Valentine's Day Competition

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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We might be a little bit past the season, but this story is a timeless tale of romantic combat for MistDog and lolinterwebz!

Iris has always been popular with the fellas, but this year, she's really outdone herself, and wakes up on Valentine's Day to find three perfectly handsome men standing on her front stoop! All three fancy themselves to be the one who deserves to call Iris their Valentine, but she has her own method of picking out a winner.

Jesse shows the initiative and carries her into the house, but Andy and Zack get to have their fun, as well, as they stuff Iris in every conceivable fashion.

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

Once upon a time, there was an age when everyone was told to give Valentine's gifts to everyone else. It was just a part of the elementary school process, and it helped to make sure that no one ever felt left out. Even the kids who alienated themselves on a daily basis were assured some kind of a gift, on a day when vows of true love were meant to be exchanged.

As an adult, there was no such guarantee of comfort and kindness on Valentine's Day, and some people spent the day alone, year in and year out.

"...Did you guys get a group rate or something?"

Then, there were the lucky ones, like Iris. The kind of girl who drew a few more Valentine's cards than all of her peers when she was still in school, and the envy of her friends now that she was an adult, it was rare that Iris spent Valentine's Day by herself, and rarer still that she didn't get a card, or some kind of gift from a secret admirer.

It just turned out that some years, there was more than one man pining for her.

"Is this supposed to be some kinda joke?"

Standing just outside of her front door, clad in the loose stereotype of a bath robe and nothing more, Iris was giggling behind her paw as she looked up at three taller, larger males. She knew that they'd been waiting on her doorstep for at least a little while, and that was intentional: she had to know that they were able to get along, if she was going to let them inside.

"Oh, it's no joke, my darling," she assured the male who spoke. A massive, domineering horse by the name of Jesse, Iris wasn't surprised that he took issue with there being other men involved in their afternoon plans, but then again, she didn't tell any of the men she invited over the whole truth. "I'm afraid that I had more than one Valentine in my mailbox this year, and, well...I just couldn't say no to any of you!"

Jesse stood in the middle of the stone porch. On his right was a slightly smaller, but no less aggressive Doberman by the name of Zack, and on his left, there was a curious, unique hybrid of a bear and a monkey by the name of Andy. Though they were being peaceful with each other, the tension was so thick that Iris felt like she could swim through it, and she didn't want to push her luck too far; there was no way that she'd be able to separate them, if they decided to come to blows.

"...You seriously invited all three of us over?" asked Zack, who crossed his arms defiantly over the broad, wide muscles of his chest. "What gives, Iris?!"

Andy was the only one to stay quiet so far, although his eyes, despite their calm, forest green, were quietly narrowed with frustration at his competition. "What gives is that I had three wonderful suitors to choose from, and I didn't feel like cutting any of you from the team before you got to try out, so to speak..."

All three of the men had to pause for a moment, as they realized what Iris was proposing. She was quite a bit smaller than Andy, who was the smallest of the three males, and if they were all packing as heavily as the bulges in their jeans would suggest, none of them believed that she would be able to handle more than one quick round in the bedroom.

She was going to be more than happy to prove all of them wrong, and she had her own twisted, hidden agenda for inviting all of them over, as she did.

"I don't know why you all look so surprised. I'm not tied down to any of what's wrong with me playing the field, hmm?" she asked, as she gave a quick tug at the rope that kept her robes tight to her waist. As the cloth came slightly undone, and her cleavage came fully into view for the men to enjoy, she put on her best devious grin and leaned against the frame of her open door, with an expression that could only be described as impatient. "I figured that you were the kind of men who would jump at the opportunity to show your...mettle, so to speak."

Despite the mild aggression between them, the three gentlemen gazed upon Iris and took in everything that she was willing to offer. The timeliest of breezes came along and helped to kick her robe open just a little bit further, and as three sets of eyes went wide with delight, they all turned back to face each other.

There was plenty of Iris to go around, and with a silent nod of agreement from each male, Jesse wrapped his large, heavy arms around her comparatively tiny waist and lifted her up over his shoulder. "Fine," he grunted, as he literally carried Iris into her own home, followed by the pair of males behind him, "But we're not doing it out on the stoop. Gotta have a little dignity here, after all."

Iris was giggling as she was so easily hoisted over Jesse's shoulder. She was literally being showered with affection from a trio of men, any of whom would have been a prize on their own, and up in the arms of the tallest one, Zack and Andy could just see her nethers exposed as her robe kicked up and hung over her hips. "Hehe...what a brute!" she teased the horse, giving the lightest slap she could upon his chest. "You're giving the other two a free peep show, y'know..."

"You can drop the act, Iris. I came here because I thought you might be looking to settle down," Jesse admitted, "But I can see that you're interested in getting all you can handle. Lucky for you, I know how to handle a woman of your particular nature."

"My nature, huh?" Iris challenged him, though her words didn't carry the same strength as Jesse. A powerful horse who would usually consider himself to be above such an act, he carried Iris all the way into the living room, where he tossed her carelessly upon the couch, and immediately, he began unzipping his jeans in front of her.

Zack snickered as he watched Iris bounce upon the delicate cushions of the soft, leather cushions. "She's not a sack of potatoes, man. You might want to be a bit more careful. You could end up breaking her."

Andy seemed to share Zack's sentiment. He nodded, all while yanking his shirt up and over his head. He could see that Iris was doing nothing to cover herself...rather, she allowed her robe to sit open as her nipples grew stiff under all of the attention, and her legs spread a little bit further with every passing moment, as if she were just challenging the men, curious to see who would take the bait first.

"I get the feeling that she wants to be broken, Zack."

"No shit, dude."

Snickering on the couch and giving a quick roll of her eyes, Iris lifted a paw and crooked it at Jesse. "I think those two would rather fight each other than fuck me...but perhaps, if you lead by example, they'll get the idea?"

Jesse wasn't the type to let his emotions get too involved, too often. He was the type of man who was married to his job, and his work kept him busy so often that he had a bad feeling he'd come to regret answering Iris' call, when all was said and done.

When her paw took a tight grip on the base of his member and squeezed it, stroking the impressive, hanging flesh of the horse, his mind quickly changed. "Seems to me like you're the one taking the lead here, my dear."

"Of course I am. A woman's time is more valuable than you can imagine," she explained, as she felt a rush of warmth against her open paw. Jesse was very receptive to her touch, and the horse let out a quiet, grunting whinny of delight as Iris stroked her open paw along the underside of his downright impressive cock.

As she gazed over the flare upon the head of it, she had no idea how she was going to take it into her throat...but it wouldn't have been the first time that her stomach was bigger than her eyes, and she was curious to discover just where her threshold really was.

"Sorry for wasting yours, then," Andy cut in, as he saw that the show was going to start, whether or not he was actually ready. "I'd hate to do wrong by you, for inviting me over..."

"Then get to work," Iris demanded, as she felt precum spilling out over her paws from Jesse, who was already displaying an impressive volume. She'd be drowning in his seed when all was said and done, but that was a fate she'd already happily accepted, and with the thought out of the way, she turned to her own needs, as she spread her legs for the advancing hybrid.

Her womanhood was already moist to the touch as Andy pressed the warm, slippery end of his muzzle against it. Her scent immediately caught upon his nostrils and took hold of his instincts, as if she were holding an ethereal leash and stringing him along without so much as lifting a finger.

Zack was taking his sweet time getting into the action, as he stood on the sidelines and watched, but he didn't seem to have any problem with being relegated to the back door. Rather, he was slipping out of his clothes as fast as he could, taking his time only to grab a small bottle of lube out of his pants before they came all the way off; the doberman always came prepared when sex was on the agenda, and somehow, he had a feeling that Iris would be needing it before the afternoon was over.

She had her paws full already, and Jesse, something of a quiet giant, allowed his hips to do the talking as his member lunged forward. It throbbed heavily with stiffness, bouncing up and down several inches with every pulse and making it a genuine struggle for Iris to guide it into her muzzle.

Gripping the base tight and giving it the occasional stroke to keep the horse nice and hard, Iris licked her lips and grinned at her prize, before opening as wide as she could. The flare nearly filled up her maw by itself, and Jesse allowed a smirk to crack his normally stoic expression as Iris struggled to get any further onto his first.

When Andy finally slipped his tongue between her folds and tasted her delicious, feminine juices, she found her second wind, and began to lift her head from the arm of the couch.

"Goodness..." Jesse murmured under his breath, watching with genuine shock as the female canine somehow managed to force her throat a little bit further onto his massive anatomy. "Girl s-sure can suck a dick...fuckin' tight little muzzle, too..."

"Let's just hope she's nice and tight where it counts," Zack commented, as he slipped around Jesse with a quick, sneaky fondle of the horse and his tight, firm rear. Normally a bit quicker to aggression, the amazing feeling of Iris' tongue exploring his length kept Jesse calm as Zack maneuvered around him, and with a quick lift, he was easily under Iris, holding the base of his full, knotted member.

Lubricant was applied before he made his way over, and Iris smiled wide around her tasty mouthful as she felt the warm, slick fluid sliding around between the cheeks of her rump as the doberman searched for her tailhole by feel alone. The sharp, pressing warmth of a member finally did find her tight, eager pucker, but she couldn't focus just on that sensation as Andy came up and wiped some of her excess, liquid arousal from his muzzle.

She just knew that the tender, satisfying brush of his cock across her labia was coming next, and the thought was such a heavenly one that she almost forgot to breathe, something that was already a struggle thanks to the horse that straddled her face.

Tapered, but still plenty thick to get her attention again, Zack slid the tip of his member somewhat easily into her ass, spreading the tight, tiny passage open around his length. Inch after inch of his member slowly passed into her as Iris settled fully between the three males around her, and like the gentlemen that they were, they allowed her to hold still as their hips did the work...

...Even Andy's, who lined his unique, hybrid length up with the wolfess and rubbed the underside of his cock against her slick, dripping wet folds.

"Think she...w-wants us to slow down?" Zack asked, his voice stammering just slightly as he adjusted to the tight, heavenly grip of Iris' tailhole around almost the entirety of his cock.

Andy snickered as he angled his hips, allowed the tip of his manhood to finally spread her labia. "Even if she did, it's not like she can say anything," he grunted, gazing down at Iris with a devious grin as the tip of his rod finally spread Iris apart.

Her eyes simply rolled back with earthly delight as the last, but certainly not least of her holes was filled. Gagging happily around the seemingly endless horse cock that speared into her throat, Iris moved what little bit that she could between the eager males, and as she bucked herself back against Zack and pressed the full curve of her rump into his lap, Andy rammed his cock forth and pounded her into the doberman, barely giving her a chance to breath.

She was far above cloud nine, and she didn't see herself coming down anytime soon, as a slick mixture of precum and drool spilled from the corners of her muzzle.

"Such a good little bitch," Jesse groaned as he tilted his head back. His arms reached out and took no mercy on Iris despite his strength, and thick, powerful pawtips gripped her ears, holding them tight so that she couldn't possibly move back from his girth. It might have been a little bit too much for someone of a lesser sexual appetite, but the equine could feel Iris moaning that much louder around his length as he held her still.

In his mind, she deserved to be rewarded, and he knew exactly what she wanted.

Even before Jesse could warn her, Iris felt a flood of thick, pearly white cum pouring into her muzzle. Her eyes shrunk down in panic as she tried to contain the mess, but it quickly overflowed and drizzled down over her chin. Her breasts were a mess of the stuff as it ran over her fur and across her nipples, and somehow, miraculously, she managed to keep some of the treat to herself, as her throat bulged around the flare of the equine's member.

Swallowing reflexively, Iris was just barely conscious as she felt her own orgasm creeping in, while she drowned in the yield of another.

"'Bout time we fill'er up, hm?" Zack voiced his agreement as he pounded his hips hard, driving into Iris' tailhole with a pounding thrust as his knot begged for access. He knew it would be denied, feeling how the wolfess struggled with his length all the while, but he gripped her breasts, despite their creamy coating, and held onto her tightly as his ejaculate poured inside of her, providing a delightfully hot filling to her wide, gaping ass.

Iris only wished that she could more appropriately voice her appreciation as she felt cum leaking out from what seemed to be every orifice of her body. Only one was left, and though Andy was gritting his teeth and doing all he could to preserve the moment, his efforts were helpless against the skillful, orgasmic clench of Iris' inner muscles around his cock.

As if he was literally being milked for his essence, Andy pounded his member deep and held still, letting Iris literally drain what she wanted from him as the hybrid dug his claws into her hips. "D-damn...holy fuck! She's...s-so damned good..." his moans escaped without his consent, and Iris gave him a quick wink, as she kept a tight grip on his cock, even when the excess of his seed spilled out from her cunt and dripped back down over his sack.

It was Zack who was left with the worst of the mess, as anything that trickled down from Iris ultimately ended up on him...but he couldn't have been much happier with his position, as he held tight against Iris and shot a defensive look at the other two males. "Seems to me you guys are about I stay behind and clean her up?"

"Plenty left in the tank," Jesse replied bluntly, as he cast a glare back at the doberman.

That's good. I could use another load of cum in there...the more I get, the better chances I have, Iris thought, as she clung to her fading consciousness and rocked her hips slowly, keeping her truest intentions to herself.

Andy flattened his ears a little bit to see the competition, but as he felt another playful, internal squeeze from Iris, he knew that he wasn't going anywhere soon. She hadn't had anywhere near her fill of attention...and all of the slick, sticky benefits that came along with it.