Lauryn Meets a Minotaur

Story by CthuluHoop on SoFurry

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#1 of Lauryn

Something that I wrote awhile back that I'm finally getting around to posting! This was one of my first attempts at writing smut about a year ago, and was one of the ones I was happy enough with to post.

If you've ever played the game Corruption of Champions by Fenoxo, this might look familiar! My character Lauryn is headed on her way to the demonic factory, but one of the minotaurs up in the mountains has other plans for her!

As always, I'm open to feedback! Let me know what you think of my writing, how I can improve, etc.

Lauryn Meets a Minotaur

by CthuluHoop

Pebbles tumbled down the slope behind her as Lauryn made her way upwards, continuing her ascent toward the smoke-belching factory in the distance. She'd been making her way up the narrow trail for a couple of hours now, and was nearing a point where it widened and leveled out. The bovine woman adjusted the sword at her side before reaching upward and grabbing hold of a dusty outcropping of rock, the last barrier between her and the wider trail leading to the factory. It probably wasn't the safest to be using the road that lead straight to the demonic building, but at least she'd arrive more or less rested! After pulling herself over the rock she hopped back onto her feet and set out on the final stretch of her journey.

Despite being wider, the trail was littered with large boulders on the sides, some large enough that they easily dwarfed her as she passed through their shadows. The first few times she passed a boulder Lauryn was exceptionally careful, drawing her sword and peeking around them to see if there was anything hiding and waiting to attack travelers. After passing multiple boulders without trouble, she began to simply walk past them, not making a point of checking behind them as she forged onward. In hindsight, this would prove to be a regret, but at the time she wasn't at all prepared for what happened when she passed a particularly large boulder. Just as she was past it, a large form moved quickly out of its shadow and something heavy struck the back of her head, sending the unprepared bovine tumbling forward as her vision faded and unconsciousness overtook her. Before her body could strike the ground a large, brown-furred hand grabbed her arm, yanking her roughly backwards and toward its owner as the beast that had struck her headed to a nearby hidden cave with its prize...

Several hours went by before consciousness returned to her. She let out a soft groan as her eyes fluttered open, only to slam them shut as the dim light within the cave sent pain throbbing through her skull. She could feel the hard cave floor against her back and a soft breeze between her legs, which was more than enough to tell her that her leather armor had been removed. Of course, she really didn't need that though. It felt like she'd spent the last few hours with a post jammed up her snatch, and judging from the sticky feeling between her legs that wasn't too far from the truth. After a few more minutes of laying there, listening to something moving about at the far end of the cave, she slowly opened her eyes again and managed to keep them open despite the dull throb of pain in the back of her head. The first thing she saw was the hulking minotaur directly across from her. His back was turned, giving her a few moments to make sure she was uninjured. Other than the heady stench of minotaur musk, the throbbing pain in the back of her head, and a sore snatch she felt fairly healthy.

Since the hulking beast had his back turned, she slowly pushed herself upright, raising her back off the ground and allowing her to get a view of the rest of her surroundings. It looked like the minotaur had simply taken her back to his cave, judging from a roughly made bed over in one corner of the cave, and a well-built fire crackling in the other. Her armor, unfortunately, was nowhere to be found! Just as she was thinking about making a break for the mouth of the cave the huge male turned around, his cock swinging lewdly as he turned to face her.

"Cow awake?" he grunted, grinning as he quickly crossed the space between them and stood over her. His powerful musk made it difficult to think straight as she tried to figure out a way to talk herself out of her current situation.

"Yes, and I'd like my things back," she replied, motioning at her naked form.

"Cow looks better like this." came his gruff reply. He reached down and stroked himself lightly, his shaft still slick with what she could only assume was a mix of his semen and her own sexual fluids. "No, no... Cow would look even better on Draang's cock!" he rumbled, correcting his earlier statement with an enthusiastic stroke of his rapidly-hardening cock.

For her own part, Lauryn definitely didn't think she'd look much better on the hulking bull-man's dick, and was determined not to end up with it buried inside her a second time! Without giving the Minotaur time to react, she shoved herself up off the ground, planning on trying to dodge past him and make a break for the cave entrance even if it meant running naked down the mountain! Unfortunately for her, things didn't turn out as planned as his arm shot out to the side almost as soon as she'd pushed herself up, causing her to run directly into his grasp.

"Fuck!" she yelped, trying to wrest herself from his iron grip even as he pulled her into a crushing hug, his cock trapped between their bodies as he began to lick and bite at her neck.

"Cow not going anywhere tonight! Gonna spend it on Draang's dick. Draang gonna make cow pregnant with his calfs!" the big beast grunted, silencing her protests afterward by locking his lips with hers and forcing his tongue into her mouth. One of his big hands released her arm only to move to her crotch, a fat finger pressing firmly against her clit as he continued the sloppy, impromptu make-out session. The big bull worked her expertly, making up for his lack of general intelligence with his pool of sexual experience. It wasn't long before he brought her to orgasm, making her ride out waves of pleasure with his finger buried in her snatch and his tongue practically down her throat. Had someone been outside the cave they'd have heard her muffled moans and cries of pleasure mixing with the sound of the bull's eager grunts as he worked over his new mate.

Unfortunately for Lauryn the Minotaur was far from finished with her, and before her orgasm was even over he broke the kiss and pulled his finger from her nethers, licking it clean before grabbing her and carrying her over to his bed. Any further protest from Lauryn quickly turned into soft, eager moans as she continued to inhale his musk, the heady scent causing her to become aroused as well, an all-to-willing mate for the big brute. He wasted no further time, positioning himself between her legs and lining the blunt tip of his shaft up with her entrance.

"Draang thinks cow will look good pregnant!" he grunted, beginning to press his hips forward. A few trial-and-error thrusts later and his fat cockhead pressed into her snatch with a wet POP, stretching her enormously and causing her to cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure. By now she was thoroughly drunk off his musk, and found herself wanting nothing more than to have a womb-full of his seed! He quickly began to thrust, roughly pushing his hips forward and yanking them back, not wasting any time getting into the thick of things as she tried her best to simply hang in there with him, her legs spread around his hips as he had his way with her on her back.

"Ahn! Y-yes!" she cried out, eyes slipping half shut as he slammed into a sensitive spot deep inside her, his low-hanging balls slapping noisily against her with every powerful thrust. His mouth went straight to her right breast, lips closing around her nipple as he began to suckle, fucking her stupid at the same time! Over the course of what felt like an hour, the Minotaur stud continued his assault on the bovine beneath him. He left her breasts bruised from all the sucking and biting on them, and her snatch practically felt like it would be bruised as well from being stretched around him for so long! Eventually his thrusts became shorter and more erratic, the only warning she had before he very suddenly hilted himself balls deep inside her!

Cum erupted from the tip of his cock, along with a roar of pleasure from his throat before he locked lips with her once again, wanting his new mate to taste him as he bred her. Rope after rope of hot, virile Minotaur seed blasted into her snatch, painting her insides with the off-white color of his spunk. The feeling of his hot seed coating her insides, combined with a well-timed flick of her clit by his big, rough finger brought the poor girl to her second orgasm, her muscles clenching down and practically milking his cock for all she was worth. Draang collapsed on top of her, his musky warmth making it all but impossible for her to fall asleep as soon as her own orgasm came to an end...

Lauryn awoke hours later as light began to filter into the cave through the entrance. Draang was nowhere to be seen, but his heavy musk still clung to her body as she slowly sat up in his bed. Glancing down she saw her armor and sword sitting in a neat little pile at the foot of the bed, her blade looking to have been freshly polished and sharpened! She let out a soft groan as she stood up, her body feeling incredibly sore after the events of the previous night. She quickly put her armor on, deciding to clean all the excess cum off herself after she returned to camp. The poor bovine couldn't help but wince as she tugged her armor back over her bruised breasts, a reminder of just how rough the big Minotaur had been. Without waiting any longer she exited the cave and took a moment to get her bearings, before heading back in the direction of her camp. It was a long hike, but she needed to clean up and rest if she wanted to attempt the climb to the factory again tomorrow...