In Heat We Lust, Episode 2

Story by foxohki on SoFurry

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#2 of In Heat We Lust

***Vixy the vixen's perspective joins now in this chapter***

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In Heat We Lust

Episode 2: Trying to Beat The Heat

Vixy- Something has been knock knocking on my rump and lower belly for a while now... A strange feeling hard part of the mean fox's body who had stolen me repeatedly pressing into my rear end again and again as he moved back forth against me.

I think it must be that red stick thingy that would sometimes appear between a male fox's legs that he's touching me with... I had only ever seen one of them a couple times in my life before a few days ago, but now every male seemed to have it out of its holder pouch. I remember they had started to come out of hiding around the same day that my crotch area started to ache and burn slightly, the burning never stopping and only seeming to get worse with each passing day. It feels like a fiery itch deep inside my lower tummy that I can't make go away with scratching or cold water...

I'm so tired now, everything seems blurry and distant. I haven't gotten a chance to sleep in so long... Vex and I have been running non-stop day and night from unfriendly looking males, those red things bouncing around as they chased us... Now having completely run out of energy, I was too tired to care anymore, and one of them had finally caught me. He carried me somewhere and laid over me, trying to do... Something... I can hear him panting in my ear excitedly as he continues to stab his dangle rod against my dirt covered hindquarters.

The male's red stick feels much harder than the rest of his soft furry underbelly as they are both rubbed into me, and I can feel him scraping off the of the dried mud that covered my behind with his hard thingy. Maybe he was just using it try and help clean me? It wasn't at all unpleasant as he rhythmically pushed his crotch into my butt area, just a little bit annoying. I couldn't sleep with all that pounding going on back there, and whatever it is he was aiming to do, I wished he would just hurry up and finish so I could get some rest...

"Mew!" I gasp as I feel something open me up and start to move inside that hot hole between my hind legs; whatever it was seemed small at first, but was getting bigger and thicker the more it went in, spreading my pee hole apart more and more.

It was actually kind of... Kind of nice! In past attempts to turn down the burning feeling in my lower stomach I had pawed and licked at that female opening whenever I had some alone time, spreading those same lips that he now was with my claws and tongue to try and reach that itch deep inside to get some relief from the heat. Sure it would always help a little, and felt strangely good as I explored that hole between my hind legs as I never had before, but the heat would only ever rise after touching myself there... Always coming back even stronger than when I had started doing it!

As this male explored my female only crevice with is male part, it felt completely different from when I had done it myself. Having someone else touch me down there must be how I'm supposed to get rid of the fire that raged inside! The further he slides into me, the better it feels... It's giving me not only relief from the hot and uncomfortable itchy sensation that had been there for days, but also an immense and growing pleasure where it had once been.

Yes, I knew it had to be the fox's bright red pole that had been stabbing near there before that was entering me now... I guess a male could put it inside a female to reach that burning itch that I couldn't seem to get to on my own. Was this what all those males wanted to do to me this entire time? Why was I running?! This male was helping me in the best of ways, and at the same time showing me a new kind of pleasure I didn't even know was possible. I was actually starting to love him for it...

Time seems to slow as all of these thoughts and emotions running through me at lightning speed, and as feel him open me up more to go further within me, I wonder just how deep my lovely male can put his red stick inside, when suddenly it is pulled out just as surprisingly as when it had first started to go in.

"Mew..." I cry softly. 'Come back...' I think to myself. Having that little taste of a male inside my folded pee tunnel place made it burn now more than ever as he left it alone, my lower lips closing shut in the absence of his red stick. 'What was he doing?!'

As my knowledge of what males have to offer me increases, so do my energy levels. Shutting my eyes to brace for impact, I dig both my forepaw's claws into the ground to steady myself for his pushing motions and spread my hind legs apart; hoping to make it easier for him to shove his little helper inside me and maybe get it to go even deeper this time. Lowering my front side and raising my rump in the air, I try to put myself on display as much as possible so he wouldn't have any trouble finding my burning hole. Finally ready, I make sure my tail is up high and out of the way, and wag and wave it like a flag to signal for him to go into my body again.

Once surrounded in the warmth of another fox's crotch fur, my hiney feels very cold and alone in the night's air as I stand presenting myself, no longer can I feel the heavy weight of a large male vulpine on top of me either. I can feel my temperature start to lower from lack of my new friend's body heat and constant rubbing, but it is still incredibly hot deep within those lower lips that he so rudely left behind.

Waiting patiently with eyes still shut and body positioned to give the male easy access to my special area, I wish he would just stick it back in already! When suddenly I hear a splash in the river next to me and feel ice cold water droplets sprinkle down over my body; a few of them raining on to my heating pee hole, I can't help but think how useless they were... They did nothing to douse the flames that burned in my crotch, but maybe there was another liquid... One a male could provide that would extinguish this fire completely. But putting two and two together, I knew the male who could have given me that special liquid had just been washed away.

Blinking a few times and opening my eyes, I find my best friend Vex just a few inches away from my muzzle. "Umm, what are you doing?" She asks me curiously as I maintain my position I got into for my male to get back on top of me and put his stick inside me.

"Nuu--Nothing!" I respond startled, my white furred cheeks probably turning red as I feel blood rushing to my face to show my embarrassment.

She had come to save me! Of course she did... Vex was the most skilled, most cunning vixen I knew! Traits only matched by her beauty and niceness. It was because of her that no males had caught us in the past few days, always coming up with some clever trick to evade them. It was because of her that I am even alive in the first place... We aren't sisters by blood, but that's how I feel about her.

Back when we were both the smallest of kits, come feeding time, life turned into a struggle for survival for me. Born so much smaller than all of my brothers and sister who shared the same nipples as me for milk, I would often be pushed aside as they feasted. I guess mom hadn't noticed that I wasn't being fed as much as the others, because she never gave me any other opportunities to suckle other than that one time each day... Well, come one particular rough three days in a row without being able to latch onto a nip, my already smaller, weaker body was weakened even further from lack of food.

Hopeless of getting any milk from mom in my feeble state, I just laid on my back with eyes closed, waiting for the great Kitsune's embrace to bring me to the next world... But the next thing I felt was not the massive furry paws of a god, it was the piercing of tiny teeth into the nape of my neck as someone's small maw began to pull and tug on me, dragging my malnourished body somewhere. Eventually my head was pressed against something soft and furry, and after a bit of shifting, I felt a small nub sticking out of it against my forehead... A nipple!

Regaining strength as I started to suckle on the life saving breast, my numbed senses became vivid once more. I could feel pressure on my back and sides, and quickly realized I was surrounded by other tiny furred bodies. Opening my eyes to see my surroundings, I looked above me to find the fox that had brought me here, the fox who would later become my best friend and the fox that saved my life... Vex.

She had shoved me against her own mother and jumped on top of me in order to push her brothers and sisters aside, freeing up a nipple for me to give me access to the much needed food. And from that day forward, I always had all of the milk I could want from my new adopted mom; with Vex's help on some of the rougher days of course.

She has looked after me ever since that day she found me waiting to die... She's my savior, my protector, my friend. I love her and I'd do anything for her, and now here she was, come to the rescue once more to save me again, or thinking that I needed to be saved at least...

"Are you okay? We came to save you! We knocked that guy into the water pretty hard, did you see?! Did he hurt you at all?!" Vex spoke excited and fast, asking me question after question; I was glad she had come to save me, but somewhat irritated at the same time for knocking my male helper away.

"I'm okay, thank you for umm... Saving me..." I reply awkwardly.

"Hmm? You're acting strange... Why are you still in that position?! You can relax, you're safe now! Sorry I couldn't get here sooner, but you're rescued now so... Hello?! Are you listening to me?!" Vex again questions me talking very fast, but I find myself not being able to pay attention; I couldn't concentrate on anything she was saying, not with this fire burning my lower insides more powerfully now than ever. I only had one thing on my mind, one bright red stick looking thing... And as soon as she had started talking to me, I had noticed her strange white furred friend she was with. His scent was male, and I found myself staring at him longingly as Vex tried to get my attention.

"Who... Who's that?" I ask while looking at the strange all white fox.

"Oh! He came to our rescue back in the forest! You should have seen him! He was amazing! He knocked one of those bad foxes over and had his muzzle around his red stick thingy before he could even stand up! Don't you like his fur?! I like his fur... It's all pretty and white!" Vex again talks incredibly fast to explain what had happened.

"He did what?!"

White furred male fox- Oh Kitsunes... How old were these vixens? And hey! That was a viable combat tactic! Oh ha ha, make fun of my fur condition... A


t what age do foxes learn sarcasm anyway? Why is that little vixen STILL in that presenting stance?! Just staring over her shoulder at me like she wants me to mount her... Her tail swishing around like it is, she's probably wafting her needy scent into the air even more than it already is! Luckily I can't smell either of their heats with me concentrating on breathing through just my maw. I knew it would be a good idea to keep my nose unable to sniff by not inhaling through it. If Vixy's scent did enter me, I would probably enter her... How could I turn down a wanting heating female?!

Just my eyes watching the little performance that the small Vixy fox is giving me is enough to cause my member to start unsheathing, even despite blocking her sex's calling scent... And as I feel my entire body become more aroused and heated, I quickly turn to hide my flush red cheeks and emerging penis from them.

"Why doesn't he face us?" I hear Vixy say behind me.

"Hey whitey! Come join us!" The other vixen requests.

"I err... Have a situation over here... I can't..." I mumble, not knowing how they will react to my exposed maleness.

"Whatcha mean?" The larger vixen asks before darting over to face my front. "Eeep!" She cries upon seeing my bright red penis unsheathed.

"Yeah, It's... It's your friend's little pose... It's forcing my guy here out of his hiding place." I try to explain.

"That's okay! I know you won't try to hurt us like those other foxes tried too. You saved us! You're a nice fox!" She tells me happily.

"If you say so..." I respond unconvinced of her compliment.

"Really!" The vixen exclaims.

"A lot of good being nice does you when you're a freak."

"What do you mean freak?" She asks.

"Have you not seen me?

"I have, and I think you're the coolest looking fox ever!" She again mocks my hideous appearance.

"Riiight..." I tell her, still not buying her taunting words.

"Honestly! And the way your white coat shines in the sun makes you look sexy!" She again tells me kind things about my fur.

'Wow, she may actually be being sincere...' I think to myself, stunned a bit. "Oh, well, I... Thank you." I mumble quietly and awkwardly; Vex responding by looking away and giggling a noise too incredibly cute... A sound that made me want to go over to her and hug her for some reason... A sound I found myself wanting to hear more of...

While watching her laugh and look back at me, I felt an entirely foreign emotion come over me. 'Was this what acceptance felt like? Was this the bond that two friends are able to form? Was this love?'

Vixy- I stood presenting myself to no one now, just looking over my shoulder at the distracted white furred male as he talked to Vex. They had sent the solution to my problems swimming down the river, but now I was determined to have this funny looking fox make up for it.

"He will push his hard red thingy inside me and make this heat go away!" I growl quietly to myself as I think about having his male stick inside me; but thinking that way only seems to turn the heat up inside that much more, causing my lower lips to drip and leak liquids because of how incredibly hot it has become in there. 'Damn this heat!'

Why didn't this weird male want to chase me with his red stick out like every other male has?! Knowing what those fleshy rods could do for me, I would no longer run... I would even help stick it in that hole between my hind legs if I had to.

Backpedaling slowly and keeping my rear end facing towards this new male fox, I keep my position that I thought would be best for him to insert his distinctly male part into my female hole; my heart beginning to race faster and faster in anticipation, each small step backwards bringing me closer and closer to my target. Backing up, backing up... My butt finally bumps against his back side. 'He will ignore me no longer!'

White furred male fox- "So your little friend's name is Vixy right? What do I call you?" I ask the larger vixen sitting in front of me as I sit as well, facing away from her presenting friend Vixy as I try and get my erection to go away.

"My name's Vex!" She tells me smiling.

"So Vex and Vixy the vixens is it?" I ask in confirmation.

"Yap!" She laughs, then proceeds to try and say 'Vex and Vixy the vixens' three times fast with a look of concentration on her face, only to fail miserably. It was horribly cute though, and I couldn't help but laugh too as her words got all jumbled up, mostly turning into unrecognizable v sounding ones. But my laughter is soon cut short as something soft, furry and wet bumps into the side of my back... And I swallow hard with a guess of what it could be...

Twisting the upper half of my body around, my suspicions are confirmed as I'm met with a close up of Vixy's swollen vagina and her wet messy crotch fur surround it; the vixen's little slit aimed directly at my face, her eyes glazed with lust as she peers over her shoulder just staring at me, the warmth emanating from her enflamed sex causing my whiskers to rise from the heat among another certain male appendage...

Taking a forepaw to my back, I try to wipe away the wet spot she had made on my fur where she had bumped into me; the second time my fur has been splashed with vixen sex juices today.

"Your thing! It moved!" Vex yells.

"Umm... Your friend here is... Umm..." I stammer, trying to find the words to say.

"Oh my Kitsunes! What's wrong with you Vixy?! That mean fox must have infected you or something!" Vex shouts worryingly.

She wasn't infected, she was just in heat... And I knew full well what she wanted from me at this point. And I mean... I would love to mate with her, but not in front of my new friend! That would be wrong, wouldn't it?

Facing back to Vex, I try to think unhappy thoughts once more in an attempt to re-sheath my member so it wouldn't scare away the vixen who seemed to have taken a liking to me. 'Maybe if close my eyes and ignore her friends request for long enough, she'll just go away...'

Vixy- 'Why isn't he putting it in me?! Hurry up already! Is he actually ignoring me again?! Maybe this male needs more encouraging...'

Backing my butt up until it touches the white furred fox's warm furry body once more, I feel his back against my flaming fox hole. Holding my bottom against him now, I continue to push my rump into him with all of the force my forelegs would give me.

'Just pressing my crotch into him actual felt amazing on my lower lips! Just having my hot opening pushed into his fur covered flesh seems to cool it off and make it feel so good... Maybe I don't actually need his red stick to make this heat die down, I think just having my pee hole pressed against his body while I rub it there might help a lot...'

Pressing my behind into the male fox with all my might, I then start to grind my hindquarters downwards along the side of his back; scraping my wet hot female opening against his fur. "Mew!" Doing that seems to cause my mouth to let out a loud happy noise all on its own, my entire crotch area vibrating good tingly sensations as I continue to rub downwards there against him. Up inside my pee hole too, past the lips, inside the tunnel area, it seems to start clenching and releasing like it did whenever I tried to get rid of the last bit of yellow waters... But this was different, almost like it was trying to grip a hold of something to drag inside instead of push urine outside like it normally did.

As the inside my pee hole opens and shuts against nothing again and again, the lips on the outside of the opening seem to open and close too, almost as if searching for something to grab a hold of. Finding nothing, those lips of the hole between my hind legs plant wet kisses along the male's back fur as I continue to slowly slide it down hard against his body; just this one stroke downward on the back of this male fox gave me physical pleasures I never knew existed, and it caused my body to do strange things... I bet if that fox who had kitnapped me had rubbed his thing into me over and over, it would have felt as good as this was feeling now!

While continuing to think about being filled with a males red stick again, I start grinding my way back upwards along the unmoving males body now; pretending it was his male rod rubbing me and trying to get inside instead of his furry back, another "mew!" escaping my maw as the pleasurable feeling returns after having my rump stopped for that brief moment when I reached the bottom of his sitting form, the grind back upwards feeling just as amazing as it did on the way down...

There is no more fire, no more burning sensation... No heat, no itch... It all seemed to just melt away into warm liquid pleasure... The pleasure liquid filling my body more and more as my rear end reaches as high it will go against the male, and I quickly start grinding it back downwards to start a rhythm as I run my rump back and forth on the male a bit faster; up, down, up, down, pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, letting out little 'mews!' each time I continue my rubbing after having to stop to changed directions.

Feeling the enormous pleasure rubbing my pee hole on his back gives me slip away and come back as I reach my high and low limits, I decide to speed up my backward thrusting against him even more to minimize any down time. The more I awkwardly hump against him and the faster I move over him, the good feelings only seemed to grow higher and higher with each grind, originating from the newly found pleasure center between my legs and extending out to my entire body.

Continuing my happy motions, the pleasing sensations that grinding myself against the white fox build and build until finally it reaches a peak and the liquid pleasure that had been filling my body is brought to its brim. "Mewww!" I cry in pleasure as my entire being shakes, a feeling of pure bliss washing over me. I want to stay in this moment forever, to bathe in this extraordinary pleasure as it pours over me, but it soon fades away all too fast and I feel a small waterfall of pleasure juices rush out of my pee hole, the clear substance leaving my body and taking with it all my good feelings as the white furred male's lower back fur gets soaked in the substance.

As the watery bliss slowly drains all of the way out me and the feeling of unimaginable pleasure vanishes with it, I am hit with a tidal wave of exhaustion in its place; quickly being reminded of just how very tired my body and mind are. Before I am able to think another thought, I watch as my last thread of consciousness is cut and I am no longer able to remain in the physical world; my body sound asleep, I soon see visions of dancing red male sticks just out of paw's reach.

White furred male fox- Ignoring the horny little vulpine behind me quickly becomes an impossible task as she starts to rub and rub her femininity against me... Mew mewing over and over as she grinds her hindquarters up and down along my body...

'Oh Kitsunes... This is too much...' I think as I completely freeze up in a panic; except for one certain part of my body that remained very lively... As the small vixen behind me moves her hiney up and down over my back, my penis seems to move along with it, mimicking her grinding motions in turn, rising and falling with each stroke of her wet, soft, puffy vaginal lips.

Vex, to the front of me, looks on fixated as her friend Vixy humps me from behind to make my maleness dance; the vixen's eyes going up and down with her friend's bottom motions as she watches my member pulse under the constant grinding motions. Tilting her head slightly upwards and sniffing the air as if looking for something, Vex sniff sniffs around until her nose is pointed toward my tool, and then her eyes lock onto it once more; Vex was in heat too, probably not as far along as Vixy was, but I'm sure she felt the need to err... 'Cool off' as well... Slowly walking over to me and continuing to sniff with eyes staring at my bouncing maleness, I knew she had caught a whiff of my musk... My fervent male aroma reeling in the beautiful vixen, I watch as she slowly crouches low to the ground before creeping closer to my maleness; the scent may have stirred unknown emotions in her, and I decide I better just let her do as she will.

Reaching about a forelegs length in front of my penis now and moving into a prone position, Vex acts almost as if she is stalking it! Slowly inching forward like one does before they pounce, I watch nervously as she lifts her right forepaw tentatively into the air, seemingly getting ready to strike.

"Mnn!" I hum out of my muzzle as she quickly attacks her red moving foe with lightning speed, sending my member into a circular moving motion after being hit by her sideswiping paw; it didn't really hurt though, she didn't hit it with her claws out and must have known it was attached to someone she didn't want to do any real harm to. She simply pawed at it like a kit stalks and paws at their mom's tail in a playful manner. Only this wasn't just play, it was foreplay... Somewhere in the back of this vixen's mind I'm sure she knew that, sex is built into all animals after all... But I don't this female fox was actually making the connection as she now continues to bash and hit my member with her right forepaw again and again before then smacking it with few jabs from her left paw for good measure.

This whole ordeal was all too overwhelming and had happening all too fast... I have one vixen in front of me playing with my penis, and another in back of me using me as her own personal pleasure toy. The constant grinding and clenching of the little vixen's vaginal lips sent juices running down my back, and I could feel her wetness as it dribbled all the way down to my tail base... Then I had the larger vixen's soft paws brushing against my member over and over, just batting it around... It all felt... Very... Arousing, and I feel myself getting ever closer and closer to an orgasm, as suddenly two paws clamped around my penis, squeezing it tightly between cushy pads.

"Gotcha!" Vex shouts. "Eeeeee!" She goes on to cry shortly after as I cum, white goo shooting out of the little mouth of the dancing monster worm she was hunting; luckily the vixen had good reflexes, and starts to run away before it can hit her face. Some of my male seed did land on her back as she turned to flea though... I guess the favor had been returned for when she surprisingly covered me in her own sex juices earlier...

Getting a safe distance away from me, Vex turns back towards me. "Sorry!" She shouts.

"It's okay! It should be safe now if you want to come back!" I yell back to her.

Cautiously walking back towards me, I thought it was about time that someone explained to her exactly what mating was. She obviously didn't know all of the details of a male's equipment, and probably didn't know that her body was going to start craving it either.

Reaching me and sitting down in front of me once more, she lets out a little laugh as she notices my member going limp, still dripping a bit of cum. "I guess I defeated it huh?! Why did it do that anyway?" The vixen asks me innocently.

It looked like we were going to be in for a long talk...