In Heat We Lust, Episode 4

Story by foxohki on SoFurry

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#4 of In Heat We Lust

In Heat We Lust

Episode 4: In Rut I Thrust

Vex- I wake up in a happy daze to the feeling of a warm furred body pressed against me; everything in the world seeming wonderful and amazing, but I don't know why... Opening my eyes I am met with a mess of white fur and the familiar yet unfamiliar scent of another fox, and quickly I am brought back fully to conscious reality as I remember everything that had happened yesterday and realize whose fur and scent it is, Color's...

Last night I didn't even know what mating was, but now Color was my mate, and we had even mated together. It had all felt so perfect, so right as our two bodies connected and meshed together to cause such immense physical pleasure, such an incredible sense of oneness and completeness; it was almost as if there was a piece of me missing and he had the part, both in a physical and mental sense... We have only known each other for a day or so, but I don't think I've ever felt as close to anyone as I feel to him right now... And as he remains sleeping soundly next to me, my forelegs wrapped around his from where I had left them there hugging him last night, I tighten their grip; nothing else in the world seeming to matter except that I am close to him...

I want to stay in this place forever, to keep this blissful state of mind while lying with the fox I love, but the sudden urge to urinate quickly overwhelms the lower half of my body, and I am forced to painfully and regrettably unwrap my forelegs from around his body; slowly leaving his touch completely so that I can go find a place to pee.

My vision still a bit blurry as I tiredly walk a few fox lengths away from Color, I stumble over... Something... Falling down on top of yet another warm furry body, I am greeted with an orange furred coat and a certain vixen's scent that I was almost as familiar with as my own.

"Hey!" I hear Vixy bark.

"Ss... Sorry..." I tell her groggily, then get up off of her to continue walking away and find a more secluded area to make water.

I was never really much of a morning fox... Vixy on the other paw, she always seemed to be up to one of her crazy antics as soon as she woke up. What that little vixen lacked in size, she definitely made up for energy wise. She must have to use less to move that tiny body of hers around or something...

Making my way over to the forest area and away from the grassy clearing where we had slept next to the river, I find a tree, and squat down behind it to relieve myself of that incessant nagging pressure in the pit of my stomach. Feeling the yellowish liquid begin to stream out my vagina, I am reminded of last night and how good it felt to have Color's tongue and penis move along inside that very same place, and as the last bit of urine trickles out from between my hind legs, another more subtle pressure begins to take its place in my lower crotch; a warm hot itch feeling slowly spreading over the lower half of my body, that same uncomfortable fiery sensation that Vixy must have been complaining about these past few days... I can definitely see why they call this thing that happens to a vixen their heat...

All I can think about now is mating... To feel what I felt last night as Color touched me like no fox ever has... My body seems to be begging for it... And as I begin pacing back to where he and Vixy are near the river, I have to stop... The burning becoming too much to bear...

Quickly sitting down and bending the front half of my body forwards a ways, I then bring my left forepaw between my hind legs so I can paw at the opening of my vagina; finding it not looking or behaving as it normally does, the entrance is a bit more pink and puffy and a clear liquid seeming to coat my pads as I press them to it that feels warm and sticky to the touch, definitely not urine... Inserting two of my digits into the hot fleshy hole, I gently wiggle them as deep as I can push them to I try to reach the itchy feeling inside; it feels kind of nice... But my digits can't go nearly as far within me as Color's male stick had went, and they aren't bringing me the same kind of pleasurable sensation at all either...

Remembering how good it felt as he pushed and pulled his penis along the insides of my vagina, I slowly withdraw my digits to then quickly thrust them back inside to try and mimic his thrusting motions with my paw. Repeating the process and pumping my paw against my sex, its clear liquids splash about as my pads slap against the entrance and my two digits slip and out; a small amount of pleasure slowly building in my body and trying to combat the fiery warmth raging deep inside.

"Grrrr..." I whine as the pleasure hits a wall and doesn't seem to increase anymore, my pawing not seeming to be enough to replicate what Color could do for me.

Removing my paw from that damned burning opening between my hind legs and shakily standing up, I take a few wobbly paw steps forward; staggering as I attempt to recompose myself and drag my body back to my male mate who I know has the proper equipment to help me with this problem... Padding out of the forest and across the grassy clearing towards the river, I can make out Color and Vixy's silhouettes in the distance; noticing that they are now close to each other... Very close... Making my way closer still, my jaw drops in disbelief as they come into plain view and I see what they are doing.

Vixy- "Hey!" I yell as I'm suddenly woken up from an amazing dream; a gorgeous male Kitsune lightly laying over me and enveloping me in his fur as I lay cushioned on his tails, slowly jabbing his red stick in and out of the opening between my back legs and making me feel oh so good before quickly vanishing, being pulled back into reality by the crushing pressure of Vex's body falling on me.

"Ss... Sorry..." She tells me before getting off me and walking towards the forest.

Yawning and rolling over onto my side stretching, I spot a sleeping white furred fox. If I remember correctly, he was male, and he had one of those red sticks of his own; my dreamy nine tailed vulpine may have been taken away from me, but maybe he can turn my dream into a reality...

Slowing creeping up towards his form as he lays motionless on his side, I decide to take this time to really examine his hindquarter up close; never in my life had really cared about males at all before recently, but now it seems as though they are all I can think about... Lying down behind his rear end so I have a good view, I first notice his tail hole; seems ordinary enough, just like mine and Vex's only a bit bigger... Eyes trailing downwards, I find his two little white furred lumpy looking things; I've seen those before on males, it was always the easiest way to tell them apart, but I also knew of another way to tell them apart from females as well... Scent...

Moving my head forward and bringing my nose right up to unconscious Mr. white fox's butt, I sniff hard at his tail hole to deeply inhale his distinctly male smell. Sniffing more downwards to where the smell appears to be strongest now, I find myself sniffing at those male only ball looking things resting between his upper thighs; causing my crotch area stir and the female hole between my own legs quiver with excitement as it's special aroma fills my nostrils, my maw becoming increasingly wet with saliva as I imagine what it must taste like, I can't help but slowly remove my tongue so I can taste its flavor...

"Mmnn Vex..." He murrs as I begin licking his male part, rolling over onto his back and spreading his hind legs apart.

The taste was like nothing I've experienced... It was so... I don't know how to describe it... Male... And as I continue to lap and lick, my tongue once again happily running along his fleshy sack thing with a texture so squishy and unique to the touch, I watch as it moves and bounces a little with each stroke; the fur covering his crotch becoming increasingly wet as I coat the area with my saliva, and although no one licking me back there, I can feel a wetness building up between my hind legs as well... Mewing softly to myself with excitement, I just can't seem to put my paw on why exactly I love doing all of this so much...

Placing my forepaws on top of his lower belly just above his male balls, I try to hold them still as I continue my tonguing of them; feeling an awkward lump there a kind of subtle periodic throbbing against my pads. Stopping my lappings and removing my paws to place them on the ground so I can investigate what it was, I find a furry pouch sort of thing in the middle of his lower stomach where I was touching; noticing a little bright red stub thingy poking out of the top of the pouch, I realize that this must be where that special male stick part is kept. Suddenly I pick up on an even stronger male scent, and I know it must be coming from that red part... So moving my head back forward, I press my snout against his balls once more before slowly rubbing my nose upwards all along his furry pouch thingy until finally pressing into the end of his stick; deeply inhaling and sniffing all the while as I take in smells of everything male.

With my head between his hind legs, I begin fervently begin to lick at this new exposed male part; the same one that was being used in my dreams, and the part I have been craving the most... I find its flavor twice as powerful as his other area was, almost overwhelming my senses as lick and lick exploringly; smooth and a bit bumpy against my tongue, it was much harder to the touch than the squishy softness of his lower male part, and I can tell how amazing it must feel to have it be pushed deep inside my vixen hole... Eagerly continuing my laps of his red stick, more and more seems to come out for me; jumping up against my tongue just like how I felt it try and do inside its pouch, I could tell it was excited to be outside and wanted to put inside me as much as I did...

Stopping my licks as I get his red stick to come all the way out of its hiding place, I then slowly walk forward over his body and lay down on top of him; feeling my stomach against his as I get read to put him inside me, feeling his furry pouch contacting the lips of my sensitive vixen hole as my female parts press into his male ones. Wrapping my forelegs around his chest, I hold onto him as I now start grinding my crotch against his; feeling the fur of his pouch and then the rigid hardness of his stick against my female opening as I move myself up and down his body, not quite getting the stick to go up inside me, but not much caring, this feels amazing enough for now...

"Love...... You......" He mumbles as I continue to hump my crotch against his, feeling his forepaws grip my lower back as rolls over onto his side to then wrap his hind legs around my back too; his four legs hugging me tightly as we lie facing each other and he starts to thrust back against me, arching his back slightly and pressing his male stick far too high to find my female opening, rubbing it against my stomach instead now as his balls part repeatedly slap against my tail hole.

'It feels nice to be surrounded in his fur... To have his body rubbing against mine... Everything feels good and pleasurable... So very fun... It's almost like it was in my dream... '

After a while of this, I soon pick up on a slightly different scent now coming from between us that I feel compelled to locate. So, pressing the side of my cheek and muzzle against his chest, I look downwards between our bodies to watch as he rubs his red stick up and down against me; noticing that the tip is shiny now, like it had been dipped in some sort of liquid. Bringing my head downwards to try and lap at the substance on the end of his stick, I manage to get a few licks on it as it moves back and forth.

"Kyaaa!" I cry as his male stick starts spurting out streams of white liquids at me.

Frantically squirming out and away from his grip, I then run a good safe distance away from him; feeling some of sticky male water stuff cling to the fur under my chin and upper chest as I get away.

"What's... What's going... On......" Mr. white fox says stuttering as he looks down at his crotch and stares at his red stick, out and about and still dripping some of that sticky white stuff; my scream and then kicking him a bit as I struggled against him to get away seeming to wake him up.

"What's going on?! You were mating with Vixy! That's what's going on!" Vex shouts; who I just now notice is sitting a few fox lengths away from me.

"I wasn't! Well... Maybe I was... I really have no idea! I just woke up, I swear!" He responds to Vex after being barked at by her while I roll on my back on the grass laughing at them for arguing with each other.

"Vexy vex vexy!" I say while getting up and running over to Vex, then jump onto her and grip her upper body with my forelegs to greet her. "He tried to jump up on top of me and put his thingy inside me like that other fox! I tried to fight back but... He's so much bigger than me!"

"She's lying!" The white fox yells while getting up and walking over to where Vex and I are; my forelegs gripping and tugging her as I try and pull her to the ground with my body weight.

"It's okay Color... Vixy was never a very good liar, and I saw what she was doing to you last night, I wouldn't put it past her to do something like that to you while you were asleep..." Vex tells him.

Damn... She knew me too well...

"Oh you're no fun..." I tell Vex as I climb further up on top of her back to tug on her ears with my forepaws. "Is that his name?! Color?!" I continue to say as crawl over her head to paw at her muzzle lips.

"Why are you all sticky?" She asks as I climb on top of her. "Grrr..." She then growls as I begin pawing at her face.

Lowering her front half to the ground to place her forepaws on my head and pin me down, Vex then free hers her own head from my grip and takes the underside of my neck into her maw, lightly sinking her teeth into my throat.

"Okay! I give up!" I whine as I'm brought to her mercy.

She always beat me so easily...

"Oh, that feels nice..." I tell her as she removes her toothy hold and starts licking my neck there instead, then slowly makes her way downwards to tonguing at my upper chest an clean me of that white liquid stuff on my fur. "He sprayed that stuff on me! Trying to mark me as his territory or something! Pshh... Males... Am I right?!" I go on to say, attempting to hide my newly found love for everything male; quite curious about what that liquid she's lapping up tastes like...

"Males are actually kind of... Amazing..." She responds as that Color fox walks over to her and starts nuzzling the side of her neck affectionately, Vex quickly returning his nuzzles like they were best friends who hadn't seen each other in a long time or something.

"Why are you two so lovey dovey?!" I bark questioningly.

"We're mates now, Vixy. Last night, Color and I... We really... I don't know how to put it. Connected... And in more ways than one." She stops her nuzzling of Mr. white fox start tell me, and then begins licking his cheek as she says that one word 'connected', causing him to blush a bit. "I really have to explain to you about how cubs are made. Color taught me all about it last night, he even showed me how it works..." She goes on to say, then jumps up onto him a bit and places her forepaws on either side of his upper back before starting to lick the top of his muzzle and forehead fur.

"Hey! How come you never groom me like that... I'm dirty! Clean me! Not him!" I ask politely, feeling little bits of dried mud still clinging to my rump fur from when I fell in a puddle yesterday; seeming to be ignored as she hops down from him to start nuzzling the side of her face against his more. "Are you listening to me?!"

"Sorry... It's hard to concentrate... You know that aching between your hind legs you've been complaining about for days now? Well I started to feel it as well this morning... It's called 'heat', and it's something only males can fix..." Vex tells me. "You see, male foxes have what's called a penis, and they need to put it inside a vixen's vagina. And then--"

"Vex!" Color yips, blushing hard and seeming to get embarrassed about something; looking oh so cute to me. "Couldn't you explain that stuff to her later... Just hearing you talk that way, it's effecting my body... In ways..."

"Oh, is it not okay if she watches us mate?" Vex asks.

"I don't know if there are any rules..." He replies, blushing more as turns his head slightly to try and hide his embarrassment; face fur turning almost as red as the stick that still seemed to be outside his pouch and between back legs.

"Right... Well anyway... My vagina or whatever you call it feels really good whenever I rub it against a male. It's really the best thing ever..." I say while facing my rear end towards Color's left foreleg and backing up until I feel it contact my vagina, then start grinding my crotch backwards against him like I had done the other night to his backside.

"Your friend... Is... Umm... Doing it... Again..." The cute and embarrassed white furred male stammers.

I think I'm starting to like this funny looking fox...

"Vixy!" Vex barks at me.

Color- I was having the most wonderful dream with Vex in it... Licking and licking at my testicles as I lay on my back, she then coyly climbed on top of my chest and impaled her vixenhood on my member. It wasn't until I began humping into her and reaching an orgasm to plant more of my seed inside her womb that I was brought back to reality by a squirming little vixen, who then proceeded to cry out in surprise as I came all over her chest... Luckily Vex was able to give me the benefit of the doubt and trusted me when I tried to explain myself, it seemed as though she knew her friend well enough to tell when she was lying. But... She could have completely ruined my relationship with Vex! Such a warped sense of humor that Vixy has, I swear... And even right, now as I recap what just happened, she is up to her usually erotic antics; awkwardly humping backwards against my foreleg...

"Vixy! You can't do that to another vixen's mate!" Vex tries to reason with her over lusted friend as she continues to rub her vulva up and down against me.

"He can be my mate toooo..." She replies while doubling her efforts and grinding against me faster.

Quickly biting into the scruff of Vixy's neck, I lift her up off the ground to stop her shenanigans before things get too out of control.

"Hey! Put me down! I was in the middle of something there!" She complains.

"Didn't you say wanted to be cleaned?" I ask her between my teeth as I trot over to the running river water.

"Kyaaaa!" She cries as I reach the river's edge and lower her form into the water, dunking her body underneath and holding her there for a few seconds before bringing her back up. "Co... Co... Cold..."

Turning around, I find Vex now standing by the river's edge as well; the vixen trying to stifle a laugh as I place her soaked friend back down on the grass between us and release her from my maw.

"She's kind of cute when she's not covered in mud." I tease as she shakes herself and sends droplets of water every which way.

"Dry me!" Vixy cries, lying down on her back and wiggling around a bit on the grass; her hindquarters in my direction with her inflamed sex flailing about right in front of me, her heats scent wafting towards me and making me feel a mixture of arousal and awkwardness... "Dry dry dry!" She chants.

Moving in, Vex begins licking the side of her friends head to lap up any water still on her fur there before slowly tonguing downwards along Vixy's white furred undersides to thoroughly clean her; leaving behind a nice sheen on her coat as she does.

"Color has to help clean me too!" Vixy cries as she flips over onto her front, then casually stands up just her hind legs to go into that same female presenting pose she had been in yesterday; my instincts slowly pushing me closer towards her as I walk forward stare at the submitting vixen.

Both female's heating scents calling out to me with Vixy's vulva pointing at my face in her seductive stance, it seems as though I am no longer able to resist her wish...

"I will... Help..." I mumble while lowering my head to her back side, trying my best to fight back the urge to walk further forward and mount her right then and there as I start licking her upper rump fur slow and hard.

Tonguing downward along Vixy's hindquarters, I notice Vex still working on her front half; lapping at her upper back fur and approaching the top of her head now. Sitting down to grip the little vixen's tail with both forepaws and stop it from wagging about and hitting my face, I feel the fluffy appendage pulse and wiggle between my pads to show her enjoyment as I start licking upwards along its length; getting little happy mewling noises from her as Vex and I continue to massage her body with our tongues.

Trailing my tongue downwards along the underside of Vixy's tail now, my heart beats hard as I approach her tail hole and a certain sweet smelling female part just below it. Stopping my grooming of her fur, I bring my nose right up to her little tail hole to sniff hard and gain information about her body; my own body shuddering as the scent of a ready to mate female consumes my mind, leaving no room for doubts and pushing aside any second thoughts. Leaning forward and pressing my nose directly against her puckered orifice now, I absolutely lose it, and start licking furiously at her heating vulva below; knowing it's wrong... But still... Somehow... So right...

"Mewww..." She moans, her sex clenching down in response to my licks against it; her happy mewling noise and body's response spurring me on to continue as I stop for a moment to lick my lips, savoring the taste.

Gripping the sides of her lower back with both forepaws to hold her nice and still, I start licking her warm delicious slit again and again; dipping my tongue inside a little bit further each time as I press it harder and harder against her, the smooth soft outer walls of her female flesh hole grasping at my mouth organ and trying to get it to stay within her. I can feel my penis pulsing beneath me, eager to take the place of my tongue as I stop my licking to carefully stick just the tip of it inside her and begin meticulously sliding it's length into the rhythmically pulsing tunnel; contractions becoming less predictable as I hilt my licker within her, female juices splashing onto my face fur as her vagina quivers and her cum fills my maw.

"Kyaaa!" The little vixen cries as she reaches an orgasm for the second time with my bodies help; this being the first time I willingly helped her to achieve it...

She was such a tease... Practically begging me to mount her since we first met... Well now I was ready to oblige her... I will mate her if she wants me to that badly......

"Yes... I will... Mate... Her..." I mumble as walk forward over Vixy's body and she keeps her rump held up high for me in her presenting stance.

"Color!" I hear Vex bark.

Staring downwards at Vixy's face as prepare to mount, her tongue lolled out and panting with cheeks flushed red, I bring my gaze upwards as I hear my name be called; being met face to face with a much larger, much angrier looking vixen...

"Vex! I..." I try to find something to say.

"So I guess you DO actually want to be her mate too?!" She interrupts.

"No! I just... Can't fight... Can't fight these urges... The scent of both your heats along with her little pose was too much... It made me lose... Control..." I try to explain; still in a sort of daze as I remain unmoving for a moment while beginning to talking to her, but then lowering myself down on top of Vixy's body as I say that last word, 'Control', getting ready to mount apparently.

"No?! That looks an awful lot like mating to me! Isn't that something only mates do with each other?!" Vex barks at me.

"Help...... Me......" I whisper, clinging on to the last thread of sanity still left within me as my crotch slowly begins to hump against Vixy's rump.

Suddenly Vex begins lapping at my muzzle lips, and I seem to snap out of my lust driven actions as memories of how we mated together last night enter my mind; her kisses quickly reminding me how it was her that I really loved, her who I should be mating with... With her touch, I am able to take back full control of my body, and stop my thrusting of Vixy's behind to stand up and start licking back against Vex's tongue and muzzle lips.

Wrapping her forelegs around my neck and me pushing forward as we continue to tongue at each other, Vex forces me to slowly back pedal until I am no longer above Vixy. Feeling her forepaws slide further down my back, I then feel her claws sink into my sides as she grips me there in an attempt to push me over, and I oblige her by lying down onto my left side.

Staring up at Vex as she stares back down at me, she slowly brings her body around to stand over me and straddle my body with both sets of legs; not breaking eye contact for a second, it seems as though I am easily able to keep my sanity as long as my eyes remained locked with hers... Twisting to lay on my back underneath her, she then gently lowers herself completely on top of me; feeling my stomach rise and fall against her chest as my member throbs against her soft stomach fur, vulva pressing into the lowest part of my sheath and the top of my balls as an intense wetness rushes out of the fleshy opening to coat the area in what must be her female love essence...

"Did you just..."

"Yes..." She interrupts before I can ask her if she had just cum. "You don't know how hard it's been for me to fight back these urges too... How much my vagina burned and ached to have you rub it as I watched you and Vixy hump against each other earlier when I had gotten back from peeing... And then again just now, hearing her cries of pleasure as you licked her sex... The loud slurping noises it made as your tongue stroked her... I was paralyzed as soon as I realized what you were doing to her back there, gripped by thought as I imagined it was my vagina you were licking instead of hers...

"So you're not... Mad about that?"

"No... Just a bit jealous... But really, I don't think I mind if you want to do those sorts of things with her too. I know how good it feels and how much this heat thing makes you crave a male's touch... She's my best friend, so and I want her to be happy and feel that kind of pleasure ya know? Err... Well I guess I have two best friends now don't I?!" She tells me excitedly, hugging me with her forelegs as she calls me her best friend too; a relief and extreme happiness washing over me she says she's not mad and shows me such affection. "I was so aroused by everything you did with her, so happy and elated to finally have your touch, that I couldn't seem to hold back any longer... As soon as I felt your sheath press into me 'down there', my pleasure juices couldn't stay inside any longer..."

"You're so amazing Vex... I've never met fox as caring and understanding as you..." I tell her as I return her hug. "I really only want to do those things with you... The vixen I love..." I go on to say, and then give her a long slow lick across her cheek fur.

Staring down into my eyes as she lies on top of me, our undersides pressed together as we embrace each other with forelegs, I feel Vex's tail begin wagging happily against my own; not needing to use words to express her love back to me, I can feel the wonderful emotion there in her presence, see it in her smile... The word 'love' does little to represent the feeling itself in the first place, as it's not something that can be examined or labeled, only experienced... And as I run my forepaws upwards along the fur of her back to place them on the sides of her head and guide her muzzle lips to my own, I know with all my heart that she's experiencing that same emotion I am now, that same... Love feeling... A feeling I've never been felt before I met her... A feeling I never thought I was worthy of...

"Nnnhh!" Vex suddenly cries, her muzzle lips vibrating against mine as a noise resembling a mixture of pleasure and surprise escapes her maw. "Vixy!" She turns her head around to bark at her friend who had apparently at some point made her way around to our hindquarters as we laid together.

Vixy - Kitsunes... The licks... The overwhelming pleasure... All it took was a bit of encouraging, and finally I had this male cooperating... Have him eating right of my paws and a certain tender place between my hind legs as well... His tongue... It's... It's going inside now...

"Kyaaa!" All thoughts cease as pleasure melts them away, my entire being vibrating as I feel Color's tongue penetrate my body and go deep inside my vagina hole, filling me up and running along my sensitive insides.

Hearing him say something about mating me, my heart beats hard as Color walks forward and place both his forelegs on either side of my head; making sure to keep my rear end up high for him as he does so, my pleasure slowly fading back down as I wait for him to put his male stick inside as my happy dripping vixen hole. White fur suddenly surrounds me as he lowers his form on top of me and starts pushing his crotch against my raised tail; his squishy male ball part bumping into my tail hole and reminding me of how he did that same thing to me earlier this morning, this time he is conscious though... This time I feel his stick slowly stabbing lower against my rump and getting closer to finding my vagina opening...

Closing my eyes as he continues to move his hindquarters into mine, I hear him and Vex talking about something; not seeming to tell exactly what they are saying, I don't really I care... All outside sounds are muffled and distant, all I am able to hear is the loud beating of my own heart and the constant thumping of Color's body slamming against mine... The only thing that matters to me right now is that the bright red fleshy between his hind legs gets inside the fleshy hole between mine... Though it did somewhat sound like she was yelling at him, was she jealous? Did she want him to do what he was doing to me? Hehe... Maybe they did this together last night and that's why they were behaving so friendly to each other...

'Hey!' I think to myself as he stands up and I can no longer feel his touch anywhere on my body.

Opening my eyes and looking straight up, I find Vixy's underbelly slowly moving over my head; noticing her crotch fur as wet as mine has been the past few days, a drop of her wetness falling onto my nose as she continues walk over my body. Licking the bit of liquid off of my snout, I find the taste quite... Quite nice! Not unlike the flavor of the waters my own vixen hole has been making lately, it was a bit sweeter, and uniquely Vex; a kind of distinct taste that belonged only to her, just like her scent. Suddenly I find myself entertaining the idea of licking her female hole just like how Color had been licking mind, and so gently I begin tonguing at the air; my eyes closed as I imagine how good it would feel for Vex if I were to lick her like that there...

Rolling over onto my back to stare at Vex upside-down, I find her now laying over Color and talking to him; their stomachs pressed together and Vex's special female scent seeming very strong in the air... Did he decide to put it his thing in her instead?!

Quickly getting up to investigate, I make my way over to their backsides; finding the fur between Color's hind legs as wet as mine and Vex's, his red stick still not inside her vixen hole as it on his furry pouch thingy, I guess she must have just rubbed herself against him until those pleasure waters came out like how I had done yesterday...

"Nnnhh!" Vex mewls as I bring my muzzle between their rumps and curiously lick at the back part of her vixen hole that my tongue has access too. "Vixy!"

"What?!" I ask while looking up from her hindquarters and licking my muzzle lips of her flavor; finding her head now turned around as she stares back at me.

"Kyaa!" She cries as I quickly dive back in between their wet furry crotches to start licking hard at the opening of her leaky vixen hole again, my forepaws pressing upwards against Vex's hindquarters a bit so I can gain access to the entire thing; her pee hole opening feeling so very soft and nice against my tongue as I collect more and more of her tasty waters. "Vix... Vixy..." She pants as I begin licking inside a bit, her flesh getting increasingly slippery and softer feeling the further I go.

Upon feeling something bump into the bottom of my muzzle, I stop my laps of Vex's vagina hole and move my head back out from between them; remove my pushing forepaws as well to lower Vex's crotch back down onto Color and noticing his red stick straight up against Vex's behind. Remembering how much I liked his flavor as well, I move in to lick his male part a few times; watch as it cutely wiggles around against my tongue and Vex's hiney. Suddenly I remember how earlier when I licked and rubbed his stick enough, it shot out those white liquids, and come to realization; females must need that male liquid to cool off their insides when they are in heat like Vex and I are!

Happily running around in circles after figuring out what that special male liquid is for, I then run over to the front side of Vex to tell her the news; finding her forelegs wrapped around Color's neck and her eyes closed as she slowly licks along the top of his muzzle upwards to his forehead again and again.

Walking around to the other side of them to try and get a better view of what they are doing, I watch curiously as Vex continues her licking of Color's head, and notice how he has his forepaws resting on her lower back while returning her affectionate licks with ones of his own; repeatedly running his tongue along the top of her chest and up to the bottom of her neck. Running back over to Vex's front side, I place my forepaws on either side of her cheeks to grab her head and lift it upwards; forcing her to stop her lickings of Color as she opens her eyes to see me right in in front of her, our noses almost touching.

"I know what the white male liquid stuff is for!" I tell her proudly.

"Yes, I know too... Color taught me how mating works last night..." She replies, then gives me a lick on the nose.

"Is that what you call it when it goes inside? Mating?" I ask, Vex's face fur seeming to turn red at my question. "I bet it feels nice to have it in there... It feels good when I lick you there too right?"

"Vixy!" She barks at me, face fur turning even darker red.

"What?!" I tease; telling from the reaction I'm getting from her that she's embarrassed about talking about this with me, just looking so... Cute...

"I don't know if you should be licking me there..."

"Hmm? Why not?" I ask while cocking my head to the side.

"It just seems like something only mates should do... With... Each other... What are you doing?!" She explains as I place my forepaws on her upper back and climb up on her a bit, trying to position my vixen hole next to the end of her muzzle.

"But it's fun to lick that hole ya know! It feels good against your tongue... And has a nice flavor..."

"Kitsunes Vixy!"

"Yes... Just like that..." I pant, feeling a tongue lapping at my hot pee hole.

"Color!" I hear Vex bark; smiling to myself as I realize he must be the one licking me, not her.

Quickly back pedaling off of Vex and fighting the urge to just stay there and have Color lap at me, I decide I better try to calm her down; I can have her lick me there later, I always get what I want eventually...

"Sorry..." Color apologizes. "She's right though you know. Amazing texture... Flavor... And the scent... Indescribable..."

"Kitsunes... You two are incorrigible!" Vex says laughing, seeming to lighten up a little bit.

"Shhhhh, shhh, shhh... Don't talk..." I tell her while putting my right forepaw to her muzzle lips. "You can go back to licking each other for now..." I go on to say, grabbing her head again and tilting it back downwards so she can lap at Color like how she was before.

"What are you up to..." Vex asks as I run back over to their hindquarters; finding Color's red stick nestled against the puffy lips of Vex's vixen hole, right where I had left it.

"I'm going to put his red stick thingy in your vixen hole to make you feel really good..." I tell her.

"It's called a vagina, I told you that already... His 'red stick thingy' is called a penis... Putting them together is called mating... Is any of this getting through to you?"

"Right... Red stick thingy goes in the vixen hole... Got it..." I quietly mumble to myself as I walk forward and close the distance between the male and female parts, just begging to be put together.

"Not vixen hole... Va... Vagina..." She stutters as I lift her hindquarters up with my forepaws and push Color's penis forwards with my snout, enjoying its male scent before slowly lowering Vex's crotch and watching it disappear inside her vagina hole; causing me to pant hard as I think about how good it must feel for Vex to have it inside... Drooling a bit as I tell myself it will be in me later... I don't plan on taking no for an answer... Yes... It will definitely be in me next...

"Muwahaha!" I can't help but laugh out loud as I think about using the same red stick Vex is using now as soon as she's done with it; going right out of her vixen hole and into mine, his penis thing still dripping her juices as it slides inside me... Making her special female scent go deep inside me as well... Nnnnhh... The thought alone makes my crotch burn even more... Burning for Vex... "Vex! I love youuu!" I howl while jumping on top of her lower back, and then climb forward over her form to wrap my forelegs around her to bring my muzzle right to her ear. "I love you..." I tell her again softly.

"Kitsunes... Do I even want to know what is going through your mind right now Vixy..." Vex looks up at me to say as I stare back down at her adoringly.

"We will all be mates okay?! You, me, and Color. That way, you can lick my vagina hole, and we can both use his stick or whatever to make us feel good and get rid of the hot feeling!"

"It's called a penis Vixy! The male stick is a penis! And it's just vagina, not vagina hole! I really don't mind if you want to mate with Color too... I can only imagine how hard it's been for you without mate these past few days with your heat and all... You're my best friend, and I don't want you to be in pain... Or... Anything... Vixy......" Vex tells me as I slide down hers and Color's sides to get to the ground, her words becoming staggered as walk over to her front and place my forepaws on her upper back to position my vixen hole right next to her snout once again.

Vex- It appeared as though I had a little vixen to help me mate with Color...

Once again trying to explain the proper mating terms to Vixy, I feel her lift me up and place me slowly back down onto Color's penis; my hind legs seeming to wrap around his white furred form instinctual as he fills my insides, tongue leaving it's maw to start licking the top of his head lovingly, wanting to feel as much as my body against him as I can after finally being physically connected to my amazing mate once again.... Laying over Color as our sexes remain intertwined, he seems as content as I am to just leaving them there unmoving; never stopping his affectionate licks along the fur on my chest and underneath my neck for one second...

In this tender moment, I truly feel like I am in another world with him... A kind of heaven where only he and I exist... A place soon invaded as I hear a faint laughing and then the weight of a small fox on my beck; an overly excited Vixy seeming to try and wiggle her way into that special world as I hear her profess her love to me... She asks if we can all be mates together, and I don't really know how to respond... I mean, I love her... But I don't know if it's the same kind of love...

Deciding to ignore Vixy's proposition for now, I yet again try and give her the correct names that Color told me are used for the male and female parts of foxes as she hops off me and makes her way to my front side; my thoughts and words becoming scattered as she again places her vagina near then end of my muzzle, feeling Color start slide his penis in and out of my own vagina down below as soon as she does. Slowly I can feel myself returning back to that pleasurable fantasy world as I feel the length of his fleshy male part run along my sensitive insides; Vixy seeming to hitch a ride this time as she remains gripping my upper back... Wanting to have her feel good too, I finally give in and my tongue tentatively flicks out to lap at her sex; finding Color's tongue already there and licking as well.

"Yes... The licks..." I hear Vixy pant as our tongues repeatedly run over the opening of her vagina, my licker rubbing and bumping against Color's as we both lap and lap along her crotch and he slowly humps into my own sex; admittedly liking the feeling of her female hole against my tongue and the little pleasurable mewing noises she makes the further I wiggle it within her as I try and dig it deep inside now, attempting to connect her body to mine and make her another part of Color and I... "Mewww!" She howls as I get the entirety of my tongue inside her, feeling her juices plash onto my muzzle lips as her inner flesh spasms against me; knowing my tonguing of her there must have brought her to one of those pleasure peak things that seemed to happen whenever a vagina was rubbed enough.

My tongue still deeply embedded inside Vixy, her female juices dribbling down the bottom of my muzzle, I feel Color's tongue lapping them off me to remove the liquid as he start humping faster; his licks trailing upwards until reaching my muzzle lips and removing the substance from there as well. Placing his forepaws on the side of my head, he then wraps his tongue around the base of mine to tug it out of Vixy's sex and take it into his maw instead before rolling us over so that we are lying on our sides together.

"Hey!" Vixy cries as my tongue leaves her vagina with a loud slurping noise, forcing her to the ground as Color and I shift positions.

Wrapping my hind legs tightly around Color as he humps and humps his crotch against mine and massages my tongue with his, my pleasure levels seems to build very fast now; my entire vagina tingling with good vibrations as his thrusting penis leaves no area inside untouched for very long, rubbing and hitting all the right spots as it slides in and out at high speeds.

We soon seem to change positions again as he rolls us over so that he is on top of me, and his thrusting becomes even faster as his tongue leaves my maw to start licking at my forehead lovingly, when suddenly I feel his warm goo fill my insides; my entire lower half glowing with warmth as hot pleasure streams into my body to send me over my own edge as well. Shuddering and convulsing uncontrollably, I try to take back control of my vagina and squeeze it down hard against Color's squirting penis in an attempt to trap him and the loving liquids he put inside me forever, to hold onto this intense pleasurable feeling forever, to be with him like this forever...

"My turrrnn!" I hear Vixy bark.

My pleasure levels quickly falling as her voice cuts through the air like a sharp claw before then feel her actually claws dig into my lower stomach; her forepaws pressing down against me as Color's hindquarters rise high into the air and she removes his penis from the depths of my vagina.

Vixy - Lifting Color up and removing his penis from Vex's vixen hole, I get ready to take my turn and have it inside me now; a whole lot of female waters streaming out of her opening and a bit of white ones as well, the ones that Color shoots out. 'She had her fun, now it is my turn! My turn to use the red stick! To have him shoot that stuff into meee!'

Wiggling underneath his body and getting myself into a laying position on Vex's stomach, I patiently wait for him to lower himself back down and put his stick inside my vixen hole this time.

"Where are you going!?" I yell as he stands up and starts back pedaling.

Looking back over my shoulder, I watch as his head disappears between Vex and I's hind legs; both spread wide and vaginas easily accessible for licks, I hear slurping sounds start to be made, but don't feel his tongue against me... Standing up on top of Vex and whipping around, I look down to find his tongue lapping at Vex's sloppy vixen hole.

"Hey! She had her turn Color! Put your stick in me now! Nnn!" I bark and then mewl loudly as I feel Vex's forepaws grip my upper rump, forcing me to lay down on her as she starts tonguing at my vagina; making it feel terribly good... But I was a vixen on a mission! A mission to get that red stick inside me and have its juices squirt into me just like Vex did! I was watching her face the entire time as he did it, I heard the sounds she made... I could tell it was the most fun thing ever for her... And I want it!

Crawling forward and again going against my bodies wishes to just lay there and let Vex lick my vixen hole, I jump off of her and on to Color's head before biting his ear and try to pull him down the ground with my weight so I can gain access to his red stick. Seeming to be immune to my attacks, he simply continues to lick at Vex's vagina, when I get an idea. 'I'll use the same pose that I used to get him to lick my vagina and almost put his penis inside before when he was cleaning my fur after being thrown in the river! I'm sure that will grab his attention...'

Climbing off him and down to the ground, I walk a few paces away, and then lay on the ground with my forelegs as I keep my rear end up high. Trying to aim my vixen hole directly at his face and maybe get him to notice its scent, it seems to work as he stops his lickings of Vex and glances over at me. Walking forward a bit further in my stance and then stopping, I wiggle behind around to try and coax him towards me and away from Vex; my tail wagging happily as I win and he slowly starts pacing over.

"This needy vixen wants to feel you inside her vixen hole... Won't you please make her feel good by putting your stick inside her and giving her your male liquids?" I tell him in the cutest voice I can manage while looking back over my shoulder at him with begging eyes. "Mew!" I happily yip as he is finally upon me; feeling his stick press against the fur of behind as it had once before, only this time it will make it inside my vagina hole...

"Is it really okay to mate with her Vex?" I hear him ask.

'Kitsunes... Just put it in already!' I think to myself.

"It's fine... We can all three be mates I guess." Vex responds.

"She is so much smaller than you are though. I don't want to... Hurt her..." I hear Color say as he gently lowers his hindquarter down on top of me, feeling a bit of his weight on my lower back as moves his crotch forward and his hard male stick pokes against my underbelly, a huge grin on muzzle as I feel it move upwards along my crotch until the tip finds its way inside; finally I am going to have his special male part within my female place...

My eyes go wide as more of his hard male flesh finds its way into my body; the red stick slowly sliding against the sensitive insides of my vagina, I can feel every bit of it as it goes deeper and deeper... Touching places no tongue could ever reach, opening me up and spreading my insides apart like nothing else...

"Nnnn!" I whimper, closing my eyes as it all starts to feel a little bit uncomfortable... Slightly painful even... His penis part pressing a bit too hard against my insides as he pushes even more of it into, feeling much bigger than I had anticipated and going much further than I had imagined possible...

I begin to cry a little as what I thought would be the most amazing experience ever becomes a sort of scary one, when suddenly feel some fox lapping the end of my muzzle. Opening my eyes, I see it is Vex who is licking me; trying to comfort me and make me feel better I suppose... Feeling a licking at the nape of my neck too now, I know that tongue must belong be Color, and my worries and pain seem to quickly be lapped away by both of them as I soon feel only comfort and pleasure; my head being bathed in wet licker kisses to make me feel loved and cared for as my vixen hole starts to squeeze down against Color's penis, making the lower half of my body feel super tight, super filled and good... Immensely pleasing on both a physical and instinctual level, like it was supposed to be in there...

"Vex... It feels... It feels good..." I tell her. "Mew!" I cry as Color's penis starts slowly leaving my vagina; feeling just as amazing as it had when at first sliding in. "Mewww!" I cry again as he slowly pushes it back inside; a burst of pleasure shooting through my form as my vagina desperately hugs against him to thank him, my body loving him as much as I am for finally giving me his red stick, feeling no pain at all this time as it is pushed even farther than it had went before.

"Mew! Mewww! Mew! Mewww!" I mewl and cry again and again as I'm filled and unfilled, pleasure like I've never felt being rocked into my body with each push and pull motion.

"Kitsunes Vixy... Do you have to be so loud?!" Vex barks at me as she presses her right forepaw down against the top of my muzzle as I rest it along with my head on the ground; causing me to make muffled 'mew! mewww!' noises as she prevents me from opening my maw now.

Quickly turning my head to the side, I free my muzzle from her forepaw to playfully bite down on it, and then growl at her as I feel Color start humping faster; my pleasure increasing even more, my body feeling so very good...

"Mew! Mewww!" Releasing Vex's paw from my maw, I verbally express my pleasure once more; smiling happily at Vex as she roll her eyes at me. "Nnn!" I moan as Vex suddenly bites my ear.

"Be quiet already!" She tells me while through her teeth, laughing lightly.

"Mating, mating! Mew, mew! Mating, mating! Mew, mew!" I sing as Color moves his penis in and out of my vixen hole, my hindquarters continuing to be rocked back and forth as his crotch pushes against my behind again and again.

"Oh, so you remember that word do you? But you never seem to get any of the others right..." Vex tells me chuckling as she releases my ear from her maw and sits down in front of me.

"I never knew what to call it when it actually goes in! So I needed a word for it! You know... When the red stick goes in the vixen hole I mean..."

"Kitsunes... You are just saying that to annoy me aren't you..." Vex says, and then starts laughing more.

"Maybe... I... Am...... Mewwww!" I howl as I feel Color's liquid start to come out, a warm tingly sensation filling up the inside of my belly. "I can feel it... Feel it inside me..." I tell Vex, who just lies down in front of me to stare at me while I pant and take in all of the amazing feelings. "I think... I think I'm going to... Going to produce some liquids of my own... Mewwww....." I go on to say as Color's squirting, moving penis causes my pleasure to reach a super high maximum level, my vagina rippling along its red stick excitedly as I feel a rush of my special female liquids trickle down my inner thighs.

Stopping his humpings of me and feeling my intense pleasure slowly fade away, I now crawl out from underneath Color to feel his red male stick slowly slip out of me; his white liquids deep inside me, the hot feeling in my crotch finally cooled... Emerging out from under him completely, I then walk the few paces over to where Vex is laying; watching her as she cutely rolls over onto her back as I approach. Getting a sudden urge to lick my vagina and clean it, I too quickly lie down on my back next her, then bend forward to lap at the messy mound of fur between my legs; tasting Color's special male flavor mixed in with my own female one, I kind of like the combination...

"Isn't it great Vixy?! Now we'll both have Color's kits! I can imagine it now... An even smaller all white furred vixen kit running around who acts just like you!" Vex exclaims as I look up from between my crotch to look at her while she talks; finding Color now laying on top of her and nuzzling her neck affectionately.

"Have his what?!!"