The survivalist

Story by master1988 on SoFurry

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#1 of Lex adventures

First story I have done.

My name is Lex. And I have survived a horrible nightmare. Here I am in a hospital. Both of my legs are broken beyond repair. Maybe I should have mentioned that I am not a human but an anthropomorphic wolf. Back to the story at hand. There was a loud and large explosion in the subway. I wish that I could feel my legs. I can use my wheelchair to get around places in the hospital. I am only 30 years old. I have to go to my support group for survivors.

In the support group for survivors, there's is lot's of species of animals. There is wolves,horses, cats and dogs. We all have survived a horrible event says a large doberman.

One of his arms is missing. He introduces himself as Mr Daniel Docks. I was in the subway when the explosion occurred. I saw a black doberman leave a backpack in the train. Under a seat. Everything went black after the explosion. Then I woke up here. The hospital said that my arm was sliced of at the shoulder.

A horse with half his head covered in bandage. He said he was standing at the station when the subway bomb went off. He's head was badly burned. They say my right eye is blind. And the fur may never grow back. Now it is my turn to speak. My name is Lex and I have survived a bombing. Hello Lex said the group. I broke my legs. When a door blow off the train. Suddenly I feel dizzy. I fall backwards only to be caught by the doberman.

Everything went black. After what felt like a forever. I woke up in a hospital bed.

My whole stomach was covered in bandage.

A beautiful male girafe nurse. I asked him. What happened to me. You passed out in your support group. We removed a large piece of shrapnel logged in your stomach. How about my legs. They may need to be amputated. That caused my to break down and cry. The nurse gave me big hug. And said it will be alright. How. How can it be alright. My legs are broken. You say that they may need to be amputated. You will be alright because you are a survior and you will survive this. What do you think that I should do. Get the surgery to remove my legs I asked the nurse. It's not up to me to said the nurse. It's up to you. I think I will have the surgery. I was wheeleed in to surgery. A team of surgeon's was waiting for me. The last thing I saw was a face mask lowering on my muzzle.

The end

Dedicated to people surviving acts of terrorism.