I said after a few moments.

Blinking, Hugo sat up and shook his head. "Non, c'est bon--I mean, it's okay." He said hastily. "It's not your fault, and I'm feeling better."

He did look a lot better now that we were on the balcony. It was less populated with passengers since almost everyone had gathered down on the pool deck to watch the show.

"Glad to hear." I nodded, feeling somewhat relieved. I jumped somewhat when the ship's whistle boomed throughout the deck, which was accompanied by cheers and a bang from the music. The ship boomed its whistle once again as she finally, and slowly, sailed away from her berth in the port and towards the open sea and the sunset.

"That was one loud whistle." I remarked with a slight chuckle, leaning on the railing.

Hugo rubbed his ears. "Damn loud one." He agreed, looking out to the slowly retreating view of Port Coven skyline.

"Been to Port Coven before?" I asked.

The feline shook his head. "This is my first time. Well, first time this far south. The sun is really nice here." Hugo chuckled.

I simply hummed thoughtfully. "Well, I prefer places where it's mild and cool, but yeah, the weather here is pretty nice. Not much sun where you live huh?"

"Yeah. Not as much as I like." He replied with a nod. "Never seen so many skyscrapers in my life too." He added, nodding to the distinctive towering cluster of glass and steel over the city.

"Port Coven is pretty well developed. It's a popular tourist spot in the region after all."

"I noticed." Hugo let out a chuckle. "I've been here for three days. The landmarks here are quite amazing."

We continued the small talk for awhile. Hugo was looking significantly better as he finally calmed down.

"Huh, looks like drinks are on the house." I remarked sometime later, nodding at the number of waiters in loose, plain white, unbuttoned shirts, navy blue scarves, and baggy white cargo pants began to spread out through the passengers, carrying large trays of colorful drinks.

A particularly photogenic looking falcon waiter approached Hugo and I with a polite smile. "Soda or cocktails gentlemen?" He asked, lowering the tray he was holding.

"Oh, uh... I'll have that one please." Hugo, who had been staring, quickly composed himself and selected a particularly bright purple colored fizzy drink.

I chose an ice cold coke from the waiter and he was off to serve the small group of passengers standing a few feet away. Not a second later, Dan walked up to the deck with a glass of cocktail in his paw.

"So, you guys having a good time so far?" The wolf asked, looking down at me, one of his arms settled on his hips, grinning.

"We're good, yeah." I replied, drinking the coke. "Enjoyed yourself down there, huh?"

Dan nodded. "Yeap! Got acquainted with a stud down there. Might meet him afterwards and who knows? Tonight might just get more interesting." He chuckled, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. "He said he's open for a group meet."

"Shut up you." I rolled my eyes, giving him a light ribbing.

"You're welcome to spend time with us of course." Dan continued, flashing his flirty grin to the feline. Hugo was flushing brightly as he sipped his own drink.

"I-uh... m-maybe, ahaha..." He laughed weakly, looking anywhere but Dan's eyes. "S-so are you two boyfriends or something?"

There was a beat before Dan broke into guffaws. I simply shook my head in amusement.

"Nah, we aren't." I answered. "We're just close friends."

"Yeap! No strings attached for me." Dan declared proudly, downing his drink in one go. "Though those two are an official couple." He added, gesturing to a familiar pair of wolves below decks who were having a small beach ball game by the pool with a few passengers.

"Oh." Hugo blinked, seemingly looking at Larry and Garry with wonder.

It got me wondering. "So Hugo. Got a boyfriend yourself?"

"Huh?! O-oh, well, not at the moment." He said, snapping his attention back to us. "I uh, I'm pretty much single for a while now."

"Ah well, you're not the only ones single in this cruise." Dan said, moving to sit down on the chair right next to Hugo's. "Word of advice kid, just let loose and enjoy yourself. After all, we're all good company here."

"Fine, fine." Hugo sighed somewhat exasperatedly. He laid back on the chair, humming thoughtfully. "Well uh... how did you and Rod meet?" He asked, cocking his head to my direction.

I groaned softly when Dan flashed me a mischievous grin.

"Well, me and a few guys from my company went to visit Rod's firm to discuss a new real estate project." He said. "We first met at the meeting, and I can tell that he's already smitten with me." Dan grinned. "Really smitten."

I snorted.

"So it was no surprise that he immediately said yes when I asked to take him for lunch and dinner. Rod here just like to be touched in the right places, don't you Rod."

I shot Dan an unimpressed look. "Har har. It did not go like that." I said to Hugo nodded with a light grin on his face.

"Oh but you're so cute when I nailed you over and over, squealing my name." Dan didn't seem to be deterred. "You were begging for it, hahah!"


"Yes Roddy?"

"Shut up."

Dan's smirk grew. "Naaaah." He poked his tongue out and launched into an incredibly raunchy detail of how our first night went.

Hugo's face was properly red when the wolf was done, however, he had a disbelieving look as he shook his head slightly. The lynx ended up calling out Dan on his dramatizations much to the wolf's disappointment. Afterwards, he went to ask a lot of questions, like what to expect on this cruise, the do's and don'ts, and so on.

"So, I take it you are pretty much new to this kind of thing eh?" Dan inquired. "And to answer your question, no. You don't really have to attend all of the parties and activities. It's not mandatory after all."

"Ah alright." Hugo nodded. "And yes... pretty much. Didn't know why I joined my friends in this cruise in the first place."

Dan reached over and clapped the lynx's shoulder encouragingly. "Well, you're here now, so like I said, enjoy yourself alright? Besides you got your friends." He grinned. "It'll be worthwhile. Why not have some fun with your friends while you're at it?"

Hugo flushed once again at the brown furred wolf. "O-okay, I'll try to remember that." He said, before he sat up. "Well, I think have to go back now, and look for my friends." He chuckled, stretching as he stood up.

"Awh, you are going now?" Dan mock whined. "But we were having so much fun!"

"Down, bad boy." I interjected, making an exaggerated gesture with my paw. Hugo snorted, shaking his head.

"Well, it's getting late though." I pointed out as I nodded to the setting sun. "And I'm pretty tired myself. There are other parties later tonight right?"

Dan nodded. "Just one, but I intend to lead you through it." He grinned devilishly.

Rolling my eyes, I sighed and said, "That's what I thought, and that's why I'm going to get myself cleaned up and a rest." I said with a pointed look.

"Ah, alright, alright fine." Dan pouted, standing up and stretching his muscles.

"Uh, well, I'll see you two around then?" Hugo piped up somewhat uncertainly.

"Yeah, see ya around bud." Dan said, waving to the lynx.

I nodded. "See you later Hugo." I said as Hugo waved back, making his way downstairs.

The journey back to our room was quite uneventful. The elevator stopped a few times on random floors as passengers walked in and out.

"So, did you meet some new guys?" I asked idly as the elevator door slid open on Deck 8.

"Ah, just a dragon from Novaria." Dan said lightly. "Big and friendly guy. Oh, and also he told me he's a top exec." He added, grinning somewhat excitedly.

"Ah I see... and I'm guessing he's someone who's past his forties?" I guessed, smirking at the surprised blink on Dan's face.

"How did you know?"

"Please. Your dates are often with fit, older guys." I pointed out. "...and they tend to be loaded. Heck, you even hooked up with my manager twice." I shook my head. "Man, didn't realize you're such a gold digger." I snickered.

"Oi!" Despite his expression, Dan simply laughed.

By the time we reached our stateroom, I was ready to flop into bed, but I really got to get the pool water washed out first. Dan immediately plopped himself on the couch and flicked on the TV while I quickly kicked off the swimwear. Completely in the nude, headed straight to the bathroom.

I can feel Dan's eyes on my back. Probably

Like the rest of the room, it was really neat, and cleaned down to the nooks and crannies. Opening the shower on the bathtub, I took a quick rinse to clean myself from the remnants of the pool water. Still dripping wet, I drained the tub before I let it to fill with hot water. It took a while, but once it was filled, I eased myself into the tub.

"Ooh this is good." I murmured as the hot water warmed my body and loosened my stiff muscles. I stayed still for several minutes, simply enjoying the soothing sensation. I would have went to properly clean myself if not for Dan walking into the bathroom, completely in his birthday suit.

"Uh... what are you're doing?" I stared as he stepped into the bathtub, causing the water to rise and spill over the edge.

"Oh you know," he shrugged, looking down at me with a grin as as he went down and pushed me slightly to the side, "I'm pent up, and I recall we have unfinished business from earlier today." He grinned slyly as he lowered himself own on the water and eased himself right beside me. His muscular body pressing against mine in the tight confines of the ceramic tub.

I didn't manage to utter a word before the wolf wrapped his paw around my sheath, making me gasp. He took the opportunity to press his muzzle against mine, his slick tongue invading and wrestling with my own, while he began to hump his hips.

I shuddered when his plump sheath grinded hard against mine. The sensation alone made my own manhood to swiftly grow out of my sheath. I couldn't help but let out a small whine.

"You like that?" Dan chuckled, placing his paws around my shoulders as he grinded and humped away. I could only moan as a response. It didn't help that the grinding motions from the wolf was making me crazy.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I let myself relax and enjoy Dan's movements. The wolf must have been really feeling pent up as his movements were not as controlled per the usual. His thrusts were more forceful, exuding need and pent up lust.

Moaning as my cock, knot and all, were exposed fully to the tub's warm water and Dan's own thick hot shaft, I wrapped my arms around his neck and moved my hips in tandem with Dan.

There was a lustful growl emanating from the depths of the wolf's throat. His gyrating hips skyrocketed in its intensity, the water sloshing around the sides of the tub as I tried my best to match Dan's pace. Our cocks, now slick and hot and painfully erect, pulsed and throbbed against each other, aching for sweet release. Both of us were panting and moaning openly, whining from the pleasure coursing through our bodies.

I felt ready to burst as Dan cupped my jaws none too gently and clamped his muzzle with mine. I felt his tongue thrusting and dancing against mine and I moaned into his maw, grinding myself hard into his larger frame as the water in the tub rippled and jumped with our movements, splattering in waves onto the polished marble floor--not that we cared.

Pulling away from my muzzle for a split second, Dan gripped my shoulders for support as he redoubled his efforts, now thrusting his hips up harder and faster into mine, causing my mind to go white with the pleasure of each movement. I slid my tongue down against his as our muzzles locked together once again, and I tightened my arms around his neck as I felt my orgasm approaching quickly.

I whined in the back of my throat and Dan knew seemed to know what I meant without having to stop. He ground himself up against me harder and harder, grunting and panting while his gripped tightened painfully on my shoulders. With one final thrust, I couldn't hold myself off anymore.

"Aaaaah...fuuuuuuuck...." I moaned out loudly as I came hard, jets of my cum shooting into the water filled tub. I couldn't think of nothing but the immense pleasure and was focusing on nothing else but riding it out, until Dan howled and I felt the wolf's larger member throb. The next second, wave after wave of his potent wolf spunk spurted out from his large red manhood. He moaned lewdly as he continued to grind himself against me, our cum mixing together in our wet fur.

I didn't realize when he had stopped and was simply cuddling up to me in the tub, but the feeling of the larger canine lying on top of me and basically wrapping his entire hot, buff, and musky body around me was the best feeling ever. Even if the cold surface of the tub was quite uncomfortable. For the next few minutes, we can only hear our labored breathing and the sound of the sloshing water. The air also smelled thickly of our spooge and musk.

"You were really pent up huh?" I said sometime after, chuckling rather breathlessly. I gasped slightly as I felt his cock throbbing against my stomach. "Man, you're hard again?"

Dan laughed. "Well, you know me." He grinned as he pulled both of us up. "And I'm not quite done yet." He added, folding his arms and wiggled his eyebrows, his cock was at full mast, throbbing and dripping with water and cum.

"Hornball." I sighed, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder. "Well, while we're here, let's get cleaned up."

"That's the idea Roddy." Dan chortled lewdly as he grasped my hips and pulled me close, so close that our bodies were once again touching. I heard the tap turning, and warm water cascaded from the showerhead as Dan's tongue caressed the edges of my muzzle. "That's the idea..."


After the lengthy--and not to mention steamy--shower with Dan, it was safe to say I was feeling quite beat with the day's activities. In fact, I immediately fell asleep when my head hit the pillow.

It was dark when I woke up sometime later. Dan was lying on his back on his own bed, completely bare except for the pants he was wearing earlier today, eyes closed and humming along with the song he was listening from his headphones.

"Oh, finally woke up huh?" He remarked, pulling his headphones off as I rose from the bed, stretching my arms.

"Yeah..." I yawned, glancing about. "What time is it?"

"Seven." Dan replied, nodding to the clock. "Come on then sleepy head. You want to miss the night activities tonight. Sailing Day always have the best parties." He grinned.

"Alright, alright sure." I said groggily. "But let's get some food first." I added, right before my stomach grumbled.

After changing to a more comfortable T-shirt and jeans, Dan and I discussed which restaurant we will dine in. As the wolf doesn't want to dressed up formally for the first night in the cruise, we crossed out having dinner in the main dining room (as it has a smart casual dress code), and looked for the more casual dining venues instead. We debated over the list of restaurants before agreeing on the Barquentine Buffet located on the pool deck.

"They always have Sail Away menu on the buffet." Dan explained as we once again headed for Deck 13. "It'll be a treat."

"Alright, whatever you say." I chuckled as the elevator door opened and we stepped out into Deck 13.

The pool was quite deserted, save for a few guys who were simply swimming about and hanging by the promenade, lounging on the deck chairs. The stage was being cleared for preparations of another party at midnight--the Dog Tag Party as Dan had told me. It was quite windy however, I noted as we walked past the open aired pool area before going into the sheltered deck on the stern of Deck 13, which housed the only dining venues on the deck.

The area was packed with passengers milling about, getting to their choice of restaurants. Seems like the Bistro 101 was a popular choice at the moment, I noted as we walked past the said restaurant, which had a large, 50s style sign above it. From what I can glimpse from the door, the bistro was decorated like a 1950s diner. Right across the bistro was Zen Izakaya, a quieter looking place with Nihonese decor. A heavenly smell of grilled food wafted through the doors as we walked past it, with sounds of clinking glass and a general murmur of conversation.

Barquentine Bistro was located on the very back, a tall room which dominated a large space of the deck, with large, canvas-white cloths arranged on the ceiling and walls, held down by ropes to the wooden deck, while the main pillars of the room were shaped like wooden masts. Coupled with the vast expanse of glass wall dominating the entire room, it felt as if they were indeed on board a sailboat... a Barquentine. Hence the name.

It was quite crowded however.

"You go find a seat first." I said as Dan whistled at the number of passengers inside the restaurant, queueing for the food on the buffet stations centered in the middle of the room, around the main mast. "Anything you'd like?"

Dan nodded. "Alright, just get me some orange juice and two burgers. Any kind will do." He said before he walked away, head turned around to see any empty spot where we could sit.

I joined the queue to the grill section. It took quite a while, but I managed to get Dan's burgers, a large plate of fries, and a steak for myself (which smelled like heaven). I also got a plate of potato salad and a serving of mozzarella sticks with a couple of dipping sauces. Getting the drinks was an easier task, as there were several beverage stations in the buffet and I quickly got myself a coke and orange juice for Dan.

Finding my roommate in the restaurant was not an easy task however. The restaurant was quite large and packed with passengers. After wandering around for a few minutes positively looking lost, I managed to find Dan sitting by a small table by the window, which gave a wide view of the ship's stern. I saw the ship's wide lido decks on the stern, which were arranged in a series of terraces. I could see at least two more pools on the decks below, with several passengers enjoying their drinks and food.

The wolf was taking a video with his phone once again.

"...and there's Roddy, bringing our dinner!" He said to cheerfully, aiming the phone to the tray of food on my paws as I set them on the table and sat down. "Mmm, looks delicious as always." He commented, phone lingering above the food before he stopped the recording.

"Got what you need?" I asked as I scoped the potato salad to my plate.

Dan nodded with a grin. "Yeah, pretty much." He took his burgers and the fries.

We ate mostly in silence, enjoying the ambience of the restaurant. It still amazed me of how many guys had signed up for this cruise. So many species in varying height, size, and body builds around us. Frankly, I kept being distracted by hunky passengers who passed by our table, and Dan seemed to like the view so far.

"So, what's this Dog Tag party, exactly?" I asked after watching a pair of identical looking siberian tigers walking away.

"Ah, it's basically a meet-and-greet party with a military theme." Dan replied, his grin appearing on his muzzle. "We would wear the dog tags they gave us this afternoon and dress up for the occasion. And, I just got the perfect thing for you to wear." He chuckled to himself.

Somehow, I don't feel good with what Dan had planned for me to wear. With that AftergloWear speedo-thongs, I'm feeling more weary with the wolf's taste of clothes.

"C'mon, it's not that bad." Dan barked a laugh when he caught my expression. "In fact, you'll look pretty appealing in the gear!"

"Alright, alright fine." I relented with a sigh. Having finished my steak, I went to sip the rest of my coke as I glanced to the lido decks below the buffet. Seems like there was a pool party in one of the largest pools below. "Hmm... what exactly they have down there?" I finally asked.

Dan hummed. "I'm not entirely sure to be honest. It's my first time on this ship after all."

"I see then." I nodded.

There was another comfortable silence as we enjoyed the last of our food. Dan took the last helping of the potato salad while I finished the mozzarella sticks. The dips were quite tasty.

"Well, we still have a few hours to kill before the Dog Tag party." Dan stated as he stood up and dusted the crumbs of bread from his shirt. "I'm planning to look for the Internet Centre, wanna join?"

I shook my head. "Nah, I think I'll just walk around, see the ship for a bit." I said.

Dan shrugged. "Alright, suit yourself. Meet you back at our room around ten?"

"Sure thing." I said and stood up. Dan followed suit, and we headed back to the nearest elevator.

Dan left on Deck 6, while I went all the way down to Deck 2 and strolled across the Broadwalk. It wasn't packed, but it's crowded enough to be lively, coupled with the pop music coming from the speakers across the long hall. I took my time admiring some of the products offered in the shops, and I couldn't say I wasn't immune to the "Special Sail Day Discount!"

I ended up purchasing a pair aviator sunglasses and a key chain, all branded with the logo of Sovereign Seas Line, from the gift shop. Sure it was a bit pricey, but it's something to have as a memento from the ship.

Deciding that perhaps a cup of coffee would help keep me awake through the night, I made my way around and up to the mezzanine level of the Broadwalk, and was quite surprised to find an Astrobucks Cafe on board the ship, all with its signature blue and white colors and familiar scent of its roasted coffee beans.

Thankfully, the cafe was not crowded and I managed to get my order of espresso and cookies within a few minutes and seated myself on a small table by the round window which overlooked the sea. Imagine my surprise when I got up to retrieve my order and I stood right beside a familiar lynx.

"Oh, Hugo!" I exclaimed. The lynx was now dressed in a loose navy blue t-shirt and cargo shorts. A small backpack was slung over his shoulder. He looked surprised to see me too.

"H-hey." He said, blinking. "Rod, right?"

I nodded and grinned. "Yeap. Didn't expect to meet you at Astrobucks." I chuckled as I took my order of espresso and cookies.

"I just placed my order," said Hugo as he paid the cashier. I quickly gestured to the table I just vacated.

"Why don't we go sit there?"


We both settled into the table. Hugo placed his backpack over his lap and took out a laptop and his camera. Curious, I munched on the cookies while I watched him connect his camera to the laptop and began to sort out the pictures he had taken. There were some videos here and there too.

"These are really good." I remarked, looking at one particular picture of the Atrium. It was shot at an angle where it looked to the dome overhead, expertly taken. It must have been taken during the boarding as the dome was still lit by sunlight.

Hugo smiled with a hint of a flush on his cheeks. "Merci." He flashed by the pictures slowly.

"So, you're coming to the Dog Tag party tonight?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh that." Hugo blinked, clicking away on his keyboard. He proceeded to move the entire collection of pictures and videos into his laptop. "I don't know. Well, all of my friends are going, so I might be there. Probably going to take some pictures." He chuckled weakly. "Though, I don't know what to wear to the party exactly. It says that it's military themed. I don't think I have any kind of clothes that would fit." He admitted. "My friends are pretty much going in camo briefs and jockstraps and well..." he trailed off.

"Ah." I nodded, knowing the lynx's predicament. A thought occurred to me. "Well, maybe--"

"Mr. Chester? Order of Ice Cold Latte with Extra Chocolate for Mr. Chester."

Hugo stood up and quickly headed for the counter. "It's Chastain, not Chester." He told the Ram barista who had called out with a hint of annoyance. Moments later, he returned to the table with a large cup of latte.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" He said after he sat back down, closing the lid of his laptop.

I gulped down the remaining piece of the cookie on my paw. "I was going to suggest that I might be able to borrow you something." I said.

Hugo choked on his drink. "What? O-oh, you don't need to do that. I'm good."

"I won't mind. Besides, Dan is lending me his gear anyway." I said with a slight snort. "Besides, the more the merrier right?" I added with a grin.

"Well... if you insist then." Hugo said with a slow nod.

"I insist."

The lynx chuckled and went back to drink his latte. Both of us then lapsed into a comfortable silence for a while, enjoying the snacks and drinks. We talked a bit more, mostly asking about our professions and hometowns.

Turns out Hugo is a fresh graduate from college and is on a short break before he'd go and work for his uncle's newspaper company. The lynx was quite interested to hear about my work in the architectural firm and how many buildings which I had designed-- which is not many to be honest.

Before we knew it, it was already close to ten o'clock. I haven't even noticed the time as the cafe did get a bit crowded. I assumed it was still eight.

"Well, I told Dan that I would meet him in our room around ten to get ready." I told Hugo. "Do you want to come with me or you want to return to your own room first?"

"I'll return to my room first. Need to put this away." Hugo said, gesturing to his backpack. "What's your cabin number?"


Hugo blinked. "Oh. That's not too far then. My cabin is 8226." He said with a small grin. "I could run to my cabin and then go to yours."

"Fine by me." I chuckled and stood up, brushing the crumbs of the cookies off my shirt. "Well then, let's go find my roommate." I said, wondering just how the Dog Tag party will be like. I have a feeling that it will be much, much wilder than the Sail Away party.