A First for Everything

Story by CthuluHoop on SoFurry

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#1 of A First for Everything

A more recent (and much longer) piece of mine. This one focuses on a cuckolding theme, and introduces Lauryn's boyfriend Tristan. Eventually I'm going to have a reference sheet to post for him with more information, but for now the important details are that he's an arabian horse, and is REALLY into watching his girl get boned.

Tristan convinces Lauryn to let him invite one of their mutual friends over for a night of raunchy fun. The end result? An over-fucked cow, a cucked horse, and a very happy polar bear!

As always, I'm more than open to any feedback/comments/constructive criticism. I want to improve my writing as much as I can, and I need your help!

A First for Everything

by CthuluHoop

Tristan wrapped his arms around his girlfriend as she let out a long, contented sigh. He could still feel her muscles squeezing lightly around his spent shaft within her, a thin trail of cum oozing from her folds as the two enjoyed a few minutes of post-coital bliss on their couch. He'd been together with the curvy bovine gal for half a year now, and he honestly couldn't be happier. Not only did their personalities mesh perfectly, but they had an incredibly healthy sex life. Both he and his beloved had high libidos, and he'd found that practically all of their sexual needs were met right off the bat. This, of course, left more than enough room for exploration of sexual wants, which was exactly what was on Tristan's mind as he cuddled with Lauryn.

The two continued their bonding for a few more minutes, each enjoying the warmth of the other. Tristan pressed his nose into her neck and took a deep breath of her scent, enjoying the warmth that flooded his body as he leaned in to plant a kiss on her cheek. After a few moments he finally pushed himself upright, leaving their lower bodies still tangled as he looked down at her.

"Question for you, babe." he murmured, leaning in and giving her cheek a little lick. "How do you feel about... adding someone else to our fun once in awhile?"

"Like a threesome?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow at him. He could see by her reaction that she hadn't thought of threesomes before, but... that wasn't exactly what he was getting at.

"Mm, not quite. I was thinking of something a bit more focused on you." the horse responded, finally pulling himself free from the curvy bovine beneath him. A little bit of his seed trickled from her once he was finally no longer buried within her.

"More focused on me?" she mused, still looking at him with a curiously cocked eyebrow. He could tell the gears were turning inside her head, going through every possible situation that could be more focused on herself. He let her think for a few moments before interrupting her to explain.

"You remember Chase, right? The polar bear?" Tristan asked, shifting so that he was sitting upright rather than half bent over.

"Of course I do, silly! He's been over a million times when we have game nights!"

"Well how about we have another game night sometime this weekend, then. Maybe the two of you could put on a bit of a show?" he suggested, winking playfully at his girlfriend.

Once again he could see the gears turning inside Lauryn's head as she mulled the idea over. He could tell that she was a bit surprised that he'd brought this up, considering how he'd kept things fairly vanilla so far when it came to what they did in bed. Maybe it was too soon to be bringing up the fact that he was the type that got off on watching his partner get boned? Perhaps it was something else entirely, like the fact that Chase was easily better-equipped than he was. She'd had partners in the past who were bigger than he was though, and she even insisted that none of them could please her quite like he did. A few more moments passed in silence before her face softened and a playful grin cracked her lips.

"Ohhh, alright babe. We can give it a shot." she replied, leaning in to give him a playful peck on the cheek. "You have to indulge me some time, though!"

"Gladly, love. Whatever you want, I'll give you." Tristan said with a chuckle as he hopped up off the couch and stretched, still completely naked in their living room. The horse walked over and peeked through the drawn blinds of their window, taking a moment to watch the sky light up with purples and oranges as the sun slowly set. As he stood there he felt Lauryn behind him, her arms wrapping around his middle as she pressed her chest against his back, breasts flattening lightly against him.

"I'll work all the details out with him tomorrow, love. Don't you worry, we'll have everything arranged for this weekend." he murmured, reaching back and running his hands lightly down her curvy hips, pulling her tighter against himself for a moment.

"Sounds good to me... now, how about we focus on round two tonight?" came her reply, voice softening to a sultry whisper as she nibbled playfully on his ear before pulling him backwards and toward their bedroom, apparently intent on making tonight even more memorable than it already was...


The next morning Tristan awoke next to Lauryn after a long night of enjoying each-other's bodies. He'd lost count of the number of orgasms he'd had after his fourth, and he was sure that she'd had many more than that herself. His girlfriend was snuggled against him, her head resting on his arm as she slept. He gently managed to remove himself from her arms and got out of bed before sneaking out of their bedroom to get ready for work. Chase was supposed to meet him for lunch today, and he figured he'd be needing to take a long lunch break with what he knew they were going to discuss!

The rest of his morning seemed to drag by, most likely due to the fact that he kept looking at the clock over and over again, far more than he would on a normal day at the office. Eventually, however, he found himself only minutes away from lunch break. He'd already talked to his boss and told him he'd be taking a longer-than-usual break, saying he was going to be meeting Lauryn for lunch downtown. It wasn't exactly true, but at the very least he was going to be discussing his girlfriend! Ten minutes of fighting his way through traffic later and Tristan found himself seated across from Chase in the corner booth of one of their favorite cafes. It was a small place that rarely had more than a few customers at a time--good for discussing things that were best discussed with a bit of privacy.

"Alright, so what's got you all worked up? I can tell you're excited about something." was the first thing Chase said as the two sat down and began to look over their menus. The big polar bear was dressed in a tight-fitting purple v-neck and a pair of khaki pants that did little to hide the bulge between his legs. It wasn't quite enough to be considered indecent, but it would definitely catch the eye of anyone meeting him for the first time.

"You know how when you first met Lauryn you told me how much you wanted to... have your way with her, right?" Tristan asked with a grin, an eyebrow at the polar bear across from him.

"Hell yeah I do! Still want to fuck your girl at some point. You've got no idea how much I'd love to bury every last inch of my--wait. You're lookin' at me like she said yes. Did she say yes?!"

"Free for game night on Saturday? Same time as usual?" Tristan responded, a cheeky grin spreading across his face.

"Depends. If I'm going to be plowing your girl I might be." Chase snapped back, flashing a predatory grin of his own.

"Guess I'll see you Saturday night then!" the horse said, chuckling as he watched a look of absolute delight spreading across his friend's face.

"You're shitting me! Holy fuck you just made my week. What are the rules?! No cumming inside? No anal? No oral? You gotta give me the details so I can think of all the ways I'm gonna make Lauryn scream!"

"Whoa, calm down there big guy. We're still in public, you know. She's yours for the night, if that's what you're wanting to know." Tristan replied, awkwardly glancing around to see if they'd attracted any attention in the otherwise fairly quiet cafe.

"Shit, sorry. Just got all worked up there for a second. Mine for the night, eh? Hope you don't mind tasting my dick every time you kiss her for the next week. I bet she gives one hell of a good blowjob." Chase mused, grinning and reaching down to adjust the growing bulge between his legs.

"You'll just have to find out, I guess!"

"Oh, I'll do more than just find out. I'll blow my load in all three of your girlfriend's holes, and have her moaning my name the whole time. To top it all off, you're going to clean her up after I'm finished with her!"

"Is everything okay back there?" came a voice from the counter. Tristan glanced over to see the pretty vixen waitress who'd taken their order leaning over the counter, an eyebrow cocked with concern as she glanced at the two of them.

"Yeah yeah, we're fine. Sorry about that hun, I just got a bit excited." Chase huffed, his cheeks flushing red under his fur for a moment. The big guy was easily excited, but he often managed to embarrass himself with his little outbursts. Tristan cocked an eyebrow at him as the big bear took a few deep breaths to compose himself before turning back toward the horse with his usual predatory grin. "As much as I'd like to keep telling you about how I'm going to bone your girl, I need to get back to work. I'll see you--and Lauryn--then."

With that, the big polar bear pushed himself out of his seat, still trying to adjust the obscene bulge between his legs as he gave Tristan a parting wink before meandering out of the cafe, stopping to tip the still concerned-looking waitress on his way out. Tristan shook his head, glancing at the clock before hopping up and paying his tab, not looking forward to the rest of his day at work, but knowing that he had one hell of a Saturday night to look forward to...


"You ready for tonight, babe?" Tristan asked, as he walked up behind his girlfriend at their kitchen counter and wrapped his arms around her middle, holding her up against himself. He leaned in and gave her neck a gentle nibble, breathing in her scent in the process.

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess!" she replied with a nervous little grin, before leaning back into his embrace. Even without that cute little grin of hers he'd have known she was nervous by the way that she kept playing with her hair. He wasn't quite able to explain it, but that little nervous habit of hers always made him want to scoop her up and take her into the bedroom for some quality one-on-one time. Tonight, however, that wasn't an option. A series of heavy knocks on their door interrupted his thoughts as he leaned in to give her another light kiss on the cheek.

"That must be Chase. I'll go let him in, babe." Tristan said with a chuckle. He gave her one last reassuring hug before releasing her and heading over to the door to let their polar bear friend in. Just as predicted, chase was waiting outside, a grin on his face and a bulge in his pants as the horse stepped aside to let him in.

"Hey hey you two! How's it shakin'?" the big bear asked, grinning ferociously as he made his way over to Lauryn and gave her a quick hug, one big paw enveloping her right breast for a moment before he released her.

"Pretty good, thanks! I just finished setting up the games a few minutes ago." she replied, cheeks flushed light crimson. Tristan had been curious how she'd react to Chase's advances, but so far she didn't seem any more nervous than she'd been earlier in the day. He watched as Lauryn went to open up the refrigerator to get out a few drinks, but Chase seemed to be more interested in slaking a different kind of thirst. The bear placed oone paw on the door and lightly pushed it shut when she tried to open it.

"We probably won't be needing food or drinks for awhile, babe. Not with what we've got planned tonight!" Chase rumbled from directly behind her, his paw trailing down from the door and coming to rest on her right shoulder. He started to gently rub, working her tense shoulder and earning a soft groan from the curvy bovine gal.

Of course, Tristan knew that with Lauryn being as close as she was to the big polar bear while he was aroused, she'd probably just be getting her first few nose-fulls of his scent. If anything was going to help her relax and loosen up a bit that would be it! He could see Chase whispering something into her ear, and apparently she liked whatever it was as she grinned and nodded a few times in response.

He left the two of them in the kitchen for a moment and walked out into the living room to rearrange their furniture a bit for the night's activities. The horse pulled their recliner so that it was directly across from the couch before shifting a few end-tables out of the way, leaving plenty of room for whatever transpired.

Pleased with how he'd arranged things Tristan turned back to let Lauryn and Chase know that they could come into the living room, but he found himself staring at the Lauryn's back as the pair made out, the big polar bear's paws roving over her body like he owned her. He watched the show for a few minutes, a bulge quickly forming in his own pants as Chase expertly worked his paws over his girlfriend's body, before deciding to try and encourage the two of them into the living room.

"I hate to interrupt, you two, but maybe the living room would be more comfortable?" Tristan called, grinning as he watched Chase pull away from Lauryn's mouth with another one of his ferocious grins. The big bear nodded, then scooped Lauryn up and carried her into the living room before setting her down so that she was between the two of them.


A few minutes later, Chase was seated on their couch, fully nude except for an ever present pair of tall decorated socks. This particular pair was dark purple and decorated with cartoony images of narwhals. The polar bear was already half-erect, his paw wrapped around the base of his nearly foot-long, jet black shaft. Between the two of them was Lauryn, who had just finished peeling off her bra as she stood facing Chase. He was more than happy to see that she had indeed relaxed a bit, and it actually looked like she was rather enjoying herself! As for himself, Tristan was seated on their recliner, his own clothing discarded minutes before when his girlfriend began her strip-tease.

"I know I've told you this before, but you're one fucking lucky guy, Tris." Chase rumbled from his seat, his eyes following Lauryn's every move as she bent over and began to tug her panties down, the thin cloth already slightly damp with her arousal as she tugged them down around her ankles and then off her feet before playfully turning around and tossing them back to Tristan. He caught them with a grin and wrapped them around the base of his cock, which although he was fully erect was just over half of Chase's full length.

"I think we're both going to get a chance at being lucky tonight." the horse responded with a grin, before nodding at Lauryn. "She's all yours big guy."

"Of course she is, cuck." Chase teased, practically beaming as he motioned for Lauryn to come over to him. "I've been waiting for this moment ever since I met the two of you..." he rumbled, eyes trained on Lauryn as she stood in front of him. Tristan could practically see the gears turning in his brain, trying to figure out just where he wanted to start things off.

"Your boyfriend mentioned you have a pretty decent mouth... Feel like giving me a taste?" Chase asked, cocking an eyebrow at Lauryn and releasing his shaft, letting it bob free in the air for her to do with as she pleased.

Tristan sat there and watched as she lowered herself down onto her knees in front of Chase, her ample backside earning his attention for a moment before he focused in on the action again. She hesitated for a moment, mouth mere inches away from the polar bear's cock, before leaning in and planting a kiss on his tip.

That one little kiss seemed to be all she needed to relax just a bit more, and soon he was treated to one hell of an amazing view. Lauryn slowly went down on the big bear, bobbing her neck and taking more and more of the other male into her mouth and down her throat. He could see her throat bulging a little bit as she neared the base, drool coating Chase's cock whenever she'd pull back to take a breath or work his tip for a moment.

"Holy fuck Tris... You were right, your girl's mouth is the shit!" Chase groaned, biting his lip and tilting his head back. He laid one of his big paws on the back of her head, encouraging her to take more of his cock down her throat until her nose was pressed into his crotch fur for a moment. The big polar bear held her there for a moment, just long enough to make her gag lightly around his base before releasing her.

Over the course of the next few minutes Tristan watched as his girlfriend worked Chase like a pro, slurping noisily on every last inch of his cock. Every once in awhile she'd pull her mouth from his dick, a few strands of drool connecting her to him for a moment before she leaned down to plant kisses on his balls. For his part, Tristan had only ever imagined her being like this with him, so watching Lauryn so eagerly going down on another guy was more than a dream come true!

With a soft groan Chase took ahold of the back of Lauryn's head and slowly pulled her off his cock until her lips just barely left his tip, leaving her panting softly while he smeared the head of his cock over her face while grinning ferociously down at her, his eyes practically burning with lust.

"That was great, cute stuff, but I think we need to move on to the main course. Don't wanna blow my load too soon, anyhow." Chase rumbled, releasing the back of Lauryn's head and motioning for her to stand.

"Hah... Okay, how do we want to do this?" Lauryn asked, panting lightly and wiping a few strands of drool and precum from her lips. She glanced back toward Tristan for a moment and he simply gave her a thumbs up and an encouraging grin while holding the base of his cock. He knew she was still nervous, but from just how enthusiastic she'd been while sucking him off it was clear she'd enjoyed things with the big bear so far!

"Straddle me reverse cowgirl. I want Tris to see your face when you take my cock for the first time. Oh, and the first trip down we can go at your pace. Once you're at the hilt we go my pace." Chase replied, helping her to her feet and then spinning her around so she was facing her boyfriend again. Tristan couldn't see what the polar bear was doing behind her, but from the series of surprised giggles she let out he assumed she was toying with her from behind.

"Alright... you sure about this babe?" Lauryn asked, cocking an eyebrow at him as she shifted backwards until she was pressed right up against.

"Of course hun. If you're not comfortable we can stop, but I'm enjoying things so far." Tristan replied, doing his best to help her relax. He'd been expecting her to be nervous about all this, but so far it seemed like she was still game for the night's festivities. In fact, before he'd even finished speaking she had went from standing to straddling Chase's lap, the tip of his erect shaft just barely kissing her folds.

"Attagirl! I knew you'd want to try some polar bear meat tonight." Chase cheered, holding on to the base of his cock to make it easier for Lauryn to impale herself on him. She took a deep breath and began to slowly press herself downward against him, giving Tristan plenty to see as his tip began to stretch her apart. She was blushing furiously, cheeks burning bright red as the first few inches of bear-cock slipped into her, the considerable girth of his shaft causing her tail to twitch lightly back and forth in slight discomfort. Tristan watched as his girlfriend glanced down to look at herself, but was stopped by Chase who instead lifted her face so she was looking eye to eye with her boyfriend.

"Nuh-uh, no looking down. I want your boy to see how much you enjoy me." the big polar bear rumbled, grinning at Tristan from behind Lauryn as she continued her descent. A few soft whines escaped her throat as she hit the halfway point, while his big paws began to rove over her chest, fondling one breast and then the other. It only took her a few moments more until she had taken him to the hilt, leaving her entrance stretched over the base of his impressive shaft.

"Come on love, tell us how it feels." Chase murmured, his voice barely above a whisper next to Lauryn's right ear as he leaned in and nibbled on her earlobe.

"S-so much dick..." the curvy bovine panted, her eyes half shut and her ears laid back flat. Tristan had seen Lauryn acting like this before when they'd had some particularly intense nights together, and he knew exactly what it meant. His girlfriend was loving this.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" Chase asked in response, his gaze taking on a playful glint. The big male leaned in and licked at the side of her neck, running his tongue along her fur and ending back at her earlobe again.

"I... ahn! Y-yes!" The moment those words left his girlfriend's mouth was the moment Tristan knew that she was no longer even a little bit nervous about what was to come. She was no longer blushing from embarrassment, she was blushing from arousal. That sex-addled look in her eyes was the exact same one she'd had only a few nights ago when they'd spent the entire night fucking... except she'd only had Chase's dick in her for just over a minute.


While Tristan had been busy watching Lauryn's reaction to having a foot of polar bear meat buried in her snatch, the owner of said polar bear meat had been busy pulling his cock out of her only to ram it home with a powerful thrust, his hips meeting hers with the sound of soaking wet pussy getting stuffed full of dick. That first thrust was quickly followed up by a second, then a third, as Chase settled into a steady rhythm.

"Fuck... Enjoying the show, Tris?" Chase taunted from his seat on the couch, that smug grin back on his face as he pounded into Lauryn again and again, her whole body bouncing with each thrust. She tried to say something, but it wound up coming out more as a series of moans than actual words, which only seemed to turn the big polar bear on further, if that was even possible.

"Of course I am. Wouldn't be jerking off to you fucking my girlfriend if I didn't!" he replied, hand wrapped around the base of his cock mid stroke as he continued to watch the action. Chase was rough, slamming into her with what appeared to be reckless abandon while harshly groping and molesting her chest. Knowing the polar bear as well as he did, however, Tristan knew the powerful thrusts were anything but reckless. He was probably searching for any sensitive spot that he could exploit, and it didn't take him long to find one as a particularly hard thrust caused Lauryn to cry out in pleasure, every muscle in her body seeming to spasm at once!

"That's it babe... moan for me. Tell me how much you want me." Chase growled, his voice becoming rougher as he continued his brutal thrusts into Lauryn. By now he was homing in on that sensitive spot, ramming into it more often than not and causing poor Lauryn to nearly cum on the spot as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.

"D-don't stop! Please Chase please don't stop!" she moaned in response, a look of pure bliss coming over her as she began to press herself back into Chase with each of his thrusts, now that she was apparently more used to his size. Tristan was doing everything he could to keep from hitting his own climax at this point, his cock soaked in his own slick precum while he continued to jerk himself to the show being put on by the other two.

Without warning, Chase's thrusts began to change pace, becoming shorter and rougher, losing their previous steady rhythm. A loud, animalistic growl began to build in his throat, his arms tightening around Lauryn as he began to practically use her like a ragdoll, bouncing her roughly in his lap. He could tell Chase was getting close, and it looked like his girlfriend was too!

"Nnf... Gonna cum in your girl Tris. Hope you like being a cuck!" he panted, eyes locking with Tristan's for a moment as a few final thrusts pushed Lauryn over the edge. She let out one final moan before her whole body seemed to convulse, muscles clenching down hard around the foot of polar bear dick inside her. The other male finally hilted himself within her, and that's when it happened. Tristan watched as Chase's balls visibly tightened, the big polar bear's eyes rolled back in his head while he held Lauryn down on him, unloading rope after hot, virile rope of seed deep within the curvy bovine. The big polar bear didn't stop with just blowing his load balls deep inside Tristan's girlfriend, however, and continued to claim her for himself by leaning in and locking lips with her. The pair exchanged sloppy kisses in front of Tristan for the better part of their shared climax, a few thick strands of cum dribbling out of Lauryn and down to the floor.

"F-fuck... Ahn! Shit!" Tristan had been so focused on the scene before him that he hadn't even felt his own orgasm approaching until it slammed into him, several ropes of cum erupting from his cock and spattering down wetly on his chest as his eyes rolled shut. When he opened his eyes again he was greeted by Lauryn still seated on Chase's spent cock, cum oozing from her and running down his balls. He grinned at her, but the only response she could muster at the moment was a shy grin back, her cheeks still flushed red as she and Chase basked in the afterglow of their orgasms.

"Well Lauryn? What did you think? Enjoy your first taste of polar bear?" asked Chase from behind her, his words interrupted with soft pants as he tried to catch his breath.

"Yeah... I did! W-wasn't expecting you to make this big of a mess though." she replied, finally finding her voice again as she looked down at the sloppy mess he'd made of her nethers for the first time. Cum was now oozing out from around his half-erect cock, and the stuff had made a sticky mess out of her inner thighs and his balls... as well as their couch.

"I'm a big guy, so I make big messes!" he grunted, grinning and giving her neck a little nibble. "C'mere Tris, help your girl off my cock. She'll probably need a good shower after this, so I'll let the two of you take care of that. Mind if I crash on your couch for the night? I'm, ah, not feeling the drive home at the moment."

"Sure thing. I'll get you a blanket after we clean up a bit." Tristan replied with a chuckle, pushing himself up off the couch and walking over to Lauryn. He wrapped his arms around his girlfriend's hot, sweaty body and slowly began to help her to her feet, her own arms weakly clinging to his sides as he lifted her free of Chase's cock. The heady scent of sex clung to every inch of her ample frame, and he knew she'd probably smell like Chase for at least the next few days in spite of their upcoming shower. Her legs wobbled for a moment as he helped lead her toward the bathroom, Lauryn's head laying on his shoulder as they walked. Chase was treated to a veritable river of his cum oozing from Lauryn's used folds when his head finally popped free from her, further soiling her thighs and the couch he was seated on.

"Heh, fuckin' cute." Chase rumbled from behind them as they headed into the bathroom to start cleaning up, which prompted Lauryn to turn and grin at the big polar bear while reaching over and giving her boyfriend's backside a playful squeeze. He could tell she'd enjoyed tonight, and Tristan was more than happy that she had. Once they were in the bathroom Lauryn immediately wrapped her arms around him and pulled him up against herself for a moment, before leaning in and planting her lips against his in a surprise kiss. She tongue-wrestled him for a solid minute, Tristan getting what he assumed was a taste of Chase's salty precum at the very end.

"You were right, babe," she said, breaking the kiss for a moment while trailing a finger along his jaw. "Tonight was amazing, and I love you so, so much."