mike and the bears

Story by dbj_rab on SoFurry

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quick crappy story featuring mike from sing movie

Mike grumbled to himself as he padded off from the practice rehearsal. "Gods these guys are suck hacks." He thinks to himself, with his inflated ego of his natural talent. "I know I can win the prize," he muttered aloud while kissing his new expensive credit card. He goes around on a shopping spree, enjoying the finer things and gave his girlfriend a playful slap on her ass as he went to pick her up for their date.

She giggled and squirmed. "Hey now Mike. No rough stuff," she said with a slight huff, but gave a playful smile back. He gave her a playful rub on her tender ass. "Yeah, that'll be later dear." He remarked back, discretely adjusted his hard on.

The mice padded into the restaurant and received their table topside. "Ohhh Mike. This is so classy," his girlfriend squealed. He nodded, "Anything for my girl." He remarked, flashing his platinum credit card. They soon drank some wine while they waited for the dinner to arrive.

Their food shortly arrived and the nommed on it, making small talk briefly. Mike's ears twitched as he heard the bears nearby playing poker. His eyes got wide as he saw all the money they were playing for, and drooled slightly. "Oh fuck. Gotta get me some of that," he thought to himself. "Hey babe. I'm going to go play poker with the bears over there."

"All right dear. I'll be rooting for ya on the sidelines." She remarked back. Mike hopped up and swaggered over to the bears. "Hey boys. Got room for one more?" he confidently asked. The bears peered at his suit and remarked to themselves. "Eh let's go for it. Boring playing each other all the time. Besides he looks like a easy mark." The head bear rumbled.

They nodded. "Well You've got some big balls to challenge us to a game lil mouse." The head bear rumbled. "Takes one to know one," Mike retorted back, with a slight smirk. The bear arced a brow, but waved his paw for him to join their game.

They soon dealed out cards. Mike was winning quite a bit to the bears dismay. "All right mouse. You've got to lose sometime," the bear growled. Mike just chuckled. "We'll see won't we?" They dealt one last game for winner takes all. The bears getting more pissed off as Mike kept getting great cards. "All right mouse. That's it. You must be cheating somehow. No one gets this lucky all night," the head bear shouted and reached out to grab him. "I dunno what you're talking about dude. Some just have it and others don't," the mouse remarked, grabbing his girl to leave the table and his winnings. As he bent over, the bears notices something slipping out the back of his coat. They growled as they notice it was a card edge. "What is this shit?!" the head bear growled snatching Mike up. Mike just chuckled sheepishly. "Hey I dunno how that got there. Lemme go bastards," he shouted with a squirming motion.

HE quickly ran off to escape their angry clutches. He knew his girlfriend could take care of herself, and didn't want her to get hurt anyway. His girlfriend cried out after him to be careful. The bears scrambled to get after the mouse, whose quick wit made him get ahead of the bears barely. They growled as they turned around suddenly to go out the back way.

They soon spotted the mouse as he ran towards his car, but they snagged him before he could get in. His girlfriend stared as they dragged him off to a unknown location. They growled as they dragged him into an abandoned building. "So.. what're we going to do to you for cheating? Hmmm?" the head bear grumbled. They could eat him, but that'd be a waste. He glanced down and noticed the mouse's tenting pants. "Hmmm. What have we here?" he rumbled, poking the mouse's tenting cock through his pants. Mike blushed and squirmed. "Hey now. It's not what you think," he shouted. The mouse struggled to get away, but secretly wanted to be fucked by the big bears. "So glad I'm bi. Otherwise this'd be painfully," he thought to himself, swishing his tail tip teasingly against the head bear's cock tip through his pants. The bear grunted at the teasing and squeezed Mike harder. Mike yelped and squirmed harder to get free.

"Well guys. What say we let loose our pent up angst with a fucking?" the head bear grumbled. The other bears pondered, and roared in agreement. "Very well then. Let's begin." The head bear growled and pushed down his pants, to reveal his fully hard 14 inches. Mike gulped at the sight, but moaned internally as his own cock swelled to full 8 inches.

The other bears grinned to themselves as they also stripped and started pawing each other off while waiting for their turns. Mike shuddered as he felt the bear's heavy paw start pushing down his pants and undies, freeing his twitching cock. He moaned and grunted as the bear suddenly prodded his anus with a finger. "NNGghhh. Fuck," the mouse grunted as his ass hole got stretched by the bear's thick finger. "MMmnn yeah.. get that bitch ready," the other bears grumbled, stroking their pre'ing cocks slowly enjoying the show.

The head bear grumbled as he kept prodding the mouse's tight tail hole deeper with his finger, and smearing his pre along his cock head, getting it slippery and ready. "Yeah.. that's it bitch. Resign to your fate of being our play toy," the bear rumbled.

Mike grunted and preteneded to struggle more, but soon accepted his fate by relaxing his ass. "Good bitch. Get ready," the bear grunted, pulling out his finger and suddenly rubbing his cock head in circles against Mike's twitching pucker. "Oh fuck no. you're too big," Mike moaned in feign fear, but secretly thought, 'oh fuck yes. Do me you fat bastard.'

The bear growled as he shoved nearly half his length into Mike's wriggling ass hole. "UUNnfffss. Fuck yes. So hot and tight," the bear rumbled. Mike gasped out loud and groaned. "Oh shit.. fuck it hurts .. take it out," he cried. The bear just chuckled and kept thrusting himself in and out, pre'ing heavily against the mouse's prostate. Mike twitched and squirmed hard, being impaled by the thick hung bear, while watching the other bears paw their own lengths faster. One soon crept closer to filled Mike's open muzzle with his 9 inches. "Suck it bitch. Drain my balls dry," the bear grumbled.

Mike "Mrrrfled" at being filled with musky bear dick, but flicked his tongue in circles against the bear's cock tip. The bear shuddered and rumbled in pleasure at the hot mouth sucking his dick, while he watched his boss fuck the mouse faster and harder.

The head bear grunted louder, as he so wished he could shove his whole 14 inches into the mouse's tight anus, but knew it would be impossible despite several attempts made before with others. His cock twitched hard against the mouse's insides and he teasingly pawed along Mike's twitching 8 inches squeezing his heavy balls.

Mike grunted around the bears thick cock in his mouth as he sucked harder, hoping to get him off fast while clenching his anus harder around the other bear's thick dick way up his ass. The bear thrusting into his muzzle suddenly roared and wrapped his paws around Mike's muzzle, holding it shut tight as his dick swelled and he felt several loads splurt down the mouse's gulping throat. Mike gasped around the thick dick and shuddered, feeling the bear's thick cock suddenly cum down his muzzle. He gulped down as much as he could, but a lot of it escaped and dribbled down his cheeks and onto the floor. The head bear meanwhile, grunted and soon roared loudly as he felt the mouse's anus clench even harder and he shuddered, suddenly cumming hard and deep into Mike's milking ass hole. "UUNNGGhh yeah.. take it bitch," the bear roared as he kept thrusting while cumming, despite feeling a lot of the heavy load leak out and dribble down against the mouse's balls.

Mike just groaned in sexual bliss. He panted as he felt the head bear's thick cock suddenly pull out of his now gaping tail hole, and more of the bear's heavy load seep out. His anus kept winking and spurting, while his mouth dribbled out the other bear's heavy load and grunted as he was forced to clean their dicks. The other bears soon grinned and joined in the fun. Mike gasped as he felt one bear's 8 inches slide all the way into his well used anus.

"MMnn yeah.. fucking love fucking someone after you boss," the bear growled with a slight blush at admitting he liked sloppy seconds. Using someone's cum for lube turned him on so much. The other bear wriggled his 7 inches into the mouse's mouth. Mike groaned as he was used again for the bear's sex toy. He felt his dick harden again and throb painfully at being prodded by a bear dick he could take all the way up his ass.

The bear thrusting up his ass, suddenly ground his hips hard against his ass cheeks. Mike squirmed at being impaled by the bear's thick 8 inches, and sucked harder on the other bear's 7 inches wanting things to end fast so they could finally release him hopefully. Mike clenched his anus harder around the thrusting bear's dick, while swirling his tongue faster against the other bear's dick in his mouth. The bear shuddered and groaned at the sensations. He kept thrusting in and out of the mouse's hot mouth faster.

Mike squirmed more as he felt himself getting closer to cumming again from the sensations. His anus milked the other bear's thrusting dick harder, while tonguing the bear's piss slit with his tongue. The bear gasped at the sudden sensations and roared, feeling his dick swell and suddenly flood Mike's eager mouth heavily with load after load of pent up bear cum. "NNGGhhh fuck yyyeess!" the bear exclaimed in pleasure.

The other bear got turned on by the noise and shoved himself fully into Mike's hard milking ass hole and roared as well as his 8 inches throbbed hard and suddenly flooded Mike's ass with several ropes of his own pent up cum. Mike shuddered at being filled both ways at once and his own thick dick twitched and swelled, he moaned louder feeling his balls draw up and suddenly spurted all over the floor again. The empty warehouse filled with the scent of musky bears and heavy cum. Mike's nose twitched in overload from the scents and he suddenly was falling down onto his own cum pool and some of the bear's. He groaned as he glanced up and saw the bear's soon putting on their pants and padding out.

"Don't think we won't forget this slut. IF we see you again, you will be sorry," The head bear growled, snatching their money back from the mouse' bulging pants pockets. Mike grunted and just laid there panting hard, hating that he got caught but enjoying the sexual aspects immensely as it had been awhile since he'd been fucked with another male. His tail flicked back and forth while he pondered what to do next, hopefully cleaning himself up before trying to find his girlfriend and maybe fucking her as well, still feeling incredibly horny despite was used hard by the bears.