The Omega Promoted ch.8

Story by Rego on SoFurry

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#7 of The Omega Promoted

The Omega promoted Ch.8

Training part 3

By: Lonewolf

This is a Drunken wolf production. All stories in the production are for readers 18 and up. Stories may contain fighting, violence, yiff, homosexual yiff, and killing.

"Tension". This simple word described the air around the three wolves as they sat in the wooden cabin looking at each other. Silas glared at Morgan and Morgan glared at Silas. Both looked as if they were ready to lunge forward and rip out each others jugular leaving a puddle of blood around there foot paws. Silas sat on the far west of the cabin with his eyes glowing bright red with his paws in tight fists. Morgan was the same way sitting on the east side except her paws were a greenish color from her energy she was holding back.

Turin sat in the middle practicing his force field glad it would keep him safe if the two wolves decided they wanted to kill each other. Turin's body glowed a purplish black color as his energy flowed through him and around him. The tension was so thick in the cabin that even with the wolves' ability to shred things with wind the tension would still be un harmed. The dark night's wind out side howled softly like a far off friend calling for another's attention. The perfect word was "Tension"

Turin stood up and opened his paws releasing his hold on his force field. He bent down and stretched before standing and moving to the door.

"Where in the hell are you going," Silas said turning his gaze to look at the smaller wolf.

"He can go where ever he wants to. He doesn't need your permission Silas," Morgan rasped out

"Shut up bitch. He's our student and I need to make sure he's ok. Got a problem," Silas said cocking an eyebrow.

Morgan stood up and clenched her fist causing her paws up to her shoulder to glow bright green. She grinded her teeth together and growled low trying to keep her cool.

"Don't call me a bitch, fag boy. We can step out side if you got the balls. I'm sure you still have a pair from the last guy you were sleeping with," she said cracking her knuckles.

Silas' red eyes grew to such an intensity of red you would think his eye balls were on fire. Before Turin could pull the door open Morgan shot through it sending wood splintering all up into the air. The cold winter air whistled in through the whole in the cabin as Silas rushed out full of rage. Turin peeked his head out through the whole long enough to pull it back in as Silas flew in and crashed through the opposite wall.

"You guys are going to kill each other. And your going to total the cab- WOAH," Turin shouted leaning back as a green wave of wind cut over his head and strait through the wooden shelter.

The top half of the cabin leaned in a little as the green wave sliced through it. Silas met Morgan in the middle of the cabin and threw blow for blow back and forth across the small space. They started off slow blocking each others hits then picked up speed. Morgan punched Silas hard with a strait jab in the mouth sending spit and blood flying.

Silas countered by grabbing her foot and slamming her into the floor. Wasting no time Morgan hit the floor then kicked out smashing into Silas' knee cap. Silas fell to the ground holding his leg as Morgan kicked out. She connected hard with his ass sending him flipping up through the top of the cabin. Silas corrected himself in mid air and landed in the snow outside. He dashed in through the cabin as Morgan did the same. They both met with fists of wind energy and collided both hitting each others fist.

The impact was so heavy it knocked both of the wolves back a few feet as the roof jumped off. Turin who was watching flew up and landed with a small thud on the dirt floor. The roof landed with a small crash back on the shelter sending dust and soot down. Taking a quick second to breathe they both went at it again. Heavy blows and hard kicks were being sent everywhere. Silas caught Morgan on the side of her head as she retaliated by bitch slapping him across his muzzle. Morgan bent and did a round house kick to his face as Silas turned his head from the slap. Turin watched dumbfounded as Silas vanished into thin air right in front of his eyes. Morgan stood still for a second then crouched and vanished her self.

Turin looked around hearing crashes left and right all around him. The two wolves were moving so fast he could only catch a brief glance when ever one of them blocked a hit. Fur was flying as waves of energy were thrown left and right. Blood splattered the walls as some one landed a heavy hit.

"Knock it off you too. Your family, you shouldn't be fighting," Turin said to the sky for the lack of sight he had.

Turin saw Silas materialize strait in front of him as Morgan materialized behind him. Both had large balls of green energy in there paws as big as beach balls. Turin looked back and forth then dove to the ground as both wolves thrusted there paws forward. Instead of beams shooting forth as Turin was accustomed to, two large heads slid forward from the balls. Turin rubbed his eyes and looked again and noted they were dragon heads. Quick as lightning a body of a large dragon snaked its way from both of there balls of energy and twisted its way toward the middle of the cabin.

Two green dragons clashed in the middle head butting one another fiercely biting and clawing trying to get past one another. With such intensity was there creatures that dust and snow swirled around them encasing them in a globe of dirty snow. Pulses shot through the ground flowing through Turin as he laid there watching the fight. Turin rolled over onto his back and looked strait up as the two creatures tussled and clawed trying to push the other one back.

"Both of you need to CALM DOWN," Turin yelled angrily.

His shout had no effect on either wolf. Both were concentrating hard to maintain their energy dragon. Morgan looked as if she was getting weaker by the second yet Silas stood strong. Then it dawned on Turin that she didn't have any strength left. She had trained him on force field and energy blast all day so she had little energy left to be doing battle. Silas on the other hand had slept that day and was fully charged.

Silas growled deeply and pulled his paws back a little then thrust them forward harder sending more of his elemental energy to the dragon. A pulse larger than any before shot through the earth. Silas fur stood on end and more dirt and snow swirled around them. Morgan's dragon was split in half as Silas' dragon cut through. It swerved forward and connected with Morgan then went through her. The dragon lifted her up into the air throwing her off then vanished as she hit the snow. She bounced on her back then slid a few feet until she stopped motionless.

Silas grunted as the dirt and snow fell to the ground in the form of rain. Turin covered his head with a blanket until the slushy substance stopped falling from the sky.

"What the fuck is wrong with you. Did you just kill your sister," Turin yelled scrambling up and over to the fallen wolf.

"No, we just used our strongest technique. The wind dragon elemental. It drains your energy till you haven't a drop left. She'll be out for a few weeks," Silas said dropping to his knees panting for breath.

"Why, why would you do that," Turin said holding her limp body.

"Doesn't matter now. You stay here and I'll take her home when I catch my breath. Father is going to be so pissed at me," Silas said leaning his head into the snow.

After a peaceful night in a totally wrecked cabin Turin woke up to see Silas laying right beside him. He was used to this by now so he just closed his eyes awaiting his instructions. The golden sun was shining down on them illuminating the earth and giving light to the darkness. Birds chirped outside the cabin giving a little noise to the quiet scenery.

"Alpha said your training is almost complete. He was very.... Pissed at me for knocking out my sister. You would think as a demon I would have more leniency with that kind of stuff. He says I have to teach you vanishing and your elemental spirit. Then I have to teach you a really useless task before we can go home," Silas said standing up.

"What's the useless task," Turin said standing up tossing his blanket off of him.

"I have to teach you how to move from your demon state to your normal state," Silas said shrugging.

"We can do that? That's so cool. Let me see you change," Turin said perking his ears and watching the wolf.

Silas groaned and closed his eyes for a moment. The red stripes on his body slowly faded away and his eyes changed from red to blue. His body shrunk a few inches as did his claws and teeth. Turin looked him over and just about fell over.

"Great Luna! You're gorgeous," Turin said looking touching and poking him all over.

"I don't like this form really. Most demon's like the power of there demon state. But I'm required to teach you before we can leave," Silas said as Turin looked him over.

"You want to take the day off? Maybe we can relax In the snow or something. I'm really tired of all the training," Turin said scratching the back of his head.

"You only have three lessons left. We can plow through the first one today if you work hard. Then we will only have two more to go," Silas said looking down at Turin.

"Silas, please. I'll get my big blanket from the sack and we can just relax outside. Then we can....," Turin whispered in his ear and Silas grinned like a pup getting his favorite treat.

"Hurry up Turin," Silas said running outside the cabin to a nice spot outside in the shady spot of a tree.

A few minutes later Turin sat underneath the tree with Silas with the large deer pelt blanket on top of them. He leaned on Silas shoulder who smiled and ruffled his head fur. Turin grinned and nuzzled his chest.

"This is really weird for me Silas. I've never been with a male voluntarily. I guess I'm just so used to my old master raping me that I like the feeling of a male around me.

"Well, I like you Turin. Your different from all the others males I've met. You have this certain uniqueness to you. It makes me curious to see what's all about you," Silas said nuzzling the wolf.

"Is it the fact that I'm an extremely deadly wolf or that I can kick your ass if you mess with me," Turin said looking up at the bigger wolf.

"That and a lot of other things. Remember when I kissed you the day before yesterday?" Silas whispered licking over Turin's neck.

"Yes, it was a little strange. I knew you were gay.... But I didn't think you liked me," Turin said with a sigh.

"I've been out here with you for a month and some weeks. I've grown to like you more and more each day. Your so determined to impress me and learn all the things that I teach you. I know it may be too soon but, I think I love you Turin," Silas said kissing Turin on the cheek.

"Love is never to soon Silas. But if you don't mind I'd like to wait before I dive in with you. I've never really known love. All I have ever known is "Just bend over and take it," Turin said.

Turin was about to say something else but Silas leaned forward and locked lips with him kissing his deeply. The bigger wolf pushed Turin onto his back then slid on top of him. It was nice to be under the blanket nice and warm outside by them selves. But little did Turin know they weren't alone.

Adrick sat in some bushes to the side of where Turin was sitting with Kona beside him. Several other strong wolves sat behind him waiting for his orders. The big alpha growled low with his bandaged jaw looking at the pair. When Turin had punched him that day he had broke his jaw and it had been a long time since he had eaten solid food. Kona nuzzled his master as the wolf spoke through clenched teeth.

"I'm going to have Kona walk out there and be a distraction while you all sneak around back. I'm going to pay him back for what he did to me," Adrick said clenching his paw then unclenching it.

The wolves moved out into the woods as Kona walked out into the open. Turin was so busy with Silas that he didn't see Kona until his shadow engulfed them. Silas had his eyes closed and was bobbing slowly up and down Turin's cock drooling into his sheath. His tongue was twirling around then stopped to make a suction o Turin's cock. He work the meat in his mouth happy to have a cock in his mouth. The big wolf opened his eyes and looked up at Kona. Turin pulled his cock out of Silas' mouth causing his warm wolf seed to dribble down Silas chin into the snow. Turin looked up at Kona and smiled.

"Hey Kona. What are you doing way out here?" Turin said as the wolves attacked.

Lonewolf here yet again and there you have it. Another chapter in the series where some one gets there ass kicked. Turin has three lessons left in training and he's making out with his teacher. Getting a blow job is not on the curriculum at most schools. Adrick and Kona plan on attacking Turin for revenge. The next chapter should be interesting. Happy Reading!

Any questions or comments email Rego at [email protected]