In Heat We Lust, Episode 3

Story by foxohki on SoFurry

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#3 of In Heat We Lust

***Vex the vixen's perspective joins now.***

*** * * In Heat We lust

Episode 3 **** : Sniffing and Licking, Pawing and Sticking**

Vex- Vixy was acting seriously weird... I mean, she has always been a little weird, and she was definitely more forward than any fox I've ever known, never being afraid to speak her mind, and those were some of the things I loved about her. But what she was doing now was strange even for her! Watching as she moves her butt up and down on the side of this male's back, she seemed to make his red stick thingy move all around along with her movements. Even as the white fox sat still! That same red stick thingy we have been trying to avoid for days now that would appear on males as they chased us seeming to dance all by itself, almost as if it had a mind of its own!

I can smell... Something... As I sniff around to locate the source, I realize it's coming from that jut-ting worm between the white furred male's hind legs... It even has its very own scent! It smells so... I don't know how to describe it... Enticing in a way... Wanting to see the strange red shaft up close, I begin inching my way forward to examine this thing that could come out of a males pee place and make him go crazy; I wasn't going to take any chances though, I would approach it as an enemy, just as all the foxes who have chased me with it out have been my enemy.

Crouching to the ground and slowly moving towards the white furred male, I close the distance be-tween us before lying down in front of his moving red stick; hoping my stealthy movement would go unnoticed by the throbbing fleshy thing. I was close enough to pounce now, but the situation had to be dealt with careful paws... It did seem to be attached to my new male friend after all, and I didn't want to hurt him!

Inching forward a bit more into striking range, the scent it emitted was became even more powerful; the smell filling my nostrils, but affecting my entire body to stir unknown emotions and feelings in me... I start to pant, even though I am not tired in anyway... It makes my lower tummy crotch area purr and twitch for some reason... This curious red monster that drove males mad was starting to have the same effect on me! But I wasn't going to stick around and let it turn me feral like it had to them. I would make it go back inside that big thick furry place it came out of!

Slowly raising a paw, I quickly whack it to see if it would have an effect.

"Mnn!" The white furred male makes an odd sound, but it didn't really sound as though it was a painful one; the red stick starting to spin in circles now after being hit, it looked like it was angry!

Watching on, I wait for it to make a retaliation, but it just slowly returns to its up and down jutting motion instead.

'Do not take me lightly demon!' I think as I attack with furry paws of fury. 'Whap, whap, kyaa!' I hit and hit, but it doesn't seem to care... It just bounces around every which way like it was trying to evade my attacks. 'Hold still!' "Gotcha!" I yell as I close my paws around it so it can't move around. "Eeeeee!" I scream as it finally starts to fight back, spraying white liquid from the small opening on the tip at me as I run away; feeling some of its goo land on my back near my tail as I flee. 'The substance must be designed to blind its opponent, luckily I was too fast for it!'

Feeling like I had run out of its attack range, I stop to face the white furred male again. "Sorry!" I apologize incase doing that had hurt him somehow.

"It's okay! It should be safe now if you want to come back!" He yells back me.

Walking back over to him now, I can see some of the white goo sticking to a few blades of grass. 'Males have to live with this strange red spitting monster just under them?! How do they do it?!'

Sitting back down in front of him, I can see the red worm drooping over like it was tired and didn't have any more energy to stand up straight. "I guess I defeated it huh?! Why did it do that anyway?" I ask the male, but he doesn't respond to me, it looked like he was deep in thought. "I mean... It's not a very good attack if it can only be used once before it runs out of energy right?"

White furred male fox- Vixy had finally stopped her erotic movements against my body and stopped moving completely now, I can feel her butt propped up against me as it rests there. With no more little vixen vagina rubbing up and down against me, and having just shot cub seeds everywhere into the air, my kit maker finally starts to recede and make its way back into my sheath. Waiting until my intimidating red penis is safely back inside its furred pouch to finally disappearing out of sight completely, I am at last given a chance to have a conversation with Vex without any distractions; It is about time some fox taught her about the sex her body would soon crave as her heat progressed. "It wasn't an attack... Listen... Male foxes have a penis, and female foxes have a vagina." I tell the clueless vixen.

"Va... vagina?" She questions, then proceeds to sit down and lean backwards on just her right forepaw as her left one, almost as if in slow motion, goes down in between her gently spread apart hind legs. Pushing her fluffy tail out of the way, she reveals her soaking wet folds for us to see... Not stopping there, I watch in awe as she spreads her vaginal lips with two claws to show us the inside of her most intimate area. "You mean this?" She asks casually; my member shooting straight back up out of my sheath to stand at full attention upon seeing her parted slit practically invite it inside, erection springing to life and flinging a single drop of cum onto the side of her muzzle in the process, easily hitting her now that her guard was down.

"Grrrr...." Vex growls defensively and crouches low to the ground after being hit by the sticky liquid my red stick threw on her.

"Easy, easy!" I yell trying to calm her down.

"It tried to blind me!" She exclaims.

"Just... Just wait here a second." I tell her as I get an idea.

Finally standing up, I feel Vixy's wet behind slide off me; she seemed to have fallen asleep after her little sex escapade, so cute... Running over to the river just next to us, I dive into the freezing water with a small splash, and then quickly swim back to the shore before the current can take me away; feeling my member slide back into my furry pouch to escape the frigid cold, just as I hoped it would. Rushing water continuing to flow over my fur, any female sex juices Vex's little female fox friend had wiped onto my back, as well as the bit of dirt that the horny vixen had transferred to me, is washed away. Reaching land and lifting myself out of the water, I shake then off any wetness that is loosely clinging to my fur to become a clean and re-sheathed fox.

Walking back over to the two vixens now, I find one still sound asleep, and the other with her head cocked to the side, confused after seeing my actions.

"Okay, where was I?" I ask while sitting down in front of Vex again to try to explain this whole sex thing once more. "Yes, that opening between your hind legs is called a vagina, and that red stick thing that was out before between mine is called a penis."

"Hmm..." She responds, listening intently.

"A male's penis likes to stay warm, so it usually stays in this big furry pouch here called a sheath." I tell her as I turn around and lifted my leg so she can see my member's furry home.

"Cool!" She says excitedly. "I don't have one of those!"

"Well, in a way you do... You see, you also have a place that helps to keep a male fox's penis warm, that hole between your hind legs, your vagina." I explain further.

"What?! No!" She whimpers.

"Yes! It's true! I'm sure you know that that hole is where pee comes out of. But it also serves another purpose, to hold a male's penis until cub juice comes out... The kit seeds go deep into the female's belly, and eventually little foxes will come out." I tell the vixen the basics of how kits are made.

"You're... You're joking right?" She says still not believing me.

"I'm not! Haven't you ever wondered where little fox cubs come from? And why males and females are different down there?"

"No, not really. But I guess it makes sense... What do you call those dangling things in back of your sheath below your tail hole?" She asks while motioning to my balls. "That's something I've noticed is different about males too."

"Those are called testicles, or most foxes just call them balls." I tell her wiggling my but so she can see them bounce around.

"Oh, hehe. What are they for?"

"I'm not really sure myself. But it probably helps make the cub juice or something. I'm not really an expert on sex, I've never actually mated before..."

"Okay, okay. Slow down... What exactly is cub juice, or kit seeds? And what's sex?" The curious vixen inquires.

"Didn't you call me sexy earlier?! How did you know that word?" I ask, remembering how she said the way my white fur shone in sun was sexy; how could I ever forget one the only compliment I have ever been given? And one made about my unusually white fur at that...

"Well, I just heard an older vixen say it to a male she liked before... So I said it to you!" She explains to me how she knew the word.

'She likes me!' I think happily. "Oh... Well I like you too!" I confess my feelings to her, and then go on to answer her original question. "So umm... Cub juice, or puppy seeds... Is that white stuff that came out of your red monster friend earlier. It's what happens when a male becomes excited enough and his penis is rubbed enough. Sex is what you call it when a male fox puts his penis into a vixen's vagina to get the white liquid out, and you can also call a male's penis or a female's vagina their sex."

"So... That's what that mean male was doing earlier to Vixy. Trying to have sex with her..." Vex puts two and two together.

"Yes, he was. But I don't think he ever actually......" I stop mid-sentence as something on Vex's face is bothering me. "You umm... You have some of my cub juice on your muzzle from earlier. Sorry about that..." I apologize.

"Hmm, this whole sex thing seems complicated..." She mumbles cutely around her tongue while lick-ing the little bit of my cum off her snout. "Mmm, your cub juice is kinda tasty!" She tells me before proceeding to turn around and lick the white liquid off of her rump that had landed there too.

"It's really... Very... Simple..." I stutter.

Kitsunes... Explaining sex to her had started to pump blood to my crotch; making my member become increasingly harder and allowing me to commit the very act I was trying to explain. Now, hearing her talk that way about my liquid love remains and watching her lap it up as enthusiastically as is... It's enough summon my cub juice squirter back up to produce more for her to eat...

"Ahh! It's back! Your penis!" She cries stumbling backwards.

"Yeah, you see... When a male gets aroused or excited about having sex, his maleness, which is just another word for penis, will come out like this so that it can go inside a vixen's vagina and give her the cub seeds she needs to grow kits in her belly." I explain.

"Oh... So why did your maleness come out? You want to do a sex with me?! " Vex gasps.

"No! I mean... Yes, I do... But not if you don't want to! I'm sorry... You're just so cute... And my penis will kinda come out all on its own whenever I think about sex. Plus, you and your friend are in heat now. It's something that happens to a female's body to tell males that they want to have sex and make cubs."

"But I don't want to have cubs!" She protests.

"Well, your body wants to have them. Your vagina produces a powerful pheromone, which is just a fancy word for scent... That will attract males to you as you are heating. That's why those males were chasing you two earlier you see."

"Well I guess that explains a lot... Vixy has been complaining about how hot it has been feeling be-tween her hind legs and lower stomach for days now. And I must have caught the heat from her, be-cause I started getting the same hot feeling yesterday morning..."

"I don't think it's contagious. It's just something that happens every so often to a vixen. How old are you two exactly?" I ask her.

"We're about the same age. Umm... One summer, one fall, one winter and half a spring." She tells me.

"That's almost one year. You should both be entering your first heat. It's perfectly natural." I explain to her smiling, trying to console her and ease any worries she may be having about her body's state.

"Oh okay... You sure do know a lot of stuff! How old are you yourself?"

"I've been around for about three years."

"Oh, mature fella aren't ya?!"

"I suppose... But still I have yet to taste the feminine fruit so sweet! To savor the delicious nectar that would ease my member's passage through those soft pink folds! And to expel my loves essence within the depths of those luscious lips so that I may produce a batch of kits that I can call my own..." I say dramatically into the air before sadly falling to the ground to curl up into a ball; and end scene.

"Yay!" Vex cheers and then gives little howls of appreciation for me.

Yeah, I'm somewhat of an amateur actor... What?! I have a lot of spare time alone in the forest all day! I have to entertain myself somehow!

"You liked that?" I ask.

"It was good! Hey! What's your name anyways?! You never gave it to me Mr. white fox."

"They called me Color back when I was just a kit. I haven't heard anyone say my name since I left to become a lone fox though. I kind of hate it because it was given to me ironically... I mean, my white fur lacks any color." I explain.

"Aww, I kinda like it! And you don't have to be a lone fox anymore... I'll be your pack mate!" She says as she begins walking increasingly closer to me until we were met muzzle to muzzle. "Maybe your fur is just all white, but I really like that about you! And I think you have a pretty colorful personality, Color..." She goes on to say, her voice getting softer and softer as our faces get even closer and closer, her words finally turning to a whisper as she says the last part, my name, 'Color...' into my ear softly, quietly, seductively... I think I could get used to the name as long as she was the one saying it.

Continuing to walk past me now after uttering my name directly into my ear, Vex then starts rubbing the side of her face and body against me affectionately; the curves and contours of her slender female body contacting and sliding against my more robust male one. Her head reaching my rump, I can hear her sniff at my tail hole as if to check my gender like us foxes sometimes do.

"Male..." She says giggling, pretending as if she didn't already know.

"Eeep!" I cry startled as I hear her sniffing move a bit lower before feeling her cold wet nose press into my balls.

"Yup, definitely male..." She whispers; my musk and her heat must be making her very aroused at this point, she was coming on to me whether she knew it or not... I've seen other foxes do this flirting thing before, it always ended with the male on top of the female humping her.

"That's right..." I reply as I slowly walk around to her hindquarters and she stands still watching me with a smile across her muzzle lips.

For the first time since back in the forest when I attempted to track Vixy's kitnapper, I inhale deeply through my nose so I can check her gender as well; breathing through my mouth only was a much needed tactic when trying to remain calm around a vixen in heat, but now, I allow that sweet scent that her sex emits to take control of my body and mind, my entire being becoming consumed with an untamed lust. "And you're... Female..." I tell her with my nose aimed toward her little puckered hole, sniffing hard to gather information about the female fox; that upper hindquarter hole smelled lovely, but the smell of the lower one directly below it was even more tantalizing.

Directing my sniffs at Vex's slightly engorged slit, I shove my cold wet nose against her hot wet sex; absorbing her essence with my snout at its very source now, the vibrant vixen's sex juices entering my nostrils and making it impossible for me to ever forget her scent there... I feel as though it becomes a part of me as I reserve a very special place for it in the pleasure center of my brain. "Definitely fe-male..." I whisper back to her, hearing a sharp intake of breath from her as her virgin pussy is touched for the first time; I wonder why I've heard foxes call them that, pussy... Maybe because some vixens would meow and mew like cats when touched there.

"Hey! Don't do that!" Vex whines, then turns her head around over her shoulder to look back at me; noticing her tongue lolled out of her maw a bit and that she's panting heavily.

Her words told me to stop, but her entire body urged me not to; brownish orange eyes sparkling with desire as she peers into mine, tongue and vulva lightly leaking liquids, drops of saliva and sex juices escaping her overheated body and falling to the ground... I know she wouldn't mind if I were to help cool her overheated body off some...

Remaining in her seductive stance, Vex simply looks back at me, as if waiting for me to do something. Surely she would move if she actually wanted me to stop touching her there... Right? Her vagina's heating scent seemed to grow stronger after being prodded by my nose, beckoning me to taste it now more than ever. So I will...

Slowly bringing my head downwards and forwards a bit, I run my tongue from the base of Vex's slip-pery pussy lips up to the top in one fast lick; collecting any warm sex juices that lie there and taking them back to my maw as I savor the single most delicious liquid that has ever grazed my taste buds, it seemed the smell that advertised her female flower did not fail to overstate how heavenly her nectar would taste. The amazingly soft texture of her sex's opening felt as though I had lapped the luscious liquid off of a pink cloud, almost like the divine waters were placed in the most perfectly puffed dish by the Kitsunes themselves.

As my tongue leaves the vixen's miraculous mound of feminine flesh, I watch as her four legs struggle to keep her up before she collapses to the ground, folding beneath her as she lays down on top of them in the grass. Slowly walking over her with my paws on either side of her prone body while she remains perfectly still, seemingly stunned from that one slurp on her vixenhood, I then lay down on top of her to rest my head on hers; my larger body towering over her smaller female one as my white fur almost completely covers her orange coat, feeling my stiff member sink into the soft fur of her lower her back right near where it had sprayed her with its white goo a little while ago. Moving my muzzle to the side of her head, right next to her, I whisper: "very female..."

Lying on top of her, I thoroughly enjoy the feeling of Vex's furry form pressed to mine, delighting in the warmth of another foxes body heat that I had not felt since I was a suckling kit. We stay like this for a moment, and it's wonderful, but then she starts to slowly crawl forward, inching her way out from underneath me; my penis leaving her fur's touch as she continues to advance, leaving it cold and alone in the nights air. My head that was resting on hers now passes her tail as she further frees herself from my weak hold; I wasn't going to make her do anything she didn't want to...

Wiggling forward a little more, the vixen finally emerges out from under me, and then shakily stands to recompose before slowly beginning to step away from me, but coyly I manage another swift lick across her sweet tasting folds before she is able to leave my tongues reach; delving a little bit inside her slit this time accidentally with my lap, I wasn't able to be as precise with her body trying to move away from me... As my licker parts her sex I am given access to even more of her fantastic fluids that were trapped inside, and swallow them into my gullet hungrily. My tongue's invasion of Vex's vagina leaves her unable to stand yet again, and I watch as she falls to the ground with a whimper.

Walking around to the female's front side to see if she is okay and to ask her what she thought about my licking of her, I find her panting very hard with white cheek fur flushed red. Seeing her in this sort of tired, vulnerable state instantly makes me realize that the her heat had made me become way more forward than I ever would have been, and knew that I should apologize for my actions... Her friendship was far more important to me than anything else, and I had to regain control of the situation...

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you or make you feel uncomfortable. I'll stop... Please forgive me..." I tell Vex, then lick her cheek like I've seen mated foxes do; hoping for she would forgive me.

"It's... It's okay... I mean... You can tongue at me more there if you want to... It actually feels really good..." The vixen tells me between her pants; those were the words I've wanted to hear ever since I first smelled a vixen's special area scents!

"I would love to! It's actually the best thing I've ever tasted... I could lick at it forever as long as it keeps giving me juice to lap up!" I exclaim.

"What? I don't think it tastes very... Nyaa!" The vixen's sentence is cut short by a howl as I find my way back to her soft slit and wipe it with my tongue for a third taste; thirstily drinking any new liquid that had collected there as we stopped to talk.

Vex- "Hey! Don't do that!" I yell after feeling him nose at my vagina with his cold nose; It did help to cool that hole though... It has felt way too hot there since this morning, and while he explained this whole sex thing to me and I thought about what it might be like to have a penis inside me there, it only seemed to get hotter inside... Now I immediately regret telling him not to touch my pee hole between, if he just kept his snout pressed to those burning lips it would actually really help.

Looking over my shoulder to see what the white furred male is up to, I can't help but just stare at him longingly as I try to find the words to ask him to put his nose cold back between my hind legs; the area growing hotter and hotter after being cooled for that brief second and then abandoned. I begin to pant hard as the burning in my crotch return with vengeance, and I feel some strange unknown desire arising along with it that I just couldn't put my paw on or seem to describe. I guess Color knows what that desire is though, because as his tongue suddenly licks over my vagina lips, my entire body seems to go numb with an overwhelming pleasure sensation; my legs going shaky as I try to hold myself up before then I falling down to lie on top of them.

'What in the world was that?! Why does he licking me there feel like this?! How can such a simple tongue swipe have such an enormous effect?!' As I lay on the ground trying to wrap my head around how such a basic lick could feel this good, I feel Color lay down on top of me; a lot like how the other male fox had been laying on Vixy earlier.

I am almost completely covered in his gorgeous white fur, and I feel warm and safe underneath the strong male fox who had fought so courageously to defend me. It all just feels so right... So tender as Color lays over me... And I am completely content and happy.

"Very Female..." Color whispers quietly into my ear, instantly breaking the silence and the pleasant spell I had been put under along with it. All the good feelings seem to vanish as I remember how feral and mean the fox was who had stolen Vixy was. He took her just so he could lay over her like this male was now doing to me, and I start to panic... Was all of this just an elaborate trick so he could get on top of me and poke me with his penis like the other fox had done to Vixy?

Frantically I begin wiggle myself free from the loose hold Color has on me until I escape out from under him and free myself of his grasp, then standing up in front of him and slowly begin to walk away to try and get some distance between us. But before I can so much as take a paw step forward, I feel a lick along my sex again; even going up inside that outer lip part this time! Whimpering in pleasure, it almost feels as though I could faint from the intense pleasure the fox's tongue lap of my vagina causes me, and stumble a few paces forward before falling to the ground once again; it seemed as though my body was slave to his tongue...

Walking around to my front side, Color looks at me with eyes that seemed to be filled with sorrow and concern; just staring at me as I lay recovering from another one of the lightning bolts of pleasure that would strike my body whenever he lapped my sex. His lick on my vagina left me incapable of even lifting a paw as I stare up at him without a word; only my chest being able to move, it rises and falls as I breathe hard panting to try and release the heat inside my pleasure burned body.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you or make you feel uncomfortable. I'll stop... Please forgive me..." He tells me apologetically, softly, and sincerely before then licking me on the side of my cheek just like how I've seen older male and female foxes do to each other; all doubts I had about him seem to dissipate in that moment.

After Color asks for forgiveness and licks my face, I watch as he just stares into my eyes, seemingly waiting for my response; my heart seeming to beat hard and slow as I think about this handsome white furred male who had come into my life. I admired him, I trusted him, and I think I may even... Love him...... So I decide I will let him do whatever he wants to my body... I will give it to him, if for no other reason than to show how much I like and care for him...

"It's... It's okay... I mean... You can tongue at me more there if you want to... It actually feels really good..." I tell Color between my pants.

"I would love to! It's actually the best thing I've ever tasted... I could lick at it forever as long as it keeps giving me juice to lap up!" He replies happily.

"What? I don't think it tastes very... Nyaa!" I scream as I feel him lick my vagina once again, not even letting me finish what I want to say, my body shivering in pleasure as I lay on the floor writhing; how did his licking make me feel so good?!

I embrace the laps now... I crave them... I wanted this white furred fox who I loved to lick and lick and never stop... Anticipating the next tonguing of my sex and releasing my paws from the clenching position they seemed to go in whenever his wet organ touched me there, I wait patiently for his next one...

"Nyaa!" I cry as Color's licker strikes me for a fourth time, going up inside my sex for the second; pleasure shooting through me once more as I feel his touch squirm inside my pee hole, digits clenching down against my pads again as if trying to dig into something, other parts of my body seem to tense too each time his tongue lapped at my female parts, not just my paws, the entire inside of my crotch and the outside entrance of my vagina opening itself seeming to close hard whenever he touched the area.

I could feel Color's tongue just inside the pink opening between my hind legs, but unlike the other three licks he gave me there, his licker remained pressed hard against my sex; stopped, as if waiting for something... Slowly my tightened paws and clenched sex start to loosen up as the pleasure grip that made certain parts of my body taut begins fading.

"Kyaa!" I cry out in pleasure, arching my back and lifting my head as high as it can go into the air to howl as I feel his tongue lunge forward through my most inner, super sensitive sex area, going so very deep inside; the noise a verbalization of the physical ecstasy that shook my entire form with good vi-brating pleasure feelings, it had to go somewhere, and I guess it found its way out through my maw...

As Color's tongue continues to slowly dive deeper and deeper within my vagina now, deeper than I had thought that hole even went, every tiny place his licker slides over inside there I can feel pleasure shooting up from. Allowing him to explore that fleshy hole of mine with his tongue, I simply lay back to absorb all of the good sensations and emotions as my entire sex quickly clamps down again; extreme physical pleasure surging through me as my vagina squeezes any of his tongue that had made its way inside of my body to keep it locked in place, I come to the conclusion that that's how my sex would get the cub juice out of his penis! By pressing down on it to squeeze the kit seeds out like I had stupidly done on accident before when I squeezed it between my paws...

Quite happy with myself for figuring out how this whole sex thing worked, and even happier feeling what the act might feel like with his tongue going in my vagina... My body now begins to unclench again as the pleasure sensation begins to subside. "Nnn!" I moan as Color's tongue presses even further within me to give me more physical bliss. 'Kitsunes, it feels too wonderful... I can even feel his cold nose press up against my other smaller tail hole on my behind as he pushes his muzzle into butt, the puckered opening made for pooping just above the much larger slitted opening he had his tongue so far inside of... I can even hear him snort and sniff at my little hindquarter orifice as he begins rubbing it with his nose... Oh my Kitsunes... It feels equally as amazing as he plays with the outer edges of my tail hole, gently prodding it with his sniffer... That place too seemed to be extra sensitive under his touch, just like my vagina... Neither of those rump holes had ever felt this way when I licked to clean them, having someone else touch there was a completely different experience entirely, a truly fantastic one... I hope he will lick and rub them like this for me all the time... Maybe even put his red penis inside my lower sex one so I could feel what the real thing felt like... That male stick might even feel good in that smaller tail hole, but surely that one is just for pooping though... There is no way a penis could fit in there! With Color's tongue and pushing into my behind, my scent must be the only thing he can smell right now... Just thinking about that seems to make me feel even more excited and hot than I already am... Just to know that so many of his senses are being occupied by me, it makes me feel special, loved... It's like I am the only thing that matters to him...'

As Color continues to rub both of my hindquarter holes now, it's like he was giving me a double dose of pleasure, and my vagina repeats it's closing and opening motions to try and milk the white gooey liquid from him in response; squeezing his tongue hard within my sex each time, my tail hole he was nosing at seems to clench down with it!

'Maybe I could actually make cubs with that hole too?!' I think to myself as I feel his forepaws grab my lower back, his grip preventing me from sliding forward as his continues to push a bit harder into my behind; licking and sniffing enthusiastically as he continues to make me feel loved and special.

I can tell the Color's head is shifting as he removes his nose from my tail hole and I feel his muzzle lips press into the fur on my rump on either side of my vagina. "Kyaa!" I cry as Color's tongue slides even deeper into my sex's depths; his teeth lightly pressing into either side of my furred rump cheeks now as he struggles to get as much of his as licker he can inside me, sending another wave of pleasure to crash against my form, the strongest one yet as he pushes his mouth organ into areas so very deep and my pee hole shuts hard on this fox who's exploring unknown parts of my body to trap him deep within me.

I now feel Color's licker gently begin to slide out of my sex, trying to escape... My crotch muscles aren't strong enough to keep his wet tongue locked inside my vagina, and he slowly begins to pull it out despite the best efforts of my clenched sex hole to stop it; feeling his loving lapper run over the closed folded walls of my vagina as it's slowly tugged out of me, sending more currents of pleasure to the powerful wave I was still experiencing as it helps to sustain it, causing my body to keep tense much longer than it has ever before and allowing my hole designed for milking cub juice to hold onto his simulated penis as long as possible before it leaves my body completely. Gradually I feel Color's long tongue get smaller and smaller before just the tip of it as it leaves my sex completely, and my vagina lips open wide after he finally pulls it out, as if to say: "Hey! Get back in here!" Shortly after, the walls of my wet deserted hole close down hard again to clench around no male parts at all, maybe pretending as if there was a penis inside, trying to show my loving white furred fox how much it wanted to squeeze his cub seeds out of him; he must have just be watching my lonely hole beg for him as begins opening and closing repeatedly, asking for his touch, because he had stopped his tonguing of me, but he was still back there... I could hear him panting almost as hard as I am...

After what seemed like forever, Color's tongue is finally pressed back to the entrance of my sex, and I feel it trace incredibly slow along the lips of the sensitive opening; causing my walls to clench and release much faster than before now, my vagina desperately trying to hold his treacherous licker still as it make its journey. Finally reaching the tippy top of my vagina, his pleasure lick doesn't seem to stop there... And I feel him continue to run his slippery slurper upwards across my rump fur just above. Not feeling it stop there either, his lick slides over my small tail hole now; it too to shuddering and clenching under the caress of his teasing.

"Eep!" I yell as I feel the tip of his taster penetrate my unexplored hiney hole a tiny bit before quickly removing his tongue from my body completely; It did feel kinda nice... I just wasn't prepared for such an intrusion!

Color- I finally had a heating vixen of my very own! And one that stirred this powerful emotion in me that could only be described as love...

Vex had given me permission to continue lapping at her sex, so again I give her a lick along her slit before then slowly piercing her puffy pink pussy a bit with my tongue. As I enter her femininity, slightly engorged from starting her heat just recently, I am given prime access to the vixen's sex liquids that had been dammed inside by her outer lips; the flowing love juices trickling down my tongue and into my throat where I can I can easily swallow them into my belly. It wasn't just the flavor of her sex that I savored and enjoyed, but all of the pleasurable grunts and whines she made as I lapped to obtain them; her heavy breathing as she panted, the cute sounds she yelled as my tongue opened her up, I loved it all and had begun to associate the taste of her vagina to all of the behaviors that licking at it caused, and it made its flavor taste that much better...

I am completely in control now, the strong love feelings I have for Vex easily breaking me out of any lust frenzy that her fresh heat may have put me in before. I come second, my pleasure means little to me and there is only my vixen, only her pleasure....

Continuing my lickings and exploring of her most amazing female orifice, it seems to close down upon my tongue after I delve a bit inside with it, preventing me from going any deeper. So I wait there to see if it will open again for me.

"Kyaa!" Vex lets loose a howl, arching her in her prone position and raising her head to mewl into the night's air as I push as much of my tongue into her vaginal tunnel as I can manage before it clamps down on my licker again; her sex juices splashing all over my muzzle lips and fur.

'I can get that bit juices later...' I think to myself as I swallow the stream of liquids that now rush over the contours of my tongue and down into my throat at faster speeds; the farther I to go, the more I seem to be given, and I won't be satisfied until I have drunk all that I can get to...

Slowly, Vex's inner sex walls loosen once more, so I take advantage and slide my tongue even further into her most private untouched place; knowing I have reached my limit in this position as my nose soon bumps into her cute little puckered anus. "Nnn!" She moans as I start nosing at her tiny poop hole, rubbing it back and forth gently and sniffing hard at the pleasing female scent it emits; this hole too seems to clench shut when I play with it, and I watch as it winks good bye, closing in protest of my touching as her vaginal tunnel shuts along with it, imprisoning my tongue deep within her depths.

The vixen's smaller tail hole smelled too delicious, different than her lower one, another kind of sweet... I wanted to taste it as well, but that would have to wait, my tongue was busy. All of my senses are occupied and consumed with her very being as I lick and sniff those two holes on her rump; ears listening to her heavy panting that seemed to become heavier the further I delved inside her sex, eyes filled with her beautifully curved female behind, covered in well-kept fur. I can smell and taste only her scents as I feel her sensitive orifices with my tongue and nose. She is the only thing that matters right now, there is only her, only Vex...

The vixen's body starts to move forward as my nose and muzzle push hard into her rump, so I hold onto the top of her back sides with my forepaws to hold her still, and decide to change tactics. Not being able to get my tongue into her sex any deeper at this angle with my nose in the way, I change to a new position, and tilt my head horizontally to press my muzzle lips to her lovely lower female only ones. Feeling Vex's vagina let up once again and unclench for me, I plunge my wet mouth organ completely within her now to make her surrender any vixen juice that had been kept deep inside those farthest regions of her sex.

"Kyaa!" She cries in pleasure as she's filled with my mouth's organ; some of her sex's liquid falling out of my maw and to the ground with my heads new awkward positioning, I just try to drink what's was in my maw to make room for more of her sweet essence.

The entirety of my tongue finally inside the female fox hole, it clamps down yet again to hold it cap-tive.; making me feel somewhat uncomfortable as the length of my tongue becomes completely stuck inside her sex tunnel. As I start to try and pull my licker out in an attempt to free myself, I find her closed walls don't want to seem to let up at all; keeping latched down hard onto my tongue as I slowly remove it from her folds, crotch muscles trying to keep me inside her body as best they can.

'Ahh, finally free...' I think as my tongue finally escapes her grasping sex.

Pulling away slightly from the heated orifice, I watch as a combination of my saliva and her sex juices form a string to keep my tongue and her slick pussy connected with a combination of our sticky substances. Slowly the fragile liquid line falls down and breaks as I watch in awe at her sex as spreads open and close hard angrily over and over; viscous tears slowly dripping from the bottom of her slit every time it re-opens as if crying for me to go back inside, I can only imagine what it would be like to have my penis massaged by that loving tunnel as it collapsed over me repeatedly until I gave up the seed it needs to grow cubs...

Having been stuck behind Vex for so long now, I was starting to miss her front. Desperately I want to see the facial expressions that went along with all the cute noises she made, but not before one last taste...

Starting from the bottom of the vixen's vaginal opening and making my upwards, I trace my tongue along the outside of her sex painstakingly slow; just watching as her vaginal lips ripple and convulse angrily as I tease the edges of the hot hole, not daring to enter it again with my licks just yet. Reaching the top of her slit, I don't stop there, and scrape my lapper along the fur between her two most sensitive openings until it reaching her tail hole just above, then stick just the tip of my tongue into the tiny puckered opening before removing it completely from her.

"Eep!" She cries after having just a bit of the inside of her tail hole quickly prodded.

Walking over to Vex's front, I position my body so that it is facing hers with our noses just a few paw prints away from touching. Playfully making fun of her, I attempt to copy the same position her body had seemed to move into under the manipulations of my tongue, and crouch down low on my forelegs as I arch my back and tilt my head upwards. "Kyaa!" I then cry in attempt to tease her happy little pleasure mewls she would make.

"You!" Vex growls, blushing in embarrassment, then quickly straightens her back and lowers her head so that had been raised to howl pleasure as I tongued at her secrete sex entrance.

Lowering my head as well now as I continue to copy her, our noses and maws meet in a strange mouthing kiss as we bring them down together at the same time; the ends of our muzzle lips touching actual felt really nice, and now I wanted to see what the entirety of her lips pressed to mine would feel like... I had actually planned to explore her maw at some point anyways like this, as I knew it was another sensitive area that might please her when touched.

Turning my head almost completely sideways and opening my muzzle wider apart like I had done to get full access within the vixen's vaginal lips, I now use the same technique to try and gain entry within her muzzle's lips. The young vixen not really seeming to understand what I'm doing, I feel around with my tongue to try and pry open the closed lips of Vex's muzzle to gain entry into her maw, and she quickly obliges as she opens it' her tongue welcoming mine as our lips seal together and I invade yet another one of the openings on her body with my mouth organ.

I wanted to explore every inch of her, every curve, every crevice... I had started with the orifices that I knew would be the most sensitive to my touch, and I will continue to search every spot of her body to find the place that would bring the most pleasure to my vixen...

Our tongues rub and collide as we continue to lick at each other out of view, muzzle lips hugging as I passionately explore the inside of her maw; feeling increasingly amazing to have all of the vixen's sensitive mouth parts move against mine. With our lickers dancing, I watch onward as Vex's eyes slowly close and her cheeks turn a darker red shade than they already seemed to be; this time blushing from pleasure rather than embarrassment, I'm sure she must be enjoying this as much as I was, but I wanted her to feel more pleasure... And my idle paws will help me to accomplish that goal.

Grabbing the top of Vex's head with both of my forepaws as we lie opposite each other and continue to keep our strange yet immensely satisfying maw kiss, I now begin to caress her sensitive ears with my digits; stroking the black furred triangles and petting them, I try to give this vixen I loved more good feelings to add onto the sensation of our tongues and lips rubbing over each other's.

Friction was the key to physical pleasure, and I would continue to rub every part of her until I made her climax... Until I felt her body shudder with pleasure like mine did whenever I reached an orgasm, always accomplished with my own two paws until earlier tonight when two vixens brought one about...

Leaving Vex's ears with my forepaws, I gently run them forward down the back of her neck before finding extend my forelegs as far I can reach in our laying positions and placing them on her upper back. Bringing my forepaws down to either side of her upper chest, I lightly stroke my pads and claws through her lovely fur as I bring then them back towards me; petting her along the sides of her bod as I slowly move them back the sides of her neck. Finally, I bring my forepaws to either side of her furry white cheeks, and stop them there to hold her head in between them as I slowly withdraw my tongue from her damp maw; Vex's licker continuing to grab and twist around my own as our muzzle lips part and move away from each other's, trying to keep me inside to play more. It seemed as if both her maw and vagina had ways to try and keep my body within hers once I entered inside...

Only being able to breathe through our noses while our maws had remained locked, both of us pant heavily after being disconnected; our bodies heated by lust and lacking sufficient oxygen, desperately they try to cool off.

"What... What was that? It was amazing..." Vex pants, half excited and half gasping for air; tongue lolled to the side outside of her maw after being brought there by mine own licker.

"Which part?" I ask.

"All of it... But that last part just now.... I didn't know two foxes could do that with their tongues and muzzle lips..." Vex explains panting.

"I don't know if there's a name for it... I just thought it might be fun for you..." I tell her back between my own pants.

"Oh it was! How are you so good at all of this sex stuff? And your touching of my fur and ears... No one has ever felt me like that before..."

"Well I've thought about it a lot while I lived alone in the forest. How to please a female I mean... I've never actually mated with one before, like I said earlier." I explain

"What do you mean mated with one? I know that my dad and mom were 'mates', and that they were 'mated' to each other... But..."

"It's just another way you can say 'have sex'. It can mean both those things though." I interrupt to tell her.

"Oh... Well... We could mate if you want... And I mean both of the ways that the word can be used. Color, I think I love you... I wouldn't mind having cubs if I knew they were yours..." Vex tells me, my heart seeming to plummet to the bottom of my chest as I listen to her speak; the feelings developed for her were actually being returned!

Just hearing her say that word: 'love', and having it be directed at me in her cute feminine voice, it seems to grip and move my body physically... And as I lie there before her, just staring into her eyes and absorbing what she told me, my entire form seems to begin shaking uncontrollably until I begin to cry; pure emotion escaping my body and finding its way out in the form of tears. I have never felt this kind of happiness before... This kind of acknowledgment from another being... This sense of belonging and completeness... It's as if my seemingly pointless life has now suddenly achieved meaning and purpose, to love this vixen.... To please her in every way possible and to prevent any harm to befall her... I will do anything to bring her pleasure, everything in my power to protect her... And to do so, my soul will become her servant and armor...

"Why are you crying?" Vex asks me concerned as stands up worriedly.

"I don't know... I'm just so happy and... They started to come out... Vex, I love you too... More than anything..." I confess my love to her through a plethora of flowing pleasant emotions and salty tears.

Not saying a word in return, Vex simply moves her head forward to lick gently lick both sides of my cheek fur to remove my tears before stopping and smiling at me. Smiling back, muzzle lips spread wider than I'm sure they have ever been, I get into a crouching position and wag my tail happily for my love of her, and then... I... Pounce!

Flying onto my vixen who was really truly mine now, I grab on to her upper back with one forepaw and her side with the other, then pull her down to the ground with my body weight. Lying side by side, I now wrap my forelegs around her chest to hug her tightly as I begin rubbing the side of my face back and forth through her soft neck fur lovingly.

Loosening my grip on my beautiful vixen's backside, I maneuver my left forepaw upwards along her sleek form until finding her right cheek. Holding the side of her head in my paw, I lightly wiggle my digits to stroke her face fur lovingly and watch her pleasured reaction as she closes her eyes blushing. Gently now, I pet upwards along the side of her head, up to the tip of her right ear, and begin repeatedly stroking her that way.

Continuing my caressing of Vex with my left paw, my right one moves to the front of the creamy white fur of her chest to look for the sensitive pleasure stubs that should be hidden inside. Starting at the top of her chest, just below her neck, I gently run my claws downward through her underbelly fur until I find what I'm looking for; the first set of her three pairs of nipples. Spreading my digits apart, I begin to gently rub both of her top teats with my pads; hearing her emit soft coo cooing noises in response that I doubt I would have even been able to hear without my ear so close to her maw like it was. Resting my head on top of hers as my paws continue to play with her body, I make sure I can hear every cite little squeak that leaves her muzzle lips.

Continuing to massage the fleshy little kit feeders on my vixen's belly with a slow circular motion, I then pull on them lightly before prodding and pushing them every which way. Feeling like I had teased that top pair of nipples enough, I now make my way downwards through her super soft furred stomach to the middle set and then the last pair to repeat the process on those ones as well; all the while still caressing her right cheek and ear with my left forepaw. Finally leaving her bottom teats, I lift my right paw slightly and lightly trace my claws further downwards over her furry crotch region.

Lower and lower my forepaw gently glide over her form until I feel a great warmth radiating over my pads; knowing that they were now hovering over her radiating sex and that my claws were now com-pletely surrounding her soft, fluffy, slightly wetted mound that accented it. Removing my head from its resting place on her neck so I can watch her face for what I had planned next, she slowly opens her eyes to look into mine with a look of passion and intensity, just awaiting my next loving move.

Lightly sliding my claws outwards as I spread digits spread apart, I push my paw downwards into the softest, most sacred area of my vixen's body. "Nnn!" Vex emits a soft muffled pleasured noise in response, her sex rippling under my pads to send those juices that her aroused heating sex produced so well lightly splashing outwards from her vulva; the bottom of my paw quickly becoming soaked in female liquids as I watch my vixen's eyes shut in pleasure.

Moving my left paw to the base of her right ear that I have been petting, I now circle it around to the back of her head to begin stroking her downwards the opposite way now; folding the black furred tri-angle down again and again from behind as I pet and pet her. Finally stopping that paw's stroking, I simply use it to hold the back of her head; lightly wiggling my digits to rub whatever fur I can there, I needed to focus all of my strength and energy into my right foreleg and paw for what I had planned next...

Lifting my right forepaw from Vex's vaginal lips, I straighten my middle digit as best I can to prepare it for entry. "Kyaa!" The vixen cries as plunge my paw back downwards and my digit finds its way past the outer fold of her sex to slide a ways inside; her closed eyes shutting even tighter, squinting with a pleased face as her vagina also shuts tight on my digit.

Spreading the weaker clenched outer lips of her slit with my right forepaw's free digits, I wait for her clenched walls to open; for as soon it did, those digits would join my other one inside... "Nnn!" Vex moans as a good portion of my right paw is forced into vaginal tunnel, quickly being clamped down upon entering to become stuck within a second of getting inside.

Leaving my paw inside her special vixen hole unmoving for a moment, I feel as her tunnel clenches and releases again and again around it; causing my long since unsheathed penis to jump up and pulse hard with ever squeeze of her folded walls. Getting an idea, I remove my left forepaw from the side of her head, and then slide it underneath the midsection of her body as it lies on the ground. Wrapping my left foreleg around her body as grab onto my vixen's back, I pull her closer to me to press our chests and undersides together to sandwich my penis between her warm soft belly fur and mine.

Now with a better hold on her and bearing, I wait for the next opening of her rhythmically contracting vaginal walls, and thrust my paw hard into her sex until it closes down on me again; causing her entire body to move forward a little within my grip. Tightening my left foreleg around her waist to keep her still, I lunge my paw into her again at the loosening of her sex. "Nnn... Kya... Kyaa... Keep... Keep doing that..." My vixen requests, panting as I push and pull my paw in and out of her pussy; so I will, until the end of time if it pleased her...

As I continue pumping my paw into my vixen's vagina again and again, I feel her begin licking the side of my neck lovingly, and I quickly respond by lapping her back along the top of her muzzle fur and up to her forehead where my tongue has access to with my head above hers; hoping my tonguing of Vex felt as nice as hers did on me as we lick and lap each other repeatedly and I please her femininity as best I can with my paw. Every time her love box opens, I plunge my paw it into her depths, and every time it closes I gently bring my paw back out as much as possible while it's stuck inside as I prepare for my next thrust; my maleness thumping against her stomach with each shove of my paw, desperately wanting friction and yearning to feel what my right paw felt. Aching with a need to be rubbed and touched, I start to hump the length of my penis against my vixen's soft belly fur; grinding my sensitive male flesh against her lower stomach as my paw continues to push and pull inside her sex and we keep lapping at each other.

My mind seems to quickly confuse what part of me is doing what as start humping and pumping faster and faster with paw and penis into Vex; my vixen mewling and whimpering in pleasure as I continue to lick at her forehead move my body against hers. Soon I start to ignore any resistance her closed vagina might be trying to give me as I push into her body out of control, no pattern, just an overwhelming desire to fill her, an intense drive to be as deep inside her as possible. Her body seems to respond well to this treatment though as I feel her lapping on my neck became harder and harder, her quiet "nnn... nnn..." pleasure noises she emitted with each thrust of my body into hers becoming louder and louder; I could tell she was enjoying it now more than ever, and I realized that she liked it best when I pushed into her sex as her walls were clamped down.

Taking back control of my body, I begin rubbing paw and penis into my vixen's body as her folded sex walls are closed down around me; thrusting against her clenched vagina as hard as I can, and then pulling myself out of her as her walls loose to perform the opposite motions of what I had been doing earlier. After just a little bit of this new maneuvering, her vagina's convulsions begin to spasm out control, clenching and releasing unpredictably as I continue to hump and pump myself against her as fast I can now, trying to match her pussy walls random to keep up with her.

Suddenly Vex's body begins to vibrate and shake as her sex ripples even more wildly over my paw. "NYAA!" The vixen roars, stopping her licking of my neck and lifting her head up in the air to howl; giving me access to her own neck, which I begin lapping lovingly instead of her snout and forehead. Gradually folded vaginal walls stop their sporadic spasms and start to clench down and release harder than ever before, trying it's very hardest to squeeze any cub juice from my forepaw as my right foreleg is quickly covered in a plethora of her female juices, rushing out like I have never seen; this must be what a female orgasm is like! Mine too was fast approaching, but I stop humping against her tummy for a moment to re-adjust...

Quickly taking my right forepaw out of Vex's sex and gripping her back with it like my left one had been doing, I hug her tighter against me with both forelegs. Our two bodies now pressed hard against each other, I slowly begin to pelvic thrust again into her incredibly smooth and soft furred stomach as I continue to lick the undersides of her neck; trying to bring my pleasure to its breaking point as well.

My penis being squeezed between our warm bodies as they pressed close together was a pretty cheap imitation of what her hot and wet gripping vagina would feel like, but I continue to hump and hump, and quickly I hit my limits of ecstasy; spraying fresh cub juice all over our bellies. My seed was closer than it has ever been to actually being able to become kits now as it dribbles down the vixen's stomach; on the wrong side of where it needed to be...

Raising my forepaws to the top of Vex's back and hugging her tightly, I begin to affectionately nuzzle the wet fur of her neck that I had been licking with the side of my face, never wanting this moment to end as I feel her beating heart against mine and listen to her panting quietly in my ear to recover from her first ever orgasm. But we were both very messy now, and the thought alone of cleaning her hind-quarters seems to make my member remain hard and unsheathed.

Releasing my forelegs loving grip around Vex's body, I bring my right paw to my maw and start to lick it clean of her juices as she lies panting; basking in the afterglow of the powerful pleasure she had just experienced no doubt. Thoroughly lapping any female liquids off my paw and foreleg, I am reminded of just how tasty they actually are, and become even more eager to help clean her up.

Removing my left foreleg out from under her, I stand up so that I can go lap up the orgasm juice that had spilled out onto the fur around her sex and to lap at any still in her sex itself. Turning around and standing over her laying form to see just how messy it had become down there, she rolls over onto her back underneath me as I notice a fair amount of her love liquids still gushing out.

"Color..." The Vex says as I quickly kneel with the front half of my body and lower my head to plunge my tongue into her leaking sex hole; the ends of my muzzle lips pressing into her vaginal lips once again as I try to prevent any liquids from escaping and begin feasting on the nourishing waters. "I love you..." Vex goes on to say; and I respond by tonguing hard at her outer vaginal folds, licking up and down just inside her vulva to give her pleasure and show my love of her back. "Nyaaa!" She cries as I hit a small nub of flesh just inside the top of her vagina that had gone unnoticed before, and so I start to lick and lap at that area as much as I can; attacking the little bump with my tongue as she writhes in pleasure on the ground below me, wiggling back and forth between my legs on her back as I stand over her.

Soon the vixen's body begins to shudder again, and her constant wiggles stop as her sex opens and closes hard and fast like I had felt it do before on my paw. Her love hole quickly begins to flood with more delicious liquids, and I can tell a second orgasm as hit her; that nub of flesh is just like a button I can press whenever I am thirsty for her essence!

Lapping and lapping, licking and licking, the female fox pussy's river of flowing love finally start to dry up, so I start to lick all the vixen liquids that had stained the fur around her sex, when suddenly I feel her tongue against my own genitals. My forelegs appear to grow weak as Vex's licker runs along my member, and as I feel her continue to lap and lap along its entire length, they seem to become in-creasingly unstable. By the fifth touch of her tongue on my tool, my forelegs wobble to the ground; my head falling into her crotch that I had been trying to clean as my chin rests on her sloppy sex.

Vex's licking of my penis was relentless, but it soon lets up as I feel her forepaws clasp onto my lower back, and wonder what she was up too; catching me completely off guard as she pulls my hindquarter down hard to bring my two remaining hind legs to the ground on either side of her head so that I lay completely on top of her now. Still latched onto me with her forepaws, she then unexpectedly flips me over so that I am lying on my back and she is on top of me; she is pretty strong!

Suddenly I feel the dominating vixen's tongue brush over my member once more as she resumes her licking; Kitsunes did It feel amazing... She could be my alpha, I don't care...

"Ve... Vex..." I whine in pleasure as I feel her muzzle's lips on the tip of my member before slowly sliding against them to consume the length of my penis within her maw; teeth lightly scraping against my most sensitive organ as it disappears inside, she could ruin me if she wanted... My maleness was completely at her mercy... But I trusted her, I loved her...

Griping the sides of Vex's lower back, I keep her still so my tongue can dig its way back into her vagi-na that was still in front of my face as we lay with our heads near each other's crotches; it had been left unattended for far too long... Rubbing my nose up and down her slit so she can feel it's coldness on her heated sex, I then gently penetrate with my warm tongue and push my way inside.

"Mnn..." Vex stops for a moment to moan in pleasure as I begin to play with her love box again, and then promptly continues sliding my member deeper into the confines of her muzzle.

Now 'I' am forced to stop my pleasuring 'her' as I feel a cold nose press into my furry balls; becoming unable to give her any more attention whatsoever as her tongue wraps around my entire penis to blanket it in wet warm friction, rendering me paralyzed with pleasure. Shortly after, I feel a Vex's maw close down around my maleness before she starts to suckle the enormous awkwardly placed nipple between my hind legs like a kit hungry for milk; pleasure coursing through my body with each tug of her grasping maw as sucks again and again with her mouth. When she isn't suckling with a tightly closed muzzle, she is stroking and playing with my pulsing rod under her tongue, seemingly trying everything she can to get its seeds out to eat out.

It doesn't take much of this to give the female the white liquid she labored for, and as she brings me to another orgasm, I shoot a batch of kits down her throat; her maw manipulations not stopping for one second as it continues to suckle me dry, more and more of my cub juice squirting into her muzzle as she swallows my essence like she was starving of hunger, until finally my member goes more limp inside her maw and it stops giving her its delicious treat. Having milked all that she could from me, she removes my maleness from her maw, and gets off of my laying body as I motion to get up too.

"Eep!" I squeal as I feel her tongue start lapping at the tip of my penis again, which causes me to lay back while she removes any last bit sticky liquids that still remained there.

Finally stopping her licking of my sex, I sit up and find Vex in a sitting position too, bent over and licking the lot of my cum that had been spilled on her chest earlier. "Mmm, it's so good!" She exclaim as I wipe some off of my own chest and sniff it; not liking what I smell.

"I think I like yours better..."

"Well, you can have all you want..." Vex says seductively, then stands on all fours and turns around with her hindquarters facing me before lowering her front half and raising her rump in the air to wag her tail back and forth up high excitedly; delicious female liquids falling to the floor as they drip and drip from her waiting sex. "Look! I'm just like Vixy!" She giggles.

A presenting vixen, and one that I loved... A moment I've played over and over and in my head as I pawed off, but this time it was real... The vixen, the indescribable love that I have for her...

As I walk closer and closer towards Vex, the short distance between us becoming smaller and smaller, it felt like the longest walk of my life...

Finally reaching her, I decide I have had enough of her liquid essence to drink today; now I want to bathe my member in her sweet waters, to feel them wash over me as her vagina clenches down on me sporadically in an orgasm. Close enough to lick her pussy, I give it one last slurp before placing my forepaws on the top of her rump and jumping up onto her. Sliding my forepaws forward along the fur on the top of her back as I get ready to mount, I lower my head next to her ear. "How about we com-bine our juices and see how that tastes..." I whisper.

"Okay..." She responds cooperatively. "Stick your red stick inside my vagina, I want to feel it there, I need it there..."

Leaning forward, I grip her waist and pelvic thrust; hoping my penis would meet her vixen hole, only to have it press back into her lower belly fur where I had cum onto her earlier. Slowly finding my way up from there, I run my anxious maleness upwards along her soft crotch fur until the tip of my penis is met with the wet lips at the bottom of her slimy slit, then quickly my hips fly forward as I hilt the entire length of my member into her well lubricated folds so fast that they couldn't even manage to close before it disappeared completely inside her.

"Kyaaa!" Vex cries as we take each other's virginity; her love tunnel, perfectly designed for milking cub juice, easily enveloping the entirety of my member before clenching down hard, trying to squeeze the liquid out.

Super sensitive male flesh being hugged and greeted by super sensitive female flesh, I now simply leave my penis there unmoving; just feeling her body respond to the red invader I put inside, feeling the vixen's vagina grip and ripple along my member again and again, asking me to please keep moving it... I would soon fulfill its request, but I first want to take in and absorb all of the overwhelming sensations I seem to be experiencing; I can feel pure love as our sexes are now one... With two bodies physically connected, two halves become whole, and two souls can touch in an attempt to create life...

Relaxing for a moment as I prepare to continue, I feel every edge and contour of the vixen's folded flesh tunnel contact my own hyper aware flesh rod; that had went farther inside her than my tongue ever could have gone and opened her up like no other part of my body could. Slouching over her back, I tighten my grip of her waist with my forelegs, and then lick the nape of her neck lovingly as I slowly start withdrawing my penis so that I can push it into her while her sex's walls are closed; two things I knew she liked. As her love hole's grip tightens, I thrust my member hard into her clenched folds to force myself through them fast, and as the clamped tunnel loosens, I pull myself out to repeat the pro-cess.

My pawing of her earlier had really taught me exactly what to do to please us most... And now I can feel the folded flesh layers of the vixen's tightened vagina run along my penis as I hump into her again and again; unimaginable pleasure taking hold of my body as I slide myself back and forth through her secrete passage way, my body and mind seeming to hum in unison as I continue to take in all of the intensely wonderfully mental and physical feelings mating with this vixen was causing, partly due to the vagina that worked my member over in its wet oscillating embrace, but mostly because I knew It was the soft furry fox I loved beneath me who's body I was now inside.

I could cum in seconds under the attention and workout that Vex's inner crotch muscles were giving to my member, but my love for her would allow me... Her satisfaction mattered much more to me than my own, and I as I continue to hump and mate with her, I try to summon every bit of my will power to keep myself from releasing my juices before she did in her first ever penis induced orgasm.

Picking up the pace, I start to hump faster and faster, pushing with any more strength that my hind legs could give me as my back paw's claws dig into the dirt; I just hope my body doesn't betray me and inject her belly with fox seeds before.....

"Kyaaaa!" Vex cries out a pleasured sounding howl as a third orgasm vibrates her body under me; vagina clenching and releasing incredibly fast and hard in a last ditch effort to harvest my member's resources.

Her cry of lust was all I needed, and releasing my will and any mental efforts to not reach a climax of my own I also release my waiting male fluids; quickly cumming for my vixen harder than I ever have before, releasing the fertile goo that will eventually become kits deep within her belly.

Falling over onto her side and taking me with her, Vex lies on the ground panting heavily as I lie be-hind her, still inside her body; I never wanted to leave her vagina's warm confines again, it felt so much better in there than my lonely sheath... But I quickly find myself missing her cute face once more, so being to shift. Slowly withdrawing my member from my vixen's far superior maleness holder, I then climb over Vex to face her front; a mixture of our after orgasm loves juices spilling out of her sex to make a large streak of wetness across her fur as I make my way over her laying form. Laying down again and wrapping my forelegs around her chest from the other side now, I hug her lovingly as I scooting my rear end downwards along the ground a bit until I feel the tip of my female orgasm juice coated penis brush against the outside lips of her sex, then quickly I hump forward to fill her shortly abandoned slippery sex hole with my own red sex stick once more.

Having moved myself lower to penetrate and enter my vixen, my paws have become wrapped more around her waist now, and her upper chest is free, so I decide to rest my head on her there to listen to her heartbeat as she rests her own head on the back of my neck in response. Humping my crotch against her to move my penis back and forth into her a few times as I remain hugging her body with my paws and she remains hugging my penis with her vagina, I can hear her heartbeat quicken as each thrust sends pleasure into her body; but I was far too tired to please her anymore at this point, and I can tell she is equally as tired too, so I finally stop my lusty shenanigans so we can rest... Though, I can still feel her vagina grab at me repeatedly, begging me to continue... She may be tired, but that part of her seemed to have a will all of its own...

The time between each squeeze of Vex's insatiable love walls grow increasing slower until giving up completely, and soon they remain as still as my penis that was being kept warm inside them.

Finally allow her tired body and vagina to rest, no longer tempting it to coax semen from my tongue, paw or maleness; my sheath would be very vacant tonight, because my member will be sleeping inside her warm holder instead... Listening to her heartbeat's rhythm become slower and slower after stopping the constant excitement I produced for her body, we lie snuggled together as she drifts off to sleep; telling that I too will soon join her. My sad lonely life was now filled with other foxes, and one in particular whom I loved with all my heart... For the first time in my life, I would go to sleep entirely happy and content...

Having expended more energy than I'd realized, resting now like this I feel incredibly sleepy; my head resting on Vex's amazingly soft fur making for the perfect headrest while trying to drift off. Closing my eyes now, I can feel a falling sensation begin to overpower my consciousness, but before it can take me away completely, my thoughts begin to wonder. 'I will have to impress her friend Vixy tomorrow... She obviously meant a lot to Vex if she was protecting her like that back in the forest... And I simply must befriend her... I just hope her further along heat's scent doesn't make me do something I'd regret... I had purposely positioned myself down wind of her as she slept to avoid her luring aroma, I don't know how I'll avoid it tomorrow......'