You Dingus!

Story by WSAD on SoFurry

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#4 of San Furnando, Calipornia

This is a new story featuring some new characters that I hope I'll continue to write! I hope you all enjoy this shorter installment to the life and times of San Furnando, Calipornia's citizens!

You Dingus!

"V-Victor! You sleaze!" The little panda bolted upright at the sudden intrusion of a hand up the back of her skirt. They'd only been in her apartment for less than a few minutes and the dog was already laying his hands upon her!

"Tell me to stop, then." He retorted with a laugh before she batted the german shepard's hand away. She spun on a heel and jabbed him in the chest with a finger.

"Stop, then, you incorrigible dingus." She told him sternly, and he smiled at her in return looking innocent, which made her frown harder and put her hand away. "You're here to help me move the bed from the corner to the wall, Victor. If Antony wasn't off in Washington I'd have him here helping me instead."

She reminded him and stomped off to her bedroom. Her apartment was small and modest with not a lot of decour save potted plants. If she had anything listed as a hobby it would be gardening, but you can't really have much of a garden when you're living in a second floor apartment. Her alternative was to keep many potted plants. It made her home smell nice without the price of air fresheners. On the little balcony she had was a small trough where she grew herbs.

"I don't know why you need help. It doesn't even have a wooden frame." He said from behind her as he followed along dutifully. She clenched her teeth in mild frustration at his promiscuousness. He was so persistent! Min asked him to help because she needed it! As if she was to move a queen sized bed by herself, the dingus. What more reason must the wild beast need? Such a scoundrel of a man that seduced her best friend and now invaded her own life at every occasion!

She flipped her hand in the air and pointed at the corner of her bed. It currently sat in the far corner, but now she wanted to move it over to the center wall. She got tired of it, well, making so much noise next to the wall that she shared with her next door neighbor. Victor meandered over to the corner of the bed and reached under the mattress and looked under it at the frame. "It's just a basic metal frame." She listened to him point out.

"So that means it'll move itself?" She asked him while knowing the already. The dog rolled his eyes and she chose to ignore it.

"Just grab the other end of the mattress and push while I pull on the frame." He said. She went over as instructed and started pushing when he yanked on the frame. She had hardwood flooring and the bottoms of the bed frame were sitting on little padded squares to protect the floor. The bed moved so quickly she was left chasing it while Victor pulled it across the floor. She felt herself flush when Victor laughed from the other corner as he watched her try to keep up and be useful. In a short span of moments Victor had pulled the bed to the wall and was then walking around the corners and pulling the frame to rotate the bed into place. Min was left to stand back and watch as she witnessed just how simple it actually was to move the bed.

Victor finished with the bed, now with the head of the bed against the wall, and Min was satisfied it was right where she had wanted it to sit. He looked at her and gestured at where the bed used to be and sweeped his hand over then to where the bed now sat. He looked happy and a little smug.

"Ok, fine. Now can you move my nightstand, please?" She asked him and he gracefully bowed and went to pick up her nightstand and waddled it over to her side of the bed where he sat it and wiggled it into its proper place. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome, Min." He said and stepped over to her. She took a step back, but gave up on trying to keep the distance. The dog wrapped his arms around her and she huffed into his chest. He was insatiable. "You could have moved that on your own, you know?"

"It's a man's job to move furniture." She told him. He lightly chuckled and she frowned. "It is! I was not being lazy."

"I think you just wanted an excuse for me to come over." He said it, and she pushed him away. He backed off with a look of amusement on his face. Oh she wanted to tell him off! If she had wanted him to come over for the joy of it she would have said so! He should know better!

"I would do no such thing, you dingus!" She told. "I have a fiance!"

"I know." He said, and in further reply he stepped back up to her again and grabbed her by the shoulders. She felt herself get pulled in and a pair of lips touched her forehead for a kiss. "Love you anyway, panda." She blushed and lifted both hands. With fists made she 'hit', but more like weakly tapped, him on the chest and listened to the dull thump. It wasn't really worth the effort of really scolding him, she decided.

"You are the worst." She accused him. Victor kissed her again on the forehead, then planted one on her cheek, which she tried to lean away from. "You dingus!"

He kissed and nuzzled at her neck as her fists thumped at his chest again in mock frustration until her fists gave way to open palms that settled down to rest. With her palms pressed against his chest she exhaled and admitted to him, "I really thought I'd need help, Victor."

"You should have tried moving it on your own first, panda." He whispered, then went back to kissing at her neck. The dumb beast was too good at putting his lips in places they didn't belong...

"You ding dong..." she whispered back. She felt his hands reach for her behind and slip under her skirt. "What are you going to do to me this time?"

"Terrible things." He said quietly and kissed her on the mouth. She blushed hard and felt his hands pulled and squeeze at the cheeks of her rump. She broke the kiss and jerked her head away.

"You're a terrible man!" She called him, but he kissed her back in response. One hand let go of her ass to wrapped instead around her middle so he could pull her tightly against him. Min gave into the kiss and let her tongue tentatively explore his mouth. They did this dance for a few minutes until he gently broke the kiss.

"On the bed?" He asked her, and she bit her lip and nodded. The dog kissed her cheek and pulled her along until he had her standing next to her own bed. "I'm going to fuck you so silly, panda."

"You!" She quickly hit him in the chest, as ineffective as it was, "You're shameless!" She accused him and slapped him on the shoulder weakly. He leaned in and put his lips to her ear.

"I love you, panda." She blushed and hit him again, but even weaker than before.

"You are the biggest penis!" Min said, red with frustration and embarrassment at the entire situation.

"I have a big penis." He whispered back with a chuckle and she flushed even redder. She gave up and let her forehead dip low and bump into his chest. He wrapped her up in a hug and didn't grope her ass this time. "Love you, panda."

She groaned with defeat this time, and Min felt him begin to roll up her skirt and she buried her face into his chest as he exposed her rear to the bedroom. Clad only in panties she felt nearly naked. His hands gently cupped her cheeks and massaged them while he let her hide herself in his chest.

It was a slow journey for the hands exploring her. She huffed into his shirt when his fingertips slipped underneath her panty and then between her buttocks. Min couldn't stifle her gasp when a finger touched her anus. "You dingus!"

Her word fell on listening, but unworried, ears. The panda sagged into the terrible dog's chest as his finger made little circles around her pucker. She was making strained and stressed faces as she valiantly attempted to resist the terrible desires welling up within her body. The very same desires the beast's lewd behavior was dragging up from the part of herself that she'd kept well hidden, a side she wished she could keep buried. She was supposed to be a good woman waiting for her betrothed! Her hands clung tightly at her lover's shirt and she rubbed her face into his chest until his hands faded away from her tender rump and fell to her waist.

"I want to rim you, panda." He whispered into her ear from above and she hid herself harder into his shirt. She wished she could have just sunk right through the floor right then, but his hands held her firmly in place before drifting up her sides to her shoulders and pushed her away from his chest. Exposed, she turned her face away, expression made of pure embarrassment and confusion. "You look cute like that, you know."

"You're a cad!" She accused him, but it didn't keep her from stepped along the way he desired as he guided her with his hands. Like a doll to be posed she was stiffly maneuvered over the edge of the bed. Bent over, skirt hoisted up high to her waist, exposed to the word with a wild beast licking his chops at her like she was a platter of ham and roast.

He tugged her panties down to her knees and she grapped fistfulls of her comforter. Her face was presently submerged in the cotton and down of her bedding where she hoped it would stay until she no longer had the sense of time or place. Hot breath washed over her nethers, and a tongue touched her mound. She jerked and seized up with tension. Victor's wet canine digit drug itself up her slit several times and Min could only let free a muffled moan into the mattress.

The panda's knees locked together and she began to shiver. It was no simple task to remain composed with the beast laying slow claim to her body. She had to persevere. Min was raised to be such a good and proper woman, and her thoughts kept creeping back to the reality that she was not doing something she should! She could feel the ring on her left hand more strongly now than normal, like it was scolding her. The dog's terrible tongue licked its way up to taint and encircled her pucker and she squealed into the bedding before clamping her mouth shut.

"Dingus!" Her insult was muffled by the bed, and Victor continued to eat. Min couldn't shut her eyes. Her rump, there in that spot, was sensitive! He licked and kissed and ate at it like it was a meal and she couldn't keep herself from panting through her nose as she bit at her lip. "Cad!"

She squealed again when two fingers slipped between her folds. Min felt the beast hook his fingers in her and probe right where she was most vulnerable. That button hidden inside her was being stroked and pressed with terrible precision. The wild beast had found it the first time he took her, and he now abused it every time they were together. The panda wasn't strong enough to resist it! She arched her back for him and he drove in with his tongue deeper as her nipples turned to steel and her slit began to dribble juice over his hand.

Min wanted to insult him again, but her mouth was starting to leak drool onto the bed and she dared not risk opening her mouth to speak only for one of her moans to escape. Her teeth remain clenched as she breathed hard through her nose. Victor was making her squirm against her will. Her rump would not stay still and her knees rubbed against each other as he left her soaking wet between her cheeks and all the way down her thighs.

She cursed her lewdness. Mind hadn't been raised this way. She spread her arms out over the bed and felt the weight of the ring on her left hand grow heavier as her face broke from the bedding with the turn of her head. Brilliant sunlight fell through the slats in the window blinds. Her bedroom was clean and beautiful and she was sullying it with a beast laying claim to her yet again.

"Which hole, panda." The dog asked her, and Min shuddered as he exhaled over her slick pucker. She bit her lip and looked back at him. Victor's lips and mouth were wet with spit and he licked at his lips as he waited for her to reply.

"You!" She cursed him weakly and flinched when he blew over her wet and teased asshole. She flinched, shivered, and clutched at the bedding.

"Where do you want me?" He asked her again, with an irritating patience. She did not want to say! He blew over her ass again and let the wind reach down to her mound. Min's back arched on its own and she shook again. She was so tender and excited from her ears to her toes. The lecherous and wild beast had done something to her, awakening a terrible part of herself that couldn't be satisfied by anything less than... than.. Him! Him and his terrible roguish love making!

"M-my, place. The normal place!" She forced out and hid her face once more into the comforter. She felt his hands grab her hips and pull. The panda was forced to flip over and she was left on her back staring up at the terrible dog molesting her, the dirty animal that had her seduced and made wanton!

Victor unbuttoned the top of his polo shirt and pulled it off to show his toned chest and arms. Seeing him shirtless reminded her too strongly of how attractive she thought he was, and Min pulled up hands and hid her face like a small child. She heard his pants being undone and being discarded to the floor.

"Are you going to stay dressed like that?" He asked her and began to rub at her inner thighs. She removed her hands and glared up at him futilely. He answered her with a smile. "You're going to get everything wrinkled."

With nervous hands she started undoing the buttons of her blouse until she was exposed from neck to navel. Victor stole the last button from her hands and undid it himself behind leaned over her, Min tilted her face away from him, as he helped the blouse slip down her arms. Moments later the blouse was on the floor and being joined by the bra the dog had also removed from her reluctantly. He was so close to her, and so naked. Min dared look below his waist. She didn't want to!

He undid the clasp that kept her skirt tight and she let him tug it down over her legs where it quickly joined the rest of their clothing. If he treated their outfits like that they'd get wrinkled anyway, she thought...

"Love you, panda." He whispered into her ear after crawling all the way over her. He knelt over her and tugged her further onto the bed so her legs weren't dangling off the edge. The dog was taller than her and she felt his stiff member drop over her stomach and rub across her fur. She inhaled sharply and felt the weight and size of him against her. Her heart was racing wildly.

He put his mouth on her and started kissing her. She let him, reluctantly, but she also stuck her tongue in to spar with his. Kissing wasn't so terrible, not when other things were happening along with it to compare to. The dog's knees slipped between her legs to nudge them apart, and she relented and spread them widely for his access.

The beast deepened his kiss and reached down to grab himself. Min felt his dick be maneuvered to her special place. She squealed into his mouth when she felt her nethers be touched by his glans. She grabbed at his arms defensively as she felt the terrible invader lay siege to her keep.

"You scoundrel!" She said, panting, breaking from his kiss. He chuckled and slipped himself further within her. He was so thick, and he kept reaching deeper and deeper! She quietly shivered underneath him throughout the slow penetration. Her fiance, Thomas, was nowhere near Victor's size, and they were even both dogs of the same breed! Min's knuckles were white beneath her fur as she reached out and clutched at the dog's arms.

He started gently thrusting his length within her. The panda stifled her need to pant and opened and shut her eyes before pulling down at his shoulders to bury her face into his chest. Her nose was telling her how good he smelled, but her conscience was berating her for lying beneath a foul dog like the rogue atop her. Why was she letting him do this to her once again?

He humped once with with more force and a few additional inches sank into her. Min gasped and remembered why she let it happen over and over, though she hated that she had. Min had been a simple girl full of modesty. All her girlfriends claimed she was as vanilla as ice cream, and she had happily been just that. Her life with her fiance was as vanilla as it got.

Victor, the wild animal that was always seducing her into depravity had taught her more about sex than she knew could exist. Oh, how naive she'd been. She could never bring herself to do these awful things with Antony. He was too good a man, a match that had been perfect for the old Min! The good proper woman she used to be. Her guilt swelled as the thick length embedded itself deeper into her and she gasped again as the pleasure of it soaked right down into her bones.

The sex was always so amazing! She was so wet down there...

"Always so tight." He groaned softly above her, and she lightly tapped his shoulder in reply. Why couldn't he just hush when he took her? Always making everything so filthy! She felt him begin to go faster, and her pussy was growing slicker and slicker for him. She never got this wet with her fiance, or so quickly either. The panda hugged herself deeper into Victor's chest as his hips worked against her faster. Her breath was catching up with her heartrate.

Why did any of this have to feel so damn good? It was so good each and every time they were together it made her feel like some kind of addict! With a full mouth opened pant she felt herself slowly giving in more and more to their sinful and ongoing affair. Every rock and thrust of Victor's hips reminded her repeatedly just how good it felt to be with him, and under him. Oh! She squealed into the fur of his chest. The beast had hilted himself so suddenly! Hitching his hips like that, that cad! The oaf! Why couldn't he be more gentle?

He wasn't gentle, he was being a real, not imagined, beast again, rocking and rolling his hips into her so quickly, too quickly! Min was struggling against him under his terrible motions, unable to cope with and contain her body's natural response to such woeful lewdness. She panted and swallowed the excess spit trying to flood her mouth.

Too quickly, much too quickly she felt herself giving rapidly to the fire of their affair. It was impossible to hold out and pretend she was a good woman when this, she slapped his shoulder defensively, was what she had to put up with! He humped again and she gasped sharply. He was so big! No, no, she thought. She squirmed under him, feeling something grow and rise within her. Like a spreading fire there was something hot inside her wanting to spill out and over her.

Min knew it was happening again! No! The wild beast hitched his hips up into her again, like a brute, and she felt the bed begin to fall out from beneath her. Her extremities felt so numb and limp and yet her hands twitched and now clawed at his back. He growled into her ear and pushed her head to the side. The room seemed so much brighter as her eyes fluttered along with the twitching of her legs.

"Mine!" he growled so coarsely into her ear and she felt room fall further and further away until the shimmering light from the windows seemed to glow bright yellow and gold. Min could hear herself moaning as the beast worked his hips up into her fiercely. She squealed when his tip probed against her cervix. The push made her twitch and shake under him with instinct far outside her control. Min simply couldn't contain herself any longer!

"Gguh!" Just, just noise! Victor! Min could barely think straight. She was losing her senses! He was fucking her so good! His hands roughly gripped her waist and he pounded his knot against the lips of her cunt again and again and her eyes rolled back. She could hardly see the room anymore through the flashes of white and gold obscuring her vision. "Viiictor!"

"Mine!" He shouted and hilted himself firmly again. Min felt him roll his hips into hers and grind his knot against her pussy. Her hips were urgently rolling back against him in return. "My dirty little panda!"

Min gasped as she felt his fat dick yank from her hole. The wet slurp that followed failed to make her flinch. She was more unhappy and offended with its sudden absence than she was with the lurid noise that came from its removal. "Nno!"

She was roughly flipped over to her belly. Without really thinking about why, the panda pulled her knees up, all despite feeling numb physically, and hoisted her ass up as high as she could. Panting into the bedding and clawing at the comforter her body presented itself to the wild beast behind her. The lightning and fire running up her spine to her brain from the depths of her cunt was all she could feel, and it fueled a sordid part of her that was far beyond her control.

The beast shoved his length back inside her and knocked a long and languid moan from her lips when his tip again touched her cervix. His hands felt like claws on her sides and she shouted and squealed as he started fucking her again with little concern for her. His knot was a battering ram at her sloppy tight hole and she was happily wiggling her ass in hopes he would cram it inside her.

"Nn, gguuu, Viiic!" She squealed more and more for him, hardly able to speak. He's fucking me! The beast was fucking her pussy so good! The panda couldn't stop the squealing and whorish moans she was letting escape from between her lust loosened lips. Victor hitched himself hard and fell over her back. A rough hand fell on onto the back of her head and shoved her into the mattress. It felt so good! A, a handsome Beast, Min happily conceded to herself.

He was raping her cunt so hard! She squealed when he grabbed her by the hair and rekindled his thrusts like the falls of a claw hammer. Her cunt was opened up wider and she shoved her ass back at him to help, because she wanted it, her eyes were almost blinded by the pleasure overtaking her! "Fff-me!"

"Me!" Fuck me! Her whole body started shuddering and convulsing hard. Wet splattering noises seemed to explode from behind her as her pussy started ejected its pent up girl spunk over Victor's cock and balls to fall on the hardwood floor behind them. Min could hear herself screaming like a some wanton street whore as his knot gaped her cunt wider and wider. Her scream wavered and warbled like a musical instrument until finally she was choked silent by the sudden entrance her beast's huge knob of steel ramming itself deep inside her tiny panda passage.

The wind left her lungs and she finally lost the ability to see as her eyes rolled back behind her fluttering lids. All went dark for the panda, then suddenly bright, as she came again, a second orgasm rolling across her just as her first had seemed to be fading. Min could barely feel the teeth on her right shoulder as the wild beast bit down on her and fucked his fat gorgeous cock into her until his tip was beginning to spear right up into her womb. He'd taken her again, and she was squirting her pussy juice all over him for it!

Twitching, shaking, trembling, Min was limp save the unconscious convulsions her pleasure addled mind was cascading across her lecherous and lewd body. As she laid there beneath him she started to feel the heat swell up inside her along with the throbbing gestures of the dog's cock as it spit its load into her rapidly. In a distant part of her pleasure fogged mind, somewhere she could scarcely recall because of the intense euphoria, she felt a rush of panic, guilt, and fear, but right now all she cared to pay attention to was pleasure and joy. Her beastly lover was seeding her and filling her and she loved every fucking glorious moment of it!

The panda could feel the muscles in her lower back and abdomen flex and twitch along with his cock like she was trying to suck the cum right out of his fat balls. His knot was so thick nothing was flowing out of her except her own messy cunt juice. Her second climax, a deluge really since it was Victor breeding her, was subsiding to a weak dribble that added to already sizeable mess beneath her. Min's bed was ruined and so was her happy little panda pussy.

Victor let go of her shoulder and panted like animal over her. She tried to clench down with her pussy for him, but he had her so stretched out she couldn't do a thing. Min was exhausted and happy. Her wild beast had fucked her so good and she wanted him to stay in her forever. His cock wouldn't stop twitching in her, and she weakly rocked her hips into his. She couldn't say anything as her throat was hoarse from her screaming, but her ass was grinding at him to say thank you.

"Love you, panda." He told her. He sounded hoarse, too, and she wanted to hold him tight, but she was still being pressed into the mattress. His hand had not left her head, and she was squirming under him trying to break free so she could bring herself closer to him. After a few minutes she finally, regretfully, felt his cock stop throbbing. There was so much pressure inside her that she felt bloated. Her beast had given her so much hot love!

"Victor..." She managed to say. He lifted his hand from her head and laid down over her before rolling both of them onto their sides. The big spoon wrapped his arms his little spoon and hugged her close. Her hips were still slowly rocking against him eagerly. The cock impaling her was firmly lodged and going nowhere anytime soon even with it being tugged at from behind her as Victor was spooning her.

He sat his chin atop her head and together they enjoyed the afterglow of their lovemaking for several long minutes until Min was again seeing the bedroom in all its proper shades and hues. The startling light show of pleasure had long since faded along with the euphoria, and the rose tinted glasses with which she had been seeing the world were now discarded and gone. The seemingly distant part of herself, that proper woman who knew better, that had been pushed aside when they'd started to make love was now returning.

"You're... the worst ding dong." Min finally said after a long period of silence. Victor chuckled over her and hugged her tighter. She could feel the ring on her finger again, and she rubbed the fingers of her left hand together. The warm metal was like a think guilty chain reminding her of what she'd done.

"I'm you're ding dong, panda." He replied. She huffed and rolled her hips to test the firmness of the tie. He was still very much stuck inside her. She groaned at the thought of the mess they'd made, and the next one he'd be making when he finally pulled out. Why did beasts like him have to be so virile!

She let them lay there quietly for a little while longer. His penis was still as large as it was when he first put it in her, and the pressure, as pleasant as it was, was beginning to make her feel too full for her liking. The dog's virility was simply too much for a little panda like her. She found his hands with her own and let them rest there. He flexed his fingers until both his and her fingers were laced together. She let them stay that way.

Her engagement ring was reminding her that she'd sinned, but there was little she could about it now. The wild beast had seduced her and laid claim to her, and now she had to wait until the union was finished.

"You ok?" He asked her. No, she was stuck to a terrible rogue with his penis locked inside her! She exhaled and clutched his hands a little tighter. He responded by doing the same.

"I'm fine." She replied. Min couldn't keep being mad at him like that. It was her fault she kept inviting him into her life, and her body. Sure, he was a horny beast that prowled about her and stuck his nose where it wasn't wanted... But she still let him, and she was the one that called him over... She could have moved the bed on her own? She blushed and was grateful that he couldn't see her face.

Min could begin to feel his penis slowly soften. The hold her vagina had over his knot was slipping as he gently shrunk. He'd be able to pull free soon.

"Just checking on you, panda." He whispered and kissed the back of her head. He could be really sweet when he wanted to be. Victor was usually really polite when he... did his seducing. She frowned at herself for making excuses for him. She should have just shouted him down with a NO right from the very beginning of their affair. She bit her lip and felt his penis slip slowly. His knot drug its way from her by the millimeter until she had to bite her lip a little harder to keep herself quiet. Victor's knot popped free with a squelch and she flushed red. He was still in her, but at least the tie was gone. "Shower?"

His semen leaked all down her thigh and onto the comforter. She reluctantly looked down to see the damage, and was beat red beneath her fur at the sight of her ruined self still loosely wrapped around him as her body drooled everything he gave her onto her nice bed.

"Yes, please." She told him. He helped her sit up, and she ignored the continued leakage from her nethers as he helped her up to her feet. She was so limp below the waist that he had to carry her into the bathroom. She did not dare look behind her to see if she had left a trail of seed behind her.

Min wanted to keep blaming the wild beast for turning her into a terrible woman. The hot water soaking her fur and cleansing her body helped her feel better. The strong hands working a nice lather of soap over her made her feel even better. Victor was a terrible, no good, awful dog, but as he spooned her from behind and worked the soap over her chest and stomach with gentle circular motions she felt... she sighed.

She turned around to face him and bumped her forehead against his chest. The panda rubbed her hands over her front until she had caught a thick lather of suds in her hands then knelt slowly in front of him. She pressed her soapy hands to the dog's thighs and stroked his legs. She started to lean her face into his crotch, face red as could be. She kissed his penis, already thickening for her with anticipation. At least Victor was her big dingus, she thought to herself. It would surely all work out, she thought again as she enveloped him reluctantly, even if her engagement ring felt heavier than it should.